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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1921)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN MONDAY, MAY 16, 1921 PROCEEDINGS OF COMMISSIONERS OF CA5SC0UNTY SESSION OF MAY 3, 1921. 0:Tice of COUNTY COMMISSION'KKS of Cass County Plattsmouth. Nebr., .May 3, 1021. Hoard mot pun-aunt to adjourn ment. Prestnt Ceo. L. Farley. Coun ty Cinmis-iont r; . Oeo. K. Sayles. Cuntv Clerk. As Mr. Gorder and Mr. Harris were not present, being at Lincoln. Nebraska, attending the i.pming of bids tor Federal Aid pro Vets Nns. 153-A. 133-C and 107-A. i'a-s count v roads-, adjournment was made to Wednesday, May 4th. 1021. (Attest) GKO. II. SAYL.ES. County Clerk. SESSION OF MAY 4, 1921. Office of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Cass County I'lattsmouth. Xebr.. May 4. 1921. r,..; rd met a per adjournment. Present: Fred II. ('.order. ('. F. Har-:i- and Co. I.. Farley. County Com iiiissionTs; Geo. K. Sayles. County Cb-rk. The following business was trans it d in r.'uular form: Mothers' Pensions order of County Judge Allen J. r.,es.n renewing or granting th fol low:':;: Mot iters 1 !lcli'iis apprmeu. Grantiiii: a Mothers Pension to, Mr-. MIi- G;.r-ia. of Alvo. c,r:::;tinu: a Mother's Pension to Mr- Vdlie Jav. Plattsmouth. Renewing Mother's Pension of i p,..'- Pla'tsmouth. II ne-vini: Mothers Pension of; Mrs. Martha Ha. Hon. Louisville. !',,; Mothers Pension of' Mrs. -' -ra Mutzke. Louisville. Miscellaneous Matters Petition by American Legion Post! road district No. 12 N . 173. Greenwood, for grave mark-jj. D. Allen, road work in road er for world war veteran. Walker, district No. lti White, received and Board voted tO;H. P. Denning, work in jtiv ior s.ime. i::sign::t im f J. D. Allen, road overseer of r-; ad eistriot No. 16 filed an ! ; p'ed by the Board. J!o!;'I s curing county deposits with the 11 rs T National Bank, of Pi.iM -mouth approved. Bon.? f Monarch Engineering Co. for K'1 bridtri- contract approved. Claims Allowed '!'!' .'. iiov. ing i!;tim were allow ed on the various funds as listed: GENERAL FUND C; al Em .-.-j--raid. salary for Apri'. 1U. $ 90.00 G-rtr'! :e L. Morgan, helping Co. s...--.:.,r. April. 1921 Lii'i an White, salary for the nion'h ..f April, 1 2 1 D. c. Morgan. po-t;i supplies ti county i-iiperinteni'.e'it A. Cob-, s.ibirv and ex pense. April. 1921 John Bauer, material, labor, court hoii ,e and jail Jonn Bauer, jitney service to couii'y attorney Omaha I'rie.M:'.' Co.. 'ij.;;!es to Co. t r -a n t ; ! :::: 4SS: Buxton v Skinner, supplies to Cf.Miity Treasurer vri 90 00 0 . 5 j 14 0.00 1 s.o S.00 ! 5. 1U C. l. Ouijitor.. salary, ices. :i:i;-:-sg-- a mi board of pris oner-. April. 1 ! J 1 195.83; Kjl-'-rt-o:;. fees. State vs. Nigl.tit.g;.!- 10.05 J. H. Ta:n- and wife, salary. April. 1921 175.00 Miil i.r:! s1.- Sc.-'t Co.. supplies t.. Co. Siipv. c!ait:i 1-S l.s:: Omaha Prir'ir.g Co.. soldiers and :-.rti!--rs record book to CoiMiTy Clerk 51.0" John Pe'-r-on v Co.. provis ions to Adams. April. i921 lo.OO h. provisions to Garcia. April. 1921 l't.00 C. F. Wheeler, expense, arrest of A. Iili:m 5.92 Omaha Printing Co.. upijilies t ( . J i iu-. claim IS52 0.11 Nebr. fla Ov- Kii'i-. Co.. service to fouf'y farni. court house uid jail. Apr;l. 1921 33.49 E. A. Wurl. provisions to Monro. . A;.-i!. i 9'l 7.0o B'-t' r A. Swa'ek, U,ri-(.. to th :-' !;4rr.i :;.:',0 Wm. Sclunidtn-ajsu. electric wa.-hir.g machine to county farm " loj.r.o F. G. Fricke it Co.. mdse. to county farm and Vallery 7. S3 Joe Parker, scrubbing two court rooms 2.00 E. J. Richey. imNe. to coun ty farm IS. 8 0 Geo. R. Sayles. salary and ex ji. ne ior April. 