The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 16, 1921, Image 1

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    TrVrp.sln Z'i Histori
cal Society
vol. no. xxxvn.
NO. 96
I 1
From A5onday's Dally.
Had it been possible- for the- pi
oneer Settlers of t!ie CDiiuniini ty to
realize at the time that they came
into the great western country to
settle that it would in time bloom
like a rose and that their desc-end-ents
would have a meat part in the
affairs of the community, it would
have brought them a great pride and
happin ?..
A little of what the pioneers have
done in the life of the community
wa f'luwn yesterday when the Cook
i a 1 1 1 i 1 . desee-ndents of Joseph and
Mary Cook, pioneers of Cass county,
gathered in their annual reunion and
which was attended by more than
10 of the member.-, of the family
from all over the county in a great
day of pleasure and happiness for
all of the- family circle.
The reunion this year was to have
been under the auspice--, of Joseph
Cook of .Murray, but as Mr. Cook did
not have a grove siitlicieiitly , large
fur the accommodation of the crowd
it was de-dded to have the event at
the T. W. Vallery home, one of the
l est places in the county for a gath
ering ol this kind. The Vail -ry h;me
is pretlil situated with an abund
ance of shade and all the facilities
of an ideal gathering place f.r a
picnic parly and the members of, the
Cook family who have gathered there
before learned of the change of plans
with ple;i-ll?e and M. Joseph Ciok
and tin- members of the Vallery fa ra
il an to ! congratulated on th?
elect i.n of the s- ion for the pic
nic. The Kiks h;-nd of Plattsmouth
had been invited out to the reunion
and under the direction of K. H.
Schulhof motored out yesterday in:irn-
in? ti- the allery home west of
Mm ray and were soon made right
at home by the hospitable members
e.f the family parly and tr"3ted in
a royal manner. The program given
b th band lasteil until o'click
when they returned home and carry
ing with them the deepest appre.-ia-tion
of the member- of the Cook fam
ily tot their delightful musical pro
gram given.
From early in the nmr-jng until
past the noon hour the autos were
arriving wi:h members of the family
and it was an inspiring siht to vee
so many of litis splendid family gath
ered at one time in 'lie peace and
harmony of the beautiful summer
In the shade of the grove long
table;; were arranged and which were
laiden with all t lie good tiling.-: t hat
the appetite of man could desire and
which spike eloquently ol the fact
that the indies who belong to the
Cook lamilv and their desc t-ndeiits
are all expert cookp.
The tables were filled at the an
nouncement of "dinner" and the
members id the party rpenf the time
pleasantly in attempting to do away
with the array of good things to eat
but the writer can testify that the
party made only a small impression
on the vast array of good things
provided. Mr. '!'. W. Vallery looked
after the di.pensing of the lem made
daring the dinner nour and which
served to make a perfect success of
th" gathering in every way.
The members of the family while
listening 10 the pleasing program of
the band spent the tiniu in visiting
with each other and this was es
pecially enjoyed by the older meni
bt r.-. of the party who do not often
.ft? the opportunity of meeting with
each other.
After the concert in the after
noon the time was spent in relat
ing the stories of family historv and
in a number oi talk.-- by various mem
b rs of the party until the approach
of evening caused those residing at
distance to take their departure
and to await another year to bring
the family in communion with each
the ?.
Tin.-, wonderful gathering was littlp
dieamcd of when in the fall of 1S."6
there arrived on the east side of the
Missouri river, near the little set
tlement of I'lattsmoutli. a wagon
ttain and among the members of
winch were numbered Joseph and
Mary Cook, former resident?, of Ohio,
who were coining west to make their
home. The party rrosFl the river
int. i Nebraska on the same day and
fioni that time forward the Cook
lainily have been closely interwoven
in the history of Cass countv and Ne
braska. Mr. and Mrs. Cook were residents
of I'iketon. Pike county, Ohio, when
they decided to seek their future
success in the west and with their
young family of four children. IJina.
