The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
MONDAY, JUNE 20. 1021 PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL -Vt.A aT-V-W . '. l ------ . 0 fctsy MANLEY NEWS i it 1 have never seen her play so happily "She always used to complain after a little while. But since she has been wearing those Hood sandals, she romps and plays from morning till night, and never seems to tire. I can hardly get her to wear anything else." Rest the growing young feet from their confinement in stiff containers. Buy Hood Cross-Strap Sandals. Brown duck uppers, with white binding and white lining. Dainty,, attractive little shoes that wear quite as well as they look. vThc extra wear come from the patented Hood Process. cAs k any dealer or write us. Hood Rubber Products Co., Inc. WatertDwn, Massachusetts. HQ0D 1 l a LEISURE ZssarChfcU Here is a smart summer shoe, light and graceful as a canvjs shoe can be. A tr:m,.woll-ftt:inft shoe that holds its shape, easy to clean, wears welland is unusually comfortable. For afternoon or evening wear. Saves the more expensive leather shoes, too. EDEN White Otford I lore is a stylish, comfortable and durable shoe designed es pecially for the informal after noon call, for shopping or for the "Movies" in the evening. Vi'ill retain their smart lines and are quickly cleaned. Hood Can vas Shoes arc useful, restful, at tractive, and economical. IE0N STATUE FOR FIREWOOD Berlin. June- 17. Germany's irau Hindenl.urg. w hich during the war j was to epitomize the German spirit, has gone the v;iy of tile rest of war time German things. An advertisement in the Berlin pa pers announces the demise simply: "IKON HINDKNlil'KG" "For sale, in whole or in parts, for tin wood. Apply. Kudnlph Mosse Berlin. V. t. Leipziger street. 10J.' The gigantic statue a wooden Ilnidtiiburg was erected during the war at the end ol' Berlin's Avenue of Victory. It was o be covered with nails, driven one 1 y one hy patriotic Ger mans, who. for the privilege of put ting a bit more iron into the field marshall. were to pay a small contri bution to German war charities. Tin idea flivvered. Long before tin war et'.d.'d what was at first a popu lar pilgrimage ha dtired Berliners, and the statue remained, its wood work rotting in huge uncovered patches and its scattered rasii of nail rusting. About a year ago. the statue, al ways an eyesore, was removed. Xo one was sufficiently interested to ask about it. Its fate was not known until Ilerr Mosse inserted his ad. Why That Headache When you know the cause of a dbea.-e a cure may often be effected. TIm's is nart icularl v true of headache. Headache of ion. results from con stipation or a disordered condition of the stomach, which may be cor rected bv taking a dose or two of Chamberlain's Tablets. Try it. These tablets are easy to taue anu iniiu and gentle in effect. F.eed & Wicker porch furniture, just arrived at Ghrist k Christ Fur niture Store. HOGS on the Installment Plan! Three pure bred Euroc pigs for $75. A boar and two gilts, not re lated, with pedigrees. $10 down and $10 a month. Older gilts on the same plan. For particulars write, phone or call on Albert Young, MURRAY NEBRASKA - - w. Gladdest Qxt Vacation Time is here! To you who are going in America's great out-of-doors - you'll need good luggage, you'll find here anything you need in the way of suit cases and bags from fiber at $3 to $20 in the best of leather. We can fit you out with dress up and rough ing togs too. Lets go "Burlington Route" and Thierolf's baggage. HaTlf a man wears itwc have it! Rudolph Bergman and W. J llau were looking after some business in Omaha last Friday, maning the trip in his car I Theo. Harms and . J. Itau were looking after some business mat ters in Louisville' last Tuesday, driv ing over in their car. Dan Uourke, who is an admirer ot a good ball game, was a witness at the game which Manley played with Springfield last Sunday. Heiman Da 11 lias ujst completed the overhauling of the auto of Mr. Herman Maun, which he has placed in excellent condition. Last Friday. Mr. Adolph Stein kamp was a visitor at Shenandoah. Ia., driving over in his car to look after some business matters. Miss Vera Gerlich, who has been attending school at Omaha for the past year, completed the school year last week and returned to her home in Manley. Mrs. James Murphy, who has been at a hospital in Omaha for the past three weeks, where she has been re ceiving treatment. returned home lat Wednesday evening. At the local grounds last Sunday there was a spirited game between the Manley second team and the "Dutch Academy" team in which the homo team won by a score of ten to eight. Key Warren departed last Sunday evening for Omaha, where he will make his home, having decided that ho would like the metropolis better than Manley, and so has changed his residence. Wm. Stackisky