The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY, JUNE 13. 1921
Always at
Your Service!
The Bank of Mm dock believes in Service with a
capital "S." Unless one gives the service he proclaims,
he cannot expect the patronage of the public.
Whether the service be little or great, vc are pleas
ed to render the best at all times.
The Bank of fifiurdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at I iome"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTIIMANN, Vice-IVcs.
II. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
John Amcfit. arcominnied hV
faniilv. wre visiting in L:iH"'n last
Monday.' TniiiK-'-.i v. a 1 k : n t, .
t.v .-ouo- 1ii-i:'. -- ni.itt.-rs in
John : ;i k t u . i . r wa h"king after
hi -ill business iii.i t t -r in Omaha las'
1 liur.-l.i .
1!. W . Tii:ir: in was looking after
ronip ni.itiiT- i'l bus:ii-ss in Lincoln
nt Tues.i.
All-. Ida and Km i 1 Miles
htI fatii!l r- i.-iint:,' in Lin.-dn
last Thutdiy. Fraum was down again last
Sunday ami played hall with the .Mur
dock team, which !si to tin- Kagle
tea nr.
Mrs. ( Jem- vieve (raii: if Va lent in-,
has !if,-n isipng at the home of Mr.
and -Mis. A. J. Too! during tin past
t 1. .
J. J. ii 1 i ii wa.: looking .after
some business iiuiitiTs in IMatt-no nth
n tth Tuesday and Wednesday of
1 l. Week'.
Richard Tii"! was a visitor in S uth
I'xnd la-t Thursday-, driving iMs
tjThc lumber required to build the
large Gothic stock and hay bain
shown on our calendar for the
month of June can be bought for
f Wc have complete plans and
specifications for this building, the
exact size oi which is 3(i'-0 ' by
SO'-O" and will be glad to go over
these plans with anyone at any
Too!, fauman & SVlurtey,
The Lumbermen
Free Service!
We have just installed a new Tungar Automatic
Refractor, and are prepared to look after the battery
question for you. We have a capacity of charging
from one to thirty batteries at the same time. We
also do repairing of batteries, as well, and our repair
shop for automobiles is of the best. Free testing and
water for batteries.
See Us for Service!
Landholm Auto Co.,
Selma Urachle over fb catch the
train for Omaha.
V. O. (Jillespie was a visitor at
Wabash last Thursday, where he was
hauling ice fr the amusement par
lor of (). K. Mi-Donald.
W. O. (.Jillespie and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. A. II. Ward were visiting
in Lincoln last Wednesday, looking
after some business matters.
Miss Khe:ia You: eof Lincoln was
a i.-itor in Mur I .',; list week .mil
a suo: at : u h m- o lie:- : idu r,
Mi., .j. hi. .1.; li:'.i an I fami'v'
Mr. and -Mrs. I'. Bent, of Lin
coln, being college chum-- of .Mr. anil
Mrs. (5. J. Tot hast, were guests at
the Pot bust home last Sunday.
Mrs. 10. T. Cook is spending a short
time at Cedar Rapids, la., where she
is visiting at the home of a sister,
who makes her home at that place.
.Mis.-; Minnie- Hickman, who has
been employed at Ashland was a vis
itor at the home of lur parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hickman, for the
wet k end.
Mis-, Solum Urachle. saleslady iu
the Mercantile compaii, ivas a busi
ness visitor in Omaha last Thursday,
where shi purchased goods for the
store here.
Kmil Kuei.n of Lincoln, was a vis
itor in M unlock last Tuesday and
Wednesday and wa-; lookinir after
some business interests whi.h he has
in .Murdock and vicinity.