Jacob. IMiiJip and tJoerTe. carted
wt st ward in a wagon train for eight
weeks braved the hard.-hips that such
a trip in those days entailed. On
their arrival here Mr. and Mrs. Cook
settled on a farm along the Four
Mile creek near the present town of
Mynrird and there they spent the re
maining years of life and reared their
family to manhood and womanhood
and to the household came a number
of other little ones who have since
prown to manhood and womanhood.
The parents of this estimable family
have passed away many years ago,
Mrs. Cook passing in August IS'Jl,
and Mr. Cook in 1902. but their
splendid characters live again in
their children and their children's
children to make their name a shin
ing mark in the community in which
these pioneers were among the first
At the reunion yesterday one of
the older members of the family.
Ceorge Cook of Alvo. had the plea
sure of meeting with a former child
hood friend. Henry Vallery. now re
siding near Rock liluft's. Mr. Cook
was live years of age when his fam
ily came west and Mr. Vallery was
just able to walk alone and the two
little playmates spent the titi.e io
eether and though of very tender
years, both recall many interesting
incidents of the trip west and the
i meeting yesterday was very enjoyable
to both of the old gentlemen. Mr.
Vallery returned to Cass county last
fall from Alaska where he has been
since 1S!S and has had a wonderful
experience in that country during
iiie goiu rusii and up to the time
that the war swept the young man
of the country into either the Cana
dian or American army. Mr. Vallery
recalls many of the interesting pio
neer days and stated that ho had
many times herded cattle along the
Missouri river where now stands the
Hurlington station and that that was
then a heavy wooded locality and a
busy plare as cattle was loaded and
unloaded from the river boats. The
parents of Mr. Vallery. T. V. Vallery.
Sr.. and wife, were also old time resi
dents of Ohio and friends and neigh
bors of the Cook family there as they
werj later in Nebraska, and this
friendship bar been strengthened in
the new home by the fact that two
of t lie families have joined their live
as one. Mrs. T. W. Vallery at whose
home the reunion occurred being a
daughter of tile Cook family.
Tiie children who were unable to
attend the reunion were: Mrs. Hina
Kiizel f Alvo. who has been sick of
late and who is one f the oldest of
the family. Jacob Cook of Ord. and
Philip Cook of Stanton. Nebra.-ka.
The children who were present at
the reunion in person were: George
Cook of Alvo; W. A. Cook of Klm
wod; Charles K. Cook of Platts
mcuth: Mrs. T. V. Vallerv. Mrs. V.
P. Wheeler. Mrs. P. O. Cole. I'latts
inouth: J. II. Cook. Murray: John
Coek. Heaver City, Neb
Tboie to enjoy the gathering of the
family circle were: Mr. and Mrs.
CI iff or;' Dusenberry and sons. Karl
and Donald of P.eaver City. Neb; Mr.
and Mrs. Ester Williams and son. Ts
tes I.eHoy of Plattsmouth : Mr. and
Mrs. C. K. Cook and son. Raymond,
of Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Doerr and son. Arthur Charles, of
P-ardstown. 111.; George Cook. A'.vo;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook and child
ren, Alice. Wesley and Joan of Alvo:
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cook and child
ren. Wilma. Clarice, and LeRoy. of
Klmwood; Mr. and Mrs. Orest Cook.
Klmwood: Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Cook
and children. Nita and Francis.
.Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Will Kitzel
and daughters. Grace and Clarice;
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kitzel. Mr. Oscar
Kitzel. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Weiehel.
and daughter. June. Mr. and Mrs. Joy
Weiehel. Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. P. R.
Elliott, Elm wood; Mr. and Mrs. P. V.
Rover. Elm wood: Mr. and Mrs. E.
M. Stone. Alvo; Mr. and Mrs. T. V.
Vallery, Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Yallery and daughters. Violet and
Velma. Plattsmouth: Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Val
lery and daughters. Helen. Marie and
Gertrude. Mi. and Mrs. Charles Val
lery, and daughter, Moda. Mr. and
Mrs. Wade Porter and son, Walter, of
Weeping Water; Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Tilson. and son. Dorr. Mr. and Mrs.
