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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1921)
-A PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNB 9, 1921 PAGE TWO i t ij il -V i II d25 THE UNIVERSAL CAR Used Car Market! THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS 1913 Ford Touring $125.00 1 ! 1 I Ford Touring ' 125.00 191 Ford Ton Truck 275.00 1 1 ; Ford Roadster 125.00 1 f n; Ford Touring, winter top 250.00 191fi Ford Touring , 135.00 191G Ford Touring, fine condition 195.00 19 1 Ford Coupe 250.00 1917 Ford Touring 175.00 19 IS Ford Ton Truck. Cab and Body 425.00 19 1 S Ford Roadster : 165.00 191S Ford Roadster, express body 275.00 1919 Ford Touring, winter top . 295.00 1919 Ford Starter Touring 375.00 New Republic Ton Truck Bargain Five passenger Oakland Bargain Above prices cash. 10' ; added for time payment. Come in and let us show you these cars. We will be glad to demonstrate them to you. T. H. POLLOCK GARAGE Phone No. 1 Platlsmouth HOTEL WAGNER BUILDING SOLD E. J. Richey of This City Disposes of Property in Deal for Large Earm in Northern Part of Missouri. The Hotel Wagner building, one of t tie largest in the city has been disposed of by the present ovne Mr. K. J. Richer! to I. I. Kateshevitz of Fremont. Neb., who secure! the ho tel building through the deal involv ing the trade of a large farm near Lanzdi'ii. -Missouri. Mr. Richey has been th owner of the building for the pat few years and the property has been in the best t-onditipn for years am', is now enjoying a very pleasing prosperity as the hotel itself is leased and oper ated by Fred Wagner and who has made it a real hotel in every sense of the word and for the first time in years the hotel is run along strictly business lines and has proven a pay ing proposition not only for the l.5ssc? of the building, but the owners as well. The rhange in the ownership of the hotel building will not in any way effect th management of the ho tel as Mr. Wagner will to handle the onduct of the hotel and serve the best interests .of his pat rons as of yore. It will be the source of much plea Mire to the residents of the city as well as the traveling public tolearn that Mr. Wanner will still be ou the job at the old stand. Gash Garry Grocer GREETINGS TO Grand Lodge Nebraska A. F. & A. M. WELCOME TO OUR CITY o We are offering to the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity: CALIFORNIA CAN FRUITS 3 No. 2YZ cans musket grapes $1 3 No. 2V2 cans sliced peaches $1 3 No. 2y2 cans apricots $1 3 No. 2x2 cans pears $1 3 No. 2 preserved raspberries $1 3 cans preserved strawberries $1 3 cans preserved loganberries $1 3 cans preserved blackberries 1 1 gallon apricots or peaches 85c 1 gallon apples 65c PORK AND BEANS 3 No. 1 cans pork and beans 20c 3 No. 2 cans pork and beans 30c 3 No. 2 cans Campbell's P-B45c 2 No. 2V2 cans kraut 25c 2 No. 2,2 cans hominy 25c 2 No. 2V2 cans tomatoes 25c 1 lb. flat Red Rock salmon 29c 1 lb. tall pink salmon 15c 1 lb. tall select salmon 15c 1 lb. can oil sardines 25c lb. mustard sardines, 2 for25c lb. oil sardines, 3 for 20c Try my home bland coffee; OQc it in fine, per lb I ALSO SELL MUNSING UNDERWEAR NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES TO PLAY BALL One Week From Today the Mer chants and Clerks on Main Street Will- Clash on Ball Field " It is being planned to have the long standing controversy between the business men of the north side of Main street and those on the south side settled as to who are the base ball champions and it is planned to have the big event occur on Wed nesday evening. June 15th at the Eagles park at 6:15. It has been a number of years since the representatives of the busi ness interests of the city were able to meet on the base ball diamond and they arc now ready for the bat tle once more and it promises to be a real struggle. In the last meet ing the North side were able to win the contest as they were for tunate in having the old veterans of the game, H. A. Schneider and II. F. Goos on their side, but the si. u til side has now developed some fast players and they are expecting to start something with their old time rivals. It is rumored that Johnnie Hatt, Henry Soennichsen. K. J. Weyrich and other of the south siders have been planning the meet ing for a long time and are now in the pink of condif'on for the big affray, but we will let the develop ments speak for themselves. SURROUNDINGS WILL BE VERY BEAUTIFUL New Property Added to Masonic Home Grounds Makes It One of the Beauty Spots of City. The grading of the lots recently secured by the Masonic Home associa tion from Edward Fitzgerald, as well as the changing of the street through the purchase by the residents of Plattsmouth of sufficient ground to allow the street" from the Missouri Pacific station east past the Masonic Home to be widened and made into a very fine driveway, has worked a wonderful change in the appearance of that portion of the city and already gives an idea of the beauty that is to be when the lawn is fully developed and the landscape gardening that is being