The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    - . : i
Cbe plattsmouth lournal
Entered at Poatofflce, Plattsmouth. Neb.. a second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
France was disappointed when
Germany didn't disappoint her.
And Ulster is quick with a short
order funeral as is Sinn Fein.
The eniersency in the emergency
tariff is really the consumer's.
The wage of self-determination in
Ireland is marked by other wakes.
One of the advantages of present
styles in women's clothes is that fig
ures can't lie.
A jury may fail to convict a man
en circumstantial evidence, but hi?
wife never does.
Pretty soon you will hear a lot
more about Poland's position than
about her petition.
John Barleycorn may be gone, but
the evidence is rather abundant that
he is not forgotten. ,
. :o:
There seems to be a general reali
zation that a moderate profit is bet
ter than no business.
Another unusual news item: The
Yanks won and Babe Kuth got a
home run both on the same day.
It begins to lock like the only
place a man can safely keep his pri
vately distilled whisky is on the
Recent court cases proved that the
girl you left behind isn't as dan
gerous as the letters you left be
hind. Germany ha at least commenced
to pay the war indemnity. The next
trouble will be Jo make her keep
it up.
Somehow these French and Italian
parliamentary crisis remind us of
when somebody throws the cat in(o
the kennel.
r:o: T
It isn't so much the heat as it is
the stupidity of the man who tells
you it isn't so much the heat as it is
the humidity.
There's one feature about this
growing cigarette habit among wo
men. It gives men a chance to talk
now and then.
A trade paper says silk hosiery is
here to tay. Juding from the fig
ures of some women, that's what
they use it for.
Did you ever notice how cheerfully
a woman gives her order in a res
taurant when she has a man along
to pay the freight?
Some of the pie-hungry republi
cans in Nebraska are beginning to
feel that the administration at Wash
ington is downright ungrateful.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thorotiehly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
Put she coes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
us. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
7rrJE- VTTrP-y opposite:
Doug denies it. Perhaps the press
agent forgot to tell him.
Some men are born to failure and
others merely take advice of their
The citizens of Tulsa seem to be
under the impression they are living
in Russia.
It is said that it takes dandelion
wine seven years to ripen and then
it isn't fit to drink after it has rip
ened. -:o:-
Elbert Gary and Charles Schwab
says that a big business boom is
coming. Well, everybody is ready
for it.
One reason why the great common
people of the United States are grow
ing ioorer every year is because ivt
tomobilcs, gasoline and tires cost so
-o. Ci-
One of the chief objections to
bathing in the waters of the Mis
souri river is that there is .no place
handy where you can take a bath
after you come out.
From the number of husband-murderers
in the recent past, it appears
that the young man who vows he'd
face death for his love does thru
very thing approaching tiie alter.
: o:
Diogenes, who has been ridiculed
for centures on account of his use
of a lantern in his daylight search
lor an honest man, might have done
worse. lie might have used a quc:;
tionaire. : o-.
Pill I lay wood has nobody but him
self to blame for sliding out to Rus
sia just when he eoiM easily have
caincd a lucrative ussignnx nt from
some saft'on news syndicate to cover
the prize fight July 2.
Germany now owes Uncle Sam
$239,229.37.24 on account of the
cost of maintaining troops on the
Rhine. If this keeps up much long
er the interest on this debt is going
to eat up the principal.
Things must be getting lively down
east. Friends of ours in New York
writes that he saw a new classic
dancer the other night who wore on
ly twenty-eight bead, and twenty
two of them were perspiration.
Chief Justice Edward Douglass
White whose will consisted f fl
simple words, was a famous jurist
and knew that the stilted and in
volved language of many wills pro
vides greater opportunity for law
yers than for legatees.
A bill has been introduced in the
Florida legislature prohibiting law
yers from earning more than $3. 00ft
per year. The author no dou
thought he was perpetrating a bit of
humor, but we dare say that not a
lawyer in the state smiled.
The Public Service Commission of
Missouri has ruled that a nibsTilier
has a right to use abusive Lingua::.:
to a telephone operator nt least one?.
