The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1021 FADE FOUB r EXHIBIT SHOWS FINE PLATTSMOUTH MA PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUBNAI 'Cbc plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Poatofflce. FUttsmouth, Neb., aa second-class mall matter WORK OF SCHOLARS CHINE TO CANADA R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Misfortune never come singly to parried men. -:o:- ' Think well of others if yoji would have them think well of you. It certainly takes a lot of fighting to make the world safe for democ racy. :o: A small boy's idea, of greatness is to be able to' lick another boy a size larger. :o: There is organization for every thing except to make Uncle Sam save money. :o: Bible characters are easy to under stand. They were about as human as we are. :o:- A woman can't understand why callers invariably drop in when she isn't dressed to receive them. . :o: "Large employers of labor and some of them justly so have been made the footballs of muckrackets." :o: Today's question for Mr. Edison: How much should a middle aged wi dower be worth before marrying again. o:o Some fellows are so accomplished in the art of mispronouncing Carpen- tier they can even make it sound like Dempsey. The Germans when they ask to float a loan in the United States, should be told to go and float the Lusitania. -:o:- Xearly every fellow that loclcs up his family tree is content to draw the curtain when he gets back about 200 years. : o: One of the sad sights of life i a man getting out his whisky bottle and rinsing them to accumulate one farewell kick. : - o:o "A wife should use every wile to keep her husband bubbling with in terest, because if she doesn't, some other woman will. :o: The house of Ilapsburg through the recent unfortunate coup ceased even to be the house of Perhapsburg but it's still the house of Mishaps burg. :o: Business men who have over their desks that sign. "1921 will regard fighters" are .beginning to far that it refers only to the Dempsey-Car-pentier bout. :o: Free competition is the only assur ance that prices will not be exorbi tant. If it cannot be obtained any other way the government will be bound to take a hand in supervising trade organizations to make sure they are not operating to the disadvant age of the public. c "It don't take a man long to bag his pants at the knees, and to make a finely tailored suit look thoroughly disrepu table that's the man of it," avers Dainty Dorthy. ,But she qoes on to explain that the man who is making use of our cleaning, steaming and pressing services is keep ing his clothes in much more presentable condition " than when he got acquainted with us. And it doesn't cost much, either. c MO , Goods Called for and Delivered PHONE 166 , .xa oPsosi t e. 4itSCJ0URNAL OFFICE There is little probability that Un cle Sam will be big enough fool to disarm while there is even a remote possibility that he will be told to hold up his hands. :o: The reason why Britain s new coinage quickly assumes a greenish yellow tint is through constant con tact with bar booze, according to officials of the royal. o:o Judging from the number of di vorce suits pending in the Hinds county chancery court, modern young couples take each other for better or worse, not for good. :o: Washington tariff tinkers do not seem to realize that there are tariff tinkers in all the other capitals who are not averse to doing a little tinkering-on their own account. :o: One good thing about building air castles, is that we do not have to pay the price of cement, and later on, income tax. But don't they come under the blue sky law? o:o Write it on your heart that every day is the be"st day in the year. No man has ever learned anything right ly until he knows that every day is Doomsday. It. W. Emerson. :o: If you see a knot of seven or eight women out on the walk in the morn ing sunshine, it doesn't mean a deep dark plot. They are only discussing the best kinds to cook for "greens." o.o "A married man is the only slave in the United States," says Dr. Ein stein. Thanks for them kind words. Ic. It's the first thing you've said that we've been able to understand. Short skirts are said to have les sened the number of accidents to wo men. No deceased is reported in the number of backward-lookin men who 'have been bumped by automo biles. Deportation has worked fairly well on certain classes of offenders. Why wouldn't it work equally well on movie producers who specialize in en terprises like the Fifi and Clara af fairs? :e:- The comet the astronomers expect to appear in June is called the I'ons-Win-Nccke comet. It probably will be visible all at once, in spite of its name. Which sounds like that of a sectional