The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 16. 1921
Murray Department
Prepared is the Interest of the People
All Deposits in Our Bank Are Pro
tected by the State Guar
antee Law!
We Solicit Your Business
Murray State Bank,
A I !m rt Jone.- ;iinl Mike Grant were
enjoying the sights in Omaha last
Siiiiil.i ;'.
Tih chili o! Homer Campbell
whi !i was kicked I y a horse last
week u 1 1 T i :i along nicely.
John Becker of near Fnion. was a
bu. imss a!l ! in Murray I'm a she-rt
time la Tuesday afte-riioem.
Mr. ('. S. A ii T 'i n of Malvern,
ha- ) t u isit;ng at the home of Mr.
and Mr-. Alex Craves of Murray.
Art Hans.n was looking afte r senile
bu-iness matter in Omaha last Tues
i!a. driving ovr to the mot ropolis
in hi c;ir.
Fne-le Charb s Tilson is ke-e ping up
thy lick making breams and by t ho
way i- pi oil uc: ni; an excellent article
i ii Tin. 1 iiu .
K. M. I'oll.inl ;:nd wife of Nehawka
w i n- :ri-f visitors in Murray last
Tuesday w liile on their way to Oma
ha in t h - i i ear.
P-tn Yo!'k of Caldwell. Okia.. is
vi-i!Tiir in this tieiiihhcrhooel and was
the gust of P. U. Tritsch and family
last Wedne-day.
Mis. i:. M . Steine-r spent last
Thursday and Friday at Omaha, niak-
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
iikversk all calls
Telephone 42S Plattsmouth Exchange
Cement Bags!
All Ash-Grove rtiu' Tit bag.;
whieh have l. en pwrcha -ed
here W ill lie redeemed yt
'."r each if pi esent -d li fore
June loth.
Lat-r we cannot allow you
but 1 (i c-nt per bat:, as
the price i- goi? down.
l'.ei"T gat lo r up your bat's
aiid them in v 1 1 i I you
rati iil get full e-rclit for
t h"ru.
Banning & Nickles,
Market Saturday!
iMake Murray your market town next Saturday
and get in on the Money Saving specials for this day
Suyar, per sack $725
A good four-tie broom 49
6 bars While Luna soap 25
5 pounds best Peaberry coffee 1.10
One gallon can peaches 75
Georgette overblout-es, nicely embroidered and a
$5 value, Saturday $2.98
Peicalc, yard wide, blue, gray, red and lights, per
yaid for this day only 1G
These prices are for CASH Nothing
Charged or Reserved.
Hiatt . Tutt,
of Murray nd Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readeri
ing the trip via the train un the
Mi.-souri Pacific.
August Meyer, proprietor of the
Puis hardware sure, was looking af
ttr some business matters in Murray
la.-t Tuesday afternoon.
Fred Gorder. county commissioner,
and wife of Weeping Water, were pas
sing through Murray last Tuesday
en rou it. for the eounty seat.
J. L. Smith departed last 'Tuesday
mi ruing for Bloomfied 1. where lie will
assist with seine work on the farm
of his brother. Thomas- Smith.
Miss Elizabeth McCracken and
Master John Gilmeire were callers
on Miss Margaret Spangler last
Tuesday afternoon,, all enjoying a
good time.
Fred Khidewald of t he T. H. Pol
lock Auto company, was a visitor in
Murray and vicinity last Tuesday,
looking after some business matters
in his lino.
James Hatc het t lias accepted the
agency for the powdered buttermilk
and i.s out hustling as a member of
the salesforee and i.s achieving suc
cess in that line.
M. and Mrs. W. 1?. Kishel. par
ents of Mrs. James Karhart. were
visiting at the home of their daugh
ter for a short time, coming down
last Tuesday morning.
Harry I'uls was a visitor in Platts
mouih la.-? Momlay after a load of
machinery which was need-d at the
main store and was brought from
the I'lattspiou'h branch.
T. W. Vallery who is a lightning
rod special!.-', as well a,s an excellent
farmer, has just received a ens-'un-inent
of goods for the purpose, of in
: tailing rods wnere n'. del.
