The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1921
exporters, travelers
ship and sail under
the Stars and Stripes
THERE are today few
ports in the world of
importance to shippers or
travelers, which cannot be
reached by ships that sail
under the Stars and Stripes.
President Harding has
said that, "We cannot sell
successfully where we do
not carry". The American
Merchant Marine that once
almost vanished is again an
established and important
carrier of the world's com
merce. You can ship or sail any
where in American ships
designed for utmost com
fort and safety.
Operator of Passenger
Admiral Line, 17 Stt Street. Nt
York. N. Y
Maton Navigation Company, 6
So. Cay Street, Baltimore. Md.
Kf union Steam Ship Line, 82 Beaver
Street. New York, N. .
Nw York and Porto Rico S. S. Co..
II Broad av. New York. S. Y.
Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 4 Broadway.
New York, N. Y.
U. S. Mail S. S. Co., 41 Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
Ward Line. (N'ew York and Cuta Mall
S S. Co) Fot of Wall Street,
New York. N. Y.
Free use of
Shipping Board films
l'a of Shipping Board motion picture
f.ims. four reeis. free on request of any
mayor, pastor, postmaster, or orgam
ta;ioi. A great educational picture
of ihip and the ea. Write for inform
ation to H Laue, I rector Information
Bureau. Room All. Ill "F" Street.
N. W.. Washington. D. C
(7a Amtrtesn riti$ 0mly)
Steel ateerocre. both oil aad eeal
baraera. Aleo wood ateaasara, wood
holla aad occaa-goial tuga. Farther
iafermalion ebtaiaed by reqaeat.
For sailings of passenger
and freight ships to all
parts of the world and all
other information, write
to any of the above lines
or to the
U.S. Shipping Board
Adam Aleisinger was a visiter in
the city today for a few hours at
tending the hearing in the George
I. Aleisinger estate.
E. H. Sehulhof, piano tuner.
Thone 389-J. d&w.
G. H. Heinke, county attorney of
Otoe county, was in the city for a
short time this morning attending
to a few business matters of import
ance. Nicholas Halmes, of Omaha, was in
the city for' a few hours today at
tending to some matters of business
and visiting with his many old time
friends here.
Mr, and Mrs. H. L. Gamer came in
this morning from their home near
Cedar Creek to look after a few mat
ters of business and also for a vis-it
at the horn eof Mrs. Gamer's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rob
ertson Ed. Ripple pays cash for eggs.
tf d&w.
Mrs. Warwick Saunders and son
Hilly, Mrs. Joe Sindlair. Mrs. Will
Richardson. Jr.. and son Jean. Misses
Adele and Mildred Stecker and Mrs.
Will Haselton and son Hilly, mo
tored Saturday from Omaha to spend
the day with Mrs. Cameron Cathey
near Murrav.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
The Bank of Cass County
Capital, Surplus and Profits
All deposits in this Bank are Guaranteed by the
Nebraska State Banking Guarantee Law
President Vice President Cashier
Machinery Installed Now Makes the
Plant One of Most Perfectly
Equipped in the State
The plant of the Nebraska Gas &.
Electric company in this city has
within the last few months been pre
pared in as thorough and effective
a manner to care for the needs of
the patrons as any plant in cities of
this size over the state.
One of the pieces of machinery
that has been placed in the last
year is the special unit that is to
care for the electric service in cases
of breakdowns or serious troubles on
the high line of the company. The
Chuse Non-Releasing Corliss engine
that is a part of this unity is one
of the best in any of the company's
plants in the state and tha entire
unit cost the company $10,000 for
its installation. This unit can in a
very short time be placed in action
to take up the load of the local plant
and carry it in times of emergency.
As a part of this feature to assure
the continuation of the service, the
plan has one boiler in constant op
eration and this costs the lighting
company, $600 per month to main
tain in order to try and give their
patrons the best service possible.
