The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TfltJIlSDAY, MAY 12. 1921
Cbe plattsmoutb journal
KntcieU at ros-toHice. riattsmoutli. Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
1 Love fills unoccupied
attles unoccupied head.
1 o:c
hearts and
The best thine about a man
is the
nfluencc of a sod woman.
: o :
His first love and his first shave are
wo thinRs no man ever forgets.
. Th folly or fools attracted larger
rowds than the wisdom of wise.
Professional jealousy plays havoc
.-ith many professed friendships.
',' . :o:
- We will all know what the w.;ild
coming: to when it does come to.
:o: -
As usual, our new congress has
lore on its chest than on its mind.
The '21 model hammock
is large
nough for one and
or two.
strong enough
Lightning does not kill
''Cople as automobiles, but
onger record.
has a
Sum? men hate to dress up and go
0 church for fear they might get
larried again.
Lots of times when a man st.irts
ut to make a fool of himself he gets
lawyer to help him.
There is still many a slip 'twixt the
up and the lip. 1 ut the revenue oili
er Is chiefly to blame.
The next war won't be fought in
he air. It will be fought, as usual,
n the tax assessors oflicc.
N". Luke, bright children d n't
1 ways develop into smart i:;en.
'ionic develop into women.
i'hina's SlO.nfiO per week tenor is
lead. Xo doubt singing in Chinese
s enough to kill any man.
It is about time for Germany to
vake up to a realzation of the stern
act that the Allies are not fooling.
; One of the things that has pre
lexed us for a long time is: When
t dog finds
r inhale?
a flea, does he swallow
There are two good ways of losing
i friend. One is to give him advice,
md the other is to know too much
-I bout him.
Educational authorities say that
lliteracy is decreasing. But maybe
.ve have ceased to know it when we
ncounter it.
Affairs of the heart interests a
nan until he reaches the age of l.V
.ears. Then he commences to worry
ibout his liver.
The home brew that is made in
France is made of prunes and is call
?d prunelle. The home brew in this
ountry is made of raisins and should
be called raison-h .
mm mi'TWnaimi imiij .&-m
The price of our dry cleaning
cuts down the price cf clothes.
Dainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
ments entrusted to us and that
our charges should make friends
for this house. Our dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
the latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
Goods Called for and Delivered
It might be easier to consider in
dependence for the Filipinos if we
could know what they would do with
it after getting it.
There are some citizens of Platts
moutb so reckless that they actually
pay the milkman before settling up
at the gasoline station.
In New York the thieves are pick
ing pockets and the police are pock
eting the pickings. It is a great
game if neither weakens.
' Kespect for representative govern
ment is lower today than it was a
century ago. says K-President Taft.
Perhaps government isn't representa
tive any more, Pill.
That decision of the United States
Supreme Court in the New berry-Ford
election case is enough to make Hen
ry toot the horn on his tin lizzie and
drive off in a huff.
The state of Texas has enacted a
law prohibiting the use of cracked
dishes in restaurants. What they do
need is a law prohibiting cracked
lawmakers in the legislature.
After all, Sam (Jompers, the big
noise in the labor unions, who spent
a part of his honeymoon in a non
union hotel, should not be severely
criticized. Iove is blind, you know.
A cow valued at $3".. 000 died in
Washington the other day. How
ever, we are unable to understand
why every butcher imagines he i
selling meat from a cow of that val
This is the season when the back
yard farmer begins to wonder it the
dealer made a mistake and put rag
weed seed instead of radish seed in
the packet he planted several weeks
The newspaper editors of the Unit
ed States have chipped in to buy
President Harding a chair. Here's
hoping that the purchasing commit
tee will pick one that will stiffen
his backbone.
Mai. McChut'-heon, husband of
Pearl White, the movie actress, de
nies that they have had a disagree
ment, and says, "we are as friendly
as we ever were." And just how
friendly was that, may we ask?
o : n
Jack . oogan, the juvenile who is
playing with Charlie Ch.-nlain, is said
to draw a salary of $2.0!;0 per week.