Frank and Joseph Mrasrk and their
families wt re .-pending the after:. o!i
la- Sunday on the cool bank.; of the
Missouri river .-oiith ot 1;'uus.
when, they enjoyed tlm afternoon
n it id.,.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church were all busy cleaning up
the. church last Tuesday, getting
ready for the regular minister, who
is to arrive in a short time for the
James Brown and wife and Kay
Henry and family spnt Sunday at
the home ef the latters. parents.
M. H. Henry and wife near Shenan
doah, la., driving over in the car of
M. llriiwn.
Miss Etta Nickles. as well as the
remainder of the relatives here are
enjoving a visit from their ribce. and
man'ddaiight. r. Mis.-. Stella Crossei of
nioomfiebl. Miss Crosser arrived for
an extended visit last Monday.
Harry Todd and family moved
back from Lincoln and are again
re.-iding on the farm south of town.
They had moved to Lincoln for the
purpose of being where the children
ould attend the state university.
With a -pirit which for the benefit
i f the public as well as his own con-
venieuce. Mr. George Nickles of the
lirni of Manning and Nickles, has just
oiled the driveway of his lumber shed
to prevent the dust annoying the
Fred Lutz and family, Otto Lutz,
and W. J. Philpot and wife were
guests for the day Sunday at the
home of W. H. Puis and all enjoyed
the occasion greatly. In the evening
Messrs. Alfred and Herman Gansemer
and families also visited at the Puis
I-uther Mead,' of whose injury men
tion is made in another page of this
paper, was taken to the Feiiger hos
pital at Omaha last Monday morning
and accompanied by Dr. H. F. Hren
del. where he was placed under the
care of expert physicians in their
line for treatment.
Misses Anna and Katherine Hrown
who hac but recently returned from
attending school at Lincoln, accom
panied by Miss Katherine's friend.
Mr. Dale Topi iff of Lincoln, were the
guests for dinner last Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berger,
grandparents of the young ladies.
Glen Vallery. who a short time
ago traded for the building just op
posite the Frank Vallery garage, re
ceiving the same from L. H. I'uls. is
having the building painted inside
and out. and put in go.d condition.
Harry P. Yolk is doing the work and
by the way is an excellent workman.
Walker Gilmore was a visitor at
the home of his parents last Sunday
and the closing of the state uni
versity, he in order to further his
education returned last Sunday eve
ning to study in Lincoln at the sum
mer sclioid. Dr. G. H. Gilmore. the
fatiur. took him to Fnion Sunday
evening to catch the train for the
capitol city.
. G. Doedeker and family, accom
panied by Miss IJetilah Sans, were
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Duke Frans near Auburn, and report
on their return that Mrs. Fran, who
was so severely injured by a dr ive of
hogs, who tore her a.s she fought for
her life, as getting along is well as
one could expect, though is in very
bad rendition yet.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore has to report
the arrial of two young Americans,
who have attached themselves to the
hemes of Herman Smith and Fred
Tigner. and both the little bos are
well pleased with their homes. Well,
how about the happy parents, they
are ju.-t tickled to death over the ar
rivals. All onceined are doin,r
nicely and are well pleased.
John Variley was taken to the
Fenger hospital at Omaha last Mon
day by his family physician. Dr. J. F.
Drendcl, where he underwent an oper
ation for hernia, and at the same time
Sandy 4'ampbell underwent an oper
ation at the same hospital for appeu
diiitis. Loth gentlemen are progress
ing as nicely as could be expected
from the nature of their maladies.
Oiarios Orren was';! visitor in l'n
ion last Monday, coming down with
Dr. P. K. Hrendel. who was called
in ccnsultation with Dr. Swab of that
place on a case of a little son of
e'harles Nickles. who some time ago
had a hand injured and the condition
assumed what is kntwn ,-us a flushed
artery and broke open with a flow of
b'ood which was difficult to stanch.
At a meeting i f the board ef educa
tion last Monday evening, reports of
the school work for the past year
were read and pronounced very sat
isfactory and the resignation of G.
M. M'nford accepted as he will ex
pect to move with his family to Oma
ha this fall to make his home. Mrs.
