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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1921)
t i 3I0ITDAT. MAI ie 1921 PLATTSUOUTH SEHI-WEEKLY JOUSUAL KA.GE THEE2 1 Nehawka Department! Prepared in the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. For the best service consult tiie Nehawka Hank. Adolph Schwartz a visiting with friends in .Murray last Tuesday. H. M. Stoll and Fred Dow were visitors in Nebraska City lat Wed nesday. peter Jourgenson shipped a car of cattle to the South Omaha market last Tuesday. The Rusy Workers of the Metho-i Iist church met at the parsonage on last Wednesday. j When lookins for the best service to be had in financial matters, try the Nehawka Hank. K. M- Pollard was a visitor in J Omaha la.-t Wednesday, driving up in his Apperson car. ! Mrs. J. H. Osborne w as a visitor j at the home of her daughter in .'c- : hawka last Wednesday. The Mothers !iay servic Methodist church Sunday, s at the the Sth. were largely attended. A lirst class straightforward, con servative ami sate banking institu tion the Nehawka Hank. Peter Johnson and sons shipped a car load of cattle to the South Om aha market last Wednesday. Wm. Hicks has ben pretty busy iliirinir th- past week, rinkinsr wells . at various places in the neighbor-1 hood. A. brand new baby boy has ar- rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Opp bringing h.appiness to al concerned. John P. S'oll was in Nebraska ( last Wednesday to consult with nhvsician and take treatment :t v for ; his health. 1 i - i H. F. Hoback of near Fnion was ajlTohV car. guest at the home of his son. Por-j Frank P. Sheldon marketer! master (irover Hoback. here, last of nice hogs la-t Wednesday Wednesday. (which he received a fai- pro-e Messrs. Miller and Gruber wire busy last Wednesday constructing a cement sidewalk at the home of Mrs. Carper. The Ladies Aid of the I'liiied P.rethreu church met at the home of their minister and wife last Wednes day afternoon. The manual training class is do insr some real work in the construc tion of a barn on the residence lots of J. S. Rough. Mrs. H. W. Griffin and the child ren were visiting last Sunday at the home of her parents. J. H. Oborne and wife of I'nion. Busy? Yes, You Bel! Xre can get to your though in a short time, member our ork and job, Re-ma- terials are the best. Also, the 259c discount is still in force. Don't delay. W. B. DALE, Nehawka Nebraska Looking to Your interests! We are making our prices as low for the best goods possible, we are carrying all the best makes of tires, tubes and supplies for the auto, and accessories. Best of workmen in our shops, give us a call when needing anything in our line. The Lurnberg Garage, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Farm Machinery I X e can supply your v.ants in the line of imple ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later in season, as there is a considerable price advance on stock purchased this spring, which we can save you through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also. H. F. KROFP, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA We are making the best burial vault possible to produce. Constructed of reinforced concrete, it is bet ter and more durable than steel and has the advantage of costing less. Most undertakers over the country are handling our goods. EVJillor & NEHAWKA -:- II. L. Thomas and wife visited in Murray Jus: Wednesday, being sufsi. at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. J(dmson. near that place. Forrest R. Cunningham ha boe.