The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1921
Always at
Your Service!..
The Bank of Murdock believes in Service with a
capital "S." Unless one gives the service he proclaims,
he cannot expect the patronage of the public.
W hether the service be little or great, wc are pleas
ed to render the best at all times.
The Bank of Murdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HEKEY A. TOOL, President J. L. GUTHMANN, Yice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
John Burt and wife, of Omaha. I has been durinp the past week. Insist
were visiting at the home of W. H. i Sunday the family vent up to the
Rush and family over the week end. ! eapitol city, where they visited
Mrs. X id lion . ir Klmwool. was K. I'.auer. of Cambridge, was a
ir;iii'.u at the home of G. Uauer on ! visitor at the home of his brother,
last Thursday, j- l'-cr, of Murdock.
M;s-- vieve Crais of Yalen-j Matt Thimpan and son Victor
tine. ;! cuest of M lar.ixaret 1 are doing some parpenter work at
Tool la-t week. ; t he home of II. C. liorncnieier.
Mr ;md Mr.-.. Charles Schafer Aiilj II. A. Cuthman and family visited
occup i-r.e of the houses of William in I'h-.ttsinout h last Thursday and
Gehrts in the futupre. Friday, driving over in their car.
The lumber required to build the
large Gothic stock and hay barn
shown on our calendar for the
month of June can be bought for
CJWe have complete plans and
specifications for this building, the
exact size of which is 36-0" by
SO'-O" and will be glad to go over
these plans with anyone at any
fool, ft? a urn an & IViurtey,
The Lumbermen
Mrs. H. V. Tool and children have
been visiting at the home of her par
ents in Lincoln during: the past
Henry Inhelder was a visitor at
Ijouisville over Thursday night, re
turning to his business here Friday
Lacey McDonald and Harry Gil
lespie went to Meadow Thursday,
to spend the remainder of the week
in fishing.
Misses Laura and Vera Ilushnoll
were guests during the past week at
the home of their aunt. Mrs. Copple.
of Murdock.
Miss Leona Rush was home for a
visit with her parents last Sunday,
returning to her duties in Lincoln
Monday morning.
George Towle and son were visit
ing in Murdock last Thursday, they
bring guests at the home of J. E.
Mcllugh and family.
W. II. Rush is preparing for his
annual fishing expedition, which will
be of but one day's duration, as he
is a very busy man.
Mr. and Mrs. Lacey McDonald and
son. John, were entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Jumper
n';.r Kim wood last Sunday.
Louis Hess was a visitor with his
wife at the home of G. I'.auer in
Murdock last Sunday, being accom
panied by Win. Kimz, of Klmwood.
H. W. Tool spent part of last week
at Des Moines attending the Nation
al conclave of the Shrinrs. He re
ports having had a most excellent
honor and the Millers, included the
following with their families: Messrs
and Mesdaines Matt Thimpan. I has.
Long. E. H. Miller. Otto Miller and
Mrs. Ed Matheny of Clay Center:
Miss Clara Miner, of Wahoo; Fred
Everett. Henry Heineman and Victor
Thimpan of Murdock.
they visited for
the week end with -Mr. Lawtoii and
Mrs. Lawton's parents. M. Sotich and
Kenneth Seaman has purchased a
two-row machine of the Win. Gehrts
implement house for use in cultivat-i
ing Ins corn crop, wnicii hv the way
k- looking extra fine. It puv to u.-'.
Miss Hirz Breaks Ankle
Miss Helen Hirz. who lives witli
her uncle and aunt. ?.lr. and Mrs. Y.
A. S'-hiitz, north of tow is, had the
misfortune to fracture one of her an
kles while playing about the yard a
short time ago. Tiie injured member
was set by Dr. Hornbcik and is get
ting nlmis as well s could be o-
"(.lpected. Miss Helen lost her father
improved machinery and the added
cost is more than made up in the in
creased production.
II. A. Tool and I!. V. McDonald j
drove over to the Platte river last
week tt investigate prospects of aj
weeks camping trip but found thej
river on the rise with prospects of j
an overliow and coin hided they had j
better defer the camping trip until)
the surroundings were promis
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Win. McXamara and
little daughter Jeanettee. as well as
as a soldier of the expeditionary force
in tin world war. a;
ar expected to arrive
in the near future,
sent to IMattsnionth
beside the l.iuiv of l:b
id mis remain
hen- for burial
They will be
for interment
wife w ho pre
ceded him in death bv several years.