J. A. Scot ten was elected to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Mi. Minford.
During the past week Otto Puis
shipped two tars of battle in the
f'oiith Oir.ah;'. market for wilier; he i e
ceived eight dollars per hundred
pounds. Mr. A. Gansmer at Jh. wine
time shipped a car which brought
lust ten cent;; less. They were all
pooi' looking cattle-. At the same
time W. I. Philpor shipped a jir of
legs from Murray and two "ar; of
ca'tle from his ranch near Ovcron.
Mrs. K. S. Tutt arrived home last
Tuesday evening from a visit of a
week at the hojne of her sister, Mrs.
Kmma Nims. of Kansas City, where
she and her brother. J. A. Pi'z. went
a week ago to be present at the gra
duation from the Kansas City high.
:-ch')';l of their niece. Miss Helen
Nims. Mr. Pitz returned home last
Saturday, while Mr.- Tint remained
for a longer visit with her sister and
Two Excellent Entertainments
Members of both the Bible schools
of Murray have children's programs
with a uninimity and spirit of co
eperation which ha:i characterized
Murray and vicinity, the two bible
schools, the Presbyterian and the
Christian, prepared programs of much
merit for the children's day. and in
the morning the Presbyterian school
gavo their excellent program which
was attended by a large crowd. In
the evening the Christian bible school
rre.-en'ed their program to a large
and interested audience.
Will Meet at Church.
The ladies aid society of the Chris
tian church will meet at the church
on Wednesday afternoon of next weik
June 22. where they have some busi
ness matters to look after.
Wlil Hold Bible School Earlier
- On account of the all day meeting
which the membership of the Chris
tian churches of the county will have
at Plattsmouth on the coming Sun
day. June 19'h. the bible school of
that church at Murray will be held a
little eirlier and will be called for
9:45 instead of ten o'clock in order
that those who expect to attend the
county meeting at Plattsmouth will
hare time to get there for the open
ing service. Lt all be out to the
If tnjr of the readers of th
Journal knov of any aocUl
event or item of interest la
this vicinity, and will mall
ame to tbls office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want allnewtltemi Editob
bible school here and then from here
go to the services at Plattsmouth.
Was a Great Ball Game.
Geo. W. McCracken and family
while out for a ride Sunday after
neon chanced upon a ball game which
was being staged near Sciota, and
stopped to see the game. They also
remained for the concert which fol
lowed closely the termination of the
game. Speaking of the matter Mr.
McCracken said he had his money's
worth for the day, attending two
children's day programs and the ball
game with the matinees following.
Much Interested in Hogs.
I.'. C. Khoden. who has been feel
ing very badly, is reported as feeling
much improved of late and i.s caring
for his hogs at the old livery barn,
and as ever is ready to buy, sell or
trade hogs with all comers. See him
if you have the sporting blood in you.
Murray Deos Shipping
During last Monday evening there
were shipped from Murray five loads
of cattle and one load of hogs which
went to Omaha for sale. This makes
a good record for this station and it
narpens often that such large ship
ments go out from this place. Those
shipping were W. G. Minford. Searl
S .Davis, W. J. Philpot and others.
Murray Christian Church
Owing to the de-cision to attend
the county meeting of the Christian
church to be held at the city park
at Plattsmouth next Sunday, the
members of the Bible school are
asked to lie at the church at 9:4f
instead of 10:00 as usual. All who
can possibly attend are urged to do
so. We expect to have plenty of
cars so that every member, both of
the Bible school and church, may go
'n Plattsmouth. Be at the Bible
school if possible, but if ned be there
reaily to start at close of school.
District Evangelist K. M. Johnson.
Bethany and Bible School Expert
Miss Jessie B. Filson. of Omaha, will
be with us as well as Brett her Hay,
pastor at Elmwood and Brother Park,
pastor at Greenwood. We are as
sured of good speaking, good music
and a good program. Most of the
churches are coming in a body and
we are expecting some five or six
hundred, so come and enjeiy the
basket dinner and make the day a
pleasant and profitable one.
