The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 06, 1921, Image 1

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VOL. NO. xxxvn.
NO. 93
Nebraska St?.te
cal Society
Thomas Jefferson McCulloch Laid to
Rest at Young Cemetery Near j
Murray, Yesterday.
From Friday's Daily.
The funeral services of the late
a-,.., i Mi'nii.wh :.s held ves-
terday afternoon at 3:30 from the
i...., rth:.t .f Mnrrav and
was very largely attended by the old come.
friends and neighbors who have spent '
so many pleasant years there Ait.prnnnT IP UITUflllT
this splendid pioneer gentleman. flLI Ufl I lu II I I lIUU I
The services were conducted by the (
?hrWtanG'churcrof' Murray.' who ! ANY FOUNDATION
spoke briefly irom me text 01 iae nui
chaDter of St. John. "My hathers
House is of Many Mansions," and in
which the minister offered consola
tion to the bereaved family and
The choir of the Murray church
gave three of the old familiar hymns
which had been requested by the
familv, during the service and at the
co.ic.iiMu,. ui . " . Vl: '
i lie (.u.iaec
. icuicici.1 mint ...
consigned to rest. I
Thomas Jefferson McCloch was
born in Little ork. 111.. October 26.
1844. and died at his home near
.uurra. -.a ox. x.x. x.x
seven years, seven months and five
I . ' 1 f n n -1 .... .
The family moved to Missouri
. i- . c r. v,,-
he It home unti is60 when the" re-the coroner's jury composed of W. H. -stately Hollyho.:ks March". Fear
moved to low Edward Kelly. A. H. Humble, is Treva Edgehton.
VI0'.1". "a., . ZAlll V'- Otte. August Stander and J. (a) "Coon Song". Strickland, (h)
, V, , ; , V ZT-a
where Mr. McCulIock has resided since.
r i?-e o- i7 y, !
un renruary .. ne was ,
... .a,..aoC o..x
Scull, and to this union six children
. r Si ' . . iV
the father in death Kemaining to
mourn the loss are the wile and : three
children. E G. Mcculloch and A iss .
.i.nnie. lesmnis at muiuc. auu
W. F. Chalfant of Grand Island. Ne-.
braska. Two sisters. Mrs.
of Glenwood. Ia.. and Mrs.
0 I
Bosworth. of Wabash, Nebraska
"S ,
father, mother and brother
ters have all passed to the
yon d.
. . i
Take Up Several Matters of Import
ance at Their Meeting Will Sit
as Board of Equalization.
The board ot oouniy commissioners"
was in session the first portion of the
week to pass on the various matters! ,,
pertaining to the conduct of the busi- P"1 Thvwrtajr. Dally
ness of the county and took up several estenlay afternoon the funeral
matters of importance at the session. I
-w ... .:. , . 1
wut- !,.: uun ...anei nauu.e.,
was the decision of the board to sit t
as a board of equalization at their
rooms in court house each day from
June l'.th to June 19th for the pur
pose of passing on the various claims
for adjustment of the assessment of
property in the county.
The board also received the peti
tion of Hugh Kearns Post No. 5G.
American Legion of this city asking
for the purchase of one dozen grave
markers for the world war veterans (
as pro,ue, xor oy .aw. anu tne noaru
agreed to secure the markers for the
last resting places of the honored
A petition was received signed by
S. S. Petersen and twenty-four other
residents of Salt Creek precinct, ask
ing for the appointment of Harry W.
McFadden as Justice of the peace in
and for the aforesaid precinct and
the board of commissioners agreed to
the appointment of Mr. McFadden.
From Frlday'8 Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the funeral of
John Schiappacasse was held from the
late home on North Fourth street and
quite largely attended by the old
friends and neighbors to pay their tri
bute to the memory of this good man
who had been gathered home after a
long and useful life.
The service was in charge of Rev.
A. V. Hunter of the First Methodist
church, who spoke words of comfort
to the members of the family who
had been deprived of the beloved fath
er and husband.
At the close of the services the
body was borne to Oak Hill cemetery
where it was laid to rest in the fam -
ily lot there to rest until the dawning
of the resurrection morn. The pall
bearers were selected from the old
"ir"u auu consisiea oi i;nris mock
enhaupt. William Hassler, William
Schmidtmann, Edward Donat. Philip
Thierolf and John Leyda.
