The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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    - 'T.
M037BA7. JTTE 13. 1921
Drastic Price; Reductions
Give Plattsmouth People Big Advantages!
Mere are some sprcia! prices for Bargain Wednesday. Read our specials
in the biS Bargain ;.d eWnvhere in this paper and ihcn make note of these addi
tional unusual values. As the weather vane indicates which way the wind blows,
so do these prices indicate the big savings you make by purchasing here.
r!i!.-T--r- of !ii:f phi n: !: l.u-i insertion :nd edg
i,,.. , t-r t. !: of embroidery afford a
" ' . . I 1 .. A 1 1
"A ti ':! is ' " o ;
V.oiif are "'i' lifly soiled. Al! i For
'.' lay tl:'''rc i.t Uy i r i '-" I :it
Dry Goods Items!
pillow casks. ru-.'-. ''a .iini.-h.
free lroni :,tar h. 2 ca-es lor 45c
APRON" CIIW'KS. best ;M.-.i:tv. A!' pit
t -r 1 1 at. per van! 14.:
- o
27'' DRESS CIN';i!A.!.i. iiie I.-i- cl.ill-i'e'i-
p!:.V Miiis. Iioys' and 'in iiV. ; iiirl:. :;?!
ladies house dresses. Ivr an': 1c
i:tr:i large Turki.-h towel . !. !- w.v n
ami of ctra i ight. ich 2SC
Grocery Items!
- ii -
These are ii al for S'.nnnit r use ;:ud
a:.- eurily I.i a ii.lereil. Can he I in ai
trrtctivo patterns at $2.98
DRESS CIN'CHAMS. in' n I I -r rarv.e
of v-ry pretty plaids arnl ('.'ks. i"i::e.
-rft quality; reeular yrade (.n sale
at, per y.:ni . 23c
:m;" rest (r.M-ii'V percale. .. u-. ...
atiractive patterns. Li ;tit ground'-', o ."
children's lress-s am! apnuis ; I 'ark pa I -
terns, too. for !.iii.- the. ; - . specially
priced f..r Vi!i.!:i!;iv, per yil 20c
l't i;.; Itr;e prune;' for $1
.s eans poi k ami Iieans for 50c
I ."-Hi. ans of tomatoes for 50c
I .: -I'j. tan of be-,t quality beets for 15c
2 2 :.;: ; of White Laundry soap for $1
I .an-, of it.t .yrailo peaches for $1
1 saiis of Luxury aniois for $1
:: 2 1 li. cans pineapple for $1
2'j -In. u!is til p.-ais for $1
2 2-Jb. ians of loganberries for $1
;'!!). cans of raspberries for $1
; j.ns of preserves forr $1
C.allori pears in syrup, per can 75c
C.l! -n pliia.'s in syrup, per can 75c
I p.i: ka: larso size "J-.'rsey" corn llakes19c
I.r.. ;' ackages for 25c
". . a:.: of Oil" sap. pf-r bar 10c
::;i , .v:Lr tea. tlirect from Japan. II) 75c
oairci" eo.f.-e. :; lbs. for $1.25
Per Eottle, 40 Cents
'I hi .N'eit ir makes a delicious drink and is
rea lv 'or instant u -e. i-'ine fir hot weather.
Bulk Macaroni Imported Per lb. 10c.
A Good Quality Goods at a Low Price
Call Phones No. 53, 54 and 144
MlTi l l
-100 -
You Are Judged by Your
Let us prove to you that we can shoe you properly
at a medium cost.
Ladjes White Theo-Tie in Canvas, priced
- 1 1 1 sWr
Youth's and Boy's Tennis Shoes, with brown trim at Kinney's-
Hosiery Specials for This Week!
Children's half hose, per pair 39c
-Men's medium weight socks, 6 pair for $1.00
Ladies black silk hose, per pair 79c
Mt. Zion Commandery is Nearing Its
Fiftieth Mile Stone Was the
Fifth Formed in State.
The organization of Mt Zion Com
mandery, Knights Templar, followed
closely the formation of the grand
eonimandery of Nebraska and th
commandery at Plattsmouth was the
first to be chartered" outside of the
four charter members of the state
organization which held its first con
clave at Lincoln June 19.-1872.
The Plattsmouth commandery on
being brought into being was given
the title of one of the holy mounts,
that of Mt Zion, and was soon well
established in this important part of
the Masonic work. The first officers
selected numbered many of those
who have since grown famous in the
Masonic work of the state and were
as follows: D. H. Wheeler, Eminent
Commander; H. D. Hathaway, Qen-
, eralissimo; E. T. Duke, captain gen
eral; It. K.' Livingston, prelate; J.
j Vallery, Jr. treasurer; J. N. Wise, re
jcorder; F. E. White, senior warden;
j John W. Marshall, .junior warden;
j John Aunty, standard bearer; ltob
I ert Ballance, sword bearer; Alonzo
j Cunningham, warder; M. B. Cutler,
I captain ef the guard.
