The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1921
Nehawka Department!
Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially
for the Journal Readers.
A source of the best
ervire is
the Nehawk:'. bank.
Uetter have a Lank account anil ;
T?y by check. It is far Hit.- safe-u
Homer Tysor cf Kiverton, la., is
spending a tew days with hi; brother.
Truman Eyor.
yafe, sound and f"r viceable, to the i
best interests of the community, i ; !
the Bank ct Nehawka.
I). C West was in atrpnJance for!
a tow days at the bankers con vent :! ;
which wa- in se-sion a? Oman:. 1::?; ,
Thursday evening, j
Gurt Hanson and family weie vis-
iting in the county seat la.;t Tue- 1
day. making the trip In their au:o. ;
and wrre looking after tome husi- j
nes. i
J-';ed Mel.aU- lilil) of Chic.-::'; a:idj
a :. lul of Nflsiin Perger. vaj i !
i "-;!) r in Xehanka ;nd gu.' -it the I
P.erger home 'a.-: I-'ritiay -vi'iii: and i
?te the land ad of F. If. IJesnik
in this issue. Me is making some
very tine offers for ('a s county land.
No u-e to run to the end if the
v. orld for bargains.
Merman h. Thomas and family
with their auto. were visiting la-t
Rfleat Market
JOHN OPP, Propr.
Nehawka -:- -:- Nebraska
Busy? Yes, You Be!!
We can get to your job,
though in a short time. Re-
memler our work and ma
terials are the best.
Also, the 259r discount is
still in force.
Don't delay.
Nehawka -:- Nebraska
Farm SVlachirsery !
We can supply your wants in the line of imple
ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later
in season, as there is a considerable price advance on
stock purchased this spring, which we can save you
through having I he goods in stock. Repairs, also!
H. F. IC
Surplus Stock For Sale
We oiler a limited ijiiantity of 2xK Douglas Fir in lengths
ranting from 2 f. et to L'l' feet ;it ."really re'dueed prices.
In our manufact urinjr we use only tire le.-d. select lumber,
so in iur sorting onerations accumulate a i-onsiderable rptiaiitity
of lumber each season that while not s.iti factory for our pur
pose, is ;till very serviceable f,,r farm ;:inl general use.
It is this surplus stock we have to offer. You will find it
very satisfactory for .eneral repair work about the farii, siub as
nienilinir or buildiiie, barnyard fences, -.table Mooring, partitions,
bo-liouse floorinir or hi.:; fence, heavy yard :;ates. bracing, wel!
curb... idaifortu: farm bridt-es. corn cribs, elc, and tor use in
part in the const rut ion of durable -beds, ban;;; anil many other
Sidewalks Built To Order
A this lumber make-; exceptionally ;.ooiI ftock for board
side-walks we are prepared to supply it cut to any lengths de
sired, from -1 to 4 We will also assemble and build in com
plete sections side-wall:-, of this ; to meet vour special re
quirements at small extra cot.
Stock Going Fast See Us i'ov;
We are not in the regular retail lumber business and have
only the one dimension (except lenv.Hi and the one kind namely.
Iou;r,las Fir lumber to offer. As Hated, this lumber is not
the best, select .i,Tade, but is stock not satisfactory for our use,
though still very serviceable for .-.'eneral use and the low prices
iuotetl should moe our accumulated stock very quickly.
Come? in and inspect it to your own satisfaction. Take it
borne with you in any quantities you desire, from a few sticks to
a truck load. Act quickly if you want anv for our stock will
move last at these prices.
$25 io $35 Per M
These prices are F. O. B. our factory, hut we will de
liver by Special arrangement.
Friday evening at tho home of Ralph
Johnson, living near Murray, and on
one of the farms of ltoy Howard.
1.) not guess whether an invest
nr nt is worlli while or not. I:: these
days the risk is too great; better
consul, before making the invest
ment, with the IJ.uik or Nehawka.
