PAGE THRO arOITUAY. KAY 30. 1921 i kidneys are hot g-ood and healthy. I still have faith in Doan's and if ever I should need a kidney remedy PLATTSMOTJTH SE1II-WEEKLY JOURNAI Nchawka Department! Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. DEPARTMENT again, I should certainly use them." ( eOc, at all dealers. Foster-?.Iilburn Co., Mfrs., Euffalo. N. Y. ALV0 vour service, the Ne- hawka bank. J. H. Steffens and wife with their little son are spending tcday at the home of his parents at Lorton. Safe, courteous, prompt in busi ness, and ever alert, in the interest of this community, the Nehawka bank. Mrs. Grover Hoback, who was re ported as being sick last week, is now getting along nicely and is out again. , Frank P. Sheldon. Fred Nutzman and son Eugene, were looking after some business matters in Plattsmoutli last Tuesday. V. B. Dale, the painter and decor ator is completing the changes and the decorations of the Geo. E. Shel don home this week. Jcrtin Steffens and family were looking after some business mutters in Plattsmouth last Wednesday, driving over in their car. Mrs. R. R. Chapman was a visitor; in Omaha last Tuesday, accompanying j Mrs. Joshua Sutphen and son Barton, i the latter going to see a specialist. j Looking after your interests all ; the time and safe, reliable, and al ways ready with the best informa-1 tion on any question. The Nehawka ; bank. Thp bulwork of the financial sys- ; tern is the local bank. Remember when in need of some institution which is reliable, see the Nehawka bank. A. F. Sturm received two cars of lumber last week and with one car of sand, kept H. II. Stoll and Wm. Estrich pretty busy for a while un loading and storing the lumber in the sheds. Nick Klaurens is kept busy these days selling a prepared hog food and condiment which is proving a good successs. He is working in conjunc tion with W. II. Hessenflow of Platts ruotith. The Switzer Brothers have just completed th eerection and installa- FOR GOOD Ice Cream! STOP AT FRANS' CAFE! Half gallon .... Quart Pint Plain dish Sundaes Sodas Cones , Lincoln pop Near beer, 2 for, .$1.10 55c . . .30c . . .10c 1 5c . . . 17c . . .10c . . .25c Frans' Cafe, Nehawka - Nebraska Meat Market FRESH AND CURED MEATS FRESH BREAK DAILY JOHN 0PP, Propr. Nehawka -:- -:- Nebraska Busy? Yes, You Bet! We can get to your job, though in a short time. Re member our work and ma terials are the best. Also, the 25 discount is still in force. Don't delay. W. B. DALE, Nehawka -:- Nebraska Alwavs at Looking to Your Interests! We are making our prices as low for the best goods possible, we are carrying all the best makes of tires, tubes and supplies for the auto, and accessories. Best of workmen in our shops, give us a call when needing anything in our line. The Lumberg Garage, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Farm Machinery! We can supply your wants in the line of imple ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later in season, as there is a considerable price advance on stock purchased this spring, which we can save you through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also. H. F. KROPP, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA tion of two wind mills and pumps on the farms of the Straub brothers southwest of Nehawka, and which are working to perfection. Business with the Nehawka Milling .ompahy is improving and they have been kept pretty close to the matter of grinding most of last week. The output has been an excellent qual ity of flour, and the sales of the Ne hawka Mill are growing daily. Earl Troop, who has been attend ing school at Plattsmouth for the past year has completed the school year and is putting in the vacation timeassisting on the farm of his father. W. Troop, and that of Ins brcther, Hubert Troop, north of town. Vernon Lundberg has the radio plant working nicely at this time and is getting the markets, as well a.