Mrs. Minnier Has Bad Accident
While driving home from town
las'. Monday evening, the buggy in
whi-h Mrs. Jaceb Minnier and two
children, one but a month of age,
was overturned going around a cor
ner, with the results that all were
precipitated in the road with injur
ies to all the party. Mrs. Minnier
was much bruised, while the eldest
received some abrasions of the skin.
The baby which was but a month of
age, suffered greatly, as it was stun
ned and it being feared that it would
not recover. Dr. G. H. Gilmore was
called and hastened to the home, and
finding the infant in a very serious
condition, treated the child and with
in aw hour had it normal, with a
good prospect of it recovering en
tirely from the injury in a short
time. The family was fortunate in
deed that they escaped with no more
injuries than they received.
Examinations will be Held August
22nd for Those Desiring
Shoulder Bars
A final examination for appoint
ment of officers as first and second
lieutenants in the regular army will
be held August 22. 1921. There will
be meire than 3,000 vacancies, eif
which a number will be in the rank
of first lieutenant. Army officials
especially stress the advantages of
the infantry for the young man am
bit ienis of an army career.
For information regarding the ex
aminations candidates should write
to the commanding general, seventh
corps area, Ft. Creiok, Nebraska. The
final examination will take place on
August 22. but there will be a pre
liminary examination prior to this
for the purpose of ascertaining the
physical qualifications of the candi
dates. Following the examination the ap
plicants will be appointed to offices
corresponding to the grade they made
on examination. Promotion will
come also according to the same
Only men between the ages of eigh
teen and thirty years are eligible.
One must also be a member of one
of the following groups: Warrant of
ficer or enlisted man of the regular
army, and of at least two years' ser
vice; reserve officer, officer, warrant
officer or enlisted man of the na
tional guard, member of the enlist
ed reserve corps, or graduate of a
technical institution approved by the
secretary of war.
The best results are obtained from
the carefully written ad placed in
the printer's hands in time to permit
of artistic "set-up." Don't neglect
your advertising or compose it hur
riedly if you would get the greatest
value for the money you expend.
Special discount sale of 20 pet cent
on all silk dresses. Ladier Toggery.
Subscribe for the Journal today.
Finger Print Expert Nielsen Will
Soon Instruct the Sheriffs
oi the State.
When county sheriffs-, of Nebraska
have received sufficient linger print
training, the business of criminal
.(' et:t!on w 'l b? launch-." in Ne
braska. Ten thousand blanks arrive-;
at state headquarters Saturday and
were checked in by Finger Print Ex
pert Nielsen. These cards will en
able ' State Sheriff Hyers and Mr.
Nielsen to account for quite an army
of criminals and prospective crimin
als, once they are filled.
One line on the card will carry the
name of the criminal or the suspect.
The next line will carry his place of
residence. Other lines will set forth
the following data: When arrested,
by whom, criminal charge, disposition
of case, names of accomplices, sex.
build, age. height, weight, cei'.or of
hair, color of beard, color of eye.-,
complexion, occupation, marks and
scars, previous record. This infor
mation will be sent broadcast so that
peace officers may know as much or
nearly as much concerning crooks as
the general public knows of Jack
Dempsey or Georges Carpcntier.
On one side fo the blank is reserved
a space for the picture of criminal
or suspect. The ether side of t he
card will carry tho name, alia.-; and
class of criminal or suspec t, by wh m
the finger impressions are- taken and
where. This side also consists of
twelve block spaces. Five are for the
fingers and thumb of the right hand
and five for the fingers of the left
hand. Other blocks are reserved for
right and left palsm. Last of all
comes the signature eif the prisoner.
The first class of instruction will
be held on June 17 for the benefit of
the sheriffs of the Lincoln district.
On the following day. sheriffs of the
Hastings district will receive the in
itial lessons. Tho school will move
to Norfolk for a day on June 2o.
David E. Thompson, Ex-Nebraskan,
Simply Cannot Withstand the
Spell of June Days.
David E. Thompson, formerly of
Nebraska and former ambassador to
Mexico, was married in Los Angele
last Thursday to Gladys Dana, daugh
ter of Mrs. Winifred Garber of that
city, according te an announcement
received by Omaha friends, says the
World-Herald. This is Mr. Thomp
son's fourth marriage. He was di
vorced from his third wife, Florence
Cook Thompson. IS. in October, 191!).