1921 1S:J.9S Alpha c. Pe'crson. salary and mi!e..-e. April. 1921.1 191.20 II. Sie-.. rs. s iary. janitor, for April. 19 21 113.0 0 Frank Can--, help janitor 1.50 V.'i'.I T. Ad ins. salary, deputy fb-rk. April. 1921 ' 1U4.10 Wm.!. salary and ex-pe;,-e. April. 192l".. 04.40 H. M. Soennichsen. mdse. to Earn, Black. Worden. for April. 1921 29.00 Johnson Bros., provisions to Allen. April. 1921 5.00 Mike Tritsch. stamps and 'heck pn.tcctograph 2S.90 B. P. Dukes, helping county surveyor i.oo Piattsmoiith Water Co.. water to cm :rr h..ue and jail for April. 1921 4.15 B. C Mariuan!t v Co., pro visions to Cottinghaiu for April, 1921 x-1 8.00 Klopp Printing Co.. supplies to County Clerk 6.50 S. S. Cha.-e. for provisions to Worden. April. 1921 5.00 C. E. Hartford, fuel to Black and IV'erson. April. 192 1 10.65 omana Prmttng Co.. -supplies tu County Assessor, 1921 406.30 Fred Tatterson, office work and surveying. April, 1921- 94.80 riattsmouth Journal, print ing and supplies 23S.5S Jess Warga, rudse. to county farm and jail 4.00 Weyrich & Hadraba, mdse. to County Sheriff .95 S. J. Rcames, helping county surveyor 2.00 J. V. Thomas, helping coun ty surveyor 4.00 Nebr. Gas and Electric Co., ice book to court house 7.50 F. H. Nichols, provisions to Peterson for April. 1921 7.50 John Kopia. provisions to Burian for May, 1921 5.00 Hatt & Son, mdse. to Witt struck 44.50 G. H. Manners, expense on liquor cases 12.00 Omaha Printing Co., supplies to County Assessor 1.S1 Edna D. Shannon, postage and re files 2. So Fred H. Gorder, for telephone calls 5.20 Pach & Libershal. mdse. to Hrasky for April, 1921 5.00 Bach & Libershal. mdse. to Mrs. Lee. April. 1921 12.00 Fred H. Gorder, salary and mileage for April. 1921 94.50 Dr. F. V. Kruse. services as County Physician 14.00 L. K. Snipes, salary and ex pense. County Farm Bureau for month of April 2S7.S7 F. V. Elliott, oil and gas to county farm 9.S4 Geo. L. Farley, salary and mileage for April, 1921 S2.20 Alpha C. Peterson. express 0.56 Jas. Barkhurst, lease ground. road purposes. Sec. 24-10-13 5.00 C. G. Fricke. coal to Kuschin- ky and county jail 6.00 James B. McKee. salary and mileace. April. 1021 202.40 E. A. Wurl. mdse. to county farm . 30.25 Lincoln T. & T. Co.. May rent ana Apr)' toils 05.15 ROAD FUND W. Elliott, gas to road district No. 10 $ 20. SO ! H- Ketelhut. road work in road district No. 12 W- II. Seybert. road work in road district No. 1 92.95 10.05 10. SO 7. SO SC. 20 3S.50 53.00 9S.S0 151.75 24.50 121.00 5. SO 30.00 P'li Keekler. road work in road district No. 12 ("has. Atteberv. road work in road district No. 7 C. C. Barnard, road work in road district No. 1 R. Ketelhut. road work in road district No. 12 H. P. Denning, road work in roail district No. 7 John Murtey. lumber and posts, road district M. ! Frank Rouse, road work in road district No. 5 A. J. Tool, nails and wire. road district No. 7 R. A. Talbot, road work in road district No. 4 J. V,. Keil. road work in road 1 district No. 2 205.00 - t T Cli ti i. i' nt- ti i ! I nr-i o I onl I labor, road district No. 2 4 2.50 1 J. E- Lancaster, road work. road district No. 10 74.11 Tool. Nauman & Murtey. lum ber to road district No. 7 0.95 lira Parker, road work, road district No. 3 72.00 John Meisinger. Jr., cutting trees and brush in road dis tricl No. 1' 4 0. SO Village of Alvo. proportion of road money, road district ?S 100.00 Mike Schmader, cutting trees grubbing stumps, road district No. 3 John L. Parriott, road work in road district No. 15 W. T. Richardson, spikes, wire, axle grease, road dis trict No. 1 P. C. Patterson, road work in road district No. 27 7.00 2.50 7.10 JO. SO P. C. Patterson, road work in road district No. 27 109. 