-: the weather every day. and which is a great help to those .vho wish to know about the markets aj".dwhat the weather is going to be in the near future. John Frans, who has gotten his cafe and confectionery in good run ning order, nays business is good and has nothing to complain of in that line. Seehis ad i:i this paper. He is handling the celebrated Gra ham ice cream, which is equal in quality to anw made. The girls of the Caesar ohtss of the high school gave a delightful supper to the hoys of the same cla.-s laj-t Tutsday in the pasture of K. B. Stone, where they ate their suppor on the beautiful banks of the Weeping Water creek and mj ed the hour very much. The Ilebekah-- of Nehawka wili at tend the district meeting of the order which is to be held at Weeping Wa ter on June :'. Friday of tiiis ve k. and have been asked to put tiie w.,rk in the Memorial observance, which is one of much btauty and which the team here is very capable of present ing to a nicety. Miss Alma Switzer. who has beer with the Buick people of Lincoln far a number if years past, returned h a number c.f years past, returned home last week for a short visit at the home of her parents. M r. and Mrs. Delbert Sv:ier. ami to rest from been the arduous work w !i ich has ber's for some time past. Mrs. Joshiia S;itphn and littb son Hart on. were visiting in Omaha last Tuesday, where they went to have the tonsils and a tnoitls which have been troubling young Rart-n. removed. The operation was a suc cess and the young man is gettinv alone nicelv. Mr. Sutohen drove the i folks to I'nion to catch the morn ing train for Omaha. J. W. Iwther is cutting a hedge row from one of the farms of ('. K. Trcop mirth of Nehawka and turn ing the suitable wifd into fence posts, while the remainder is to be burned to get it out of the way. The matter of higher land prices, and the n--d of more of the crop prixiu-'ing varietv is earn inn people to clear out the corners which hav hereto- i i fore been waste. James Kuykendall. superintendent at Plattsmouth of the Ntbraska (3as and Electric company, accompanied bv Electrician Luther Turner, were in Nehawka last Friday looking af ter some business matters, making some alterations in the lines here f;ir the betterment of the service, and removing some of the meters which were used for gas before the electric system was inaugurated. Ifev. and Mrs. A. Jacobson of trie TTniteil Tirefhren church and '.. V I Shrader were in attendance at the aid society at the home of (Jeo. 1. Lloyds last Friday and report an ex cellent crowd, where the ladies also quilted a quilt for Mrs. Lloyd. The aid society which has its membership in Nehawka. met on Thursday and al so quilted a quilt for Mrs. J. 15. Hut-j ledge, meeting at her ing an excellent time. home and hav Let All Share Alike. When the law requires that people operating a motor car or vehicle shall pay a license for the same, it looks like there should be a uniformity in the matter of applying the law. Soma people have cars which they slip out when the opportunity occurs and make a trip, and" in fact run them much of the time, but keep out of the sight of the officer and still do no: pay their tax or have a permit t: operate the gas wagon. The one wh . operates the car without the license is simply piling himself on and rid ing free, as thse who do pay their nu'o t;ix. ;ir keeping up the tha" the others may ride. Do not wait for an otlicc r to come round and got your car and take i( to the coun ty seat. In fore you tome across with your share of the voiu which is to keep the reads in condition. Highly Appreciative Audience The plav wnich was presented last ; veek by the members of the Junior , class was well attended and one i which provoked many a hearty laugh, 'and was well worth while. Th.