The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    : rv-
page srs
Murray Department
If my of tbe reader of the
Journal kuur of as; sex-i.l
tfeutorlifccu of lutci'rst In
this vlcluily. auel vrill iiib.11
uae 10 thin ottic-e. It will ai
pear under heading. W e
waot all uewBUtuitf-Kirn'on
t r ii " .. jmjMiamn " t cnagM"17"1 -'-JWBM 1 ll-
1 i mil ri i -iBass8BBg i mi urn mmmm m i !
Forty Merchants of City Unite in
Unusual Value-Givir. Event
Genuine Bargains.
Plattsniouth's hist big Bargain
reared L: 'he uteres of tte roP!e of Murray had Surroucdine: Vicloity Especially for the Journal Headers
All Deposits in Qur Bank Are Pro
tectcd by the State Guar
antee Law!
We Solicit Your Business
Murray State Bank,
J::iim-.; !:.:. In-tf v. a a" "i -l in e. ill!
m :: 1. 1 1 . i.; at ! he horn-- 1 I'ran'r;;
W'ill J. S.if i .t.r v:i-; I,., kin.; :i f r !
h'.l.- i!.t-sr. !'.! a i'e-W lliolil t II 1 -i- 1 II Mil!-;
r:; I t ' Tuesday.
Allied n. vi a ; l''i.iin:-; alt.-r'
r M.' n inf ir.a ft'! -', in the county
p. at i.! t Nat in .Li . '
Always Ready for Sale
Dntcii Lir or near.
IthV K 1 i : : K . A!. I. CAl.l.:; i
T if)hue -'.28 rialtr-.nouth Extlian
Ml .VI. 'Irovi' - T i 1 1 h.i:-s
'.. i.l'!: law- j. i- !i : . '.
.. : will I r.-.N . -.1 ;.f i
'.' ah if ;. -,,! : . . 1 I r-rj ,-
JiiIm- l;;i.
!-: l r a cnriiKit allow you
L it i-!;!.; ji- r 1 : i -a . a ;
tin- I i" - - is. l;'ili;' l!.v. II.
lsitt-r ;.tther ii year hai:;
aii'i . I th-tu in v. liilt . jii
ran . i i!! fu!! !-iit f..r
t I:-ru.
Banmrig 5 Kicklss,
ami: it ay - kebtiaska!
Bry home grown seed. You cannot expect the
host wisi!s vith Texas or any southern jrovvn seed.
lli'ir. to.c-A tests strong in germination.
9 Piicc GV2C yer
im liunars
in your Lvini' expense is cut by the wise buyer who
lake, advantage of the special prices we are making.
Iejtfp-?. 1'.' c!;e, .per fn
2 can; jroiw! seet com for
I'irn :.;p!e. h.?;;e ; ize can
i'hiii's. .'!it tip ia heavy : yritp, per can
I'c aC.he?. h.i e sze, heavy : yrup. per can
Apricots, l.-rrje size, heavy ryrup, per can
Tomatoc:. lar.uc iie rar.
llo'iiitiy. lurtre size can
lbs. Ie l 1 ice
Salmon. tal 1-lh. can. pink
Coffee. Santo:; l'eaher.-y. per !l
CofTee, Santos t'eah-rry. r,-!b. lat
White syrup. '.Wddin?; i;reukf.iy brand. jer Kal
4 bar;, IS..b 'hit' or ( ry hite soap
SaiilVrd Ihunaa lias eiiga t',e.l with
ha: Irs .M'ltz an ilis workine, on the
larin tor t lit- summer.
!;-. II. I". Ure-mM was a visitor
in I'aion last Tueselay looking after
si.Mif rail on patients.
The i. flies aid of the Christian
e-hur-h will meet at the home of
Mi''. Win. i'porrer tliis week.
I . C. klHKleii an. I Frank t.'ood were
l.iokiii:- alter some hiiriness matteri;
at I'nioii ia-t TuesJav afternoon.
