The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 02, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THrasDAY. jxrira 2. 1921
Bep&rtmen t
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
That Interest Everyone!
What are the greatest assets of every
community? They are the children of
the community.
There is but one way to make the most
of these assets and that is by education.
Keep them in school and start their
economic education by opening an ac
count for them in this bank. Teach them
to save and they will have the principal
element of success ingrained in them.
We welcome Children's accounts.
Sank off Uroeon
Miss Esther Olson was a visitor
with friends in Union last Sunday
and Monday.
McCarthy and Sturm shipped a
car of oats to the market last Mon
day afternoon.
Master Hollis Banning is reported
as being very sick at the home of
his parents in this city.
Wayne Lewis has accepted a posi
tion as a barber in one of the large
shops at Nebraska City.
Mrs. Joe Bauer, who has been sick
for some time past, is reported as
being considerably better.
Mrs. B. F. Brendel and Miss Mira
McDonald spent Thursday with the
ladies of Lewiston quilting.
E. U. Stine cut his alfalfa the
first time this year last Monday and
says it will make excellent hay.
Mrs. George Garrison, of Omaha.
was a visitor at the home of Mr. and
I Mrs. J. C. Snaveley last Sunday.
wife of l'ercival were visiting rela
tives and friends here last Sunday.
Charles Roardman has accepted a
position with George Everett and is
moving to a house near the Everett
Edward Midkih" and family of near
Avoca were guests at the home of
Frank Hughson and family over Ia!
Mark White, of Eos Angeles. Cali
fornia, spent the day at Lewiston
last Thursday visiting with his old
C. It. Troop and wife. or Platts
mouth. spent Thursday afternoon at
Lewiston. where they are interested
in the cemetery.
Miss Dorothv Hal!, of Nebraska
Show Saturday Evening
Do not forget that we are giving the same good
service which was formerly furnished in the matter of
the movie.
The coming Saturday evening we have an ex
cellent show, which will be appreciated by all. The
prices are the same popular figure.
Do not forget the matter. Come, bring the family
and enjoy the evening.
M. W. A. Hall -:- -:- Union, Nebr.
Battery Service Station!
I am prepared to look after your battery wants,
in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of
needed parts, as well as providing you with new bat
teries. All work has my personal care and will be given
the minutest attention. '
w. h. Dubois,
Free Sample!
I For 1 Oc we will sell you a 1 5c brush and give you
la 35c can of Sherwin-Williams Co. Floorlac FREE.
If you have a chair or table or in fact any fur-
'niture or wood work that needs touching up, this is
'your opportunity.
This is clean-up and paint-up time, so why delay
the improvements.
Remember we sell Houses, Barns, Sheds, Chicken
Houses, Built-in Furniture, Screened-in Porches any
thing in the wood line that adds to the comfort and con
venience of town or farm.
See us for, estimates and prices.
We appreciate your patronage.
Frans Bros', Lumber Co.,
iCity, was a guest of Miss Fula Frans,
land other friends in Union several
days the past week.
j. J. Lillie was a visitor at Tecura
seh from Thursday until Monday
morning, and tells of there being
plenty of rain there.
George Saxon, wife and son.
Reuben, of Lincoln, spent lat Sun
day in 1'nion as guests at the home
of Miss Ida Freeman.
Fllis Lallue who is working at
the barber business in Omaha, was
a visitor at the home of his parents
over Sunday and Monday.
Clifford McQuinn and Virgil Mad
visited with friends in Omaha laFt
Sunday, returning home early Mon
day morning in their car.
J. I). Lewis and son. Lloyd, of
northwest of Murray, were visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl
Merritt in Union last Sunday.
The Omaha boosters visited Union
last Saturday afternoon passing thru
on their special train and stopping
for a short gc t-ac'juainted visit.
George Green and Dr Barritt
have trimmed the trees along the
front of the lots of Dr. Barritt and
made the place look much better.
Clyde Foster, who with his wife,
visited at Julien over Sunday, stop
ped in Union Monday afternoon for
a short time while en route home.
Misses Flora Garrison and Kvi
Hathaway were in Nebraska City
last Saturday taking teachers' exami
nation. They mad" the trip by train.
Frank Younsi. formerly of Union,
but now of Omaha, went to Auburn,
pas-ing through Union last Monday,
ami was accompanied by John Smith.
V. T. Am and family of i'latts
motUh were visiting in Union last
Sunday, guests at the home of Mrs.