In the loss that has come to the
familly they have the sincere sym
pathy of the friend3 in the communi
ty in which the family has for so'
many years made their home.
. Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
From Thursday's Daily.
News has been received here of
the arrival of a fine little daughter
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Hallstroin. of Avoca. on Tuesday,
The little miss and the mother are
doing very nicely and the occasion
has brought much joy to the happy
father as wtll as the grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hallstroin and
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Propst of this
cit- The friends here will join in, a una
vtr-v nappy ie in me years to
Omaha Bee Seems to Have Been
Given Wrong Statement by
Irresponsible Party.
From Thursday's Dally.
The Omaha Bee of this morning
carried a dispatch under Plattsmouth!
dateline stating that County Attor -
ney A. G. Cole was not setisfied with
the result of the coroner's jurv in
the case of Clint M. Andrus. who
killed himself on Monday night at
Q Manley.
a , " Ko
auhority for the statement that there1
j-.wou1(1 be a further probe-of the case
' . . . ..;s.,
verdict that had been rendered bv
1 uiai "ou i nKi i u
J. Meier, who found that the de-!
ceased "came to his death on the 30th 1
day of May by shooting himseif
with a revolver, a wound being in-:
flicted about four inches below the'
, ft it ..
Mr ColPe emphatjcally denies the
statement made bv the Bee and savs'
, , expressed anv opinion'
of the case othef fhan that un !
fortunate man had died bv his own J
' ' ...,.... , i
IU lilt UfC U II IV ilU W II I II I rUldi .
U'ohh rmt ccirt1 iUa varmrt in.l
i rs (to a itARUUxi aa 4iic tuum ' ui lw i n. j
-Vi r yoico1 Vi 0 lea f til rt pnecinn a a !
to the death of .Mr.
Andrus to be
Friends and Neighbors Gather at Al
lison Home to Pay Tribute to
Memory of Pioneer Lady
' - oi .rM, v. iwiki,
the nioneer residents of Cass county, j
- daugh-1
w as a r. 1 n ..,7
ter. Mrs. .viarv u. .-nison in inis city . civ...
and the services quite largely at-' "King of the Aair". Johnson
tended bv the friends who had grown j Mable Le Foster.
to love tii is splendid lady during her I "Beneath the Starry Flag". Hart
roi,tonfo hro in Plat f smnn t h and man Blanche Braun.
Cass county.
The services at the home were
brief and the sermon delivered bv '
the Rev. H. G. McClusky. pastor of '
th F'irwf Prpsliviprian church who
i i fa '
Satisfv Him and Show Him My Sal. j
jon-.. d , wh,ch the m,nister
. . oii. i
i iisaiu i i linn r I ii i lie iiic w l iui j .r ij v i .
id pioneer ladv. !
During the services the quartet.
mmnoiPfi of Genrtre L. Farley. Rev. i
II. G. McCluskv. Mrs. J. W. Holme
and Miss Estelle Baird. gave one of
the hymns so well loved by the de
parted friend and neighbor, "One
Sweetly Solemn Thought."
The burial was had at the Lewis
ton cemetery east of Murray, where
the body was consigned to the last
long sleep beside those of her loved
ones to rest until trie day that the
resurrection morn shall bid time pass
Last evening a very pleasant sur
prise party was held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Bennett on the
occasion of the twenty-ninth birth
day anniversary of Mr. Bennett. The
event had been arranged by Mrs.
Bennett without the knowledge of
the guest of honor and he was com
pletely taken by surprise when the
friends came in in the evening to
help him pass the milestone on life's
journey. The young people of the
neighborhood had arranged a very
pleasing program of music, recita
tions and dialogues which proved
Y-n r t ontorMliiino' anrl nae on InvpH t O
'the fullest extent by the members of
'the party. There were some twenty
,n attendance and at the close of
" the evenin& dainty refreshments
1 writ- eitrrvru 10 iiic iucujiicis ui iiic-
party by Mrs. Bennett.
From Thursday's Dalsj-.
This morning Dr. H. C. Leopold
operated on Mrs. Frank Sivey for the
removal of her tonsils atirt nrlnnirle
and the operation proved very sue-1
j cessful and the patient is resting
very easy after the operation.
When you think of printing, yoii
can't help but think of us.
