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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1921)
PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE MONDAY. JUNE G. 1921 MURBOK BEPMR TMEMT. CI U U U U.U L PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. V. H. Stander anil family were m Murdock last Thursday looKJug after some business matters. .Mr. and Mrs. X. Sutherland of Cock. Neb., visited at the home of A. J. Xeitzel over last Sunday. Sheriff C. I. Qtiinton was looking after some ofHeial business in .Mur-do.-k last Thursday morning. Katherin h. Xeitzel is visiting with her grandparents. Mrs. X. Suth erland, during the summer vacation. Mr. Leslie Kush cf Primrose, was a visitor at the home of his brother. W. H. IIu-li for a few days last week. David Campbell from north of town ne;ir South lUml. was looking after nunc business matters last Friday in ( maha. Jolin Miller was a visitor in Omaha last Wednesday, visiting with friends for over night, returning home In the morning. Win. ltikli and fiially were visa ing with friends and also looking after some business matters In the county seat last Friday. The Murdock village board met at the Bank of Murdock last Thurs day and looked after some routine business for a short session. The male chorus of the church will meet for practice at the Calli han church, Sunday, June 12, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Albert Strcich and family were in attendance at the commencement exercises at Elm wood, last Thurs day, driving over in their auto. r. S. B. MacDiarmid and family spent memorial day with L. Xeitzel, CThe lumber required to build the large Gothic stock and hay barn shown on our calendar for the month of June can be bought for $2,050.00. We have complete plans and specifications for this building, the exact size of which is 36'-0" by SO'-O" and will be glad to go over these plans- with anyone at any time. Tool, Nauman & Murtey, The Lumbermen MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Free Service! We have just installed a new Tungar Automatic Refractor, and are prepared to look after the batteiy question for you. We have a capacity of charging from one to thirty batteries at the same time. We also do repairing of batteries, as well, and our repair shop for automobiles is of the best. Free testing and water for batteries. See Us for Service! L andholm Auto Co., MURDOCK NEBRASKA Me CnAnftitiir In Wail! v! b-jiitiuuiy wain vrf Your buildings are depreciating to a much greater extent from lack of paint than any gain which can pos sibly come thru waiting for lower prices of material and labor. Wc have come clean on this readjustment busi ness and our prices are as low in proportion as those prevailing on farm products today. Ilic protection of your building (interior and ex terior) by painting is a matter of great importance and is your cheapest and best insurance. Then why wait longer, when putting the matter off will cost you more in depreciation than you can even hope to save? Let Us Furnish You Estimates on the Cost of Protecting Your Property. The Dusterhoff Shops, MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA White Footwear Sale! f Ladies, Men's Misses' and Children's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps offered at REAL CUT PRICES j Season is early yet. Your opportun ity for seasonable merchandise at great ly reduced prices. Do not miss it! Men's heavy bib overalls, dark blue, fast colors, per pair $1.50 iurdock Mercantile Go.,- Murdock, Nebraska driving: their big Cadillac from Oma ha. Mr. O. J. Hitchcock and family from Havelock, Neb., spent from Sat urday until Monday evening at the home of L. Nfitzel. Mr. and Mrs. L. Neitzel and their son Alvin and family spent Sunday at Cedar Bluffs, Neb., with J. J. Mar tin. All went in L. Neitzel's car. Henry Heineman, who has been visiting in Plattsmouth for some days last week, being the guest of friends, returned home Thursday evening. Mrs. H. R. Guthman has been vis iting in the city of Murdock for the past week and a guest at the home of her son H. A. Guthman and family. Mrs. Metheney of Clay Center ar rived from her home in Clay Cen ter and will visit for some time at the home of Matt Thimgan and fam ily. H. A. Guthman was looking after some business matters in Omaha las Thursday between trains, going on the noon train and returning in the evening. Henry Bornemeier and wife, and Henry Reike and wife departed a few days ago for Excelsior Springs. Mo., where they will take treatment for a short time for their health. Miss Rose Amgwert of Council Bluffs, accompanied by her little nephew. Master Kenneth Letts, was visiting at the home of Mrs. Amg wert for a few days last week. Mrs. Roy Leach of Lincoln was vis iting for a