- rt , t.irns was remunerative, as Will as to, I was a 1 1 e ood which every member received a areat benefit to them. All vho tided appreciated the excellent cn Liinmeut t'iven. f 1 1 The Come Coming' Nicely. The home which Wm. E.tsiri'-ii is building is coming along nieei.v and under the dt-ft hands of the manue! training class of i!ic Nehawka s-hool. directed by Superintendent II. E. Hus ton, the work is truing along nicely and there will fce v. hxme soon f r this man, which will be a momcnto to the class as well as a first class abiding place f.,r the rusting young man of Nehawka. The members of trie class. wih th sup-'-rin't-n dent, who are doing 'he work, are Lu -can 'arpep. Joy Saint John. Orvil Tr. v and " Aioer: ' GriMin. Harold .Merrill K. e!hr.:. K-ilph KniHr a S' Ion. The Safe Guard of Businers Viu would not uaii: To run a steam tngir vit i'.out a safety valve. ii.-ith.'r would you without a uoverr.wr. it would ii' t be sate. In financial mat ters you need something to regulate , ' e business and g.uge the nerd.-, o I tne coinriMtiity. This i done by the I' bank, who works unselfishly for the good of all. (in.-n!! the Ban .if Nehawka wiun in need of itit'oi jmatii.ii on financial matters,. I it--! y ni iu'hing and p' ! n a .1 v to : el'Ve villi. ill sa ve Celebrated Eirdiday Friday. I r I t'aroiii "I'.omas. ;' it iu vi: of Mr. i'ti'd Mrs 11. L. Th mns brated her eiahth birthday la lay at -lo'.'i where a v-ry t !i joy time Was had. the o'her chi'd of flu- same grade taking par he delightful o-casioll. r t r 1 1 : i n Give Board a Good Feed Tl.e Home Kconomics class of N. 'hawka Consolidated scho !. w i. kindly furnished a supper for tat rahi-:'. oi tne iiaai l 01 educa: ion. hoii Hed by Frank Sheldon, wh-i to show the appreciation of tin l.oanl, preseim d the girls with tb-k-its for the moving picture show. Thi. alsi. p'easi'd the men? hers of the class. Th.'H-e of the board to enjoy the " : -inai .-uper were Miosis, and Mi damts. Frank P. Sh-idon. K. A!. P I la. rd and lltnry Sturm. Mes-r-. a;;d Mesdames. drover Ibd a k. Fred can; al. er and J. 'A. Alurd icii not :ng aide to be pn.-ent the sun- Play Much Ball. The Nehawks fars who are to the real -port of playing ball, two games at the 1. .il grounds Slindav, the first being bet Weeli tli VP had tlu local team Nebraska and the Kagle team ol it y. The last gjiue wa hawka and Cedar Creek IHl I'll N't game good plays were spirite.J tnnl r-i.iny er' in a tie. all enjoving he occasion. Makes Attempt at Burg-lr.n Last Tm-dav nilit or near Wed nesday morning an attempt was made to enter the pool hall and billiard jor of Nels Anders n. alter he had i closed the place for the niuhf. (leo. la'e, who has hi en at V, cep:ng Water and had returned on the midnight train, turned on the light in front to get to his rooms above, where he re- j"-:des. and evidently frightened the I marauders away. The screen wa ; ' torn from the rear window and the I glass broken, portiens of which were thrown nearly across the room. Dur ing the day thre- stringers driving ' : Hudson car. had been lingering Nehawka m l tw had naaz" ' Ir. Anderson in a game of pool, while t'le third looked about fown and prob- iily took bearings from the attcmpt i entrance in the night. However, hey were not successful in securing : n entrance aor getting any goods. Getting Along Fairly Airs. Carl Stone, who was taken tr, ' incrln, where she is receiving t reat- lent is reported as making fair pro- res.-.. An x-ray picture was taken f her fare and throat whir-h show- d tonsils and teeth both in a very ad condition and whi-vh will have :o be reraovi d. During her absenro :ian: home, her mother. Mrs. Hum- uirey is assisting in the care of the otone home. Overalls fcr $1.40 are selling the genuine We blue denims. No. 2'20. There are none Sheldon. with bib better. tar Frank P 2 s-w, Excellent Work Shirts. e have a line of goo,-: w ell made and good goods, -work shirts, whicl nr egu'ng while they last each. All sizes in stock. Sheldcn. at .. cents Frank P 2 s-w . Enjoyed Picnic at Arbor Lodge The Junior class of the Nehawka high school gave a picnic to all those who by their efforts and work con tributed to the success of the play which