The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 19, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    t 1
TfitJ$2Af. SLAT 19. 1921
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively Tor The Journal.
The Key to
A bank account and the many ad
vantages in the way of financial ad
vice this bank has to offer make the
start on the highway to suucess an
easy one.
At all times we stand ready to help
you in any way open to us, and the
steady growth of your bank balance is
pleasing to our officers.
Come to the bank when conveni
ent. We're always glad to see you.
Banh of
Max Schaeffer of Nehawka. was
looking after some business matters
in Union last Tuesday.
C. F. Harris is looking after the
grading of the O street road and i;
placing the highway in good
tion. Frank Resnik was a visitor in Un
ion from his home in Nehawka last
Mnoday looking after some business
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Glover and
son Bobbie of Omaha, were the guests
at the home of Mont Robb and family
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cross attended
services at the Presbyterian chur-'h
at Plattsmouth last Sunday, driving
there in their car.
Messrs. Kdgar Steinhauer and ('.
H. Curtis of Plattsmouth, were 'lock
ing after some business matters in
Union last Monday.
Palmer Applegate. who has been
making his home in the south for
some time, arrived in Union for a
visit a few days ago.
Ed Schumaker cf Omaha, was a
visitor in Union last Tuesday, coming
down to visit with friends and look
after some business matters.
Mrs. Lillian Robert Lee of Pitts
burg. Pa., has been visiting in Union
for the past few days as guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mont Robb.
V. L. Taylor and wife with their
three sons. Gerald, William and Les
lie, of Omaha, visited at the home of
Grandma B. A. Taylor last Sunday.
H. A. Chileott and wife were vis
iting with friends and doing some
trading in Nebraska City last Wed
nesday, making the trip on the train.
E. E. Leach was a' visitor in
Elmwood last Thursday, where he
was called to look after some busi-
You Have the Right
to expect your dollar to buy
one hundred cents worth of
goods. We are here to fur
nish you the goods full value
for your money.
Here are a few samples
picked at random from our
Corn, 2 cans for. . . .25c
Peaches, apricots . . .30c
Spring Line of White Keds is
Now In Rubber Soles
We are all looking for eas money and the surest
way to find it is in good improvements.
Now is the ideal time to start that home you have
been planning for so long. Think of the comfort it
will add to your remaining days. You owe it to your
self, your family and the community in general.
If you don't need a new home, how about some
improvements on the old one?
A screened in porch, new floors, new roof and a
couple coats of paint will almost make a new house.
Prices are right. Let us figure with you.
We appreciate your patronage.
Frans Bros'.
Charles Atterberry and G. K. Small,
the latter coming from Murray, nr
looking after the O street road and
will make it one of the best in the
Miss Mary Becker was a visitor
for the week-end in Omaha, where
she was the guest ,f friends and re
mained until the evening train on
Ray and Roy Becker with some
help have been very busy lately clear
ing off a piece of woodland vhich
they are expecting to put to corn
tlii sspring.
W. H. Porter of Union, and Bert
Philpot of Weeping Water, were as
sisting in the making of the inven
tory of the garage for Robert Willis
and A. R. Howler last Monday.
Charles Boardnian was looking af
ter soTne business matters in the
county seat last Saturday, beinu a
passenger with A. P. Moran from
Nebraska City in the latter's car.
Wm. Lawrence of Peru, was a gue;
at the home of Rev. Samuel and Mr...
Miller for a few days last vek.
They were next door neighbors while
Rev. Miller ami w ife lived in --Peru.
Amos Anderson, who has lieen
looking after the dray business, lias
rtsigned his position and has been
succeeded by Mr. Fred Tigner. .vro
took charge of the work the first of
the week.
The ladies aid of the Baptist e-hur'J;
met with Mrs. Miller at the chili;:1,
last Tuesday, when a very pleasant
and profitable thin was bad. mum
work being planned for the good of
the church.
There will be services at the S.'i.)
ta school house which is also u.-vl
for a church, on the coming Sunday,
both in the morning and evening.