;. Nickles sas lLinkniK after some
h'l iut-:-s nutter in 1'lat tsmoilt h last
' alteriioon. making the trin
iii r.:tr.
Baiter was Id. kin?; after :onie
l.u in-:-; mat IT.-; in Murray last Mon
day having drie down in
iii ear for tlie jmrpo e.
Mr. C. l.aita, a lev. days ago
:.m.-h:ied a Ford car from W". K.
Jtiikin;. which he will u.-.e for his
t ;a . ! i me in the f HI tire.
Thomas Han. en and wife, living
i a t ot iw ii . were looking after liisiiie-;s matters in Fla 1 1 mou t h
la-- t Ttif'iay aflernoon.
A 1 he ft 'o! He:- ot I'hl ! t MOOU il . "'a.-,
looking alter some work on the tel
(lione line.-. ruiiniiiK into Murray
and a! o i:i i;n last Tuesda.
Mis. W. . Tr.,oi of I'lattsinoiith.
jjtid three children, (Jert;e, Ton:my
:i. d Lois. vere tio- quests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Jtoiiert Troop.
Henry ii!-.:ii.; of Omaha, was a
vi-itor in Murray las! Sunday, heimj
t 'i- nt the home .f his motlier
Mrs .lain.s Jenkins of this city.
Mr. M. A. Ke.'iiotly h's lieen teel
..orly for the past few days, lmt
v. a . ::ii- to he np town dllli.'lK Ihe
:n ijority of the days during the
V. ; i - U.
James I.onh i i.le if I.OS AllKeleS
was a vi.itor in Murray for a siiort
tun- this week looking after some
lei. matters and visiting; with
iiieiids lore.
Ieonard Terryherry of I'lattsmauth
was a visitor for a shurt time in
.Murray lat Tuesday, driving down
in his Htii to look after some husi-
Tl'-s:; matters.
ib., sae'e free.
auu wins
3 Ho
A letter from 1. H. Puis and
family tell of their arrival at Grant
last Sunday all right, and also says
the are liking thtf looks of the
count rv there.
C. It. Troap f 1'lat'smouth was a
vintor in the country south art west
of Murray, driving down his
auto to look aft. r some mai
tti o on the- la. m.
Miss Illanche Scotten, who is a
clever young lady, is learning the
switchboard of the tekphone com
pany, and will assist in the work of
caring for the same.
August Meyer, proprietor of the
Puis hardware store, was a business
visitor in Murray last Saturday, and
was in consultation with V. 11. I'uls.
the manager o! the business here.
Will Lewis was hv.king after some
busiioss matter:; in IMat tsmout h last
Monday evening and Tuesday morn
ing, and while in the city was the
guest ft Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. Uhoden.
Phillip Lambert, the painter, who
is at work on the Presbyterian church
doing the painting of'it, ia progress
ing nietly and expects to have the
structure completed within a short
time. 1
Geo. H. Shrader had the misfor
tune to lose a very Valuable horse last
Wednesday by lightning. The ani
mal with others were in the pasture
when the bolt of lightning struck
the anfmal.
Charles Kennedy who made a visit
to Ho- northern part of the stiite last
week, found a considerable of rain
in that territory, but otherwise was
much the same as here, with but lit
tle work to be had.
T. S. Barrows, niauager of the
Farmers elevator, accompanied by
his father, C. N. Harrows, and his son
Charles Barrows, made a trip to My
nard and Plattsinouth last Tuesday,
looking after some business matters.
To! e Johnson and Harvey irei?.
who are building a barn for J. M.
Wiles north of Murray, are getting
along nicely and ar.' at this time
shingling the roof. They will ex
pect to have the barn completed in a
few weeks.
Geo. II. Shrader and family and
Karl Wolfe and family, were vis
iting in Otoe la.t Sunday where they
v. b'o enjoyed a ball game between
Union aud North Branch, the latter
b-ing near Otoe. Mr. Wolfe was one
oi" tne players while Mr. Shrader was
the umpire.