Pupils of Miss Olive Gass Entertained
i Yesterday Afternoon at Home
of Their Teacher.
From Thursday's Dally.
The pupils of Miss Olive Gass gave
very delignttui piano rectal yes-
ter,iay afternoon ta her home
Marble street. ;ind which w.i ;iiite
1 ;vgely attended, some eighty being
present to take part in the event.
The friends and parents of the
young people were more than
pleased with the exceptionally fine
program prepared and carried out
by the members of the class. Al-
I though there were three or four pu
j pils unavoidably absent the program
was one of more than usual inter
es-t and all of the pupils without ex
ception, did themselves credit. The
program given was as follows:
Duet. "Sight-Seeing". Fisher
Florence Kaufman. Gretchen War
"Kindergarten Songs" Huth Find,
"Rosebud Waltz"
hear. N
-Violet La nip-
"Katie Waltz
Fear is Eleanor
"Norwood March", Hart Edna
"Merry Birds Waltz", Fearis Iola
"Cowslip Waltz", Smallwood
xiarriet nunier.
"Holiday March". Kimball Char-
lotte Field,
"Menuet in G", Beethoven Edith
"Silver Lake Waltz". Weber
Margerv Shopp.
.-Golden Twilight
La Farge
Margaret Bauer.
"Rosebuds", La Farge Ruth Fat-
-sweet Kiss Polka". Kinkel May
Belle TrOOD.
F.-i rewel 1
V iiai irr i w iuii
IfflATl IlrMlin.
Shepherd Boy", Wilson Margar-
I i(iV(
Dream". Sawyer Viola
"Homeward Bound", Anthony
Harry Foster! - -
"Sound the Bugles", Anthony
Edna Klinger.
"Morning Prayer". Streabhog
Edith Toda.
Duet "Melody in F". Rubenstein
Helen Ledgwav. Edith Ledgwav.
"High School MaJ-Mi", Wfeber
Elizabeth Sitzman.
"Farewell to the Piano", Beethov
en Minnie Hild.
"Soldier's Song", Steinheimer
Freeda Klinger.
"Midsummer Dreams", Morrison
Ilflrn Led g way.
"March from Hungarian Rhap-
sody . Liszt itonerta 1'ropsi.
"Lincoln's Log . Cabin March ', iut.
t "Lcnging for Home". Jungman-
Richard Beverage.
"Norwegian Dance".
Pern Fight.
"Poet and Peasant Overture",
Sonne Florence Kaufman.
"Valse in E-b". Durand Gretch-
en Warner,
Hamilton Lillian
"Stars and Stripes Forever", Sousa
Helen Warner.
Valse", Godard Pearl
Duet "Taps", Angelman-
r Foster. Mabel Le Faster.
From Thursday's Pally.
The ladies auxiliary of the Presby
terian church was very pleasantly
entertained yesterday afternoon at
the church parlors and as hostesses
of the occasion Mesdames. Will F.
Warga. H. R. Duncan of Chicago. E.
C. Harris and Claude Smith proved
most royal entertainers. The after
noon was spent informally in a so
cial way and with a short musical
program consisting of instrumental
numbers by Misses Florence Kauf
man. Helen and Gretchen Warner,
which served to add to the pleasures
of the occasion.
At a suitable hour dainty and de
licious refreshments were served
that proved a delightfuLclimax of the
From Thursday's Daily.
The Loyal Worker's class of thej
Christian church were very pleasant
ly entertained yesterday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Fred Haffke, who
was assisted in entertaining by Mrs.
Edward G. Ofe. The rooms were
very prettily arranged with bouquets j
of the early summer flowers and made
a very pleasant scene for the gath-j
ering. The time was spent in so-j
cial conversation and visiting as well :
as the enjoyment of a-number of.
readings by Mrs. Luke L. Wiles and '
Mrs. A. G. Hollowelf which added
to the enjoyment of the occasion. I
At a' suitable hour a very dainty
and enjoyable luncheon was served
by the hostesses of the afternoon.
Blank Books at the Journal Office,
From Thursday's Dally. 1
Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Frans. of this!
city yesterday received a fine gift J
from their son, Elmer, who is now i
living at Homiuian, Washington.'
The gift consisted of a fresh r-pound
salmon, fresh from the waters of
the Columbia river and was sent to
the mother in honor of her birthday
anniversarv. The gift was one that
was appreciated by all of the mem
bers of the family and will furnish
a fine feast at the Trans home.
