The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 09, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
i THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1921 PLATTSMOUTH SESII-WEE2XY JOUENAI PAGE THP.r Union Department Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Assets That Interest Everyone! What are the greatest assets cf every community? They are the children of the community. There is but one way to make the most of these assets and that is by education. Keep them in school .and start their economic education by opening an ac count for them in this bank. Teach them to save and they will have the principal element of success ingrained in them. We welcome Children's accounts. ank of y UNION mon NESRASKA progressive farmers in C''as county shipped a car of rattle from his feed yards last Monday fj the Smith Oma ha market. Mrs. H. L. Swanson and little babe were vi.-'itins; for a number of days at the heme of Mr. Swan sou's .-ister. Mrs. (.'. A. Cook and family of Palis Ci.y. The ladies ai i society of the Meth odist chur-h :.m this week on Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mr -. L. C. Todd and tnjoed the season very greatly. Attorney ('. L. firavs and I). V.'. Foster were driven to .Murray last Monday afternoon, where They had some business matter- to look al'tiT for a short time. Th Rev. ami Mrs. W. A. Taylor and Mr-. John Lidi:-tt were vNitin-. with friends and lookintr after s-um' bu-dn"-s matters in Nebraska City la.-t Friday, driving over in : :i :.v c.:r. At the meet inn of the- ladies aid of the U.intisT ch.ireh la-? Wednes day, at the ;i-iri n;isc Mr. LcRoy Milbr served lea for tile Ltd;.:' l-reRariju" both the cake and tea him- olf. - J. F. M-' '.-irrell and family drove To Hiimbura. Ia.. la-t Sunday, where I ii ( y vi-ited for the day with r iu i.Hi and returred honi" in the v - James McVey of near Nehawku. 1 was a visitor in Union looking after ; tome business matters last Monday. Lemuel Barritt, who ha; leen at tending the state university for the past year, returned home for the vacation. Frank Kesnik of Nehawka. the realtor, was in Fnion last Monday, looking after some bu.-itn ss matters, for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Merritt were visiting and looking after some busi ness matters in Plattsmouth last Fri day for a short time. Carl Frans and Hllis Laliu;, who are working at the barber business in Omaha. vwre down t. Fnion last week visiting friends. Mrs. Carl Ni-kles and little son were passengers last .Monday for Omaha, where lliey were viitini--with friends for the day. (' iiiily Commissioner C. F. Hatri r ported much damage .l.uie by the lit ivy rains whb ii washed the .-'reel road very badly h-.-t week. Among the other vamos of ba'.i palved was one at Fnion between Ktik l'.lulTs and Seiot a. in whieli it is not as yet determined which v.t.n. Charles (larri 'n. o:ie of the mu-t ning. They visit greaMv. Tin- la die njorcd the trip and tin- aid of til Fap-i t church at their lat meeting have ei 1 1 -1 titled in pain? the parsonage and we are locking in the near future to see the !uiM of t ; - pa..tor and his wife nicely decora ' ed. The patronage of the in. vies in I'niib; has been :, p or recently that Mr. 11. K. Moore, who ha--, been I ok ing after the shows, says that there will not lie any more pictures screen ed until the return of odd vveath.r. Mr. N. Klaurvns and daughter. ,1'hn Fran--., were pa -veneer: Battery Service Station! I am prepared to look after your battery wants, in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of needed parts, as well as providing )ou with new bat teries. All work has my personal care and will he given the minutest attention. VI. H. BuBCSS, UNION NEBRASKA last Saturday for Ibnaha. where they went t,. vNit Mrs. Klaurens at the ho-p'tal. where she is rec ;v ii n ;c af ter having underg. Tie an operation. With the departure of Mi's. Jen nie Lei da!! from 1'ni.iti. g; imr ti ! -s Moine to in .. k.r home, siit is di.-po-dn-r of !:! lo;is hold v.'- -atid ha-; r- iit'd !u r home t i Mr. .