planned is carried out by ten Masonic Home board. The Home association now controls the entire block from Thirteenth street west to the Missouri Pacific station and it will be made into one of the most delightful spots in the city within the next few weeks. The improvements on the exterior of the west portion of the Home building has added much to the gen eral appearance of the structure and this is now being made the main en trance to the building. The board of control has bad a large portice erect ed on the west front of the building that has added greatly to the finish ing of the appearance of the Home and with the other changes made completes very nicely the plans of beautifying the west facade of the Home. DOING VERY NICELY E. P- LUTZ Bouth Sixth Street Plattsmouth Yesterday morning Carl Ofe, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ofe of this city, was operated on at the Fenger hospital in Omaha for appendicitis and th? operation proved very successful. Carl was in the best of shape for the ordeal and it was thought advisable to have the operation performed at this time rather than wait and it proved very pleasing in its result as the patient rallied nicely from the effects of the operation and it is thought will soon be on the highway to recovery. PUEBLO IS RE COVERING FRO, FRIDAY'S FLOOD DANGER OF PESTILENCE PAST PLENTY OF FOOD AND SHEL TER FOR VICTIMS. Pueblo. Colo., June 7. One of the late estimates of dead today was re ceived through lied Cross channels and placed the number at around o00. However, it will be impossible to determine definitely :'or some L!'j2 as bodies may be hidden under the huge piles of refuse and debris in the devastated districts. Must cf the few persons injured as result of the storm are suffering from shock, ac cording to the statement. Ed. Ripple pays cash for eggs. tf d&w. E H. Schulhof, piano tuner. Phone 389-J. diw. Pueblo, Col., June 7. Pueblo made strides today in its recovery from Friday's disastrous flood which took a toll of lives and caused a proper ty loss of from $1.". 000, 000 to $20. 000.000. Danger of pestilence is passed, ac cording to officials of the dated State Public Health service, there is plenty of food; shelter has been pro vided in a refugee camp to remove the congestion in churches, schools and private homes and an army if men have been at work clearing the streets of debris, removing dead ani mals and clearing out the stores and other business places. Part of the city is again electrical ly lighted. The gas company has preparations nearly complete for supplying gas for heat and lights. The city water plant is functioning and tomorrow a water purifier will prepare for human consumption 5.000.000 gallons of water daily. Only two cases of diphtheria have developed within the last two days, according to reports of the lie." 1th service which has thoroughly organ ized in every district in the city and is making a house to house canvas; to report sickness and guard against insanitation. This is attributed to the fact that the floods virtually wiped out the poorer residence dis trict in the bottoms in which i.i per cent of all contagious and inflection diseases originated prior to the flood. Additional troops tonight are on the way from IJoulder and vicinity. The military order compelling all able bodied men to work has brought out an army of laborers. Only a few arrests have been made for looting. Occasional shots have been tired, but the only fatality from this source, occurring lui night, was shot from the gun cf any member of the nigM patrol, accord ing to an investigation. Every patrol within several blocks of the tragedy which caused the death of K. K. Withers, prominent business man. was examined. Partial resumption of railway ser vice between here and Colorado Snrings made possible transportation of food supplies and troops into the city. DEPARTS FOR COLORADO H. P. Halya and wife are spend ing a short time in Colorado, visit ing at Pueblo, which w.i visited la.-.t Saturday by one of the worst floods in the history of the we!. The parents of Mr. and Mrs. Halya aie living in that city and when, the word was received here of the dis aster in the Colorado city it caused a great deal of worry to the Halya family and it was finally decided to make the trip there to see what had happened to the parents. A few hours after Mr. and Mrs. Halya had left for the west a message was re ceived here from the parents assur ing them that they were safe from the effects of the flood. The mot sage brought assurance to the daugh ter here. Mrs. G. IZ. . Roman, of the safety of the parents. Mr: and Mrs. J. C. Halya. but was received too late to reach her brother. II. P. Halya. No word has been received here as yet as to the safety of the family of Mrs. Ralva. VERY ATTRACTIVE SIGNS One of the additions to the attrac tiveness of Main street is the series of illuminated lodge announcements that have been placed in the front of the Masonic temple. Heretofore it has been the custom to have a slide placed in the small electric sign each time one of