of the K. W. Thim gan garage, was a visitor in Manley a week ago last Sunday, cominsr over to assis: in some work on "White Wings", which is the car the Journal many drives. Henry O'Leary. who has bee,n at tending school at St. Mary's. Kan sas, for the past year, on the com pletion of his school year last week returned to his home near Manley. Henry is looking fine, and has liked st hool. more than the weekly papers over the state and contains three times the amount of news. Have it visit your home twice weekly and be con vinced. W. II. - Frost and A. II. Humble were attending the ball game be tween Manley and Springfield at the latter place last Sunday and were well pleased with the results of the contest which wa--; in favor of Man ley, who registered to their credit 14 scores to only 1-') for the Spring field team. Theo. Harms and Edward Kelly were visiting in Louisville one day last week, gi-hig to see the try out of Andy Schmader in his training for the big event, which occurs to day at Omaha and which is attract ing much attention and in which the Louisville boy is believed to be a sure winner. m W. J. Itau. the cashier of the Manley bank, was a visitor in Oma ha for the day last Thursday, go ing via Murrav, where he picked up his friend. W. G. Koedeker of the Murray State Hank, they going via IMattsmouth. where they had some business matters to look after, and from there to Omaha. Mis Hazel York, who has been visiting in Mnnley for the past two weeks, the euets at the home ot ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar York, and at the home of her sister. Mrs. Herbert. 1 hacker, returned last soin- day to Plat tsmeuth where she is em ployed. She was accompanied by !ht mother. Mrs. York, her sister. Mr?.. I'M-bert Tliac:1 and her b'-jt':-l Gb-ii York, who ".-ifod t r the dav in the countv seat, returning In me in the evening. Gocd Cow For Sale. Holstein cow, giving four gallons of milk. John Fleischman. Get a Good Milk Cow. See John Fleischman if you want to buy a good Holstein cow giving lour gallons ot milk daily. I5ert Mason, who has been making his abiding place between Weeping Water and Manley, and '-ho lias been employed on the Missouri Pacific, re-signed his position and departed f r Weeping Water where he will make his home in the future. H. D. Richardson .Hid family and irue'sts. Mr. and Mrs. K. X. Kichard son of Kan-as City and Miss Thomp son, of Omaha, who were camping and fishing at Meadow, reached home late Thursday ninht on account of high water in the Platte river. Je.-se Prown. the carpenter and contractor of Plattsmout h, was a visitor in Manley and near here for a short time last week, being the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bergman. where lie has worked during the recent years. Mrs. A. SteinkMiio departed last Thursday for Mynard. where she is to spend some time at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nancy Goodman of that, place, and will also visit for a time at the home of her broth er Ft. F. Cloodman, also near My na rd. If you want a paper with all the ;s county news tiie Semi-Weekly Journal is that paper. Costs no Will Play ? Hard Gimc. Manley, who has not as yet this season been defeated in a ball game. played on the home grounds yester day with the team from Wabash ami expected to win out in the game The game which thev are looking for with much expectations and hope of being successful is the game which is to be staged at IMattsmouth with "Barclay's Colts" on the 2Cth of this ninth. With the excellence which Manley has now at her command, it looks like the "Barclay Colts" would have to play some very good ball to give the honor of the game to the team from the center of the county. b to it boys and may the best team win. FROM REMOTEST PARTS OF GLOBE Tanlac Elements Come from Many Lands Far Away from Here Popularity Growing. The incredients fremi which the celebrated medicine Tanlac is made, come from remote sections of the earth, and are transported thousands of miles over land and sea to the great Tanlac laboratories at Dayton, Ohio, and Walkerville, Canada. The Alps, Appenines, Pyrenees, Russian-Asia, Brazil. West Indies, Rocky Mountains, Asia Minor, Per sia. India, Mexico, Columbia and I'prn are amoiisr the far away points from which the principal properties of this remarkable preparation are obtained. what is said to be the largest pharmaceutical laboratory in the United States has been compieteu ai na v ton. Ohio, for the manufacture of Tanlac which, according to recent reports, -is now having the largest alo of anv medicine of its kind in the world; over 20,000,000 bottles having been sold in six years. The new plant occupies GO, 000 square feet of fleior space, and has a daily capacity of 50,000 bottles, uni form oualitv is guaranteed by a ser ies of careful inspections