The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, JUNE 20. 1921
Che plattsmouth journal
Kntcicd at Po-tfTk-e, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Tfk:i. Kansas, lias five women
taxi driver'.
I. nt look dt.wn upon people win)
look ui u Villi.
IStlicvc in oilier if von would have
( IIht.i n you.
(Jtrinan is coming arrcss Imt imt
the way .-lie intended.
Kvcry man lias a to ke:-j
hi-, opin ions !u hini-ell".
A ilia's bark is worse than his !ite
lxeaii:-e it . longer.
Tin- pre-ent. inn ii:m tax .arnica
ereate-i a nation ut" liar.-.
I-Yimi.iin n ; are said ti have
l. en used a-, early as 1 U'O.
O ; ,i
What :i.:i a wii-rir: ! a
i ret it s!m .ii'iii't tell it.
T'l- li'-t real stove v. a- eon-t riict
rd by an Kngli.-I man in 1S-1.
: i : - - - - -
1:':- a vi-e ira.eliti:; man W'i
knows when and v. 'imtj . .-top.
IIu-1) and and wife always ho-s c.ich
i iht-r. say.i I.ady A.-tor. Site's half
right !
If a o'!i:i'l ilon'i want to lie loved
th.r- 'ln iild in- a law her
wearing pink.
At that. the pioi-rr airni'-n are
li.n im: a !o r lnortality rate than
thu na via'nr
i , s ''iii ii it ;i I 1 to oli
vine' tiuta il.f-, that it is a : at :ue
to tak; money.
Wlio ;:i:'s tt ! a t lever 'i'r?
a. k . an ad !n spurt i'ig tiie journal.
VWII Lite. Who does?
: o:
I ; t ii stin. iia- lit i n found.
Tli'ie's a hoti-iiig shortage in Mur-'icrcr.-.'
Kovv at Sins Sing.
Ford car No. G.mou.hoo has just
I I r tiie faetory. For lihth rate the
Ford factory heats rabhits.
In I'liicairo one stenographer on:
nf try 10 marries her employer.
A ii I that t nds his dictation.
: f :
I'i the Ion.: run the (! rma n ; will
find indemnity l: 11 less expeti-ive
thci the H"h'-:i 'oi:e;n I'ill.
V.i,;i nnaiey Marce and la
o !i ; !i . one-half the world doe.-n"t
know how the other h ilf lives.
T'ny ire printing a great dt-a! t
the nhj'Tt. lat' no;'-.,dy seems (o In'
worried e.ver tii" .e.ireity of radium.
Xo ni.'ttir what ihey wear, wo
men always Io.iR eomfortah'u- and
lietiv; no matter what men wear
liny 1' ok iiv-ithi-r comfort aide or
pret t y.
"It don't tal e a man long to
1 : " !t : ; pi n ' i- t he i.roe ...
atvl t- s.'.ai.e a I to y tailored
Miii I'll': thoroughly disrepu
table t i I h" man of it,"
avers I)ainty Itorthy.
IJut : he ecc; ori to e xplain
that t;.e i:i:i who is making
n e o: o,;r cl-a r. i .-fr;i.iing
and pi'. ... ing r v : i ; i;f-ep-i:
g lii - clothe - iti i'.i;:h iiitire
prt:en'able condition than
when le- got j-.C't iau td with
ii.-:. And it docaft co.:t much,
B Goods Called for and Delivered
-'MorJt O.H'OjitL
I fab vlO jObWUAl Off ICE
Ju.:i lie-.-ause we folded our tents
and j,ot. nt of war is no excuse for
fchling our arms and refusing to
:: .
An advert h ini; man lias been
named to head the shipping board.
We thought it already had enough
o : o
Admiral Situs furnishes conclusive
pn of that he is a jackass by declar
ing that In will nut v Undraw his
jarka.-M speech.
A -Minnesota district court says
politicians cigars violate the corrupt
practices act. Always knew they vio
lated something.
The wounded anil disabled veter
ans of the world war are be.:;inninu;
to realize that I'nclo Sam is a darned
poor Santa Clau.