Mollie Anderson, mother of Mrs.
Win. Taylor and family, of Oma
ha, were visiting in Union, being
guests at the home of A. L. Decker
and family northeast of town Sun
da v.
George A. Johnson and wife, of
tturwell. arrived a few days ago for
a visit at the home of the latter's
mother, Mrs. Catherine Stino. of
Raymond Becker and his mother.
Mrs. A. L. Becker were vNiting and
looking after sme business matters
in Nebraska City last Saturday af
Mrs. Ida Applegate.
was a visitor in Union
dav. also
and Memorial
th" graves of
ccmet erv.
Mrs. J. A.
."x'iss Margie.
of Lincoln,
ovr Sunday
buiking after
loved ones in the local
Walker and daughter,
attend. -d .the dinner
and assisted in organizing the ceme
tery association at Lewiston Iat
M. M. Roberts and daughter. Miss
Crjrp, of Yillisca. Iowa, were visit
ing with, friends here over Sunday,
returning to their home on Monday
Mrs. Graham, of Cheyenne. Wyom
ing, who is county clerk of ber borne
county, was a guest at the home of
Mrs. M. H. Shu.r.ak'T several days the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. I). Clark were
visiting with relatives and friends in
Union last Sunday, coming from
their home in Weeping Water on the
early morning train.
A letter from P. A. Eaton and
family to his parents. George Katon
and wife, tells of things looking tine
out there and the crops all growing
with plenty of rain to aid them.
Jacob Dye. and his mother. Mrs.
Isaac Dye. Sr.. of Omaha, visited in
Union and looked after the decora
tion of loved ones" graves in the local
cemetery the early part of the week.
The Ladies Aid society of the
Methodist church held a most inter
esting business session at the church
parlors last Thursday at which a
large number of the members were
Thomas McQuinn brought in a load
of oats a few days ago which he de
livered to the Farmers (levator and
which weighed out 9S bushels and
24 pounds. A pretty big load of
oats, we'd say.
Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter.
Miss Rachcd. were spending Sunday
and Monday at the home of Mrs.
Barbara Taylor and daughter, re
turning to their home in Lincoln on
Monday evening.
On account of the postponement
of the meeting of the W. W. G. girls,
they will meet at the home of Mr.
: nd Mrs. D. C. I.aRue this coming
Saturday afternoon. A full atten
dance is desired.
The Memorial sermon for Union
as delivered by Rev. Bon ham last
: .iriday. ami the members of the
aptist church, in deference to the
occasion all attended the service,
hich was well worth while.
Ieslie Kverett and two sisters.
Misses Eva and Mary, children 01
Mr. and Mrs. George Kverett. were
isiting at the home of friends in
I amoni. a few days the first of the
veck. making the trip with their car.
Miss Grace Rogenrief, who has
night in the Union schools for the
t ast two years, after completing her
f idiool year, has gone to her home
rear Ramwood. where she will rest
and recuperate during the vacation
Superintendent C. E. Severyn of
the Union schools departed Sunday
morning for his home in Schuyler,
after having completed the school
year here as superintendent to the
entire satisfaction of all the patrons
and scholars.
C. E. Smith and wife, of Thelps,
Mo., who have been visiting in
Plattsmouth. passed through here on
Monday en route home and were ac
companied by their son. Gould Smith,
who is employed with Louis Ottnott,
of Nebraska City.
The members of the Baptist church
enjoyed a picnic at the picnic ground
a few days ago. when the Whites
and Blues entertained the Reds on j
account of their being winners in
the contest which was recently held
by the Sunday school. j
A. L. Eecker, wife and daughters.
Mii5ei Mary and Ethel Eecker visit
ed with Grandma Becker, .who was
sick at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. M. B. Allison, in Plattsmouth,
and who has since passed away due
to the infirmities of old age.
Mrs. Thede Frans, of Omaha, and
daughter. Miss Eva. wire visiting
with relatives and friends in Union
over Sunday and Monday and also
visited the Union cemetery to deco
rate the last resting place of their
loved ones who are buried here.
There is rejoicing at the home of
E. E. Moore and wife of this city on
account of the arrival of a fine little
blue eyed baby girl who has ' come
to make her home with the fond par
ents who think she is the best ever.
She weighs exactly 7 V. pounds.