V. m. Ili'-ks. C;b j) Whiteman. Pe
ter While-man. and I, eland Hodge
were looking' after some business mat
ters in l'lattsuioiith last Friday af
ternoon, making the trip in their
The; Switer P. rot hers j . i -1 di ti
ll of a i. w li.'hiiiu; pkiat which
is to b
installed in the m-v home
at fhi.. time belli" 'un-
'. iii'-h i- :
strueted on
iu a i- Avof a.
Frank 1.
back of the
tae farm oi Paul Wolph
Sh ldon and t.rovi I In
board of education ve,e
h i. kin:'' alter si. in" bii: iness
i e guiding the school, at the
olll.-e of
the comity superintendent of
at I'lai ismouth la-f ek.
John Schw.ii i., who has been at
St. Joseph at a sanitarium, where lie
has been receiving' treatment for
s me time, returned home last Fri
day and reports I hat he is feeling
Much better since taking the treat
ment. .Mrs. V. 1". Sheldon, who has been
vi-i:ing at Hhiiwood at tiie home of
her Mst. r. V.r. U. '. Alford. for the
past few days rt turned home last
Frfilay. She. was aecoinictnied on
her visit with her children. Vila:;. Jr.
and Jane.
Miss. Haze! Carper and Cla.lys Rho
den were a sisiint,' in the work of
fretting out the mails at the Sheldon
M.iniilai ? u ri itg company las: week,
as there w.i-s much w.rk to ii, in the
adv eit iini- ampa it; :i. wiiit'i thev
have on at this time.
The Tria:!'-r!e Sunday school c!as
of the Methodist .-hurch njoyetl a
vi ry del i trli t f u ! pi.-ri'f las! T'.k sday
evrninv:. when s.nne tiiirty of 'hem
went to the tirove where they enjovc 1
th- t -venintc :ieat!y. wit i l t;ame- anil
at" j'ieir r upper in the open.
J. Ij. Smith departed during last
wee K- for I'loeml't !d. where he is -o-inir
to rissist in the farm work on
his brother's p':l:-c duriMtc the ruh.
im ideur to t he ' eoinplet in it of th
c.rn cultivation and tin earinp: for
the harvest of the Mnall prain.
Mrs. t'liarbs Adams was a truest
at the Jiemp of Mr. and Mrs. t '. A.
Kestncrans for ,i few days duriu'-,-the
last week. On Tuesday. Mr.
Adams drove up in their car to take'
Mr?, Adams and the children up for
a vi-ii there witn old time friends.
The "Ilusy Workers" Sunday school
etuss ot itu? Methodist church, on
last Wednesday evening, met at the
church ami then repaired to the
throve of It. (. West, where they en
joyed a very pleasant evening and
ate i! picnic supper, nil declaring
that the time was well spent.
Air.-. Xick Klaunns, who has been
m :r.e im-pital at (Mnaaa lor some
time, is now reported as doing nice
ly, and will le permitted to sit tip
in a short time, and it is honed b
her many friends in Nehawka tha
the time will not be Ionic until she
will bt aide to return to lor home
W. S. Steele, Xirk K! aniens and
'H . M. Dale are making the work of
!-i icriii1; the residents of John T.
Dale into a more convenient ;uitl bet
t r hi ine. TIih workmen are ma1'.
inir some very important chanties m
the home w hich o. ill enhance the
epji yinent of liviiitr there by Mi
Hale and family.
.foitii streij-lit ot ( liailron. was a
visitor in Neliawka for a short time
li t Saturday and a visitor with hi
friend. Wavno Ackb-v. one of th
efficient salesmen ill the Sheldon
iie-; arimeni siore. .i r .sitreiuui lias
1 : e'n over in Iowa for a short time,
called there by the death of his son.
Ii' was buried last Thursday.
Finely situated in the community
w nose rmsir.ess enterprises are on a
substantial foundation and this is
mad" mi re sure when the financial
institution which looks after the- wel
ia. oi t ne eommunitv is sound, as
in the case of flu citv of Xeiiawka.
