The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 13, 1921, Image 1

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    Nebraska Sfj!e Hiifori
cal Society
vol. no. xxx vn.
NO. 95
The m
paring a
r pecial
of tho city nrp pre
bargaii: lay v. lib h
ha ; b. ' a : 1
jiiiif lr.tii. ai
ct' I !' liu -ili'-
for next Wi-'l !i--si'.i v
i at v. I; I hue ae
men who ar- i.i.i
ins; t!k- lor:
fer a i t u I'-; :
ain !ay feature will of
i I heir store-: at !i;;urc..
that cannot hut coiiVinc" the liio-t
s-kept ica 1.
"1 h- great bargain will, ho fnily
out lined in another i: -no of tho
Journal and to read the Ml is to ho
convinced of the fac t that this is
the ,..orT!!iity that lias long been
looked forward to by tho residents
of the (iry ami olio that thoy will
The idea of this bargain day is
one that !is brought together tho
merchants of the city and tho pub
lic and tho s-hoppers -and sdirewi
buy. rs of tho ciiy will tindshrdlcm
luiuTs of tho community will find
this a gold.n opportunity t i secure
real honest bargains that are back
ed up by tii,. reputation of the re
liable hilsine.-s houses of tho City.
Never before has anything liko
this been attempted m tho
i!y nd tho merchant who have
tak n tho matter up aro to ho com
mended on their enterprise ar.d en
ergy in getting the organization to
prepare 'o give thf people the ben
efit of bargains riulit at home.
Th'-ro is not a husii:t-js house
tliis city that I"Os not t-tand hack
of its published of?.r and th;' public
:11 ! tin- yalncr in takini; up tho
di!!. rent oi!',-rs of r:,l harsains in
al! 1 i of tr-'d.-.
ci'ifns sliould ko-p on the
al.rt for tho .: advertising matter will
:ie tilt
e an
of h
Ii eaiH-e-;:
h'? pre-
nient o: t!ie
for t!. l.jg s
pared to thi
ol' w hat i. of.
ale IV:
o th- fullest
ered the;:),
tp.niittee from the Cham
ierce was out checking
Today a c.
Per of t on'!.
the offerinvs of the 'different mer
chants with the invcucrs coveviii;
the wholesale cost of the goods, and
thev have c rtinei that thev find the
bargains genuine and cxce
everv cas.-. Those serving
ional iti
on this
committee were H. A.
'. Morgan and A. C
Schneider. 1.
Cole, none of
whom are engaged i:i
pursuits in 1'lat t.-n.out h
certification has b-n :r.ii
ter i he mo.-1 c aref ui rt
u hoi, -a ! ( -is.
merca nt i,e
a n-
the I
T! r i-siln v's Ih1v
perft rinance 1 is: ov.
turke's "I'r -lo Tim's of
g: our.ds
of way.
colli pan vat t to t
ej-t of the Mnriing
at t rile', d 'i ery I i
t!;'- tii ihreat'-ni
t'io-(. who were in
well pl.-ied with
gi v n. Th-r. ar. f.
!io liavo not vi:ni
r- nt oonipan:e in
t Of the
g anu.eiicr i:
wt i' her :: n 1
attend i n '-e were
the performance
v grown jk"-o:is
-r.d :e'e-al dif-t!;i-
(A I favorite
I ram l. 1 tit tio- drawing
-'o ry of I larrlet
'le v
a ud
i r
: we
w a -
)! y
w i t h
Pot ! :n g ;;i t
i. ;
since it
ej, over
;r:d the
I ::t. I i'.e
first, drama! ied
tiaue to attend and w
plight of "Tncl.. T.-m"
of "Kv.'" and t,. l.nig
t If-- rd "Top-y".
T'ne I'.urkes company
t 'M-m a
much t
1 how a :
very ;
o the
:d ma
moon : ba
1 that
o the
t i V !!
ir para.l.
ple.-isir g.
iv all-
Several of the rcid. -nt.-- o' !l
who have ! e;i oiti nio'orin
1 i-t few evenings have- been
pl lining of the habit of ome
of the
a nui
i h ro w-
d! i vers of car iti making
-ieiico of their spot lights by
ing them in th faces of the
dri vers
a great
oi oiner cars ami eausin
i'-al of annoyance.