W. D. Wheeler and son. Percy. Mrs.
Pearl Patterson. IJrazil, Ind.; Mr. slid
Mrs. Albert Wheeler, and son Rob
ert. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wheeler. Omaha;
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Cole and daughter.
Opal. Mrs. Earl Cole and son and
daughter. Eois of limbic. Neb: Mr.
and Mrs. C. I,. Wiles and ch'ldren.
Dclores. Chester and Alice. Mr. and
Mrs. Rov O. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Sher
man Cole and sons Willis and Rich
ard. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and
daughter. Ixrine. of Beaver City:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer, and
children Ruth and Stanton. of Che
ney. Neb.; Mrs. Sam Cashner. Uni
versity Place; Mrs. Pauline I'
Salem'. Virginia: Miss Nell M. P'er-tiler
of Lincoln; Henry Vallery, Mur
ray: Mrs. Jacob Vallery. Mrs. Franc
es Vallery. Mrs. Eliza Voting. Mr. and
Mrs. Will IJornemeier. Elm wood: Mr.
and Mrs. John Weiehel. Mrs. Thur
raan. Mr. and Mrs. A. F.. Barber and
I-ila Barber. Weeping Water; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Tilson. Katherire Har
ris. George Markhani. University
From Mntrlay'a Dallv
Yesterday was the eighth wedding
anniversary ef Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Wilson and in honor of the event a
number of relatives, and friends were
entertained at the Wilson home in a
very pleasing manner. The lime was
spent in visiting and a general social
time and at a suitable hour a very
pleasing dinner was served to the
members of the party. Those who
enjoyed the event were Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Wilson. Miss Freda Wilson, of
'Red Oak. Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
i Hall; Mrs. Mamie Tribbey, of Oma
;ba; John Harsh, of New Virginia.
I Iowa; "William Wilson and Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Wilson.
j Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Services at Neha-wka on Last Satur
day Are Largely Attended by
Old Friends.
The funeral services of the late
Mrs. Nancy Hartsell McNurlin were
held on last Saturday morning at 10
o'clock from the I'nited lireihren
church at Nehav.ka and very largely
attended by the old friends from all
over the county who took this oppor
tunity of paying tribute to the mem
ory of this good woman.
The sermon was delivered by Rev
A. Jacobson. pastor of the church
who spoke words of comfort to the
sorrowing reative:; and friends and
paid tribute to the long and useful
life of the departed lady. The choir
of the church gave several of the
favorite hvmns of the deceased at the
st rvic-v.
The; bodv ol Mrs. McNurlin was
laid to rest in the Mt. Pleasant cem
etery where sleeps the helpmate who
preceded her in death fifteen years
Mr. and Mrs. Clare of O'Haddon.
Canada, the latter a daughter of
Mrs. McNurlin. were able to reach
here in time for the services. All of
the family were present as the moth
er was laid te her last Kuig rest .
Nancy Hartsell was born in the
state of Indiana. February T"1S:!4.
where she lived until grown. She
was married December 14. 'to
James McNurlin of Wabash county,
Indiana. They then moved to Bureau
county, Illinois, in and from
there to Mills county. Iowa, in 1SC0.
In 1SC!. they moved on j? farm in
Cass county. Nberaska. where they
resided until the death of the hus
band in She then went to
make her home with her youngest
chiM. Mrs. Mile-: Standish.
Mrs. McNurlin departed this life
at the home ef her daughter, at 7: l"
Saturday evening. June 4. l!l!l, at
the age of ST years. :'. months and
S days.
She leaves five children. Frank G..
Cedar Creek; Mrs. Olive Core. Cana
da; James Otis, of Weeping Water:
Mrs. Miles Standish of Holton. Kan
sas, with whom she ha? lived for the
past fifteen years; John C - of
Plattsmouth; eleven grandchildren,
and fifteen great-grandchildren, be
side a host of friends and neighbors
to mourn her passing.
She has been ailing for the past
two years, but has been bed fast just
five weeks.