The Rev. W. A. Taylor will conduct
the services.
Last Wednesday there arrived at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. ('has Turn
er, a little miss, who is calling them
papa and mamma. This is very
agreeable with the proud and well
pleased parents.
A. L. Becker has accepted the
agency of the Sprague tire.s which is
a product of Nebraska, and is one
of the best of makes. He is al.-o
handling the Pennsylvania vacuum
sup tire as well.
Joe Banning. E. W. Keedy. W. A.
Taylor, W. B. Banning, and John
Lidgett were visiting at Nehawka
last Wednesday evening, where they
attended the annual election of offi
cers of the Masonic lodge.
Mrs. Vesta Clark was a visitor at
Auburn at the home of her daughter.
Mrs. O. W. Finney, who returned o
Union with her mother, and at
tended the funeral of her aunt. Mrs
Will Clark, who was buried here yes
terday. Joseph Lidgett and son Geoi sre,
nes smatters and made the trip in his
Lumber Co.,
were visiting near Mynadr. where
they went on the motorcycle of the
latter, and were looking after the
sale of some of the fine Chester While which Mr. Lidgett is
a specialty.
R. K. Foster and wife with the
hildren. vere vi-itir.g Sunday at
Plattsmouth, being guests ;.t the
home of t!u parents of Mrs. Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Larson t.f that
place, and also Mr. and Mrs. Ficd
Sydel'ot liem.
II. II. Bicker and v. ife with their
little one. wire visiting and look in. '-r
lifter some basit.e.-s matters in Lin
coln last Monday, making the trip
in their auto and making some pur
chases for sr.n.c repairs for the saw
mill which he is operating.
Stae-'-v Xb'av has found a chick
en wiiii four legs and uhith run
in but two of them. Well, we lmvf
been expert ine- t'i:- for ' io -e i.- no
lellinii what a "chicken" will do. or
an "old hn" either. No- br.'n
a'ong your two-legged calf.
John R. Stir.e of PiatrnifUih, came
down last Saturday evening and w;:s
the giie: at the home of hi- mother
Mr-1. Catherine St Inc. and :lo vis
i'iii'r atthe hordes of his brothers.
K. 1). P;in' and W. L. Stine. r-t am
ine home last Sunday evening.
The contest which has been in ;!"
gTes for -otne ' inie at the Pa;.;:..
Sunday school, rinsed with last Sun
day and wi'ii the ! irt,--t a 1 1 r-rida
whi-h has ..!! recorded within 'he
p:st year. The winning side will
announced th' couiintr -hi:1. -lay.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cypher" and
t heir daughter, Miss Janne: of ( r.:a
ha. were visiting in and near Union
:.i the heme r.i Mr. K. B. Chapman
and family for over Sunday, drivin
down from the metropolis ;n th'-ir
car. .Mrs. is a sis'er cf Mr.
Mrs. Ruth Rodl'-. who is a-.t--r.d-ing
a bu-ines eoll.-ge at Omaha. va
a visitor at t'u- hoio of her parent.
A'r. and Mis. Charles Gn:rlon. and
was acc-( mpanied ,y t : of her lady
friends, one a foin.e-r nur.-e while
she was at tiie hr.. nit;.! a: Omaha.
a r.i;
r a tcr.
W. If. Sevbert
w i : e
or. d Jo1:!.
McNurlin and wi!
f t'i.itts'u
were brief visitors in Utiion ho-t Mon
day afternoon w'nile re'urr.i'ig l'r -to
Syj-acu.-e. where they had been at
tending the funeral of Benjamin
Seyl.tit. who was a cousin of Mrs.
M'-Nutlin and Mr. Soy her t.