New Business Established of Jess
F. Warga Fast Nearing Comple
x tion Soon to Be Occupied
The busi ness portion of the city
has been greatly beautified by the
new building that JessF. Warga has
had erected on t5:e sire of the struc
ture tli:'t v us burned on New Years
The building is of H-.styie of archi
tecture different from the usual style
of the business houses of the city and
is made along very classic and pleas-
in" linos snd is a structure that fs
certainly an object of beauty to the
The lower floor is to be occupied
by the sales room of Mr. Warga in
the front portion and the work room
in the rear portion of the building.
In the front portion a prettier store
room could not have been deviced.
as it is finished in white and blue,
the walls and ceiling being in the
clear white while the tiled floor Is
finished in a pattern of blue and
white and makes a most attractive
appearance. "
From the store room there are en
trances to the work room in the rear
where the plumbing department will
be located and. also to the elevator
that operates from the cellar to the
top floor of the building. A stair
way finished in nark green leads to
the upper floor where the chapel and
undertaking rooms of John I'. Sat
tler will be located. Here as on the
lower floor the color scheme will be
in white and the chapel 'occupying
the front portion of the building will
be finished in the 'atest and most
approved manner "j his, r purpose.
The large French windows will be
shaded with curtains while the floors
will be finished off with a carpeting
of the dark red and the room com
pleted with seats and arranged so
that the funeral service can be held
there as easily as at the home or the
The building is a credit to the
city and one that Messrs. Warga and
Sat tier can feel a just pride in oc
cupying as it is as complete and mod
ern as any building in the state of
its size.
Papers Being Circulated to Secure
Financial Support for Eagle Team
and lMeeting With Response.
From Thursday's I'aily.
The base ball fans and all those
who desire to see this city repre
sented by a real base ball team this
season are busy today circulating a
subscription to raise funds to assist
in he work of aiding the team.
This year the team is being oper
ated by Manager Barclay on strictly
business principals and the receipts
of the games are arranged so that a
portion will go toward the maintain
ence of the grounds and assures that
at the end of the season there will
be something more than vacancy in
the treasury.
The team has had a great deal of
expense in getting under way this
year as it was necessary to purchase
a great deal of addition equipment
to replace that worn out by the Red
Sox in the last few years and th-?
necessary repairs to the grounds as
well as advertising and it is hoped
that through the assistance of the
public spirited citizens that this can
be partially overcome and the team
be able to forge ahead.
This is a very worthy cause and
one that should have the support of
the community as the present team
is playing good ball and with the
proper support will be able to restore
the game to its old standard in this
cit v.
The reports from the bedside of
Rev. Father M. A. Shine at the St.
Catherine hospital in Omaha, state
that the distinguished prelate is now
resting quite easily and it is hoped
that it will be possible to avoid
an operation as the patient seems
to ho showinsr nurked sip-n-s nf 5m-
provement. This will be very pleas-!
ing news to the numbers cf the par- Following the lodge the members
ish of Father Shine as well as his were treated to very pleasing re
many friend3 and they trust that he freshnients of ice cream and straw
will soon be able to return home berry shortcake, which the commit
and take up his work in the church, j tee composed of Mesdames H. A.
(Schneider, F. P. Busch and James
Advertising is minted salesman- Mauzy had provided and the ladies
ship generalized sufficiently to carry.
anneal to the varied rlac, nf renders
appeal to the vanea cia.s ot readers.
Does your ad come within these re-
Attorney Charles E. Martin Receives
j Sad News of Tragic Death of
Son of His Sister.
From Friday's Dally
Attorney Charles K. Martin of this
city today received from his brother,
Jacob Martin, or North Lew isburg,
Ohio, the announcement of the death
of their nephew. Clifford Burnsides
la son of Mrs. Eliza Burnsides, a sis-
'ter of Mr. Martin. The account of
the deatli taken from the North Lew
isburg Reporter, gives the details of
!tbe tragedy as follows:
j While hundreds of people who had
I gathered to listen to a band concert
I stood bv horrified at the sight and the
sound of his frantic cries for help.
Clifford Burnsides, 23 was electrocut
ed on th? lawn of J. H. Beltz home
in North Lewisbur;; at 0 o'clock Tues
day evening.