-! constructing a porch at the rear of his home, which adds much to its appearance and convenience. R. R. Stone has been having some improvements made at hi- home in tiie nort.'i part of -towji. The- work was done by Wm. Obernolte. Roth W. I?. Hale and Charles l!a!! have nad new chimneys built at their homes, which have bet-n urdor gedng other extensive repair:;. Mrs. C. C. Dale lias been making 'nine imprervemonts ;,t her hor:,e in the west part of town, including ti t addition of a new front porch. The stork pail a visit laM Wed- j nesday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. ; Vernon Fle' north of toii. i leaving there a fine little buoy sdrl. t Tiie hi t:ie bank is the one which scan alvavs be relied upon and thej one which irives the maximum ser vice at all times. Try the N'liav.v.ii rank. Mrs. A. F. Sturm i- still in the hospital at Fairbury. where sh-' has bi-en faking treatment, but is '-x- p. - ct n lio!ne :!i the ( our e of u it v w-eks. P-ul south we nd : if Arth Neh. :r W.d ph. v. ka were rsi d i i rais.-d t i !s ;:t the the degree Master MaM : order last ' meet ins of tl. evening. Lest-r W; on' -!u- nderlich and T.eland ti'ss matters in T aT-r lolith ol ia Mr. Wiinii"! Thursday. !ri VJTl! up in nr !': ; r T! -di- sideriim the wav stock has been S.'ig of late. K. 1. Stone drai-'ged the streets of Neh:wka follow in g th.e recent rains. tl:;:s placing them in the he.-t of con dition for travel and on a par with the urro,.i:tiitig country roads. John Knabe is having a cement Mock garage luii't on his firm north west of town. The work is being done bv M--srs. Mill-r and Gruber. v. liich insures a tir-d cla.- tt : ). Minor. Fred Rliod of Plafisliioni Pollock Aitio vere looking in Nehawka Rav Whitf wald ami I.. ii. repre.-eif:itics of ll r ' company i f p!:.c". after ViUsilie.-s matters; last Wednesday. , J. G. Wuriderlitb ;,nl J. A. Haughty at: leu the gran 1 lod' e of the Ancient O ler of United Workmen ct Lincoln representatives of the last week, as local lodge. H. 1. Hues-tort, superintendent of th.e Neiiawka consolidated schools, was a visitor in Omaha last Wednes day afternoon, driving up in his car to look after some matters of busi ness. Last Monday i C. M. Chris-wis.-er received the la-t degree of subordinate lodge Oddfel!ovhip. and at the meeting Monday night of this week c. L. Shockley is scheduled to receive the same degree. Henry Felter has b; en b :-y tin past few days redecorating th" in terior of Nel Andersi-n's pool room j Gruber. fJ -:- NEBRASKA W. W. STOECE; I House Bloving Gantrsotor! Mod rn te. :-t(( l capia to d i Hi y true- a nd !ilO ster. i.i' ri: vi Jlcvinj. Excrivatir., Ee-Sill-; irg. Eazing. Ehor.iag r.r.d 'lev- j ir.rr Heavy Machinery. NEHAWilA -:- MEEF.ASILA AIR MONT T ft Half gallon Cy jcirt . . . . Pint dish . Sundaes . . . Sodas Cones . . . . Lincoln pop . 75" (( 40c ' 25z I0ci; 15c in--or Deer. 1 for Nehawka Nebraska : Meat Market; t rSESH AND CtTiED MEATS FRliSil liRMAI) DAILY j joi-::i opp, Propr. j Mcliawka -:- -:- Nebraska! nd ref reshni1'' pallor. W!: i. otiieis to vini:i..t-: paint bra-dt Mr. l! r is there over. A majority of t h" teac her. nhi ;: m...ic the Nei ;. k oo.i-nii lat 1 -choo!.- m ;-icc sft:l,d;iri?is th -1 yt r. I'l.inin v.- as yt b;'. Ve ' g A v-;. i. t sigr.ili tilt r i r ee i re. Id e ! : f I on h cry A their i!ltei:t i.ot tlov viil tl. ha to to pt. Irtjur-d His Hand -"iil" a: jsti.ig n loweriiig a con-! - vault for a .--.-; ;r tr.-nk a; ;!.- e of A. r Sturrt. H. H. Stoll had j misi'ort ui;e :-i hadly s?.i.:sii tie) x finger of his riglit haml. whe-! of the ropes slipped. letting the' o b .'O the i:oi or.. i-e::y tank ta! Oil han.l Of P. Visit Lincoln lar-f n eek nine of the local Knight visited ia Lincoii She grand lodge of they wit? es-ed tiie On i. i ' rnt the ; i : In'-; of !'ytiiia.s loth: a :o -etii;- of order, where ferring of some Those goirg wt o.f tiie degree vork. e H. H. Stoll. Hen- ni'ig and Albert Jo-inson. Herman r Thomas, Joiuia Srtphaii: Frank W. R. P.. Ch; p;vmi, (j-nver l!o b;uk and Gail Sturm. They return ed home on the late train. Buys Restaurant in Nehawk?.. John Frans. v.