All that loving hands could d was
done to make her last moments on
earth as peaceful as possible.
She war. a faithful member of the
I'nited Brethren church and her first
t benights were always for her home
fgolks and friends.
She was a kind and loving mother
and grandmother, and will be- greatlv
missed by all who knew her and
especially by the family with whom
she has made her home for so many
years, and who watched over her an-t
cared for h r to the l ist. Only the
tender touch of time can soften the
sorrowing hearts of those who lovo
Consolation comes in the know
ledge that she was ready to ge and
has gone to meet the companion for
whom she has mourned so many
Rest, dear mother. in quiet
While friends in sorrow o'er thee
And hear their heartfelt offering?
And near thy grave requiem sing.
Prom Monday's Pally.
Yesterday morning ere the day
had progressed far into existence a
party ef the young ladies of the city
wended their way to the banks of the
sluggish Missouri river, where they
enjoyed a six o'clock breakfast which
proved most delightful to the mem
bers of the party. The ladies had
bretught with them the ingredients of
a fine repast and over the camp fire
this feast wa? prepared and the mem
bers did ample justice to it.
After the breakfast a boat ride
added an exciting touch to the fes
tivities and later on returning home
the young ladies motored out to
Cedar Creek, where they spent the
tlay in the cool and inviting shade in
picknicking and enjoying a fine time
until evening when they returned
Those to attend the two pleasant
occasions were Misses Mary Clark,
Mildred and Margaret Schlater,
Elizabeth and Barbara Ptak. Jean
nette Weber and Helen Egenberger.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Tho reports from the University
hospital at Omaha state that Mrs. J.
L. Stewart of this city who was oper
ated on there a few days ago is now
in very serious condition and while
slightly better yesterday her condi
tion is still very serious and has
caused her family and friends a great
deal of apprehension as te the out
come of the case.
Two Good Refrigerators
I have twi excellen-. refrigerators
for sale, which can be seen at the
Cream station. If needing one call
and see them.
tfsw. R.C.KENNEDY.
The stork Saturday visited at tne
home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith
of near Nehawka and left in their
care a fine little nhte pound son and
the occasion has proen of much
happiness to the members of the
family. Yesterday afternoon the
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Hall and Mrs. Mamie Tribbey. of
Omaha ami Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wil
son of this city motored down to
visit the little one.
And Thereby Have to Part with All
Their Coin to Separate Them
selves from City Jail.
Late Saturdav :;'g!!t or rather
early in the hours of Sunday morn
ing a parly of joyriders from Om
aha staged an improuipl v. entertain
ment on Fifih street alter they were
arrested by Officer 1-Ie7:ry Chandler
for traveling over the highway on
the wrong side of the sUet. as well
is running their car with the cut
out open.
The party was traveling in a large
Nash car which was driven by a man
named Cohen and this descendent of
ibe tribes f Moses is now a sadder
but wiser man. or should be after the
experience sustained here. The car
ame around the corner near the
Wagner hotel at a Infill rate of speed
and swept down Main street at from
'orty-tive to fifty miie's an liotir. and
the occupants proceeded to vent their
?nthusiasm in frequent ci.eers. Offi
cer Chandler called on them to stop
and on the threat to ehcot th" tires
he party halted and tne ort'icer
aiounted the running board and es
corted them to the city jail.
The ladies in the party proceeded
'o express their opinion of the police
and the city in general in terms that
are not heard in the most refined
society and the two men in the party
were also inclined to bo hard boiled
ver the matter until Chief of Police
loties appeared on the scene and gave
them a receipt for $i:t to cover their
appearance in police c.iurt this morn
ing. .
The car started away with many
jeers from the eHCiipants and pro
ceeded up Main street but the occu
pants failed to show good judgment
as they proceeded to drive back down
Vine' street with the cut-out open
ind were nabbed the second time.