Mr. Thompson is past 72.
Mr. Tho;r.pson was divorced from
his first wife and his second wife
died while he was ambassador to
Mr. Thompson was the founder of
the Lincoln (Neb. Star, appointed
minister to Brazil in 1901, following
his defeit for I'nited States senator
ship from Nebraska. He was later
appointed ambassador to Mexico, and
served from 190; to 1909 under
President Koosevelt.
Following his third marriage, Mr.
Thompson and his wife spent their
honeymoon in England. 1'pon tin i r
re lrn to Lincoln he severed his fi
nancial relations, and. with his wife,
moved to the Pacific coast where a
child was born to them. The child,
by the third marriage, is in the cus
tody of the husband, it is understood.
In the third divorce the reasons for
granting it were never made known
in Nebraska. The couple had been
estranged for some time prior to
granting it. according to refiorts.
Named as Beneficiary Man Who
Couldn't Collect and Estate
Now Claims Proceeds.
An odd legal point was involved in
a iawsuit argued in .supreme court
Monday morning. When O. T. Strib
ling was alive he took out a $1,000
policy in the National Counc'li An
nuity association, afterward:; absorb
ed by the Fraternal Aid Fnion. He
owed Buckstaff Bros., of Lincoln
some money, and in order to insure
the payment of this debt he took the
policy out with A. H. Buckstaff, as
beneficiary. The lay does not per
mit fraternal policies t'o be issued to
other than relatives or dependents.
Buckstaff was named as a dependent.
Strihling paid the premiums on the
policy for twenty years, and when
he died Buckstaff declined to claim
the money as a dependent, because
he wasn't.
Suit was then begun against the
union by the widow and children of
Stribling. on the theory that where
the beneficiary named fails the es
tate of the policy-holder becomes the
proper person to receive the proceeds.
The fraternal society insisted that
the policy was secured by fraud;
that if it had known in what relation
Buckstaff stocd it would not have is
sued the policy; that the fraudulent
purpose was still more evident from
the testimony of the widow that they
intended to pay the debt to Buckstaff
out of the proceeds of the policy,
and that the suit wa3 really prose
cuted In his interest.
T. S. Allen won for the estate in
the lower court, and Judge Fawcett
argued for the society in the higher
court. ' The two gentlemen became
involved in a mild dispute as to the
correctness of a biblical quotation
with respect to the voice of Jacob,
while the hand was the hand of
Esau. Mr. Allen saiffthat the suit
was being prosecuted for the heirs in
good faith, that the society had been
You Can Save
I have recently purchased the hardware stock of
Mr. W. H. Puis, together with the implements.
You know the excellent class of goods Mr. Puis
has always carried in stock.
The fanning machinery and implements must be
sold. Even present wholesale priaes of these goods
will not he considetrd in their. sale, as we will go away
below first cost in order to close them on I quickly.
It will pay you and pay you well to come from
any part of the county to make purchases if you are in
need of any of these goods.
We are offering two Titan tractors, two P. tS; O.
tractor plows, two John Deere tractor plows, two John
Deere plows, one John Detr spreader, one Cloverleaf
spreader, a number of Deering and McCormn k mow
ers, John Deere and Case two row machines, K'eystone
loader and side rake. Case and John Dee re plows. Van
Bnmt and Hoosier press drills, P. c O., John Dei re and
New Century cultivators, besides a large list of other
farming implements and tools.
These Are Going to Be Sold!
They are all first class, new and up-to-date im
plements and at the prices we are going to make on
them, they will move out rapidly. Better get in early
if you don't want to be disappointed. I he opportunity
you have waited for to save is here.
Our store i.s also filled wiih'a most extensive hard
ware line, including stoves, ranges, shelf .and Intavy
hardware and many other Jungs at attractive pi ices.
August Meyer,
W. II. Puis, Manager
advised in letters from P-u-k.-tai! of
his. interest in it, and that n fraud
wa.s committed. The society oll-re-l
to pay back this premiums.