I C. Uhoden was calle I to Platts
liiouth one day last week to look
after some, business there, making
the trip in his auto. Mr. Uhoden
has not been feeling verv well for
some time past, and it is haped that
he may be better and stronger in the
near future.
During the rain last W'ednesday a
week, lightning struck the home of
Mrs. J. A. Walker and her daughter
.Mi:;:; Margie, ding considerable dam
age and especially on the porch. The
property was covered by insurance,
the policy being given by the agency
of which Mr. W. G. Boedeker is the
Ir. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel and
their son Uichard. have been visit
ing in Lincoln for the past few days
they driving out last Sunday and
visiting at the home of the parents
of Mrs. Hrendel and remaining for
the graduation services of Miss Grace
Jamison, who is a sister of Mrs.
(Hear McDonald and wife of Mur
dock. were in Murray last Sunday
and aain on Tuesday, visiting at
the home of the mother of Mr. Mc
Donald and with the Hev. Mellinger.
who is a guest there. They all vis
ited in IMattsniouth for the day as
wen last Tuesday and returned
home in the evening.
Messrs. Carl Ohlschlager. John
Corey, Jesse McVey, and Nadie
Schultz were visiting in Murray for
a short time last Tuesday morning.
while on their way to Union, where
they went to visit at the home of
A. W. Propst. with Mr. C. A. John
son, who is confined to his bed at
that place with an illness which has
been troubling him for some time.
It is hoped that Mr. Johnson may
soon be up and about again.
Messrs. W. G. Boedeker and Searl
S. Ifcivis, accompanied by Dr. G. II.
Gilmore. were visiting in Lincoln
last Tuesday afternoon and evenintr.
driving over in the car of Mr. Boe
deker. where they enjoyed the meet
ing of the Scottish Kite Masons, who
were in session and these gentlemen
beiii also member-; of that degree.
There they met with General J. J.
Pershing, who was the guest of the
order at a banquet which was given
after the work in the degrees.
Autos For Sale.
One Berg and one Metz auto for
sale cheap, or will trader What
have you to offer. Also one spring
"Pump" wagon. James P. Latta
Murray phone. 4w.
Visits Friends Here.
The Hev. Willard Mellinger, pas
tor of the Christian church at Og
deri. Utah, has been visiting with
friends in Murray and preached at
the church here last Sunday morn
ing, where he was minister some
fifteen years ago. Rv. Mellinger
is the guet of his mother-in-law.
Mrs. Myra McDonald, the Hev. Mel
linger having married her daughter
when here as a minister. Ilev. Mel
linger was on his way to LaCrosse,
Wis., where he goes to fulfill an
engagement with the Mutual Chau
tauqua which will require the re
mainder of the summer and will
probably be at Plattsinouth during
the course of his work. He departed
for the east on W'ednesday of this
Enjoy Sociable Time.
Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles were
the hostesses at a meeting of a num
ber of relatives at their home last
Sunday, where thev entertained for
the day. Win. NiekU-s. father of Mr.
Nickles, Lee and Etta Nickles, a
brother and sister, and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Long, who are the pit rents of
Mrs. George .Sickles. A most
splendid time was had by all.
Expects to Do Truck Hiulint
Hoy Clifton was a visitor at Oma
ha the first of the week, wiiere iu
made the purchase of a Ford truck
and will put the same same into ser
vice doing a trucking business be
tween Murray and Omaha, and also
between Murray and Nebraska City.
He expects to begin the work in a
short time.
Will Make Home Hei3.
Vance Burton, who is the wire
ehit.f for the Union Mutual Tele
phone company at Union, and who is
making a success of this work, is
making his home with his father.
J. II. Burton, they living together
at the home place here. This make
it much better for both. Mr. J. If.
Burton was busv during this week
building a garage far the storage of
the car of Vance, who uses the car
to look after his work.