Xo doubt he will now be able to sup
port liis parents in the sp Iq to which
they have not been accu:tomed.
Cormany prefers to owe us Instead
cf France, and for that reafon de
sires to borrow from Pncle Sam the
first big installment of the indem
nity. Perhaps the. Huns think France
knows them better than we do.
Lives of great men like Samuel
Oompprs oft remind us that it is best
to marry if possible before becoming
too prominent, so that as little of the
honeymoon as posssible may be spent
before the nvs reporter's camera.
Another mean joke that is going to
open some day to these chorus girls
and prima donnas who go through
great pains and expensive surgery to
be cured of bowleeeedness is when
long full skirts come into style again.
: :o:
A writer on New England life says
that the story about the 'Puritans
burning witches is false that they
never burned any witches. Well,
then .how comes it that there aren't
any witches now? We pause for an
swer. o.o
Nearly all the nations are orally
in favor of disarmament, each in
fact, thinking seriously of putting it
into effect the very minute it gets its
own private formula for poison gas
worked out to the supreme degree of
With all due respect to art and ar
tists, red is the king of colors for a
barn standing out, some way and
somehow, so strongly 'as the badge
emblematic of successful livestock
farming against the green of summer
and the white of winter.
: :o:
A headline in reference to the res
ignation of James A. Stillman from
the presidency of the National City
.Dank says that "he seems to hare
been weak on chorus girls." Quite
to the contrary Jimmie was strong
for the chorus girls.
oicm:it or iikahiv; ami o-
In the County Court of Cass coun
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate gf Ceoise P. Meislnser, deceased:
( n reading tbe petition of louisii
Meisinvcer praying that tlie Instrument
tiled in tbis court on the 4lli day of
May. l'.t'l, and purporting to be the
Hast will and testament of tbe said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed
and recorded as tbe last will and tes
tament of (ieoiKO I. MelsiiiKer, deceas
ed; that said instrument be admitted
to probate, and the administration of
said estate be granted to Iouisu Mei
siriiier as executrix;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 4th day of June, A. i ). lirjl,
at ten o'clock a. m., to show cause, if
any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should riot bo granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the hearing thereof
be Kiven to all persons Interested in
said matter by publishing; a copy of
this Order in the Plattsmoutb Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county for three successive weeks
prior to said day of heariro;.
Witness niv hand, and seal of said
Court, this Ith il.iv of Mav, A. I . P.ilM.
(Seal) ni.",-3w. County Jud:e.
Miriri: to o.hi'.sii)i:m'
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
To Anna Kapavy, non-resident de
feniia n t :
You are hereby notified that on the
"id day of July, I'.ijii. the plaintiff,
aspar ISapavy. filed a petition in the
Ihstrict Court of Cass county, same
beini; Ioe. '.. No. 70to, page 201 of
the records in the office of the Clerk
of the District Court of said county,
airainst you, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain an absolute divorce
from you on the grounds of extreme
cruelty and adultery. You are requir
ed to answer said petition on or before
the .lav of June. l'llM.
J;ititl this U'th dav of April. PtJl.
Plaintiff. of m:itiM; wo
oti( i: of iMtoiivn: of
In the County
Court of Cass
ty. Nebraska.
Slat.- of Nebraska,
Comity of
i'I person intcro t d in th
late of Justus I.I 11 it", deceased:
n readini; the petition of Anna
l.illie prayiritr tltat the instrument til
ed in this court on the Jtith day of
April. l!iJl. and purporting to be tin
last will and testament of Justus
lie. deceased: that said instrument be
admitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
Anna I.illie ns executrix:
It is hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested in said matter.
may. and tin. appear at the tounty
Court to be held in and for said eoiin-
t v. on the L':;rd day of Mav, A. I .
l!'i:l. at !' o'clock a. m.. to show cause.
if any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
tl at notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and that tie hearing thereof be
siiv.-n to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
irder in the 1 'la 1 1 smou t It Journal. a
semi-weekly newspaper jointed in said
county. for three successive 'weeks
prior to said day of hearini;.