Have you ever noticed that t Ti o
who uses abusive language to a tide
phone 'girl never has the courage to
use the same sort of talk to a man?
Slacker Pergdoll's lawyer says he
would have undertaken Judus Isra--iot's
defense just as readily a lie did
Pergdoll's adding that Judas Was
entitled to a fair trial under law.
Which isn't the point. Judas had
thirty pieces of silver. Would the
lawyer have undertaken Pergdoll's
defense if Pergdoll had ben a pu
agrapher instead of a millionaire?
Prohibition, according to an an
nouncement made in Washington, has
increased the value of the amount of
sweets sold in this country in a year
to more than a thousand million dol
lars. Due directly, it is said, to pro
hibition, the amount of candy and
other sweet3 sold and eaten in Amer
ica increased by a third during the
first year of the operation of prohi
bition. :o:
There is a society working hard
in the purpose of inducing women
to keep their own names after mar
riage instead of adopting the names
of their husbands. They apparent
ly want John Smith to marry Miss
Emily Jones, so that the society col
umn may later report this item:
"A son was born May 30. to Mr.
John Smith and Miss Emily Jones
of this city."
From Wednesday's rnily.
The reception yesterday ai'terno;-!:
accorded the representatives of tin
grand Iodize of the Ancient Urn aid
Accepted Mason sof Nebraska, prove!1,
one of the most pleasant gatherings
that has been held in tiiis city i:i ;i
great many years and in w hich ever y
one in the community heartily joined
in making a splendid success.
The lowering cloud broke before
the time of the arrival of the spe
cial train from Omaha and caused
quite a heavy rain but which fortun
ately had subsided ere the visitors
arrived and left the s'reet in line
shape for the auto parade.
The citizen sof the community pos
sessing cars had placed them at the
disposal of the committee and t 1k -c
were present at the Pur'iincton sta
tion at 2:A when the train arrived
and conveyed the di.-i iiigui.-ied party
the Mason i
where the
grand lodae delegates v.vre to in
spect the home and to take i-rt in
the reception that had been pi-par"d
for them by the citizens and member.--of
the Masonic branch, s of this city.
The formal address of welcome was
given bv District Judge James T.
UeK'ley to the party or v;
til by Grand Master Jo--.
denberg of Omaha. th t;
assembled on the east
home building and in ne
itors ha'l
ph 15. Try
uests being
dde of tlie
of t he most
attractive spots of the home surround
ings. To the address of welcome Mr.
Frydcnbcrg made the respon o and
in which ho expres.-ed the desire of
!Masonarv to care for the aged, the
infirm and the orphans of th rd'-r i
as well as expressing the feeling of
pleasure at being 1'ere at the home.
Rev. Shepherd as well as lion. Geo,-g
I!. Thutnmel were al t calltd ;.n for
4 few remarks and ! .1 o the work
'if Masonary along the lin s of be
nevolence and hi lpfulr.e to those
who were m .s; in j-.eyl of
The KH-.s ban ! a-ded a pVa-iu.g
touch to :' afternoon of entertain
ment with a fine selected program o;"
high -"lass numbers which proved a
real treat of the afterno'-ti and wb::
made a pleasing impres-j.m with l1 -visitors
as wv!l as th - r .-Meet- ,,;
the home who t:i t '. : r .1 on the bal
conies to enj iv the event.
During the a f t ,-rno. oi the i'd'c:
of Home ChajM'T 1 Vi. O. K. S. serve I
a very delicious :md del-giufu! 1 i ? i h
eon iti the dining r-iotn of The h "no
consisting of ice cream, cake and
sandwiches and the Advo eofi'ce which
had been sent 1:
and was served by Xpert coffee mak
ers. Thi was -i feature that had
been well looked after an-l there was
ample for everyone to enjoy them
selves to the limit of their capa-ity.