-ho has h-e-n engaged in business ft r some time in l':!';n. wii' re he has run a cafe for some time, a few imy ago came to N -hawka an J negotiated with .Mr. 1; .r ace W. Giitht;, the f.-rmer prprie'jr cf the hotel ami restaurant. Mr. Frans and wife vill conduct the ' ':ire and will mal e a success of it. Mr. Griffin has not as vet decided just what he will engage in. hut will .'on have srnieth::.g in th-- busiaes--' inc. Will Build f.n Elevator. (Jeo. Ret- rs. living vver.t of Xe--awka. is building an elevator, and a had the entet -pri.-ing ct-men: rrl-or-. Milb r and Gruber. place a our.dation and dump for the smir- ure. which .ill provide- is to re :',2 bv fur lite Imndlin: 14 v in of his rops most satisfactorily. a Flay. of the Neh; The chool. .t the hev w for K--viil hi Junior Class w k a plav lave arranged, to give a auditorium on May when 1! pri'dU''e a playlet "A Chance eryh-.dy." i.nd be-iidc.; thcr. singing and readings as well as a dialogue and orchestra numbers. Mrs. J. iC. Kcathky cf the Weeping Water News Lodg-.T. will also favor ihe Juniors with a special number :'n which she will sing one of her very pleasing i:cns. Rotter go and laugh. Secures a New Car. Elni'-r Wessel through .Mr. Frank Resnik hot Wednesday, made the pu'ehrse cf a new Fcrd touring car from the firm cf F'ronst & Rurbee of I'nion and elelivered to that firm hi; used Dodge touring car on the pur- e arise e if t c? new one. Will Establish Radio Station. A number of the business men of Nehawka and others with Mr. J. 11. Palmer as the superintendent, and j Vf.-Mier Ltinuberg as thf engineer, .mid opera? ion they wii! e-tjblish a iiaiiio r.'aiioii in Nehawka villi the ; apparatus in the auditorium and t lie p.e.tion which ca tin- messages located on the roof of the building. .Mr. Lundberg was ati fip-ra tor and engineer in this line whib- in the service, neinij rationed with l!:e roast artillery. This will mak- a .food icrans of o:,m munica t o n with oiit- Sals Another Car cf Mixers 1 la vi:.g a propec; for : r ' f concrete mixers i,'i)r;;e E. Sheldon called .- up via long di-tane t i!.;!ti::iL!i-. Md.. and sale of a the east. S CUtO!il- hi e telephone . ;tt-r a ten !)e tiny sum making the '.' hot we.-k W -.-dnesday liliilie t i which cos "uecee.ded in o!i Thursday htpment. i a car of i iil. ar! ade 1 he - :i;ipp airland. : ::, ea i.,!Ky o i;n .ifar-T li.- 1! n:a. v.:. i t h o.xhs of om pany i d:-po- 1 1 put then " "xcellent ie Sheldon t is not. an :' much !i g M III' JO') 1, out put Ycuth Breaks Arm l.e.stf-r S'-haefier. --.'i -..i of Mai -a' Nehawka.; iikh he was .y and frac-i The frac-! J. W. Thoni-j liae'Ver. living east i-ll from a. tree in !imbii!g last V'ednes t red ono of his arm it. ire was reduced by Iu I a i: 1 ' he lad. w ho is i h I. !o. is :'t-T t iii r a!';ii;r a- . ; he oec' e-i. rten years 1 1 a could Spent Pleasant Evening t.uiiiix-r of friends fathered at i r idewsaiit luune of Mr. and Mrs. ia.-t Tuesday delight i'u' ersation atui .Iter J. Wundetlich Vei;i!!'C and r-pcilt a !! me wit h social W'i !'. social CO I irds. tiro ressivt "flo emg the or r o! ' ::e :' !; ;;rf ure. a t; l;' . served by t he clU: "i-.r.L-p pr'sent were h'.-d:im-s Kug'i'.- No 'ck-.-r. Mi.--es V rtia ;;r the hour t.'Us lunc'neor h fist ess. Messrs ami man. Marion Harris. 1-idith .ins. Christine Steffens, and Kulh :rsiir.nn and M"ssr Albert Ander- iiai i r dlard. Alt: Lutidbi rg evn.dd.s a AnTlerson Neh a w ka. wile, of alio Vim ill o I The Real Hoi e Guards itr.r.y f nd mtm -social io is. is Th to ! n ' f : d te ed. i ti : 1 i :e wit.i it- n;:: I the kind a: til. and the ii'ii t;uj mon A ;'().! bank keeping ih.