Sjit)ris?cl on His Birthday
Last Sunday being the 7fth birth
day of Uncle Win Puis, a number of
his friends came together and gave
Mr. ami Mrs. Puis and their daugh
ter a very pleasant surprise. A most
enjoyable time was had. Those pres
ent and to assist in the enjoyment
of the occasion were August tengel
kenieier. Sr.. and faiufly. Charles
Kngelkenieier and family, W. H. Puis
and family. Otto Puis and family.
Otto Lutz and Fre.l Lutz and family.
Will Held Children's Day Exercises
The Presbyterian Sunday have
leen preparing a program which
they will give at the church on next
Sunday evening and which will be
well worth while. The church bar;
arranged for a minister for the re
mainder of the summer beginning
with Sundav. Julv l'.t. in the person
of the Hev. J. 1). Buchanan, whom it
will be remembered was minister to
he church last summer and has ben
in school since. Hev. Buchanan has
jiut completed his course at Prince
ton and will Lerve the roue regat ion
here for the remainder of the sum
(Continued from page t
East Cemetery Association.
To Win field Swan. Charles Gar
rison. Jesse Pell. J. D. Braml b-t. Wm.
MoC-arroll. John M-Curroll. Harry
Frans. James Pitman. Klsie Taylor
ind Angle McCorroIl. you and each
of you are hereby notified, that there
will be a meeting of the subscribers
to the Fast Union Cemetery Asso
ciation, held at Mount Hi pe church
at one o'clock p. m. on the 24th day
of June, A. D.. 1!21. for the purpose
of legally organizing a cemetery as
sociation and electing trustees and
officers of such organization as pre
sented by law. To all of which you
will take due notice.
JOE BANNING. Subscriber.
Will Have Child reus Day.
At the Methodist church the com
ing Sunday there will be all the regu
lar services of the dav with the
single exception that the evening
service will give way for the children
who will give a very vnjoyable pro
gram in the evening.
Were Disappointed.
The members of the Sunday school
of the Baptist church had arranged
for a delightful time last Wednesday
and had gotten well to the picnic
grounds and had even eaten their
dinner when the sudden rain came
drenching all present, and driving
them from the grounds to their
homes. They will make another at
tempt to enjoy the picnic which they
were deprived of by the rain.
Auto Prices Are lower.
Propst and Burgee, the enterpris
ing auto dealers whose ad you will
see in another column, received a
mesrage from the Ford people telling
of a reduction of some twenty-five
dollars each on the roadster and
touring cars and of on the Coupe
and a decline of $50 on the Sedan
ars. With a proportionate decline
in price on the trucks. This will
make a saving to those who are con
templating making a purchase of
this splendid car.
Cows For Sale.
One cow giving f0 pounds of milk
daily, i years old; also two
good cows, all fresh. Geo. II.
der, Union phone.
:'. w
The undefeated Hock Bluffs base
ball team won its seventh game on
Sunday, defeating Sciota l.r to 9 on
the Union diamond.
Tbe next game will he played on
the home diamond next Sunday be
tween Sciota and llock Bluffs. Cold
drinks v. II be sold to assist in buy
ing equipment for the Hock Bluffs
One 7-foot Deering binder, good
as new. Cut about a hundred acres
of grain. A bargain. Price $12.r..00.
I Call phone No. 2732.
5sw. . Plattsmouth, Neb.
Wednesday i:: r.cheduh d for nexr)
Week -June l.atli - as will be noted!
from the la rye lv.iii,a;:c ad v-:i i:e
iiioiit appearing elsewhere in this
issue of t he Journal.
The centralized idea of Bargain
Wednesday is genuine'.ic -values
that will sn:id favf.rable
comparb'ou with any murk t in the
v..i'd. and ;'ie the buyer a char.'e
to inspect tlie good- bi fore be pur-f
chases which h cannot do when
rending liia money away :'-;r the ;.o-ci'H'-d
mail ord' r bargains. On this
ba- i1-. Bargain Wednesday i.; to b-1
md a community evt.t in Platts
mouth on the t bird , Wednesday of
each month. Forty of the live-wire
merchants join in this initial offer
ing and an even greater number ai'1
expected to pa rt i'.-ip it e in the next.