Another feature of the afternoon
was the demonstration made by tile
Piatt-smout h volunteer fire depart
ment. A small frame shack had been
plae- d across the str-it south from
the Home grounds and this was set
afire and in three minutes the tire
department had reached the scene of
a -tion with their truck and in a very
few seconds had the city water hoak
ed up and playing on the dace and
in seven minutes the fire was all ov
er. It was a tine practical demon
stration ff the lire fight irg force of
the city and assured the visitors that
there is a real department and ser
vice here in times of tire.
The special trai nrt-tnrned to Onoi
ha at " o'clo-k and aeh person on
the train found awaiting them a
copy of the Journal and alsa p'er.iv
of the celebrated PI 1 1 tsmout h made
One-row machine, for listed corn.
Call phone 2913. 3td 2tv.
Rlank Books at tne Journal OJicc.
Pc-.itions rrt plentiful for th-j who
re Iminrd! ia'.clmr nay wcrk f."r
Jicard. Tuit'on low. Aik for catalog t.
Omaha, Nebrast.a.
AcefylGtie Welding!
I am prepared to do all
kinds of Acetylene Welding.
Charges reasonable and work
the best.
Located at John Iverson's
Biaksmith Shop,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
is working in the Soft Drink
Parlor of
Give the boys a call when in
need of any tonsorial work.
From ilonuay's Daily. j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tgurtelottej
of Adams Nebraska, and Mr. and Mrs.
M:-Kinney of Firth, N'e'n , were in tho
city over Sunday srucvts at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. William H.iird.
James M. Tcegardtn of Weeping
Water, and John F. Cusmn of Mur
dock. were here today spending a few
hours at the oiTic-e of t'ounty Superin
tendent Miss, Alpha Petersen.
Mr. and Mrs. LdHard Jensen of
Kenntird. Neb., were i:;ors in the
city yesterday for a hort lime at
the home of Mrs. MarMia J. Petersen,
returning home last .-veiiinLr, motor
in"; to their home.
Ir. (1. H. (Jilniore. of Murray, was
in the eity Saturday for a few hours
visiting with his friends and was ac
companied hero by his mother-in-law,
.Mrs. J. A. Walker, who spent a
few hours looking after some busi
ness affairs.
Mrs. (Jlen Parriott and children,
of Atlantic. Iowa, have been enjoy
ing a visit in Jhis city at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Knuene Maurer,
roraintr up from I'err. where they
j had previously visited. From here
i they no to Couiuil lihtifs to visit
h.ith the mother of Mrs. Parriott.
Knm TufS;lay"s 1h!1v.
Paul Roberts of Cedar Creek, was
among 'the -visitors in the eiiy today
to look after some matters of busi
ness. Aug'ist Pautsch of near l)uisville,
was in the city yesterday for a few
hours attending to some matters, of
William Deb-sDernier t he Kim wood
attorney was in the city for a few
hours today attending to some mat
ters at the court house.
James M. Teegardcn of Weeping
Watc was among the visitors in the
city today, having some matters l
Ir-.k after in the office of the county
Attorney C. K. T( fi"t and Conntv
j Aent P. It. Snipes of Weeping Water
: came up this morning from their
; home to look after some' matters of
; business here for a few hours.
; Mrs. M. M. Mitchell of San Fran
i ( :-' . who has be n l.-;v for the past
t tvt days visiting at the home of Mr.
lard Mr:-. George Do-Uc departed this
morning for Omaha, accompanied by
j Mrs. Dodge. Mrs. Mitchell is to leave
in a few days for her home on the
! const.
! Mrs. Prank R. Go'i.-'n an le'urn
' this morning on the early H;:r
j !:' to:-, train from I.os Ange'es. ";)!
j ifi rnia. where she has been spend
t in g si veral months isiting at the
! home of her mo le and aunt. Mr.
j a till Mrs. Mark White. Mrs. Gobel
in; n w;:s delayed for so me time on
lor returned by the floods in Colo
rado that greatly affected the train
set vice.