0' Broun & Goodridge. spikes, chain, wire, holts. I grease, roid district No. 15. 15.10 DRAG FT NT J. E. Kleiser, dragging roads in road district No. 4 $ 2.25 J. D. Allen, dragging roads in road district No. 16 44.15 Henry Brockman, dragging reads in road district 14' 27.00 Chas. Read, dragging roads in road district No. 27 7.10 Albert Bauers. for dragging roads in road district 5 30.75 Geo. Stones, dragging roads in road district No. 27 0.00 R. H. Henry, dragging roads in road district No. 10 8.02 J. W. Rumniel, for dragging roads in road district No. 1 24.90 R. Ketelhut. dragging roads in road district No. 12 15.00 H. P .Denning, for dragging roads in road district No. 7 47.00 Arthur (J. Schocman. drag ging roads, road district .3 3.00 C. C. Barnard, dragging roads in road district No. 1 34. S7 John Hoffman, for dragging roads in road district No. 4 7.50 Wm. Wendt. dragging roads in road district No. 3 16.00 J. D. Allen, dragging roads in road district No. 10 4 1.S5 Frank Rouse, dragging roads in road district No. 5 15.75 Oscar E. Dowler. dragging roads, road district No. 14. 2.25 Claud R. Hixon. for dragging roads, road district No. 1 33.75 II. Meisinger. for dragging roads, road district No. 2 15.37 A. F. Meisinger, for dragging roads, road district No. 2 19.50 Earl Talbot, dragging roads in road district No. 4 IS. 00 G. P. Cook, dragging roads t in road district No. 0 31.00 R. L. Whiteman. dragging roads, road district No. 12 0.50 C. W. Fleshman. dragging roads, road district No. 12 S.75 A. J. Ross, dragging roads in road district No. 12 24.75 Glenn Atchison, for dragging roads, road district No. ;4 3.1 S Ira Parker, dragging roads. road district No. 3.! 10 00 John Meisinger, Jiv., dragging roads, road district No. 2 3.00 Will Hirz, bal. due on claim of March 1, 1021 3.50 G. E. Small, dragging roads, road district No. 10 12.00 Frank Grauf, dragging roads in road district No. 27 13.15 P. C. Patterson, for dragging roads, road district No. 27- 9.00 J. E. Lancaster, for dragging roads, road district No. 10 24.60 Charles Read, dragging roads in road district No. 10 5.25 Wm. Jorgensen, for dragging roads, road district No. 12 15.18 A. C. Pickering, for dragging roads, road district No. 2 4.50 R. A. Troop, dragging roads, road district No. 1 IS. 13 John Richardson, dragging roads, road district No. I IS. 75 COM MISSION KIt'S Fl'N 1 ) First District Geo. L. Farlev, directing road work S 22. 5C F. W. Elliott, gas and oil to H. G. No. 1 02.97 Fred S. Yallerv. grading. H. G. No. 1 OS 25 John Iverson. for sharpening grader blade 2 4.00 COMMISSIONER S FUND Second District D. C. La Rue, labor on trac tor $ 12.50 COMMISSIONER'S FFND Third District Robeck Sirpply Store, one 15 inch Crescent wrench $ 2.75 A. Wallinger. running engine. H. G. No. 3 74.2c Geo. Trunkenbolz. gasoline to Wallinger 01.10 Eagle Elec. Light Plant, cue container. 00 gal. drip oil. II. G. No. 3 0.00 J. A. Lenard, repairs to grad er and tractor 11.00 Wm. Atchison, running grad er. H. G. No. 3 74.70 BRIDGE FEND B. L. Coffnutn. part tament for cutting ditch. Sclim.ider$375.00 Hudson Ac Trimble, spikes and wire, road district 10 11.99 E. G. Brown, spikes furnish ed road district No. 5 10.70 II. A. Funke. In in be", road district No. 3 IS. 2.", C. C. Barnaul, bridge work. road district No. 1 39. SO John Murtey, diftrict No. lumber to road 0 107.2:' lumber to road IS 2.40 nails, wire and H. A." Funke, district No. C. H. Gibson. bolts Tool. Nauman lumber J. M. Hoover, district No. 14.2: i Murtey. for piling to road 40. ;o. MOTHERS' PENSION FEND Ellen Davis, mother's pension for May. 1021 Clara Matzke. same Martha Haddon. same Ethel Boetel. same Mr. rtha Franke. same Esther Heueger. same Mae G. Hyde, same Ida Schlieske. sunse Hallie Black, same Margaret Lahoda. same Viola Auxier. same Minnie Mason, same Fannie Nichols, same Siclla Persinger. same Minnie Br.ker. same Anna Zitka. same Sophia G. Mavtield. same Minnie A. McMaken. same C. B. Hadley. same Frna Bisgs. same Emma Reed, same NelHo Jay. same Nellie Garcia, mother's pen sion. April and May O0 (M IH 0 0 oo Of ( oc 00 10. 