Mrs. Belie Frans was a visitor
in Nehav.ka over Sunday, a guest at
the home of her son. John Frans
and wife and also of her son. Kemper
Frans. John has recently acquired
a restaurant in Nehav.ka and is do
ing a good business in that lino.
C. S. Johnson has been, visiting
for some days past at the home of
his" daughter, Mrs. A. W. I'ropst, in
Union. Since his ret urn from a
sanitarium in the south. Mr. John
son has been feeling greatly improv
ed but is not gaining strength a?:
rapidly as it was hoped he would.
The Missionary society the ;;lp
tivt church met at the home of Mrs.
Eliza Bath last Thursday, where
they enjoyed the afternoon greatly.
The program for the occasion was
"China." a va-t subject, but the la
dies in handling it brought out a
great deal of interesting informa
tion. '
M. A. Dearrig pnd wife, of Lin
coln, came down from the capital
city on their motor cycle and visited
with the latter's father. Attorney C.
L. Graves, and also brought flowers
to decorate the grave of Mrs. C. L.
Graves, and accompanied by Mr.
Graves went to the cemetery for
that purpose.
Miss Margaret Maxwell of Fre
mont. Nebraska, elo.-.-.j a very suc
cessful term of school at the Lev. is
r;i school lasi We he-day by giving
an ice cream social in the evening
whieh was largely attended. On last
Thursday Miss Maxwell ami her
mother. Mrs. Mae Maxwell. were
dinner guests of the la. lies of Lewis
ton. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Frans and
daughter. Mrs. John Lyons and hus
band, and Mrs. Cogdill. of l'latts
iiin'itli, spent Sunday and Monday in
Union vi-dting with friends and
former neighbors, al.-o calling at the
Union oinetery to look after the
care ;!!;d decoration of graves repre
senting the last re.-: ing place of
ti eir loved ones.
A. L. Rocker and son Henry are'
having the excavation work done pre
paratory to beginning the house they
expect to h-ave built en the farm just
south and across the road from the
e"e in which Mr. Becker lives him
self. The new house is to be oc
cupied by the Henry Becker family,
as Henry expects to engage in farm
ing the coming year.
;lightful party on the lawn at the
I Todd home one day last week. A
' May pole was erected and with
i vari-colored streamers from the top,
'the little folks danced their May
pole dance and had a very pleasant
Are Visiting in East
A few days ago Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Giguere and little daughter left for
l the east where they will spend con
jsiderable time. They will visit in
'Chicago. New York and Canada, the
j former home of Mrs. Giguere being
at Quebec, where his mother also re
sides at this time. They anticipated
i most pleasant trip.
Makes Address at Weeping Water
Rev. W. A. Taylor, who ministers
to the church c-t Wabash, made an
address at the Memorial day cere
monies last Sunday afternoon, at the
vVabash cemetery whieh is used
jointly by the Murdock and Wabash
people as a burial ground,,
and interested crowd was
and all enjoyed the address
Taylor. On Monday he
Wee-ping Water, where
A large
of Rev.
was called to
he made the
Send Eggs ,to Hospital
The Episcopal church of Wyoming,
many members of which live- in and
ii":ir Union, under the management
1" Mis- Gussie Robb. shipped two
cases of fresh eggs to the hospital
in Oariha which is conducted by the
church. The eggs were nil donated
by members of .the church and tin
gift proved very acceptable to the
officials in charge of the hospital.
Held Commencement Exercises
A large number of citizens of the
town and surrounding country turned
out for the graduating exercises to
see the class of 1 ! 2 1 receive the di
plomas for which they have labored
those many long years.
Members of the class were Misses
Marie and Kttla Frans, Winona Dy
sart. Fern Deles Dernier, Alice Todd
and Hollis Banning and Raymond
The principal address of the even
ing was made by the superintendent
of the Agricultural extension board
of the state university, who chose for
his subject, "Now Wine in New Bottles."
Expect to Restore Mt. Hope
The Mt. Hope church and cemetery
northeast of Union have been sadly
ii"gleled for some time past and it
is desired to hav'e the eeme-tery clean
ed up, ami a new fence placed around
it to keep wandering animals from
desecrating the graves, as well as
to undertake extensive repairs to
the church building. There has been
no service held there for some time
and it is hoped by those interested
in the matter to have the place res
cued from the decay into which it
has fallen and then to organize a
Bible school to hold regular meetings
in the building.
