The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Cbe plattsmoutb lournal
Entered at FostotTIce, Plattsmoutb. Neb., as second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
No woman
hired girl.
is a heroine to iier
Heart failure covers
a multitude
of bad diagnoses.
If at first some men don't sue
fiey fail, fail again.
"Wholes a I e
mining shark
what the
In the politicians'; new bonnet
you will find the same old bee.
A woman's idea of a frue believer
is one who believes as she doe.s.
Some men never borrow trouble ai
long as they can borrow money.
An eloping couple usually cuts the
tards for a divorce court journey.
A woman forgets she has a head
ache when she is wearin-i a srw hat.
Fretfulness is the nio!e that vits
up all the roots in the garden of
lives in
trying to
A man is seldom as old as he
or a woman as young as she
she is.
worrying today that
well postpone uul'.I
Never do any
you can just as
Patents of nobility
ly renewed with the
the American heirless.
are frequent
assistance of
Foreigners say that our American
girls do net walk , gracefully. Well,
they get there just the same.
The man who doesn't recognize
the world's greatness or his own
is likely to
r-n :o;
be a cvnic.
Between robbers and embezzling
Cashiers, the banks of this country
are having a rather tough time of
No matter 'how costly a thing
may be a woman considers it value
less when she has. lost all interest
in it.
It is all right to disinfect
grants at Ellis Island, but the
ble is that many of them are
si'ini l -t
dis if-
We should provide a trained cit
izen reserve, organized to meet the
emergency of war. General John J.
With all his property in this coun
try now in the hands of the alien
property custodian. fJrover liergdoll.
the millionaire draft dodger, now in
Germany, has heen given something
to worry about.
"It don't take a man long to
bag his pants at the knees,
and to make a finely tailored
suit look thoroughly disrepu
table that's the man of it,"
avers Dainty Dorthy.
Iiut she goes on to explain
that the man who is making
use of our cleaning, steaming
and pressing services is keep
ing his clothes in much more
presentable condition than
when he got acquainted with
ub. And it doesn't cost much,
Goods Called for and Delivered
id opposite:
Kevisine an ancient proverb, one
half the world does not know what
the other half is doing, but is trying
Hs ibest to find out.
Luke McLuke remarks that baking
nowder and girls are supposed to he
absolutely pure. Other things may
get by .under a reasonable doubt
It is easy enough to tell your small
bov not to go swimming, but the
onlv wav to stop him is by locking
up the water and guarding the key
Wouldn't it be nice if we could
settle all our international affairs by
saying that we will have nothing to
do with them.
Senator Penrose says that the re
rtnt tax hearings were a waste of
time. Nearly everything that Con
ureses does seems to be a waste of
Short skirts are said to have les
sened the number of street accidents
to women, but no decrease is report
ed in the number of backward looking
A member of the German Reich
stag declares tthat the people of Ger
many drink too much alcohol. The
probabilities are that he is not seek
ing re-election.
A subscriber wants to know if Ed
ison was the inventor of the talking
machine. He was not, all reports to
the contrary notwithstanding. Adam
beat him to it.
: o
If somebody will assist us in fram
ing up a good excuse for a trip to
New York just about the time of that
Drmpsey-Carpentier fight it will be
very much appreciated.
Several women magistrates are
holding office in Texas, which causes
us to wonder whether, when a wo
man magistrate marries a couple,
does she kiss the groom?
Eight hundred members of the so
called Ku-Klux-Klan. clad in white
robes, paraded the streets of Dallas.
Texas, the other night. And one first
class policeman could have chased the
entire bunch out of town.
We Americans are a very smart
people in some respects, but some
how or other we don't seem to have
sense enough to build houses when
we need them. Plattsmouth today
needs at least 500 new homes.
Albert Burleson, former postmaster-general,
is in Berlin trying to
ftrike a bargain with ('.reman cot
ton spinners for the sa'.3 of Texas
cotton. If he is no more successful
at this job than he was running the
postoffiee department the Texas sur
plus will not dwindle.