was given last week. They went to Arbor Lodge near Nebraska Ten for 10 cents. Handy size. Dealers carry both. 10 for 10c; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. whe:-e games a deli: tliey enjoyed and a genera! ;htft:l supper. outing, od time The School Year is Clcsinrr. W i Ii this week tiie sch i ,1 year ol he Nehawka consolidated school wili lose. L-j-t Saturday the Fmiior-i?en- : banqitef was held at 1 1 1 1 1 and was enjoyed by ik j to the limit. On Pt; place was held the b: .Jre-s i-v the Kev. H. - o uudi tortile- ?.oung .lay at the a. la Urea it .McCiasky. i -'iy't ria a w-hich was pastor c h iirch mo-t receive of ie First P of Plattsmouth a n i masterly adJr.-'s and i bv both the stini. n was well s gvadu- a'ing and the citizens in and about Nehawka. who ri .-ognized in this ad dress one of much wort!:. On Wed K -:l.:y ;' tin's w t-ek will ie ht Id tilt" Lccmniencement at winch tae principal u !le-s wiil be delivered iiy the Re v. arry Huntington, pastor of one of tin i. ' large churches of Lincoln ject which Air. Hunting:- e.e'l "Til'- Power t Over is will bi'an exceii.-'ii : . :i -1 . 1 r Those to graduate and n.-a Tim 'ii has ome." vo di k wili Hope Kl-.i-Civ.i-irn.'-t mas t- r their excelo :,t Mi ;.--e.-: Alpha Chri.-t w-. Ji.iin. Ytl'iia v. Ab -rs. Eveiet Until or-', atui l.eiaroi Hodi: WlO rri-. di rty C! r wo v. h-) has t : e lion i : r i ri tin v.-.i rs ir of obtaln s a or!. t:i' i ad oi:ly tak n. v here a--f "ir in that a-iioag those an i'1'tiT t ht - t lie ot hers Master Not ullnr of li.iv fjiree year-, one of goad edit", ni'd ssa ry. of lb, em in I. at is required ' r. have inch and will not be re.-ei ve ii i ; b iiias. but te university ju-t : thout an examination has the ili-tinc'iv 1 W I i .". g d ne I he pat work on si ii'.it i is n four course u yea v has b- en the part oi :1t and should bv t eaehers a sonrct and of the rati hen i ion hool. to the patrons of Attend in. Body. lie I t he i 1 1 g An-:- : "' C. .1 a L-:-i th" Al as the !1 ; : tiio oil; ka hav life "a - it '.. : I T' ' i. V. I P.I t bun i e!l eh .1 wk.l I - lev listeueil to the Metnjrial th. . met at their lodge ar.d in a body to (he Methodist i where they listeni'd to ai nt address ar.d then went to 'he C-J'l t lie last tery wtteve tliey liecorateu r.thig of all that i. !' the Comrades who rave 1, :o'T'' el i-t-i v 1 i vi s I Mat t ii .s na t ;-ui in ig ht live, -s by the Kev. Mnor-' an! -iiies ;i t th .-cemetery were im pressi ve. T! I '; b: ad-It- ( el'. !:, l vi rv Will Hold Election June 13 Tli ere iio'd iii' m pi wed will et int the 1 e held the annual of i h-1 d ist riot w h ii h Neb w ka consolidated t in t Oil dune l:'.. en th re-t at which tin re is members of the expire with thi; t ) be 111 i 1. ar car look 1. whose tern-, There w ill be other matters to after as well. h MERCILESS JUDGE One Who Shows 27o Favor A merciless judse is Fa! Pefore him the weak and in:; go to the wall. Only can stand. For vears the he:- Time, the wmit the truth, following statement from a Plattsmouth resi lient has withstood the sternest of all tests Theo. S! ark johan. letired farmer. Locust and Mil streets. Plattsmouth. -ays: "For several years Doan's Kid ney Pills have been used in our fam ily for kidney troubles and backache tir.d they have proven to be all that i ; claimed for them. Whenever my back foels a little lame and my kid neys are v.r-t acting as they should. I take Difan's Kidney Pill for a few days and they never fail to do me good. Tioan's can't be equalled and Bt'.yone having kidney trouble should take them for tkoy are reliable." Statement given Februnrv 23. 191U. OVL'R FOUR YKARS LATER, or on May 12, 1920, Mr. Starkjohan added: "The cure I had from Doan's I Kidney Pills several years ago has been a lasting one. It hns been a couple of years since I used or haJ need of a kidney medicine and ray s. J REAEVsES, THE BARBER is working in the Soft Drink Parlor of H. A. LARSON Give the boys a call when in need of any tonsorial work. CEDAR CREEK ! NEBRASKA EAGLE Beacon Irvin Wetenkamp of Chicago, who was visiting his brotiier, Henry Wet enkamp. in Eagle la.