by expert chemists from the time the roots, herbs, bark and flowers are received in their rough state from all parts of the globe until their medicinal properties have been extracted by the most approved processes. The finished medicine is then ooitieu, labeled and shipped out to tens of thousands of druggists throughout the I'nited States and Canada to supply a demand never before equal led by this, or any other medicine Excellent Milk Cow For Sale Giving four gallons of milk, Hol stein. John Fleischman. Returnr; From tlie South. Last Wednesday evening having been away for just one week, Omar Coon and son Rollin. and Fudge SnavcWy returned from their trip to Io'a. Kansas, where they were look ing after some land matters and re p. rt the country looking fine with U( od crops, 1 ut that they encoun '::ed much rain as they were com pelled to travel for 175 miles in mud making the trip down. Gcod Holstcir Cow (living four gallons of milk, for s;i'.c. John Fleischman. TwsiOo You will need it in a few weeks now, and to be supplied with the best when you have to have it is worth while. We carry "INTERNATIONAL" twine the best made. Once ysu try it you'll never use any other. See us now and be ready for the harvest. Don't forget we carr3' a full line of farming ma chinery and can supply your wants. rueirmaii THE IMPLEMENT MAN, Manley, Nebraska Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy Every family should keep this preparation at hand ready for in stant use when needed. Severe at tacks of colic and cholera morbus often prove fatal before medicine can b procured or a physician sum moned. The uniform success that has attended the use of this remedy and the prompt cures which it has effected have made it a staple ar ticle of trade. A CANTALOUPE TP-EAT This morning our genial friend, Mike Lutz. came into the Journal office with a couple of mighty fine cantcloupes. that were sent to him by Mrs. E. M. Sieglitz. of Calexico. Calif., and vere grown on taeir' place out there. Mrs. Sieglitz sent Mr. and Mrs. Lutz a case of these excel lent mellons. with the request that they remember a number of their friends back at the old home with a sample, and the Journal man was fortunate in being among the num ber that wero remembered. Mr. and Mrs. Sieglitz have resided in California for a number of years, and are doing well in the growing of fruits. Come in and see the new parlor suite among the many other goods. Just, arrived yesterday at the Christ & Christ Furniture Store. FOR SALE Two high grade Red Tolled bulls for sale. C. C. Barnard, Mynard, Neb., telephone 4022. Autos For Sale. "One Berg and one Metz auto for sale cheap, or will trade. What have you to offer. Also one spring "Fump" wagon. James P. Latta Murras' phone. 4w. GENERAL MARCH TO RETIRE JJOVEMBER 1 General Pershing to Succeed Him as Chief of Staff of the Army. Washington, June 17. Major Gen eral I'evton C. March, chief of staff of the arniv. will retire from ac five service on November 1. He will be succeeded by General Pershin; on July 1 and will go on leave at that t me until his rei'rc-nient takis ef feet. Secretary Weeks announced tc '.Mr. General March will go to Europe after h:s i tirement, it is understood to write on military subject sinvolved in the world war. His leuuesi ior re tirement was math iiv letter to Sec retary Weeks. June !4, and approved todav. On that div General March concluded thirty-seven years service in the armv, seven more than is nec essarv under the law allowing otneers to retire from active service. "I can not sever my active connec tion with the war department." th. general wrote Secreturv Weeks "without expressing my appreciation of the unfailing consideration you have accorded nio personally; and in the performance of my duties as chief of staff, you have given me constant support. I wish and predict the greatest success for your administra tion of the affairs cf the war depart ment." In replv. Secretary Weeks said: "I regret that you have decided to take this action because I am well aware ef your value to the service. I appreciate fully the very important results you have been able to accom plish. "I especially wish to mention your success in directing the transporta tion of troops to Europe during the war. which was a service of great magnitude and in which you accom plished really remarkable results." General Marsh was chief of artil lery in France when the decision of President Wilson to assign General Gliss, then ehief-of-staff. to the su premo war council, necessitated se lection of his successor. General March was recalled to fill the post at the time when movement of Amer ican troops to France was in its ini tial stages. It was under his di rection that troop movements were speeded up sharply only to be vir tually doubled in speed later after thri last great German offensive brought matters on the battle front lo a crisis. WANTED Two girls for general work, ply at the Perkins Hotel. Ap- Poultry Wanted! THURSDAY, JUNE 23 A car load of live poultry to be de livered at poultry car near Burling ton freight house on Thursday, June 23rd, one day only, for which we will pay the following prices in cash: Hen, per lb. 20c Springs, per lb. 27c Old Roosters, per lb. 7c Remember the date. We will be on hand rain or shine and take all good poultry offered for sale. Wr. E. KEENEY. 