- v egn-'ss 1.; is saf.d. ount will from the times of gua n -1 .veil OSli tie. : '.-r ; i ; pu n ; 'ik of o tionie. in '. .'.V" a 1; i. wka. and e. Trv t h e . u will h a v m thing when f !. dav m. The Ideal Section. de i ion. soon n. on ed lie Lincoln . hi ro'oe tic l; h w a v i ri t ii e highway, is !ti : t tamou. w r i d . T i i : act ,n has to t yet )een ehos h :s bc.oi iaiiuiated that ut :ior. i 1. 1 ' f "'t n lis i ' I : . l:n! const nr. ten Chicago. ! ' ! n g he i i in tr "i: -r h;r "To a . To . ioii-. bv t ae ; ntt- d.-r Coo' -.j -. y. . a vs. O N- :: '.v k;i. dealer if. fir.-. "The company i ;! . m o-ted in ht-tter . ii.idertaki-n vvorh the world mav have : t r::f on ..f the ideal build." . v- 0. ha that ; 1 lu- l : i !." I"' o! r a I t Tire Abu?e Costly Tti"ie are two ways of m ; rt at ing t ire. one m ;rU t and t (Mi- other iieage ui the i:; vestment involve'1, is nt-ntssarv to aive a tire oesasion- al i 'i it r attcfitic.:.. iall v important be- t !o reo u reli it that the infla- n b kept up to the p rose ri bed t'.st- "Rut it is e-oi.ii 1 uudberg. "lh."t l'nporta;;. say use lie avoidi-d I. f : V :w can a tiro ghe a : itsuit' if it is Imtnped ! .-iff .en and s.-ra pe,i d hanimr-rei!? liven the hes' 'ire will look like poor ones under such -a t m t . for they simply cannef j tur.d up.unde r iT." ARTISTICALLY DE SIGNED MONUMENTS A Jlonument is an Zxryrcssion cf Love end a Tzibute to Lives Well Lived. The Cas County Monument Com ; any has a shew roTia of exceeding interest where eme may see exquisite th. "ignings for art marbles and gran i;es :o h: pieced over the graves of loved ernes. Tiie designer in charge f'r the past twenty-four vears has done some of the best work to be seen in 'ho country, indeed his work is to he compared with that in any art center. During the month of .May those contemplating the purchase are invited to view this showing and are ; ked to feel free to reeiuest price es timates. About Digestion It is claimed that only half as much food is required when it is thoroughly masticated. Digestion be gins in the niouth and a thorough mastication of food is of greatest im portance. When needed fake Cham berlain's Tablets to strengthen the digestion and insure a regular move ment of the bowels. COMMUNISTS COLLECT MORE ARMS FOR LRI3H London. May 12. A dispatch to i the London Times from Ilelstngfors says it has teen learned another tel- egrnm has been sent to Maxim Ldtvi- noff. Russian soviet representative . at Reval. by "Konrintern" inquiring I w hat arms there were available for J Dublin. The correspondent says he 'understands "Koniintern" is the code word for "Committee of the third in- tei naticnale." ! M A MI F f i Henry Vogler f Kimball, has been visiting for the past week at the, home of his brother. Mr. Peter Vogler .of Manley. Kdward Jochini was looking after some business matters at I'iatts mout'i la-t Thursday, driving otr in his car. Messrs. Heebm-r and Sheehan s!iipped a car of mixed i'.ogs and cat tle to the South Omaha market, last Wednesday. llirini:!! Dull w;s looking after some husines:; matters in Omaha last Wednesday, being a pa-sender via the Mo'Si'iiri Pacific. A. H. Humhie and wife were vis i;::ig with friends and attending the picture show a' Wiephjg Water the hrt of last week. Martin Hre'kenridge is attending a trade school at Lincoln where he is studying fc.r the barber- business. He will expe,.f to graduate in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rati were visit ing in Kim vi od la-t Wednesday, mak ing the 'rip via the auto of Mr. Kau and found the road,- not in the best r cndlt i:.n. Tb.e;;dore Harms and Arnold Schlei-f.