',e r;i in particular is cited as
showing deliberate intention to an
noy ami caue trouble for the driver
ol an auto. One of the lea din r resi
dents (f the city was driving out
Chicago avenue and met a car com
ing into the city and which carried
a bright searchlight and which the
driver proceeded to turn so hat. the
rays fell dire-tly into thhf face of
the driver of the southbound car,
blinding the driver and making it
necessary for him to stop. A short
time later the same car was going
out Washington avenue and the
same tj-ick wa repeated only in this
case tho driver of the car which had
received the benefit of the search
light, turned around and came hack
to the city to turn the matter over
to the police hut lefore the officers
could get on the trail the gas wagjn
with the bright lights mad? its e---capi.
Phone the Journal office when you
are in need of job printing of any
kind. Best equipped shop in south
eastern Nebraska.
From Thursday's lally.
Tho r-t,rts received here from
the 'bed-i.le of Father M. A. Si.i.i
at tlu- St. Catherine's ho.-pita 1 m
Omaha this morning wf-ro inorr f.iv-
.rai;( than those f yestordav. ai-
iinMiirh the patient i.--
!i tiie liiti.-n! i-: vtit' nt'i.i'in
a grat i!-al of pain ami lily. lo?ai:
inciicu ha-' caused a gieat 1 ol
prehension to the attending phsi
cir. That the distinguished clergyman
is shiiwin' iii prove!in-n! will rpr
i tainly he most phasing to his many
. friends ovfr tho eitv.
Board of Education Contracts with
Majority of Teachers for
the Cominrr Year.
Tho hoard of education of tho city
have completed tho selection of tho
greater part of the teaching force of
the city schools for the ensuing term
and will shortly he aide to make the
list complete in detail and have it
i i in readiness for the now superinten
dent. Mr. K. IeVolf on his ar
rival hero to take up his duties on
Aunust 1st.
The teacln-rs selected for tho high
school are as follows: tJ. K.
Ho Wolf.
superintendent ; U. C. Campbell,
principal; Jessie Uohertson. 1-i-torv;
I "Miini, i.hhii , jiiw.t i inn -
v.,1.,.1 i..ii .-.t i.. ii. .....l i . ..
y. cotnrnercia i : hstelle ltaird. lan
guage: 1'earle ?.:ats. lurmal train
ing; Mary Kirkp it ; iok. d'.j.i'.'st ic sci-
e"re; .le-'sie Mo!-e. science; Mrs.
fleorge 1J. Mann, mat heni;, t is ; 15. I".
!. n. r.iatriial training and athlet-
grade teachers selected by tho
( far are: Ant; a I'oisel. Cora
'Owens, (loloa Xoble. Clara Weyrich.
i Teressa Ih ti'.p'o. Amelia Martens.
Frances Faulkner. Mario Swoboda.
Irene Davis. Fvelyn Wolph. Mattie
C::peli. Anna Kys. Nellie Carlson.
Nettie Hawksworth. Pagniar Wtsttr
gaard. Norene Schulhi f. Cathoriuo
Ilintner. Adelia Sayles. Uose 1'rohas
1h. Vera Moore, and Mario Kauf
man, penmanship.
County Cleik Georg Sayles. Receives
Ccpies cf New lans Dealing With
Lewine ci Aisessinents.
Colinty Clerk George K. Sayles has
receive' from the s.'ate tax commis
sioner copies of tho new laws af
fecting the levying of tnxes by th.'
counties of the state and chief ami n
which is house roil No. 127. v'n.'h
h: fixed the -..mounts that the coun
ty hoards f the !ato may levy for
taxation. The law provides that the
levy shall not exceed thirty-five cent-;
per 51. "lot and sotting forth the
limit of which ihe various fund tax
(: may ho made. The following is
the amount that the county board;
cannot exceed in mar-ins up the var
ious funds, based on the actual valid
ation, general funds. :'. mills, road
fund 1 7-10". bridge fund. 1 0-1"",
sinking fund. 1 mill, mother's pen
sii n. 1-10 mill. s: IdierY. relief.
1-10 mill.
