The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 20, 1921, Image 1

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    t ?
- ; i
NO. 97
vol. no. xxxvn.
From Thursday's Dally.
Early tliis morning the flood wat
ers of the IMatte, traveling from the
far west made their appearance and
at the Flufte river bridge of the(
Burlington north of the city, a three (
foot raise 'was registered in a very:
few moments as the volume of water
began to sweep in from the west-.
ward. The Missouri river has also
been up in the Mages of a June raise
during the past week and a three
foot raise in this stream is noted.
The raise was not continuous
however as the Platte has remained
practically stationary following the
first raise and it is not thought there
will be any marked change until to
night when a larger volume of high
water is looked for from the west,
as the crest of the flood seems to
have reached Fremont ami at points
west of there the stream is dropping
Points along the Platte west
Fremont report that the river has
overflowed the lowlands to some ex
tent but the conditions have not
yet caused any serious damage to
the residents of the low country.
Just how much the high water in
the .Missouri will affect the water in
the Platte is not known, and it may
he possible that it will have a ten
dency to form a large body of back
water at the mouth that will flood
over the low lands, hut it is not ex
pected t li.iit will reach a very dan
gerous i t ago.
The highest stages of the Platte
in recent years was in 1012 when
tlje whole Platte bottom was flooded
north of this city, clear to the fringe
of hills ami the trackage of the Tur
lington and Missouri Pacific railroads
washed out while the roads to the
wagon bridge stood under several
feet of water with a forty mile an
hour current flowing along the south
side f the bridges. The loss in that
year reached thousands of dollars,
but nothing like that is anticipated
this season as the force of the flood
is spending itself on the eastward
flow and seems to have passed the
danger point from Fremont on east.
Score is One Sided but Reports State
Special Features Added to
Interest to Contest.
The settlement around Rock Bluffs
claim that this year they have a
real base ball team and as proof are
pointing to the score of the game on
lust Sunday, when they defeated Sci
ota by the score of 20 to 2. For the
Rock P.lufl'ers Glen Campbell and
Vern Hutchison were the battery!
and Surface and Hathaway did the
pitching and catching for the south
ern Cass county team.
There were some 500 persons in
attendance at the battle and the
partisanship ran high with both
sides cheering for their team and
this aforesaid cheering and enthusi
asm led to one of the most exciting
incidents of the game. In the sev
enth inning play wa ceased in order
to witness a hair pulling prelimi
nary between two of the lady base
ball fans who were engaged in
boosting for rival teams and whose'
enthusiasm and spirit led to heated
words ami this to clinches and sun
dry and divers chunks of hair were
soon riving in the air. Residents of
Rock Rluff state that the finals ini
tilt fi'iit tiiillinir . i will 1'
oimi fuiiiiih iwjnrni v 1 1 I lie
staged next Sunday when the p.lufl'
ers will play the Omaha P. U. Stars.
Refreshments will be on the ground
for the crowd it is also announced.
The game last Sunday was the
eighth game won by Rock P. tiffs
and the third to be won from Sciota
and the members of the team and
their followers feel mighty proud
over the event.
John Richardson, who appreciated
a favor in the assistance of getting
a better road which was given last
fall. In a matter of showing his ap
preciation for tho means afforded of
assisting people to come to Platts
mouth. he will on the next bargain
day. give a free crossing of the river
to all who come from Iowa to trade.
This, will mean coming and return
ing as well. Ho will issue a check
when the person comes over and he
knows, everybody living on the other
side, and when they have returned
the check, with the endorsement of
a merchant from whom they have
purchased goods. This will "bo for
the next bargain day. but those fol
lowing, will be for half the rates.
Mr. Richardson especially wishes it
known that he is working in behalf
of the city and that he is not un
mindful of the kindness of those who
helped in the matter of the road to
the ferry.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
From Tht csday's laily.
ifsteruay afternoon the ladies of
t the St. Luke's guild were very plea-
rantly entertained at the home of
.Mrs. Ceorge A. Dodfe on South
Eighth street and a pleasing number
of the ladies were present. The at"
ternoon was spent in sewing and
vi.-itiHg among the members and the
enjoyment of the pleasant hospitality
of the hostesx was mm h appreciated
by the guild members. Thu was the
last meeting of the summer season
as the ladies adjourned until Septem
ber with their meetings.
Business Men of City Participating
in Community Sale State the
Event Was Big Success
From Thursday's I tall v.