Children's Day Picnic
The churches of Murdock. Calla
han and Louisville will hold one day
this week in the hady erovr at the
Call ill h ii church a picnic a: ;. feature
of Childn n's da v. A program will
(e give:;
kinds iiu
the mother of Mrs M Nr.iuara. have
been here from Fairmont the past
week, guests at the home of Mr. and ! feat ures of the
Mrs. V. O. Gillespie. Mr. McNaniara ! when we were
is a brother of Mrs. Gillespie, andlnic dinner that
iut-door games f all
in. One of the big
day i at b-:i-t it was
children i is the pic
will be served under
de the trip to Murdock
Dr. A. R. Hornbeck spent the past
week in Omaha taking some post and an afternoon ;'
Graduate work, which will add to his part of the program
: family m
their auto.
W. H. McRride. ol
, was in Murdock last
after some business matters and while
here had the Journal representative
pl.u-e his name on our list of readers.
; Mrs. Gustav Ilorncme'er who is in
! Kansas City in a hospital w ishes to
thank all who remembered her with,
i cards and letters.
I The Evangelical association of
Murdoch enjoyed a very rice time at
ith'ir picnic he'd at the Renter grove
; ea.-t of town last Thursday. A dinner
rts m de up
1'he school at
the statejv
I ree:
near abash. Will Paint Murdock Church
week looking j The contract for painting and, in
terior decoration of the Murdock
church has In en let to .Max Dus'cr
hoff. who with his associate work
man. Jiwep'i Wutchinck. will imme
diately begin work on the structure
and in a comparatively short time ex
pect to hi've it looking in the best
of condition.
a Bargain Day!
EVlcCormick Binders,
Mowers, Rakes and
Binder Twine !
Genuine Repairs!;
Wot Athc msdo to order kind," but the
real good.!
Wc don't have just cne bargain day a week either
but every day in the week. Come again, thank, you!
Cedar Creek,
xs? o -uc B
w ii ii
already large fund of medical know- -Murdoch was poine
O hv
ledge. ,
L. Neitzel and wife were guests at
the home of their daughter. Mrs. O. j
J. Hitchcock and family of Havelock,:
a week ago Sunday and enjoyed a '
splendid time.
Wm. Meyers and Richard Tool arei
assisting Manager Lacey McDonald,;
of the Murdock telephone exchange, j
in placing the country lines in thCj
best of condition.
Mrs. Kd Matheny. who has been I
visiting with friends in and near:
Murdock during the past week, re
turned to her home at Clay Center
the last of the week.
The Fred Tonnack and Henry,
Timtne families enjoyed an outing at
.Meadow last Thursday, spending the!
time at fishing and were very sue-'
cessfnl. bring home a large catch. !
Mrs. Raymond Fulton of Red Oak.;
Iowa, arrived last Thursday evening j
for a visit at the heme of Mr. ami ,
Mrs. H. H. Law-tom of Murdock, Mrs.j
Fulton being a sister of Mrs. Law-!
L. A. Lake shipped from his feed-;
ing lots last Monday a car (if fine
cattle and again on Wednesday con-'
the school of
making the
the Louisville church
attendance quite large.
In the game between Murdoch
;;:,d Ashland a week ago yesterday,
the result was in favor of Murdock.
the 1 silly being Murdock Ashland
II. Yesterday the boys crossed bats
with the- team at 1'nion. As both
teams have been in
winning we are safe
game was a good one
who won it.
At a meeting of
K '."c;-tio:! of the Con.
of Murdock. known
st week, the
the habit
in saying
held h
. T.
u :((')!'
Rug,- i
: v y
ed Mi.-
the Roard of
solid ited school
as district C-T.
resignation of
I ii .e.;
j make
! signed a mixed car of cattb
i nd
Free Service!
We have just installed a new Tungar Automatic
Refractor, and are prepared to look after the batteiy
question for you. We have a capacity of charging
from one to thirty batteries at the arne time. We
also do repairing of batteries, as well, and our repair
shop for automobiles is of the best. Free testing and
water for batteries.
See Us for Service!
Landholm Auto Co.,
hogs, both going to the South Omaha
H. . Tool. C. Mooniey and a num
ber of others from Murdock went to
Ashland one night lat week, where
they attended Masonic lodge and
witnessed ti e conferring of a num
ber of degrees.