-rt were looking after some busi ness matters in Omaha last Thursday, they making the trip in Mr. Schl. li fer t's car. W. H. Frost has showed tiiat his heart is in the right place, as he has had Glen York drag the streets in order to plae them in the best t..r. :t ion. Mrs. Kate Mull ins, who has been visiting at 0kaloosa . Iowa, for the winter m mtlis. arrived home a few days ago ::nd w ill make her home here for the summer. Mrs. Mary Ann Murphy, who lias been receiving treatment at a hos pital in Omaha for some time past, returned home a few days ago and :s feeling somewhat better. Ranker W. J. Ran, and the grain dealer Kdward K-lly. were looking .-Iter some business matters in Louis ville last Thursday, they making tiie tiip in the car of Mr. Rau. John Rauth a ltd wife of cart of town enter'. ii;i";i last Sunday f-.r c::'n- r at t Heir b. autiful hopm. Wal ter Mockenhaupt and wife with their little srn. at which all enjoyed a very pleasant visit. Aaron Rauth and wife were visit ors at the home of Mr. and Mnf j ' K. Mockenhaujo for Sunday, they i eing th? gip-sts o: Mr. and Mrs. Mockenhaupt for the diy and for dinner, all hairg a very time. Last Thursday was the first day of the reason for the dispensing of ice fieam at the refreshment counter of R. Rergman. This is the tir-t of tiie reason, and lie will continue to kep the article on hand from now Fred Fleischmaan. th.e barber, hns been putting some beautifying ; Htches to his arber shop during ihe past week and having painted the to-, in on tiie in: t ie f.nd varnished the woodwork, has now a very beautiful place in which to conduct his busi IO ss. Fncl TJk tims Keckler. w ho has 1 een ill for scire time at his home in Manley. does not show any im provement and is with each recurring day and week becoming noticeably v. caker. His two sons. Eli and Sal ite. are here and are doing what they ran to make hi as possible. illness as bearable Mrs. Corine Groves of Winner. S. I.. accompanied by her little daugh ter Arlene. have been visiting in Manltv during the past week being in attendance at the Miss Gertrude Earhart McCurdy. While here, visited with her little wedd ing of and Morgan .mss .riene friend Miss ! Florence Fleise hnian. they naving a rlen did time. Schcol Gives Entertainment. The school of Manley rn la-t Thursday evening gave a very pleas ing t ntertainnn.uf which was well attended and a program was give-n which all who at 'entire' greatly .-i-jeyeil. The entertainment consisted of plays, music and readings. Business on Missouri Pacific During the month of April this The time has arrived to plant corn and we are prepar ed for the occasion with planters, listers and drills. Come and see us and make your wants known. We also handle all kinds of machinery tor every season. HERMAN DALL, "The Reliable Machinery Man," of Manley, Nebraska Y r 3 i year the Missouri Pacific at the j Mauley station showed an increase j in tiie cash receipts of the oifice :t j Manley of nearly $:'..O00, tiie figure i hi-inir ? 2.UU1. Still the road feels that it cannot hav- a telegraph wire ui tiie to look tons of station to after the the road. enaide tpe agent watits of til" iat- ! Early Morning Wedding- Celebrated. I The nuptials of Miss Gertrude Kar- Mart, one of tiie charming young la jdies of Manley. and Mr. Morgan Mc J Cv.rdy of Winner. S. ., were cele i i rated at seven o'clock at the S. j Patrick'..? Catholic church last Wed nesday morning-, the Rev. Hi igins. 