Witness my band, and seal of said
court, this l';th dav of April, A. 1 .
(Seal) a'JS-;!w. County Judge.
o i u i: of
I'll tti:i.
ioiti; auk
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a chattel mortgage dated the Mil
day of February, 1!J1. and duly Jiled
in the office of the County Clerk of
Cass county. Nebraska, on the lath day
of February. t'.'-l, and executed l.y
Arlbur I.indsey to irval Jlctjuin to
secure payment of the sum of $::.,0.oo
ai!l upon which there is now due the
sum of $::i).liO, default having been
mud.- in the payment of said sum and
the said mortgagee deeming himself
insecure and no suit or other proceed
ing at law having been instituted to
recover said debt or any part thereof,
therefore I will sell the property de
scribed in said mortgage, to-wit: One
second band Ford Coupe. 4-cylinder,
model, at public auction at the
Purbee (larage in I'nion, Cass county,
Nebraska, on Saturday. Mav 21, 1S21,
at " o'clock p. m. of said dav.
Hated April 2, 1U21.
OIlVAh Mrin'I.V,
aCS-T.w. Mortgagee.
MTn i: to 4'ii-:iiri'oiis
State of Xelnaska, t'ass
ty. ss.
In th.
In the
erine li
To th
' Ymi a
"nttity Poiirt.
Iiuitler t" the 'sf:tte of Katli-
f:ekei'. leei-seii.
iel i t ill's of estate:
e herehy notified. That I will
sit at the County 'nirt room in I'latts
moiith in sahl eonntv, on the :;ist flav
of May. A. I . li21. and on the 1st day
of Septemlier. A. I . lfJl. at ten o'clock
in the foii noon of each clay, to receive
anil examine nil claims against sai'l
estate, with a view to their a dins t-
mentanii allowance. The time limited
for the presentation of claims against
said estate is three months from the
nist day of May, A. f . 1H11. and the
time limited for payment of dehts is
one year from said .Jlst dav of .Mav,
A. It. 1
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Cuiinlv Court, this COtli dav of
pril, A. li. I'.il'I.
S.-al i County Judwe.
Mint i: to com ic tenuis
Sealed Lids wi'l l.e received at the
office of the State I eiia it in en t of Pub-
lie Works, Ith Floor, Crownell Plock.
it Lincoln. Xebraska, until 1':0'l n'cln.-k
a. tn., on rriday. .rune l'jjl, for con
structing culverts and incidental work
on the iiccn wood -Cha b-o I'rojeet Xo.
107-.. Federal Aid Uoad.
Mids will be opened at the sibove
mentioned mfice on or near the hour
of lii::ji o'clock a. m., on the "rd dav
f June, Wi'il. Countv Moards are here-
by, -reituested to lie present or reoie-
ented. Midders are invited to be
The propoi-ed work consists of con
t in t i ii if culverts only.
Tlie approximate quantities are:
l'j:t cu. yils. of special excavation.
CJass A.
;r. lin-al feet of 1" culvert pipe.
112 lineal feet of 21", culvert pipe,
."ii.iili c n. yds-, concrete for headwalls.
."2.r, cu. yds. concrete for box cul
Certified check for 3':,' of the amount
of the bid will be reiiireil with each
and every bid received.
Plans and specifications for the work
way In- seen and information and pro
posal forms secured at the office of
the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Xc-
bra.-ka, or at the office of the State
liepai-tment of Public Works at Lin
coln. Nebraska.
The State and Countv reserve the
rirht to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids.
c.i:o. i:. sayi.ks,
Countv Clerk. Cass Count.
Secy., Iept. of Pub. Work.
Auto tail' light antj number plate.