Incidental to this, it may be re
marked that the greater part of the
breaks in service that have occurred
have been caused by the highline
service being cut off without warn
ing from the Omaha plant owing to
troubles in that city, and which have
proven very annoying to Manager J.
C. Kuykendall and the local offices
of the lighting company. With any
reasonable warning of the fact that
the service is to be interrupted, the
local plant can be placed in readi
ness to take up the load without any
discomfort to the patrons.
Another of the new pieces of ma
chinery installed is the voltage regu
lator that has been placed in the
plant to govern the service of the
high line. If the current on the
high line raises or lowers the regu
lator automatically takes up the dif
ference and preserves the evenness
of the electricity, doing away with
the flickering and wavering light
that has been so often noticed in
the past especially in the lines se
curing their service from distant
The placing of large lightning ar
restors at the east of the power
plant building also takes away con
siderable element of danger from
fire or destruction of the plant, as
these large arrestors will easily carry
the effects of any lightning or other
unusual disturbances on the lines.
In the gas department of the plpnt
a very clever piece of machinery has
been installed, consisting of a ma
chine to regulate the pressure on
the gas in the mains over the city
and which has raised the '.pressure
from 2i to 7 inches. This piece of
machinery is kept constantly in op
eration to care for the needs of the
patrons of the gas system.
The Plattsmouth plant is well
equipped throughout for carrying on
the business of supplying electric
current and gas and has in the past
six months overcome a great deal of
the difficulties that were experienced
in the past in regulating the service
so as to insure the best possible
service to the people of the city.
I will be in the County Superin
tendent's office at Plattsmouth on
Tuesday of each week. If you wish
an office call, .make it in the fore
noon, as in the afternoons I will
visit the farms where asked to do
so. Make use of these days and the
Kami Bureau will continue this. I
will begin this on Tuesday, May 31st.
Phone 479.
County Agr. Agt.
Do you know that the Moye Pro
duce Co. are paying the highest mar
ket price for your produce, eggs,
and cream at all times? They are
permanently located in Plattsmouth
and are open on Saturday evenings.
v ;
S Coates Block Second Floor v
' - ,u 111 u
of Plattsmouth.
Charter No. n::o in
braka at tin- l
on May "
the St:it' of
vp r lni inrsu
::. r.'Ji.
Inan ami liisnumts
l:mls, situ rit h-s, jii'lci'ifiits.
!.uT 1. 1 !
.'.til l.O'i
t'laims, pt-.. iiKhnlin: a!l
KoverntiH'tit loinis
I'-ankiiii; house, f urn it u rr a:ii
Current expenses, taxes ainl
interest iaiil
Cash items
I ue from National anil State
liolil eoiti
Silver, nickels and eci:t:....
"!. 10-'. I
r,. ins.:.-.
:::..! l:;
;. i ; j fit
1.1 -' Si
T )T.M.
. $:;oti. I
Capital stuck .';tiil in $
Suri. lus fllll'l 2.0inl.ini
l"n.!i vi.i.-il piotits II. ST
I tuli viil ua 1 i!osits siil.ject to
clock 1 in, 1 im;.7T
1 tun ml c i t iti-a tes of ilcposi t
for I.ih.rtv I li. I nO.o.i
Time eei t i tica t -s of deposit.. 1 l::.
Casiii.r's check-- outstanding,' j:. i
I Hip to National and State
hanks Jii.lTi'.js
Interest on l.ihertv honus.. IM1.77
I leposi tor's guaranty fund... U."ls.s:
:'. s 'j,v i. I s
.State of Nebraska
a 1
y S3.
County of Cass J
I, T. M. Patterson, President of the
ahove named har.k. lo hereby swear
that the above statement is a correct
and true copy of the report made to
the State liureau of Ha nk in:;.
Attest: President
A. J. S'. "I I A VIM J. Kirctor
MACK WIIITi:. Oitect .r.
Subscribed and sworn to before m
this Hh dav of .lime. 1 :u 1 .