I'pum miter the Nehawka bank is look-
in? after the interests of the wholt
i mm unity.
. virgin or Syracuse, accom
panied by Walter Minnier. were in
N'.'hawl:; a short time last Friday.
while on t.'ieir v.-av trom Murrav io
thiir lirni.'i in ();eo conntv. wiiere
th'y had b-.o fop a binder which
they hail left when moving, and
which they are now needing a
ti:eir liarvest is and about
r ad v- fo- tlu. sickle.
Mrs. t arl Stone, who has been a
'in- sanitarium at Lincoln for the
pa-t several weeks, was able to re
'urn to lier home last Fridav. ami
i sni" Kin irson'e verv suhstantial im-
pr, i ments. Mr. Stt7ie was expe. t-::-.;
in ro to Lincoln for Mrs. Stone,
en on ac ount of the excessive
downpour of the rain la-t Tl:nri!;iv
vrnin-? was prevented and Mrs.
Stone came home via the train.
ITct th? Least Pessimistic
Carl S!( no. who. conducts a farm
jus', outside the precincts of Xe
iiawka. spe.ikiiii; of rot? conditions
tiie other day had to say that the
uraias were in the. pink of condition
at this time and that he did nut sec
how tiiin,L-s. could be better, but he
tin i!.;ht that the crop., as far as the
.lutie promise was concerned were
ideal. Sure this county is new
look in it fine P'ld one would be hard
to pitase wno wouiit want to i;o
elsewhere while things look so nici
ly he re.
Masons Install Their Officers
At the meeting of tin. Masons last
Wednesday at their hall, after the
tegular order of the business of the
iveninit had been concluded, they
link up the matter eif installing the
tlii t-rs which had been selected for
the coming year's service. The
newly eleried olliccrs were installed
with due gravity and the beautiful
crenion ies which prevail with this
excellent society. Those who had
been sele.-ted for the positions for
the coming year were: Max F. Hal
four, worshipful master; J. A. Mag
t;ey. secretary; I). ('. West., treasur
er; Hubert II. Chapman, seizor war
den: .Tobn Iddgett. junior warden;
Chalmer Switzer. senhr deacon; F.
A. Shumaker. junior deacon; Kev.
I C. Moore, chaplain. Paul Pollard
Tyler. 1!. I,. Thomas and A. C. Ati-ders-.o:,
Celebrated Children's Day.
The Celebration of children':; day
at tho Methodist church yesterday,
was u very pleasant event. A de
lightful program, teaching the part
ot the children's in this land, in mis
sions was incorporated in every ex-
reise anil the1 lessom which they
';aught. were ones which will have
lasting influence on their lives,
s well as be a source of belli to
hose needing the1 relief which the,
.illing hands of tho children can
ive. Tim work of training the
hiblren for the occasion has largely
lallen on the shoulders of the pas-
or and his wife.
Administer Baptismal Ordinance
At the .Methodist church last Sun
day evening the Ordinance of 15ap
i in was. administered to four candi
date:: who were becoming members
of the church at Nehawka. The cer-
ni ny of administering the sacra
ment was. in account with the ritual
ef the Methodist church and was a
veiy impressive ceremony. Those to
itceive the ordinance of baptism
were Miss Hutu Ann Sheldon,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C.
Sheldon, and a son of Harry "Nelson,
as well as two children of Mr. and
Mrs. Conrad Johnson.
Shipped Car of Cattle.
A. F. Poedeker shipped a car of
cattle to the South Omaha market
lart Thursday and was with them on
the market last Friday, they selling
among the best as they were as good
cattle a.-, were ever shipped from
Cnsr. county, and notwithstanding
this fact, they sold for less than
c'ght cents per pound. This fact is
difficult to reconcile with the prices
at which many of the things are not
To seal in the
deHcious tSui-ley
tobacco fiavor.
Itss Toasted
JC4,--J foe-'
si lli'i.;. which have to be purchasett
-. iih the same money.
