The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 30, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY. MAY 30, 1021
John Gakemeier was looking after
some business matters In Plattsmouth
last Tuesday.
Fred Bronkow shelled and deliv
ered corn to the Farmers elevator in
Murdock last week.
Anna Tonack and Madie Timm
were pleasant visitors at the Rose
Vallev school last Friday.
Wni. Neuman was looking after
some business matters in Omaha a
couple of days last week.
George Tonack has been very sick
for a few days, but is a little better
now. He is not able to be up yet.
Jess Landholm, J. Johansen and
Clarence Ohm were looking after
some business matters in Omaha on
Tuesday of last week.
Miss Margaret Amgwert, whose
school at Carson. Iowa, closed last
week, returned home after having
had a very successful year.
Edward Kelley was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Sunday, going down
to attend the ball game between the
Murdock team and the Plattsmouth
Miss Selma Brauchle was called
to Lincoln last Thursday to look af
ter some purchases for the Murdock
Mercantile company, by whom she is
Judge and Mrs. H. A. Cast were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Klemme for dinner last Sun
day, they being taken out in the
auto of Mr. Klemo.
Little Lillian Box. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Box, is reported
as being very sick. The mother of
the little miss is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Deikman.
E. W. Thimgan expects to take in
the ball game at Plattsmouth Mon
day when the Murdock boys will
aeain contest with the PlaTtsmouth
Eagles for diamond supremacy.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Streich and
their daughter. Miss Lydia. visited
with friends and looked after some
business matters in Lincoln on last
Thursday, driving up in their car.
On coat of "Effecto" applied to the
lawn swing of Max Dusterhoff, has
made that piece of furniture look
like a shipment of new goods. See
how it shines with only the one
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rueter and
wife, who have been making their
home in the west, left Tuesday for
California, after a visit of several
months with relatives and friends
George Wallinger, J. G. Scheel.
Albert Streich and Con Wehrbein.
hauled and delivered corn at the
Farmers elevator here during the
past week, receiving from 4 2 to 45
cents per bushel for it.
Mrs. Harry Parmen.ter and daugh
ters. Annabelle and Frances, of near
Yutan. were visiting in Murdock
with the many old time friends of
Mrs. Parmenter, being guests of Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. Hite while here.
Rev. Osterley and wife, who have
had charge of the church work at
Ithica for some time and who expect
to depart soon for Scottsbluff. were
guests of Herman Schmidt and fam
ily of Murdock for a few days last
O. E. McDonald and family drove
to Plattsmouth Sunday and will re
main over Memorial day to attend
the ball game, being guests at the
home of Mrs. McDonald's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kelly while
Miss Leah Schmidt, who is em
ployed as a saleslady in a department
store at Stella. Nebraska, visited at
the home of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Herman R. Schmidt, of Mur
dock. one day last week, returning
the following morning to resume her
Miss Marvel Amgwert. the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Anm
wert. has proven herself quite a
Will You Be Ready?
For the corn planted, the two rowed, the culti
vator and what is needed for the caring for the corn
crop which has to be raised now within the next three
months. We are making some attractive prices on
all this corn cultivating machinery.
See us for anything in the farm machinery line.
The Implement Man
Free Service!
We have juat installed a new Tungar Automatic
Refractor, and are prepared to look after the batteiy
question for you. We have a capacity of charging
from one to thirty batteries at the same time. We
also do repairing of batteries, as well, and our repair
shop for automobiles is of the best. Free testing and
water for batteries.
See Us for Service!
Landholm Auto Co.,
O No Economy to Wait! O
Your buildings are depreciating to a much greater
extent from lack of paint than any gain which can pos
sibly come thru waiting for lower prices of material and
labor. We have come clean on this readjustment busi
ness and our prices are as low in proportion as those
prevailing on farm products today.
The protection of your building (interior and ex
terior) by painting is a matter of great importance and
is your cheapest and best insurance. Then why wait
longer, when putting the matter off will cost you more
in depreciation than you can even hope to save?
Let Us Furnish You Estimates on the Cost of
Protecting Your Property.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
little mother by taking care of the
children of Mrs. Jess Landholm.
while the mother attended the Ken
sington t the homo of -Mrs. Frank
Huell last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. I 'a nl I'orncineier who
have made their home in the past a
few miles from Murdock. hut who re
cently moved to Belleville, Kansas,
attended the conference in Klniwood
last week and after a brief visit with
friends, left Tuesday for their home
In the Sunflower state.
Mrs. Noel Manners and three
children of Omaha were guests at
the John Amgwert home last week
as were also Mrs. Lloyd Ideinillei
and children, of near Klniwood, the
ladies having been schoolgirls to
gether when they attended the Uush
berry school a few years ago.