II. a. i: senci: ANS.
(Seal) Notary Public.
My Commission expires March 24. l'J'Z'. ok Mi:i!ii: n no.
tic: li1' i-itniitii: or win.
In the C.cintv 'urt of Cass c.u.ti
t Nebraska.
' State of Nebiaska, County of Cass,
s s
To all !.-ons int. rested i'l the es
tate of .la. oli Tritscl:. b e. a.-ed:
n leadir the petition of Mike
Tritseh pniyms that th- i i.s t r i mien I
tiled in this iikkI on the :M-t dav of
May. l!iJ1. and pin pol ling to be ti.e
last will and testament ,f the said
deceased, may tie proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Jacob Trits ,:. deceased:
that said instinment be admitted t"
probate. and the : d m it: i-t : a t inn of
said .state le granted t Elizabeth
Tritsch as x ei; 1 1 i x :
It is hereby ordered t!::M you. and
all persons inter, ste.l in sai l matter,
mav. and !. appear at the C..unt
CooM to l.e held in and for said coun
ty, on the J"th dav of A. I . l'.-I.
at 1" o'clock a. m . t i show i,ise, if
an Ih'-re 1 e. Why toe prayer of t he
petitioner -p. oild not he granted, and
that troth of II. . t !ei.. v of said
petition and that the baring thereof
be tiive.i to all person Int. r -ted in
said matter bv publishing a copy of
this order in the Phi ' t smou I h .1 nal.
a new-taper pi inhil in
said county for three successive weeks
prior to said d.iv of heaiint:.
Witness mv band and sc! of said
court, this olst dav of May, A. I '.
i Seal I irt-::w County ,ludc.
The Stale of Nebra.-ka. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the Cotintv Court.
In the matter of the estate of Centime
P. -ftleisint;. r. dec. as. d.
To the creditors of si. id estate:
nil ate hereby untitle,;. That I v.' i ! 1
sit Ml the "on nt;." Court room in I'latts
mouth in said lounO-. on the '.'l day
of July. A. I . 1HJ1. and on the Hull
day of riohcr. A. I . l:i'l. at ten
o'clock ill the lolenoon of each dav. to
leceive and examine a!! claims acainst
said estate with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time lim
ited for the present a t ion of claims
against said estate is three month."
from the !th dav of July. A. i. pe'l.
and the time limited for payment of
deb's is one von r Iroiii said I'th dav
of Jn!v. A. I. 19J1.
Witness iii hand and the seal of
said I'onntv Court, this Hh dav of
June. A. I . Pijl
(Seal County Jude.
The best results are obtained from
the carefully written ad placed in
the printer's hands in time to permit
of artistic "set-up." Don't neglect
your advertising or compose it hur
riedly if you would get the greatest
value for the money you expend.
Eeatitiftil baby
Address II. li., 1
boy for adopt ion.
I'laltsiuouth Daily
lsw; :M.
Coming to the Lyric,
Voice." Watch for date.
"The Inner
Poultry Wanted!
A car load of live poultry to be de
livered at poultry car near Burling
ton freight house on Thursday. June
9th, one day only, for which we
will pay the following prices in cash:
Hens 13o
Springs 28c
Old Roosters . 7c
Ducks 18c
Remember the date. We will be
on hand rain or shine and take In all
poultry oCered for sale.
tit i t i t i 4 i i
Then. Miller was a Id'ncoln pas
setiser Monday morniiiB.
IJernire Colbert was an Eagle pas
senger Tuesday evening. I
Kdith Keese was a Peck Groves
passenger Tuesday evening. j
Mrs. R. II. Lawtmi relurnod home
Thursday evening from AI unlock.
A number from here attended the
church services in Klmwood Sunday
evening. j
Rev. Taylor held Memorial s-er-
,.ln.... I '.il-ili rpnintiipv Qntit
VO..n CI I I MV ,lot.7. ' i v i 1 J Klin
day afternoon.
ftlr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and
sons were Saturday evening guests
of relatives here.