-t week, went ta Lincoln for a brief stay before re taining to his home. bun Muenchau his been laid up the past week with pneumonia and the neighbors got up a "corn-planting l.-e" and planted his corn for him. T!i Methodist church is being tri ated to a new shingle root" this vo i k, lo.ooi) shingles and the work being donated by members . and friends i f the church. J. A. Wcrrall, an old-time news paper man. was in Lagle Saturday shaking hands with some oi" the old-timers he formerly - k new. Air. Worra'l came to Nebraska City 04 vears ago as a boy and has known Judge Peterson. Anson P.urdick and several others for mnny years. Alrs. Jay Adams came last Satur day from tilendo. Wyo., and will spend a couple of w eeks w i:h her parents. A! r. and .Mrs. Geo. Keitter and other relatives. Jay is pretty well tied up in business and will hardly be able to get back this spring for a visit. A bis :ored ; bunch of Kagle folks mo to Plattsmouth, Monday, them were George and Fred Anion; Triuikenbolz. It. C. enzel. Wm. Pah!. I. Willni. F. W. Kloomenkamp. ill. K. Frantz. AI. Spahnle. Geo. Iteit I t, r Fred Wulf. ir.. Billv Wulf. V". E. Ewerth, Wm. Oelchlager and Fred I., idig. Pill lilooraenkamp says that Sheriff Quinton toid him that as the jail was full lie would let him out on ten thousand bail, but he does not know how the other fellows got by. As they came heme smiling, how ever, we judge they were well pleased v, ii h i he trip. OCAL From Saturday laully. E. II. Schultof, piano tuner. Phon CS9-J. d&w. Mi-'s ''.-. Uose Mae and Claire Cream er weiv those going to Omaha this afternoon and from there going it D.nver. heie tiii-y will visit over .Memorial dav. i - Mrs. Ear! A. Stanlield departed ; -tt-rday for li.-l!evil!e, Kansas, win ro she w ill visit for a short time at the home of the mother of Air. Siaiiti-ld. who has been quite poorly of late. James Hunter. Jr., who has been h.-re visiting his father, J. it. Hunt er and o'her relatives for several lays past, departed this afternoon for Ins home, the co idition of the father I., ing such as to permit his going home. Itev. W. A. Taylor. John Lidgett and Dan Lynn came up this morning from I'liiuii and spent a few hours !:-. re looking s- me matters of 1 esiner-s and calling on their friends in the coiintv S'at. WILL HAVE EXHIBIT - OF SCHOOL WORK Manual Training Department of the. High School will Give Public Opportunity to See Work The manual training department of the I 'la it. -im ui h high school will hold an exhibit of their work at the barber shop room in the Hotel Wag n.T building tomorrow from 1 a. m. to t; p. in., winch win give me public an opportunity of seeing what the schools have accomplished in the past year that this new depart ment of the school has been in op erat ion. Mr. A. D. Hell, who has had charge of this department of the school work as well as supervising the ath letic department has been very suc cessful in his work with the boys of the school and the result of the course can best be judged by look ing over the rinished products that the boys have turned out as the re sult of their training. Many very neat and attractive pieces of furni ture have be?n prepared by ..the young men of the high school that rpeak well for-the excellence of the course. Incidently this exhibit will be the means of giving recognition to the efforts of Mr. Hell, who is to retire from the schools here at the close of the present term. During his stay here Mr. Hell has proven him- I elf a verv able instructor and with i al one of the most genial and clever! I men who have been connected with i the school in recent years and it is with regret that the public and the ; many friends he has made during jhis stav here, part with him. i " ! WHEAT PRICES NEAR COLLAPSE Chicago, May 26. May wheat ap peared on the verge