Colton says: "There are three
kinds of praise that which we yield
to the powerful from fear, that which
we lend to the weak from inter st.
and that which we pay to the de
serving from gratitude." N'ow read
;it-.' letttr sent us on April 1 from
j Awry. Idaho, by .Mr. Michael Troha :
i "I thought that I would be compell
ed to ;;o to a hospital. but Triner
iPi'-'r Wine helped me. I am in
!os t health, now. I can work again
I and all my stomach pains are gone.
J It is a great remedy." P is surety
oi;- o!" doa!'( that this praise is paid
jto the deserving homo remedy from
jar.: iit tide by a patier.t who had con- nimseti. jnsi iiKe thousands
and thousand In fore him. that Trin
er's Pitter Wine is an excellent rem
edy for stomach disorders. In case
of poor appetite, constipation, head
aches, etc.. go to your druggist or
dealer in medicines and ask for the
original Triners Pitter Wine! The'
dri.ggist will give you information
iils, about other Triner's remedies.
Trim r's Liniment. Triner's Cough
Sedative, etc. It is always useful to
have them at home for case of need.
W!.ir;ts, I.lot M.isM.inri. ennviiIe-1
in ';;ss -'intx-. mi the tilth i!:ie of
.1 1 -. l:i''i. !" t'-- ciin: . ' " l.t U j eg
;i e - J T. t 1 1 : 1 1 :'. , h :t s m;; !' ;i T't ii 1 i in I o
Ir i' i:-i:iicl ,if i'.ii- !-"!S !m- :i ;':.?-nl-. ;nel
!! 'tn.-;.1 ,,f I I 1 . i . . I : S . pl"'.i.iit to ii- w
i ;o si t tl..- I. our of n o'. loc ',: ri...
ti 1 : lutl- l;iy of . - f..;- !.. n r-
ia-; on ;i ).;!;' ;i l io;,. , i. r. n . .
:.-o. I !.:, ti.,t jfj...j ii.;.i t !;.
tii:i v :!! rr ft ' 't.i!- 1 ' i i r 1 1 io i . . ' X i-;i.- kn, on r! ;iiei
l.oio- ; I slio-.e liiii.-i-. rf t!n-r- ho.
v.liv .-:! ;i ial ia 1 io a siau.lii or stioi.M
not .( gianto.l.
i. M .Msi:i:i:KV.
S'-el ,t'tn "'v, I!irt'ii of I 'a i .ions.
N. T. Il.UtMUN,
e'l i -f .latt- J 'l ohat ion oft'ii-L-r.
Minn: or slit to tiMirr 'irii i:.
In tie i y t r i i t Const of Ca.-s eouti
ty. Ncipiiel:;..
i'.jiil Itic l.ter fuel Porniiin T : i. 1 1 1 -r.
I'taiet i:Ts. .-. Jane s II. r Sif et al,
ilef" n,i., nt-.
To t ' 'l.-f.-tnl;t n l ,1hi:h-s- II. ilress;
'in- ; n k r.own sn- -.-sois ,-iriit ussigns,
!:fj!s. i vis. -ei-. I.-gn tees. n rsniml ri-i.---i
:. ta i vi: s nn.l all other j.orsoiis in
1 f - T -.- r : ! in the estate of Juliics H.
1 ireag. d en.-eil ; Samuel Kline: Mag
gie I i. Kline; the unknown heirs. iev;-leuau-e.--.
personal icprej-enta-tio
-' at.ii all oliier persons interested
in ti e estate of Samuel Kline, dcreas
J : tl.e unknown heirs, devisees, lea
t es. personal r'-pr.-sen tn i ves an.i all
"!.! persons interested in the estate
'f .Mane,!.- I. Kline, dea-eas 1: I-ts
!.e, ill two. tt tliro. (,"?) four, ft)
live, (.". ) six. ir, fifteen, tl.") sixtn,
il'Ji i-e-enteen. (1T eighteen. (1S
nite-ti en. tl'j) twenty (-'Oi un.1 twentv-
ove. (li in r.loek .-'-vrn (7i and Lots
three. (:, four, til five, ( r. ) six. (K)
"'!!. Tl ten, (I'm ilivfii, (11) twelve,
(li thiil en. (i; fourteen, (It) lif-te.-n.