The general sentiment of the busi
ness men of the city on the commun
al Ity sales held yesterday in I'latts-
I mouth is that it was an uniualilicd
success in every way and one that
! pleased the shoppers as well as the
business houses that participated in
the array of special offerings.
While the merchants did not rea
ls 1 .. .... t 11
uit;!- lii.ll mil oil ;iilIIIIIlg stUU,
ana in many cases merely broke even
lor lost money on their special bar
j gains, they were able to move stock
!at quick cash sales which netted
(them rapid returns and saved carry
ting goods for a long period, and this
j is very satisfactory even with a far
, less margin of profit.
Another of the reasons that gave
the people such exceptional oppor
tunities was the fact that there was
t no unnecessary attempt made to at-
tract the public to the sale. No
amusements were secured as the mer
chants felt that the public in gen
eral would prefer that the money
that must of necessity be spent in
staging anything along the amuse
ment or entertainment line would be
better applied in giving the persons
'buying the goods a little closer mar
gin so that instead of being enter
'taiued the shoppers secured many
fine money saving bargains at all of
the stores.
The next sale will be held on Wed
nesday, July 20th. and the merchants
of the city are already planning on
even greater offerings for the buying
public and which will emphasize the
fact that Plattsmouth is the logical
market town of this portion of the
Stern, Unrelenting Law Steps In and
Puis Stop to Pleasures of a
Vacation in the Open.
In the heated period the call of
the great outdoors is heard by many
and the common tendency of all is
to take their tents and hie them
selves to the nearest stream or shaded
spot and make a camp. This call
was heard by two young men of this
city last week and they accordingly
departed for the vicinity of Cedar
Creek to make a camp where they
might enjoy a week or two of rest
and pleasure in fishing and commun
ing with nature in the great open
spaces, but after a few dax,s stay
there the camp life began to tell on
the two young men who longed for
the sound of feminine voices and
the pleasures of the society of the
The continued exiles from the cir
cles of feminine society led to the
two young men conceiving the bril
liant idea of. inviting two of their
lady friends to join the party and no
sooner was the idea born than it
was carried into execution and the
ladies called upon had agreed to the
plan. This was highly satisfactory
to all concerned but not to persons
who secured inkling of the condition
of affairs at the camp and-the matter
was finally sent to the county author
ities who began inquiry with the re
sult that the camp, which was con
ducted in a manner that would have
delighted the heart of Omar, the phil
osopher, was visited yesterday by
Sheriff Quinton and the pleasures
rudely stopped.
The two young men were notified
to appear before County Attorney
Cole and the last chapter of the story
was told in the county court where
they were fined $10 and costs each
this morning on the charges prefer
red against them.
From Thursday s Dally
Carl H. Luttig. proprietor of the
Drahos-Luttig millinery store at 1706
Douglas street, was married to Miss
Edna Smith of Plattsmouth at St.
Mary Magdalene's church yesterday.
Mr. Luttig was named in a recent
divorce suit brought in district court
by the husband of a young woman
who works at his store.
I.t was stated yesterday at the
store that Mr. Luttig plans to retire
from business, on July 1 and that he
will four the country with his wife.
Journal want ads pay. Try them.
Program of Celebration cn July 4,
1891, Shewn Patriotic Spirit
That Was Evidenced Here
There has in the last few years
been little or no effort to celebrate
the occasion of the birthday of the
nation in this city, and the Fourth of
July has been practically a nill fea
ture as far as way of observance is
concerned and the residents of the
city have sought their celebration
in other places over the state.
This fact has recalled to many
of the older residents the celebra
tions, that were formerly held here
and Hon. R. li. Windham presented
to tho Journal office a copy of the
program of July 4. 1S91. to show the
the marked difference Let ween the
present manner of observing the day
and that of the past. Many of those
taking part in the program are still
occupying a prominent place in the
community. The program was as
Program for the 4th of July, 1S!1.
Plattsmouth. Neb.
Procession will form at !:l0
o'clock on Main street with head on
Seventh street, thence nortn on Sev
enth to Vine, east on Vine to Third,
thenco south on Third to Main,
thence west on Main to Sixth, thence
south on Sixth to Pearl, west on Pearl
to Chicago avenue, thenco on Chica
go avenue to base halt grounds.
thence, through tllen Mary to Clin
ton avenue in South Park,
and on
. Se cie-
v r; re-f-..Uows:
said avenue to the grounds
for holding the celebration
ties, organizations and band
uuested to taue positions as
First Division
Nebraska City Rand and Fire Dept.