of a collapse to dav. the price declining 12 cents un der pressure to sell. Report-s of ' wheat shipments from many places i served to relieve anxiety of the shorts ; remaining out while bulls readily ac-j cepted prices obtainable. The close was at $1.6S in comparson with the previous close of $1.79 3-4 and yes- i terday's high of $1.S5, after .several' days of spectacular rise. j Durirg most of the session there, was considerable support evident in' July wheat. Toward the en how-' ever, the pressure increased and prices rere.ied materially, the clvse Peine at $1.27 3-4 which was " 1-4 cents less than yesterday's cUi.-e. Seeds that are suited for this cli mate at Hestor & Swatek's. NEWS The Pythian Sisters met with Mrs. Ed Stroemer Monday afternoon. A party was given for the young f.dks at the home of Air. and Mrs. E-1 Stroemer Monday evening. Fred Clark and family of Uni vrsity Place were Sunday guests at the home of Airs. Mary Skinner. Aunt IJina Kitzel enjoyed a visit last Sunday from lor tbieo td.-ters i-iid four brothers who called. on her. Airs. Carlton Gullion and little daughter, Grace Pauline, left Wed nesday for their home in Salt Lake City. The Senior class S lpt. Kelley, went Friday, where they sponsored to Lincoln- by last ! had the class j pictures made. Airs. E. M. Stone went to Lincoln Saturday, where the I'll i- Katta Psi sorority entertained their mothers at a theatre party. Airs. Joe Armstrong has returned brio" from Or-'apolis. where she helped care for her two grand child r :i. who were ill. Air. and Airs. Sherman Wolfe, Airs. Alary Skinner and Levi Park autoed to Fremont Friday morning where they visited over Sunday. Air. and Airs. Sherman Wolfe took the former's parents. Air. and Airs. William Wolfe to Alilford Tuesday, making the trip by auto. Alaster Robert Johnson and sister, Yiolet, of Superior, are visiting rel atives and friends lwre and attended thp Commencement exercises. Ferdinand Itosenow and wife, of Clay ("enter, Kansas, were vi-iting briefly with relatives here and at Elmwood and Murdock last week. Levi Park, of Sterling. Colorado, is vishing relatives here and will place a his wife grave. tombstone at the grave of ami otherwise care for the The Marie Kitzel wood, ers" e: Misses Clara Wills, (Jidda and JJird. Lucile Johnson. Grace and Opal Clark went to Elm where they are taking teach n minat ions. Orvilii autoed to Ingwerson and Opal ( ook Pawnee City Sunday after noon, returning Tuesday evening. Mr. Ingwerson came back with them for a brief visit here. Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir attended the funeral of Dr. W. K. Laughridue. of Omaha, which was held at Platts mouth Mondav. Rurial was made in the Plattsmcuth cemetery. Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Cashner, of University Place, who recently re turned from .the western coast have spent the past two Sundays with relatives in Alvo ifnd vicinity. The baccalaureate sermon was preached Sunday evening. May 22nd. by Rev. M. K. Stair, pastor of the Church of the Hrethren. at the M. F. church. A large crowd was pres ent to hear his sermon to the gradu ates. Mrs. E. M. Sone entertained "the Women's Reading club on Thursday afternoon. Other guests were the Alvo teachers. the Misses Marie Stroemer, Doris Arnold. Gladys Lew-i-, Ethel Noltir.g. Catherine Ander son and Franee.s Campbell, also Miss Lois Reefer. Miss Mildred Rrowu ami Mrs. Fred Gorder. the latter and her husband, of Weeping Water, being dinner guests at the Stone home Thursday. Friends here have received an nouncements of the marriage of Miss Marjorie Carr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Carr, of Eagle, to William J. Rutler. of Valparaiso curred at Grand Island 1021. at the parsonage. Waifs on ieiat ing. Mrs. . which oc . Mav 21st. Rev. .1. W. Rutler was a former .teacher hen high esteem by many and i.