The county hoards aro also author
ized under house roll i:',0 to levy
1-4 mill for agricultural societies.
There were ahout thirty of the
friends and neighbor.; of Mr. and
Mrs. J. It. C. Gregory, residing near
I Cedar Creek assembled at their home
last Friday evening for a real good
time and from the accounts of the
gathering it was all that the guests
bad anticipated
The ladies of the party had come
provided with iee cream and other
I'ainties which with the loads of
lucioiis strawberries that the Greg
ory family have at their home made
a repast fit for a king. One of the
guests. Han Terryherry. it is stated
remarked that if lie was sick the
tiext day from overeating no one
would find it out.
The evening was spent in games
and mtiMO of till kinds that enter
tained the party until a late hour,
when they all returned home feel
ing that it had boon an event that
thev would lonj remember.
Announcement is made from Lin
coln of a fatal accident that occurred
to K. J. Kates, yesterday at Wil
mington. North Carolina. Mr. Kates
is well known in this city where
he was for some three years employ
ed in the local Rurlingtcm shop in
1905 as a machinist during the last
years of the regime of H. J. Helps as
superintendent of tho shops here.
The message received in Lincoln
from the wife of Mr. Kates at Wash
ington. D. C, did not give the par
ticulars of the accident and will be
learned of with the greatest of re
grets by the old friends here.
After leaving this city Mr. Kates
was in the employe of the Burling
ton at Havelock for some time in
the drafting department, finally go
ing to the state railway commission
where he spent a number of years
a expert in draf tmanship.
I linilf TilIMP TUP
'Annual Event Beinir Carried on by
Teachers in the iCty Schools
Result Important.
The -annual school census of the
city is now beii,; taken and is un
d r the direction of Misses Clara
Weyrich. F.stclle llaird and 1'earle
Staats. The public should give all
possible information to the census
takers when they visit the homes as
ti;' matter i; one of the .greatest
importance to the community in se
curing their ju-t apportionment of
the slate funds for :-ohool pur
poses. The stale gives $l..".(i for each
person of school age in the district
to assist in carrying on tho schools
and the failure to give tho names
of persons of school ago to the cen
sus takers means that the district has
lost that much which must be made
up in the taxes of the district itself,
so that the giving of al! names of
persons of school age is a very im
portant matter to the taxpayers.
It should bo remembered that
every person missed in the census is
money out of the pockeis of the tax
payers so he prepared to give the
census takers full and complete in
fo! mat ion of all persons between
' and
te::tv-ono years of age i:i
school district.
A great Nuany people have shown
tendency to refuse the information
asked for or have neglected to list
all of iheir family of school age and
as a result the district is out money
that if would otherwise receive.
Gathering; Held at Riverview Park
in Omaha and Quite Largely
Attended bv Members.
Kr'-Ti Tioirr. lay's l).iilv.
Yesterday tho members
Sunday school if tht- Fir.-t
terian chervil of this city
their annual picnic and for
'n joyed
the oc
casion the members selected the
beautiful IMrorvfp-w parte iv. Omaha
as the scene of tho event.
The members of the p;irty. num
bering some 105 were taken to Om
aha by automobiles and trucks and
were a i once Conveyed to the scene
of the gathering place in the charm
ing natural park that Omaha is so
happy in possessing. The natural
foliage and the beautiful stretches
C'f the green lawn made an ide.- l
spot tor the picnic and the swings,
slides and 'other devices for the
youngsters were well patronized w
yi ung.-lers were well patronized
while others enjoyed the bathing fa
cilities of the park to the utmost.
The Sund iy school had taken over
i he matter of providing the refresh
ments for the event and thw. mem
bers of the party were treated to a
pleasing luncheon and coffee prepar
ed over the stoves that ate a part of
the park furnishings.
It was late in the afternoon when
the journey home was made and the
cars arrived her" shortly after 0
o'clock with all the members feeling
that it had boon some real clay of
pleasure and enjoyment to everyone
making the trip.
Mr.-'. J. J. Wilson, matron of tho
Fastern Star orphanage in this city
has just returned home- from Omaha
where she has 1m en for the past few
days. Mrs. Wilson was there t i at
tend the reception to I'.ishon Tuttle
of tho cjiur.-h. who i--. a
distant, relative and also while in the
metropolis visited with the Ieeto
family who are spending several
weeks in the metropolis at the St.