Knights of Pythias.
A. O. C W. Organizations.
Second Division
Cullom Hrass Rand.
Turners and Liederkranz.
Doheiiiian Societies.
Public schools.
1... it. M. Hand and Plattsmouth
iro lepartinent.
On tho Grounds
Music by the 15. it M. Rand.
Prayer by Rev. J. D. M. Ruckner.
Vocal Music Vhorus Star Span
gled Uanner.
Reading Declaration oi Independ-
e nee S. P. Vanatta.
.Music by Nebraska City Rand.
Oration by Hon. h. M. Rartlett.
Song by Full Chorus America.
Oration by Hon. J. C. Watson.
Song by the Liederkranz.
Recesii and dinner.
After Dinner Program
Music by
lit nner.
Music by
Cullom Urass. Rand.
in German by Hon. F.
Nebraska City Rand.
Toast The Con;
ditution Re-
p(.ns(j by D. O. Dwyer.
Toast Significance of
and Stripes Response by
the Stars
J. H. Hal-
Toast Survivors of the Late
hellion Response by C. S. Polk.
Toast Education as a factor in
the upbuilding of a Republic Re
sponse bv W. W. Drumiuond.
Music Vocal Oh, Hail Us Ye
Toast The Revolutionary Heroes
Responso by R. S. Ramsey.
Toast Prosperity and Patriotism
Responso by R. If. Windham.
Music by R. & M. Rand.
Toast Plattsmouth and the Mis
souri Pacific Rail wav Response bv
H. K. Palmer.
Toast Commercial and industrial
interests of the country Response
by A. N. Sullivan.
Toast The Nobility of Labor in
tho United States Response by
Uyran Clark.
Song by the Liederkranz.
Toast North and South Let the
Dead Past Bury its Dead Response
by Matthew Gering.
Song by full chorus The Hills
and VailH Resound.
Music by R. & M. Rand.
Rase ball game on the clubs"
grounds, at 4 p. m.
Grand display of fireworks, in the
S. M. Chapman, president
day. R. W. Hyers, marshal
day. W. H. Pickens, in command of
first division of parade and Dr. W.
A. Humphrey in command of second
division. James. Petee in charge
of vocal music. Time in toasts, eight
to ten minutes. Everybody should
bring their dinners and remain on
the grounds.
From Thursday's Iintly.
The Loyal Workers class of the
Christian chucrh was very pleasantly
entertained yesterday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Sam Stone in the
south part of the city. There were
a large number of ladies In attend
ance at the meeting and the hostess
was assisted in entertaining by Mrs.
Hackenberg. The rooms were pret
tily arranged with decorations of the
summer roses and sweet peas and
amid this pleasant surrounding the
ladies while away the hours most
delightfully. Tho occasion was
treated to two musical numbers by
Miss Ethel Stone and Miss Margie
Pickett that added to the enjoyment
of the members of the party. At a
suitable hour dainty refreshments
were served to the guests.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Attorney and Mrs. W. A. Robert
son of this city have as their guests
i Dr. Roswell G. Han, wife and son,
I Roswell, Jr., of New Haven, Conn.
Mr. Han is professor of English in
Yale university and a cousin of Mrs.
Roberts.on. He is one oi" the leading
educators of the great eastern school
and a graduate of bc:ii tho Univer
sity of California an.t Vale univer
sity. Prof. Han has. resumed his
school work which was interrupted
by the war and during whicli he serv
ed as a captain in the .Marine corps.
Plattsmouth Lady is Chosen as First
Vice President at Stare Convention
at Lexington This Week
Prom Friday's Daily
The P. E. O. state convention
which has been meeting at Lexington
the greater part of the week adjourn
ed their sessions ye.-U rd:iy wih the
election of odicers. .irs. William
Raird of this city wa. advanced to
the office of fir. it a icr-president, an
honor well bestowed as Mrs. Raird
has been one of the earnest and faith
ful workers of the organization in
the state ami has heen an oilicer
of the state convention for a number
of years. The friends of .Mrs. Raird
in this city and especially the mem
bers of Chapter F. 1'. E. O.. feel well
pleased in the honor bestowed on this
igfted lady and the recognition that
it has given their chapter in the
Tile officers electee) were as fol
lows: .Mrs. Eliz.trct'a Robertson.
Real rice, president: Mrs. Ona Raird.