Bi.-hop Shay!?r of 0:n.iha. bi.-hep
(-f i'ie I-.'p:sco; ebur'-h. deliwr, d
a ph-i.sani discourse at the i ; i -
church at Wyirniiur last
S.tnday and was aln th. guest at !;;
home of Mr. and .lr. .1.eit Robb (f
Union, returning to Omaha in thi.
ev ning.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Aus'in ami
their daughter. Mrs. E'nier Appb--ga'e
and her little d r.ighter. Ketty
Ann. were visi'lng w ; ; h friends in
i'h t:'-
lor, king afttr some business mttte.--.
driving over to the county seat in
their car.
A. L. Becker has completed the
planting of his cri and is now wait
ing to begin its cultivation, that N
if he dots not have to pi. '.nt it again.
.T. li. Miller says i' i.- to late to plant
coin now. but f hei: . shc.ib! i' all
ftttze he may change his mind. He
has all of his planted for the fnv2
Lat Sunday. Mr. A. L. Beeker was
a visitor in Pinlisiiiout h as a guest
of his mother. Mrs. I.. C. Becker, who
is making her bot-'e at that of her
daughter. Mrs. M. B. Allison.
M rs.
L. C. Becker, who is now nearly !
years of age, is feeling unite pooily.
and is being cared f- !- by her daugh
ter. Ezra Willia'i'.s. who ,'ir-t came t r
thi vicinity in li-.4, ami who lived
hen for a short time, but ha-; been
making his home for many years in
Kansas, arrived from his present
home at Belleville, ami is visiting at
the home of his many friends over
near the river, and. in the v.eighhor
hof d of Soio'a.
R'av. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor we: e
vir.iting at Wabash !a-g Sunday,
whore they drove in their car and
conducted service theie during tie
morning and evening. Mrs. Taylor
did the driving, and notwithstanding
the bumpiness of the roa.ds. was able
to negotiate rhe state highway and
the roads leading theivto with ea.'
and sufe'y.
The Worth While girls clas of the
Baptist Sunday school, met hist w ('.-.
;.t the home of Jame- Frans and wife
west cf town, where they enjoyed a
:rost splendid afternoon and v. .-n
; ntertained in a mou hospitable man
er. having the picture- of the entire
lass taken in a closer iield. The
ieasant afternoon was co:k.1uJlu
with a deilghtful luncheon.
Miss Jes-ie Todd and Miss Ivey
-lougay departed last Friday for
oln. where they visited until the
itrst of the week, when Mi-s Jessie
returned with her brother Hairy
'.'odd, who was coming down to loik
fter the building of a house near
"lurray. Miss Muugay remained to
tike some treatments for her health
vhich has not been the best for some
.ime past.
H. L. Swanson. who has not been
feeling very well for aome time, de
parted for St. Louis last Monday af
ternoon, where he goes to the main
hospital of the Missouri Pacific rail
way for a clinic, to determine which
is the cause of his ill health. While
away Mr. W. H. Coyne is lorking af
ter the work of the office. Mr. Coyne
Simmons, who. it is reported, had
gone to Stella to take unto himself
a wife.
Ccme Again.
Lat Tuesday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Taylor had as guests.
W. L. Hoback and daughter Leli.i. A
very pleasant time was had. Thev
departed for Omaha on Wednesday j
morning to consult a specialist re
garding Mr. Ilohack's eye, which has
given him a great deal of trcubl
lately. Come again Uncle Billie and
Lelia. You will find the latch string
U" i mill a "M mm
50 good cigarettes
fcr 10c from
cno sack of
fcfc M R SR
rirV-- W W-e 5 is
5i xl m fi tu
on the otitsiJc- ;ui:I a warm welcome
v i: h in.
Sciota School Closed Friday.
The Sricta seh'nd eas; of Union
eh, -ed the sch ol year !:;-r Friday
-; t h a very pi easing program ir.
Ahich the scholars furni-;:e:! the 'al
cr.t. Mrs. I, R'erdick. v . !:.. h;(s had
charge of the instruction during the
;-at year, has su-ceeiled ailmirabl
..nd til are well p!eu d with Ik:
w ork as an instructor. Last Mon
day. Mrs. Lcfurdick dtjarted for ii;-i
lioitie near Blair.