(." cjxteen (lii) and .---eventeen,
MTi ::i Htr-k eisi.r. (s all in ltta's
Fii.t Addition to tho of Mur
fiiy. "ss county, Nebraska, and all
pei .-Otis l nvin; or elaiininir any inter
t st of any kind in and to said real
estat-'- or any part thereof:
Von and ea'-li of you ate hereby
notified that Paul Hic-htc-r and Her
man Kiehter as plaintiffs, filed a peti
tion and commented an uction in tlie
lest!i(. t Court of th Conntv of Pass, i
Nebraska, on the 11th day of May,.
l'i ;i. aj ainst you and e o-h of von. the I
object, iiui pos and pi ever of wl.icii j
-.s to obtain a decree of coust iimetir.g
The title to Lets on, tl i t wo, i.'i :
Thief. (3 four, t -i ) five, iji six.
fifteen. 15) sixteen. (IS) seventeen.'
(17) eighteen., (.IS) nineteen, U3 twen-
20 for 20 cents
in air-tight packages.
Also obtainable in round
tins of 50, vacuum sealed.
ly i. hi .-...1 t u .'nt;. -!. . (Jli i;i Jt'iM-k
! n. , i .! !...t- t :.!. :: f ur.
i ii -. i ". I A. I It I S.V.' ii. ' 7 I III!.
mi . !.- n. i j j i i 1 tl iit'-f ii.
1 :'. i I'-iiil. . v. i lit titti.-'i, (I.".t si-
'II 1- i --.-vfi-.i. !. I 17 in T:i.-k.
Ii :i!l in l.:tM;t's I'.lsl .utitinn
: l V:!l:ii.-.- "I Mitrs . t 'ass t oiiii
t. rtt bin. k.:. its ;i 1..1 init yi'ii ;unl e;ti-!i
I .. ;ii:.l fnp .-u.-li utiliT ullif ;i.s
Ili-'V In- jn.-t Jtlel i-"!;t b'c.
Vi'ti iinil a. Ii uf ynii ii re furtln'r
:n.i::i'-il Unit ymi nn- re i i iil ti iin-fv.-i-r
saiii I'ttitinn nn m- l.i-t'oio .Mmi
ibiv. I'Ttli ilay uf .Juni-. T'JI. up tlie
a t b-u a t 'inns tin ri-in emit a inal will be
take n ts true ami a ilerree will be
ienilMil in favor of the plaintiffs and
av-ainM yon aiei e,u!i if you iircunl-in-
to ti i- i'tiivi-r of saiil tititiin.
1'atvil tliis nth iiav of M;iv, ln.l.
I'.M'l. KICiITItl: ami
1!i:i:.m.n kichtki:.
I'la int itTs.
av. a. i:i'i;i-:i;Tsnx,
mti'.-tu. .lty. for J'laintiffs.
Mini t: m i, m ihmii.
i :i: 1 1 n;
Mr. T. lltJT.
Not : i- --bv vim ii that tl e ate
nr. it i H-. t: i.:;- of .!, n. liislti.-t No. lii-'.
f t'ass i.ii;:;- . N-binskii. bo bebl
in t!:.- a in! i ; : : m t:i of t!..- Aivo I'mi-
".tn! .1 ; i i. on tii l:.tb itay of
.1 1 : 1 1 . 1'iJl. ei i' i u It o'i loi k ). m.
Notice is bereb further -ivin that
lie poi;-i...e o I ho le.e. ijiiu will be fur
tl- r.ltow in- b: - iin-y,:
I. 'I.'.- ' 1:11'--. on tl.e ;ll.-stiotl of
a i I ! ; i o i : j e l.e ; i i.-i-r eontit v oifii'i.ils
I o !.-v snlf iei.-nt ni;iif on tin- iissi s-e
;i'iiat;.Mi of 11" in My of saiil ilis-
trb-t to ra'.e -in tlioiis.tnl ilollais
i f I it, .Mill. mil. i tor ;:u.ial seho..! .iir
j, fop the h-.ol year of 1 tl j 1 - l :i'
'1 to -I.-.-! jot; i f tv o tl llstecs- of
saiil l 1 .iisiriit for a term of three
t a ! s.