Plattsmouth, first vir :e-presi!ent ; Miss
I.ula Wolford. Lincoln, second vice
president; Mrs. Nellie Grantham,
Lexington, organizer; Mrs. Viola
Cameron. Omaha, recording secre
tary; Mis. Maudo Heiidy, North
Platte. corresp nding secretary; .Mrs.
Harriett Salter, Pierce, treasurer.
The memorial hour in which the
convention paid their tribute to the
departed members of iho .-.isterh ou
was conducted by Mrs. Hattie Siinck
er of North Platte and was. most im
pressive. The convention was one of the
largest and most, wuihusiast ic that
has been held and the next meeting
place was fixed at Fairbury, in June
Has Been Stationary Since Yesterday
and Effects of High Water Shows
No Signs of Damage Here.
From Friday's Dally.
The flood danger in the Platte
river does, not seem to l developing
as iho reports yesterday and this
mornign indicate that the river is
now stationary as far as the raise
three feet Wednesday night and fal
len fifteen inches and has since re
mained at a standstill.
The threatened high water which
had been reported as coming this way
for the past week, has caused. a great
deal of apprehension to the residents
cf the low lands mrth and east of
this city and especially to those who
have just put in their corn crop, but
it looks as though the threatened
high water was to pass us by. The
force of tlie Plate Hood has spent it
self in the eastward journey and has
done but little damage east of Cen
tral City although at the headwaters
in the western portion of the state
a great deal of damage was done to
property and especially bridges in
that part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ahl are in
receipt of the Fort Collins. Express
containing the news of the death of
Lawrence Ramsey of Loveland, Colo,
rado. on May 29. 1921. at his. home
in Loveland, following a paralytic
stroke. He had been in failing
health for the past four years.
Deceased was the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsev. pioneer
citizens of Cass county their farm
being at Glendale, now owned by
W. R. Spence, and is farmed by Mr.
Spence's son. Edgar.
Mr. Ramsey was born June 12,
ISfiG. He moved to Colorado in 1SS4
and his parents moved to that state
after that time, and at their death
they were buried in the Loveland
cemetery, where the sor's remains
were also interred. Ho leaves five
brothers, all in Larimer county. Col
orado. They are W. R.. IT. R.C D..
J. M.. and J. R. Ramsey It was the
latter brother who sent the paper
to their Cass county friends.
Mr. Ramsev was also a nephew of
Judge R. S. Ramsey of Plattsmouth.
The family was. prominent in the
early days of this community and
are well remembered by their old
time friends and neighbors, who join
the Courier in extending sympathy to
the. family. Louisville Courier.
Two Good Refrigerators
I have tn fycellPti" rr frirreraiors
for sale, which can he seen at the
Cream station. If needing one call
and see them.
tf sw. R. C. KENNEDY.
Youngsters Clean Up the North Side
Team by Score ci 10 to 5 in a
Two-inninu' Contest
From FrKlny's Iall
Last evening the
business section of ;
their way to the Yluz
where a contest was
t ho north and south
fans from the
he citv wended
. base ball park
staged between
ide team:-, com-
I posed of persons employed in th" busi
ness ho-i.-fs of ihe city and selected
from the two sides, of Main street.
During the day (here had been a
great deal ol strenuous work on tne
part of the managers. Roy Mayfield
and llillard Grassman to get their
athletics in trim for the fr.iv and sev
eral of the old timers promised to he
n the j:;b. but at the hist minute
failed to show up and the younger
generation, who are engaged as clerks
and employes in the business houses
were called into 'he contest.
Tho north siders had a larger rep
resentation of the older men on their
team and thy demonstrated that they
still have lots of base ball pp left,
but were unable to c pe with ih?
more youthful south side team and
lost by the sore f 10 to
For tho north siders. Fred McCau
ley. wto was playing in the top
notchers in the past was sent to the
mound an d tossed over a number of
handing curves that dazzled the rival
hatters, hut in the second frame he
was succeeded by Rill Krecklow. the
gentleman who handles tho cash at
tho Rurlington station and Rill pro
fee ded to put them over with the
same speed and skill that he handles
tickets. Charlie Petersen, former
picture -how magnate anel Harley
Ce.Ml, the Munsing specialist at Wes
ton's, wre the pitching staff of the
south siders and unrolled a number
e.f new inshoots that checked their
opponents batting.