Oner Shop Diivc Failure, Gonipcrs
and Ccuticil Snv in Reports
For "Ame lira Tii-it'
Auditorium. Denver. Colo. June l.'J.
Optimism marked tuo opening of
tht: forty-first annual convention of
the American Federation oi Labor
K day tho largest, gathering in the
history eif the organized labor nuve
ment in America.
Declarations were made by the ex
ecutive council and by Pre.-ident
Samuel Gompers of the federalist)
that the enemies oi labor and advo
cates of the "open shop" had failed
in the drive to rush organized l.ilo:
and that the ranks of tli. American
trades unh n movement held intact.
A year of progress was predicted
for 1921. President Gompers declar
ing that "before the r.cxt snow falls
we shall have passed the 5. ". ')
mark in the American Federation of
Lab' ?.
closer alliance and co-operation
between th organized industrial
workers of the country i-i'd the farmer.-,
was urged by the veteran labor
leader in "order that we shall not be
crushed by react icn of the industrial
captains or princes of nuance."
The first oflicinl a"tion of the con
vention wa.: to adopt resolution to
be submitted to eoninc--. prot e.i n 4
against the S?ott bill, now pemlinL-.
which it was alleged would incr- a e
the length of the- navigation season
on the Great Lakes, reduce, the num
ber of skilled seamen employed on
ships and increase the hours of la
lcV Tho convention miati Innuslv adopt
ed a declaration of the executive
council calling upon all local and !n-
Prices Gone Tumbling!
The Service Store has always been noted for its
low prices, and we arc maintaining the reputation of
this place of bvisiness as you will see from the offer
below. With the decline of prices, we have passed the
saving on to our customers.
Last year sugar sold at $21 and even higher. Now
wc are giving you
100 ibs. of sugar $ 8.50
100 lbs. best flour 5.20
Flight cans of corn 1.00
Eight cans of peas 1.00
Light cans tomatoes 1.00
Work suit jacket 1.75
Work suit overalls 1.75
One lb. Horseshoe tobacco .80
This Figures $20.90 Ten Cents Leps than What You
Had to Pay for the Sugar Alone Last Year
F. 1
Money Here!
1 1 en.i 1 iona I union.-i t- aid tin- Puebl-j
flood sufferer.
I.rging w i-rld-w idn disarmament In
his address at the opining of th"
con v nt ion. President Gompt.r.-, said:
"I believe- that the time will come
and we have earnest 1 striven and
we will continue to strive for the
time when there is such a bill to
total disarmament in all the coun
tries of the world and t h a t d i a 1 ma -ment
vsi'l be based upon universal
! . g 1 eiuen "
j lit made ;ui emphatic to
1 the worker.-, to unite 111 oppo-ii i-01 to
the mo, l inen i. di sii'.n- d to create a
department of public w.-Ifaie.
"I'mier the prtii.-. ; :iiti-. t.
create a department of public wel
fare it is serioulsy propo-' d t : de
stroy the department of labor and tin1
department of agriculture." in -aid.
The labir leader urged the delegate--,
to cuss 111 - MUe-tio i; roll-
frontini; th-: convention "with mod
1 ration, with interest, with intelli
gt n e, with intense fei din---, ulw.iy;
driving at the ju I point."
"While v loe evei v hui.ian br
ing." he added, "no matter where h.
Ti -ay have been born or where he
now re-id" and will help a- be.-t
we can. tloie is one- principle
which I fepl we cannot depart
'America firs'-."
Kef riiic raJnrs are here. Twelve
of them.' priced troiu $14..".f to
$."7.r.O. Ghrist Ghii.-t Furniture
Gent . open face d watch found a
few days ago. that the owner may
iue by calling on p. H. Mei itigor.
or tin, office, proving property and
paii:g for this ad e rt i. ement.
Come in and see die new pallor
suite among the many either good.-.
Just ai rived ye.-terday at tiie Ghrist
Ghrist, Furniture Stoic.
.Nun. her 1 ..'.: 1 C, Neb. Finder re
turn to the O. K. Garage or the
Journal of! ice.
-:- -:- NEBRASKA