The young man met death in a
tragic manner while many men made
frantic efforts to extract him from a
tangle of highly charged wires. Seek-
'in? only to break Burnsides contact
j v.ith the deadly current, the men
parsed a rope around his body and
started dragging him to safety. They
failed to notice a pool of water to
ward which they were dragging him.
No sooner had he struck this pool
than his cries stopped instantly. The
increased induction kiled him in
stantly. Lad's Life Endangered
The tragedy followed the narrow
escape of Cecil Kern, a 12-year-old
boy. who hud fallen on a broken tele
phone wire which had been charged
by coming in contact with electric
light wires. All efforts to pull the
boy loose failed until "Ted" Augur,
formerly of I'rbana. ran to the local
light plant and pulled the switch,
cutting off the current.
Although the boy received a bad
shock he was not badly injured.
Following this rescue. Augur, for
merly manager of the I'rbana light
plant, climbed a telephone pole to life
the telephone wires off of the electric
wires. He was not quite able to reach
the offending wires and. as the cur
j reat was still off, asked young Burn-
sides, who happened to be standing
near by4 to take hold of the telephone
wires and assist him.
Current Turned On r
While Burnsides was holding this
wire, Mr. Jordan, acting on informa
tion to the effect that the trouble was
all over, switched on the current
again, it is said. The shock threw
Augur from the telephone pole. Bum
sides va Unable to let go of the wire
he was holding and in his threshing
around soon found himself 'in a hope
less tangle of hot wires.
The frantic efforts to save the
young man's life, his own struggles
to free himself, and the tragic end
of it all when he came in contact
with a pool cf water formed by the
heavy rains of the day, were enact
ed before the horrified eyes of hund
reds of men. women and children who
had gathered to be entertained by the
village band.
As soon as the current couldagain
be turned off Burnsides' body was ex
tracted from the wires and he was
rushed ta the office of Dr. Bodey.
where it was found that life had
passed from his body. It ' is thought
that the young man was instantly
killed when he came in contact with
the water.
Augur, though badly shaken up.
was not seriously injured and was
able to be out again Wednesday
Leaves Wife and Stepson
Burnesides leaves a wife and one j
stepson. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Oran Burnsides. of Cable, who
survive him. He is also mourned by
three brothers, Harold, Herman and
Robert, and on? sister. Helen.
Funeral services will be held from
the M. E. church in North Lewisburg,
at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon.
Nebraska Chapter No. 3 Confers De
grees on Number of Candidates
and Enjoys a Feast.
The members of Nebraska Chap
ter No. 3, Royal Arch Masons, held
a very fine session Tuesday afternoon
and evening on the occasion of the
conferring of the Mark, Past and
Most Excellent Master degrees on a
number of candidates. Those who
took up this work of Masonry were
Emil Hild, Aubrey Duxbury, Mar
ion Duxbury, Virgel Perry, Ed S.
Tutt. of Murray, and Henry G.
Soen nichsen.
The session was very largely at
tended and the work of the degrees
put on in a very impressive manner
bv the off icers of the chapter
certainly proved that they were ex-
Perts in the 1,ne of f"rnisning a mo
(lelightful repast for the wearied
members of the chanter and the more
wearied candidates. i
From Friday's Dally.
This morning Louis Marquardt and
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Brndel of Avoca.
were in the city enroute to Omaha,
where they go to visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cockle, where
a fine son and heir has made his ap
pearance. The mother, as well as the
little one, are doing nicely and are
at the Clarkson hospital for the pres
ent. Mrs. Cockle will be remembered
here as Miss Ida Marquardt. former
county superintendent of schools.
District Judge Begley Finds for Plain
tiff in Case of Frank and John
Bucacek Against City.
From Friday's Dally.
The case of Frank and John Bu
casek against the city of Plattsmouth
was on trial yesterday in the District
court before Judge Begley and the
lesult of the case was a victory for
the plaintiffs in the action.
In this suit the plaintiffs asked
that their land used exclusively lor
farming purposes, be placed outside
of the corporative limits of the city
of Plattsmouth, alleging in their pe
tition that the laud received no ben
ifit from being a part of the city
and was outside of the fire limits
as well as not having the benifit of
any improvements on the streets or
roads near the property, of electric
or gas light service.