At the Festive Board Sufcday.
Mr. atid Mrs. L. C. Todd, at their
b autiiul he:':e in the i-ust portion of
Fiion last Sunday, en'eitained for
dinner and a ciahle afternoon, a
r.ttnil er of their friend-. This was
u. t in c.iiitnernoratioii of the parsing
( a mile stone ( f the career 01 Mr-.
Ti.i'.d. but was in a wa y connected
t.'urewith. ;:s the birtlniav happened
. bout a week j.revh '.is. Tho-e to en
joy the deiigthfi'I c-fasion and fel
lowship v i r" .".ir. J. 1). I'::.!oi let ::nc
t wo d:iugiiier. Miss Pearl and Xel
In. L. !". Fi'ch and wif-.-. Mr. and
Mrs. J. V. Apph-gate and daughter
Miss Fay. .Mr. and Mr;. J. C. Stiave-i'-y
and an aunt of Mr. Snavoiey arid
al'o their son Carl. The K.-v.'a. C
Hit; huTii. W. II. Por-or ami daughter
Mi.s Leatha.
The Business Leaves Town.
Juhn Frans- la-t ccek purchased
through the agency of Frank Hesnik
cf Ni iiawka. the rtstaurant and ho
t;l of If. W. (7rit!':Ti of that .place,
and which was immediately taker
charge of by Mr. Frans and wife,
who are making an excellent eating
place of the hosttelry. Mr. Critiin a
yet has n; t defided as to What he
will do. The cafe which Mr. Frans
had in Union has been vacated and
th-.1 room remains unoccupied, iv.
the removal of Mr. Frans from U'n
i. n. this town has suffered a mater
ial loss while X h.awka has been tl.t
Will Speak at Water.
The American Leu ion post at Weep
ing Wa.ter. through their post com
mander. Webster Uuseli. i:i a very
'ice l - r 1 1 r extended an invitation to
the Hev. W. A. Taylor to deliver the
address at the Decoration day eere
monics which are in charge of t!;e
A-eerican Legion mrl which will b
luld on Mondav. Mav .Hilh.
Epv.-crtli Ier-p;ue Elect Officers.
The Hp worth Lcagtie of the Meth
odist church of Union met at the
" hurch parh rs la-d Tiiursday. where
t':ey ; ; i f 1 a business -i.-.-ioTi and dur
ing which elected the oncers for the
c-eniing half year. Their selections
rtsuited in the placing the following
young people at the luhn of the work
ing force of the srci-. Ty. for the com
ing half year. Fo" President Mr.
I ewi. Matt gay was -h .; n. vhile for
tiie v.'ee prcsiilent-. Mts.-es Alice
Vc id Kva Fvercit. Kl--!e Taylor a-i
1 hntiic Mt Carroll were chosr-n. For
the position f sere-ary treasurer
:;e peison wa sebced and the work
v.-us asked of Raymond Fahr'mie-.
v hirh complete', the lis'. Following
the business ses.-ion. the ir.rmhers and
their friends repaired ; : the lawn of
V. If. Ih.rter. who lives r. rrross he
frect. wh.cre a very delightful tire.o
w;:s harl b- the young people in
games, until time.f r the refresh
ments whhh vere prepared at the
church. In all a very pleasant eve
ning was spent.
Union Wins the Game.
he- base ball boys of Union are
v it!
ng up a good game this year and
1 the live bunch of hoys which
piloting the national game for
scas.:n. we are expecting to see
e pretty good re-cords for the
:tg men. La-t Sunday they met
rustling team of Punbar on the
1 grounds and while both sides
;: re
rr tii
t lie
ed a game which would be well
Good Dragged Roads
Kansas City
Travel by Auto and Save
Money and Time.
T. H, Pollock Bridge
vf fy
worth -while for the national teams
the local team was able to come out
the winner, in the contest by a tally
of fLe to three. The visitors felt like
tkty were coming here to win a game
and while they played as hard as
they could, they were not a-hle to
get anywhere with the Union boys.