-in. I M--. Fred i'.ono. who w ill re -id i here. J. L Kohly. who i- locate.! ir imiaha, where he K doim; a real es tate ho-o ae. was a visitor in i'n ion Ja-t Mnolav v. 1m re he wa-' vi-i;-ing 'lie family ami a'-o loRifg af 1- r :.!( busiaevs jj::i iters in ar.d ne.u I'll!! M :s Marv I'.ecker v. as a v Pl.itt-mouih la-i Ti;.-d.i si'i':! of her aiii:T. Mr-, M lisnn. as well as . t ! n'i i n i; ciit-n if tb. iirano l.'il"1 i: w t'l . iter and : IV A! the. IV e I I II Cash Tells the Story? Say, you who have been going to other towns to make purchases, did you know that people from other towns are coming to our store, because they can get bet ter goods for lower prices, than in their own town. Come and get the prices and you will see we can serve you better than you ever dreamed of. Shoes? Why we can beat them all in prices and quality. A large consignment just arrived. See them. Four cakes Crystal White Soap for 25c. I larness which sold for $100, now are down to $60. Our business is increasing all the time on account of the low prices and good goods we are selling. A. L. BEOKE UNION NEERASKA -DAM The danger of epidemics arc greatly lessened when you shut the fly out of your home. Protect your health by using screens. f ly time is here do not delay to get those new screen doors and windows and put 'em up. Give us the size of your openings and we can order any size and any number of screens you may need. Screen doors in stock. Haying time is here and time for a new hay shed. Come in and get estimates and prices. We appreciate your patronage. Frans Bros'. Lumber Co., UNION NEBRASKA foTi-- W'l'i ty seat. Miss Anie M.-i Carroll, who was th teacher ai the school at Sy e to tile pas? year departed last Mon lu riftr:i.on for Peru, ' -he w i li attend the summer sch-'oi. making hej.-elf Tuoi'i- e'heien' as an iiislt t;: ; r in the school. Mr.--. John 11. Pier.-on of Auburn who ha been visiting at iii" bom" .; her mother, .Mk M. IV AlU-ui a' Pint i .-niout h. and accompanied by io mother Were the S-IOtS at the holl!. f the brother ()f Mrs. Allison. M r A. I.. Petd-er of I'nbn. At tiie nutting at the Hap'i-? -hnri'h !a.-t Sunday evirCtiLT. som. Very beautiful mu.-i'- was furni-hci! when a Mr. Keet.i- with the violin Mr. I.ePov Miller with the Xvb j ' and Mi-s llivi- I.aKue and Ivih Frans presided at i:o piano. Mrs. c. V. Clark an. I Mrs. Ve.ta Clark departed a f-w itays Fuiprise. where they are visiting f.: a sliort ime wiih relailve-. an.' "friends. liming tln ir absence. Mi-1-Oia Clark and Miss Iaiiriu- Cris wold are Poking after tio- hott-l. C. I). St. John, the Nehawka mil ler, and by the way wiio is making some excellent Hour. a::d Frank Mc Connell. the truck driver, who due. a general trucking br.-incss, wer in I'n ion last Monday morning look ing after s me business matters for a short time. .Mr. leKoy Miller son of the Kev. and Mrs. A. Miller, was a visitor a' the parsonage last week and togethtr with his father want to Lincoln where they enjoyed a banquet and conference given by the Wearever. Alluminum company far which Le Itoy is working. Mrs. F. S. who has been visiting in Omaha for a short i inu re turned h me last week after hav ing had an excellent time, and was much surprised as the evidence of he prosperity of former friends there : 'ley ; 11 having very expensive auto mobiles. Miss Or a Clark, who ha been at, r! tiding the state university, and in ; he departinnt of music, at. the con i lu.-.ion of the school year returned home last week and was aceonipan Ted by her friend. Miss Lahrue (!ris- vold. who is spending some time al he Clark home in Union. li. W .Pitman'and family of York, where they are making their home, drove to Fnion last Stinday and vis ited at the home of W. H. Porter and also were accompanied by Mrs. A. L. Carper and children of . Ne hawka. They also visited at Platts mouth for a short time on Monday. 