The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 26, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Murray Department
If toy Of the readers of the
Journal knenr of any social
event or Item of interest in
this vicinity, and will mall
hum to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading-. We
want all newtitema Editob
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for tke Journal Readers
THURSDAY. MAY 26, 1921
pjry. 4JiiJi"""ll,'i,J-"i JNi mmmt 1 . j mi
All Deposits in Our Bank Are Pro
tected by the State Guar
antee Law!
We Solicit Your Business
Murray State Bank,
Will Vri.'M "irovc to Ot- last
t.-r ,.. i.-r r i f visit with i'ri-n!s.
c..v: ;iM v;is loukins; aftt'r
i.f !! . i:!attT.i iii Murray on
l.i ' Tu-!ty, ilri viii (Unvn in his
'. I", (tuinion .was an arly mnrn
(:.:;: in Murr'.v last Tuesday,
ii:iin.- S'!!;u" matt ITS to
Iiid'k ;!'! r.
I.. I.. W: . f Jiith Omaha. v:s
:, ;r in Ahirray last Tuesday,
il. inoii:-: r. m a v. a tor circulating
-i. ii. i"r t'oril : ars.
W. J. K.i'.i. th.- Manlcy banker.
v. ;if I-Miki!! after some business i:i Murray last Monday,
ilrivin-; over in his car.
V. K. a:;d wife wero visit-
wiih friends and attending
inir.ii i.i I Ma it sianut !i last Sunday.
Irivin-; "in iti 1 heir auo.
Y'i:U;iii Will-. Henry ('reamer
and l!i;ry Ti'nni were all shelling
and i ' ; i s r i i : u cfm to tin- Farm
er s elevator I:. -1 Monday mul Tues
day. ;ori;e Vr-rhnU of I'lattsniontli.
who is a boiler maker by trade, has
hi en in Murray the past few days
doini: some work on the water tanks
tor S. I .at fa.
Thomas TiNon was looking after" hu-ine'-s matfrs ir. l'lat tsmoui 'i
!;-! 'I'm .-..lay. driving up in his ear
:'. i 1" m:: ;.t om p.i n ied on the trip
by a sii all son.
.1. '. '1 i !-(! m. . i d to Omaha last
v -;. w ii re in- i pi '-t.- to i.iake his
lit.n," in the future, as there are bet
ter pro.-p.-t is of e?uplo ment there
than in Murray.
!Id wi.rd CaiuM'-r. of I'lattsmouth. io kii;'- at';.-r some business
;i.-'U r iu .Murray last Tuesday and
a si-t i i' ir in the loading of si-me hoizs
and rattle for shipmnt to Smith
Fred N'ut -luan. :!; V.mzcuo, and
Frank I'. Sh hloii. of .Wiia w kn . were
vi. -iting in Murray for a short time
Ial .'.buidav alt'rr.ooii. while re
turning from a vi.-it in
Frank Marasok has made arrange
ments to supply the people of Mur
ray with ice this summer and has
already made a couple of trips bring
ing bark liberal supplies of the cool
ing substance.
T. J. Hrendel is kept pretty busy
these flays looking after various
matters of business over the country.
Monday he was called to Louisville,
Tuesday he spent in Union and Wed
nesday in Omaha.
Mrs. H. F. Brendel. Dr. J. F.
Hrendel and wife and T. J. Brendel
were in attendance at the funeral of
Dr. W'm. Laughridge which was
held in Plattsmouth last Monday,
driving up in their car.
Walter Knglekemeier was assist-
' ing in hauling hogs from near Weep
ing Water to Murray last Tuesday
for Lee Hrown ami Wallace I'hilpot,
who shipped 130 porkers to the
South Omaha market on that day.
S. A. Wiles, of IMattsmouth. was
looking after some business matters
in Murray last Tuesday, having driv
en down in his car to look after
some matters of business and visit
with his son, Guy Wiles, southwest
nf town
Muriel Wickham. of Wyoming, in
; Otoe county, was a visitor in Mur
iray last week, being a guest at the
'home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones.
On her return home she was ac
I rompanied by Miss Lola Jones, who
: will visit there for a short time.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore was a visitor in
I'lattsmouth last Wednesday, where
he was looking after some business
matters and making arrangements to
attend the Memorial day exercises on
next Monday, he being a member of
the IMattsmouth American Legion
post, and having a part on the pro
gram. August Meyer, the new proprietor
of the Fuls hardware store, accom
panied by K. I. Buck, drove over
from Weeping Water Tuesday to look
after some business matters here.
Mr. Burk will be remembered as the
party who sustained serious injuries
"Sudan Grass!"
Buy home rown seed. You cannot expect the
Lest results witli Texas or any southern grown seed.