2 0. :: o . 20. 2 0. 10. 20. 20. 20. 00 0 0 or- 00 00 40 15 20 20 40. 00 50. 10. 40. 10. 15. 10. 10. 0 0 Oi: 00 of 00 0 0 00 4 0.00 The Board adjourned to meet on Th irsday. May 5. 1921. (Attest ) GEO. R. PAYEES. Count v Clerk. SESSION OF MAY 5, 1921. Office of CO E NT V CO M M I SS ION E R 3 of Cass County Plat t -mouth. Nebr., May 5, 1921. Ror.rd i.-vt as per adjournment. Present Fred H. Gorier. C. F. Harris and Geo. L. Farley. County Commis sioners and Geo. R. Sayles, County Clerk. The following business was trans act ed in regular form: Miscellaneous Matters Petit ion signed by Fred Clark and eighteen others requesting the ap pointment of L. G. Todd for Justice of the Peace in Liberty precinct to till vacancy filed with Board. Mo tion by Farley, seconded by Gorder to appoint Mr. Todd. Carried. Bond to -ecure county deposits in First National Bank. Greenwood, filed and approved. Official bond of Levi G. Todd, as Justice of the Peace for Liberty pre cinct filed and approved. Tax F.efunds On the matter of the refund of taxes for the year 1892 on Lot 1 and N. 15 feet of Lot 2. in Block 31. City of Plattsmouth, paid under protest by Frank Clans. April 23rd, 1921. for reason excessive valuation, the Board voted to refund $23.04 of the $09.12 paid on receipt H-3 0. On the matter of refund of taxes for the year 1920 on Lot 0. Block 57. City of Plattsmouth. paid under protest by Mrs. Lillian Freeman, on May 4th. 1921. for reason that im provements assessed at $2,500.00 were not on the lot on the 1st day of April. 1920, the Board voted to refund 56.31 of the $101.30 paid on receipt No. 63S4. as but. $1,000 had been advanced on the material. Claims Allowed Claims as follows were passed and ordered paid.: ROAD FEND John Richardson, road work in road district No. 1 $ 22.00 Frost, Cnryea & Murtey. lum ber to road district No. 8 15.78 Village of Elmwooi. propor tion road money, road dis trict No 25 300.00 J. W. Wiseman, road work, road district No. 14 107. OS Lemuel Parish, road work in ' 1 road district No. 15 10.00 Bettor & Sv.atek, mdse. to r6ad district No. 1 2.35 F. W. Sherwood, for hauling plank road district o. i.7u E. J. Richey. lumber, posts. road district No. 1 30.15 Banning & Nickles, lumber to road district No. 10 26.00 Henrv Brockman. road work in road district No. 15 104.20 Cleveland Tractor Co., repairs for tractor, road district 10 3.08 L. I). Parish, road work in road district No. 15 13.75 G. L. Heneger. road work in road district No. 13 100.65 Andrew Schliefert. road work in road district No. S 95. SO V. A. Besack, road work in road district No. 3 9.00 DRAG FUND Standard Oil Co.. gasoline and oil. 1st Com. Dist $ 54.43 R. Holten. dragging roads in road district No. 13 3.96 3. L. Heneger. for dragging roads, road district 13 11.25 F. W. Sherwood, for dragging roads, road district No. 13 3.30 Wm. S. Wetenkamp. dragging road-, road district No. 1 14.62 Wm. H. Bonn, for dragging roads, road district No. 15 9.75 Ed Morley, dragging roads in road district No. 13 15.00 'hris J. Elgaard, dragging roiids. road district No. 13 4.50 Andrew Schliefert, dragging reads, road district No. S S2.50 Pollard Bros., dragging roads in road district No. 13 20.63 Eugene E. Hall, for dragging roads, road district No. 16 11.99 John P. Fischer, dragging roads, road district No. 15 17.25 Walter Sans, dragging with tractor, road district 27 2S.50 R. A. Troop, dragging roads, nAd district No. 10 0.25 Xebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. for 12 culverts. 