The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Bed Spreads at Unusual Prices!
Riplelte Spreads plain white, plain hem -sizes 81x90. These are so
easy to launder $3.25
Colored Riplette Spreads pink, blue, yellow. Sizes 81x90. Plain hem.. 3.95
Crochet Spread - size 80x90, plain hem, heavy quality, firmly woven 3.50
Crochet Spread size 80x90, scolloped cut corner best quality 3.95
The Big China
ware and
A Good Quality of Goods
at a Low Price
If 53 and 54
I have some 20,000 feet of good pound and dry, used
dimension lumber which I am offering at from $15.00 to
$25.00 per thousand, and which is lees than half the price
that lumber is selling at. Thio lumber at site where I
have just torn down my barn corner of Vine and Sixth
St. Come and see me before it is all gone.
The numbers of Platte lodge N'o.
I. (). (). K. ;i few days ago placed
in their hall
will be ixsed
a fine new piano that
in entertaindents and
members in social feu-
to assists the
Hires of the
lodge life. It is the
hope of the
members of the
to have a general club room estab
lished in the I. O. (J. F. building
where the members can Rather to
enjoy the society of ea-h other and
to strengthen the bonds tf frater
nity that holds together the organization.
Our White Opening
Many New Styles in
Smart Feather
for Summer wear.
Organdy Hats!
White Milans!
Sport Hats
for Summer!
Final clearance of all
our Spring Hats at just
V2 Price!
i i
Sale with special prices on Granit
Aluminum begins tomorrow.
are busy, tell central to ring 144, our new phone.
order will have our prompt attention.
for Sale!
Hoy Stewart, the attractive young
actor, who has the leading male role
in "The V. 1 Trail," the lienjamin
I?. Hampton super-production releas
ed through the V. V. Ilodkinson
Corporation, which will be shown at
the Parniele Friday and Saturday
nights, has appeared in several well
known Henjamin IS. Hampton pic
tures, but never has he appeared to
more advantage than as "Warren
Ne:;le." who helps blaze the trail for
the great Union Pacific railroad.
Call Phones Nos. 53 and 54
London. May !. The capital ol
the Hritish empire today accorded
Prince Hirohito, heir to the Japanese
throne, a tumultuous welcome upon
his arrival here for a three weeks'
visit to Kngland. Full honors of state
were extended to him. the occasion
being the first for such honors to a
visiting foreign dignitary since 1914
A bright spring day provided ideal
weather for the function.
The Japanese prince, accompanied
by the Prince of Wales, arrived at
the Victoria station on a special train
from Portsmouth. He was greeted by
King George, the Duke of Connaught
and the Duke of York. The brilliant
suite of British officialdom! in at
tendance stood' at salute while the
bands played the Japanese anlhern.
Then, at the side of the king, in a
state carriage, the crown pripoe was
driven off, through the streets cor
doned by troops and lined with cheer
ing multitudes, to Buckingham pal
ace. Within theh palace thhe visiting
prince was received by the. queen.
Princess Mary and other members of
theh royal family, and court officials.
The crown prince took lunch at the
palace this afternoon, visited Queen
Mother Alexandra and subsequently
placed wreaths on the cenotaph in
Whitehall and the grave of the Un
known Soldier in Westminster Abbey.
A dinner to the crown prince given
by King George in Buckingham pal
ace was the function for tonight.
Beatrice. Neb., May 10. As a re
sult of heavy rains in this section,
the Blue river af this point was bank
full shortly after midnight last night.
Dewitt reported a rainfall of two
and a half inches. Two inches fell
at Pickerell. In this vicinity the
precipitation was .67 of an inch, or
a total of 1.7G since Friday.
Two automobiles, both driven by
traveling men, were caught in the
deluge in the Cornhusker highway,
near the turn going into Pickerell
and both cars were washed off the
bridge. The occupants were unhurt,
chough their cars were marooned in
the gulley at the roadside.
Joseph J. Howling, seen as "Place
Hough." the gambler, in Benjamin
B. Hampton's great production, "The
IT. P. Trail," a Ilodkinson release,
which is the featured- attraction at
the Parmele Friday and Saturday,
is conceded to be one of the greatest
character actors appearing today on
the silversheet: Among the produc
tions in which he has been seen to
great advantage by Plattsmouth
movie fans are "The Miracle Man"
and "The Spenders." In the former,
Mr. Dowling had the prominent role
of the healer and it will be recalled
how well he handled the assignment.