For the south side John Wolff did
the receiving and Carl Schneider per
formed the like role for the north
side and Loth played in the best of
form anil assisted in holding down
the scere.
This morning there was an increas
ing demand for arnica and other
pain relieving remedies, as the re
sult of the hattie and the members
of the two teams who were in the
way of the slants cf the pitcners have
numerous sore spots to look after,
Henry Cloos and Claude Smith both
being sufferers in this respect, al
though with Smithy it was an old
stry. he having been hit so often in
games that he is calloused to this
part of the national sport.
South Side Wed ft", catcher; Perer-sen-Cecil.
pitchers; Smith. 1st base;
Crassman. second base; Martin,
short; Sprocket', third; H. Smith, left
field; Jest York, center; Ed Fricke.
right field.
North Side Schneider, catcher;
Krecklow-McCauley. pitchers; Coos,
lb; Kuykendall. 2b; Turner, short;
Hudgins. third; Walling, left; Stan
field, center; Pries, right field.
Md Gradoville did the umpiring and
is alive today to tell the story of the
From Saturday raily.
Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Walde
mar Soennichsen and Miss Mary
Rosencrans were hostesses to a num
ber of the little folks of the city in
honor of their little eenisin. Gretna
Hughes, of Gretna, Nebraska, who
is here lor a visit at the Rosencrans
home. The little folks were taken
by auto to the city park where the
afternoon was delightfully spent in
games of all kinds ami at which the
little ones enjoyed themselves to the
utmoot At the close of the after
luuin the hostesses served a very
dainty luncheon that proved most de
lightful. Those who attended the
occasion were Laura Elizabeth Eaton,
Catherine Flynn, Helen Sharp. Edith
Quinton. Elizabeth Hatt, Jane Dun
bar. Mary Ann Rosencrans, Jacquline
Davis and Masters Edward Egenberg
er and Rurnell Adams, of Nehawka.
William Barclay and wife, who
have been enjoying an automobile
trip in the central and southern por
tions of the state have returnee! :o
their home in this city and in their
tanneel and refreshed appearance
beteken the enjoyment of the days
spent in the open during their out
ing. During their trip they visited
at Geneva and Friend with relatives
anel friends as well as spending a
short time on the farm near Geneva
with relatives. While there Mr. Bar
clay witnessed the ball game between
Geneva and Exeter and reports the
enthusiasm quits intense in the great
national sport in that locality. All i
the teams in that section of the state
have great support and most of them
carry salaried players to help streng
then the teams hut the article of ball
given the fans is no better then that
of this locality.
From FaTiiiOMy's Dnllv
This afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
residence of Rev. H. O. McClusky. oc
curred the marriage of Mr. Hugh)
McGahn and Miss Lottie Moore, both
of Omaha. The ceremony was wit
nessed by the members of the Mc
ClusTvy family and B. K. McGahn. a
brother of the groom. Following the
wedding the members of the paYty
returned to their home in Omaha. 1
A few days ago little Helen liirz,
who is matting her home with her
aunt, Mrs. William Schutz, near Mur
doch, while- playing around her home
had the misfortune t fall and frac
turo the right ankle bone, and which
has caused her to be laid up for the
last few days with the painful in
jury. The many friends and rela
tives in this' portion of the county
will learn e.f the accident with much
regret and trust that the little laeiy
may soon be able te be around as
Well Known in Western Portion cf
Cass County Where His Family Has
Been Prominent for Years.
Win. Runten was bern in John
steme, Scotland. August 7, ls:'2, and
after a brief illness, of only i days,
while the rohhins were singing their
morning carol. passed peacefully
away at his home at University Place.
Neb.. June !. 1!21. aged SS years,
10 months and 2 days. In 1S."0, at
the ago of 17, with his widowed
mother, he came to America. After
staying in New York a few months
he went te Posippi. Wis., where he
lived until ISfi.l. -when he came with
an ox team to Nebraska Territory
and freighted between Nebraska City
and Kearney, when the site where
Lincoln now stands was a priarie. and
bands of marauding Indians were fre
quently met. He homesteaded in
North Palmyra precinct, where he
lived for nearly half a century and
moved to I'niversity Place in 1912,
where he lived the remainder of his
days. Though never uniting with
any church he live daccording to
Cod's word and in middle life became
much interested in tho New Church
Doctrine. On October 13th, 1 S Co, at
Syracuse. Neb., he was married to
Jane Ronald, who preceded him to
the other side by more than a quar
ter of a century. All of his child
ren but one. Thos. C, were with
him at the last. He leaves to mourn
his loss two sons and five daughters.