This time Chief Jones announced
io,th' man Cohen that it would be
the lock up until Monday fer them,
and the ladies slated they would stay
right in the car until the ides of
Monday before they would bow to
the law. but after much pleading
thw partv mad a division of their
mscts securing S" which was turn
ed over to the police and the wan
lerers started homeward without
ve!i a backward glance and were
evidently glad to get away.
M. E. Smith Team of jOmaha Loses
Exciting Game by Score of 2
to 1 McCarthy Pitches
From Monday's lia'lv
The game yesterday afternoon on
the local lot between the Eagles of
this city and the M. E. Smith team
of Omaha proved otte of the closest
contests of the season and was won
by the locals bv the scute of 2 to 1.
The attendance was one of the
best of the season and the occasion
was enlivened by several numbers
by the Elks band during the game
that added much enjoyment to the
event. For the locals Joe McCarthy
did the pitching act and it was im
possible for the visitors to success
fully solve the slants of this fast lit
tle player and Joe added now lustre
t o his reputation as a base ball
The lonely tally of the visitors was
secured in the opening inning and
thereafter it was very close with
Plattsmouth being held scoreless un
til the sixth inning when they broke
the ice and registered two runs
that gave them the lead in the con
test. The young members of the team,
Nelson. Newman and McGuiro play
ed in good form and both in the
field and in stick work demonstrated
their ability in all departments of
the game.
The decisions of the umpire occa-
sioneel more or less rag chewing on
the part of the visitors but as a
whole the game moved alemg nicely
and was very pleasing to the fans.
On next Snndav the Eagles will
again do battle with the Z Street
All Stars of Omaha.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs
Floyd. Woodward, which was born on
Saturday afternoon, lived but a few j
short hours and the little spirit re-1
turned to the gentle keeping of its
maker. The funeral was held yes-
terday afternoon at Oak Hill ceme-r
tery. Rev. A. G. Hollowell holding
the short burial service.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Members cf the Family Spend Day at
Four Mile Creek Near Oreanolis
and Have a Good Time
From Monday's Pall
Yesterday the members of the
Cotner family enjoved a most de
lightful family n.jrty at the Four
Mile creek near Oreanolis and which
was participated in by the greater
part of tiie member;- of the family.
The parly was conveyed to the scene
of the iesl ivit i"s by autos and on
reaching the plea.-a:;t spot yei-'-ctd as
the camping ground the members of
the family proceeded to enjoy the
day in visiting and renewing the
pleasant associii t ion.-, of di past when
all of th' family had been gathered
beneath the parental roof. A fine
picnic luncheon was one of the fea
tures of the day that was mo-! thor
oughly enjoyed by all of the mem
bers of the party.
Those attending the pleasant
gathering were Mrs. Sarah A. Cot
ner. the mother; John Cotner, wife
ail I daughter, Jessie; Mrs. Mary
l.loyd and son, Anderon Lloyd; Lee
Cotner and son. Arthur: Walter Cot
tier and wife. Bladen; Edward Cot
ner; Clarence Cotner. wife and son,
Uonald: Albert Cotner and wife;
Howard Cotner, of Bladen. Nebras
ka; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marler, of
Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dill
and daughter. Thelma; Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Favors; Mrs. Bennett M.
Chriswisser; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fos
ter and daughter, Mabel and son.
Harr; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Foster and
daughter. Eleanor; Miss Annabel
From Wednes-I.i y s iiativ.
The Epworth League held a very
enjoyable social evening a: the nar
lorrs of the church last night and cue
in which the members found a great
delight and pleasure. The main por
tion of the evening was devoted to
an informal program ef musical selec
tions and readings consisting of a
! iano duet by Miss Mable Lee and
M". Harry Fester, a very pleasing
reading by Miss Ruth Jacks, a whis
tling solo by Miss Alice Louise Wes
cott that proved an exceptionally
clever portion of the program and a
vocal solo by Rov. Hunter. Mr. E.
H. AVescott gave a piano number at
the close of tiie program.
After the enjoyment of the pro
gram the members of the party en
joyed gpms for some tim( and the
session closed with the serving of
very pleasing refreshments that rid
ded ot the enjoyment of ail of the
members of the party.
t-'i om T-:"Silay s Pallv.