Will Edgar spent the tirst part of
the week at the home of Mrs. C. S.
Alii? and ("has. Clapp.
Mr. and Mrs. John ("reamer and
daughter were visitors in town the
latter part of t lie week.
Howard Je-.kins spent the fore
pan of the week with relatives. He
returned home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Peles Dernier ami son. Eu
ter.e, spent Tuesday at the home of
Mr. and Airs. 11. H. llerbeling and
A rather one-sided game of ball
was played at Avoca Sunday after
noon. Wabash won. The score was
12 to 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawn Jackrnan and
daughter spent Monday with Mr.
Jaekinan's brother and family, S. A.
Air. and Airs. S. A. Jacobson and
daughter spent Sunday at the home
of Airs. Jacobson's mother. Airs. A.
Ai. Van Every.
Airs. Franz' mother ha been here
on a visit. She came to see her
granddaughter. Site left for her
home in Springfield on Wednesday
Air. and Airs. Edgar Eolden and
daughter. -Marie, Airs. Warren Rich
ard and Esther and Ruth Aluth
au'ticil to Lincoln Wednesday morn
ing in llolden's Ford.
Air. and Airs. Clarence Pool and
two daughters. Aliss Kate Xewlon.
of Weeping Water. Air. and Airs.
Charles ilnllish and two daughters.
Air. and Mrs. Ray Pool of Lincoln,
and Air. and Airs. Ratter of Alurdork,
were among the attendants at church
here Sunday morning.
'! he Wabash school closed last
Friday. A large crowd attended the
clo. ing exercises. The picnic dinner
war, on the school grounds. Those
who attended from a distance were
Air. and Airs. Charles Wood and son.
Stanley, Aliss Grace Wood, Airs.
Smith and son Thomas. Mrs. Kate
Biokett son and daughter. After the
splendid dinner was over ami every
one had had I heir fill, all went to
see the ball game, which was played
between the grade pupils of Elm
wood and Wabash. Wabash came
out best, the score being f to 7.
The County Hoard of Equalization
will meet for the purpose of equal
izing the assessment of Cass county
for the year 1921 in the Commis
sioners' Chamber at the Court House
in Plattsmouth. Nebraska, commenc
ing on Tuesday, June 14th. 1921, at
9 rr'clock a. m.. ami continuing in
session from day to day until NOON
on Friday. June 17th. 1921.
All claims for equalization to be
filed, on or before Thursday. June
l;th, 1921.
Clerk of. County P.oard
of Equalization.
Deputy State Sheriff O. I). Hedge
reported to the state law enforcement
bureau Thursday that A. D. Llampke
of Campbell had pleaded guilty under
the new state prohibition law. to the
illegal possession of intoxicating li
quor, when arraigned in the district
court at Franklin, and Judge Rlack
ledge imposed the minimum penalty
on the defendant, a fine of $500 and
a .sentence of thirtv davs in the coun
ty jail.
State Sheriff Hyers says (hat this is
the first conviction under the new
state prohibition law. and he looks for
a considerable decrease in the num
ber of violations, because of the sever
ity of the measure. Air. Hyers point
ed out that the new prohibition law
provides upon conviction for a penal
ly of not more than a fine of $500
and thirty days in jail to a maximum
fine of $5,000 and a maximum son
fence in jail of one year. Under the
old law the trial judge had the op
tion of assisting a fine or a jail sen
tence or both, but under the new law
a jail sentence must be imposed if the
person is convicted or pleads guilty
to a fracture of the state prohibition
measure. The iail sentence noes no
matter how heavy the fine imposed.
New and used refrigerators at
Christ & Christ Furniture Store.
Lincoln. June 2. Anticipation of
labor troubles as a result of reduc
tions in wages of railroad employes
and others was forecast here today
in the action of Governor AlcKelvie
appointing a board of mediation.