1 a Start for MnEdisons $11 Accepting our 3 day offer. Mr. Edison wants a phrase which will distinguish the New Edison from the ordinary talking-machine. Get it by experimenting with the New Edison in your own home! We will lend you an instrument for three days. No charge or obliga tion. Act quickly. Bring or mail Vi mnnon. The couoon also brings you a folder of complete in formation about ivir. $10,000 prize offer. WEYRICH & HADRABA 00 I 1 si; H f lliL r. w' ' V O V . V? v r RETAIL FOOD PRICE IS EASING OFF A BIT Decline of 4.8 Per Cent During May While Wholesale Figure Slides Five Per Cent. Washington, June 17. Retail food prices of the average family declined 4.S per cent in May as compared with April while wholesale food prices dropped 5 'i per cent in the same period, according to statistics made public today by the department of labor. General wholesale prices, in cluding farm products, food, build ing materials, metals, house furnish ings and miscellaneous commodities declined approximately 2 per cent during the month. The average family expenditure for food decreased from April 15, 1921 to May 15, 1921, in all of the cities surveyed. The greatest decrease, S per cent, was shown in Milwaukee and St. Paul. In Denver, the increase was 7 per cent. In Omaha and Portland, Oregon, the decrease was 6 per cent. In Hutte, Kansas City, Salt I-ake City and Seattle the decrease was 5 per cent. In San Francisco the decrease was 3 per cent and in los Angeles the decrease was 2 per cent. The decline from the peak prices of May, 1919, amounted to 33 per cent in retail food prices and 4 4 Vz per cent in general wholesale prices. The drop in wholesale prices includes a 53 per cent decline in manufac tured food products and a 52 per cent reduction in the prices of farm pro ducts, the statement said. From April 15 to May 15 the re tail price of butter declined 2 4 per cent; cheese, 16 per cent; sugar, 13 per cent; lard, 9 per cent; pork chops and oleomargarine, 5 per cent. Small er reductions were noted for many other commodities. Retail prices of three articles which increased dur ing the month were onions, 4 4 per cent; cabbage, 10 per cent and or anges, 5 per cent. Wholesale prices of farm product:, reacted from the low level reached in April, the statement said, with a pain of 1 ner cent. With the ex ception of metal and metal products prices of which have remained me same for two months, there was a decline in all wholesale prices, food products leading. THE BEST PROOF! Given by a Plattsmouth Citizen US"(1- Doan's Kidney Pills were they brought benefit. The story was told to Plattt nioiif b residents. ' Time has strengthened the evi dence. Has proven the result lasting. The testimony is home testimony The proof convincing. It can be investigated L7 IMatts mouth residents. Mrs. S. j. Cot ner. Marble street, gave the following statement Febru ary 23. 101 fi: "I am glad to recom mend Doan's Kidney Pills Tor I know from personal experience they are a remedy of merit. I have taken I loan's, on several occasions for backache and kidney trouble and they have al ways done me good. Doan's Iwive been used in our family for a long time and the results have been very satisfactory." On May 13. 1920. Mrs. Cot ner said: "The cure Doan's Kidney Pills made for me a few years auo lasted. I still have good f.iilh i i Doan's and am glad to recommend them to my friends." Price c, at all dealers. Don't' simply ask for a kidney remedy get. Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Cottier had. Fnstcr-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, X. V. Our large white Scotch Collie "Dan" has wandered away. Wean willing to pay a good reward for his return. Address. A. II. Humble. Missouri Pacific agent, Manley. Ne braska. 2t sw. Sa mpson be ov e d in odver tisinpr. Ho tock two columB and brought down the house." BSftWSKSafSWWiJKIi At Last an athletic union suit that won't tear in the back. See That Loop? It s a little thing just a simple idea, but it marks the difference between an ordinary union suit and this patented R., i-fi-1 tpei tkfcf lininn silits-" ILJJ UV IUU1 IVOl bwww will outwear three ordinary suits. They don't cost any more than the kind that tears out. Prices $1.25 and $1.: C. E. Wescott's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE' f 1 t ) t t I U i i