Ijist Thursday afternoon the fish
ing bug hit Murdock unu-ually hard
Among those journeying over to the
Platte to trv their luck that day were
H. V. McDonald. A. J. Tool, II. A
Tool. George Nicklas ami H. V. Too!
in one car and A. J. P.auers. I. (J
Hornbeck. Jerry Mcllugh and Lacey
McDonald in another car. We Ivee.
to leave before their return so tin
doubtediy were cheated out of a very
good fish story.
At the fisheries the high school stu
dents enjoyed themselves with ath
letic sports ami a picnic dinner
served under the shade trees that
surround the state grounds.
Eushberry School Closes
A number of the people of Mur
dock attended the school at Bush
berry last Friday, it being the last
day of school, and a line program
having been provided. Miss Lois
Keefer. the teacher, has made a re
markable success of her work there
the past year.
Eye Getting Along Nicely
YV. H. Kush. who had the misfor
tune to have one of his eyes removed
a sliort time ago is now getting
along as well as could be expected,
the wound healing up rapidly. lie
will soon be able to have an artificial
veball fitted to the socket.
Attended Lincoln Meeting
Mrs. H. A. Guthman and children
wore visitors in Lincoln I::st week,
being guests at the home of her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Towle.
During her stay, Mrs. Guthman was
l guet at the meeting of the Willard
society of AVesleyan university, held
it the Lincoln hotel.
Entertained the Kensington
The Koyal Neighbor Kensington
was entertained at the home of Mrs.
Frank Btiell, who is a member, on
lai Thursday, there being a largr
number present. After the work had
been disposed (f and the program
rendered, there was a period devoted
to sociability which was hrough to
a climax by the serving of a most de
licious luncheon. The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs. J.
Will Vote on Dissolution
After having tried out the consoli
Jated school proposition, for which
i large majority were in favor at
ho beginning, the school patrons
oinprising this district, known as
.'-7. after discussing the matter
iretty thoroughly, have decided to
,ote on the matter of dissolution. A
new plat has been made and it is
seemingly agreeable to the greater
number. The proposition will be
voted upon at a special election call
ed for June l"th, between the hours
of 7 and 10 o'clock p. m. With the
defeat of the bond issue by which
improved school room facilities could
have been constructed, the best solu
tion seems to be through dissolution
of the district, which is not only too
J large for the present district 1 ? 1 1 en
tailed ;i considerable expense for the
transportation of the pupils to and
from their studies, and which could
only be met from a larger appropria
tion for school purposes.
To Observe Memorial Day
Memorial day is to be fittingly
observed by the people of the Wa
bash and Murdock cominunit i ac
cording to plans under way at the
time of our visit the last of the wnk,
on Sunday, at what i known as the
Wabah cemetery where are buried
many of the friends and loved ones
of Murdock citizens. This cemetery
is always kept in pood condition,
and is in excellent shape for Memor
ial day visitors. A program in keep
ing with the occasion has been pre
pared, including an address by Kev.
W. A. Taylor.
The School Situation
With the closing of the present
school year -the only one under the
consolidated plan--the school situa
tion for nt year is somewhat un
certain, depending upon how the
voters may pass upon the dissolution
matter now occupying the center of
the stage in Murdock school circles.
So it is highly probable there will
be a return to the old order of things
again next year. During the time it
has been conducted as a consolidat
ed school excellent work has been
lone and pupils have realized the
advantages gained. The main objec
tion has been that of the cost of
transportation of pupils to and from
their studies. However, the students
are now released for the summer
and are not worrying much about
the prospects for next year. On ac
count of the uncertainty of the sit
uation no contracts have been ten
dered teacher-; for the coming year,
and this will be one (f the first mat
ters to occupy the attention of the
new district directors when dissolu
tion is effected.
Nick llalmes was in town Friday.
Hi droe on down to Avoca to attend
to some business matters. Nick cn
joj s getting out of Omaha anil visit
ing cities like Weeping Water and
A voea.
The annual meeting of the Jona
than Ca-ss Chapter, D. A. K., was
held last Saturday at the home of
Mr: . Kobert Hitchnian. Officers were
elected as follows: Regent. Mrs. U.
C. Pcdl.irdd; Vice Kfgent. and His-
i.i n , Mrs. Tefft; Secretary, Mrs. K.
Day; Treasurer. Mis. K. M. Pol
d; Registrar. Mrs. Marion Tucker.
i reports of the oflicers for the
-t year were read ami accepted. A
Birthday Party.
A very pleasant cr:vd gathered
at I'ne hom of Fr-d Tonack and fam
ily to celebrate the twentieth birth
dav of Miss Anna Tonack. May 27.
The was spent in games,
mur-ic and .-.ingirg. At a late hour
supper was served. As they depart
ed for home they wished Anna iinny
more happy birthdays. Tho-e a' tend
ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Rissmann
and family, Mr. and Mrs. H&nry
Bro-kmiller an elfamily. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Timm and baby, Mr. and Mrs.