Tho::;a.. Walling a:.! W. A. Rob
ertson. V. ho Wei'v V. ii'U- af'.e!' some
n.s ne--; ;ii KagVs bi-l . i k -;; pped
ii! Ma. ilc. k to.- :: shoi- visit at th.
him. ef J. I". :.!, (a. ;u and f.i::;.:.-
It. A. Cuthman and family were
.njoying a visit at the h me of the
former's mother. Mrs. Frank K. C.uth
:nan of tiu coun'y remaining for
a few days during the for1 part of tlr.
w Hi!,
W. A. Schutz and family and Hen
ry Id ineman. were fishing las! Thurs
da at. Meadow, where the enjoyed
the afternoon and ev.-ning and also
succeeded in making an excellent
j. Jt-liM t:.-eii. th proprietar ot the
market, and 11. II. Lawn n. tiie paint
nr and lUroraloi. were looking after
i-m- Su.-i'h-s matters in Lini nill last
Thursday, making the trip overland
wi t li t h i r a r .
Jess l.andhoim, wli is kept busy,
tell- of business bein gvei-y 1:0. nl. and
with his a-i-'ant. Mr. Ii!lr- I'M. is
kc;t very busy at tne garage, and is
iwiil pleased with tin success which
! is 11 m : i:g ii i- way.
( Xt v. r ," nf Kalk.Mt'- A k
nil cu-toti,. ''- about i;. and you ina
want t: Us. tilis splendid water col
or for tinting your wall- and other
j de ora t i-.ns. We liav. ,' colors at
I h 1 I )H-'erhoiT .hops.
!ae Cooper, who is with the First
1 N 1 ' i. 1 n a I p.ank of Sio.ix City, and
: v if.-, wiio is a siti-r of Mrs. ). J.
p.itiia-t of Mniiin, k. were spending
the w.-ek Mid at tlo Pot has? home.
all enjoying an excellent time.
1 fax I Mist t i in ft wa-- i vi-itor in
Kiliiwcid last Week. W:;.-r" be Was
(enraged in doing some lettets for the
1 Kun l.roi!i..s ..arage '.hat city.
; M. ! nistt t of !: an ex'ellen! sign
( !": and is makiii-J v-TJ ctniali':'
" pu 1M11 b h:s ex.viou;. work.
: litis is only June, the mo-'
lO .1-mi 1." nth in the o-iir; but it
1 i- a! o fly time. I'ivio t- for horse
; a r iry cheap, compared to last
i year's price-. .. J. Tool, the har
ms- man. carries a '-rood assortment.
::t sw.
I Alb n i:u.!f of V.,i ?'i'e.
. w::: a vis-tor iil MurdTt k last wee''.
I wh re he was the gue.-t of his brotli
er. Jes Landholm and family, enjoy
. i;:g a three day--' vi-it, after which
! tin v went to Omaha and liter to
i Oakland for a visit before t "t n rr. i n
?o their hnnif at North Plt-te.
Clias. Pan. Il iriy (Jille.-pi.. and I.
',('. Ilornl.eck could not resist the jn-
i'aiion of :1m balmy weather last
j 'i'h i-r-da and securing n..- tackle
j hopped into 'heir car a::d were oft
; for th' l ik s for a few ho-ir. atol
(to 1 rii iii u ii f-'i 'ii'' fin:.y tribe.
; Meyers. Masters dale and (Jlen l'irk-
! 11 ..-..1 u. 1 f.... I'r.nlf fni..:
wen, aim .w 1 . anil .111a. .mn. .ut-n 111,
D id term-.
Shop Mixed -Paints
Shvp mixed paints ;ic the puicc-t paints on caith.
White lend and .ink, v.illj pnte linc-rcd oil, only.
Mixed in our own ;Jiopr;, in identically the r.amr
v.ry we use it on our own work.
We iiii; all color.", for you. Come in and p;ct any
quantity. Quality guaranteed.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
' w : : i, w h ic'i ? ii -y 1
1 Mis. K. W. TLiingan. who is a very
jfapablf has a lare class
; f iK-cinners in music which are
mif.i in t 't c-1 ed in tio. art. Tliis
c :. i hie -, all who h.iV. children in and Murdock 1 nj y tiie privilege
of g:ving 'hem ;i t.; in the musi
!r;.i edu'-ation which i- .-o desirable.