P.yron Holmes, of Rurwoll was a
visitor in Murdoch last week, being
a guest of August I'anska. He was
YYedell as superintendent was
I and the boa'-il elected Cu
:; his place. They also voted
for the comii.i: year a:d elect -s
Isabel OTlaJleran "o teach
7th and Sth grades.
Aiiolph L. Lockeiiiian. of Murdoch,
and Miss Ldith DeVore. of Green
wood, were issued a marriage license
at Omaha last Thursday, and it is
surmised they have since used the
permit f'.r the purpose for which it
wa-- issued. In the absence of fur
ther detailed information we extend jMr
congratulations and tiest wisnes 101
a long and happy life journey.
i After Some Thirty Years
! I". L. Peters, who is m.tster
chanic for the Rock Island
I he tideuart' rs at Valley Junction. !a
I was a visitor in Murdock '.a; w e i-
I being a gu"st of Mrs. iderheif: gnu
Rev. J. V". 1'eters. Mr. Peters took
l.:m in his car far as Ornah.t on
the- return trim The folks had toil
seen each : her for sone thirty years
though they are cousin.-.
Undergoes Major Operation
Mrs. D' MrD'Tinid. fernn-rly
Miss Met:! .Witvfl. daughter of Xir.
a::d Mrs. Louis N'eit t'.el. is convalesc
ing from a major operation which
she nndervc'it at Hie hospital in
(mi l.a some ten days ago. HeT .on
di'ion was sntli that sjie ce.r.ld no'
i-c f--n ' i ti r -' la -1 Mondav, w'hii 'i-r
parents hatr-efi te her b'-dsi.le. The
lad v is now getting ab'ng as well a-
e i i ; m i . ; i : a - . ' , i i ; 1 1 ' , i ''! -inc.
. ii i -. i hi . ii d jdi i- ii I-'. i i lie r
tie he- le. ! et - F" J l--.1l 'I : -
The r. -ports fp m 'he '.::.- i ..j.-i hi- iu.prov en- nt , , i,y , .
eri tie's i. -i a ! at )r.:;. ha -tat.- ii t ' 1 " ). h a : I - ; h ; lot of 1 ri'-toi .
i'at her M. A. Saito- of t ! e St. J '':' i:; iliis c i t .
Cathe lie chur-ti of tins :;.. w n ha.-
been t here for he n.i.- t f .-w ttn Is
takinc t p-a ' ami'M -Iv.n on l i'tigei a; rs are' i.ef . T '.v e!
opera rio:i for appendicitis, i - viv ' he-i.i. p' i. e-.: i r. m ;l ! t .". to
.-howii-g nr.r-M improvemi-n' a ml hi- .T.T.r.o. tliirir t A. Clu: : l-'urn it ut
Ce tlei I - leti i suctl as to ;ttve ti.e tOiT.
1,1 he
i n p"e l e-d
- t-nt ert : in
rapid and
how e-vt r.
' that .-!
pe rma.r.e nt
a lei
Have Friends to Dinjier
st Sunday !r. and Mrs. Henry! had a their guests l'or elin-j
v.t-r John Cakeneier and family.!
I i i-i;ry I'.ar;,:itrrati and Juelge- ami i
I. A. Cast.
i .
re-'uriiinc freun a visit with
D. Strvke-r. wImi i
at Council I'd tiffs.
Mrs. A. A. Weldon anel children
Guernsev. Wyoming, visited seve
Between Devil and Deep Sea
The supposed sentiment looking
towanls the dissolution of the con
solidated school district C-T. whie-h
i.- known as the Murdock consolidat
ed district, was not reflect ed in the
vote at ihe recent special electiem. as
but S" voted to elissolve the district
a'oi oteei i o keep it intact. Just
what the e.-uieome will be- is u mat-
elinicult to determine as the de
sert! ingly ef both town and cu;r,
people was f r elissfdut ion. How -
the vote is abseditlelv against
! !
h- :
.-; n t
1 h.'