bookcase. :o: Xormalcy has not been altogether restored in business and industry, but "normalcy" seems to have been per manently established in the working vocabulary of Americans. Talk is ;!gain getting cheap. :o:- Hindus believe that the cow is a sacred animal, and consider it a grave offense to kill one. Some of our butchers feel the same way about it at least, they put off killing the cow until she reaches a ripe old age. . :o: Denunciation of Woodrow Wilson won't help his villifiers for the great est president who ever occupied the White House has retired to private life, and nobody will listen to vitu peration or denunciation concerning Wilson. :o:- It may be true as thi3 Helsingfors dispatch says that a new revolt is brewing in Russia, but there have been so many Russian brews that the world will not pay much atten tion to them until one really blows the cork out. -:o:- And it doesn't make you feel any younger to pick up the old home pa per and read that in the high school chorus singing at the commencement exercises a boy who was born the spring you left the old town is sing ing, and singing bass. :o:- i'resident Wilson took the .presi dential chair on March 4, 1921. Un doubtedly this will be news to some persons. However, it was the chair he used at cabinet meetings, which he took to his new residence when he rety-ed. His cabinet presented it to him. -:o:- The state department is said to be losing patience with Panama, which has not replied to its ultimatum of May 9, an answer to which was re quested "within a reasonable tim." But the state department ought to remember that in the latitude of Pan ama they have a very different idea from our own of what constitutes a reasonable time. " Manual Training Department of the High Scnool Has very Pleas ing Showing of Work. The exhibit of the work of the boys of the high school who have been taking manual training during the past year, was held Saturday at the vacant room in the Hotel Wag ner block and was one of the most interesting lines of school work that has been shown here and in a line that was entirely new to the public, as this department of the school has only been in operation during the past season. The young men who have taken this course certainly show great skill in their wood working and many handsome pieces of furniture were constructed by the members of the class that not only speak well for the able instruction that they have received at the hands of Mr. A. D. Bell, teacher in this department, but show great skill on the part of members of the class. A large writing desk, library table. drawing tables, many hall trees, foot stools and window seats were con structed and many of these are equal to any piece of manufactured furniture that might be purchased on the market today. This has proven a feature of the high school work that has held many of the boys in school and has train ed the hand as well as the minds along the mechanical lines that will be found valuable in their after years and fits them to take up their active work in the world with a trained mind that can adapt itself to the useful arts and trades. In Mr. Bell, the department has had a very able instructor and his work and association with the young men of the school has made the de partment the great success that it has been. CEMETERY IN BEST SHAPE FOR YEARS Not a Little Credit is Due Councilman John C. Brittain, Who Took Per sonal Supervision of Work The residents of the city who vis ited Oak Hill cemetery Sunday and Monday were much impressed with the excellent condition of the old and new addition to Oak Hill cemetery and the appearance was more than usually pleasing and several of the residents of the city who are famil iar with the condition of the ceme tery state that it was the best it has been for twenty years. The energetic work of Councilman John C. Brittain of the fourth ward is in a large measure responsible for the excellent appearance of the burial place of the city as he has devoted a great deal of time to seeing that it was put in the best possible shape and he was present at the cemetery himself Monday seeing that the last touches were put on the grounds anl flu streets of the beautiful city ot tlie silent. The placing of the crushed rock on the driveways has done a great deal toward making the streets pas sible and free from the ruts and bumps of the years gone by and in sures that the streets will be pas sible even in the muddiest of weath er. This year the grass was all cut and removed in time for the memor ial day observances and made the cemetery an object of beauty rather than a reflection on the city as it has FTeen in the past when the grass was allowed to grow rankly over the lots and