Miss Flora Runten of I'niversity
Place; Mrs. Jessie Lanning of Palmy
ra; Mr. Wm. Runten and Mrs. Maty
Lanning of Eagle; Mr. Thos. C. Yinti
ten and Miss Glenetta Bunten of Red
land. Calif., and Mrs. Edie Read. Ak
ron, Colo., 11 grandsons ,4 grand
daughters, 1 infant greatgranddaugh
ter. and of his own generation, one
cousin, Mrs. Margaret Thomson, of
Palmyra and a host of other relatives
and friends. Sliort funeral services
were held at the home in I'niversity
Place at 1:30 p. m.. June 11, con
ducted by Rev. Brown and Mr. Theo
bald and at 4 p. m. at Palmyra at the
Presbyterian church conducted by
Rev. Morrison and interment was in
Rosewood cemetery. Eagle Beacon.
I desire to express my thanks for
the flowers, which were sent me dur
ing my recent illness, and especially
to Mrs. McC,uire and the M,. E.
Smith girls for the remembrance. Al
so to all who visited me eluring my
illnesj. Mri'. Ed. Corner.
We appreciate your co-operation
in helping us to publish all the live
news of the community. Call No. 6,
3 rinz3.
I"'.'." immiiumi1 jf jh iiummHij'
Vou Wi!! Feci at Home
There are no unnecessary formalities; no
self conscious "reserve ; no red tape.
We have the facilities for transacting
business quickly and smooth; a staff that will
serve you efficiently and cheerfully.
You seek a safe, convenient, pleasant
place to bank. Let us serve you.
The First national Bank
p - - - - -
j Ralph V. White, Manager of the Bell
i TtU-vhcnc Co., for Northeastern
Tex.. Arrives Here for Visit
Pram Fat unlay .1 Dally.
This afternoon Ralph W. White, of
Dalh.s, Tt-xas.. son of A. W. White of
this city, arrivtd for a visit here feu
a short time with the father and his
sister. Mrs. J. A. Douelaii and te en
joy a vacation from his duties lor
northeastern Texas for the Hell tele
phone company. Mr. White was ac
companied by his wife and child anel
they will enjoy the opportunity ef
visiting the northland where Mr.
While- spent his. boyhood and early
During his stay in Texas Mr.
White has risen very rapidly in the
ranks ef the telephene managers ef
that portion of the Foiled State3
and has steadily advanced from a lo
cal manager of e;ne of the smaller
towns to that oi manager of the
whtilt. 01' Northeastern "Texas, which
inclueles several large city exchanges
and a very large iract of territory
extending from Dallas e-ast to the
boundrh's. of the state.
The many old friends of Mr. White
will be pleased to meet him once more
and the occasion is one that will be
filled with a deal ef pleasure to
the aged father and the sisters who'
reside in the state to have the ep
portunity of a visit with the brother
and his family.
From Fatiinlav's Daflv.
Fifty years ago Ibis morning at
about nine-thirty, a boat which had
been plying between Saint Louis
and Omaha, tied up at the wharf at
the lower end ef Main slree't, and
from that boat Plat tsmotith received
a new family, in that of Mr. and
Mrs. Mann, tjje parent:; of Win. Mann
and George Mann, who i.; the job
printer of the Journal.
They have made rhrir home in
Plattsmouth for the past fifty years
and have seen this town in all its
various phases, with ils prosperenis
times as well as its times ef de-pres-sion.
The packet which did duty
then, was taken eiff this run. that
being its last trip up the Missouri,
anel ran on the lower Mississippi.
George Mann has made erne ef eur
best citizens and has enjoyed tho
prosperity of the tewn. and has been
one ef the werkers who have made
Plattsmouth one of the foremost
towns ef its size in the country. Mr.
Mann was just three years, three
months and eight days old when he
came here and has seen the town
through the eyes of the sclioed boy.
the young man and now in the ear
nest work of the man along in t he
middle of his life's work.
The condition of Mrs. J. L. Stew
art, who is now at the I'niversity
hospital in Omaha is reported as be
ing much better and the hopes of
her recovery are now much brighter
and her family and friends are hope
ful that she may soon be on the high
way to complete recovery altlm she
has been in the most serious condi
tion and for serveral days, her recov
ery wi's given up by the attending
Read the Journal want-ads.
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