Attorney C. L. Graves was the ump,
and John Hoback the pitcher for the
Union boys, while Mr. Hathaway did
the catching.
It is Hinted a Wedding.
We are not saying that there has
been a union of souls and lives, but
many in Union fell us so, and some
make denial shaking their heads and
we j.:.t give you the chance to guess
for yourselves. Last Thursday Mr.
; r.d Mrs. Dan Lynn and .Mrs. Chi
tr -ter departed for Geneva where
' h-y have teen visiting for the past
we -k at tiie home of Robert Hasting.-,
.in 1 .Mr. J. I)eL?me:er.
Asked to Deliver Sermon.
The Rev. W. A. Tayl r has been
.-tjked by the church at Wabash to de
liver th'1 decoration day address,
which is to be a j-ur.t service wit '4
the Murdoch people and will be held
at what is known as the Wabasht
ci metery and which is nearly mid
way between the two towns. The
services will be held at the cemetery
on May 2'.ii. at 2:'Mt p. m.
Are Well Pleased Also.
George Lidgett, son of Joseph Lid
tret t and wife, who has been making
iiis home near Scenic. S. I)., arrived
home last Sunday evening and came
from Omaha via a motorcycle which
he purchased ihere. George will vis
it lu re for about a month before re
turning to the north. Mr. ar.d Mrs.
Lidgett are pretty well pleased from
the visit of their son George and also
because they have just had a letter
from their son Walter, from whom,
until a short time ago. they had not
heard from since the closing of the
world war. He is in the west where
he is an assistant in a hospital and
-njoying a very good position with
the government.
Have Built a Hunting Boat.
Messrs. Loy and Raymond Hath
iway have juT completed a very f-ne
boat at the Frans Brothers lumber
yard which is a very nice piece of
boat building workmanship. The
boat is constructed for the purpose
if hunting and will make a good
;:ie for the purpose.
Was Buried Yesterday.
Last Sunday near the noon hour at
i hospital in Kansas City. Kansas,
Mrs. Will Clarke, who formerly lived
;n Union, and win is the mother of
Mrs. Fxa Frans. died after a lingering
illness. The remains were brought
to Uiihn on the afternoon train of
tiie Missouri Pacific on Tuesday and
laid in state until Wednesday after
noon, when the funeral was held
from the Baptist church of this place,
the services being conducted by the
Rev. Akir. pastor of the Christian
( hurcfT of Bartlett. Ia.. of which
rhurrh Mrs. Clarke was a member.
Besides the husband, there is left to
no urn the death of this good woman,
three children, they being Mr. Smith
f'larke of Oklahoma: Mrs. Exa Frans
of Union, and Omar Clarke of Kan
sas "i;y. Mrs. Clarke has been a
patient suffered from poor health for
a number of year, sand bore her af--ii"tion
with true christian heroism.
The remains were laid to rest in the
quiet cemetery southwest of Lincoln,
to await the trumpet of the Angel of
the Resurrection and when she will
enioy the reward of the blessed for
the many kindly acts of ministration
which have characterized her life.
Buriness Changes Hands.
Robert Willis, one of the bet
known men in Union, and also one tf
the square st and straightest of men
as the world goes, disposed of bis
garage in Union for a farm near
Weeping Wa;er. trading with Mr. A.
R. Dowler. who has itaken possession
tf the garage and will run it in the
future. An announcement of the
change of firm will appear in this
,'s-ue of the paper. Mr. Willis will
take charge of the farm, while Mr.
I-wler. who is a fine young man.
will come to Union to make his home.
We bespeak for him a generous treat
ment and are sure he will give the
people whom he may meet the same
kind courtesy.
TJnicn School Notes.
The baccaulaureate sermon will be
given at the Baptist church Sunday
evening by Rev. Miller.
Miss Florence Reed, principal of
the high school, was absent the lat
ter part of last week, attending the
funeral of a relative.