1st Com. Dist.. claim No. 11,750, 1077.61 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. for 7 culverts, 2nd Com. Di?t., claim No. 11.705 2S0.05 Nebr. Culvert t Mfg. Co.. for 9 culverts. 2nd Com. Dist.. claim No. 11.700 353.75 Xebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. for 3 culverts, road district No. 0. claim No. 11.927 110.7S Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co., for 3 culverts anil 1 Bud., road district 15. claim 11.92S 175.13 Xei r. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. for 3 culverts, road district No. 7. claim No. 11.024 132.03 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. for 3 culverts and 2 Bnds.. road district 14. claim 11.920 63.91 N br. culve rt & Mfg. Co.. for 7 culverts, road district No. 7. claim No. 12.007, 411.97 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co., for " culverts, road district No. 5. claim No. 11.923 215.00 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co.. for 1 culvert, road district No. 4. claim No. 11.925 40.53 L. J. Walradt. for dragging reads, road district No. 0 15.00 Henry Eickerman. dragging reads, road district No. 0 10.00 COMMISSIONER'S FUND First District J. F. Valiery. runnirrg grad er. H G. No. 1 1 $ 72.05 T. H. Pollock Auto Co.. mdse. and labor. II. G. No. 1 S.25 Jestor & Swatek, mdse. to Valiery 0.74 I. I .. Adams & Co.. repairs to gr-der. H. G. No. 1 42.20 F. W. Elliott, gas to Vallery, II. G. No. 1 i 33.75 COM Ml SSiON ER'S FUND Second District loli ti Richardson, one 40-foot . cable. H. G. No. 2 $ 10.00 Standard Oil Co., gasoline and oil. H. G."S'o. 2 13.01 Willis Garage, supplies and labor. H. G. No. 2 101.41 State Dept. Pub. Works, one truck, one grader, one extra blade and one cable 537.00 COM MISSIONER'S FUND Third District Gefj. Trunkenbolz. gas, oil. faucet to H. G. No. 3 $163.45 J. D. Adams fc Co.. repairs to Wallinger, H. G. No. 3 7.00 BRIDGE FUND Frost. Cur yea & Murtey, for lumber $230.10 Cedar Creek Lumber Co., for lumber, nails, wire and the handling of Co. lumber 1 Frost. Curyea & Murtey, for lumber and nails Andrew Schliefert. for bridge work V. A. Besack. repairing bridge in road district No. 3 Monarch Engineering Co., pt. pay. bridge No. 2, eat of 74.15 20.20 8.40 4.00 00.00 00.00 97.90 Louisville : 5 Monarch Engineering Co.. pt. pay. bridge No. 4. I'latts mouth City 5 Cloidt Lumber and Coal Co., lumber to Patterson GENERAL FUND Nebr. Blue Print &. Supply Co.. one transit, tripod and equipment to County High way Commissioner $222.25 C. F. Harris, salarv and mile age. April. 1921 " 117.00 Plattsmouth Water Co.. wat er rent, Worden, to July 1 3.00 GENERAL FUND County to be Reimbursed from the State Highway Fund Patrol No. 1, Road No. 11 John Eppings, salary aiuiSex- pense. April, 1921 $111.10 Virgil Arnold, salary as help er. April. 1921 100.00 F. W. Elliott, gasoline 59.56 J. E. Lancaster, pull truck 7.20 John Iverson. bolts 2.75 F. R. Gobelman. paint 0.2S James B. McKee. rent and expense 11.80 G. E. Small, livery hire 2.50 The Motor Inn, parts 4.75 E. J. Richey, lumber 5. SO $314.74 Patrol No. 2. Road No. 11 Frank Glaubitz. salary and expense, patrolman, Apr:!. 1921 $ 56.23 A. W. Eaton, salary and ex pense, helper, April, 1921- 51.23 F. R.- Gobclnian, paint and labor . 