If people would 1 t us do our cen-
rin-'. we would get a Ion.; much
: etter t'lar.-. Ximball Voting, -Motion
I'itturtt Star.
It. po-itively overwhelms you to
.-tand on main street watching the
women any afternoon and njtice what
the t rathe will bare.
It's difficult to convince a man
who has been up against it for many
moons that lie has a lot of good
luck coming to him.
The mixed commissi m sent by the
Mipr'm council to study the Sile
iau ((iiesiii n probably will be more
mixed after studying it.
T! lir--' shipment of western
t loupe:-, has reached the Piatt -moil I h
market. After opcuinu: about twenty
voti mav tind one good melon.
Ki-iity-two per cent of 'he r .ns
v. ho died or were injured by fire in
'hi.; country !at year v.e:-- i-hildieti
uadv-r school j;;e ami lantheri.
Fhit'ago music dealers say jazz air
are giving way to old-time melo
dies. Hope they don't revive "In
the Shad - of the Old Apple Tree."
The president !.a-tens to assure us
that he does n. t inund to play golf
on Sunday. We may now devote our
attention to other weihy matters.
: o :
It i-' said that a fiht has been
launched on Scnat r Per.roi-e in his
hi me state. A war oil Penrose wi'.l
t the warrior nothing but sears.
Ann rica came into war '.;'.'.
but -he came; siie's mi: iug late in
to jii'iK-.1. but she'll otue. II i ill
bridge t'olby ex -Sec re t a : y of S'ate
A N'ew York physician .-ays young
wolncn should 1h congratulated on
winning tha !. t M for the short
skirts. Some should and .some
The attitude of the various nations
on the question of disarmament is
very mii'h akin to that of the man
v ho is asked to throw hh; pistol in
th river.
: o :
Here's a tip to preachers: If you
preach thi sort, of sermon that put
per. pi- to sl ep, be Mire and lutve a
i-'iu aky voi ( in the choir that will
kt'ti them awake.
"An apple a day will keep the doc
t: r away," .-ays an old health adage.
Hut. if you buy apples at present
price; :07j of them will put you in
the bankruptcy court.
: o:
The price of bread in the Fnited
1 1-'.:.' te.-. commenced to drop after the
motor car manufacturers slashed
their prices. Thus the luxuries of
life follow the necessities.
yut of the complaint at high pric-
jis of ice cream is purely conversa
jtional. If people really cared much
J about lower ice cream pri:e.5. they
en :i achieve them in ten days, just
j ns thty did the lower prices of mo-
tor cars and silk shirts.
: o :
F.x-Kai.-er Wilhelm owns a place
in Holland and a short time ago he
. r.Id a forest in order to raise some
money. The purchaser proposed to
cut ti e trees down, but the Dutch
government interfered and would not
permit it. Forests are too scarce in
j Holland already. The government
j took over the. forest and paid for it
; and it will be preserved. In this
j country the only power that inter
, feres with, a man's trees is a public
I utility. It will butcher them when
ever it takes a notion to do so.
From Thursday's Dally.
John C. Spangler of Louisville, was
in the city today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of business.
V. (.. Boedeker, cashier of the
Hank of Murray, was in the city to
day looking after a few matters of
importance at the court house.
F. A. Hansen of Xehavvka. came in
yesterday afternoon to spend a short
time hero looking after some mat
ters of business at the court house.
Henry Kirseher was among the
visitors from near Xehawka in the
city yesterday for a few hours attend
ing to some matters at the court
(leorge Duerr. residing southwest
of Louisville, was among the visitors
in the city today for a few hours
looking after some matters at the
court house.
H. O. Hackmeyer. ('. L. Miller and
son. Miller and Matt Thiingan,
all of near Murdock. motored in this
morning from their home to spend a
few hours here visiting at the court
houso on business.
From Friday's Dally.
Harry Frans of Union, was a vis
itor in the city for a short time to
day looking after some business af
fairs at the court house.
W. H. Hcil of Louisville, was in
the city today for a few hours look
ing after some matters of business
and calling tn his friends in the
county seat.