Patrons' Day was observed in
school Friday. A good number of
patrons and visitors were present in
the various rooms. At 2:30 a short
and varied program was given in the
high school assembly.
Union will graduate a class of sev
en this year, five girls and two boys.
The class colors are yellow and white
and the motto. "Character is a dia
mond that scratches every other
stcne." N. W. Gaines, lecturer for
the University of Nebraska, College
of Agricluture Extension Service, will
give the Commencement address at
M. V. A. hall on Wednesday eve
ning. May 25th.
A2MY OF 175.000 MEN
Washington. May 16. An army
of 175.000 men was decided on to-
il-jv hv tlio scn.ifp niifitarv ntTniri
subcommittee considering the army
appropriation bill. The measure as J
passed by the house provided for an j
arm of 150,000.
- In fixing the army strength at:
175.000 men, the subcommittee ac-
ceded to the request of Secretary,
Weeks that such minimum be provid-:
ed, even if other items had to be de
creased. The bill to be laid before
the full committee would carry
$?.n9,S59,000, as compared with
$320.7(15,000 in the house measure
and $346,000,000 in the bill vetoed
by President "Wilson. .
Xew York, May 17. Abrogation
of the national labor agreements on
the railroads, support of tiie "open
shop" and the enactment of a sales
tax law, were urged by Stephen C.
Mason, president of the National Ar
scciaticn of Manufacturers, in his
annual message delivered today at
the association's twenty-sixth annual
Indications of dissension within
the association were given with the
distribution of a circular ineludin-r a
resolution of the leaders of Uie
movement deploring conditions and
calling for an investigation of the as
sociation's political and either activ
ities and the e-fi' cting of neces-arv
reforms. Two hundred funis in
' w e-nty-fi ve states were di-olosed in
the circular as back ing tiie iiio-. -i..eiit
for reformation.
An Excellent
Notwithstanding the disposal of the garage of
Robert Willis, there vill be a show just the same. Mr.
E. E. Moore will have charge of the entertainment for
this Saturday, and further notice will be given the
coming week. This will be an excellent show, and
well worth attending, with many a laugh, clean and
afisnf Service Station!
I am prepared to look after your battery wants,
in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of
needed parts, as well as providing you with new bat
teries. All work has my personal care and will be given
the minutest attention.
w. h. Dubois,
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crop
will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
I wish to inform the public that I have purchased
the garage formerly owned by Robert Willis. I am com
ing to Union to make my home, and expect to keep the
garage, which Mr. Willis has made a success of, fully up
the present high standard. I wish to become acquainted
with the people of Union and vicinity, and will be pleased
to meet all former customers and as many more as would
care to call.
A. R- DOWLER, Proprietor
Cash Tells the Story!
Say, you who have been going to other towns to
make purchases, did you know that people from other
towns are coming to our store, because they can get bet
ter goods for lower prices, than in their own town.
Come and get the prices and you will see we can
serve you better than you ever dreamed of.
Shoes? Why we can beat them all in prices and
quality. A large consignment just arrived. See them.
Four cakes Crystal White Soap for 25c.
Harness which sold for $100, now are down to $60.
Our business is increasing all the time on account of
the low prices and good goods we are selling.
eentive session.
Manufacturers and business inter
e ,to are- urged to take the offensive
a.'d re-si--' the alleged attempt of
uhor leaders to dominate industry,
in the report of the committee n
industrial betterment, health and
A demand fur removal of J. P.
Bird, general manager of the asso
chifion. which was embraced in the
1 1 -oi tit ion. was tabled by the conven
tion and it was olhcially announced
thai he had been viudieated.
Louis Koukal, who has been en
ji.ving a visit of a few weeks with
Mlatives at Racine and either points
in W:.-eo:;s:n. returned home lat
evinirif and reports having had a
n.o-t delisriitfiil time.
Seed: that are united for this cli
mate at I'.estor Ac Swatek's.
Sho Saturday!
m tmtm ti
The reiolution wati tallied in