short time last week with her many friends and relatives in and about Murdock, coming down on the train for a few days stay. Miss Margaret Amgwert, who has been teaching school at Traynor, la., during the school year, return ed home last week and was well pleased with the school for her first year. J. E. McHugh and family were visiting with friends in Plattsmouth last Sunday and Monday, coming home via Omaha, where Mr. Mc Hugh was looking after some busi ness matters. Many people of Murdock and vi cinity were disappointed last Wed nesday on account of the continual down-pour of water and so render ing the roads, making it so they could not attend the class play of the Elmwood schools. The' play is to be put on again tomorrow evening and they will then have the opportunity to attend. The family of C. E. Stroy drove to Lincoln last Thursday to be pres ent at the closing exercises of the state university, where Miss Amanda Stroy graduated from that institu tion with honors. Miss Stroy has been a very attnetive and earnest student and well deserves the hon or which comes to her as a graduate of this state institution. ' Many people from Murdock were in attendance at the commencement exercises of the Elmwood schools, which was held last Thursday eve ning. Only one person from this vicinity was among the graduating class of the school, that being Irvan Reichman. who passed with high honors. Mr. and Mrs. Reichman and family were present to witness the exercises of the closing of the school. The Murdock ball team is making a pretty good record in its games, even though they are losing some of them. At the county seat, on account of not having spikes in his shoes the pitcher, Mr. Lawrence, was not able to give the delivery that resulted after the pitchers box had been dried by a number of pails of dirt. The game was a good one anyway, and all were well satisfied. They played a game yesterday with the Eagle team at Eagle, but with what results we have not learned as yet. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP THE BANK OF MURDOCK of Murdock, Ncbr. Charter No. 678 In the State of Ne braska at the close of business on May 23rd. n21. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ 2 J0,i;x7.7 2 Overdrafts 352. IS Bonds, securities, judgments. claims, etc., including all Kovernment bonds 5,"i00.00 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 4.750.00 Current expenses, taxes and interest paid 727.14 Due from National and State banks.. $ 4 1.2rj.2'. Checks and items of exchange -''1.7.1 Currency 2, 77". "0 Gold coin -1 7 5.00 Silver, nickels and cents Lit;;;, i.! Liberty loan bonds held as cash re nerve l.Mi'i.OO !M 7 TOTAL t 22,71 6. 1 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ Surplus fund 5.000.00 Undivided profits 2, 107.75 Individual deposits subject to check..! S2.Mo.Ki Time certificates of deposit U.U:.::2 Cashier's checks outstanding ;.!:.. on 252. 55. 21 Depositor's guaranty fund... 2.7i:.s5 TOTAL $282,716. SI State of Nebraska 1 I ss. County of Cass J I. H. A. Guthmann, rashb-r of iti above named bank do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Bureau of Banking. H. A. GL'THM ANN", Attest: Cashier. HENRY A. TOOL. Director. J. E. GUTHMANN, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th dav of May, 1921. JERKY E. McHlTGH. (Seal) Notary Public. (My Commission expires Mar. 25, 1926.) Sunday Base Ball. Considerable agitation has been made regarding the matter of play ing ball on Sunday. This is a mat ter in which the state took up the proposition and enacted a law which puts the matter up to the locality where the game is to be staged. The matters of playing or not play ing to be decided by the majority of the people constituting the city or precinct where the games are to be played. Why so much stress is placed upon ball when there are many places where craps are shot, much more to the detriment of the community, and the youth. While base ball is a noisy game and played as an out doors sport, are not saying that it should be played on Sunday, but it is sure not attended with the harmful results as the secret crap shooting. For at the game of ball all Is open and above board. Fishing Very Popular. The fishing grounds at and near Meadow, where there are some lakes that make a good fishing place, is be ing attended by large numbers of people. It is reported that on last Sunday from Omaha and other places surrounding, there were as many as five hundred people who had come with a rod and line for the pure sport of catching the foxy fish, and that they were all rewarded by a good catch. Thursday of this week, some dozen of the lover of this sport from Murdock and vicinity, went and were rewarded by a catch of 191, they be ing Messrs. I. G. Hornbeck, Lacey