Frank Vallery and John l Koddy
of Union, returned last evening from
a short business trip to northern
Missouri and at Hamburg, Iowa, mak
ing a record breaking trip of one
(Maude Scivers and wife of Louis
ville, were among the visitors in
the city today for a few hours looking
after some matters of business and
spending tho day with their rela
tives. hM Lewis, who has been residing
in the western part of the state
enine in yesterday anil will visit here
for .-ome time at the home of his par
cnts. Mr. and Mrs. ('. H. Lewis and
Charles S. Johnson came up this
morning from Union to take treat
ment and returned this afternoon to
that place, where he is staying at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. A. W.
.1. F. McAIpin and wife, who have
been on their homestead in the west,
stopped off here from their home en
route to Chicago and secuerd their
children who have been staying here
while the parents were in the west
and departed this afternoon for the
w indy city.
(Jeorge Palmer, one of the Cass
county men who served in the world
war, and who is now taking treat
ment at the Swedish Mission hospital
in Omaha, came in this morning for
a short visit with friends. Mr. I'al
ti'i r was located at Central Cty up to
the time of his last illness.
Xo. 120M57, Xebr. Finder please
leave at Journal office.
ti-: it in-' m:uix;
it IVtilion lor iiiiiiii-iif of
ilmiiii-l riitar
of Nelaa-ka. Cass eoua-
t v.
In tl.e I'oimtv Court.
In Ilie matter .. the estate of
Ti'"lll;i-i .1. .Met 'lllloell. I i . a -' 1 .
i "i i. ailing an. I tiling the (tileoi of
K. it M 'ii I I'm i: ;iiaviiii Ih.'t adminis
ii.'te.n of .ii,,) -tale may he grantl
t" ! iiii-i If a.- .Vim j a jt la I t ;
M.I. r. .1. That .lulv K'th. A. I . I'.'JI,
ai 1" ' ! 1 a. m . is a.-si ne.l I'm'
lie;, i mil; .-ai.l ieiiij.., wln-ii all i.erson.
ilii. r. st. .1 ia sai.l matter ma v appear
al a '.unty four: l he 1 : -1 1 in an.)
lor sapl (..ijiily, ami shew ause wlic
l!i. pra..r tiie ..-t it i.m.-r .-I1011I.I
ii.t :;ra!ite.l: ami that not ire of the
pen.!, m y of sai.l etition anil the l ear
int; tii-reof he tiiv.-n t a 1 1 persons in-l'-e
.'.l in sai.l matter hy Iu hi is h i n
. .f this or.ler in ti.e I'latts-
meatli Journal, a s.-iiii - week I v n.-ws-pap.
r ;uinteil in s.ii.l e. unity, for three
mii re-sir.- weeUs, prior to said day of
I'ate.l this 1 V t J , ,l;,v ,.r June, A. 1 .
ai.i.i:.n' j. m:i:s .
Countv .linlge.
i w. Attorney.
Positions are plentiful for thou? who
re trained! Students may work for
board. Tuition low. AnU for catalog C.
' Omaha, Ncbrasha.
Acetylene Welding!
I am prepared to do all
kinds of Acetylene Welding.
Charges reasonable and work
the best.
Located at John Iverson's
Blaksmith Shop,
F'lattsmouth, Nebraska
is working in the Soft Drink
Parlor of
Give the boys a call when in
need of any tonsorial work.
B Pi
g 5
Leader-Echo J
Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Hulfish left on
Wednesday for Lincoln to spend the
day with their son, Harold, and from
there they went to Chappel, Neb., to
visit with a sister and family of of
Mrs. Hulfish.
While in 1-incoln. Monday, L. A.
Tyson had the misfortune to have
his little Maxwell car run into and
had it somewhat jammed up in the
hack fenders and the back, a large
truck bavins run into it. He went
up on Tuesday to get the car put in
On Saturday afternoon Spencer
Honenrief was in town and he re
ceived a niessace that he should come
come and catch a large swarm of
bees. He hastened home and caught
mil' ot tno largest swarms lie ever
caught and said there seemed to be
a bushel of them.