I his teed tests strong in germination.
Price 6V2C per lb., sack free.
-:- -- -:- NEBRASKA
Oh, You Hot Time!
It's upon us men. But say! You won't notice it
if you line up with a Sealpox or Koolpox Union Suit.
Scalpox Nainsook Unions
Koolpox Namsook Unions
Hi&tt . Tutt,
in the recent auto accident near
Weeping Water, at the time a broth
er of Rev. Hopkins, of Weeping Wat
er, was killed.
Had a Pleasant Visit
Mr. and Mrs. John Parkening.
who live along the banks of the
Platte river near Cullom, extended
an invitation to a number of their
friends and relatives in this vicinity
to come to their home for a visit and
general good time last Sunday, and
the invitation was graciously accept
ed. With well filled autos and
equally well filled lunch baskets the
members of the merry party drove to
the Parkening home and forthwith
became infused with the spirit of
picnic time. Fishing and various
other pleasures were indulged in. to
say nothing of the fine luncheon.
Those enjoying the trip were L. H.
Puis and family, Michael. George,
Fred. Jacob and Philip Hild and
their families. Frank Parkening and
family, Mrs. Adam Hild, Edgar Mei
singer, Miss Vera Moore and the
Misses Verna and Hilda Friedrich.
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
viewed the recently acquired place
there from thence they went to Avo
ca, where they visited with friends
and then to Nehawka for a short
stop and returned via Union, having
looked over a good deal of the pros
perous country in Cass county.
The Ladies Aid Society
The ladies aid society of the Chris
tian church will meet at the home
of Wm. Sporrer on Wednesday, June.
1, when they will look after the
business of the society and enjoy a
program which will be conducted
with Mrs. Frank Reed a.s leader. The
hostesses for the occasion will be
Mesdames. Wm. Sporrer and Mrs. Ada
9:45 a.m. Bible school.
11:00 a.m. Morning worship.
Subject, "Some Things We
Should Know About the
A. G. Hollowell. Minister.
Notice to the Public
I am out of business, having dis
posed of my business in Murray, so
wish to close up at an early date all
outstanding accounts. All those
knowing themselves Indebted to me
will please call at the store, where
I may be found for a short time, and
make arrangements for the settle
ment of these accounts. I shall ex
pect them paid or liquidated with a
satisfactory note, so I may close the
books as soon as possible. Please do
this at your earliest convenience.
Muray, Neb.
Appreciation of Friendship
To the people of Murray and vi
cinity, I wish to express my sincere
thanks for your friendship and pat
ronage, which has made it possible
for me to succeed in a business way,
as well as a pleasure .to the family
and myself to make our home in this
thriving little city. We shall ever
cherish the friendships formed here
in Murray and remember pleasantly
the associations of by-gone days.
I have disposed of the hardware
and implement business to August
Meyers, of Weeping Water, who has
requested that I remain for some lit
tle time as manager of the business,
and respectfully solicit a continuance
of the relations which have existed
in the past on behalf of the new-
owner. Yours very truly.
Attended the Funeral
A large number of Murray folks
attended the funeral of Dr. Laugh
ridge in Plattsmouth last Monday,
among them being Messrs. and Mes
dames W. H. Puis. J. H. Brown,
Fred Hild and L. H. Puis and Mes
dames Sadie Oldham and W. E. Dull.
They all drove up in their cars.
Murray Good Shipping Point
Murray has proven a very good
shipping point for stock and grain.
and hardly a week goes by in which
there are not a number of cars of
ptock shipped from this place. Last
Tuesday there were shipped two cars
of hogs and two of cattle, and ev
ery week many cars are shipped to
the markets from here. Th're has
been good shipments of and
more could be shipped if there could
be gotten cars for the shipments. On
Tuesday of this week W. F. Camp
bell and son Fred. Eli Smith. Wallace
Philpot. and Lee Brown shipped cat
tle or hogs to the Omaha market.
Surprised Their Friends
Last Saturday evening a number of
the people in Murray and friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Arnold, gath
ered together and went to IMatts
mouth where they surprised their
friends and took possession of the
home which was made the happy
scene of a gay throng of dancers and
other social games which lasted un
til a late hour, when a very delight
ful luncheon was served by the
guests. Those to go from Murray
were Albert Jones, Jurvis and Far!
Lancaster, Wm. March and their families.
Bank Will be Closed
To those whom it may concern,
remember that the Bank of Murray
will close on Saturday evening and
remain closed until Tuesday morning,
that the employes may observe Me
morial day which comes on Monday,
and on which the hank will not be
open for business.