William Wilkens. Mr. Carl Bauer.
Mrs. Henry Timm. Sr.. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Brockmiller and son Irvin,
John and Rosen a K reek low. Albert.
Kmil Lottie and Madie Timm. llar
rld Hempke. Paul and Hulda K,;nko,
Hattie Bauer. Willie, Carl and Kr
nest Tonack of Iouisville. Kd Bauer
and Fred and fatnilv.
Report It Pretty Dry
W. O. Gillespie and wife and Win.
Murfin and wifo. the latter residing
near Wabash. have just returner!
from a trip through Gage and Sa
line counties, where they visited
with friends and looked over the
country. They report dry weather
up that way and the wheat and oats
needing rain badly. The cyrn is not
yet far enough along to suffer from
lack of moisture. In their estima
tion wheat will mature about a half
normal crop there, a they say the
heads are neither very long or very
well filled out. The oats have not
made much growth as yet.
Murdock Schools Close
The closing of the Murlock pub
lic schools this week was the occa
sion of two delightful picnics, one at
the state fisheries for members of
the High school, while the primary
and grades enjoyed their good time
at the home of Fred Stock, where
there were games and a general
good time w:th a picnic dinner.
The teachers of the respective group
were in charge of the picnics and saw
to it that everyone had a good time.
vesy entertaining short program was
given by Miss Ksther Sheldon. The
ho tess. assisted by her daughter.
Mrs. Ray Clark, served ice cream and
cake to the fifteen members present.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry llaslam and
sot. left Tuesday morning in
t!it ir Ford truck for southwest Colo
tado in search of a hwation for a
home. They drove away in one of
the best equipped Ford trucks for
travel, that ever left Weeping Water
and they will be at home wherever
night c.vertakes them. The geod
wishes of the community will follow
t lie in to their new home wherever it
may be. Richard Spolin accompanied
them and will go as far as Burns.
Wyo.. to Isit the Al Wiedeburg fam
ily. He mav go as lar as Iepver to
see bis cousin. Lawrence Wiedeburg.
who is t'nero at a hospital where he
has undergone an operation.
A message was received by rela
tives here Mondav morning of the
death of '.. L. Canaday on Saturday
night. May I'l. at his home in Craw
ford, Neb. Funeral services were
held at Crawford. Mondav, at !
o'clock. Mr. Canaday was a pioneer
resilient of this community, wheri
he lived for many years before mov
ing to Page. Holt county, where he
had lived until a little over a year
ago. when he retired from the farm
and moved to Crawford, Nebraska.
He had lived to the ripe old age of
SO years. He leaves to mourn his
loss besides his wife (who before her
marriage was Miss Mary E. Hunter,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Hun
ter, pic neer residents of Weeping Wa
ter), seven sons, one daughter and
a number of grandchildren. Two
half sisters, Mrs. E. C. Giberson and
Mrs. Alpha Cooley and one halt
brother. P. H. Canaday. all of Weep
ing Water, other relatives and many
friends are also numbered among
those who mourn his departure.
Beginning last week the village of
i'edar Creek has been restored to her
own. Mr. S. J. Reemes who fir a
long time was engaged in the barber
business at Cedar Creek and mirie a
iVod success of it. has again got
into the harness. This time he is in
with II. A. Larson, who owns the
shop, but Mr. Reemes is doing the
work. The chair is in the soft drink
parlor of Mr. Larson and makes an
exec-lien place to have the shop. Mr.
Reemes is a very capable workman
and they should enjoy a good business.
Fr.m Saturdays rally.
The body of Mrs. Johi Beckman
arrived this morning on the early
morning Missouri Pacific train from
Kansas City, on its long journey from
Phoenix, Arizona, and was taken to
the home of the parents. Mr. and
Mrs. John Wiles, south of the city
where it will remain until the fun
eral services.
The funeral will be held Sundav af
ternoon at 3 o'clock from the Wiles
Are You Wasting Gasoline
through the Needle Valve?
Why gasoline quality is the determining factor
You can't see whether the gasoline comes into your cylinders as a
fine nrst cr as a heavy spray. Vet that is the thing which largely
determines the power and milc."ie you get from gasoline.
The nature cf the gasoline spray governs these things the power
of the explosion, the completeness of combustion, the amount of
gasoline for each piston stroke and the speed with which carbon,
will collect and the lubricating oil become diluted.
u & js a a
Unless your gasoline vaporizes
readily in all weathers, rr.d un
less it is uniform, you cannot r-3-just
j'our needle valve to give.,
maximum power and at the tame
time maximum economy.