McDonald, E. W. Thimgan. John Gakemeier. Gust Gakemeier, Ralph Rager, J. E. McHugh. Chas. Rau, A. J. Bauers. Harry Gillespie. H. W. Tool and Ed Rau. With the poles and lines swishing through the air and this dozen young men intently watching their corks bobbing in the water, it would have been a sport to see them landing the sparklers, until with one hundred and ninety one, they thought they had enough sport for the day and returned home with their immense hatch. Twenty were given as a present to the wri ter for the Journal, and which we can testify made some excellent eat ing. Thanks boys for the kindness and the fish. Entertained Kensington The ladies of the Royal Neighbors Kensington club were royally enter tained by Mrs. J. Johansen at her home last Thursday afternoon when there were a large number of the members present. The afternoon was very profitably passed with the work which the ladies have on hand and a most pleasant sociable hour which was climaxed by a very de lightful luncheon which was served by the accomplished hostess. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK of Murdock, Nebr. Charter No. 1536 in the State of Ne braska at tbe Hose of business on May 2.:rd. 1321. Will Hold Medical Meeting. The physicians of Cass county are to get together in a county medical meeting which is to be held in Weep ing Water on June 20th, and which much good is expected as the prac titioners will get together and discuss the matters which pertain to the best practic. Celebrates Fortieth Birthday Sunday, May 29th, being the an niversary of the birth of Fred Klem me, a number of their friends and neighbors collecetd at the Klemme home and very appropriately cele brated the passing of thee vent. A most splendid time was bad and sociability reigned supreme. The af ternoon was spent in visiting and exchange of view in current topics. John Bornemeier was made orator of the day and made an address on the better condition of things for the community. The large crowd were very interested. .Those to be present and enjoy the occasion were John Bornemeier and family, August Klem me and family, Henry Bornemeier and family, Harry Davis and family. Henry Klemme and family, besides tbe host and hostess and family. making some twenty-five who sat down to the suxnptious repast which was served. RESOURCES Loans and discounts $ Overdrafts Ranking house, furniture and fixtures Current expenses, taxes and interest paid Due from National and State banks.. $ 19,165.15 Checks and items of exchange Currency 612.00 Gold coin 10.00 Silver, nickels and cents ,20. 2 .;. ,000. ,524. One Way to get Big Mileage Regularly 1 he importance of gasoline tcith a complete chain of boiling point fractions You wouldn't expect to light a green stick with a match. Yet some gasolines are like green sticks. They neither ignite quickly nor burn up completely because they lack sufficient low boiling-point fractions for kindling, and have too great a proportion of slow-burning elements. Straight distilled gasoline I 1 El a 1 I 3 ! 3 1 WW i 3 innnnnna BED CROWN GASOIINE nmm m uvajt t muni possesses the complete chain of boiling points which assures quick igni tion and practically instant, complete combustion. Every bit is converted into heat and power gives big ger mileage per gallon than slow-burning mixtures, or less carefully refined gaso line. Red Croun Gasoline has a com plete chain of boiling point fractions Red Crown Gasoline is straight distilled gasoline. It meets all specifications required by the United States Navy for motor gasoline. It has a complete chain of boiling-point fractions -low, medium and higher boiling-point fractions which, in right proportion, assure big power and big mileage. It ia uniform and dependable wher ever you buy it. Hotc to get better results at less cost The way to get mileage and power economically, to escape carbon troubles, to have a spry, quick-starting engine, is by per fect adjustment of the motor to the fuel used. This can only be secured by using gasoline that is UNIFORM gasoline you can get wherever you are gasoline that gives a lean, dry, powerful mixture under all weather conditions. Use Red Crown Gasoline. , Authorized Red Croun Dealers Everywhere Wherever you go you can al ways get Red Crown Gasoline from reliable, competent and obliging dealers. The gasoline and motor oils they sell make motor operation more economi cal and more dependable. They are glad to render the little courtesies which make motor ing pleasanter. Drive in wher you see the Red Crown Sign. Write or ask for m Red Croun Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA 755.3S 21.17 .40 TOTAL $ 72.2s3.02 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 16.000.00 Undivided profits l.Jbl.J Individual deposits subject to check..! SS.762.77 Time certificates of deposit 12,914.83 51.707.80 TOTAL ! 