Walter Hornemeier and Velma
Hornemeier returned home on last
Saturday from Xapirville, 111., where
they completed a year in the Kvange
lical school of that place. They will
spend the summer here with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ("has. Horne
meier, and will return to school
again in the fall.
The latter part of last week Ed
Dorr was taken sick with appoplexy
and is quite siek at the home of his
son, Iialph Dorr. A nurse has been
employed to care for him and at
present ho is getting along quite
well. Mr. Dorr is 7i years of age.
Mrs. Henry ISrockman is reported
to be quite sick at her home just
south of town. She has been siek
for some time but has not been im
proving very rapidly. A nurse has
been employed to care for her and
it is hoped that in a short time she
will be onthe road to complete re
covery. On last Thursday, Mrs. (luy I,.
Clements underwent an operation at
her home in this city for the remov
al of gall stone and also for appen
dicitis. She had been very sick and
her condition for a short time was
very critical but at present she is
getting along very well and is im
proving slowly which is indeed good
news to all.
I,. K. Uhley and Charles Peck have
been busy making some improve
ments to the house on the farm of
Henry Clapp west of town. The im
provements consist of adding three
more rooms to the house as well as
other substantial changes. Henry is
putting his farm right up in the
improvement and will have a nicely
improved farm when all is complet
ed that he contemplates.
State Teachers' College Will Lose
Several Important Instructors to
Institutions in Other States
I'eru, Xeb., June 17. Tern will
lose its dean of women, and head of
th'i department of history. Matie
Cook Kllis; the head of the biology
department. Prof. F. C Jean; the
head of the home economies depart
ment . Mrs. F. C. Jean; the head of
the expression
M. Dunn, and
Itouse. wIiosh
nounced some
department. Miss Iva
its president. K. L.
resignation wa:; an
time ago.
Dear. Mat tie
C. Kllis of the Peru
st:it teachers"
college, has been ten-
ilcrrd a similar position in the state
teachers" college at Mankato. Minn.
Mi'ss Kllis came to the Peru normal
as p. critic in the training school. La
ter slu became associate p-niV;;sp" ia
history and has for many years' been
head of that department. Six years
ago she
ippointed dean of wo-
No faculty
school for as
members has served the
manv years as Miss Kl
lis and no one has been so closely
associated with the recent life of the
S'-liool. Her responsible position as
dean of women has brought her into
closn personal relationship with ev
ery girl in the school. By her work
in the history and sociology depart
ments she had made herself a host
of friends among the earlier stu
dents. Probably no other teacher is
so widelv and favorably known as
Mis?i Kllis.
Pro;. F. C. Dean, head of the bio
logy department of tho I'eru state
teachers' college, has recently been
offered a similar position in the Col
orado state teachers' college at Gree
ley. Col., with an increase of 2f per
cent in salary. He has tendered his
resignation to take effect August 1.
Professor Jean came to Peru in
lf)ll an associate, professor and has
gradually been promoted until ho is
now one of the major heads. Mr. Jean
bar. bpen a most popular instructor.
He has always taken a keen interest
in class organization, Y. M. C. A. and
faculty activities. It is largely
through his efforts that the faculty
dinner club was organized during the
present year. He holds both his
bachelor's and his master's degree
from the University of Nebraska.
Mrs. F. C. Jean, who has been head
of the home economics department
for the last three years, severs her
connection with the school at the
same time.
Mrs. Jean, as Miss Mable Han
cock, came here as an .assistant in
the home economics department in
1912. When she took charge of the
department three years ago. there
was just one student Jeft in the de
partment. Thi.s year' the depart
ment has had the largest enrollment
of any department in the school.
Mr?. Jean received here bachelor
of arts degree from the University of
Nebraska in 1918.
Ed. Ripple pays cash for eggs
tf d&w.
K. H. Schulhof. piano tuner.
Phnne SS9-.T. d&w.
Books! Books! Books! We have
them till you can't rest, at the Jour
nal Office.