Iiarnabas rectory. Father I.eete has
been very poorly for the past, few
days with rheumatism, hut is now
somewhat better and able to look
after his work as secretary of the
diocease as well as his parish work,
-being in charge of St. Harnabas dur
ing the absence of Father Lloyd 15.
Omaha. Neb.. June S
Editor Daily Journal.
Dear Sir:
Your facts and figures in re
sonic matters of early date, and your
article, "I'lattsmouth (J roots the Ne
braska Grand Lodge of Masons This
Afternoon." in i-sue of June 7th,
reflects credit on your newspaper,
which I esteem as one of the best
daily newspapers in Nebraska. I
was there, and know.
Sunday Editor World-Herald.
Two Good Refrigerators
have two i-xcellen refrigerators
sale, ivhich ran be ren at the
Cream station. If needing one call
and see them.
tfsw. R. C. KENNEDY.
If you vant good printing let us
do your work. Best equipped job
shop in southeastern Nebraska.
One of tho I'luttSiUOoiii residents,
who has the reputation for not a
little business ability in the line of
investments is con.g ra t ;:lar ing him
self on the fact t : i a - ins investment
made several month.-; ag in t'ne stock
cf one of the Texas oil companies i'
now yielding him. a '(turn of 4 per
cent r.n i he invest in-n' and he is
looking forward 'to receiving, the
check-' in a very jTe w (lay-, as ;,o has
received notice the i. dice- of the
coinpiny at lioiHto!!. Tea-. that the
d::de:;d h-id been d-iued.
The for henming st
of the Fraternal Or
which is to he held ;
Mcnda and Tuesday.
:io convention
d : of Eagles
a tills ciiy or
.h":e iiin
L'lst. proni'Nes o be one o
uest events of its V'nd r:a'
held in this t 'rticn ti:e
the big
has been
f an in a
num' er f year-.
Tii-- convention v:!! bring from
r-ixtv to eighty cb.deg. ; t';e c .n
enr:on as '.veil a- sivi-ri! hundred
visitors from .ourh o-ri.-:h:i. Om:.l;a
and Nebraska ' ty !e ::rr iv.
the proceeding-; r.r. d .a
of ladies are ex pK ' d to
'. a :n tier
. ,ra-,any
for the
.-irors as
it os a nil
their husbands t tii'
: v -
p'o-ns ar. co'i:; ' !
ntcrtainn nt ; :' t h ! . '. y v
... 11 ;lie r..!'ii1.i- (!e'r
m c m eers or : uc
i- Eagles lad-.-es.
o he giv.n the
:'.:: as. it V.- Ir.
-!.!- f u ! v -
. to be a unite.1.
Tho vi.-: tors
frc 'hi:n of the :
i he p .v- r of the
if to them and t ner
effort to make : !
picas. mr as po I'
!: f v will Icr.L; ' -tr
it iu r
This convent l"n w":l
cu'ar re-t to. this city a-:
the fact thft ir :.- the first to
!i ere
:ri"'.iv c
t !
i - -. '
i -. the h ading ctr.diilitr- for the of
fice of worthy ft resident and a ; ho
5 he presont v.'-,rC., v vice-president
Jlipre Is every pri.p'Vt ti'.at he wii?
"nc na:n(l for this office.
Ti-.? Eaglrs arc on? of the great
secret societies of t!io state and their
coining here i- an occasion tiiat
shoul ! he fully appreciated by the
res !d en Is of riatt.--'uouth w'aot'ie
th.' .v aro members of the V. O. E. or
not ml they should join :u string
that the v;-itor are received and
cared for in a fitting manner that
fie-- cre.l
it upoii tlsc city anl
nrie of tiie Eagle
on the -nlend
Ir thirt city.
Ti.e time is drawing short ere th
convention will assemble and the oil
iens henl l
t busy on their final
plans for decoration of the main nart
of the city and special features of
entertainment for those who will be
here from points over the state.
The committee of the local aerie
of the Eagles are arranging a public
meeting and entertainment, tit th
I'armelo theater on Monday evening.