72,269.02 State of Nebraska 83. County of Cass I. O. J. Pothast. Cashier of the. above, named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Hureau of Bankinjr, O. J. POTH AST. Attest: Cashier. L. NEITZEL. IMrector. A. STKEICH, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2Ssth day of May. 1921 JERRY E. McHt'GH. (Seal) . " Notary Public, (My commission expires Mar. 25, 1926.) Will Hold Election Saturday. The consolidated district which is and has been in existence for the past, year, will be voted upon at an election which will be held in Mur dock, Saturday evening of this week, June 11, for the dissolution of the district. Are Forming Orchestra The church at Murdock is forming an orchestra and chorus, which will furnish music for the church in their program which is to be given at the Callihan church on Sunday, June 19th. and will also furnish mu sic for the picnic which is to be held at the Callihan church on Thursday June 30th. The orchestra is to be composed of Chas Long, who is the director, and will play the cornet, Kdna Miller, pianoist. and Elmer Miller violinist. The childrens day program which for Thursday, June 30, will be .sriven jointly by the church of Callihan. Louisville and Murdock at the Callihan church. Friends Celebrate Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lenhard were the victims of a pleasant surprise Saturday evening, when about io of their relatives, neighbors and friends drove up to their home and announced that they had come to help celebrate their silver wedding anni- versarv. The whole affair had been kept secret and was as complete a surprise as the guests could wish. A pleasant evening-was epent in visiting, music and games. A mock wedding was given after which they were showered with well wishes for many more years of happiness anil joy. At 12 o clock a tine luncheon was served and the table was graced by a larce cake beautifully decorated. The bride was asked to cut it anfk found it to be made of pasteboard. Mr. and Mrs. Lenhard received. many pieces of silverware which they will cherish through the future years as a gift of love and affection. At a late hour the guests departed and they were all invited to a second celebration in another 25 years. The Best Service! That is it, we serve the best in the matter of home decoration, papering, painting and varnishing. No job too small for our consideration; none too large for us to estimate. See us for figures and estimate of cost. We are here for service. H. H. LA WTO N, MURDOCK -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA June Brings Much Work! The recent rains have insured a good crop of small grain, which has been a little behind, and which is now rapidly maturing. The corn also is making rapid strides. This is bringing much work in June. The best of machinery is needed for caring for the crops in this busy season. See us for what you are needing. We are able to care for your wants. Cultivators, or any corn working machinery, hay making machinery and what is needed for the harvest. Binders, harvesters, twine and all that is required to care for the harvest. We are handling gasoline and motor oils also. WEfl. GEMOTS, The Implement Man MURDOCK NEBRASKA Date Slightly Mixed When we stated in last week's Murdock news that the special elec tion for the purpose of voting on dissolution of the consolidated dis trict would be held on June 12th, we were slightly in error. It happens that June 12th. falls on Sunday, and of course everyone knows no election could be held on that day. What we should have said was June 11th Saturday from 7 to 10 o'clock p. m. The new plat seems agreeable to a large majority and there is little doubt but that the dissolution issue will be readily carried .at the forth coming election Saturday night. The holding of it during the evening hours will enable the farmers to get in to vote if they wish, which some couldn't do in the daytime as the busy season in farm work is fast ap proaching. The Move Produce Co. are now located in Plattsmouth, and are pay ing the highest market price for your produce, eggs and cream. They have been buying a great deal of produce and meeting with favor among the farmers. Your ad will carry punch if you write it as a plain "selling talk" in stead of trying to fuss it up with frills and exagerations. Are You Caring for the Cars? You know that the autos cost when you purchased them, are you caring for them in order that they will last? We are doing expert repairing what is reliable, and keep the cars from deteriating. Our supply of accessories and auto supplies is complete. See us for the best work and best cars. ED W. TnMGAN The Automobile Man MURDOCK NEBRASKA