graves. This is a matter that should bring much pleasure to the residents of the city and it should be the settled pol icy to see that this good work is kept up in the future in the cemetery. To Chairman Brittain and the members of the cemetery commit tee of the city council and Sexton Tulene the residents of the com munity feel very appreciative for their good work of the last few weeks. SOME FINE STRAWBERRIES The publisher of the Journal is now fully able to vouch for the fact that Julius Pitz is not only a cap able and efficient county commission er, but is just as capable when it comes to growing a high quality of strawberry. This morning we were presented with a quantity of this choice berry and we pronounce them the finest we have seen this season. Accept our thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Pitz. RETURNS FROM STUDIES From Wednesday's Dally. Miss Lena Hirz, who has been spending the past few months at Kirksville, Missouri, where she has been studying at the Still hospital in that city and completing the course of study in nursing, returned home yesterday. Miss Hirz will spend her vacation here and return in the fall to complete her course and expects to graduate the latter part of next winter as she will then have com pleted the prescribed courses of study in the hospital which is one of the largest in the west. The Moye Produce Co. are now located in Plattsmouth, and are pay ing the highest market price for your produce, eggs and cream. They have been buying a great deal of produce and meeting with favor among the farmers. Memory books as well as engraved cards of artistic design, suitable for the graduate can be found at the Journal office in a large assortment. L. C. Sharp Company of This City bends Ice Cream Cone Machine to Ottawa, Canada. Plattsmouth is getting on the map, as an exporter of high grade ma chinery. Nwe note on the platform at the depot today one of the large Automatic Ice Cream Cone machines as manufaoctured by our local con cern the L,. C. Sharp Mfg. Co., the same being consigned by Express to the Capital Lake Cone Ltd at Ot tawa, Canada, the machine weighing over three thousand pounds and con stituting about as large a shipment by express as convenient for the Ex press company to handle in one pacgage. 'This is the second export shipment of the above concern on these ma chines one having gone recently to Manchester, England. Orders are also on the books for another for Australia, it is claimed by the mak ers of these machines that they are the most perfect and efficient ma chines built for the purpose, hav ins a capacity of making thirty thousand ice cream cones per day. operating by city water pressure and gas, we believe such far reaching orders fully justifies the claim. The L. C. Sharp Manufacturing Company are exceptionally busy at this time, having on hand a large or der for their Hydraulic butter cut ters, which are being distributed by the Messrs. A. II. Arnold and Broth er, a large Creamery Supply house of Chicago. This is the class of work that is of interest to our people as it means bringing in entirely new people and money into the community and also means that Plattsmouth is being ad vertised by its excellent work as well as nationally through the trade jour nals in which the company adver tises. Mr. Sharp states that several ad ditional lines of heavy machinery are now in shape for manufacture all of which would employ probably about one hundred first class mechanics. the trouble at present being the dif ficulty of securing the necessary cap ital to erect the modern manufactur ing buildings which has been under contemplation for some time and for which the property has been reserved the cost of these improvements being estimated at $250,000. The cash weekly disbursements of the L. C. Sharp Mfg. Co., here have exceeded one thousand dollars per week for the past year this being expended for labor and materials, this concern does not receive any work or money from the community whatever, all of which is brought in from elsewhere. The specialties of this company are the development and manufac ture of labor saving tools and ma chinery and in which capacity it has long enjoyed a wide reuptation. We are certain the community ex tends its wishes that the activities of this useful enterprise in our midst may be able to accomplish the high aims it has set out to attain. FUNERAL OF MRS. BECKMAN From Wednesday's Dally. The funeral of the late Mrs. John Beckman was held Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiles south of the city. conducted by Rev. E. II. Pontius, pas tor of the United Brethren church of Mynard, who spoke words of con solation to the bereaved family and held out