the Masonic (tranch es was to meet. The new signs are objects cf much beauty and each one of the Masonic branches. Masons, Chapter, Comma ndery and Kastern Star have their own sign which is illuminated on the meeting nights. The signs are all hand painted and are the work of J. V. D. Patch, the gifted artist of the west who is mak ing his home at the Masonic Home, and each of them are works of art in every sense of the term. SUMMER HOLIDAY MUSIC CLASS Beginning June 1, Miss Oliv.; (lass wili conduct a vacation cl?si in pi ano music. Telephone 2U2. Many ills come from impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty digestion, lazy liver and sluggish bowels. Uurdock Wood Hitters is recommended for strengthening the stomach, bowels and liver and puri fying the blood. REJOICING AT MARSHALL HOME Krom Tuesday's Daily. This morning at an early hour t lie stork paid a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Marshall in this city and left with them a fine little son and heir, and the young man en joys the distinction of being the first child in the familv as well as the first Marshall in the family. The oc casion has brought great happiness to the parents as well as the grand parents. The mother and little one are doing nicely. COLORADO FLOOD CONDITIONS Denver. Col.. June 7. Flood con ditions in northern Colorado, accord ing to telegrams received by the press in Denver tonight, are as follows: At Greeley A six inch rise in the Platte river today spread out over several hundivd more acres of farm land. The rise in the Platte, which occurred at Denver today, is expected to reach here late tonight. The rail road bridges approaching the city are reported to be holding firmly. At I.asalle Conditions remain un changed. Kxcept for railroad bridg es, there is no approach to the city. At Longment The crisis is believ ed to have passed when the river started to fall late this afternoon. The water has been receding gradual ly since p. m. The greatest dam age done is to roads and bridges. Considerable loss to crops in section from tr-n miles east to twelve miles west of this city also is reported. BURLINGTON TRAIN GOES INTO RIVER No. C03 Slips Into Platte River Be tween Union and Hillrose, Small Towns in Colorado. Fuion, Col.. June 7. The engine and one end cf the baggage car of Chicago. IJurlington & tjuincy pas senger train No. ''0?, en route from Alliance. Neb., to Denver, slipped into the Hood-swept waters of the Platte river near here early tonight. The engine crew was rescued, according to railroad information. Passengers later were routed by way of Ster ling, Col., from which place they will bt bent to Denver via Cheyenne. Wyo. The accident occurred at nightfall when a large pit-r at one end of the Platte river bridge gave way as the engine ran upon the structure. The bridge had been inspected shortly before and thought to be safe. Sev eral other trains had passed over the bridge lat in the day. A-'iording to reports received here, there was no panic aboard the train, which carried a large number of pas rimerrs. Few persons .n the train, it wa- said, knew what had happened until later. Alliance. Neb.. June 7. A wreck i r and trainload of material is being rushed from McCook by the IJurling ton to the scene of the wreck near Hillrose. Col. General Manager W. F. Thiehoff. who was in Denver, is re ported on his way to the Southern sile of the river. A washed out bridco is reported responsib le for the wreck, the engine and probably one or more baggage or mail cars going into the river. 0, E. S, ORPHANAGE CARES FOR CHILDREN Tcotol at the southeast corner of the Masonic Home grounds is an im portant adjunct to the home the hi::nch O. K. S. orphanage operated in conjunction with the main or o! ;inage of the order at Fremont, lii-r' are e;red for some score or n ore of bright youngsters the com ing men and women of tomorrow. Charity being oil" of the cardinal principles of Masonry it is but just an! fitting that the orphans from over the sta'e be given the advant ages of a home and education, such u they are able to have lure, and it is with pardonable pride that we call the attention of Journal readers to this finely conducted institution hat stands "within the shadows," so to speak, of the Nebraska Masonic Home. HAIL ADJUSTERS APFCINTED Lawson (5. Rrian. chief adjuster under the state hail insurance law. has appointed nine adjusters with the approval cf Secretary J. K. Hart, of t lie department of trade and com merce. He will probably appoint a total of fourteen adjusters. Mr. Hrian was formerly state treasurer. In his list of appointments is shown Ills confidence in ex-state officers by choosing as adjusters two men who formerly served as secretary of state. They are George C. Junkin of Smith ;fuld and A. Gahisha of McCook. Mr. Junkin is now a farmer. Mr. Galusha was a clothing salesman when elected secretary of state and lias sin-e been in the clothing busi ness. He recently sold his business. The other adjusters of hail losses appointed by Mr. ISrian are: Henry J. Andrews of Fremont, (I. W. Evans of Norfolk. Georee A. Munroe of Lin coln, Russell Haldeman of Grand Island. George W. Dewey of Gates, A. H. Hoagland of North" Platte. W H. Weir of Sidner. H. J. Rower of Ainsworth. The law as amended by the last legislature allows adjusters from to .