The t r;. iisai t ion of any otlitr
bii.-;;::-.- v. ! I may le.LTally eonie be-foil-
saiil tn .el i n-.-v
II '.?: KV Al'I'I.KMAN,
'ha i i li;. i a ltnaid of Trust e-s,
S !;,,,, i , ;i-it net No. li)J, t'ass
C'. h: n I -. Xi braska .
K. i i tAT.MAN.
.Stall i;S-:'.v Secretary.
tt ii:h i" i: ic i : m no-
tm t: v riiiuiv i i: or wn.i.
la the I'mititx- I'mnt of ( 'i eniin
t . N.'iu a-k.i.
Stat.- t f Ni i'l.iska. County el" Cass.
To all persons in!, i , sti-.l in tlie s-t.-t.-
of Jrieol. 'f ri I sell. '!ni-:i.-r.L
tin reaiiin-V I la- petition of Mike
!:i:sei pra.-.:n- ll:at the insl n. in-n t
in this eo.ii t on the t'.lst lay if
.'i'i : , Itt'Jl, a:-.! Jill I lii.l t I !l U to In tl;e
hi - I will ami ta iient of the said
.I.-- i-as-'.i, in:i.'.- be ami allowe.l.
..nil leeoiiie.i as ti;e last will ami tes-tan:-
nt of J.t :'( 'l"rilsi-li. ile-.-;! sc. i ;
that saiil i list r'.iiii'-ii t be aitmitteil to
p!ob::te. ami tie- a ! m in is 1 1 : t ion of
sab! estat.- be mai.ti-.l to K! i.a bet h
Tiitsi-i; as exeiiitrix:
It is h'-rebv oril-tl that ytnt, ami
all persons interested in sai'l malter.
niHV. ami io, appear at the Cmnty
("ourt to be lo l l in ami for said o in
tv. on the J7th day of .lune, .. ! . lS.'l.
at in o'ebn-k a. in., to sho'.v cause, if
any there be, why the praver of thf
petitioner should not be granted, Hml
tiat iiot.'c. of tlie pendency of said
petition and that th" nearine Ihtreof
! iven to alt per. ons interested in
said natter bv pu Li is h j n ;j a cony .f
this order in the I '!at tsmou t h .1 nal,
a sent i-weekly news paper jninttd in
said county for three successive weeks
prior to sail bt v of Lear it, a.
Witliu-ss in c hand a.:. I seal of s; id, this 21st la- of Mav, -. 1 .
ALL.KX .1. U1:KSiiX.
(Sea!t jii-ttw county Jud:'C.
Tl - State of Ncluaska, Cass culia
iy. ss.
Iti tie County Comt.
In the natter the eslate of (Jorge
. Mei.-in'-r, .!wiii.-ol.
To tl e creditors of said estat:
Vmi lift Lei coy noti.'ied. Tliat I will
sit at the County C.. it room in l'ia'ts
rnoutii in said connty. on the tith tiny
of July. A. 1. ltl.'l. and on the lath
ilay of (jifober. A. I . 11. at fn
o'clock in the tirenoon of each day. to
receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to then ad
justment atid allowance. The time lim
ited for the presentation of claims
atxainst said estate is three mot tbs
from the !Mh tiny of July, A. 1). 1 i 2 J .
and the time limit-d for payment of
debts is one vp.t r from said lih dav
of Juie. A. l. lt'-'l.
it ne ss- my hand 2nd the seal of
said. Countv Court. t!::s 4t!i . dav of
Jut:-. A. I. ly.'l
tSee.1) County Juuge.
IT WAS "company night."
BUT WHEN I got home.
I FOUND tho Drowns.
HAD A sick baby.
SO I chortled "Oh, joy.
WON'T SUE and I have.
SWELL EATS for two!"
BUT NO, Sue said.