The members of the board, as an
nounced today, are:
nilliam H. Pitzer. Nebraska City
attorney, chairman and representa
tive of the public.
C. IJ. Towle. Lincoln, president of
the Nebraska .Manufacturers' associ
ation, representative of employers.
Benjamin Green. Lincoln, member
of the railway machinists union, and
Spanish war veteran, representative
of labor.
August Pautsch of Louisville, was:
looking after sonic business matters
in Manley last Tuesday.
Alex Aliller of near Wabash, at
tended the funeral of the late C.
AI. Andrus last Thursday.
John Alockenhaupt has began his
hay harvest and cut a number of
acres of alfalfa last Thursday.
Charies Andrus and daughter of
Weeping Water, attended the funeral
of C. AI. Andrus last Thursday.
Airs. Addie Schaeffer of Falls City,
daughter of Mrs. Thomas Keckler
is visiting at the Keckler home.
Oscar York and Herbert Thacker
were looking after some business
matters in Plattsmouth last Monday.
W. J. Rau was looking after some
business matters in Weeping Water
last Wednesday, driving over in his
Dr. Fred Andrus of Lincoln, a
brother of C. AI. Andrus. was in at
tendance at (he funeral of his broth
er last week.
P. A. Alockenhaupt from near
Greenwoo'l, was visiting with friends
and relatives, and looking alter some
business one day last week.
Andrew Schleifert and F. H. Stand
er were looking after some business
matters in Plattsmouth last Wednes
day, driving over in their car.
Frank Ronne shipped two cars of
cattle to the South Omaha market
last Tuesday, which he had been feed
ing in his yards for several months.
Geo. Wood and John Group of
Louisville, were business visitors in
Alanley last Thursday looking after
some business matters for a short
S. C. Keckler. who has been in
Alanley for some time past on ac
count of the illness and death of his
father, returned to his home last
week at Arriba, Colo.
Aliss Carrie Schaeffer has been
nursing a very badly sprained ankle,
which resulted from a stick turning
under her foot as she was walking,
chancing to step on the obsticle.
Airs. James Murphy, who is receeiv
ing treatment, at the St. Catherine
hospital at Omaha, is reported as
making good progress towards the
return of her usual good health.
Air. and Airs. Edward Norton and
children of Weeping Water, were in
attendance at the funeral of the late
C. AI. Andrus. last Thursday. Mrs.
Norton is a sister of the deecased.
John Rauth. who was kept to his
home and bed for a number of days
last week with stomach trouble, was
able to be out again and looking af
ter the matter on the farm last week.
Miss Leda Fleischman. daughter
of Mr. and Airs. Fred Fleischman.
who has been sick at her home with
'something resembling the flu. is
making very satisfactory progress to
wards recovery at this time.
Mrs. Orris Rockwell, who resides
in the northern portion of the state
was visiting fcr a number of days at
the home of I). S. Rockwell. Air. Or
ris Rockwell was for a number of
ye;irs a merchant in Alanley.
W. II. Frost and family and Air.
an! Airs. A. H. Humble enjoyed a
fishing excursion when they went to
Alradow and camped out from Sat
urday until Sunday evening and se
cured a large number of fish. .
Notwithstanding the slight in
crease of the prices of ice cream.
R. Bergman, the dispenser of that
delicacy in Manley. reports that the
business is excellent and that last
Lumber and
Building Material
than at any previous time!
Come and sec us, we will demonstrate
it to you!
W. H. FROST, Manager
Manley, Nebraska
week he disposed of some 85 gallons.
Miss Agnes Tighe, who has been
visiting in Alanley and also assisting
at the home of her sister, Airs. Wal
ter Alockenhaupt. on account of the
illness of Air. Alockenhaupt, returned
to her home in Omaha last Thurs
day. Air. Edward Pankonin and wife
of near Weeping Water, and Charles
Schaeffer of Alurdock, were guests
at the home of Air. Geo. Schaeffer
and daughter Miss Carrie, last Sun
day, the family enjoying a very plea
sant time.