Perhaps all Americans ought to
bo enthusiastic backers of Jack
Denipsey in that coming fight with
Carpentier, but it is hard to forget
the fact that the world's champion
fighter was holding a make-belies
job in a ship yard while the fight
ing was so awfully good in France.
Germany can now live up to the
teachings of one of her greatest phil
osophers. Arthur Schopenhauer, in
one of his essays, declared that it
was advisable for a man who wished
to become steady and successful in
go into debt. The war indented
ness of Germany is now $3,23fi per
: o :
France has asked J. Pierpont Mor
gan to float a loan of $100,000,000
in the United States, all of which
is to be spent within our borders.
I-et us hope that it will not tie a re
petition of our experience with Bel
gium. That country touched us for
a big loan some time ago and spent
it all in the Argentine.
Ordinarily we are a credulous
of person, but somehow or other we
can't believe that story perpetrated
by one of our enterprising young re
porters about a partnership being
formed between the mosquitoes and
the lightning bugs, whereby the lat
ter light the way for the mosquitoes
to find their victims at night.
What the rose to the garden is.
What the dew is to the rose.
What rain to the springtime is.
What the start to day's close.
What the hush to the twilight is.
What the yeast to home brew.
What the crank to the flivver is.
Is the rouge, girls, to you.
Mrs. Osborne
When She
Says She
Thinks of
"For years." said Mrs. V. B. Os
borne, of 718' Lancaster avenue,
Lexington, Ky., "I have been in a
run-down condition; nervous, weak
and dizzy. I was actually so nervous
that any sudden noise or excitement
would produce a palpitation of my
heart that frightened me. I absolute
ly could not climb stairs, for to at
tempt such would thoroughly ex
haust me.
"I had nervous headaches and
when they came on it seemed that an
iron band was drawn light around
my head. I now shudder when I
think of those headaches. My stom
ach was weak and I could not digest
the lightest liquid food. Any food of
a solid nature caused nausea and
the sickening sensation remained
for hours.
"My misery was almost unbear
able. My sleep was never sound
and I was worn out all the time. My
condition was indeed a very de
plorable one. I finally sought treat
ment in Cincinnati. but nothing
helped me one particle. I was on
the verge of giving up in despair
when a neighbor pleaded with me
to try Tanlac. I obtained a bottle
of the medicine and began its use..
"I began improving at once and
soon ten my nervousness anu dizzi
ness disappearing. men my neao-.
aches left me and I realized my.
strength had returned. My appe-
tite and digestion improved and I,
am now so much neuer in every
way. This Tanlac is a
medicine and the only one that everj
really helped me. I hope every
poor woman who is suffering as I
did will try it."
l 1 I I I I I M Htll M I"t-
Courier J
Mrs. George Lutz has returned
home after a two weeks' visit with
her son. Edward Gobelinan and wife.
of Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schliefert
of near Manley. drove down on last
Sunday to spend the day with their
relatives, Mr. and Mrs. August
Mrs. Edward Fiddock and three
children, of Elsie, arrived this week
for a visit with her sisters. Mrs. P.
V. Stander and Miss Edith Shryock.
Mrs. Fiddock attended the commence
ment exercises at the uesleyan uni
versity this week, as her daughter.
Miss Edith, was graduated from the
Wesleyan academy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jung and
five children of Calcolm, arrived on
Saturday for an over Sunday visit
with Mrs. Jung's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wendel Heil and other relatives.
On Sunday they attended a Lutheran
picnic at Papillion and were accom
panied by Mrs. Wendel Heil, Mr. and
Mrs. John Heil and family. Mr. and
Mrs. John Rohrdanz and family.
The many friends of M. D. Ruby
will regret to learn that he was
taken to the Nicholas Senn hospital
in Omaha last Monday for medical
treatment. He was accompanied by
Dr. Peters, of Springfield, who was
called in on account of the absence
of our local physician. Dr. K. II.
Worthman. William Ossenkop ami
on Marion and Harvey Koop also
drove up with them.