-j held in friend. After a wedding trip to the Pacific coast and then to Washington, D. C they Buying Grain and Stock! We always pay the highest price for Grain and Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay top prices. I AM YOUR FRIEND JOHW ftlURTEY, ALVO .... NEBRASKA Corn all in; Sure and it will grow with this kind of weather. The conditions look like we are going to have some chance to make a good crop, and at better prices. Say, are you needing one of those two-row machines to care for the crop, or a cultivator. We can supply you, for we have just what you need at the right price. Come in and let us tell you how we can care for your wants and relieve the situation. Also anything in the machinery or hardware line. Coalman Hardware Company, ALVO will be at borne to their friends af ter July 15th at Valparaiso, where AJr. liutler is station agent. Commencement Exercises The tilth annual commencement exercise., of the Alvo High school were held "at the High school audi torium Thursday night, the follow ing program being given: .March Aliss Doris Arnold Invocation Kev. E. A. Knight Salutation Golda Lird Violin Solo Lillian Curyea Prophecy Agnes Peterson Hi.-tory Irene Friend . . . : i o l o Ml ( ils Grumbler Harold McKinnou iii Lillian Curyea Vocal Solo Mildred Prown Pot in .Marie Pird Ya.'eitii tory Carmen Muir Pr a n t at ion of Diplomas Class Song 'i he diplomas wen presented by Harry Appleman. president of the Hoard af Education who in well chosen words complimented the graduates thus far to have come in their educational endeavor. Miss Car men Altiir was the recipient of the state scholarship. MITIf Ii OI' WM Al. S( IKMH. i i i : 1 1 n; Mav 1!'. N"ti--e i- b-i.-I-v gin tin- .'in to :i I !n--.-t ing -f mIiuuI -listli-t N'- In:', t.f iis eiiuntv. N-l-r;isk:i. Will l,e b'-bl ia a ufi: t hi i u 'ri of tl.e .lv-i "on - st.liilatetl sel.o.. en the l:th tlay f June. ll'Jl, lA eight o'eliiek p. in. N-'tiee is ):-leliV t'llltlier 1 i V -M tbat tl.-- -rim-;,- ..f ti.v ni--t i n j-' will l.t- lur tli- ft 'i It i w i ror bus im-ss : I. Tlrt- vttiii!s on the trifstiiin f a : 1 1 - ,!' i n ir tl t-i-'l'-'i' iiMMity t:Titl:ils tn l- vv si:-f h it-Hi mills ti-i tl.e usstsst-il v a I u;i t i'Oi -if t;? l-i tiiit-i t y t.f s.iiil 1 j s -tli-l tn llii.-r- siNtt-t-ii t liii;i n-l tltill:tls i 1 t;.o--.,tto i fur ft-ii- r;il m 1 1 j.ur- ,.i.--..s '-.ii- t! - m ho-il vt-ar t.f 1 '.l J 1 -1 !' -' 1. 'I'll.- t It-it it. ri t.f tun tlUStt't-S t.f s::i.l s. I :-.i .1 ilistrii t f-r a tt ini f tlii-- t ii i s :;. Tlit t r:t n.-att ii 'ti of any other l'iisiii---s wbiili "may It-ally t unit- l.t--f u i sa iii m t-'t i n is. HAUUV AI'II.K.MAN. Chairman Itnanl of TrnsU-fS, St I, tml Iti.-trii t No. 1 Cas-. Ctiuntv. Ni-br.isloi. :. M. Ct i ATM AN. (Heal i l':!-::w St-et t-tn rv. HAVE ENJOYABLE MEETING The ladies aid society of the First ?.Iethidist church was very pleasant ly entertained on Thursday after noon at tho church parlors with Mtsdames Henry Matizy. G. W. Schwinniker and Perry as the hos tesses of the occasion. The holies enjoyed during the af ternoon a very interesting t:ilk from Mrs. William Baird covering her iv- . nt visit to the southland and in which she told of the coTidit ions and general characteristics of the por tion of Florida in w hich she had vis ited and which included the cities of Miami and Palm Reach, two of tiie greatest winter resorts in the country. The talk of Mrs. Ha in! was very much enjoyed by the bidiesand proved very interesting to all of the party and gave them an insiaht into a portion of the country that was com par.-' lively unknown to them. At a suitable hour rcl'ri"-hm-hts were served. NOTICE TO FARMERS I will be in the County Superin tendent's office at Plattsmouth on Tuesday of each week. If you wish an office call, make it in the fore noon, as in the afternoons I will visit the farms where a:-ked to do so. Make use of lhe.-e days and the Farm will continue this. I w ill begin this on Tuesday, May :51st. Phone 479. L. R. SNIPES, County Agr. Agt. good shape! NEBRASKA