June ruth, which will furnish a v ry
pleasing diversion for these who are
lie rc as 'ho gues's of the city. Judge
Duncan of St. Joseph. Mo., one ot'
the foremost leaders in the west in
th? Eagles will bo present to mak
an .address on behalf of the grand
aerie. Special musical numbers v ill
Le given by M . s. Lillian Freeman,
pianoiM, Edna Marshall Eaton, vo
calist. as wll a- the !'. M. male quar
tet composed of llev. Hunter. Rev.
Mcciuky. Frank Cloidt and D ti C.
Ycrk, and a bra-s fjuartet which is
being arrangeil by Dr. A. D. Cald
well will add a pleasing part to the
entertainment of the guests.
The latter part ot the evening
will he occupied with a (lancing
party at the Eagle hall for the vis
itors and members of the order :md
thiir families and friends and fol
lowed by a luncheon to the members
of the convention party as well a
the local members of the order. The
luncheon to the visitors will be served
at the Barclay cafe, which has for
the occasion been placed at the dis
posal of the Eagles of Mr. Barclay.
From Priilay'B Pally.
Yesterday afternoon the service
class of the Christian church Sun
day school w;'s very pleasantly en
tertained by M?-dainrs L. L. and C.
L. Wiles. A large crowd was. pres
ent, although tho weather was. very
disagreeable and the meeting had
been planned to be at the city park
and on account of the rain was hold
at the church. The ladies held their
bu-iness session and decided the date
for t'ne June anniversary social to
be June 17, to which all members of
the church and their families are ex
pected to be present. They also took
up the arrangements of the dinner
for the convention to be held June
1?. The class decided to held a
contest for three months, in secur
ing new members, to combat the sum
mer slump. This, concluding the
business the hostesses served very de
licious; refreshments of cake, ice
cream and strawberries. v;th
tea. All present had a very
lightful time anil wished these
fairs would come more often.
Vocal Pupils oi TIrs. E. H. Wescott
and Violin Students ol' His. Lil
lian Caldwell. Hold Recital
From Friday's I.'ulty
Last ev -nitiV "t-'-.innyside", the
beautiful Wesv-otL home on high
s -hooi hill. w.s t! e .a ene of an eve
ning cf i':o .::eate.-: enjoyment in
mu-ical numbers by the pupiis of
voice culture of .Mt. E. II. Wescot:
and the violin p.iui's of Mrs. Lillian
The rooms of the home had been
attractively ai ranged with the flow
ers of early suinne-r whose natural
beauty added a pleasing tou-h to
the s-one and charm to the hand
somely appointed roc ms.
T'ne members of the voice class of
Mr-. Ve--cott. composed of M:s. Km-
m?. l'ea.-e. .Mrs. Christine Coughlin.
Airs. William Ilaird. Mis? Margurite
Wiles. Miss. Margaret Spangler, and
Clare Hudson, gave numbers of ex
ceptional bcati' and which showed
skill and wonderful expression that
reflected r"a'. credit on the young
people taking part and their gifted
ins' ructof.
The vied in numbers, were given un
der the direction of Mrs. Caldwell
and ir. the rendition of the duets,
iuarto-. aioi or ch extra numbers the
tneiiibtrs of the class demonstrated
heir marked ability and technic on
the- viiin which they have received
from their t earlier.
Tiie evening was one or the most
pleasing musical gatherings that has
been held here for some time and
't:e that, was evidence of the excep
tionally s.trong musical talent, pos-s-'
s-ed by the 1'Iat wuuu,h people.
The cijs or" Mrs. Oldwell which took
parr, .u the entertainment were:
Mrs. :.. H. Cuss, man. Mrs. O. San
:I;n. Mi.-s Sadie Dill. .South Bend,
Mis- -;:;,
Murray, and
Mastf : iloorge Caldwell.
At a suitable hour the members
tiu- party were treated to dainty
t( fr j;t;'-!!!: of fruit putish and
wt.fers tiust added, much to the pli-.aire--
' :' tiie occasion.
Condition of Stream Has Not So Far
Bei: Affected by High Waters in
West, But Cliangc Looked Tor
Tho I'latte river north of this city
has not. so far showed any marked
raise as the result of the recent rainrf
and f.ods in the western movntain
country, although in the western
portion of Nebraska tiie raise is i(uite
high and ft om six to eight feet of
a raise is reported.