$10 ;i day for their Fer .vices, and expenses. Mr. Brian will pay them the maximum. ENROLL FOR SUMMER TERM A. A. Reed, director of the Univer sity of Nebraska summeV sessions, re ports that the enrollment for 11)21 will ex-'eed any in previous years. A continuous line of students waited Tuesday in order that they might attend to the matter of registration and schedule of classes. Advisors from all colleges were on hand to help the students in the pro per choice of their subjects. Fifty two vocation students have signified their intention of enrolling in the vocation school, which will be held this summer at the University of Nebraska. These students are all ex service men, and the government will defray their expenses while they are in school. Such courses as pharmacy, engineering law, business adminis tration, dentistry, agriculture, and nuny'others, are included in the vo cational school, from present indica tions a large number of ex-soldiers j will take advantage of the oppor-i tunity of becoming proficient in one of the above professions. ? A pipe won t burn your V tongue if you smoke R A.! Get that pipe-party-bee buzzing in your smoke section! Know for a fact what a joy'us jimmy pipe can and will do for your peace and content! Just check up the men in all walks of life you meet daily who certainly get top sport out of their pipes all aglow with fragrant, delightful, friendly Prince Albert! And, you can wager your week's wad that Prince Albert's quality and flavor and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclu sive patented process) will ring up records in your little old smokemeter the likes of which you never before could believe possible! You don't get tired of a pipe when it's packed with Prince Albert! Paste that in your hat! And, just between ourselves! Ever dip into the sport of rolling 'em? Get some Prince Albert and the makin's papers quick and cash in on a ciga rette that will prove a revelation! Prinem Albert im mold in toppy rd bag, tidy rod tint, handsome pound and half pound tin humidor and in thm pound crystal glass humidor with mponge moistmnor top. Copyright 1921 by R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co. Wiaaton-Salcm. IT I I 11 I I I I I I V-'llL I l I II l I I I the national joy smoke FURTHER WAGE CUT ASKED BY PACKERS Sixty Thousand Would Be Affected By Eeductions Requested in Petition. Chicago, 111., June 7. A further wage reduction of 5 cents an hour for all packing house employes paid on an hourly basis and proportional cuts for piece workers, were asked today by the Chicago packers in a petition filed with Federal Judge Samuel Alschuler, federal arbiter. The reductions, if granted, would affect approximately CO. 000 workers in all parts of the country. The pe tition asked that a full hearing be held before June 19 and requested that the reductions he made retro active to that date. Relief from the penalties imposed on the packers in the form of work ing hour restrictions also was asked. With their eight-hour day in force, it was explained the packers were guar anteeing forty hours of work per week and paying overtime after eight hours. It was suggested that this be changed to a guarantee of forty eight hours work and the agreement obliging them to pay overtime after eight hours be abolished. Thus over time would only be paid after forty eight hours' work a week. The minimum rate now paid is 4 5 cents per hour to which it was cut from 53 cents in March following the abrogation by the packers In Febru ary of a war-time agreement under which Judge Alschuler was the medi ator. At that time the packers, after conferences with President Harding and Secretary Davis agreed to con tinue the arbitration agreement until September 1 and the employes agreed to accept wage reductions averaging about 15 per cent. The packers declare that despite the last wage cut and reduction of their forces they have continued to operate at a loss and that they can not continue to exist under present conditions. They declared that while labor continued to receive from two to two and one-half times as much pay as it did before the war, farm ers and live stock growers are get ting less for their product and are being forced to operate on a basis ruinous to the producer. Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, the great household remedy for toothache, earache, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold at all drug stores. 30c and 60c. 5 -100 - STORES 4 FACTORIES It isn't the price, which is medium, but the value, which is extra ordinary, that distinguishes our footwear. Compare and Youl Buy at Kinney's! White Footwear for the Entire Family! Ladies' White, 1 -strap, medium or high heel $2.69 Men's Palm Beach Oxfords $2.49 Special Prices in Children's Barefoot Sandal IVz to 2, at $2.49 1 H1 1