A pretty home wedding occurred
at the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Lefler in Sarpy county on
Wednesday of this, week. June 1.
when their second daughter, Miss
Helen Irene became the bride of Mc
Kinley Hupbard of Alexandria, Ne
braska. The bride is a grand-daughter
of Mrs. Charles Phelps, of Louis
ville, and has two uncles in this vicin
ity. Paul and John Phelps. She is a
graduate of the Kim wood high school
where her parents resided for years
before returning to their farm in
Sarpy county in recent years. The
room is a prosperous young man of
Mexandria. where he conducts a
hardware business and where the
bride taught in the high school the
past year. He has an attractive
home ready for their occupancy upon
their return from a short wedding
Burke's Big "Uncle Tom's Cabin
Co." the largest organization of its
kind in America, will exhibit atNewlon of Weeping Water; Helen
Plattsmouth, Neb., Wednesday night Haworth, of Omaha; Mr. M. V. Wood
June 8. On the occasion the famcJus'and daughter. Miss Myrtle. Mrs. So-
old play will be presented in as newjphia Allis, Mr. and Mrs. George Nick
and elaborate a form as modern el. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keckler and
thought and stage invention will per
mit, and doubtless the Big Pavillion
Theater will be filled to its utmost ra
pacity during their performance. The
principal characters in this grand old
play will be interpreted by a very
competent cast of lady and gentlemen
artists that have been selected espe
cially for their ability to give a cor
rect interpretation of Uncle Tom,
Topsy, Ophelia. Marks, Legree, Eliza,
St. Claire and Little Eva; the balance
of the cast are exceptionally good, a
contingent of vaudeville artists con
sisting of jubilee singers, buck and
wing dancers, wire walking, hoop rol
lers, etc., are Introduced throughout
the play, making it the strongest pro
duction of this popular drama ever
presented to the public. A pack of
."M 1 it' tin 11 11 1 1 11 111 11 in 1 iiiiu nnrcuB rwin 1 ciu 1
donkies. and an unusually gorgeous
transformation scene are also among
the many features of .this grand spec
tacular production.
Eeginnlug June 1. Miss Ollvo Gaa
will conduct a vacation class in oi-
ano music. Telephone 292.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Frank H. Johnson of Weeping Wa
ter, was among the visitors in the
city today for a few hours attending
to some business matters.
John Beckman and son Herbert,
departed this afternoon for Council
Bluffs, la., where they will visit at
the home of Louis Beckman, a son of
Mr. John Beckman.
Editor Lee J. Mayfield of the Louis
ville Courier, accompanied by Mrs.
Mayfield, motored up esterday from
their home and spent the day here
looking after some matters of import
ance. li. J. Kaufman and W. J. Partridge
of Weeping Water, were in the city
today for afew hours attending the
session of the board of county com
missioners and lookinf after some
business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. John Horn of Pekin. j
111., who were here to attend the
; funeral of the late Jacob Tritsch,
j returned this morning to their home.
! going to their destination on Bur-
lington train No. 6.
I Frank H. Slander of Omaha, who
has been out at the farm near Louis-
Iville looking after some work there,
motored in this morning with An
drew Schleifert, road overseer of
Center precinct, and spent a few
hours visiting with friends here.
While in the city Mr. Stander was a
caller at the Journal office for a very
pleasant visit.
From Thursday's Dally.
Charles Reichart of Louisville, was
in the city for a few hours looking
after some matters of business.
Robert McCleery of Weeping Wa
ter, was a visitor in the city today
for a fe-w hours Innklne- after vnnm
matters of importance.
1. a. uauer or ueuar creek, was
among the visitors in the city today
tor a lew nours. attending to some
trading with the merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. George Merriweather
of Valley, Neb., arrived this after
noon to visit here at the home of
Mrs. E. E. Niel and family for a
short time.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tulene and
family departed yesterday afternoon
for Orange. California, where they
expect to make their home in the
Glen J'erry came up this morning
from his home southwest of the city
and departed on the early Burling
ton train for Omaha to visit at the
stock market for a few hours.
Mrs. Maurice Mcllugh and little
daughter, Peggy, of Falls City, who
have been here visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walling
and family, for the past few days.
departed this afternoon for their
From Friday's Dally.
Peter Meiseuger of Cedar Creek
was among those visiting in the city
today looking after some trading with
thhe merchants.