The Kthawka Chautauqua
A commit c-e of the enterprising
eili.en.-i of Xeiiawka have go: ten tht
matter of the cumin?', chautauua
moviui-', and have the advertising
matter out. and have promiees of
good attendance. They have secur
ed a company putting over good en
tertainments and will take good care
that every provision is made for th.
taring of the crowds which they are
hoping to have. The Chautauqua
will open with the 10th day of July
on Sundav and continue for foui
An Excellent Milk Cow.
I have for sale one pure breel "
year rid. registered Jersey cow, first
calf fresh two we-eks. Not a better
cow in Cass conntv. If you want a
cow vou ran do no better.
jrbll'S K!!K1'MAC.
Nehawka, Neb.
The Wcrld at a Glance.
Not alone the world :tf a glance,
bu' for a study as well, is the way
that R. P.. Chapman and Nelson l'er
v,er look at the matter of the meet
ing at Des Moines of the Shriners
( f the Masons, from the better por
tion of the known world. They had
in the parade, which was sufficient
to fill the streets of the Iowa capitoi
city, had the opportunity to studv
the wide world at a glance. They
sny they never saw so much in their
lives and never -expert to ag;ejin.
The streets of Des Moines were fill
'"l with people from all parts of the
I'nited States, and seme from foreign
rt nnt rio.
Give Shower.
Mrs. 15. Wolph and daughter last
T'iu;;dny afternoon give a very de
lightful afternoon at their home
-outhwest. of Neliawka. to a large
company of the friends of Miss Ethel
Kough in a miscellaneous shower of
tha! estimable young lady, whose
ddincr was to he the second day
fr-lb" win sr. The merry crowd sure-
Iv enjoyed the pleasant afternoon at
the beautiful country home of the
Wolphs. Many and beautiful were
the presents which were given and
'ho hearty greetings extended for a
most nappy, prosperous and service-
::! le life for the bride-to-be.
lalf gallon- $1.10
Quart 55c
dish 10c
Sundaes 15c
Sodas 17c
Cones 5c
Jncoln pop 10c
Near beer. 2 for 25c
Frans' Cafe,
SO acres in Cass conntv. all good
farming land, and a snan at S17f.
per acre. Can earrv one-half hack-
on land. A snap; no building.
Also 100 acres, no improvements,
but all can be farmed.
CO acres, no iniDrovenients. Rest
of land, and all can be farmed.
Nehawka -:- -:- Nebraska
Phelan Report Calls Attention
Neglect of Situation in the
Mexican Area.
Washington, June 17. T. A. Phe
lan of the shipping board staff, urg
2S in his recent report, on the Mexi
::m oil situation transmitted to
Chairman Porter of the house foreign
affairs committee that since the
nroven oil field in Mexico "is fast go
ing into salt water," the American
government "eif her directly am by
co-operation with American capital
at once proceed immediately to de
velop oil iiehls" in that country, ad
ding: "That the potential production of
Mexico is almost unlimited is beyond
Mr. Phelan discusser, at length con
ditions in the present field and pre----i:ts
the following under the head of
"rer omme.ndation".
"Inasmuch as the consumption of
"ii in the United States increased
from 200.000.000 barrels to 500.000,
000 barrels in ten years, it is certain
that this country will have to de
pend upon foreign oil and princi
pally Mexican oil for fuel purposes
in the future.
"As the American merchant marine
is fast going into fuel oil, it is neces
sary that this supply be assured. This
means that the American government
enter directly and by co-operation
with American capital at once pro
ceed to develop oil fields in Mexico.
That the potential production of Mex
ico is almost unlimited is beyond
uuestion. but the proposition should
not be delayed until after the present
fields are exhausted. It takes years
of time and a fortune in money to de
eIop an oil field."
Mr. Phelan's report, under date of
Tune was prepared by direction of
Hear Admiral Benson, former chair
man of the shipping board and trans
mitted to Chairman Porter at Mr.