I Nr. and Mrs. 0. E. McDonald and
I f.ilnily wi re guests at the home of the
j former's mother, Mrs. Myra Mc
Ioirild at. .Murray last. Sunday, and
also visited at th" home of Mrs. Mc
Donald's patents. Mr. and Mrs. J.
K. Kelly of I'la t' smoiit h. where Miss
Margaret i-; renrn in in g for a longer
v b i .
1. (J Ilornbor-k, li. . Ti ol. and
1i. A. k Horn berk were visiting
in I ii.coln last. week, attending tiic
mecting of t;e Slirine of tin- Masons
and there met (Jen. John J. P'-rsh-ing.
who was also a i;ueM ,f fh
Sl:i ini and all en p. veil th - o.- isirm
w lio li wa . coni)! 'ed with an cel
le:i. barniuer.
(?. J. Pothast and wife. Mr. and
Mrs. Lion's U'.tninieier. Miss Martha
(Jochry. Mrs. H. V. Mc miiald. visited
at the meeting of thf Order Kastern
r t h 1- at Kimwr.ol 1,-st Toi- div cv -nitir
at which time .1 number of
mNnbfr.- v.'-n received, among thrtn
Icing Mr. and Mrs. Loui.-. Uorne
tiif iei. and Mr. Ind Mrs. J ihn P.iown,
T.hnvc Alvvr.iv Sanquct
A number of th" people of Mur
do'j; atid vicini'y. who have gradu
ctidat I he s ; h ools a t Limwood in the
iii-t :i I I ell it eil llie lueeliri" i.f tiie
Miiiniii which '-oiiveni'd in tii:;t ci.v
' o-i las.' Salurday. June -I, and which
! v;i-: al'iinbd by nearly two hundred
o-' 1 lie ferinei student--, an! their
111 etiil'. ai a most cxcelb-i,! :;tpi-"-.
j fi?ld wl'i -h -."i-' t"ltoed by .! :'.!!eniie
1 fn v of ory. Those r,- .1 .t
If' run Mutiiock vr. Henry tnl Mar-
garer. Amgweri. lames .Mines tin
wife. John Paul Plckwell. Vicr'or
Thimgan. Miss Esther Sciiraidt, Wra.
Many People Buy Cars.
Dr. A. U. Hornbeck recently pnr
cliased through the agency of T. W.
Thimgan garage, a new coup?, which
lie will use in his practice driving
and has an excellent car for the work
which has been purchased. Dr.
Hornbeck well knows the car for ser
vice and has made a good selection.
Oscar McDonald has also purchased
a car from the Thimgan garage which
he is using for his needs and for
pleasure riding as well. J. hi. Mc
Hugh of the Murdock Mercantile com
pany has purchased an Oakland car
which he also received from the
Thimgan garage, and with the large
amount of work which is in the gar
ge at the present time. Mr. Thim
gan reports business as being very
Ycung People Married in Omaha
Two young people of this vicinity,
taking a trip to Ashland where they
in-.barked via the Darlington to Oma
ha and there were united in matri
mony, and in a ni ini:tr only surprised
their friends, for while, they made
no declaration to their friends here,
it was generally known of the ap
proaching nuptials of Mr. Charles
-chafer, one of the best known and
popular of young men in this vicini'y.
and one with a multitude of friends,
mid Mis:; Frances Campbell, whose
home was near South Uend and who
is cue of the finest young ladies .11
the state of Nebraska. The you.ig
people Uave the best wishes if their
large circle of friends for their fiic-f-ess
and happiness in this lif". Mr.
Schafer is an exemplary young man
and has been with the linn of Wm.
Geiirts, where he is at present em
ployed. Tin- voting people wiin tie
best wishes of their many friends,
also have the choi -est wishes of this
paper for a long and happy life.
Accepts r. Position.