I ( lied C.mun Ot.'
h SLsuLja Ban
oi.r. which rnrc's all
I . 5. Gavrrnmi nt
Complete and uni
form vaporizr.ticin,
and a series of boil
ing point fractions
which insure quick
ignition and com
plete combustion
these are the charac
teristics of good gas
oline, straight distilled gasoline.
The Red Crown Gasoline you can
buy everywhere is this superior
qviUty gasoline. It meets the
.'iVtndards required by the United
States Government for motor
lulhorizcd Rc:l Cronn Dcn!rs
Wherever you go yeu cr.n always
s;ct Red Crown Gr.soline from re-
""ils t iey sell m-Xi? n.ctor opera
tion more economical and more
They are glad to render the little
courtesies which maize motoring
pleasanter. Drive in where you
see the Red Crown Sitm.
'e. competent and obliging
!crs. The rrascline and motor
Jf tit'- or a i or a flnl Crnun Road Map
A fine little S-pound i;irl baby ar
rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ci y rii,rpve on Tuesday evenint.
The parents have the hearty cen
grat illations of all in this happy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Justin and
Miss Nora Kveland and Mrs. Hock
elman, of I.ewiston. who is visiting
the Kveland family. motored to
Plattsmouth last Friday to spemd the
day. Frank had just completed his
jot) of assessing and went down to
turn in his books to the County Ac
sessor. Verna. little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Stoge. who was run over
and knocked down by an auto some
time ajo.' receiver! injuries from
which she has not fully recovered
and which arc giving her some
trouble. It is hoped that by proper
attention she may be all right soon.
On Monday another real estate
deal was made whereby Mrs. Charles
t'lapp purchased the pretperty now
occupied by the J. It. C.oodridge fam
ily ami which belonged to the Hol
ler, beck estate. The consideratiem
price was $1.S0. It is understood
that Mrs. Clapp will have the prop
erty remodeled some and will make
this her home.
On. Tuesday of this week. William
F.ronkow was fined by Justice Nci
hart for speeding. Speeding is a
regular oe'curanee and all who in
elulge want to bek out as the speed
law is being enforced. Mr. F.ronkow
like lots of others didn't do it in
tentionally, but just because of lack
of thought. This is a warning to all
auto owners. Be careful as is may
be your turn next.
Kverett Jackman. of Klmwood.
Nebraska, was voted upon favorably
this evening by the faculty of Ne
braska Wesleyan university for grad
uation. The decision will be passed
upon by the boarel of trustees and
the candidate thus approved will be
given the degree ef A. IJ. A rich and
varied program of college activities
for commencement week has been
planned. Speakers from distant
states will address the graduates.
Large mimbers of Alumni and other
university guests will attend. Com
mencement day will be June 1st.
On Wednesday as Charles Miller,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Mell Miller, was
riding to town on his spotted horse,
the horse took .to running as fast as
he could very suddenly and- he was
not long in ascertaining the trouble
for a number of bats had attacked
him and were sucking , blood, having
fastened themselves on various parts
of the horse's body. Charles had a
hard time to knock theni off but fin
ally succeeded in doing so. A num
ber of places on the horr-o showed
that they had severely bitten him
and the blood flowed quite freely
from the wounds. This was quite
an unusual occurance.
The T4ew Produce Station!
I have just ojcnrcl ; produce station, where I am
offering the highest prices in cash' for all kinds of coun
try produce, which includes eggs, poultry, cream and
butter fat. Your check when you leave the goods.
We are also selling on order "Blue x alley" flour,
manufactured by the Farmers Union Milling company,
cf Crete, Nebraska.
Station just south of the Bank of Murdock.
You Can Build a Home!
On the May leaf of the large calendars vc dis
tributed early in the year, is a picture of an elegant
home that is truly modern, and for which we can fur
nish you the material for $2,00.00. Wc have blue
prints and specifications which will greatly aid in get
ting at the worth of this style of a home, and you can
consult the plans any time. Wc arc also able to fur
nish you plans and material lor the construction of
barns, chicken and hog houses which will save you
money at both ends in their construction and the care
of the stock as well.
Tool, Heuman & EViurtey,
' The Lumbermen
About Digestion
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
It is claimed that only half as
much food is required when it is
thoroughly masticated. Digestion be
gins in the mouth and a thorough
mastication of food is of greatest im
portance. When needed take Cham
berlain's Tablets to strengthen the!
.digestion and insure a regular move
tiuent of the bowels.
Eooks! L'ooksi Books! We have
them till ycu can't rest, at the Jour
nal Office.
Are You Caring for
the Cars?
You know that the autos cost when you puichased
them, are you caring for them in order that they will
last? Wc arc doing expert repairing what is reliable,
and keep the cars from detcriating.
Our supply of accessories and auto oupplicy io
complete. Sec us for the best work and best cars.
W. TEiibM
The Automobile Man
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