Even a weak spark will
produce a powerful explosion
Spark plugs not always to blame for
"ignition trouble"
DIFFICULTY in getting a motor to start may be due to
"grounds" which short-circuit the electric current, some
times to dirty oontacts or poor timing. But the real trouble is
very often in the mixture you are trying to light slow-burning
fuel. With good gasoline even a weak spark produces a powerful
explosion. ,
One ivay to avoid "engine trouble""
Be careful to buy gasoline with good
vaporizing qualities straight dis
tilled and carefully refined Red
Crown Gasoline. It will save you a
lot of time and annoyance
and work no need for re
peated priming, frequent
cleaning of spark plugs and
grinding the valves. Straight
distilled gasoline has a. com
plete chain of boiling point
fractions which insure in
stant ignition and complete
combustion develops lots
of power and keeps down
carbon troubles.
oitii:i in-' ami o-
'IM'K in-- ritoiivii: ok wii.i.
In tin- I'ouiity 'uiit of Cass coun
ty. Nt lu iiskii.
Statu of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all ju rsons inti-restcd in t lie es
tate of Jaeolt 1 ritseli. lcccascl:
'u realinu tlie iietition of Miko
Tiitsih praying that the instrument
!iK l in thi.s court on t lie :!lst ilay of
.Max, l'.iJl. ami purport in:; to he the
last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed.
and recorded as tho last will and tes
tament of Jacob Tritsch. deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of
said estate he uranted to Elizabeth
Tritsch as executrix:
It is hereby ordered that you, and
til persons interested in said matter.
may. and lo. appear at the coimi;
nut to be held in and tor said coun
ty, on flu- U.tli day of June. A. 1 .
at I" o clock a. m., to show cause, it
any there be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
!ivcn to all pei sons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the I la t tsnom t Ii Journal.
si mi-weekly newspaper printed in
lid county for three successive weeks
prior to sai'l day ot nearmtr.
Witness mv hand and seal ot said
court, this olst day of .May, -. J
allkx J. i:i:i:sn.
(Seal jti-"w County Juiitfc.
Mli'M i:
The State of
Nebraska, Cass coun-
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In tin- matter of the estate of George
I". Moisin;cr, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts-
montli in said county, on the '.Hh day
of .Inlv, A. I. r.t.'l, and on the lot ii
dav of trctober. A. I . at ten
'clock inlhe forenoon of each day. to
receive a iKl examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their ad
justment anil allowjince. The time lim-
itel for the
presentation of claims
estate is three months
day of July, A. 1 . l'.tl'l.
limited for payment of
vear from said Itth day
gainst saiil
from the '.Hh
and the time
debts is one
f July. A. I.
Witness my
hand and the seal of
said County Court,
this 4 th day of
June, A. 1.
(Seal) County Judge.
OltllKIt OK lli:KIfi
on Petition for llftrrmlnatiou
or Heirship
In the County Court of Cass coun
tv. Nebraska.
In re Kstate No. of James A.
Walker, deceased.
On the tilinar of the petition of Louie
H. Puis for a decree and finding of
heirship tiled herein on the 1st day
of June, 1 '. 2 1 ;
It is hereby nrderen that the said
petition be set down for liearini; be
fore said Court on the 10th day or
July, at ten o'clock a. m.. and
that notice of the time and place of
said henrins; be issued, ami that con
structive service thereof be had upon
all persons interested in said estate,
by the publication of said notice, once
each week, for three consecutive
weeks prior to said liearini;. in the
Plattsmouth Journal, of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, a new-spaper printed, pub
lished and of general circulation in
said Countv of Cass in said state.
Dated this 1st day of June. 1921.
(Seal) j2-3w. County Judge.
In the County Couit of Cass coun
tv. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of John Schiappacasse, deceased:
On reading the petition of Jennie
.. I . j .. . - ....... : , , V, , I inctrti.
ment filed in this court on the 9th .
day of June. 1921, and purporting to
be the last will and testament of the
said deceased, may be proved and al
lowed, and recorded as the last will
and testament of John Schiappacasse,
deceased: that said instrument be ad
mitted to probate, and the administra
tion of said estate be granted to Jen
nie Schiappacasse as executrix; I
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may. and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 9th day of July, A. D. 1921,
Red Cross Gasoline meets United &ate
Government sperifirations for motor
It successfully passes all tests required by
United States Government to detect defects
and indicate desirable qualities.