Meets with Accident
While driving along the road west
of town last Sunday. George Tanner
and wife and little Lois Scotten in
the car. a tire of the car Mew out
which threw the car over to one
side and prevented it running in
straight course, insoniuche that it
was with difficulty that he was able
to make the bridge which was just
in front of him. The car careened
to one side and striking a stump
which caused more trouble, and pre
cipotated the mover an embankment
of but a few feet and the windshield
stroking a pole was crushed in. The
car had just about been brought to
& dead stop, and four feet more
would have achieved that matter,
had not the hank been awaitiner for
them. Mr. Tanner- was cut and
scratched about the face, but not
otherwise injured. Mrs. Tanner es
caped, while little Lois was bruised
hy the impact to a slight extent.
Boosters Will Stop Here
The Booster club which is sending
out a delegation to advertise busi
ness and give the country the view
of Omaha's commercial club in
the matter of times, will arrive in
.Murray on Saturday. May 2Sth at
4:30 p. m., and will remain f ir ten
minutes. During this time they will
explain the principals of the cam
paign which they are waging, for bet
ter times.
Will Visit in the East
Mrs. Mary Wiley accompanied
Mr. George Parks to Omaha last Wed
nesday morning from which place
she goes to Oozad to visit her daugh
ter. Mrs. A. J. Smith, where she will
remain for some time and after that
will proceed to Vanango, where she
will visit at the home of her son War
ren Wiley for a short time also. Mrs.
Wiley expects to be away for some
two weeks or more and will visit
with relatives and friends as well.
Very Successful Supper
The ladies aid of the Luthern
church, northwest of Murray, and of
which a large memhership live in and
near Murray, had a most splendid'
success at the supper which they
served last Saturday evening. The
crowd was one of such proportions
that the library building was net
adequate for the service and the la
dies of the Preshyterian church gra
ciously tendered the use of their
church building for the purpose.
which was also gratefully accepted
by the ladies of the Lutheran church
and used to good purpose. The re
ceipts from the supper amounted to
some $78. The ladies having charge
of the matter are indeed very thank
ful for the goodly patronage and es
pecially to the Preshyterian church
for the very kind way in which they
tendered the use of their church
building and wish at this time to
express their warmest thanks for the
Attend Musical Recital
Last Monday evening a number of
the people of Murray were visiting
in Lincoln, going to attend the mus
ical recital of Miss Ogla Minford,
who is graduating at this time from
the conservatory of music of the
state university. Miss Minford. who
is an accomplished musician, gave a
recital at the First Christian church
Undergoes an Operation
Last Sunday Mrs. Frank Hogue,
who has heen in ill health for some
time was taken to the Fenger hos
pital at Omaba, where on Monday
she underwent an operation for a
complication of troubles. Mrs. Hogue
was accompanied by Mr. Hogue and
Dr. B. F. Brendel, the family phy
sician. It Is ardenly desired that.
with the operation that the health
of this good lady may be restored.
Scouted Around a Little
Last Sunday W. H. Puis drove with
the family to the farm and after a
brief Tisit there to look over the
place and see how things were getting
along, went to Weeping Water and
Cement Bags!
All Ash-Grove cement bags
which have been purchased
here will be redeemed at
25c each if presented before
June 10th.
Later we cannot allow you
but 10 cents per bag, as
the price is going down.
Better gather up your bags
and get them in while you
can still get full credit for
Banning & Nickles,
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 428 Plattsmouth Exchange
You'll enjoy the
sport of rolling
Vy 'em with P. A.!
Piinre Alhrrt is sold
in toppy red hags,
tidy red tins, hand
some and half
pound tin humidor
and in the pound
crystal glais humi
dor with sponge top.
FIRST thing you do next
go get some makin's
papers and some Prince
Albert tobacco and puff away
on a home made cigarette
that will hit on all your
smoke cylinders!
No use sitting-by and say
ing maybe you'll cash this
hunch tomorrow. Do it while
the going's good, for man-o-man,
you can't figure out
whatyou're passing by! Such
flavor, such coolness, such
more-ish-ness well, the only
way to get the words em
phatic enough is to go to it
and know yourself!
And, besides Prince
Albert's delightful flavor,
there's its freedom from bite
and parch which is cut out by
our exclusive patented proc
ess! Certainly you smoke
P. A. from sun up till you
slip between the sheets with
out a comeback.
Prince Albert is the tobac
co that revolutionized pipe
smoking. If you never could
smoke a pipe forget it!
if you use Prince Albert
for packing! It's a smoke
revelation in a jimmy pipe
or a cigarette!
Copyrigl- 1921
iy R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
Wins ton -Salem.
o CO
the national joy smoke
of Lineoln. at whioh a very large
audience of music lovers were oon-
regateil to hear the recital. The
executions which Miss Minford gave
were of the hiahest order and was
very pleasing to her auditors. Those
to go from this place were W. G.