1 ; atcr of the chur'-h reading the nmr i : iage lines. the wotld'ng ! ceremony nuptial mass wa:- said, af jter whicli the wedding breakfast 'A as i t;iven at the home of the bride's i mother. Mrs. Ca'ti'Tine Karhart it ; iier beautiful home in Manley. The I riile was over silk dressed in white embroidery, and georget t e carried a .hower of white roses and white ; weet peas, wane trie groom was at tired in the conventional biack. Tiie bride was supported by her sister. Mrs.. Earl Quinn. as matron of hon or, who wore, a corsage bouquet of Ophelia roses and pink swet peas. The best man bej;g Mr. Earl Quinn. A ilelicif us wedding dinner wt.s al so served, the newly-v-ed.? departing on the afternoon train for their home near Winner. S. I).. ihv going via Lincoln. The bride is one of the most charming of young ladies, and will be mised from tine society of Manley. while Mr. McCurdy is a t.rcsperaus young farmer living mar Winner. S. I)., hut having his home near Whitten. Card cf Thanks. We desire to express our sincere thanks to those- who so kindly minis tered at the 'ime of the death ef our beloved husband and father, and for the flowers, the sympathy and kindly ,'!cts. May the mercy cf a loving Father shelter them and their ljved on1;'. Mrs. Simon Ro'-nen.eier, Ed v.ard Hornemeier. Eniil Rornemeier. Mary Kornemekr, Mrs. Anna Richart. Allien Rornemeier. Daniel Horr.emei er. and Martha Rornemeier. MB. SIMON F. BORNE MEIER PASSES AWAY Died At His Heme on May 7th. 1921, At the Age cf GO Years After Long- Illness. Simon Bornemeier. one of the best know n residents of Casa county, died on Saturday. May 7th. 1921. at his home 2 miles east of Manley. He had been in poor health for s me time suf- ering with kidney trouble, but pre- j victis to hi' death had been ur and j around :-o his taking away was sud j dc-n and unexpected. . He was burn October 4. iSaL'. in Germany and died Mav 7th. lSi'l. aged C! years. The funeral services were held from the Evangelical church, four miles e-ast of Murdick and were conducted by Rev. Eaip olev. the pastor and Rev. Rrauchle. j interment was in the cemeterv there. lie leaves to mourn his loss the fol lowing children: Four sons. Euiil. Ed. Dan and Albert, and three daugh ters. Mrs. Carl Rieckman. and Mary Knd MJrtha. i Simon Kreilertck Rornemier was in Lippe j bi rn October 4th. j r)etmol(J ,.oumrv Germany, and came to this in 1SS0. and worked as a i u;r, man on the farm now known as the Frank Ruell place. He made through that terrible blizzard and froze his feet which caused him trouble ever since. He was married to Kath.ern Itueter. August 28. 1SS1, and to this union there was born nine children, five sons anel four daughters. Edward F. Rornemeier. Emil W. Rornemeier of near Elm wood. Mrs. Carl Rickart of near Wabash. Mary, Albert, Dan iel and Martha which are at home, and two died in infancy. He united inn with the Evangelical church of which he s.ayed a true member until his death. He held a number of offices in church. He located on a piece of prairie near Manley and made his home there since, going through many hardships. His illness began in January, Itr'l. with asthma of which later on dropsy in and caused his death. The last few weeks he had been improving nicely and hopes was for the best, but mat i came suddenly while sitting in a chair. Saturday. May 7, at 0 e'clock, aged i'J years, 7 months and days. .Mary, his daughter, a trained muse, cared for him during his sicU-i:".-s with loving hands. Funeral services were held at 1 o'clock from the home, preaching ser vic at 2 o'clock at the church. May In. and hurried the church four in the cemetery al miles northeast of MurdK'k. Rev. Ru tichle spoke the kind words in the ( language, and Rev. I.aipplev pi-eaehed in the English iai'guagi . .Mr. Rome rneier cho.-e his own text, fr-tn Revel. i.'l. '.er.-e 4. "And C ! .tiall wip-jaway all t"ars fre m their eye-; and thfre shall b tin mere de; t)i. neither sorrow, nr cry inr, neither shall there be any more pain; for th- former things are pass ;l a w v." He also chose his four sons as pall be-ar ers. lie made it a practice to have fam ily worship morning ami evening and praying with and for his family. He leaves to mournhis death, a wife, seven children, and 10 grand children. One brother and one sU t r in Germany. Th.o.