Pleasantly Entertained
r T:i i' ' Mrs. jedm Ami
en' er; a i a vd the Koyal Xe-jgh- j
M .!"rie;i Is e :i - i ; i g 1 ell ,'. t her;
The reo-m v as most picas- j
:': r !" ;-,.. jadiv; villi t he-it- i
it at
en .
as 1
,s ih.
the y
er.-a '
i e)l
n-hh I'm
joyed 11"
V i
oved bv
- i i : i , e
all j.r'
i ever
days last week at the home of her such procedure, and as a result the
sister. Mrs. J. H. Buck, of Murdock. j sc) eol board of the eli
Mr. Weldon is an employe of the ing teachers' contracts
Lurlington at Guernsey. i ing vear.
-trier is
for the.-
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Tot hast and
daughter. Miss Leeda. of Lincoln.
we're visitors in Murdock feir a short !
time last Thursday, at the home ef ,'
A bond issue feir the erect bn ed'
a new schofl building was ele-feated
some- time ago. with the vote an even
break, while the present state- law
Mr. ami Mrs. (). J. I'othast. they hav- j require s the v t ef sixty per cent
Will Hold.
The Iieyal Xe'gh
pi (-.lie ;it : he- sch. ;
nr. hv. .lull.' .'f a.
ful time- is exje-e-
Tier will be sTVi e)
vited to attend.
bors v.ill ie.hl a
d grouiids S.i t -id
a mo-' dedight-
A picnic eli'i-i-vi't-vone
is in-
ling driven dewn in their car.
j V.. W. Thimgan anej John Gako
iineiT spent fifteen minutes last
I Thursday fishing at Meadow, but
(failing te find the fish in a biting
mood returned home and resunieel
1 the even tenure of their ways.
! T. G. Hornbeck. who attended the
Shriner convention in Des Moines
last week, returned home Friday and
j reports there never was such a nreet
I ing for splendor and greatness and
he :oubts if there ever will he.
Jose ph Gust in and wife celebrated
their fifth wedding anniversary at
their home southwest of Murdock
Sunday, at which a large num-
Reduced Prices on Ginghams
Ft --2
30c Ginghams 25c
25c Percales 20c
Men's Work Shirts, regular $1.00 value, at
Reduced Prices on all White Footwear!
Murdock Mercantile Go,,-
Murdock, Nebraska
to e-rect a new scheied buil'ling. Now. I
with the fire inspection officers ai
Lincoln threatening to condemn the-,
buildings, the directors face a ser-j
ieuts situation, ami no pathway has;
yet been found leading out of the1
Has Some New Si:
lax I nis'-'i noit painted
tv sivttv on the' wii
Thi'ug.",;:'s g rage.
fact thai Dodge and Luiek
sidd there.
ome verv
J'S eif V,.
vert isin g
Are Home Again
Mr. anel Mrs. Charles Sch;if r. who
were united in marriage at fmiiha
a short time since', after speiiiiing a
few flays with frie'iuls while- en a
little wedding tour, returned home-
her of their friends were present.;
They all had a most pleasant after
noon. Mrs. Walter II. Long and son
Jesse of near Mynarel were visiting
in Murdock last week, guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long.
They were accompanied by Mrs. Jane
Martin of Lincoln, also an aunt of
Mrs. Long.
Messrs and Mesdames Louis I'.orne
meier. Henry A. Teol, Harry Gilles
pie and I, G. Hornbeck attended the
installation of the new Eastern Star
officers at Elmwood one night last
week, they holding membership in
the Elmwood lodge.
f). W. Pilgrim and wife, who are
now making their home at Leigh,
during the time that Mr. Pilgrim is
road making projects, visited in Mur
dock last Sunday, being guests at
the home of Mrs. Pilgrim's parents,
Wm. Gehrts and wife.
The Bank of Murdock has been
having some linoleum laid and their
off ices fixed up nicely. The bank is
doing a good business of which it is
highly deserving from the standpoint
of the fine accomodation and service ! fdding
its officers are giving the public.
E. H. Miller. C. L. Miller. Matt
a week ;.go last Saturday an
the past wee'k have been busy
ting settled in their new home
! a nl Mrs. Schafer are among
most popular voung people of
community and have a host of frie nds
who wish them a pleasant journey
through life.
to' -
t he
Large Stock of Twine
In eirdeT te be alwavs able to sup
ply his trade in any line. William
Gehrts. 'he implement man. always
makes it a practice te carry an un
n ;u!v large stock ef goods conside-r-
i?.g ihe size of the- te-w ii. but more i
than eince he has found it pays. As!
the approaching harvest time draws j
! car he- is unpacking a large amuut
eif high grade binding twine, which
lie is selling ;? a vry low figure- and
close inprgin. Heiix-mbi"-, when you
are tie-e-ejing anything it, his line, you
pret'y ?ipt to find it in stock at
Gehrts store.
i! re
i Mr
Thi-; is not only June, the most
pleasant month in the year; but it
is also fly time. Flynets f r horses
are: very cheap, compared to last
year's prices. A. J. Tool, the har
ness, man. carries a good assortment.