to them the comforting words of the Savior of the life to come when partings should be 'no more. The body, which had come from the home in Phoenix. Arizona, was laid to rest in the Horning ceme tery amid the scenes where the de parted lady had spent her girlhood days. CARD OF THANKS The sympathy and assistance that has been given us in our hour of sorrow at the loss of our loved one will never be forgotten as long as life shall last and to these kind friends we desire to express our deep est appreciation of their kindly acts. We also wish to thank those who were so generous with the beautiful floral offerings. John Beckman and family, John Wiles and family. CAMPING SEASON ON From Tuesday's Daily. The camping season is at hand. Sunday and yesterday large numbers of Plattsmouth and Omaha people hied themselves away to the cool spots of Cass county, many going to the Cedar Creek lakes to recreate and enjoy themselves angling for the elusive bass and other fish of which the lakes are well supplied this year. Others drove to the sand pits around Louisville and the state fisheries a little further up the river. There are a number of camping parties at Cedar Creek and the grove resembles small tented city. An equally large number of Omaha people drove to the lakes on the north side of the river near LaPlatte,' where they en- oyed picnic lunches in the open. SUNDAYED AT PITZ HOME Wm. Atcheson, ex-county commis sioner, of Elmwood; Henry Miller, who served in the same capacity, and Mrs. Miller from Alvo; Chas. Heeb ner, also ex-commissioner and Mrs. Heebner, and nephew, from Nehaw ka. all spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. - and Mrs. Julius Pitz, Just south of the city. The day was a very pleasant one for all. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, good health and purify the blood, use Burdock's Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price, 11.25. Daily Journal, 15c a week. 30x3 Standard Non-Skid Tire 30x3-inch Cord 32x4 . " O A A 1 it J. F. WOLFF GARAGE, m:;i, o i h i: Ernest N. Christians"!!, plain tiff, vs. Alice M. Smith: Smith, tirst ami -iil name unknown. her husband; James I'luuimtr: Nancy I . I'lummi r. his wife: Se-lwin K. I'lummer ami Sarah I'lummer. his wife; Selwin 1 '. I'lummer; I'lummer, fir,t ami real name unknown, ins wile; i reu J. I'lunimer I'lumnuT, lirst ami unknown, his wife: Mary ; I'lummer, lirst anil unknown, her hushaml; eal name I'lunimer eal name Harriet Sf. Younf; ami O. 1. Voting. tirst and real naiiu unknown, her hus- laiui; Virginia Mwatli; Mo- feath. tirst ami real name unknown, ler hushaml: Minnie K. Megcath: Mcgeath. tirst and real name unknown, ler hushaml: Mihlreil Elizabeth M Heath: Mcgeath. tirst ami real name unknown, her hushaml: Jennie Megcath; Mcgeath, tirst ami eal name unknown, her husband: Jen nie .M. Aleg-atfi: .Megeatn. nrsi ml real name unknown, her hushaml lennie M. liruien ami .1. L. Druien, lirst mil real name unknown, her hushaml; Mihlreil E. Ives anil Frank J. Ives, her uishaml: Samuel Addison Cochran M th: AiMison Cochran Megiath: Ad- lison C. Megcath: Samuel A. Megcath: Iinlith YV. Mcgeath: Jmlie V. Megcath; mil the heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives anil all other persons Interested in the estates of ti e following named persons, to-wit: Alice M. Smith, James I'lummer, Nancy 1 . lummer, Selwin K. I'lummer, Selwin . I'lummer, Fred J. Plummer. Mary I'lummer, Harriet M. Young. Vir ginia Megealh, Mimreii i-.ii.anein .Me geath, Minnie E. Mcgeath, Jennie Me gcath. Jennie M. Megeath. Samuel Ad dison Cochran Megeath. Addison Coch in Megeath. Addison C. Megeatji, Samuel A. Mcgeath, Judith YV. Me gcath. Juilie V. Megeath. whose naivjes and residences are unknown; and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter; iNW'i, XK'i) the northeast marter or the southwest quarter: NK'i. S U ) the southwest quarter of he northeast quarter: 't, M.'i I th' northwest ipiartcr of the south- ast quarter, NYVl4, SK'4) the south lalf of the northwest quarter Si,g, NW',1 and the west half of the south west quarter, YV.j. SYV U all in Sec- ion six. (fi in Township twelve. ( 1 " north of Kane ten, (Hi) east of the ".th I. M., in Cass county, Nebraska: and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate, or any part thereof: and all persons having or laiinin any interest in tlie tietore de scribed real estate, real names un known, defendants. To each and all of the above named and designated defendants, both non- esident and other defendants, take notice: You and each of you are hereby notified that Krnest N. Cli ristianson, the plaintiff herein, has filed his peti tion in the District Court of Cass conn- y, Nebraska, which petition was rtlert on May 20, A. I. l'.tl. against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which petition is to obtain a decree quietinK and confirming the title to the northwest quarter of t lie nortlieasi quarter; (NV4, NKVil the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter; NK'i, SY'. ) the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter: (SVV,, Nh, a ) the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter: NW",. Si:'4) the south half of the northwest quarter (S1, N''A) ind the west half of the southwest pjarter, YV. SVV'.i all in Section ix, ti Township twelve. (!' norm of IJanpre Ten, (10) east of tlie btn t'. M.. 