The officers of Mt. Zion comman-
dory for the ensuing year are as
I follows: Luke L. Wiles, eminent
commander; Emmons J. Richey, gen
eralissimo; Ralph J. Haynie, captain
general; John W. Crabill, excellent
prelate; Raymond P. Westover. sen
ior warden; Alfred D. Caldwell,
junior warden; Philip Thierolf
treasurer; William F. Evers, record
er; EmJl J. Weyrich, warder; Harry
C. Leopold, sword bearer; Fred 1'.
Busch. standard bearer; Oliver (.
Hudson, sentinel.
The members of the PlattsmouHi
commandery have occupied posts of
the highest honor in the Masonic cir
cles and two of their members are
now officers of the grand command
rey of the state. Hon. Francis E
White, grand recorder and James M.
Robertson, grand captain general.
The commandery has a membership
of ninety and the regular meeting
night is on the first Wednesday of
each month.
Six-Year-Old Son of Mr. and Mrs. Ho
mer Campbell of Near Murray,
Kickvd in Head by Horse
Prom Saturday Dally.
A very serious accident occurred
last evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Campbell two miles east
of Murray and which resulted in a
dangerous If not fatal injury to the
little six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
The little boy wa playing around
the yard and one of the horses that
was near the boy suddenly kicked
and the hoofs of the animal struck
the lad in the head, knocking him
unconscious and inflicting a danger
ous wound. The injured boy was
hurried to the office of Dr. ii. F.
Brendel at Murray and after a brief
examination it was found that the
lad had suffered a very severe frac
ture of the skull and his condition
was very serious. He was nurried
by auto to the Fengr hospital
Omaha, where a further examination
will be made and all possible done to
save the life of the injure 1 noy.
Reports from the hospital this
morning state that h? is t ill in a
semi-conscious condition and that an
x-ray examination will be made at
once to fully determine the extent
and seriousness of the injuries, b;i
they are severe enough at the best
to make the case very dangerous.
To our kind friends and neighbors
who have assisted us in the hour of
grief and sorrow at the death of our
loved one we wish to express our
gratitude that will last until the end
of life and no words can express the
feeling that theh tender sympathy
has brought to us. Although we
wish to thank the friends for their
beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and
Mra. Joo Beil.
R. F. Erwin Regarding His Troubles
"A year ago last winter I had an
attack of indigestion followed by
biliousness and constipation. Seeing
Chamberlain's Tablets so highly
recommended for stomach troubles,
I bought a bottle of them and they
helped me right away," writes R. F.
Erwin, Peru. Ind. If you have any
trouble with your digestion give
these tablets a trial. They will do
you good.
From Friday's Daily.
This afternoon the members of
the Grand Army post and W. R. C.
departed on the 1:58 Burlington
train for LaPlatte, where they will
spend the afternoon with George
Wall, an old comrade of the civil
war, who has been very poorly of
Miss Margaret Hallahan was
among those going to Omaha this
morning where she will visit for the
day in that city with Father M. A.
Shine at the St. Catherine hospital.
Mrs. Henry Ofe and Mrs. Edward
Oto were among those going to Oma
ha, this morning, where they will en
Joy a visit of a few hours in that
citv with Carl Ofe at the Fenger hos-
1 pital, where he is recovering from the
effects of his operation tor appendicitis
We can furnish yon blank bookf
most any .kind. at Journal office.
June 14 of the present year will
be the one hundred forty-fourth an
niversary of the adoption by con
gress of the flag of the. United States.
The das has for marry years been
observed by the people of this and
other states as Flag day.
The flag, when properly dis
played, is not only a thing of beauty,
but is significant in its every fea
ture. The stars, forty-eight in num
ber, set in a field of blue, represent
a union of many in one. As we look
upon it, we behold a mighty conti
nent, stretching from the dominion
of Canada to the gulf of Mexico and
from Maine to California.
It means protection to the United
States, to Alaska, to Hawaii, the Pan
ama canal zone, Porto Rico, the
Philippine islands, the Samoan is
lands and Guam 3,743,000 square
miles. In addition to this is the
open sea. Wherever a craft of any
description sails in whatever sea.
ocean, gulf or lake, carrying at her
mast-heal the stars and stripes, the
ship, her crew, passengers and carj;o
have the protection of the United
States. Our army and navy are
pledged to the defense of everyone
under its folds.
You may read in the flag the hero
ism of the men and women of '7j;
you can hear Keys. the patriotic
poet, as he sings of the star span
gled banner; you can see it flying in
the storm as it is carried at the bow
of a frail craft by Washington
while crossing the Delaware; you can
see it as it so proudlv waved at York-
town while Washington received thrj
surrender of the English troops at
the hand of Lord Cornwallis; you
can see it on the plains of Flanders
and 'the hilltops of the Rhine; you
can see it now as it is fanned by ev
ery breeze and kissed by the sun
light of every clime. It is our flag;
it is your flag and my flag. "Make
way for liberty," is its proclamation
and where the principles it repre
sents are accepted, peace and pros
perity follow.