Mrs. H. II. Shipman and children
of Havelock. where Air. Shipman is
one of the fireman in the Burlington
shops, were visiting in Manley for a
few days last week at the homes of
.Messrs. John and Fred Fleischman
and families.
James Whitc.omb Riley's "Old
Swimmin' Hole" has been discovered
by the youths of Alanley. who visit
it frequently in Herb Thacker's pas
ture on the C. AI. Andrus farm. They
are making a well worn path to the
favorite place.
Sheriff C. I). Quinton and County
Attorney Cole, who is also coronor.
made a second trip to Alanley on last
Tuesday for further investigation in
the case of the mystery of the death
of C. M. Andrus, and with a number
of citizens of Alanley looked over the
grounds at the home again.
Walter Alockenhaupt, who has been
confined to'his home on account of
an attack c.f pneumonia, on one side,
is reported to be making some very
good improvements, and was able to
sit up for a little while last wetk.
It is hoped by his friends that he
may be able to be out again in a short
Aliss Agnes Stander, daughter of
Air. and Airs. August Stander. is
very sick at her home east of Man
ley with what is like the old time
flu, and some indications of pneu
monia. It is hoped by her many
friend.s that the symptoms may soon
disappear and that the young lady
may soon be well again.
Herold Andrus. son of C. AI Andrus
and wife, and who is manager of the
Farmer's Union Industries of Weep
ing Water, and one of the most ex
emplary of men, was a visitor in
Manley since the death of his fath
er and, until the funeral, looking af
ter affairs incident to settling mat
ters regarding the death of his fath
er. Find an Excellent Catcher.
The Alanley ball team manage
ment have succeeded in finding an
excellent catcher in a Air. Alartin.
who is employed in a stone quarry a
few miles out of town, but who not
withstanding his hard work, is one
of the fittest men for the position.
and in the game with Ixiuisville,
made good the result of the game
which was played at Ixmisville, was
Louisville 7. Manley 11.
Hold Inquest Over Remains.
With the report of the finding of
the body of C. M. Andrus at his home
last Monday evening, the coronor
and sheriff were notified and ar
riving immediately impannelled a
jury for inquiring into the means of
Air. Andrus' death. The matter was
all looked over and the verdict re
turned that the deat-h was caused
by Air. Andrus himself. The per
THK Pilgrims of old Plymouth were
noted for their singleness of purpose.
And in Plymouth today, this old-time
quality rinds its modern counterpart among
the makers of the well-named
Pilgrim Binder Twine
These manufacturers sirn to make the
l-T.t twine on the market and most grain
rrowers hereabouts agree that they do it.
Pilgrim Tv.-inc is clean, strong r.nd even
in ric. It always runs full length, and
the balls do not tangle or fall down.
Made by Plymouth Cordace Company
anJ sold by I
Manley, Neb.
sonal of the Jury being W. H. Frot,
Ed Kelly, A. H. Humble. Wm. Shee
han, August Stander and Wm. Otte.
C. M. Andrus Funeral Wednesday
The funeral of the late C. M. An
drus was held from his late home in
Manley, the services being conducted
by the Rev. Ostcrhaut. a minister of
the Christian church, residing in
Hethany. and in the church of which
Air. Clinton M. Andrus has been a
life long member. After the service
which was brief, the remains were
taken to the cemetery at Weeping
Water, where they were laid to rest
to await the trumpet of the Angel
of the Resurrection. .Air. Andrus,
who has been a resident of this com
munity, and was fifty-five years of
age. came to Cass county over a half
century ago and had made hia home
in and near Alanley for a long num
ber of years and has enjoyed the
honor and respect of all who have
knoMo him. He had been engaged
in farming and selling automobiles,
the latter work occupying his time at
the time of his death. He had ar
ranged to take a truck to the coun
try the following morning, but was
prevented by his sudden death. He
sides being a member of the Chris
tian church, he was a member of the
Modern Woodman of America and
was the clerk of the local lodge of
Alanley. and had but less than a half
hour before his death completed fin
ishing the proof of the death of Air.