And f ik-Ii l.arcains as they are of
feiing. New Maple i ha mi b e
the j'oods you buy and us" in every
day life going :t; price.:.;
Tie: ofVerii!'-; on lie bill are almoM
unbelb-vable, v t t !o-.-e same forty
merchants of Plattsinouth stand
ready to ba cl: them up '" this one
day only -Wednesday. June IT, th.
Another app-nling f'-,iur" is ihe
fret that each merchant a iverfi e
be lias e:ida ore 1 to .'-cure enough
of the ti.erchand i -e iie o'Ter; to sup
ply all comers. In the ian:;ilace of
the bill. "This is not a iv.iiii .ale
with bargains for only tp.- arlv
bi. d r" I 'at t: nt h .-lo-. ;-. will le
!en until ! o'e loe k p. in. on 1 iii.-"
eventful dav in merchandising an
nuls and the late comer may he as
Mired of jotting the miiiic bargain
as In: who comes while the dew :.;
et Upon the greensward.
Tak ii as a v. hole this i . the most
representative offering of merchan-i
dise made in Plattsmouth in year.".,
and ihe line co-operation between
the merchant:', comes large as a re
sult of the ellort : of I to' Pla i t : III O'l I 11
Ad club, which is always on the
ab-rt to advance the best mtere is J
of the town. I
A committee ,f Chamber of Com
merce member.:, consi: tin:' yl II. A.
Sehneid'-r. I '. Mori an and A. C.
Coit, his go; Ue O'.'el' the invoice, of
tbe different good.-, ndvertbed and
exiled a piinlic sia'em-nt thai thev i
find the bargain:; both genuine and
exceptional. Without tliis state-(
lio-nt. however, anyone Could readily'
leeognie this fact, as the values
.-peak for themsehe'. I
OiP-anized in 1905, and Now Claims
La rge Membership Fr. qucnt
Social Activities Held.
The O U.S. auxiliary of tin- Mason
ic fraternity has had a very sue ess
1 it 1 record in the city e.f Plattsmouth
and I lonie i lia nl er w ;i .. orga n ized here
on May V.. Pan."., and "has since that
time enjoyed the most 'unbounded
success in the advancing of its
work. The membership embraces
the wives, daughters, si-irr.s and mo
thers of the Masons of the city and
today they have' one of the nw'l act
ive chapters in the slate with a large
field of social activities as well as
their lodge work to o.-cupy their at
tention. The present officers of 'he Ibune
Chapter N.. LS; are as. follows: M re.
Clara Weherbein, worhy matron; Mr.
Glen Perry, worihty patron; Mrs.
Oua P.aird, associate matron; Mrs.
Adda Pe rry, coudt!' ! r ss: Mr.-.. Eva
P.usch, associate condiu ; less; Miss.
Clara WVyrich. .efretarv; Mr.-. Delia
Lyon, treasure-r; Mrs. Mary Frans.
niarshall; .Mrs. Martha Petersen
'haplain; Mrs. Lena Tippens. organ
ist; -Mrs. Till i llirx.. Adah: Mrs.
Margaret Mau.y. Ruth: Mrs. Grace
Chase. Esther: Mrs Nettie P.eeson.
Martha; Mis. Mattie Wiles. Electa;
Mrs. Maty Schneider, warder; Mrs.
Fri'd Bnsch. seuitimd.
Home chapter's regular meetings
are' held eui the first Tue'sday of tin
in. ml h.
Tiiere were about thirty of the
friends ami neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. J. II. C. Gr'gory, residing near
(Vdar Creek assembled at their home'
last Friil ay e-ve'iiing for a real good
time and from the' accounts of the
gathering il was all that, the guests
had anticipated.