16.03 $123.49 Patrol No. 3. Road No. 2 4 Aug Krecklow, salary and ex pense, patrolman, April $122.25 Louis Krecklow, salary, help er, April, 1921 120.00 H. A. Doty, gasoline 33. SO F. R. Gobelman, paint and oil 10.63 I2S6.6S Patrol No. 4. Road No. 2 4 W. O. Wall, salary, team hire, patrolman, April, 1921 J. L. Wall, salary, helper, for April, 1921 Standard Auto Parts Co., one Presto tank and brackets.. F. R. Gobelman. paint and labor $125.00 42.30 0.00 15.03 11.00 49.00 15.00 6.00 $269.33 $200.00 John Iverson. for repairs and labor ' Perry Colbert, dragging Elmer R. Adams, dragging.- Wm. II. Bohn, sharpening drag Patrol No. 5. Road No. 21 O. E. Sayles. salary, patrol man, April, 1921 $200.00 Heavy Gang No. 2. Road 11 Standard Oil Co.. gasoline $ 45.40 Baker Hardware Co.. fuse and caps 5.00 Eli Keekler, salary, machine man, April. 1921 49.20 Chas. Attebury, salary, engi neer. April. 1921 55.20 $154. SO Miscellaneous Jeanette Weber, clerical wk. for Highway Commissioner.? 2.50 $ 2.50 Grand total. $1,351.5 1. The Board adjourned to meet on Wednesday. June 1st. 1921. (Attest GEO. R. SAYLES. County Clerk. TURN ON THE LIGHT In halls of science: in little homes; in great industrial buildings; along city streets; in colleges; on ships; in ways of the country rooms of rich man or poor battle in the man turn on the light. It all seems so simple. A button pressed a switch turned and then: dark corners gone, hours utilized, beauty enjoyed, fortunes made, lives saved. "Turn on the light." Did your thoughts ever go be hind words? Did they ever go back to the huge dam- and water tur bines, where water power is used, or the stupendous steam boilers? Or back to the turbines, engines and generators, wires of high tension iransmission lines and the innumer able smaller wires, all of which, in a sort of endless chain, link up with jour rending lamp? Electricity Would net be the effi cient public fervant it is were it not for the foresight of some 1,450,000 thrifty American citizens who put I their savings into the securities of the I electric light and power industry, j There are still millions of homes I ii the United States without elec I trie service, and which eventually will have it. It is authentically sta'ed that the Unite! States needs J .500,000 additional homes, 500,000 additional factories. 5.000 public schools, 5.000 churches. 00,000 apart ment buildings and 15,000 theaters. Thee, too. mean electric service. There are 150.000 pending applica tiens for power by existing or new inr.ustr'al plants desirous of utilizing t le tricity. The wages of capital in this in d'lsttry are legulated. These wages mut be fixei fairly upon the basis of what it costs to buy money, for mon ey must be invcs'ed in the industry to meet tho public demand.; as they are made. You and your community need this industry and it should receive cur support. NEBRASKA GAS & ELECTRIC CO. t EAGLE V Beacon . Marion '"Shorty" Armstrong, came in from Plattsmouth Saturday after noon and remained till Sunday even-' ing shaking hands with old friends.! Fred Muenchau is serving on the' United States trial jury at Lincoln.; and will .probably be tied up for a! couple of weeks. Ld Carr was also drawn but succeeded in getting ex cused. Just at this time a farmer sacrifices considerable in doing jury duty. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Havens re turned from St. Paul. Minn., Satur day ant! spent Sunday at the John Adams home. Mr. Havens went to Omaha Sunday evening. Mrs. Hav ens remained for a few days visit before going to Omaha where they will make their home. The band meeting last night was somewhat more encouraging. There are indications that a number of young men above 20 are interest ed, and that these, with quite a number of the teen class, will bring the membership up to something like 40. and with this number it will be possible to accomplish more than at present. If we were going to preach a sermon to the boys, we would take for our text: "Sticktoit iveness." and bear down on the thought that 110 one ever achieved anything by giving up. Some of the younger generation are prone to "Iayl down" when the job gets a little hard. This idea, if encouraged, soon leads to a lack of purpose and de termination, which forever dooms one to inferiority. Daily Journal want-ads bring the buyers and sellers together. j. . i A;: Canton Crepe Frocks Prove There is no Smarter Combination than Black and Gray T INTERESTING because of their unusual chic and no less because they are ideally correct for that hour when one glibly orders, "a pot of orange pekoe and almond torte, please" are Frocks of rich black Canton crepe. Fabric of the same alluring pebbly weave in a delicate dove gray tone relieves them at the neckline, waist and forms the foundations of the smartly slashed skirts. And further inspection of these modes reveals touches of gray embroidery employed in a decidedly "Frency" fashion. You will enjoy trying them on and be surprised that we are only asking $15, $18, $22.50 and $25 Ladies Toggery FRED P. BUSCH, Manager HOLD PLEASANT SOCIAL AT MURRAY Christian Church in Murray Has Very Pleasant Time Last Evening With large Attendance. Las evening the Christian church congregation at Murray staged a very pleasing social evening at the church building and which was very largely attended by the members and their friends and at which a great deal of pleasure was derived. A very interesting prog-am had been arranged consisting of inusk-ul numbers as well as readings and which were offered by the talented young people of Murray as well as B. A. McKlwain of I'lattsmouth. who had come down to assist in the pro gram and was ppcom pamea in nis . songs by Mis. John Dutton of Omaha j as pianoist. ! After the program the time was i spent in games of all kind-; whkh. served to pass the time most delight-! fully and at the conclusion of the j entertainment the members of thei party were treated t a very dainty i and delicious repast that the ladies of; the church had prepared. j Rev. A. O. Hoilowell of this city NEW SUMMER HATS FOR Our White Opening Many New Styles in Smart Feather HATS for Summer wear. New Organdy Hats! New White Milans! New Sport Hats for Summer! Final clearance of all our Spring Hats at just 1 P.! EMMA re us -h t ! who lias charge of the Murray church, motored down with Mrs. Hohowell to attend the entertainment. MEMORY E00KS OF SCHOOL DAYS One ( f the mot valued gifts that can come to the graduate is a metm ry book in which the record of the i-chool days, the sweet and pleasant associ ations of class mates may be pre served through the years tiiiH are to come. The Journal has provided a large line of these looks in exquiite bindings and with complete records for class histories, pictures of the classes, schoolmates, class rolls and the signatures of the associates in school life. This little book of memory is one that will be cherished in the years that come by the boys and girls who are to leave school in so short a time. Call and look over our line of these beautiful books, we have :h' "(lirl draduUe" and the 'School Fellow" editions both of which are very pop ular. FOR SALE OR TRADE For sale or will trade for horses or cattle, a pure bred Percheron stal lion. Fine disposition; heavy boned. A. O. Ault, Cedar Creek. 2-4tw. The last word in silk dresses, only $35. Ladies Toggery. PEASE ijll X J