Thcmas Keckler. whose death occurr
ed some two weeks since.
Attended Father's Funeral.
Dr. Gillespie and wife, the latter
formerly Aliss Florence Andrus,
daughter of Mr. and Airs. C. AI. An
drus. now making her home at Dar
lington. Mo., was in Manley during
the past week, coming to attend the
funeral and burial of her father. Air.
Andrus. They returned to their
home in the south on Thursday noon
following the funeral and were ac
companied by Airs. Andrus. who will
go to their home to rest after the
harrowing scenes, intidtrt to the
sudden death of Mr. Andrus.
Nebraska Commoner Announces the
Establishment of His Legal
Residence at Miami.
New York, May 31. William Jen
nings Bryan will vote in Florida in
the future. While here today he an
nounced that his actual residence in
that state would become his legal
residence. He was influenced in mak
ing the change, he said, by the state
of Mrs. Bryan's health, and in his
new home expected to concern him
self as much as ever with public af
fairs. He said:
"Airs. Bryan's health is such that
it is necessary for us to live in the
south and having lived in Miami for
eight years, we have chosen that city
for our permanent home. For noma
time, politically speaking, I have
been living in a state of suspended
animation, residing in Florida but
voting in Nebraska. Being as much
interested as ever in the problems of
government and desiring to make my
remaining years as valuable to my
country as possible, I have decided
to transfer my citizenship to Florida,
and thus make my actual residence
my legal residence also."
Watch the biggest little farm bar
gain ever printed must be sold at
once party leaving U. S. Forty
acres 3 miles south of Plattsmouth,
Neb., known as the old Bill Tabs
place, fine location in best of condi
goes with it, 16 hogs, 3 good horses,
4 of the very best cows, 2 calves, 70
old chickens, 200 young chickens,
125 bushels of corn, cream separator
new, all wagons and implements,
nothing to be moved off place except
household goods. Crop all planted.
5 tons of alfalfa in barn, fine soil,
high ground, best water in Mate.
$9,000. Come at once if you want
it. Phone. Atlantic 0!l05.
1912 Vinton St.
Omaha, Neb.
We wish to express our ever appre
ciation to all friends who extended
their sympathy and assistance during
our father's illness and death; also
to Rev. Hollowell arid choir, and oth
ers for the many beautiful flowers
for our husband and father's remem
brance. Signed: Mrs. S. Alunn.
(wife). .Masonic Home; Geo. Alunn.
Chas. Alunn. Royal Munn, Ray Alunn
and Grace Gregory.
Dining room table, six chairs, two
rockers, buffet, kitchen cabinet, kit
chen table, center table, library
table, duofold, sanitary cot, new cot.
pad. settee, 2 beds springs and mat
tresses, two 'dressers, electrio lamp,
two wicker rockers, two 9x12 rues.
one 8x9 rug, one matting rug, coal
range, gas stove, refrigerator, New
Home sewing machine, nearly new.
electric washing machine, also hand
washer, two good ringers extra, a
lady's writing desk, curtain stretch
ers and hall seat.
AJ1 the above articles are left at
Christ & Ghrist's Furniture Store.
4th and Main streets, Plattsmouth.
Nebraska and will be sold at great
reductions. Phone 645-2 rlnga.
By electric method, will clean rug3
or carpets on floors. Hamiltou-Beach
Electric Carpet Washer. Best of ser
vice and satisfaction. Call on K. C.
Sat tier or Blythe Rosencrans or call
pione No. 11. tf-d lt-w.
Blank Looks a. the Journal Office.