No. 223590 Nebraska. Owner can
have same by calling phone 553, and
paying for advertisement.
Good pasture and plenty of good
water for a number of head of horses
and cattle. Herman Weiss, telephone
Frank F. and M. E. Buttery of This
City Summoned to Lincoln to See
Brother in His last Hours
From Wednesday's Uaily.
This morning Frank Buttery and
brother, M. E. Buttery departed for
Lincoln w here they were called by a
telephone message announcing the
critical condition of their brother,
John J. Buttery, who has been quite
sick for several weeks past. The mes
sage stated that the brother was
sinking very fast and hopes of his
recovery had been practically aban
doned, bur. before reaching his side
death took the brother away.
Jn::i Buttery is well knrv.n in 'his
city where he spent his early days
and he is one of the veteran engin
eers of the Burlington in the state
a she has been engaged in this line
of work for a long period of years.
For the past thirty years he has re
sided at Lincoln and up to a few
months ago was in fairly good health
but some six weeks ago he suffered
a very serious breakdown and which
resulted in his being made practi
cally blind and made necessary his
going to the hospital for treatment
and where he has since remained.
Mr. Buttery was sixtv-two vears
of age and leaves to mourn his death
the wife, three sons, Joseph. Har-
ley and John Buttery of Lincoln and
one daughter, Mis-s Helen Buttery,
who is teaching at Crc'hton, Ne
braska, as well as the brothers in
this city.
The friends here will join in ex
fending to the family their deepest
sympathy at the loss that has come
to them.
The brothers were en route to Lin
coln when the message was received
hero by William Holly, brother-in-law
of Mr. Buttery announcing his
death at 8:20 this morning.
From Wednesday's Iafly.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Flwood
P.uttery in this city was gladdened
ia.-t evening by the advent there of a
fine litttle daughter who with the
mother is doing very nicely and the
occasion his brought a great plea
sure to the proud and happy father.
This is the first granddaughter to
bear the i ame of Buttery and has
brought much happiness to the grand
parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. But
tery and the other relatives and
friends in this city.
Several Democrats Expected to Sup
port Emergency Measure Passage
Regarded Almost Certain.
Washington, .May
tret-y tariff bill will
in the strafe late
passage rtfcnrdod as
10. The emer
come to a vote
tomorrow witli
The measure is expected by those
in chargo to command the vote of the
republican majority, with a few ex
ceptions ar.d to receive the support
of from six to tight democrats. Four
republicans refused to support the
bill when :t was passed bv the last
senate, but today one of them. Sena
tor Edge. New Jersey, had decided
ti. favor it because of improvements
and changes. Support from the
democrats :s expected to come from
senators of agricultural states. Ten
days of extended debate ended late
today with shots at the measure
from Senators Heed. Missouri, and
Walsh. Massachusetts, both demo
crats, and an announcement of sup
port by Sjnator Gooding, republi
can, Idaho.
Limit Speeches.
I?tginning at noon tomorrow,
speeches will be limited to 10 min
utes on each amendment.
Disposition of the measure will be
followed by reference to a conference
Senator Edge said he had derided
to vote for the bill because he be
lieved it contained "enough good to
more than counter-balance tlie pol
icy and fear.ures I believe to be bad."
He enumerated among changes for
the better he considered had been
made, as the shortening of the ef
fective peri Dd from 10 to six months.
This led Senator Heed to remark
that if "shortening its life four
months made it partly virtuous, win-
not make it wholly virtuous by kill
ing it altogether." Mr. Iteed assail
ed the bill as "pork barrel legisla
tion." Wal$.h Challenges Bill.
The right of the farmers to any
relief legislation was challenged by
Senator Walsh who declared "it is
no time for the granting of special
favors to any class."
International bankers were said by
Senator Gooding to lie opposed to a
protective tariff and therein, he add
ed, lay one cause of democratic op
position. These bankers, he asserted,
were useful in the raising of cam
paign funds-. He charged the demo
cratic party with responsibility for
the low prices of farm products.