1). V. Lynde of Dallas. Tex., who has been confined for some time to his bed with typhoid tever, is so far recovered that he was able to come home for a visit and will remain for some time in order to recuperate his lost strength. He fs visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs M. Lynde. Clarence Dukes and John Heike were looking after some business matters in Omaha last week, when they drove the Pabu cur of Mr. Koike to that place for sale. Thev did not sell the car that day. but the i party with whom thye were negotiat ing came the following day and made the purchase. Durvvood Lynde. the carrier of the luail on one of the rural routes, is taking- his fifteen day vo.atiju and tae business of the route : being looked after by John Erwin during the time Mr. Lynde is off d.ity. Mr. Lynde departed today for a vHit of several days at Kansas City, where ho will spend the time vi::i rela tives. D. W. Foster was loo-king after some business matters in Plattsmouth last Saturday and was also in at tendance at the meeting of the Orand Army of the Republic, of winch tie is a member. Lvery year the 'lum ber w iio iii e members of this grand c i ganizat ion grow les in liumbers and our reverance for rh "! increases with each succeeding year. Mr. Geo. John-oil of Iii!rvII, who came down last week to return with his daughter ?.!iss Sara!:, wiio has I t en attending school here and mak ing lo r home with the gr..-.-; .Mrs. Catherine Grille, af: e; crowded as r ear the windows as they could in order to hear. Rev. Tay lor was the leader of the meetings,' which were also attended by some from town. Among those who at tended from Union were Frank ' Bauer and Xels Martin, who vouch for the enthusiasm and interest man ifested, and for the excellent meet ings T.'hich are being held there. ; father:: folks he ; rami ma 1. Stine and family and and familv det.-aited last '. Imother. , visiting "inc. II. L. Stine Will Attend Summer School. A large number of the young la dies of Union are attending summer school at Peru, and will teach the coming year." Lat Monday a num ber departed for the city down the river, win re they will lit gin their studies. Among tho.-e iroi n sg from this place are the Misses Kiiia Frans, Eva Hathaway. Winona I)y-art. France-; Pauc-r. Flora Garrison. Fern D e-Denic r. Marsrarot Swan, and Virginia C.penha vev, (if Union, Mis-; Viola Willis of V- ping Wa! r, came over m the morning and departed Show Saturday Evening Do not forget that we are giving the same good service which was formerly furnished in the matter of the movie. The coming Saturday evening we have an ex cellent show, which will be appreciated by all. 1 he prices are the same popular figure. Do not forget the matter. Come, bring the family and enjoy the evening. M. W. A. Hail -:- -:- Union, Nebr. his hone- in the nortnwe-;. Mr. 11. M. Jones o." i'.s Moines, j has been visiting in I'll )V. for the; past few daw-; and wa the guest ' of his sister. Mrs. Genevieve Ken dall, and returned during this week to his home in Iowa. Mr-. Kendal' also returned home with her broth er and will make her hnii-c then for the p;-"-ent. liir adthc-s will t ;,t 'J -2 2 Loyal stret. 1 -s Moines, la., the home (;f h-r brother. Mr. and .Mrs. K. J. Ma 'gey and their daughter. M:-s Ivy. tV- la;t!r wiio is intere-'ed i:i a ranch in tliej .-.est. bu who has been vi-iting ht re ' for some time, d-parted for the wo-i and will go direct to Cro;huni. Wy .. where the i,;t:.!i is locat' d. Mr. and) Mrs. .Maugey will spend s une two lay 1 or I -w ith the oilier young ladies. L Union Wins Eall Game, -t Sun da v the base ball fans !avi ! loiij-m veil to Otoe where thev t the North Branca bail team, w h t!-e ! n .-iilt:- that the team from thi place j won over the Otoe county team by ! a score of t; to 1'. This game was j played at the grounds of tre Otoe countv team. months there and will return at the end of lite time, whii, Ivy will ifial.e her home there 1. X. Hearst and family of California, and Mrs Xa also of the same bv J. W. Hughes and famil i a vei i :i v in cars from the 1 home in Omaha, visited fritnds of tin- b.-:i-r ago. torvville .vas awaiting home Miss Leiii. hall I lug lie.-; accompanied a I i f Fnion. I. is home lie. fi und many i ! n t heir viu't i 1-irnest An .:i litule. :k t re bu alter w i! h many W i'O'Jl l'"ac- t!!- arrival Hearst fort.'ieriv toatie ! Vyomin:r. and ti-ey their to'-ioer friends and had an t xct llent a : w h i rpei: t c r ie famil; , i el's: n . w ll- li" we-i.-rn he i: etr.tat; I II -'.. a. 