In the case of Kittie C. Roberts,
et al vs Paul H. Roberts, et al . a
suit in partition, the court handed
down a decision granting the prayer
of the plaintiff's petition and ordering
the property to be sold and divided
in the share of the heirs of the estate
of the late Joseph M. Roberts. At
torney Joseph A. Capwell of Elm
wood was appointed referee to handle
the disposal of the property.
From Friday's Daily.
Father W. S. Leete. rector of St.
Luke's church in this city, departed
yesterday for Omaha where he goes
to take charge of the St Barnabas
church in that city in the absence of
the rector. Father Lloyd B. Holdsaple.
Mrs. Leete and Madame Leete depar
ed this morning for Omaha and will
occupy the rectory of St Barnnbas at
120 No. 40th street, Omaha, for the
next two months.
Father Holdsaple sails tomorrow
from New York for Europe and will
take up his work in Serbia for the
summer months and will conduct the
church work there among the resi
dents of that heroic little nation. He
has had several years experience in
missionary work in Serbia and was
especially selected for this mission to
the near east.
Reports from the Still hospital at
Kirksville. Missouri, state that Mrs.
Jphn H. Becker, of this city, -nho
was operated on there a few days
ago is now getting along very nicely
and her early recovery is looked for
by the attending physicians. This
will be pleasing news to the many
friends 'of Mrs. Becker here and they
trust that she may continue to show
progress until her complete recovery
is assured.
It has been remarked that the more
money a person has, the more careful they
are about spending it.
And the careful man always pays his bills
by check because he is then automatically
supplied with a receipt and always has before
him an accurate record of the money paid out.
If you "nave no checking account, open
one at the First National Bank. You will en
joy its convenience and protection. You will
wonder why you deprived yourself of a check
ing account for so long.
The First N&tional Bank
i Funeral Held Yesterday Morning- in
j This City and Body Taken to
Eight Mile Grove Cemetery
From Friday's Dailv.
' The funeral services of the late
Charles Norman Beverage were held
yesterday afternoon from the home
on west Locust street, and the body
taken to the Eight Mile Grove cem
etery, near the old home where it
was laid to the last long rest.
At the home the services were in
charge of Rev. E. H. Pontius of the
Mynard 1. B. church who spoke brief
ly, words of comfort and hope to the
bereaved family and friends, taking
as his text the fifth verse of the thirty-ninth
psalm. "Behold Thou Hast
Made My Days as a Handsbreath. and
My Age Is As Nothing Before Thee.
Verily Every Man at His Best State
Is Altogether Vanity."
A choir from the V . B. church com
posed of C. E. Cock. Raymond Cook,
Lowell Pontius. Mary Wetenramp.
May Barker and Helen Pontius, ren
dered two of the well loved songs of
faith. "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere
and "Jesus Savior Pilot Me" during
the service.
At the grave the body was con
signed to the tuinh after a short
From Friday's Dally.
The past few weeks have been live
ly ones for the garages in this city
as well as in the neighboring towns
and especially in the hot days of last
week when the tire sales reached
large figures. Frank Vallery. who is
the owner of the garage at Murray
formerly owned by L. H. Puis, was
in the city today and states that the
business at the garage was the beest
that it has been for many months
and their sale of tires was the larg
est that he has known for many years.
Mr. Vallery is kept busy at the gar
age himsellf the greater part of the
time and also has Amos Wright and
Joseph Cook engaged in working there
now, Mr. Cook having been engaged
at the garage since the retirement of
William March.
Mr. Vallery proposes to see that his
garage is kept strictly up to the min
ute and is more than pleased with
lhe"Tijanner in which the people tii
Murray and vicinity have assisted
him with their patronage.
From Friday's Dally.
The first wedding of the office of
the county judge occurred last eve
ning when County Judge Beeson was
called upon to unite in the bonds of
wedlock Mr. Sterling P. Amick and
Miss Mata Engelkemeier. both of near
Weeping Water. The young people
are among the most popular and well
known residents of their home com
munities and their friends who are
legion will be pleased to learn of
the happy event. The wedding was
witnessed bv Misses Nettie B. Amick
and Mable C. Mickle.
The young people will make their
home in the future on the farm near
Weeping aWler.
We appreciate your co-operation
in helping us to publish all the live
news of the community. Call No. 6,
3 rings.
Your Money!
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