Kenneth Tool, who lias just com
jile'ed his in the state univer
sity at Lincoln, has accepted a posi
tion with the Hank of Murdock and
which is one of the best of institu
tions in the banking line, and in
which we are sure Mr. Tool will make
a siicctss. Mr. Kenneth Tool is an
exce'lent young man w:th g 1 capa
city and an ambition to make a suc
cess and we see iti him tlo- elements
which will make good. The bank is
fir'unate in securing iich an excel
lent young man.
Will Build Hay Barn
(Just Wcndt. one of the progres
sive farmers in Pais vi-inity, has ar
ranged for the construction of a large
hay barn and also a chicken house,
both of which will be up-to-date in
every respect. The foundation of the
edifices are being constructed by (Just
Uri ckhogtre. and the work of the
building w ill be done' by Frank Mel
Yin. The hay barn is to be capable
of containing a large number of tons
of hay and will care for much of the
hay wlii. ii has had t i he stacked out
s'de in the past, and thus a large
per. 1 mage Icing damaged by the
weather. The chicken house is to be
1:11 ib rn in every respect with eon
crctc Moors, heating apparatus, and
plenty of liaht for the winter. Mr
H.'W. To'.l is furnishing the mater
ial which it- selling a? prices which
i liable anyone to build.
For several days past a stranger
ha-: been within our gates whose
means of livlihood was not. apparent
on the surface and who has been
bunking in the old air dome and
ot her convenient locations, but on the
uruinir of Chief of Police Alvin Jones
th" stranger has gone hence to
brighter if Jiot warmer climes.
1: seems that the stranger was
filled with a war like spirit and which
at frequent, intervals would break
forth in a manner that was offensive
to those who were in his vicinity and
one of these outbreaks was the direct
cause of his leaving our peaceful i 1 y
and hastening back to hi? native
heath at Nebraska City where he will
annoy the residents of Mayor Frank
Thomas" city.
The stranger had gathered two
ompanions with him who were de
cidedly in awe of his prowness and he
was berating them and announcing
the fact that he "was the 'best man
in the city", when Chief Jones hap
pened to drift past and hp soon told
the gentleman who was 'he best man
and also indicated that the best thing
be could do was to bunt solitude and
lot:: of it. and the stranger without
any argument proceeded to hit the
hiiih spots out Chicago avenue toward
the Otoi? count v citv.
An action was tiled today in the of
fice of the clerk of the district court
entitled Laura.K. Uyons, et al, vs. Re
becca J. Kyons. et al. and in which
the plaintiff asks that title to cer
tain real estate in Cass county be
fjuietcd in the plaintiffs.
Another petition filed was that of
Kthcl Pluiiiiner vs. (Jeorge Plummer
in which the plaintiff states that the
parties to the action were married in
Iowa, May 11. lHOO, and that in Au
gust, 1J0S. the defendant deserted
the plaintiff and has not since that
time supported the plaintiff or the
minor child of the marriage. The
petition asks for a decree of divorce
and the custody of the minor child
of the parties in the action.
Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch!
Sera tch! The more you scratch the
worje the itcii. Trv Dunn's (Hut-
ment. f-or ecrema.
ing ?nr a bx.
?.uy -kin itch-
Advertising is the life oi trade,
died at the Journal office.
STun n cchmit tf iemjsu
p a h a
Your guarantee of engine
power and engine protection
Lubricating oil has a double duty. It must maintain
a fuel-tight and gas-tight seal between the piston rings
and the cylinder walls otherwise fuel and the explo
sive gases are not completely converted into useful
power. Fuel is wasted and you get less power.
It must maintain a smooth, cushioning film in all bearings and
between all encaging parts otherwise bearings burn out,
parts wear loose, vibration becomes excessive, breakage and
expensive repairs and replacements become necessary.
Polarine is the perfected lubricating oil of the world's largest
and most experienced manufacturer of oils for all purposes.
It maintains its body and lubricating qualities under extremes
of temperature and operating conditions. It is your best and
safest guarantee of both engine power and engine protection.
Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy, heavy
and extra h"avy but only one quality. Get the proper grade
for your car next time you buy clean -burning Red Crown
Gasoline and you will rtart cutting down motoring costs.