Have May Pole Dance
The primary department of the
Union public schools, enjoyed a de
lightful time when they were treat
ed by their teacher. Miss Nettie Mc
Carroll and Miss Jessie Todd tei a ele-
You Hava the Right
to expect your dollar to buy
one hundred cents worth .of
goods. We are here to fur
nish you the goods full value
for your money.
Here are a few samples
picked at random from our
Corn, 2 cans for. . . .25c
Peaches, apricots . . ,30c
Spring Line of White Keds is
Now In Rubber Soles
principal memorial address before a
iarge crowd that had gathered to pay
honor to the heroes of three wars.
Here again Mr. Taylor's clear-cut
address was favorably received and
was pronounced as being a masterful
presentation wholly in keeping with
the occasion.
Alumni Enjoy Banquet
The Alumni of the Union high
school enjoyed a banquet at the par
lors of the Baptist church last Sat
urday e-vening when the holies of
that church served a four-course
supper ir, the forty-three who were
leged to attend
A most interesting program was
prepared which was well worth
while and was enjoyed by all who
attended. The address of welcome
was given by Miss Fannie McCar
roll. was one of the gradual ing class
of 1915, or the first class to gradu
ate. Miss McCarroll extendeel to all
the members a hearty welcome which
w as responded to by Miss Marie Frans
who is e ne of the graduates of this
year, thus binding the -series of years
together. Miss Yerna Harris had
been chosen as the toastmfstress, and
presided with dignity and efficiency
;:!id always has a word of encour
agement for all. The pragram had
been deigned to give more light and
the first speaker. Miss Neomi Mau
g.jy. spoke on "Light" and was ap Jed repeatedly, for her witty
applications of her subject to ordin
ary life. She was followed by Mrs.
Mary Austin Applegate. who spoke
n the tc-pie of "Headlight", and
further explained ly percept and il
lustration the necessity of a better
light. Mrs. Robert Roddy had been
: -signed The subject of "Flash Light"
and brought more light on the sub
ject of light, than it was thought
there was in it. She was followed
by Mirs Delorus Dysart. who spoke
en the division of "Spot Light" and
illustrated her story of the lighT
(iuesMon by many an apt alliance of
the matter and drew attention to
how many were endeavoring to get
into and stay in the spot light oi
public favor. Ralph l'earsley was
allotted "Electric Light", and let the
pudirico along, from the candle to
the most perfect artificial light wbich
ho age has invented. He also
brought the listener:; along from the
darknesses of -he past to the elifht
ment of the present. The last
-Dealier was that .of the superin
tendent, C. E. Severyn, who summed
up the excellent addresses nude by
the previous speakers under the sub
ject "of "Sun Light."
The tables hid been decorated with
colors of the Alumni, which were red
and white. Those in attendance at
the Alumni banquet were the clas
Which "is graduating this year, and
which consisted of Misses Marie and
Eula Frans. Fern DelesDenier. Alice
Todd. Winona. Dysart. and Messrs.
Raymond Fahrlander and Hollis Ban
ning". The members of former years
were Misses Fannie McCarroll. Ad
die Austin. Edith Frans, Nettie Mc
Carroll. Margaret Niday, Dorothy
Hall, Bessie LeRne. Naomi Maugay,
Frances Bauer, Deloias Dysart, Yer
r.a Harris. Margaret Swan. Ellen
Chapman, Messrs. and Mesdames.
Merritt Bollard. Fred Borne, H. C.
Ross. Glen Todd. Mesdames. Ruth
Roddy, Mary Austin Applegate. D. B.
Lynde. and Messrs. Ralph, William.
Henry and John Pearsley, Robert
Roddy. Amos Hughson. Hubert La
Rue, Clarence Dukes. David Kendo"!!.
Have Two Teachers
The board of education has elect
ed a number of teachers for the com
ing year, but as yet there has but
two signified their intention of ac
cepting the positions. Those to ac
cept for the coming year being Miss
Bonnie Ellis of Weeping Water, who
has given excellent service the past
year, and Miss Gladys Hall of Platts
month, and a teacher who has
wrought exceptional success where
she has heretofore taught.
His Work Brought Results
Hollia Banning son of Mr. and Mrs.