They were the result, he said, of
democratic action In putting such
products oh the free list.
Lose anjthing? Find anything?
Try a Journal want-ad.
mii ici:
Whereas. Harry Carnes. convicted in
Cass county on the i: 2 n 1 1 day of June,
1920, of the crime of horse stealing,
has made a jplication to the Hoard of
Pardons for a parole and the Board of
Pardons putsuant to law have net the
hour of Id a. in., on the lVth day of
Jfay. 1921, lor hearing on said appli
cation; all persons interested are here
by notified that they may appear at
th state penitentiary, at Lincoln, Ne
braska, on said day and hour and show
cause, if any there be, wliy said application-
should or should not he
Secretary. Board of Pardons.
Chi f State Probation Officer.
A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.!
Seven days out of every week you'll get real smoke
joy and real smoke contentment if you'll get close-up
to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself!
Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a
pipe's the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe
tizing smokeslant you ever had Jianded out!
You can chum it with a pipe and you will once
you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and
parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!)
Why every puff of P. A. makes you want two more;
every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the
last! You can't resist such delight!
And, you'll get the smokesurprise of your life when
you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic
ing flavor you never did know ! And, P. A. stays put be
cause it's crimp cut -and it's a cinch to roll! You try it!
Grand lodge cf A. 0. 17.
Against Omission cf
ular Assessments
The grand
W.. Tuesday
vote, turned
asking the g
lodge of the
afternoon bv
A. O. Ir.
a heavy
down a minority report
rand finance committee"
to omit a regular assessment wlii'ii
iMT it saw its wav to take such a -
tion. Four years ago the Xehra-ka
Workmen adopted the national fra
ternal congress rates which lixed ;;:
rate on what is considered an ai":e
fiuate risk basis. At that time there
was some opposition from the rani s
of the older membership becai:.-e it
was felt that this would prove to bo
a real hardship. In turning r.r,. n
the minority report it appearc; to he
the sense of the convention that a li
member should take care of hi- ben
eficiary certificate and pay his or her
regular assessments and let tlie sur
plus grow bigger. The present sur
plus is close to $4H0, i'Ot) with a
membership of over 7.00(1 in Nebras
ka. The discussion while spirited
was not characterized by any ill
feeling. Approximately .".00 Work
men from various parts of Ne"i r..s!:a
attended the convention Tuesday af
ternoon. .Several of tb,e grand lodge ot'.i.trs
had no opposition and were elected
by acclamation. John Stevens of
Heaver City, was re-elected grand
master workman; Henry L. I'ietcher
of Grand Island, grand foreman; I'.
I?. Kousey of Grand Island, grand
recorder; J. B. ('lark of I'eru. grand
watchman. Grand Master Workm:i:i
John Stevens is credited with hav
ing served tlie order most ably dur
ing the period following the sharp
advance in insurance rates and to
have done much with the Icval bark
ing ot the, grand finance eonimi'tee
in placing the Workmen on a pros
perous basis with a fas? growing I
membership in the state. Where
there are two or more candidates the ;
election of the balance of the cr.tnd i
officers was continued until Wedncs-j
day morning.
Ttlocd'i l- aftnrnnnn I h i.-iloft 1 I
members were welcomed to the eit'
by Elmer J. Iiurkett, on behalf of the j
Lincoln lodges. Charles ('happen of j
Minden made the response on beh ill !
of the grand lodge.
Mrs. Jessie Walker of Til t lod.'c
No. the first woman to become a .
member of the A. O. IT. W. it; N'.V j
braska, and Mrs. Minerva K nglcma n . j
the first woman to preside over .1 Ne-
braska lodge as master workman.
were introduced to the eon vrnl nm
and were given an enthusiastic wi 1-
Tuesday morning tin nineteenth
biennial convention of the A. O. TV
W. opened at the I-indi'M holed with
John Stevens, grand master work
man, presiding. The report of the
grand master workman was submit
ted. He called nttentb n to t'i- r;':
id increase in the member-hip i f Ne
braska workman ledges after women
had been admitted as beneficiary
members on a par with the men.