-4 i : I tt r 5 ! i t l-l V I I I W
John McKay went to Omaha. Tues
day morning to attend the Grand
Council of the Masonic order. John
was the delegate from the Weeping
Water order.
Miss Riene Jameson returned Sat
urday night from San Francisco,
Cali.. where she had been teaching
school the last year. Miss Jameson
reports an enjoyable time while in
the coast country and wast fortunate
in passing through Pueblo ahead of j
th.. flood.
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Norri- enter
tained to Sunday dinner at their hos
pitable country home. Mr. and Mrs.
C. K I)av. F.tmene and John: Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Wiles and Mary Ellen.
Mi. and Mrs. Thos. Murtey. Mr. and
Mr.',. F. L. Hunter and Robert.
M: ;:nd Mr. John Domingo cele
brated their 40th wedding anniver
sery Tuesday evening. About forty
relatives and- r!o?e friends gathered
for the occasion and enjoyed a very
pleasant evening and refreshments.
Th date was also the birthday of
Mr.'. Homingo. the wedding mini
vfisary of their daughter Mrs. J. L.
Wi'e.: and husband, and also the wed
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Os?ar Djniing.
No' often do so many important dates
all come at once in one family.
Seven of our young ladies are at
tending summer school at Peru,
among whom are: Misses Laura
Tuck, CJencva Hobson. who left Sat
urday morning; Nelle Norton, Char
lotte Armstrong. Bertha Josephson.
Olive Spangler. who left on the Mon
day morning train and Bernice Burch.
who was driven over by her parents.
Monday. Weeping Water is a loyal
supporter of th Peru summer school,
as about this number of our splendid
young ladies: attend summer- school '
there each year.
It is gratifying to note that the
Utile engine at the light plant is now
on the job again and working fine
and that improvements in numerous
ways about the plant are going on.
Large water pipe for cooling the en
gines have been installed; and auto
matic fuel oil feed system arranged;
a plan of salvaging and refiltering
waste oil instituted; the efficiency of
the water pump increased; the plan
of burning street lamps in day time
to balance the load eliminated. Besides-
this considerable work has been
accomplished and is being done to
ward cleaning wells and reservoirs
and getting the new settling liasin
and getting the new settling basin in
to use. Water and light commissioner,
J. M. McAvoy. with the. help of hisas
sistants. Iouie Paulsen and Frank
Russell, are deserving of great cre
dit, for their enterprise and we arei
sure they have the good wishes of the ,
citizens for continued improvements,
which we are sure they will be malt
ing from time to time.
The Best Service!
That is it, we serve the best in the matter of home
decoration, papering, painting and varnishing. No job
too small for our consideration; none too large for us
to estimate.
See us for figures and estimate of cost. We are
here for service.
June Brings Much Work!
The recent rains have insured a good crop of small
grain, which has been a little behind, and which is now
rapidly maturing. The corn also is making rapid strides.
This is bringing much work in June. The best of
machinery is needed for caring for the crops in this
busy season.
See us for what you areneeding. We are able to
care for your wants. Cultivators, or any corn working
machinery, hay making machinery and what is needed
for the harvest. Binders, harvesters, twine and all that
is required to care for the harvest.
Wc arc handling gasoline and motor oils also.
Tiie Implement Man
Why That Headache
When you know the cause of a
disease a cure may often be effected.
This is particularly true of headache.
Ueadaohe often results from con
stipation or a disordered condition
of the stomach, which may be cor
rected by taking a dose or two of
Chamberlain's Tablets. Try it. These
tablets ar? easy to "take and mild
and pentle in effect.
Your ad will carry punch, if you
write it as a plain "felUng talk" in
stead of trying to fuss it up with
frills and exagerations.
Are You Caring for
the Cars?
You know that the autos cost when you purchased
them, are you caring for them in order that they will
last? We arc doing expert repairing what is reliable,
and keep the cars from clctcriating.
Our supply of accessories and auto supplies is
complete. Sec us for the bet woik and best cars.
W. mmm,
The Automobile Man
- t