Yesterday afternoon the teachers
and officers of the Presbyterian Sun
day school enjoyed a very pleasant
outing at the Riverside park in Om
aha, motoring to that city and spend
ing the late afternoon and the early
evening in the- enjoyment ot a de
lightful to'ial time. The feature of
the e.ccasion was the beef steak sup
per furnished by Superintendent C.
A. Rawis of the Sunday school, and
which was voted by everyone ps a
real feaat and the best picnic' sup
per ever enjoyed by tiie members of
hte parry.
Those who attended the gathering
were: Mr-;. W. J. Sireight. Muriel
Streight. Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Mor
gan. Gorda Peters. Mrs. J. F. Wolff.
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Farley, Ger
trude Magon, Raymond J. Larson.
Clanr Trility. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Rawls. Mr::. Nelson Jean. Mrs. J. I'.
Gnrder. Remise Newell, Rev. and
Mr.;. H. G. McClusky. Estella. Baird.
Pearl Staat:", and Helen Farley.
From Monday s Tjatly.
This morning Harold Hopkins of
Colunoil Bluffs. Iowa and Paul Fleh
erty, of Omaha, arrived in the eity
via the canoe route, having left
Council Bluffs Sunday evening in one
of the regulation birch bark canoes
and the boys report a very pleasant
trip without any accidents although
the management of the canoe in the
rough places of the Missouri river
required considerable skill.
The lads had their canoe shipped
back to Council Bluffs by freight
and returned themselves on the af
ternoon Burlington passenger train,
trip was one filled with much pleas
ure to the two young adventurers and
while they were good and tired they
appreciated fully the enjoyment of
the spin down the' river.
From Tuesday's Daily.
At an early hour this morning
a fine little son and heir arrived
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
W. Rel al in the southern p.-ivt of the
city and the little man brought with
him great happiness and joy to the
parents and as the first, child in the
family is the object of much admir
ation to the happy relatives of the
little one. The friends of Mr. and
Mr;. Rebal will join in wishing the
little sou a long and successful life
and that he may be a joy and com
fort to the parents in the coming
From Monday's 1'allv.
Yesterday the vicinity of Ea Platte
was the scene cf several very pleas
ant picnic parties and among them
one composed ef Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
rVopst and daughter, Roberta; Mr.
and Mrs. Thayer Propst ami family,
of Ral-ton: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stamp.
Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Wilcox and James
Pol in. The chief features of the
event was a fine luncheon served at
the nocn hour and the time spent in1
visiting and a general good time bv
all. . ;
John Longo, One of Members of the
Burlington Extra Gang, Gets
Nabbed on His Return.
Fron Tuesday's Daily
Last evening on the arrival e,f No.
14. the Burlington train from Om
aha. John Longo, one f the Italians
employed on the extra gang stationed
her1, found himself the unwilling
guest of Sheriff C. I). Quinton.
It seems that John has been in
the habit of hieing himself to the
metropolis and securing a supply of
the famous moonshine liijuor that is
calculated to make a man forget
home and mother, but lie has been
unable to retain the liquor and on a
previous trip caused not a little dam
age to the coach in which he was
riding and this time the Burlington
train crew were on the watch for
him and notified the authorities of
his coming. The gentleman was
taken to the county jail and reposed
there until this morning when he
had S 1 On and costs handed him in
county court by Judge Beeson. which
the prisoner made arrangements to
settle for and was allowed to go on
his way.
Sheriff Quinton ami Chief of Po
lice Alvin Jones also visited the
farm of Raymond Koukal northwest
of the city and discovered a quan
tity of home made wine that was
stored in the cave of Mr. Koukal
and which consisted of l'.O grallons
of rubarb wine, which however the
owner stated bad been for the per
sonal use of the family. This morn
ing Mr. Koukal was fined $100 and
ceists in the case and allowed to go
On Sunday morning a number of
the- Catholic ladies of this city mo
tored to Omaha to take the initiatory
work of the order of the "Daughters
of Isabelle." The class taking the
work at this time numbered 120.