Any performance which Mr. Dowling
gives is invariably marked by such
superb artistry - such sympathetic,
intelligent insight into the role he is
called upon to portray that it is
small wonder he should be one of
the most eagerly sought for actors
on the screen today.
The ladies auxiliary of the Pres
byterian church will hold a rummage
sale in the room of the Hotel Wag
ner block formerly u$ed as a barber
shop on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, May 11, 12, and 13. Sale
will be opened Wednesday afternoon.
Anyone having rummage please call
phone 34 0 or 55.
Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.,
for the school children, may be had
at the Journal office.
Are Entertained at Home of Mrs
Thomas Glenn Yesterday After
noon Miny Are Present.
The social meeting of the Wo
man's Relief Corps held yesterday
afternoon at the home of Mr.and
Mrs. Thomas Glenn on Granite street
was one of the most pleasant that
this organization has held tor some
The rooms were very prettily ar
ranged witli decorations of flags
while from the porch of the home
Old Glory floa.ed. giving the guests
the cheering sight of the Hag for
which they ha 1 offered so many sac
rifices in the Jays of war.
The afternoon was given over to
the discussion of the plans for the
memorial day services and the decor
ating of the graves of the departed
members of the G. A. It. and W. II. C.
The two civil war societies will co
operate with the American Legion
in the afternoon program that will
be given on Memorial day and which
will represent the observance of the
three societies and the community
in honoring trie nation's dead.
At a suitable hour dainty refresh
ments were served which added to
the delights of the very pleasant oc
Bait imore,
hundred or
strikers and
the doors of
Md.. May 10. Three
more alleged marine
sympathizers stormed
the custom house here
today in their efforts to reach a party
of negro strike-breakers who had tied
into the federal building for protec
tion. Several of the negroes were
severely beaten before the arrival of
the police who. with drawn pistols.
drove off the rioiters.
about seventy-five in
sitting along the side
1 he negroes,
number, were
of the custom
house wall when the
denlv descended upon
marines sud
them. For a
while the fighting was general. 'All
over the square could be seen three
or four marines beating up one ne
gro and an immense crowd gathered
rapidly, attracted to the scene by
the peculiar yells of the strikers in
imitation of the. war whoop once
attributed to the Indians.
Washington. May 10. W. G. Mc-
Adoo. former secretary of the treas
ury, tonight espoused disarmament
as a curative for the economic and
social troubles of the world, in an
address before the national league of
Masonic clubs. "Disarmament or
bust!" he declared. "That is what
the people have got to face."
Painting a picture of world-wide
suffering from excessive taxation, Mr.
McAdoo declared that taxes in all
lands would soon become unbear
able unless some intelligent plan
were evolved for disarmament. "The
excessive taxn'ion is subjective," he
said, "because the war has- been
fought and the debts have got to be
paid. There if no telling when they
will be liquidated.
"I wouldn't have America disarm
unless we have an understanding
with other powers unless we have
and agreement and I want to em
phasize the word agreement. If we
agree ,on disarmament and preserve
the relative strength of all nations
concerned theve will be no danger."
We have just received fifty new
rugs which will be sold at specially
low prices (Hiring our reduction sale.
All entirely new and fine patterns.
4th and Main Plattsmouth
EM Wester
We are equipped to make to
your individual measure, summer
suits in mo'iairs, palm beaches,
Dixie weaves. These tropicals
are light in weight, cool and com
fortable, are washable and you
sail buy them in any shade made
up in anv model or si vie von
Just tlie thing for young men's
sport suits. Order it -nuns
within the rext couple of weeks
you may need it. and next Fall
you will find you have saved
"your good suit."
To-your-measure from Hart,
Schaffner & Marx and the
House of Kuppenheimer
$20 to $35
I 1 1 II I I
&gfAnd let's drag the roads be
. fore they bake!
Held Primarily Responsible by Ken
tucky Congressman for Escape
Effected by Draft Evader.
Washington. May 10. The charge
that Col. John E. Hunt, former com
mandant at the disciplinary bar
racks at Governors Island, was
"whitewashed" by a court-martial
resulting from his alleged failure to
take proper precautions to prevent
the escape of Grover Bergdoll. was
;nade today before the house inves
tigating committee, failed to tell
what precautions he had taken to
safeguard Rergdoll while on a gold
"hunting expedition to Maryland.