There has been ro change noted
at. tiie- I'latte ri'.er auto bridge al
though, the river has been filled with
a great deal of drift in the last two
days which, indicates that the raise
is on the way. At this point it is
no- th night ihe water will reach
the point that it. has in the western
part of the st-tte and no damage is
looked for along this portion of the
Mrs. Jennie Welch had the misfor
tune to fall Tuesday and break bel
ief t arm between the elbow and
shoulder. The break was so severe
local physicians advised that Mrs.
Welch be taken to a hospital in Lin
coln, where the x-ray could be used.
15. u r Keed and a car was secured
and Mrs. James McNamee accom
panied Mrs. Welch to the hospital at
Lincoln, where they were met by
Mr;'. Welch's daughter. Mrs. Fred
Miller and son. Dr. Morton Welch.
C'f Edison. Neb., who happened to
be in Lincoln. Mrs. Welch had her
household goods all packed to move
to Lincoln and was expecting a van
to come from Lincoln ,for the goods.
She had gone over to take dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Clark and
it w .i s after the dinner hour, and
thinking she heard a truk hurried
home the back way and while hur
rying over a board walk in her back
yard, a board in the walk broke,
which caused her to get the fall.
Weeping Water Republican.
The birthday anniversaries of Mrs.
?r. A. Street and daughter, Mrs. Mae
3. Morgan, occurred on the 8th of
June, anl accordingly the ladies en
joyed a very pleasant celebration of
their anniversaries on Wednesday
evening at the Sitreet home and
which was participated in by the
family and a few close friends. The
members, of the party enjoyed a fine
picnic supper and during which the
i two lauies were congratulated on
havirfg passed another milestone of
life's highway.
Those who enjoyed the occasion
werei the guests of honor. Mis-- Clara
Mae Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.
We cot t. and family. Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Wescott and family. John W.
Crabill and family. Mrs. Edna Shan
non and. daughter, Ruth. Mifs Gene
vieve Goodman, and Dr. and Mrs. J.
i 13. Martin. Mis. Martin is just one
; clay younger than Mrs. Street and the
I ladies had the plcasuer cf enjoying
! their celebration in each others com
! pany.
Sterling Khoden who has been in ,
a hospital in Lincoln for fTTe past
iti,w weeks. is improving slowly. .
Some time ago he stepped on a rusty'
nail and blood poison set in that
foot. As it is he had to have two'
toes and part of the instep bone !
cut away. His condition was very J
serious at one time and it is hoped;
now that a turn has been made for
the better, that he will imprir.ej
right ah ng. His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Khoden. of Ogallah.j
Kansas, were with him at Lincoln
tor several nays last week'. .urs.
Khoden returned borne. but Mr.
Khoden remained for a week longer.
Klmwood Leader-Echo.
Former Employe of the Burlington
He:t2 Meets Death in River, At
tempting to Save Companion
The death of "Edmund J-. Kate",
formerly a well known employe of
the Kurlington in the shops hero
from 190a to 1907. was due to the
efforts to save the life of a compan-
ion while they were
The following from
c ut swimming.
!ki State Jour-
nal gives the particulars, of the af
fair: Edmund J. Kates, former assistant
valuation engineer of the Nebraska
railway commission was drowned at
Wrightsville Beach, near Wilming
ton. N. C. according to word re
ceived in Lincoln by A. R. Carson.
He and four others from the office
where he was employed were to
gether, the message states, ami two
of them went into the water first.
His companion stepped into deep
water and was caugnt by a strong
out current and called for help. Mr.
Kates went to his assistance and
both were drowned. The bodie
were recovered and will be taken to
Washington. I). C. Mr. Kates was
thirty-seven years old. He was born
in Springfield. O.. and spent many
years with the Kurlington. later be
coming valuation engineer with the
state railway commission. He was
ensineer examiner in the bureau of
finance of the interstate commerce
commission at Washington, U. C.
at the time of his death. Funeral
arrangements have not been complet
ed hut it is expected that the body
will be brought to Lincoln.
From Thursday's Dally.