. Henry bchoeman of Louisville was
here today for a few hours attend
ing to some matters of business and
visiting with friends.
W. C. Carraher and J. M. Bark
hurst of near Union were here for a
short time yesterday afternoon and
last evening visiting with friends.
L. B. Appleman. assessor, and C. K.
Avers, road overseer of Greenwood
precinct, were iti the city today from
near Alva, looking after some matters
at the court house.
Last Sunday the country home of
Dr. Guy M. Lake, at Wabash, was
opened to an Allen family reunion.
This place was formerly the B. F.
Allen home where all of the Allen
children were reared. It was the first
time for several years that the entire
family had met together and it was
especially enjoyable because of the
old home place and the beautiful
family ties which exists among them.
The Allen family is of pioneer stock
and there are. indeed, few families, if
! any, which surpass it in general
worth, thrift, stability, and the gen
eral qualities which make the desir
able elements of good citizenship.
A few close friends of the Allen
and Lake families were invited.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Feather (nee Etta Allen) and
family, of Waverly; former U. S.
District Attorney Tom S. Allen and
wife, of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
s. Murfin (nee Elizabeth Allen) and
family, of Weeping Water; Miss Grace
1 Allen of California: and Mr. and Mrs.
m'a " "nd da"ehler' M,5a "opP'
Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Baird of Lincoln; Seward Day,
of WeeDine Water: Miss Catherine
family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dorr and
family, Mr. and Mrs. FraiiV Buell
and family, and Miss Maggie Weich
mann. Weeping Water Republican.
A ten-horse power Fairbanks en
gine, good as new. Also two short
born bulls. Phone 2003. Weeping
3t-sw . ED. RUBY
;Q wrL-innr In tk 9nft Drinlc
Parlor of
boys a call when in
any tonsorial work.
ti& NEW
I will pay
by Music
Accept our 3 dsiy offer and tiy
Mr. Edison's $ 10,000
formation we are supplying free. Get your ideas by experimenting
with the New Edison in your own home, and experiencing its
power to bring you the full benefits of music.
Three Days of Music Free
If you don't own a New Edison, bring or mail the coupon
below. We will lend you a New Edison for three days,
without charge or obligation. Act at once, we have only
a few instruments to send out in this way.
What will Daddy give for Graduation?
Don't you think good music is the finest, most appropriate
gift for this day of days? Let daddy know you'd be satisfied
with a New Edison.
i.i;i;i, mitich
Ki n st N". "li l ist i;i n
li-t M. Smith:
n. i1;i in i ft, vs.
Smil'i, first. anl
real iiiime
unknown. lo-i- husliHii-l.
Jaint s I
lmiimer: N;iii y I . I 'hnnin'-i".
liis wife: Stlwin 15. I'limmu-r aii'l
Sara 1 1 I'luinmer, hi wife; SHwln I'.
l'liininier: I'lumimr. lnsi anl
real name, unknown. Iiis wife; Kret
J. I'liimnier; i'luniim r, tirnt an-l
leal name nnknown. his wife; Mary
rliimmcr; l'lummer. first ami
ral name unknown, icr uusnann:
Harriet M. Youiik ami . 1 iountt,
fiit and real name unknown. Iier lius-
liaml: Virginia Mesealh: ite-
sreatli. first ami real name unknown.
Iier liusliami: Minnie K. Meceatli:
Mcfjeath. first ami real name unknown,
Iier luisljaml; Mildred Kljxahetli Jl
ireath: Mesreath. first ami real
name unknown. Iier husband: .lernie
Meeatli: Mne.atli. first and
real name unknown, her hushand: Jen
nie M. aiejreain: .-weneaiii, infi
and l eal name unkm, n. her lmstaml:
lennie M. Druion and J. 1.. luuien. first
ami real name unknown, her liushaml:
Mildred K. Ives ami Frank .1. Ives, her
iiisliaml: Samuel Addison toeliran Mp-
pealli: Addison t.orhran Megeatu: Ad
dison MeKeath: Samuel .. .v'scaiii;
Judith W. MeKeath: Judie W. MeKeath;
and the heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all othei
persons interested in the estates or th
following tiamed persons, to-wit: Alice
M. Smith. James I'Jummer, .Naney 1 1.
IMummer, Seiwin It. l'lummer. Selwin
l'lummer, lied J. l'lummer. .Mary
P. l'lummer, Harriet -M. ounir, ir-
Kinia aieKeam, amoreo r.iixauriii
Keath. Minnie K. MeKeath, Jennie .Me
Keath, Jennie M. MeKeath. Samuel Ad
dison Cochran MeKeath. Addison Coch
ran MeKeath. Addison C. MeKeath.