For quick starting, and for big mileage per
gallon, use Red Crown Gasoline.
: :
Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map
at ! o'clock a. m., to snow cause, if
any there be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearinj; there
of be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copy of
thi.s order in the I'lattsmoutli Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said countv for three successive weeks
prior to said day of
Witness my hand
said court, thi.s lull
and the seal of
day of June, A.
I). 1921.
SeaI Countv Judge.
jia-::w. Attorney.
In the County Court of Cass county,
In the matter of the estate of Jacob
Mason, deceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tate, both creditors and heirs at law:
You are herebv notified that on this
11th day of June. 1!'21. Jacob E. Mason
tiled a petition in this court alleging
that Jacob Mason, while a resident of
the City of Plattsmouth. in said coun
tv. departed this life intestate on or
about the day of May, 1915, the
owner in fee simple of the following
described real estate, to wit: All that
part of the South half of Lot 1-i in the
northwest nuarter of Section 13. Town
12. N.. Kange 13, East, lying' east of
the Omaha. Southern Hailway right of
wav. situate in the City of Platts
mouth. Cass county, Nebraska, and that
said deceased left surviving as his sole
and onlv heirs at law, the following
named persons:
Nancv J. Mason, his widow; Jacob
K. Masn, a son: Bessie M. Koke, (nee
Mason a daughter; Elizabeth K. Fitch,
i nee Mason) a daughter; William H
Mason, a son. and Clarence Mason, a
son. who are now all of legal age, to
whom the title and ownership of said
real estate descended, on the death of
said Jacob Mason, subject to the home
stead right of the widow of said de
ceased, Nancy J. Mason, and that the
petitioner is the owner of an interest
in said premises, and praying for a
indicia! determination of the time of
the death of the said Jacob Mason
ami of his heirs at law, the degree of
kinship and the right of descent of
the real property belonging to said
decedent in the State of Nebraska, and
for such other and further orders and
decrees as mav be necessary for a
correct determination of said matter.
Said matter has been set down for
liearini; for the 14th (lav of July. 1921
at nine o'clock in the forenoon, in the
Countv Court room in the City of
Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska,
at which time and place all persons
interested may appear and contest said
pet it ion.
Date: June 11th, 1921.
County Judge.
jir,-:;w. Atty. for Petitioner.
I.i:(il. NOTICE
Ernest N. Christiansen, plaintiff, vs.
Alice M. Smith: Smith, first and
real name unknown, her husband;
James Plummer: Nancy I . Plummer,
hix wife: Selwin B. Plummer and
Sarah Plummer, his wife; Selwin 1'.
iMiimmi.r: 1" uinmcr. nrsi ano
real name unknown. his wife;
J. Plummer: Plummer
first and
real name unknown, his
wife; Mary
P. Plummer;
Plummer, first and
real name
Harriet M.
unknown. her husband;
Younc and O. IV Young.
first and real name unknown, nei o un
hand: Virginia Megeath: Me-
geath, first and real name unknown.
i,.. h.wl.onH- Minnie E. Megeath:
v.nath. first and real name unknown
her husband; Mildred Elizabeth
0-4Q til Mf-seath. first ana
unknown, her husband;
Meieath: Megeath
first and
real name unknown
her husband; Jen-
Megeath. first
nie M. .Megeaiii
and real name
unknown, her iiusbana.
Jennie M. Druien ana j. l.. w n-". jv
.,.,.1 ,-oal name unknown, uer IIU'IWII".
Mildred E. Ives and Frank J. Ives
i.i.shnnd: Samuel Addison Cochran
eeath: Addison Cochran Megeath;
dison C. Megeath:
Sflmuel A. Megeath:
Judith W
Megeath: Judie V. Megeath;
and the
heirs, devisees, legatees, per-
nunta ves ana an umci
persons interested in the estates of the
following named persons, to-wit: Alice
r iii. t-imeu Plummer. Nancy i.