'in Cass county. Nebraska, in the nlalntiff. and to remove certain clouds and forever barrinsr and estopping the defendants and each of them ana an persons claiming by, through or under them or any of them from having or claiming any right, title, interest or lien in or to said premises or to any part thereof, and for such other relict as equity may require. You and each of you are nereoy in quired to answer said petition on or before tlie lltli day ot Juiy, a. u-19-1. Plaintiff. By E. S. NICKEHSOX, mCt-Sw. His Attorney. GOES TO CANADA Mr T n Petprsnn of the L. C. Sham MfB- Co . has left for Ottawa, Canada, where he will supervise the installation of any up-to-date ice cream cone manufactory for the Cap ital Cakp rnne Ltd. of that place, it being intended that this factory shall be the niost modern and up-to-date In Canada, the machines for the same having been manufactured here in Plattsmouth by the L. C. Sharp Mfgr. Company. . . With a daily ca pacity of 16,000 tires and 20,000 tubes, this plant permits refined pro duction on a quantity basis. All materials used are the best obtainable. The quality is uniform. It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price. Firestone Cord Tires Tire repairmen, who judge values best, clas3 these tires as having the sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high-grade car manufacturers use them as standard equipment. They are the quality choice of cord users. it it it .OTI('t: T CONTKACTOKS Scaled bids will be received at the office of the State Department of Pub lic Works, 4th Floor. Hrownell JSlock, at Lincoln. Nebraska, until 10:00 o'clock a. in.. n Friday, June 3. 1!J1. for con structing culverts and incidental work on the (ireonwoml-OIialco Project No. X07-A. Federal Aid Koad. Kids will be opened at the above mentioned office on or near the hour of 10::io o'clock a. m., on the 3rd day of June, 1921. County Hoards are here by requested to be present or repre sented. Bidders are Invited to be present. The proposed work consists of con structing culverts only. The approximate quantities are: 12:5 cu. yds. of special excavation, Class A. 5ti lineal feet of 18" culvert pipe. 2 lineal feet of L't" culvert pipe. r.o.o!l cu. yds. concrete for headwalls ."'. 2 cu. yds. concrete for box cul verts. Certified check for TC of the amount of ti e hid will be required with each and every hid received. Plans ami specifications for the work may be seen and information and pro posal forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Ne braska, or at the office of tlie State Department of Public Works at Lin coin. Nebraska. The State and County reserve tlie right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. GEO. 1 1. SAYLES, County Clerk. Cass County. GEO. E. JOHNSON. Secy., Dept. of Pub. Works. YOTICi: OF SI' IT TO HllET TITLK In the District Court of Cass coun- tv. Nebraska. Paul Pichtcr and Herman Kichter. plaintiffs, vs. James H. Gregg et al. defendants. To the defendants, James II. Gregg; the unknown successors and assigns, heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of James H. Gregg, deceased; Samuel Kline; Mag gie !. Kline: the unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in the estate of Samuel Kline, deceas ed: the unknown heirs, devisees, lega tees, personal representatives and all other persons Interested In the estate of Maggie I). Kline, deceased; Lots one, (l) two, (J) three, (3) four, (4) five. (5) six. (6 fifteen, (15) sixteen, (16) seventeen, (17) eighteen, (IS) nineteen, (19) twenty (20) and twenty one. t-l in Klock seven (7) and Lots three, (3) four, (4) five, (5) six, () seven. (7) ten, (10) eleven. (11) twelve. (1J) thirteen, (13) fourteen, (14) fif teen, (loi sixteen (16) and seventeen. (17 in Klock eight. (S all in Latta's First Addition to the rillage of Mur ray, Cass county, Nebraska, and all nersons having or claiming any inter est of any kind in and to said real estate or any part thereof: Y'ou and each of you are hereby notified that Paul Pichter and Her man P.ichter as plaintiffs, filed a peti