Mr. Stevens characterized the action 1
of the Nebraska jurisdiction as a si.-e
and timely move.
At 8 o'clock Tuesday evening a
large class of candidates were in
itiated at the city auditorium. Th-
initiation was in charge of the la
dies' team of Pilot lorie No. :i
Grand Inland. Following this 'h?
ladies' team of Bassett lodge No.
1 180, gave a drill.
national joy smok
i Will K:ike Sto: in This City on Af-
; trrnn.-n rf t've Jnrc3v Mi,r OK
to Get Acquainted.
The Omaha
a re pla:iu ing ;
Chamber of
our of t he
an extensive
vri' iis towr,
w eek of Ma,
b-ii'g them
s of the
in !i.
state during t he
and which will
!bh with i-io-'t of,e.
t tile c: 1 !es ut
In ' :
s have
toppi:!g p!a
.'..-dav. M;,-
a t
- " 1 !
! 11c
moat h
!!!., Oil
bo :
a s
en the return
11 m
I offer for sale thirty-one quarter sections of land
three miles north of Madrid, Nebraska, on the Eur
lington railway.
The price of this land ranges from $52.00 to
$105.00 per acre.
TERMS One-third cash; two-thirds mortgage,
.six per cer.l intctest.
;; To men with a limited amount of money, I
will mTi our -tenth cash payment and one-eighteenth
payment im.Ii year ot principal and interest. Contracts
lor r:i!e will he made and deeds drawn and placed in
cmidw with 1 i ust comixmy.
Drs. iach &. R1acJi,.The Dentists
. . . , . l.irr - r- t
rS.-. j he largest and
--- . l- i . . i.v
li'O-v I crate Trices.
i...'i;ur iu i.iiiii
fr mcnts carefully
t 1',
Chloroform. Kther or othir KneraJ anaoatnetia
rvra (nwrni""1 In ri-ry raw aci-pt:d for treatment, and no moony to ba
,1 cure.i T. for hook or ftetal D;ea3. with nimee anl teatimonlaljl
t;., . ' .!rP,..stir- rml who have tet r-rmanenUy f ",- .
K. TAItUV.'SmiaSorinm, PrU-n Trnnt Bldff. i ISee Bid.). OJLAHA, tn
Vc. H. S. Jolmatoo, iiedjati Director.
P I .1 III!'
Print Alhrrt it
sold in toppy rmiM
hags, tidy red tint,
handsome pound
and half pound tin
humidors and in the
pound crystal qlaxm
humidor with
sponge moistener
m it;; ? u
Copyright 1921
by R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
1 ir'p cf the party t i Omaha and they
are expecting t'i .uive :: rousing vi-tit
t i tbe c .tv that wil. iong be lemem
i c-r. l.
The party is traveling in their
r.wn special train of ten cars and the
avowed purpose of the party is to
get in closer touch with the business
men of the state with whom the
Omaha houses do business and to
realize better the wonderful little
cities that mark cur fair state.
In the party will be representa
tives of the banking interests, live
.-tail: and packers, grain and hay
exchanges as well as members of the
wholesale houses of the metropolis.
In additio nto tlie boosters there
v:i! be a band of twenty-five pieces
the party and add its
pleasures of the trip.
1 pari to the
O , fl
best equipped dental omcesia umans.
rt nil lArort i anv jiirrnn.Tnr. irioci-.
Porcelain fillings just like tcoth. Instru-
v. vi . ' 'i " "j
sterilized after using.
1 V '
4t U kd
Fistula Pay When Cured
A mild nyntem of treatment that cures Pile.
Kl6iul and other KruU Dlscawa In a ahnrt
time, without a Mtere aurirlcaJ operation. N
t 1