"YOU DON'T suppose.
I'D WASTE all this food.
JUST ON you!"
AND SO I said.
"LET'S PHONE tho Smithn."
BUT THEY had headaches.
THEN WE tried tho Joneses.
AND THEY fell for it.
AND WHEN grub for four.
WAS JUST about ready.
THE PHONE bell tinkled.
I. I'M I. Ml'l ll i:
I t I'
.! '. in.
st N. C!
: P:
I-ia i a t i ft", vs.
!. Sn 1 1 ! I . : -ante
I'I ii in Mi.-i :
Sm 1 1 1, lust and
o !i, I "- hllsba ml,
X.i ': y I i. I 'hi in no r.
I '.. I l ii ui iti.-r and
bis wife; Set win I'.
I 'I u i ii tuer. first ami
All. his wife; Kle.l
- 1 "1 iiui un r, titsi ami
his u i I : S- , w ,
Sa l a 1 1 i 'i u in 'i i. r,
f 'I i nun. t :
r.-a! nai:; - unkn
.1. 1 -l u mui. r : .
real name unknown, liis wife; Mary
1". I'lummtr: I'lummer. tirst and
ii;;l n.-iiii- unknown. her husband;
llarri't M. Younn and ). 1". Vmiiii.'.
tirst and r al name unknown. Iter hus
band: Virginia Mereath; Me-
tuilii, tirst and real name unknown,
her husband: Minnie K. Mei-atli;
Meirealh. tirst and real name unknown,
her husband; Mildred Kti.aheth Mc-
peath; Meueat!., lirsl and real
name unknown. In-r husband; .leniiic
Mf-iiitli: Meciath. nr. t ami
tea! name unknown, hep husband; Jen-
nb M. Me-.ath; Me-ath. tirst
ami t'val i.ann- u n I: ti". o. her husband:
.Ic-nnie M. luuien and .1. I., louien, tirst
and real name unknown. hp bus-baml:
Mildted 1-:. Jves and Flank .1. Ives, hep
hesbami: Samuel Addison I'ochian Mc
irealh: Addison Co. -bran M.e;eath: Ad
liison C. Meeatli: Samuel . Meeatli;
Judith W. Meealli: Judie V. M.-eath;
am! the heirs. dc i.-t s, legatees, .. r
sonal representative.'; and all oth"r
persons interested in the estates of tin
following mimed f.ersous. to-it: Alice
M Smith, James I'luniiiii-i. Namy 1 1.
rinniiner. Silwin It. I "1 u miner, Sctwiu
I'. riiimtner. r-'ied J. IM'immer. .Maty
!. I'liimmet, llarii.-i M. Vmuc Vir
ginia Metrcath. Mildred Kli.a belli Me
ucath. Minnie K. M.-e;, .lettnb Me.
iealh, Jennie M. Mc.alh. Samuel Ad
dison Cochran AiL;eatri. Addison Cocli-
an Mip-iitli. Addison c. Meueath,
Samuel A. Me-eath. Judith W.
Judie W. M.-Kealti. whose names
and residences are unknown; and the
northwest ouarter of the northeast
luarter: iNV4, Ni:'4 the nottheast
i,-iaile- of the southwest iiiailer;
1 NE'i, SYV '.j t the southwest nuarter if
the northeast otiarter; SV4, N 10 ' , )
the northwest ioartor of the south
east iiuarter; NV',4. SK'4) th" south
half of the northwest nuarter tS'.-,,
NV4 and the west half of the toiitj7
west 'luartep, (Wbj. SV',i ali in Sec
tion si. it-,) j,, Township twelve. ( 1 t
north of Can ire ten. (Jilt ,ast of the
6th M., in Cass county. Nebraska;
and all p. rsi.ns taimirii; any interest
of a tn- kind in said real estate, or any
part thereof; and all persons haviny or
claimiiiK j y interest in the before de
sciibed real estate, teal names un
known, defend i n t s.
To each and of th" above namd
and designated defendants, both non
resident and other defendants, take
Von and cii.-ii of von are her-liv
notitied that Krnest ' N. Chi istiansoii.