".t sw
Entertained Friends Sunday
Sunday guests
home of Mr. and
at the hospitable
Mrs. Harry Gi lies-
Ate Dinner in the Open
A week ago Sunday frie'iids and
relatives of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mc
Donald gathered at their home in
Murdock. enjoying a picnic dinner
in the grove of the school yard in
which a large number eif the member.-,
of the McDonald family have been
represented at different times. iSo-side--,
the family of Mr. McDonald,
there were present Mrs. Ed Kelly. ,f
Murdock; J. R. Kelly and familv of
J Plaitsmout h. pp rents of Mrs. McDon
ald; Miss
(4 u i uuuHiiiv iC v I vim i
Irene; Mrs. Israf-lson and two child-'
ren of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Jenkins and daughter Doris of
Weeping Water. A most enjoyable,
time was had by everyone.
Edith Kelly. Miss Mry
Fred Lindeman and 1am-
ily and Charles A tilt and family of
I'lattf mouth; P. H. Kelly and family
and Messrs and Mesdames Joseph
Smith and Kenneth Hobbs and famil
ies i f Lincoln. Mrs. Ault is r.
sister and P. H. Kelly a brother of
Mrs. McDonald.
Celebrate Fifth Anniversary
11. i r T.,. 1 ii i
ebrated the fifth anniversary of their iw 15 tne iine to Get Eld of Your
last Friday evening. June! Ivlieumausm
a large number of their friends.
Thimpan. H C Rarkmpvpr anH PrpH
Ezert drove to Union last Thursday Entertain in Honor of Friends
to look after some business matters.! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Millrr enter
and after completing; their affairs re-ltained a number of friends st a sump
turned home by way of the county : tous dinner lat ounr!2y, in ef
seat, where thev spent a short time, i the otepntn -ri-eddinrr snrivprrarv
H. H. Lawton has accepted a posi-j of Mr. and Mr.-. K. C. Eackemeyer. 1
tion in the city of Lincoln, where he Those present besides the guests of Llank Socks at the . Journal OiSce.
If you are roubled with chronic
or muscular rheumatism buy a .bot
tle of Chamberlain's Liniment and
massare the affected parts twice a
day with it. You are certain to be
very much benefited by it if n ac
tually cured Try it.
lihffcFT' irifflrt f2in?r
5!iop mixr-fi piiints me titc jiuirsl ji.ttnts c 1 1 twitli.
Iii'.c lead and ziuk, vh)t purt: ! oil, only.
Mixed i:i our own t-1 mp.-, in itie-ni i all5 ilic tuHiii'
way v.c v-c il :i our u-:: work.
Wc- mix all coloL:; lor o i. Conic in nd :'-"' -'ny
ijiiaL'. ity. (Quality uaranlc-c-J.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
June BriiiES iusii Work!
The; vc-cciil rains have insured a iood eiop ol small
rniin, "N-v !i!t li lias been a little behind, ar.d v.h:eh is now
raj)idly maturing. 1 he corn cilso i.; mckin:; rapid strides.
This is brinriiiir much worl-i in June. Ihe beet of
machinery is needed for caring for the crrps in thi-.
busy season.
Sec us for whaL you arc; needsnp;. Wc are a! :c lu
cure for your wants. Cuitivatoi s. or any coin vjikin;
inaciiinery, hay maUm machinery and wht i nced .cl
fox- the harvest. Biifders, harvesters, twine and all that
is required to care for the harvest.
Wc arc handlinj-T srasolmc and incioi oily also.
mm,, gehrts,
The hnplemcnt Islan
Are You Garing for
me rs r
You know thai tlic eiuloi, to.i v.Iicn you puichaocd
them, are you coring' lor them in order that they v.ili
last? Wc arc doing expert repairing what h reliable,
and keep the caro from cctcriating.
Our supply of ac. cz orics and auto tujp:L
complete. Sec uu for ihe beL woik and bet can.
I t h il-Jt ftl
llic Automobile Man