-;e that came from distance were: Mrs. Paul Rornemeier, south east part of Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Rav Kissinger. Glennville, Neb.; Mr. John Stoles. Milford. Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nolting. l'lattmouth ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N dting, Flat tsmout h ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred (Jorder. Weeping Wa'er. All the relatives from Elm weod and many friends and neigh bors came to pay their last tribute to the departed. Although the roads we re very mud dy and raining there was a large at tend a rwe. Elm wood Leader-Echo. The Facts About Rheumatism. More than nine out of ten cases of rheumatism are either chronic or muscular rheumatism. neither of which require any internal treat ment. All that is required ina;sage the affected parts is to freely with Chamberlain's Liniment. Yon will be surprised at the relief it a fiords. which LOCAL NEWS From Saturday's Pally. J. M. Hoover of Louisille was in the city teiday for a few hours look ing after some matters at the romt iic-jse. Mrs. Ti. L. Tropst is spending a short time at Avoea. Neb., where she is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Hallstrom and family. Charles Board man and W. H. Por ter of near I'nion. were in the city unlay for a few hours looking after some matters ef business and visit ing with friends. George Sheldon, the Lincoln cap italist, was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters cf business with Attorney J. M. Leyd.i his local representative. Jacob Tritsch was in Omaha toii-.y for a fe.v hours accompanying his niece. Mrs. Fi ila Frederich that far on her journey bacK to her home in Pierce county after a tew days vist here with relatives. Fred Rhodewald departed thi af ternoon for Weeping Water, where he was called on some matters in connection with the sales of the cele brated Ford cars for the T. H. Pollock auto company. We pay CASH for poultry and egts. Ed Ripple & Co.. Fruits uiid Groceries. Wagnei hotel block. Call phone No. 74. tf daw WAS WARNED BERG DOLL MIGHT ATTEMPT ESCAPE Washington, D. C May 12. Warning that Grovcr Cleveland Rergdoll. Philadelphia draft dodger, probably rvould attempt to escape, was sent to the department of just ice while Rergdoll still was in cus tody, John F. O'Connor, special atent of the department, testified teiday before the house investigating committee. So far as he knew, it never was transmitted to the mili tary authorities, O'Connor said. A letter from It. C. Left'ingwell. who was acting secretary of the treasury at the time of the Rergdoll gold withdrawal, was presented to the committee. It said that when the gold was obtained the govern ment embargo against gold pay ments had been lifted under general treasury instructions and that a re fusal e,f the gold "would have been a violation of these instructions." DEPARTS FOR ALABAMA From SaturdaV' Dally. This afternoon William Stohlman departed over the Missouri Pacific for the south, where he expects to spend several months visiting at Mobile. Alabama and Pensacola. Florida. Mr. Stohlman. whose" home is at Long Reach. California, has been spending the past six weeks here at the home of hi3 uncle John Hirz and family as well as at Louisville with relatives and now goes south to look after some land interests which he has in semthern Alabama. From the south Mr. SOhlman is expecting to return to his home on the Pacific coast. New silk dresses only $25, at the Ladies Toggery. E. H. Scbulhof, piano tuner. Phone 389-J. d&w. r i