The Bank of Cass County
Capital, Surplus and Profits
All deposits in this Bank are Guaranteed by the
Nebraska State Banking Guarantee Law
President Vice President Cashier
AND THE nrown baby was better.
AND A minute later.
THE SMITHS changed their mind.
AND'THE Missu3 fainted.
"OH, WELL," I said.
"THE MORE the merrier.
WHAT'S THE difference?
IF THERE isn't enough fooJ.
I'LL FEED the males.
ON THE cigarctte3 that satisfy.
AND YOU women can tallc.
AND BETWEEN the two.
WE'LL ALL bo Satisfied."
WONDERFUL company,
Chesterfields any time, any
where. Just seem to "hit the spot."
Good tobaccos. pKl 1. lending, (by a
private lonr.ula that can t becopied).
pood-looking package with an air
tight wrapper. On every count, an
all-around downright good smoke.
"batuiiy : All over the place.
Liggfit & Myers Tobacco Co.
i tli.. I I .- i 1 1 1 i IT herein, las tiled hi.-- peli
tion in the I'istrict ('".nt of i'a-s ioiiii
. ty, NebiMska, which petition was lih-d
i on Mav in. A. I i. 1 ! J t . against on
.ami . a. h of yon. the object and piaver
of which iii lition is to obtain a de. rec
Inuietinir atid coulirminu' the title to
tl northwest . 1 1 j;i t t - f of the northeast
!iiiartcr; iNW, NI0'4 tin- northeast
jijiiarter of the southwest quarter;
'tNl-l1,, S', the southwest quarter
i.f the nottheast iiiartet: iSW'j, Ml1, i
jthe notthwest nuarter if the southeast
jTiart.r: iNV'lt Sl-;i, the smitli hair
I of the northwest "inarter IS'-., NV'4
ja-id the west half of the son t h west
l iarter, IW'.., SW, I all in Section
s-i. nil Towtishii twelve, 112) north
!".' Jtanre ten. 1 " I tfl-t of the fith ".
I.M., in Cass county. Nebraska, in the
plaintiff, ami to nuiove certain coud-i
and forever barrin); and estoppintr tlo-ib-femia
nt s and each .f them ami all
persons claiming by, ll.nniuli or under
t la-Hi or any of them from basing or
c ahniuir any riirht, title, int.-test or
lien in or to raid premises op to any
pa I t thereof, and for such other relief
as equity ma lequite.
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to answer said petition m or
before the lltli dav of Julv, A. P.
1 : 1 .
l!y i:. s. ntcki:csn,
iiilVI-.'iW. Mis .ttortie-.
nitiii'i: or i:itit;
III IVtifl.MI for l-tlTllllllHtlll
f Mririliifi
III tile CoiiiiIv Couit of l'as oun
t . N'i hi a ska.
In re K.'fatc No. - of James A.
Wa I ki'i , dee. a d
Ml the liliiur of the petition of I,ouie
II I'uli (or a ib-iree ami hmliun of
heithip libd her. in on the 1 .. t day
of June, tvt;
It is heccliV ol.itMcd lie said
petition be set down for hearing be
fore said Court on I he lttth day 'if
July, lt'1'1. at ten ii'i lni k a. m.. and
that lii'tii i' of the time and plaie of
;aid l.eariim be issued, ami th; t con
structive service thereof be had upon
all persons interested j ri said estate,
by the publication of said notice, once
ach week, lor three consecutive
weeks priop to mid hearlne. in the
Plat tstiiout h Journal, of I 'I a 1 1 sin. ui t b,
Nebraska, a ncwspapr piiiitcd, pub
lished and of enetal i I cu hi t I'm in
said County of t'ass in said state
liated this 1st dav of June, ltl.'l. J. i:i:i:snN.
(t'cali jj-.'!w. County Judge.
A ten-horse power Fairbank;; en
gine, pood as new. Also two short
horn bulls. Phono -00o. Weeping
Ilt-sw . KI). HU BY