Colonel Hunt had been on the stand
nearly five hours when he was tak
en in hand by Representative .lohn
scn. democrat. Kentucky, for a gril
ling cross examination.
Some of the questions worn ex
tremely blunt and of a personal na
ture. Then, after asking for a yes
or no answer as to whether he had
been given a fair trial whether he
had been aggressively prosecuted,
Mr. Johnson quoted him from the
good standing .f the accused.
"Is that a vigorous prosecuting
speech?" Mr. Johnson asked and
Hunt replied it was a plea for his
cenviction as he saw it.
John T. Sherburne, of IJoston.
counsel for the committee, in'erpos.ed
that it vas only fai to read from
the judge advocate's address.
course which the committee ap
proved. Plain Charge of Whitewash.
"It is my purpose to show," Mr.
Johnson declared, "that the court -martial
record contains more than a
suspicion that this witness was while-
washed and that counsel participated
only in a half hearted prosecution."
. Extracts from the judg advo
cate's address uuoted by Mr. Johnson
set forth that the prosecution did
not think or intimate Colonel Hunt
wanted Hergdoll to escape, or was
in a conspiracy and that it was rea
lized Hunt was the "sorriest of all."
that the prisoner got away.
Sympathy was expressed by the
pn secutor for the colonel, now re
tired, and it was mentioned that he
had made "a magnificent record as
an officer," hut that this was not the
question at issue, and that there had
been a technical violation of military
regulations in a way to bring dis
credit upon the army.
The extracts read at the insistence
of Mr. Sherburne related to the sug
gestion of General Harris, adjutant
general, that a commissioned ollieer
placed in charge of the expedi
tion, a suggestion not carried out.
Tlie prosecutor asked for a verdict
of guilty on tlie specification.
Colonel Hunt, recently recovered
from a long illness, took no part in
the discussion. During his examin
ation he described plans tor Lerg
doll to leave under military guard in
search of the buried gold and de
clared no officer available and that
he had had the utmost confidence
in Sergeant O'llare, who was di
rectly responsible for the safe re
turn of the prisoner.
Asked by Chairman Peters if the
escape was due to his own lault or
to tlie incompetency of the gaurd.
Hunt denied he was responsible
and added that he did not want to
characterize the conduct of the ser
geant as dereliction if duty.
Mrs. Bergdoll to Be Summoned
Mrs. Emma C. IJergdoll. mother
of Grover Cleveland IJergdoll. Phil
adelphia draft .evader will be sum
moned to appear before the house
committee investigating Iiergdoll's
escape to explain wtiat necanie or tne
$105,000 in gold obtained frcm the
treasury which her son was released
to recover. As she is awaiting sen
tence at Philadelphia within the next
few days on conviction of conspiracy
to aid her son in evading the draft,
the date of Mrs. Hergdoll's appear
ance has not been definitely set.
"Our next step will concern dis
position of the gold we now know
was taken from the treasury." John
S. Sherburne, couneel fi.r the com
mittee, said today.
Arrangements have been made by
the llusiness Mens Ad Club of Platts
mouth to lring to this city on Wed
nesday. May at 7:I." o'clock at
the Lyric theater the most famous
American ljusiness Lecture on the
platform: "(Jetting the Most Out
of Retailing." Under this head. Mr.
Farley, well known business expert
and organizer, will discuss the var
ious questions that are of special
interest to merchants and business
men everywhere. He will show how
co-operation and wrganization will
make for a better community or city.
Hi will show practical improvements
in service and store organization that
will please the general public and j
draw trade. He will show how pro-
per advertising will change losses to
profits. How systematic continuous,
newspaper advertising pays the larg- j
est dividends of all. How system)
enables a merchant to Jvnow at all j
times about the conditions of his '
business instead of guessing, is now
more than ever before absolutely,
essential to success. ' '
With the aid of six thousand feet.
of moving picture
will give a most
film. Mr. Varley
interesting and
timely discussion.
It isn't theory. It
heads of people. It
isn't over the
is solid horse
sense applied to merchandising. Prac- .
tical. every day, concrete experiences
given in this way with lecture and
pictures make a double impression
through the eye and the ear that (
is sure to be of lasting benefit to ev- (
ery business man or sales person who j
attends this lecture. j
Every merchant or wife of a raer- ,
chant, every salesman or clerk, every:
business man, and all those interest-;
ed in seeing Plattsmouth become a
better business center should not fail
to hear Mr. Farley.