tion and commenced an action in the listrict Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska, on the 11th day of May. 1921. against you and each of you, the object, purpose and prayer of which is to obtain a decree ot court quieting the title to Lots one, (1) two, (2) three, (3) four. (4) five. (5) six, (6) fifteen, (13) sixteen, (lb) seventeen, (17) eighteen. (18 nineteen, (19 twen ty (20) and twenty-one, C'i) in jjiock seven. (7) ana uois inree, vj iour. (4 five. (5) six, (6) seven, (() ten, (10) eleven, (11) twelve, (12) thirteen, (lilt fourteen. (14) fifteen, (15) six teen (16) and seventeen. (17) in Block eight, CO oil in Latta's First Addition to the Village ot Murray, uass coun tv. Nebraska, as against you and eacn of you and for such other relief as inav he jwst and equitable. Y"ou and each of you are further notified that you are required to an swer said petition on or before Mon dav. the 27th day of June. 1921. or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered In favor of th plaintiffs and against you and each of you accord ing to the prayer of said petition Dated tliis 11th dav of May, 1921. PAUL KICHTEIi and 1 HERMAN RICHTEK. ! Plaintiffs. ' YV. A. ROBERTSON, ml6-4w. Atty. for Plaintiffs. XOTICE OF AXMl.U SCHOOL MKETIMi May 19. 1921. Notice Is hereby given that the an nual meeting of school district No. 102. of Cass county. Nebraska, will be held in the auditorium of the Alvo Con solidated school on the 13th day of June, 1921. at eight o'clock p. m. N&tice is hereby further given that TTi is new low price is made possible by strictest econ omies and special ized production. Plant No. 2 was erected for the sole purpose of making 30x3H-inch Non Skid fabric tires. New Price $24.50 it it 46.30 54.9D DEALER the purpose of the meeting will be for the following business: 1. The voting on the question of ant horizing tlie proper county officials to levy sufficient mills on the assessed valuation of the property of said dis trict to raise sixteen thousand dollars I $16,000,000 for general school pur poses for the school year of 1H21-13J2. i. The election of two trustees of said school district for a term of three yea rs. 3. The transaction of any other business which may legally come be fore said meeting. H.ATJKV APPLE MAN. Chairman Board of Trustees, School District No. 102, Cuss County, Nebraska. K. M. COATMAN. (Seal) 3-:w Secretary. .mhice Whereas, Lloyd Masnihurn. convicted in Cass county, on the 10th day of June, 1920, of the crime of breaking and entering, has made application to tlie Hoard of Pardons for a parole, and the Hoard of Pardons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 10 .o'clock a. m., on the 16th day of June, 1921. for hear ing on sai.l application, all persons interested are hereby notified that they may appear at the State Penitentiary, at Lincoln, Nebraska, on said day and hour ami show cause, if any there be. why said application should or should not be granted. D. M. AMSKKRUV. Secretarv, Hoard of Pardons. N. T. HARMON. Chief State Probation Officer. OltDKIt OF HKAKIMi n I'fllllon fr IJetermi nation of IleirNhip In the County Court of Casw coun ty, Nebraska. In re Estate No., of James A. Walker, deceased. On the filing of the petition of Louie H. Puis for a decree and finding of heirship " filed herein on the 1st day of June, 1921: It Is hereby ordered that t;ie said petition be set down for hearing be fore said Court on the loth flay of July, 1921. at ten o'clock a. 111., and that notice of the time and place of said hearing be issued, and tlMt con structive service thereof be had upon all persons interested in said estate. by the publication of said notice, once each week, for three consecutive weeks iirfor to said hearing, in the Plattsmouth Journal, of Plattsmoulh, Nebraska, a newspaper printed, pub lished and of general circulation In said County of Cass in said state. Dated this 1st dav of June, 1921. ALLEN' J. KEESON. (Seal) j2-3w. County Judge. CARD OF THANKS To those friends who so greatly as sisted me by word and deed in my great bereavement. I desire to express iny heartfelt thanks. When the shadow of death is pass ing: one has need of aid and sympa thy, and to me they have come so generously that I feel constrained to make acknowledgment thus publicly. May God's richest blessings fall up on you ail aJhundantly is my sincere wish. Mrs. T. F. Keckler and fam ily, Manley, Neb. : FOR SALE White porcelain lined re.fjjJjEjtfrator. Ice capacity, 125 pounds. Phone 4003. m2fi 4td 2tw Blank Books at the Journal Office. S. J. REE A V ELS y THE 4 BARBER 1 is working. in the Soft Drink Parlor of H. A. LARSON Give the boys a call when in need of any tonsorial work; CEDAR CREEK NEBRASKA 1 i