In consideration of these facts,
I proclaim Tuesday, the fourteenth
day of June, flag day. Let the flag
be displayed from every school house
from every institution of learning,
from places of business and from our
homes, and let its history be taught
by teachers and parents, by recount
ing the sacrifices made in the de
fense of the liberty which we enjoy
and the principles underlying thei
foundations of our government.
Given under my hand and the
great seal of the state of Nebraska
this, the second dav of June, 1921.
Used Car Rlarket!
1913 Ford Touring $125.00
1914 Ford Touring 125.00 I
19 Hi Ford Ton Truck 275.00 I
III 191C Ford Roadster 125.00 I
HI 1910 Ford Touring, winter fop 250.00
1910 Ford Touring 135.00
HI 1910 Ford Coupe 300.00
1917 Ford Touring 20.00
HI 19IS Ford Ton Truck. Cab and Body 425.00
191X Ford Roadster, express body 275.00 I
1919 Ford Starter Touring 375 00
1'ive nr Buick . 400.00
.N'ew Republic Ton Truck Bargain
Five passenger Oakland Bargain
Above prices cash. 10' added for time payment. in and 1' f m rh'iv; you the?.- cars. We
will be elm! to ff-ri!';ii:tr.'!i- th'-rn fo you.
j Phone No. 1 ' Plattsmouth I
'" " 1 ' " . - in
Ir Chuich and Temperance Worker
and One of Original Harding
Mtn New Department Agent
Washington. 1). C Junt. 10. For
mal announcement of the appoint
ment of Roy Haynes. a Hillsboro.
national prohibition
to succeed Jolin F.
made tcdav at the
Subscribe for the Journal today.
).. editor as
Kramer, wan
Whitu House.
Emerson E. Hunt of Mitchell. S.
I;., was named supervising federal
prohibition agent for the northwest
ern department, which includes the
states of Minnesota. Iowa. Nebraska.
North Dakota and South Dakota. Mr.
Hunt will succeed Paul D. Keller,
with headquarters at Minneapolis.
Mr n.-jyr.- in expected to take of
fice ?.in:i a-s he ran arrange his
;r--r.Hl .V. The appointment
d -'. no, require rnafe confirmation.
T:.-: xi 'orr.r.'hv-ioner is editor of
the fi.ll-Vjro D;.-patch and was one
of the fir?. Ofiio editors to suggest
the r.orriini'.or. of Mr. Harding for
. : e -. ; r e r. ; .
liefore entering newspaper work,
Mr. Haynes served as head master
of the Miami Military institute at
Gerniantown. O. He has been iden
tified with church and temperance
work an dfive years ago was a mem
ber of the general conference of the
Methodist Episcopal cliurh.
Mitchel' S. D., June 10. Emerson
1-J. Hunt, of this city, who was ap
pointed supervising federal prohibi
tion agent for the northwestern de
partment, has been state superin
tendent of the Anti-Saloon league for
the past two years. Prior to that
time he was assistant state superintendent.
Ford Prices Reduced
June 7th, 1921
Roadsters, with starter, - - $440.00
Touring, " " - - - 485.00
Coupe, " " -' - 695.00
Sedan, ' " " - - - 760.00
$25.00 extra on Roadster and Touring with Demountable Rims.
These Prices F. O. B. Detroit.
"The big reductions last fall were made in anticipation of low material costs,
which we are now getting the benefit of, and this fact, together with increased
manufacturing efficiency rnd the unprecedented demand for Ford cars, particularly
during the last three months, permitting maximum production, have made another
price reduction possible immediately.
"Ford business for April and May, 1921, was greater by 50,(533 cars and
trucks than for the same two months in 1920; in fact .the demand has been even
greater than the supply, so that our output has been limited, not by unfilled
orders, but by manufacturing facilities.
"During May we produced 101,424 Ford cars and trucks for sale in the
United States alone the biggest months in the history of our company and our
factories and assembly plants are now working on a 4,000-car daily schedule for
the month of June.
"The Fordson tractor is still being sold at less than the cost to produce on
account of the recent big price reductions, and it is impossible, therefore, to make
any further cut in the price of the tractor."
Can you afford to go without a car any longer, when Fords are selling at
these new low prices? There is no reason now, why you should delay purchasing
a Ford car, Ford truck or Fordson tractor.
We will gladly advise you concerning the delivery of a Fordson tractor or
the particular type of car in which you are interested. Just phone ns or drop us
a card.
Authorized Ford Dealer PHONE NO. 1 Plattsmouth, Nebr.