On account of large number, about
-10 took the- work on Saturday. This
organization, while not an auxiliary
of .the K. of C. is organized for work
along the same lines. A banquet
was served at the Rome Hotel at 0
o'clock, followed by a program con
sisting of vocal and instrumental
nubmers and an addrses by the Hon.
Arthur Mullen on "Woman's-. Sphere."
Toasts on "Impressions of the Day"
were responded to by new memberf
aryl for the out-of-town members by
Mrs. P. J. Flynn. Those from
Plattsmouth taking the initiation
were Mrs. F. M. Bestor. Mrs. Wm.
Swatek. Mrs. Win. Kriskey, Mrs. Au
gust Barbs, Mrs. Lena Droege. Mr.?.
P. J. Flvnn. and Miss Marie Hiber.
sfM .. ;--.t7
m W m
vts ir.ia
Helping the Farmer!
This is first and last a FARMER'S bank.
For fifty years the officers of this institution
have made it their special business to study
the banking needs of the farmers of Platts
mouth and Cass county and to build up a ser
vice precisely fitted to their demands.
Make the First National Bank your bank
ing headqkuarters. You will find here always
a sincere desire to help you in every way pos
sible with the problems that come up in your
farming operations.
"Ask the man who banks here."
The First N&tionalBank
Mrs. Harriett VuiiWie. Resident of
Masonic Home. Takes First
Spin Last Sunday. -
From Toes-liny' VjuWy.
Sunday afternoon .Airs. Harriett
VnnWie. oi.e of the ofd resident at
the Nebraska Ma-enie lit. me in this
city enjoyed her fir:t automobile ride
and the experience was one thai will
lung be ple's-antly remembered by
this kindly lady, who lias for the
past thirteen years been bedfa:t the
greater put of the time. Sunday
being th" fin t time in six years thai
she has been out of her room at th-.-home.
The occasion that led to the auto
ride was the taking of the pictures
of tiie residents al the limine and
Superintendent Ever-, had had Mrs.
VatiWie carried down to the grounds
of the home to be photographed with
the other members of th. large fam
ily and while there the pleasant
thought was hit upon by Mr. Evers
of giving Mrs. YanWie a ride In the
auto, an experience rhe had never
enjoyed, although she had often
talked of the matter.
The car was especially arranged
by Mr. Evers and the bedfast lady
placed in the comfortable rear seats
and taken for a spin over the main
part of the city ami back to tie
home and as a remembrance of the
occasion, a sm.psliot of Mrs. VanW'ie
in the car was taken.
All of the members of the limine
family were entertained Sunday at
a line picnic supper on the lawi: at
the home, and which was an event
of more than usual pleasure to all
of the old folks.
From Tuesday's jJaliy.
Last evening at the close of the
busy days' business the force em
ployed at the big daylight store of
H. M. Soennichsen, decided to seek
relief from the intense heat of the
day in the peace and quietude of Ihe
countryside and accordingly they mo
tored out to the sandpits near Cedar
Creek, 'where the picnic party wa1
staged. The party on their arrival
at the sand pits proceeded to spread
a fine repast of all of the dainties that
could tempt the appetite of man and
to which all members of the p.irty did
ample justice. The gentlemen of the
party enjoyed the cooling waters of
the pits for swimming and tho time
was --pent most enjoyahly although
members of the party report that the
mosquitoes were rather numerous and
annoying during the evening. Thcie
were some twenty-one in the party.
The special election called for Sat
urday evening in the Murdock school
district resulted in the matter of the
dissolution of the district being de
feated. The vote as reported was
eighty-eight for dissolution and ninety-four
against the dissolution. Fu
ller the law the majority mtirt be
two-thirds of the veto cast to cuu-e
the district to be dissolved and as
there was a majority against ihv dis
Folution the district will ream in a;; it
was constituted b thu re-dlstrictins
beard of the county.
j Blank Books at the Journal Office
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