Plummer.' Selwin B. Plummer. Selwin
n ii..mmpr Fred J. Plummer. Mary
u' 1,1, ,,,., Harriet M. Young.
gui-a Megeath. Mildred Elizabeth
geath. Minnie E. Megeath. Jennie
,.i, u.,ni -f Meireatb. Samuel
dison i-ocnran .Mram,iuui.-v,. .. ,
uomnoi A Mee-eath. Judith W. Me
t.'Ul w
It is uniformly high quality wher
ever you get it.
Authorized Red Crourt Dealers
Wherever you go you can al
ways get Red Crown Gasoline
from reliable, competent and
obliging dealers. The gasoline
and cnotor oils they sell make
motor operation more economi
cal and more dependable. They
are. glad to render the little
courtesies which make motoring
pleasanter. Drive in where you
see the Red Crown Sign.
geath, Judie V. Megeath, whose names
and residences are unknown: and the
northwest piarter of the northeast
quarter; (NYV'i, XK'(I the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter:
NK'i. SV'.4 the southwest quarter of
the northeast quarter; SV'4, N K ' , t
tho northwest quarter of the south
east quarter; NV'4, SK'4' 'he south
half of the northwest quarter IS'-.
N Y'4 and the west hair of the south
west quarter, iW's, SWi all in Sec
tion six. Iti) in Township twelve. (12
north of Uange ten. (KM east of the
nth P. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska;
and all persons claiming any interest
of any kind in said real estate, or any
part thereof; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in the before de
scribed real estate, real names un
known, defendants.
To each and all of the above named
and designated defendants, both non
resident and other defendants, take
You and each of you are hereby
notified that Ernest X. Christ ia tison,
the plaintiff herein, has tiled his peti
tion in the Idstrict Court of Cass coun
tv, Nebraska, which petition was hied
on May 2. A. I . 1921. against you
and each of you. the object and prayer
of which petition is to obtain a decree
quieting and confirming the title to
the northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter; NW'4. NE,i the northeast
piarter of the southwest quarter;
(NEU, SW4) the southwest quarter
of the northeast quarter: (SW,, NK't I
the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter: (NW'4, Si:'4 the south half
of the northwest quarter (S'.j. NH'V
and the west half of the southwest
quarter, W',. SV'4I all in Section
six. (rt) Township twelve. (12) north
of Bang4 ten. (KM east of the Mil P.
M.. in Cass county. Nebraska, in the
plaintiff, and to remove certain cloud-!
and forever barring and estopping the
defendants and each of them and all
persons claiming by. through or under
them or anv of them from having or
claiming any right, title, interest or
lien in or to said premises or to any
part thereor, and for such other relief
as equity may require.
You and each of you are hereby ie
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 11th day of July, A. I'.
H123-5 w. His Attorney.
State of
Cass coun
In the County
Cou rt.
111 the matter of the
.f Jus-
tus Lillie, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Platts
mouth in said county, on July IK, 1921,
and October is. 1921.
m. on each day, to
amine all claims aga
at Kl oclocii a.
receive and c
inst said estate,
adjustment and
with a view to their
allowance. The time
limited for t re
presentation of claims against t-aiu
estate is three months noni tiie imh
fiav of Jnlv. A. I. 1921. and the time
limited for payment of
debts is one.
vear from sain ism nay
of July. 1921.
Witness mv hand and
-pal of said
Court, thi.s Hth
day of June,
County Judge.
( Sea it j Ki -1 w.
Oae 7-foot Deering binder, good
as new. cut aooui a nuuaren acres
of grain. A bargain. Price $125.00.
Call phone No. 2732.
5sw. Plattsmouth, Neb.
For Sale: Five room cottage, one
lot, city water, barn; six room cot
tage, two lots, city water, electric
lights, telephone; six room cottage,
modern except heat. Ii. U. Wind
ham, Plattsmouth, Nebr. daw3t.
If it's in the stationery line, call
t the Journal office.
Coates Block Second Floor -f