'on, part t:ed !.. cited of t 1 It' itl the mied bv 1 1 i ani: i--; mot !u r. ,ov . ill i hell I- ;1 ' r.)', troM t'e isitiiliC ai tlo Mrs. Minnie -it her.- for a ii;ni to their hey ici of M'-s-r 'ahrlauder. w ho a a t port ion t f t h iieir - uc ; in re to i'a h"liie o." Andt i'so-i. ii u-t t i me heme iti s-rs. Ma:-! con n-e'iii.-i;; he .vet . I t.d l-hlwin 1-' located iii th ' rv, a nd of D. lco liuht plants. i. P. I'.arton. w !i ) is i '! Fall- City as a clerk pres-- oiiiee of the l!.trl:n ' . vi.-i'ing with fri.tids i;.g after soii-e busint ss Tn:i t : ers . in iiiii la-t Monday. While here he ot.Ked iifti-- i lie 1 1 1 : i ; : j- of bavin.". the house fainted vvu.-rc Mr. Lr.t !arl. 1-as his barb, r shop, as well a; lavii''- -ome repair:- made on the roof. Mr. I'.aii ;ti thinks i better o have all the property ia the best mpo in the on r and loo! -e,l ' l c - . ad. ! t.- I t ci.ndit am. a in t in : a ii. i to in u t '.i-' es that mce to t !-,e a goo build Miss Golda Beil at Rest. Last Friday witne-.-i-d the paying of the last, sad rites over the re mains of one of the most popular of young,, ladnv, in the vicinity of Un i m. when the body of Mi-s (lolda Ib-il was eonsigned to the last resi- i ing place, there to await the trumpet of the Angel of tlie re -urrect ion. Miss do'da. who was a very lov ab'e young lady and popular, had gone to her room where she wa -. found a fur a short time by her moth er with a built t wound in her breast, and in a lying conditi.m. expiring before anything could be done for her. While tiie circumstances look like they miht point to her having taken her own life, her relatives and close friends cannot find any grounds to found such a b'dief, and are cer tain the death of tills estimable young lady was the result of an ac (i.lent. Many ot her friends and neighbors came to pay their love and friend-hip in the celt-brat ing of the last smI rights, when her f-.rm was coii-iuiied to the tomb io await thiil :.lorious dawn when the graves shall give op thtir dead. The fini cal s.-rvicfs were eoiidueted by the Lev. W. A. Taylor, their pastor and a very close friend of the family. A. K. Austin Hps Had Accident While the veteran tin smith and tooft r. Mr. A. II. Austin, was making :o:n-' repairs on the roof of the bank t Union, ho in some manner slipped end fell from the ro if to the uround In low. a distance ;1 some sixteen i'ttt. with the results that he suffered a fracture of his cellar bone and a numb r of-riiis. Mr. Austin had hi.--iajuries dressed by the family phy sician and while be has been sutTer ioi; con - idem bly since, is getting abu:-; as well as one c:nbl expect. Th" fir-t of the wed: he was able to move in his bed slightly, but it was with considerable suffering. lbert W:.i- h n iw of Ft. Morgnr :"ob ;;n!". but fo'mKrly of m ar Wa basii. was a vi-itor in Union fir t lay last Monday ani i tuert at the-homr- of Hit. and Mrs. W. A. Tay-! Vr. he beirtr one of t'-e members of j i':e church at Wabash, where the Kev. Tavlor ha-; ministered for some time past. Mr. Wal.-h moved t ." tht.' ..est about two year- ago and is t n- gesjid in general farming in the! si mi-dry district, but is doing v ry j veil. lie came back here vv;tli hi ! parted w ife's M,.tb.r, to be present af decoration dav serviees at the "a- the fa r Makes Purchase cf Car. K. i. Stine last week made purchase of a car and drove as a-' the end of the pavement at Platts eioitlh and returned home without an accident. It being his first at tempt to negotiate a ear. he did not fee! like entering into :!o city, with the entangling rules regarding run ning gas wagons, fiut wlil make the aiu-mpt see the town when he has eettep. his hand in. ba.-.h cemtterv. their if re- Mi; d.'.-.mi urrect ter ion. "lie; a vv a i his the v. ife and morn ing Pessie Laitut i trip he went to -i er teacher an rerurne.; la.-r to A rl ing top. end t he wed - Thursday frot.i v.-her ;ing ol her teacher ant! de ar fri"i;il Mi-s Gladys Wliitford. who was t'nit-i id in marriage wiih Or. f2eorgo il'i- i'.d Misko. There was ,( large nuni-j tier of friends and relatives pre.