The laeli.-s of the party had come
provided with ice cream ami other
daintie-s which with the. loads of
lucious strawberries that the Greg
ory family have at thedr home made
a repast lit for a king. One of the
guests. Dan Terryberry, it is stated
remarked that if he was sick the
ne'xt day from overeating ' no one
would find it out.
The evening was spent in games
and music of all kinds that e'liter
taineel the party until a late hour,
when they all re-turned home lVel
ing that it had been an event that
they would long remember.
One eight fetot Deering hinder,
nearly new, in excellent condition.
Call plume 2221.
2.1. 2wl SHEKMAN COLE.
Te the kind friends and neighbors
we wish t express our heartfelt
thanks for the-ir many acts of kind
ness during the illness and death of
our beloved husband, father aud
brother. alse for the beautiful hymns
rendered by tlie church choir and
for the many thiral offerings. Mrs.
T. J. Mcculloch and Family; Mrs.
Ames; Mrs. Bewworth. daw.
:;.,,.oit-.; .
Ve- - VS .. ".',.
t.r" -' s - -
2 Wt'vBrJ!
at o in
H'3U u-.-
Ghrist 8l Ghrist
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
You Ban Save f?ioney Here!
I liave ypcently purchased the hardware stock of
Mr. W. ! 1. Puis, tope-ther wilh the implements.
Vou know the excellent class of floods Mr. Puis
has always carried in slock.
1 lie fanning machinery and implements must be
sold. Rven present wholesale prices of these goods
will r.of 1 considered in thf ir r.ah.-, as we will go away
below first cos! in order to c lose them out quickly.
It will pay you and prxy you well to come from
any part of the county to make purchases if you are in
need of any of these goods.
We are offering two Titan tractors, two P. & O.
tractor plows, two John Deere tractor plows, two John
Dene plows, one John Deere spreader, one Cloverleaf
spreader, a number of Deering and McCormick mow
ers, John Deere and Case two-row machines, Keystone
loader and side rake, Case and John Deere plows, Van
Pjiimi and Hoosie.r press drills, P. i O., John Deere and
New Century cultivators, besides a large list of other
farming implements and tools.
These Are Going lo Be Sold!
They are all first class, new and up-to-date im
plements and at the prices we are going to make on
them, the' will move out rapidly. Better get in early
if you don't want io he disappointed. The opportunity
you have waited for to save is here.
Our sore is also filled with a most extensive hard
ware line, including stoves, ranges, shelf and heavy
hardware, and many other things at attractive prices.
W. II. Puis, Manager
Prices Gone Tumbling!
The Service Store has always been noted for its
low prices, ami we are maintaining the reputation of
tliis plate of business as you will see from the offer
below. With the decline of prices, we have passed the
saving on 4o our customers.
Last year sugar sold at $21 and even higher. Now.
we are giving you
i00 lbs. of sugar $ 8.50
100 lbs. best flour 5.20
Eight cans of corn 1.00
Eight cans of peas. . 1.00
Eight cans tomatoes 1.00
Work suit jacket 1.75
Work suit overalls 1.75
One lb. Horseshoe tobacco .80
This Figures $20.90 Ten Cents Less than What You
Mad to Pay for the Sugar Alone Last Year
Subscribe for
tnude by
trauma tt : kOlT Bwtldto
A tough, durable elastic
f,rilsri for lloors, woodwork,
fui ..iture, etc. Is not affected
by h:t or cold water. Dries
hard over night. Put up in
nil -,if.:s from quarter-pints to
;::!iwis. COLORS
Light 0ik Cherry
bcrli Otik Golden Okk
Liht NUiogany Trantparciit
ft M&hogtir.y Nluhicliite Grceift
VJuut Velvet BUbk
j Tii.y Coupon and Ten Cents entitles the hul
9 dt r Id t: AtW Hruth and a Trial Can of tgets
j! 5tuinfljor Finish, any tolor dcurni.
i ON .. .
Not redeemable after August 1, 1921
ill eye r,
The Journal