A glance at this outline of the
Charter No. 1914
At riattsmoutli. in tlie State of Nebraska, at the Close of
: Business on April -S.
Loans and discounts, including re-lisc. Mints. L!,1..-.4
li.-.luit notes and bills r.-disconntcd with hc.l.-iai i.e- (ft r,, :.!:.. 4 i
Overdrafts, secured, none: unsecured. .,1.H...
I. S. ;criniici. Securities Owned: ' -ii,mnn
I posited to secure circulation l S. bonds par value)...?
All other fnileil States O ove rnni.-n t securities
l;ankiim house. $ 1 l.imo.mi : Furniture end lixtures, $
Leal estate oumd other than banking house
t "ash i n van It ,' "
Lawful reserve Willi Federal lleserve 1'ar.k
Net amounts due limn national hanks
'hecks on other hanks in the sane- city or town as reporting b.uiK
Cheeks on hanks located out.-ide of cjly or town of" reporting I..INK
ami othe'- cash items ,'.'; L
i. . : ... i i- o 'i-..., ..;,. .in., ii-.itn l Treasurer
l. coemption iuimi wiiii i. i i 1 1 1
Capital slock paid in
Surplus fund
I I'd i vided proli Is
Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid
i rcn la t i ii not"s o 1 1 s t a nd i n u
Net amounts due to state banks, bankers and trust companies
Flt-mnuil livposilH olfier Hum lunik ilr.Kisilil subject to le4ere:
Individual deposits subject to click 1 r.,70 1 .0:.
'.it i (bates of deposit due in less than :io uays (other
than lor money ! o i rov.'ed
Time Dciiosif subject l ICescre:
'el 1 itica t eS of de-posit (other loan for uioncv borrowed i .
Lilts paahb other than with Federal Keserve Lank...
Li!ls payable with Federal Le.ervo Lank
State of Nebraska 1
County of Cass J
I. Ceo. . Iioyey. Cashier of tlie
that tin- ahoy.- statement is true to
Coi r, et Attest :
F. i:. S hlatcr, II. X. liovey, A. C
Subscribed and
I Sc.1 I )
worn to before
(.My commission cpir.
lecture is sulheknt to show its great
v a!ue:
Retail Failures and Their Cau cs.
Store Organization.
News pa per Advert ising.
Window Displays.
The P.usiness of Clerks.
Children's dresses, 25c. Ladies
V Xk All! V A Ml T J f U V A '- fc
Toggery. Fred P. Busch, Mgr.
Friday asid Saturday
Ladies' one-strap House
Ladies' Oxfords, in black
$2.49 f H
i s5 Q
90 and $4.90
Men's Tan Calf Oxfords, at $3.90
Boys' Scout Shoes, at 2.49
Children's and Misses' Patent Leather and Gun
Metal Mary Jane, specially priced at 1.90
Real Values in Hosiery!
96 STORES -:-
One lot of Children's
Gingham Dresses
and Aprons
Sizes 4 to 14 years. Priced at
25c to $1.25
Ladies Toggery
FRED P. BUSCH. Manager
THURSDAY. MAY 12, 1921
Reserve Dist. No. 10-J
1 1;, nun. cm
7,4s::. on
1 l'.i t;!i.7".
i':t, isj.M
l ',mim.:::.
2. .'.00. oo
.in. .....
.$ 01!t,t4.14
$ r.o.noo oo
........... 2.1. 001). 00
!i "i4.Viej.40
7,2i7.o!t 7. 1 - . " 1
4 s,
2i).sin.oo 24.1.11 t.o::
20 LCI r.oo
l oo
Hit, 4 24. II
above named bank, do solemnly swear
the best of my knowledge ami belief.
:i : . o. i v i :y.
Cole, 1 li rectors.
lie this Till d.iyof May, A. I . 121.
At ii:i ii. j t .mm ii i .
Notary I'll hi ic.
s Febru.i i y 17. 1!'21l
Today. May 11, 191. is the last
day to secure the discount. Pay to
day aand save the IT. cents. The
telephone office will be open until
!)::; p. in.
Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Children's dresses, 25c. Ladies
j Toggery. Fred P. Busch, Mgr
Slippers with low heel, at
and tan, with military or
heel, at