Last ev.ening the G. K. Olson home
was the scene of a very pleasant gath
ing of a few friends who were en
tertained by Miss Florence Olson in
honor of her house guests. Misses
Jean and Muud-e Kaufholz of Topeka,
Kansas who are enjoying a visit here
while enroute from the west where
they have spent several weeks in Col
orado and Wyoming. The evening
was spent very informally in games
as well as several very delightful
musical numbers given by Miss Flor
ence Olson and Miss Mildred Schla
ter. The members of the party also
enjoyed dancing for a short time
during the evening. Refreshments
served at an appropriate hour added
to the enjoyment of the event.
Those who were present were: Miss
es Mildred and Margaret Schlater.
Florence, Marie and Ruth Olson
Mr. Fred Waldo Warren.
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tii urn in TTTTt rrr ntinnn it l m frnnim im nt r
'MojiiMiitii.ijiii. uuuiiiiniiiiiiiMiuiiiiiiiHi u i miiiiiuui Lm-Liuu. 1 1 1 ; ti 1 1 ki 'j J j
Hold Sesrior. at Weeping Water With
Large Number cf De.i.gates From
Over County in Attendance
District No. .'5 compos d cf ihe fol
lowing Kebekah Llg s, Taimage.
Nebraska C;ly, Syracuse. Calms ra.
Avoca. Nehawk;:. Wt -op in:, V.'ate. and
Elmssood met in se-isloll at W'eepmg
Water, J. Hit' :'. witn all lodges rep
resented. Nehasvka had an unus
ually large number present. The ses
sion opined at 1 o'clo- k p. in.
Mrs. Alice M. Coy, vice president,
of Nebraska Kebekah assembly. Mrs.
Eva ISaile.s. president district No. .:,
Miss Olive Stevens, D. D. 1'. and Dr.
Gtddys. D. D. .1'., were introduced
and the business of the afternoon
was taken up.
New officers elected wore: Olive
Stevens. Weeping Water, president;
Emma Shreve. Klmwood. vicn presi
dent; Levina Ringer. Weeping Wa
ter, warden. The papers and music
given were especially fine. A splend
id ti o'clock dinner wa .-: served by the
ladies of the Christian church in
the dining hall of tile beautiful new
church building.
The evening session was called at
7::J0 by Woodiand Ixlge.
Nehawka put on the memorial ser
vices' which was very beautiful in
the twilight. Coming as it did at
that hour it added to the impressive
ness of the service.
Following this Syracuse initiated
two candidates, during which several
new features were introduced which
were very pleasing.
The district otiicers then t.ok
charge of the business and the meet
ing closed by Elmwood seating the
new oliicers who showed much
thought in conducting the drill and
wr feli like congratulating them
then and there. Tiiose attending
from Elmwood Kebekah Iodge No.
1S8 were: Mrs. Eva I5ailey. Mrs.
Emma Shreve. Mrs. Clara Cobb, Mr.
Gertie Hayes. Mrs. Susie Alford. Mrs.
A Hie Larighorst. Mrs. Mary Wil
liams, Mrs. Olla Hayes. Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Elliot. Misses Anna and Ida
McFall. Mrs. Ella IJoyles, Miss Hot
tie Hailey, Mr. Chat. G. Ha Key, Lil
lian Muenchau. Floy Lyle. Cora
Williams. Mrs. Mary Lean, Ivois Loan
Miss Lucy Gorton, daughter of
Frank Gorton of Dunbar, and Oliver
Lowrey. sen of Mr. and Mrs. John
Iowery, were united in marriage in
Omaha on Wednesday. June S.
They were attended by Mrs. Lorin
Ft fer and Kyron Gorton, brother and
sister of tiie bride. Miss Gorton
wore a navy blue suit with a hat to
match and carrie d a bouquet of brides
The bride is a popular young lady
in the community and highly es
teemed. She has been employed as
bookkeeper for A. L. Royd. merchant
at Dunbar. Mr. Lowrey is a pros
perous young farmer, who has been
attending school of agriculture at
The happy e'ouple left immediately
for the east where they will spend
their honeymoon.
They will be at home to their
friends afjer July 1 ij on a farm owned
bv the groom. Nebraska City Pre.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
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