Samuel A. MeKeath. Judith V. Me
Keath. Judie W. MeKeath. whose names
and residences are unknown; and the,
northwest quarter of me norineasr
quarter; (NWV. Mi'i) the northeast
quarter of the .southwest quarter:
Nl'.'i. SV'4 the soutliwesi quarter m
the northeast quarter; isw1,. Af.ui
the northwest quarter of the soutli-
easf quariei, i . v -4. 1-41 n- rx.-.m
half of the northwest quarter lVfe.
.NV',4) and the west half ot the south
west quarter, (Wi. SW 4 ) all in Sec
tion six, () in Township twelve, f 12
north of Kanitc ten. (1 east or me
6th I'. M.. in Cass county. ."senrasKa;
and all persons elaimiiiK any interest
of anv kind in said real estate, or any
t.ut-t thereof: and all persons haviiiK or
aiminK any interest
in the before oe.
real names un-
scribed real estate.
known, defendants.
fo each and all ot the anove nameu
and designated defendants, bom non
resident and other oeioiuianis, iap
You and each of you are hereby
notihed that Krnest X. Christiansen,
the plaintiff herein, lias filed his peti
tion in the District Court of Cass coun
tv Xebraska. which petition was filed
on Mav 20. A. I. 1921. against you
and each of vou. the object and prayer
of which petition is to obtain a decree
quietinjf and confirminK the tttle to
the northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter: (XV'4. XK'.i) the northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter;
(Xt:1-, SW'i) the southwest quarter
of the northeast quarter; fSV.4. N'H'i)
the northwest quarter of the southeast
quarter: (XWVi. SK) the south half
of the northwest quarter Cs'.a. V4
and the west half of the southwest
quarter, SW'4 all in Section
six Township twelve. (12) north
of Itanse ten. U0 east of the 6th I .
M. in Cass county. Nebraska, in the
plaintiff, and to remove certain clouds
and forever barring; and estoppinK the
defendants and each of them and all
persons claiming by. through or under
them or any of them from having' qr
claiming any rlsht. title, interest or
lien in or to said premises or to anr
part thereof, and for tucli other relief
as equity may require.
You and each of you are hereby re
I I Hi II II I HA : m 'Si I . I I I
S3"- Fi?yjm,P
'R. EDISON vill nav $10,000 for the
best distinguish the New Edison from ordinary talking
machines. Get vour instructions out of the folder of in
iu ii ed
lief III e
to answer said petition
the 11 til day of July,
liy K. S. NICK KllSf iX,
Jlis Attorney.
MITK i-:
Whereas, I.loyd Mashhnrii, convicted
in Cass iminlv, on the imli dav of
June. 10 I'D. of the crime o" hreakiiiK
wid etil eriiiK, lias made application to
"he Hum id uf Pardons for a parole, and
the l.nanl of Pardons, pursuant to law!
have set the hour of 10 o'clock a. in.,
n the 16th day ef June. l'J'l. for hear
ing' on sahl application, all persons
interested are hereby notified that thev
may appear at the Slate Penitentiary,
at Lincoln, Xehraska, m said day and
hour and show cause, if any there be,
why said application should or should
not. be Kranted.
1 . M. AMSMKIiliV,
Secretary. Hoard of Pardons.