Was Opposed to Draft Law and to
Landing United States Forces
Washington. D. C. Juno lfi Rep
resentative. W. E. Mason. 70. of Il
linois, died here early today from
heart trouble.
Although Reprcesnta tive Mason
had been suffering from a heart at
tack for several davs. his comli-Hiin
yesterday was reported as showing
improvement ami iteatli came unex
pectedly after a sudden relapse. He
formerly was a member of the senate.
Seven grown children and the
widow survive. One of the son-
Lowell P.. was associated with his
lather in the law business here.
In June. 1917. ltenresentntivo Ali
son attracted considerable attention
in the. house of representatives when
he declared he would offer a bill to
repeal tho eonserintion Iniv op
amend it so as to provide that con
scripted troops should not be sent
abroad without their consent.
Mi. Mason was born in Franklin-
ville. N. V., and when he was eight
years old he moved with his parents
to Peiitonsport, la., where he received
his preliminary education at the Pen-
i disport, acauemy.
1 fTh
k a l mm mm Mim m
We are selling tires at a very low price, that are of
the highest quality and guaranteed to give the best of
service. Our stock of electrical fixtures and supplies
is well filled with attractive goods at right prices.
Do not forget that we recharge batteries, and that
our service department is the best. We are keeping
two excellent mechanics for auto repair work.
The Lumberg Garage,
You Like to ECnow
that the remains of 'the loved one
are resting safe from interruption.
While living the downy bed was not too s?ood a place
for them to repose. Now the CONCRETE VAULT
will keep their remains secure. We have them all over
the county for rale. You'll find the satisfaction alone
worth more than the cost. Most approved vault made.
See Us for All Kinds of Cement Work
Miller & Gruber,
Why Pay Excessive Freights?
Ask the Neliawka Mills how to avoid it. They
have the solution. You will get more out of the ground
feeds which are perfectly rationed. Prices in ton lots
for the following at the mill
Shoemaker Feed
Chopped Corn .
The Nehawka Mills,
C. D. St. John, Propr.
When 1G years old he began teach
ing school in Bentonsoprt. Later he
began the study iff law. Moving to
Chicago, he was admitted to the bar
in 1S72. In 1S7' be was married to
Edith White of Des Moine;.
In 1879 he was elected to the gen
eral assembly; te the state senate
in lSvSl; to congress in 1S!)0; was de
feated for re-election in 1S!- and
was elected United States senator in
1S7!. In 1910 ho was elected repre
sentative at large from Illinois.
An extensive line of high class
stationery on hand at all times at
the Journal office.
Polmifie's double duty
and twin economies
Lubricating oil must do two things enable the
engine to delier maximum power protect every
bearing and engaging part against wear.
The quick, complete combustion of ful ger.tvates maximum
power. But it requires a gas-tiht oil seal between piston
riruvs and cylinder walls to hold this power to itj work.
And to get maximum work every bearing and vi imaging part
must offer the least possible resistance to movement must
stay in perfect fit and alignment, cushioned against wear and
friction by a protective oil film.
Polarine meets every requirement. It maintains its body and
its lubricating qualities, practically unchanged, under all
weather and operating conditions. It assures full compression
and power gets the biggest mileage out of every gallon of
gasoline. It keeps down wear, prevents vibration, breakage
and big overhauling and repair expense.
Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy, heavy
and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade
for your car next time you buy clean -burning Hed Crown
Gasoline and you will start cutting down motoring costs.
. 45.00
R. F. Erwin Regarding; His Troubles
"A year ago last winler I had an
attack of indigestion followed by
biliousness and constipation. Seeing
Chamberlain's Tablets so highly
recommended for stomach troubles,
I bought a bottle of them' and they
helped me right away," writes Ii. P.
IOrwiu, Peru, I ml. If you have any
trouble with your digestion gie
these tablets a trial. They will do
you gootl.
Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.,
for the school children, may be had
at the Journal office.
P nujiu ea commit tf'iciusii R
p a n n n n nj