--; nt iit the wedi'.ing and a most en-j j' yai le time was had. The n -wlv-: wedded couple will make their home . at Arcadia, where the dc-tar jractice hi profession. Miss Whit ford, the '.rale, will be remt inhered by numerous friends and admirers as having taught in Will Hold Old Settlers Meetinfr That is there is to be a m f ling of officers and directors of the old "-tilers association, which will look towards the elect ion of a corterie of offerers for the coming year. Any one w ho has become a member, of the association by reason of having reg istered on the books of the associa tion, are eligible to attend the meet ing whi"h will be held at the office of the present secretary. Mr. C. L. C. ra ves. The meeting is i n SaMirdav evening of June 11, 1H21. to b held this week. Has '.lade Home Beautiful The alreadv beautiful home of Mrs. will; p.. A. Taylor and her daughter. Miss I Klsie. has been rendered much more j so by the recent painting which lias been given the place by Karl Merritt i the painter and decorator. The the schools of Union in H 1 !. and wa - i piace. since ho has completed the the principal at the time Miss I Jessie- j work, is indeed a most beautiful Laltue graduated. home. The house has been painted a snowy white with the reflection of Held Servicer at Sciott. i the sky in the blue of the parch ceil- , There were 1 wo -'o d services at j ings. and with the green of the trees tiie Sc'ofa school lis. .Sunday, the surrounding the home, make it in crowt! 1m itiLr so gi-ea that t he bu ibl-i deed a very pretty picture, ing would not bob! it, but who' (Continued on page C) 0 000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Come, see land where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips e-ery Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. Cash Te!!s the Story! Besides the large reductions which hnve been made already in tires, we are ivin an exlra five per cent olT for cash with the purchase. We carry a larye stock of supplies, accessories and repairs; d o acetylene welding and all kind:; of first clacs repair work. We .are here to solve jour auto troubles and fnve you th best of service. A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor Willis Old Stand Union, Nebr. Meeting the lower Seals! We arc making our prices on the basis of the lowest existing scale and in line with the reduction of other things. Rest assured, it is our intention al all times to quote the bed-rock prices and to yive you the best of service as well. Last summer sugar sold on an average of $24 per sack. Below we quote you goods all of which can be boiu-ht for less than that amount, as follows: Hot It,, yaclc r'lear f S.2T. 4S lb. : ack flour Tack corn no-al .L'd Hu.Iod potatoes l.."0 :: lbs. I :! 1 1 erimt offce 1.:.". 4 lb:'.. pltMies .; :'. lbr,. rice .-" Large p!,-. rolled oats .:: :', No. 1 t-xlra peaches .4 5 :', No. 1 cvtra apricots .4" total Fiunii'.s run tuf. Alio vk list 1! cans pink salmon .l.'T li cun--. eun .1'fi 1 aall.ui peaches .!( 1 talbui evtra : rup .7." :: lb-, na . bea r. i .'.r 1 lb. cbce:.e .lid :! can; exlra tomato--- .4: 4 loav-.- be t bread .;' in yds. gootl l iio l.nm :'.o0 T "l.-O This leaves $2.80, and for $2.75 of the amount you can buy a good pair of hoys' work shoes, anil still have a nickel left. Farmers iereanfifs Company, W. H. Porter, Manager UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA TH r UNIVLIIS AL CAR Price Reduction on AH Ford Cars! Sedan $760.00 Coupe 695.00 Runabout, wiih starter 440.00 Touring Car, with starter 485.00 p. o. ik DirruoiT ll -1 , B H! ' - n liV y i f --.t . ?I 'h in i. . i ii '4.' A. I SEDAN the car of many uses, the car for Ihe vbole family. While ele gance, refinement and comfort are dominant features, the Sedan affords sturdy dependability on till roads in all weather The famous Ford engine provides more than sufficient power for every need. The sturdy, runted construct ion of the whole chassis is a-surety of year in and year out endurance and economy. We will round out this service in fhe car itself by keeping your Sedan in jr'od condition. We soil Genuine Ford i'arts and our fully equipped repair shop handles repairs promptly and well. Let )s come and demonstrate. Propst & B urbee UNION NEBRASKA