Hoedeker and wife. Mrs. G. II. Gil-
more and mother, Mrs. J. A. Walker,
find her daughter. Miss Margey. Searl
S. Davis and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
E. S. Tutt. Charles Mutz and wife.
W. G. Minford and wife and their son
Celebrates Birthdays.
A birthday party was held at the
home of Philip Keil for he and Guss
Minniear, Sunday, which was a sur
prise for the two gentlemen as the
friends gathered at the home at
11:30 with well filled baskets. Mr.
Keil and Mr. Minniear soon got to
thinking it was all in honor of their
birthdays, and at noon the table was
laden with all the good things one
could wish for. Those attending
were William Holmes and family.
Guss Minniear and family, Walter
Minniear and family. George Virgin
and family, all of Syracuse. Chester
Minniear and family. W. 15. trgin
and wife. Robert Burr and wife.
Charlie Head and Philip Keil and
family all from Murray. Those from
Plattsmouth were Mrs. J. P. Keil, Mr.
and Mrs. A. F .Seybert and two
daughters. Mrs. Don Seiver and
daughter Shirley from Madrid. Neb..
Mrs. Brondice and daughter. Gladys
from South Bend, Ind. In the after
noon there was music by the Victrola
and singing and Miss Beatrice Sey
bert gave some of her readings to the
guests. She is taking her training
from a company in Omaha.
Ice cream and cake was served in
the afternoon jnd pictures were taken
by Mrs. Don Feivers. The crowd all
wished : Philip Keil and Guss Min
niear many more happy birthdays.
Miss Violet Keil was visiting at her
home in Murray from Friday morning
till Sunday evening. Miss Violet is
staying with her grandmother Keil at
IMattsmouth. She has been attend
ing Plattsmouth high school this
For baby's croup. Willie's daily
cuts and bruises, mother's sore throat
or grandma's lameness Dr. Thomas'
Kclectric Oil the household remedy.
30c and COc.
Mrs. F. I. Howard of Sac City, la.,
who has been here visiting at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. R. B.
Hayes and family, departed this
morning for her home in our neigh
boring state.
tragic like suddenness with which it
came into the household.
The funeral services will "be held
in Omaha tomorrow morning.
To feel strong, have good appetite
and digestion, sleep soundly and en
joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters,
the family system tonic. Price, $1.25.'
To the patrons of the W. H. Puis Hardware and
Implement Company, and to all others who may be in
need of such wares as are carried in such a business,
I wish to announce that I have purchased the stock
and business of Mr. Puis, and will appreciate the pat
ronage and friendship of former patrons of this in
stitution, and all others who may come.
We will for the present and for some time to
come, make Mr. Puis, the late proprietor, our man
ager, who will look after the business, and will en
deavor to please all, with the best service and cour
teous treatment.
August CtiHeyers,
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Soule .of Omaha, and gran
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hall
of this city, who was injured yester
day morning falling from a window
at the home in Omaha, passed away
late yesterday afternoon as the result
of the injuries received in the fall.
The death of little Joan has come
as a heart breaking blow to the par
ents and to the grandparents, with
whom the little one had come as a
ray of sunshine and happiness and
in their misfortune they will have
the tender sympathy of the friends
fn this city as well as Omaha.
Only those who have been called to
"pass under the rod" can fully appre
ciate the deep sense or sorrow at
the untimely of the little one or the
Here Is Something to Think Of!
We are making very attractive prices in all our
lines, and you will do well to consider them in this per
iod of getting back to "normalcy." We are offering :
220 weight overalls at $1.75
Jacket to match at the same low price. . 1.75
The Oak brand with stripes at 1.50
Jackets to match also going at 1.50
The best of workshirts selling at 90. . . .
F. T. IflflLSON
Drs: Mach & V3achTcThe Dentists
ffa "T The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha.
Experts m charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod
erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using. "
Fistula-Pay When Gored
A mtld vrat.rn of treatment that entm PU
FLatnla and other Rectal Plaa in a
tlm. without a aaver vurftcaJ operation. K
Chloroform. Ether or other general anaeatnetia
OBd. X crura rij-atee! !a arery cut accepted for treatment, axd bo money to b
paid until cured. Write for book oa Rectal Diaeaies, with nwnti and teUroonlaJJ
of more than prominent people who hare been rrmsritnUT ur!.
DK. E. B TAHHY, 6natortaia, Fetere Tmit Bid. (Bee Bid.), OMAHA. VEn.
a. Dr. K. S. Johiutoa. K,dieaJ Director.