X. T. ll,KMn.,
Chief Slate Probation Officer.
in the Iistri. t Court of Cass rami
Paul llichtcr and
I f ermau
II. Orej:
iS ot a I,
Plaintiffs, vs. James
To the defendants, James If. C.reKK;
the unknown successors and assiKns,
heirs, devisees. leKateex, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the estate of James H
v.3rt'KK, deceased; Samuel Kline; MaK
:ie l. Kline; the unknown heirs, devi.
sees, le.Katees, . personal representa
tives and an other persons interested
in the. estate of Samuel Kline, deceas
ed; the unknown heirs, devisees lcira-
tees, personal representative and all
other persons interested in the estate
of MaKKie I . Kline, deceased; Lots
one, ( 1 ) two, f2) three. C!) four, ()
five, (fi) six, fli) fifteen, 15) .sixteen,
(lfi) seventeen, (17) eighteen. (IS)
nineteen, (13 twenty C0) and twenty
one, CM) in P.lock seven (7 and Lots
thiee. C.) four. (1) five, (5) six, (fi)
seven, (7) ten, (1) eleven, (11) twelve,
(K't thirteen. (13) fourteen. (11) fif
teen, (jr.) sixteen (lfi) and seventeen,
(17) 'in niock eiKht. (X) all in Latta s
First Addition to the VillaKe of Mur
ray, Cass county, Xebraska. and all
persons. haviiiK or ciaiminK any inter
est of any kind in and to said real
estate or any part thereof:
Vou and each of vou are hereby
notified that I'aul Kichter and Her
man Kichter as plaintiffs, filed a peti
tion and commenced an action in the
IMstrict Court of the County of Cass,
Xebraska, on the 11th day of May.
1921, against you and each of you. the
object, purpose and prayer of which
Is fo obtain a decree of court quietinK
the title to Lots one, (1) two, (2)
three, (3) four. (4) five. (5) six. (6)
fifteen. (15) sixteen, (16) seventeen,
(17) eighteen. (18) nineteen. (19 twen
ty (20) and twenty-one, (21) in Block
seven, (7) and Lot three. (3) four.
(4) five. (." six, (6 seven. (7) ten,
(1() eleven. (11) twelve. (12) thirteen,
(lo) fourte'-n. (14) fifteen, (15) six
teen (1) and seventeen. (17) in Riock
eiht, is) all in Latta's First Addition
to the V'illagre of Murray, Cass conn
tv, N'ebraska, as atrainst you and each
of you and for such other relief as
may be just and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 27th day of June. 1921. or the
alienations therein contained will be
taken as true and a decree will be
rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and
aKainst you and each of you accord
ing to the praver of' said petition.
Dated tills 11th day or May. 1921.
mlti-4w. Atty. for Plaintiffs.
!:.," r--'-
Z&? PhohoarapJi
(With a Soul"
23 phrases which
inrrn : r
Thre Day Experiment
With the proviso that I
incur no ecpenae or obli
gation, I accept your offer
to lend me New Edlnon
and program of RE-CREATIONS
in order that I
may experiment with it in
rny own home.
m.t chine,
1291 Z.
lii-tcj corn,
atd Jtw.
iiinui or iicviiim;
on Petition f..r llrlf rmitmtioit
of Heirship
III the Count v Court of Ca.-s coun
ty. Xebraska.
In re Estate X. of .lames A.
Walker, deceased. .
On the tiliiiK of the petition of Louie
II. Puis for a decree and linditiK of
heirship !ild herein on the 1st day
of June, l'21 :
It is hereby ordered that the said
petition he set down for hearing he
fore said Court on the lutli dav of
July, l!)21. at ten o'clock a. in., and
that notice of the time and place of
said hearitiK be issued, an that con
structive service thereof be had upon
all persons interested in said estate,
by the publication of said notice, nm
each week, for three consecutive
weeks prior to said heariiiK. in the
Plattsmouth Journal, of Pla it sninii I h,
Xebraska. a newspaper prinled. pub
lished and of Kcneral circulation in
s.'iid County of Cass in said Mate.
Iiated this 1st day of .lui.e. PIJI.
ALLEX .1. I : El SON.
(Seal) jj-:',w. County Judge.
For a Sweet Toned
Piano or Player Piano
Our factory-to-home selling plan
means a saving of $100 to $150.
Free stool, free scarf, 25-YEAK
GUARANTEE, oue year's trial,
freight prepaid. If you can't call,
write today. We invite coiupar
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