V B. Banning of this city, who was
one of the graduates of the Union
high school, received his diploma last
week with the rest of the class ot
this year and passed with high per
centage's, and at the same time has
been taking radio, he and Raymond
Rr.hrlander. having two offices, one
for each of the young ireD, and on
the same day on which Mr. Banning
receive! his diploma from th high
school, he a';'- -eceived his license
f:cm the gu toi r j ent as a radio oper
and giva privilege of working
as a radio opr-atr. This looks good
t us and w? ire -convinced that the
vr:L of ca.-'V'.ng his school studies
.r.r n;asr.iig the radio required
much hard work, but we are assured
that the young man has a great ca
pacity for hard work, working when
he works and then playing when he
plavs. We are sure pleased to know
of his success and expect that he will
make good in his chosen avocation.
Union Wins Ball Game
A lone drawn out and stubbornly
contested game, of ball was played by j
Cash Te!!s the Story!
Besides the large reductions which have been made
already in tires, we are giving an extra five "per cent
off for cash with the purchase.
We carry a large stock of supplies, accessories and
repairs; d o acetylene welding and all kinds of first class
repair work.
We are here to solve your auto troubles and give
you the best of service.
A. R. DOWLER, Proprietor
Willis Old Stand
Union, Nebr.
Loth teams, when the Union team
came in contact with the team of
I'.icival. Ia. They were both clever
teams and knew how to play ball, but
wing to some things which some
tunes happens in ball gauges, t he
game was drawn out to great length,
hut with" the results in f:ivr of the
home learn, they receiving some four
Wen runs while the Iowa team had
but nine. The line up of the Un
'.on team being Bruce Wolfe. tOiort;
Ira Clark, right: Earl Wolfe, third:
John Iioback and Bob Eaton looked
after the pitching and first ut the
same time. Earl Hathaway, center;
Alex Eaton, left; Art Anderson, sc while J. M. Clarence was be
hind the bat.
From "vVednesriay's Pallv. j
Miss Etta Nickels of near Murray j
was among the visitors in the cityj
yesterday for a few hours looking af- !
ter some trading.
A. J. Tool e;f Murdock. was in the)
e:!y today for a few hours visiting
with friend-: and looking after fiine
matters of business.
Allie Mei-inger motored in thi?
ni'-riiing from his farm home to look
af tr sunn trading with the mer
chants here for a few hours.
Dr. 1. II. ;ilnioi'e of Murray, wa;
here for a few hours today enroute
fr in his home to Omaha, where he
was called c,n some professional bu -1-nes-.
W. (1. Boedeker, Cashier of the
Iar.k of Murray, was here ye.-terilay
afternoon for a few hours visiting
ith friends and looking after some
matters of business.
Henry A. eiuthmann and family,
who have been visiting here since
Sunday at the home of Mrs. F. R.
Cuthman. and family returned to
their home and were areompanied to
.Murdock by Mrs. F. R. iJuthman,
who will visit there for a short time.
One-row machine, for listed corn.
Call phone L'!i:. 3td L'lw.
30,000 Acres
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crop
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay. -
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
Cash Tells the Story!
Say, you who have been going to other towns to
make purchases, did you know that people from other
towns aie coming to our store, because they can get bet
ter goods for lower prices, than in'their own town.
Come and get the prices and you will see we can
serve you better than you ever dreamed of.
Shoes? Why we can beat them all in prices and
quality. A large consignment just arrived. See them.
Four cakes Crystal White Soap for 25c.
Harness which sold for $100, now are down to $60.
Our business is increasing all the time on account of
the low prices and good goods we are selling.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA
Meeting the Lover Scale!
We are making our prices on the basis of the
lowest existing scale and in line with the reduction of
other things. Rest assured, it is our intention at all
times to quote the bed-rock prices and to give you the
best of service as well.
Last summer sugar sold on an average of $24 per
sack. Below we quote you goods all of which can be
bought for less than that amount, as follows:
100 lb. sack sugar $S.2" 2 cans pink salmon .25
4S lb. sack flour 2.25 2 cans corn .20
Rack corn meal .20 1 gallon peaches .90
Hushel potatoes 1.50 1 gallon extra syrup .75
3 lbs. Butternut coffee. 1.25 3 lbs. navy beans .25
4 lbs. prunes .CO 1 lb. cheese .30
3 lbs. rice .25 3 cans extra tomatoes .45
Large pkg, rolled oats .30 4 loaves best bread .GO
3 No. 1 extra peaches .45 10 yds. good gingham 2.00
3 So. 1 extra apricots .45
This leaves $2.80, and for $2.75 of the amount
you can buy a good pair of boys' work shoes, and still
have a nickel left.
Farmers Mercantile Company,
W. H. Porter, Manager
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA