The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 12, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. MAY 12, 1921
Meets the
The service this bank offers to its
customers and friends meets ail the
demands of sound and conservative
We attribute our steady growth to
the fact that the people of this com
munity appreciate the banking service
we render.
To you we suggest
arafc of
The Kev. E. A. Fletcher was look
ing after some business matters in
Linoln last Saturday, driving over in
his auto.
James F. Wilson and wife were vis
iting with fritnds in Nebraska City
last Saturday making the trip via the
Missouri Pacific.
Joseph Beil of near Rock Bluffs wa
a visitor in Union for a short time
last Monday afternoon lokinsr aftet
sme business matters.
I'ncle U. F. Hoback of near NV
hnwka, was a visitor in Fnian for the
day on last Monday coming over from
Xehawka on the train.
. r , , , .. ,
.A. i.. ""ivri "'o ..urn.. -ft:.
iiiiiS aim iimimiis aiifi soint' iiUMUfs
You Have the Right
to expect your dollar to buy
one hundred cents worth of
goods. We are here to fur
nish you the goods full value
for your money.
Here are a few samples
picked at random from our
Corn, 2 cans for. . . .25c
Peaches, apricots . . .30c
Spring Line of White Keds is
Now In Rubber Soles
The Reo The
That is it the most substantial car on the market
the Reo. Both the pleasure cars and the trucks.
We have some used cars also in Overlands and
Fords. See us for bargains in these.
Our repair service absolutely the .best and charged
very reasonable. We do auto livery and trucking hogs,
cattle and grain to market;
The Willis
UNION -:- -:-
o a
What is coming? Summer, of course, and with it
the usual rain storms and hot sun.
If your house or barn needs' a new covering, now
is the time to put it on.
A car of shingles just in and at the right price.
Remember, now is the time to paint. If you let
the building take another season of rain or sun, it will
require enough extra material to more than make up
the difference in any decline in price next year. Be
sides, you have no assurance of cheaper prices for years
to come. See us for prices and estimates.
We appreciate your patronage.
Frans Bros'.
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
matters in Omaha !at Wedne-day.
dr.vlng n er in t heir car.
Ir. C. M.
wan wa-
i-:'. or in
(;aaha f .r the past f .v days, nair:.
i::g h.-nie .Monday a: tern !..:: -..a
tlyer of the Missruri '..c:t t.
M:.-s Ancle "ui'arr.1'. w is on.
cf the fari'hv f)f t S r:!.T.-e -!u.. .1-
. - , i
was a isitor at t:.e hotr.e : !.- . t: r-
nts over Sat unlay and Suiiilay. ;
P;.'d Sax ton wa a i--i:or iu
innalia last .M-.ntiay v,:.-r- a
locking after soni btwin. ss -a:.. .
returning Ir rae n T'.u-.'.ay a:'.r
r.oon. On ac-ount of tlic, !v nvy r.iin !o-t
Sunday the Cosjn 1 Tea til v i
to he!.-n a' the I!a;-
t-'iur -h
M.ithtTr,- day. did 1!
a rr: e fi an
J,.r -
lliro.rv Bauftr after
n r.e
'. no a
n 'iia r
the f(
end at homo ::. I"n
pt. r ted for Omaha M -. h .
where he is employ d at ca
. Mis. Charles Sj:t of Weepi-ii; J '
Water, was a brief v i -i : r in. I'tiian !
last Monday. wl;ile on her '..iv t
Lal'Iatte to visit at the home if J.
C. McCreary.
Mises Vera II..rr;s and !-M!tb
Fran.-, who are with the Sheldon
Manufacturing company at N'thawka.
were guests with the home folks f .r
Oi"or Sun Jay.
1 lie nine 1 .i, ' i 1 ia o- 1
... . I
list or.urcn were :ah -ts at 'tie na a:- .
table home of Mr. atal Mrs. John
Lidgett last Ti ursda a. wii-re ti.. eve- ' was most pleasantly spent. j
M. was a visitor in .Win.--- .
l:a Ci'v List Krida v. 'vi-r-e he -,v..n I
with a cCUpb- of com - whi a ' tia"ed
( v. sale at a special auction w hi ":: v.".iS
conducted hy Me-srs. Hali ii l:ryan.
Mr. V. Ib Haiuiing with a far- if 1
workmen, were busy the first of the
t -- r-t l.-iiLPn-r :t ccint .-.' . 1 k a'-oii: t
Sturdy Car!
I ; 1
hi.-- h : iTi.I in f.'-n' '. ,r pro
pert v which i- adding i:ni-.-h to its val-
K". '
Miss F.rinie M ..-Carroll d-partod!
II.:?: M or. -lav aferu.'. n for- N-brn -ha !
City ain: v.- :u to Hamburg, la., j
: -.vhfiv she vi-;t -i for a si.'.rt ti:n .
at the !::!! of a!, a'lii. .'If-.- ib-ihv j
I .Mont llol b. v. ; ; b.-a -ic-r.ding :
I -i I '.--V U .! s
I nhv.i. d'-purt-
c ! ht- v -.1 -a hero h"
I';.-- : Ivii, - f':-:.ia
jiUrL'L a-:r.'-' .:"--v for
i- r ;!"
. : ( -r.
1 !
T:i'. lb v. S.:!'-.iJ.-l Mil !"
'. re i i' .'. i: h frit :;o! !
.. Ci'v !'.; 'i'.v. v
anu " t- !
wit : t ..i
o br iu'.i r".
!r. la-:: Mi::!
r. is '! :vt- i'i h
k:. w;..- l'.fkin- af
- - !,!.! t ( hi I" ii lot:
ir :. . r (!! ; ' 'r:
! ':. a i (;
' .-::; !.:'-:-:x--
a .n a; .a:.t
i : .ti of ; h'
) i. ;-.:r'
! at (.
I f i ll --I'I.
.u v a; '.-.
I - .
: r a- I ':.i vers'
a " -! : !.t ir V :'. iwa f
to M in i-.v iiiornin.'.
: : ; "T w i : h i he r:-a-, v
. I 1
::. . r I'-.ion J
Jij.?-e !.. Tool ar ! 'i.aaaur .:' '
'he KartiiM-s Me' i ' cn;. v. '
.: h d.i ! 4 af : ( r ?. I u -i n :a ; t -
-r- in Plat -taaii' a la Tatir-.i. v. I
:.t I ving v. .-r to he 'tiity -e..' in;
i?to of J ; T ld. ' !
The V.-r:h ', hile --Ir..- ..f ': .. 1! u-
t u'p' -raoo:. ,::; 'i:-. : ;! : i."
ha-i- .-f 'ir. at:.! Mr-. .i,-:::- s Fr.n. on
t :: oinlt'g .viiir ! i y atri all w ho are
ii'e'p;-: - are iecM-.-s: ih! t-i h,- t--and
enj :y t !u- t;: ia
Mr. and Mr-, i":
it ing ar Nehra-k 1 C"y la "t Sunn.
ata1 .a a'-courit t I' t h 0 lo-ivy ran
Sundav ven:ng did not u-' :
::!.'. on. y. day M ! -s Jt-.-ieT d v.
.nductir.i the affair- of th. ;o-
'A'. Cob' a
P "' t of!'. co in -p "'C " r.
w:is :. visit '"" i
h;.v:i:g c, na- as far a
tiie -.-niie-r :ng a it
- I
ere-i i, i, ?if.-s who were 'b'-tined to j
T'-ef a---: pri- :n at .1 en . ! ;- j
ar ' am -n 'r w-bfeh was on- w ha ha -1 j
1 ccn victed of rob' i r g : he in 1 '. . . j
.-, .. - Th-v o ' i
tin-, oh rr. ;.:T frh n i. ?!:-.- hi' a 1
1': 'e-.-ick . :' On. a' a. v-r-- -'" diau
a '; :t the 'a tu of .Mr. ana !
: ; -. lirn- - A : ": s -'. f X"h iw- j
a! r. h re.! Ae w a.- a v; .;!.) j
'h.ion la M-r.d.-y afiern.--- a. ' .-
g bring The v. ' Jartie- to
J. I). Bn-mblett d.'. par tod !a-t j
d f afterno-trt f r L-'ncr in. wii --re ha j
: afending dur:ng tin maj - pa-voa
of -h:s v.- (k the itrar. 1 lodgr of I
j Am 'e:it O.ah.-r Fn :'. Vt.r-a .t a-
J .Vb-gr.'e fr ! 1 T'rra h o.,e v..
i M r. i'ramh'eTr is aide ' " rep re s
r :- i sr.
1- .-1
a v i n g h . 1 a ta . ra f .
1 . - . . 1 . . : . . . 1 ' 1 . - i 1 1 1 h ' l l.-i.. 1
--r--- t-?d in :ia. 1 1 i-r.
1,,. n. ,.iV f-n.', '- In ana Ti a- 1"
M-. n-1 Mr-. Js. - .: ,'.
iii j.h'a. t ' tin- ha? ." :i
r". r .he .rriva! at hei- hom.e
la S; nm!-'v (...-
snd a aa'f pound
ca ma ta I iih t-n
abv b
niaKe l::e w. rt:i waio .
hi-' tti";ther are doim" ni.
la - .l-T w. ars a -n iie ai
llueh Irwin and w-fe vc re v:s
ititig in rnic?:. fo- a. :-hor: time h t
Sundav evening and Monda v rr.a.rn
ing. h ing i he coed's ft tim h:-m-of
th"ir s., i lelh-.-t r hnvin a ti d v.-it'e.
ha viag i-ited in N'ei ra d:a ("i'.v
'a'u'.aiav ;:n 1 i'it.'" , hn.i n on.
! th. ir way ho;;;.-. v . (Ujn: of
'the he.ivy rain 1 a-; Sntiday ,.;itg
j v. e on'polh d t re I. .a !! ; r ;';.';.
; . T.. S.' en., -.ii ;.:id a ife v." -: e vi
i itintr in Kag'e last v. ee k w:t h ia-i .
i ! i v . Mr. Sv,-n-oTi. wito-e ';r a ith
h a s not been the b -t for some tine
' v '!! ni t W e'.,- dep-:i'f far S . !.. ".nis.
! v ;.. iie , ill tai:-' a "cUric" !"i t i e
' M :-.-. i:ri Paeif'c V "nh'ai a thai
i in -,rder to d. i-mmino v.
i(o"Tce of fri-a'tlltm wiil !.; lee;ii:-,,l
i to in-ure liini his ai-fi Teim-d i -a.i:',i.
j Sure it rain- ! hi-' Sunday. S
mn-h that a p. ad of water alma.-
. pia-en,'-d the te'ople tjoin.g t.- or o. m-
iug from the .Mi-.-ouri i'am'ic sTr.rion. i
and Joa I ar. in tlia spirit of : ae
J a- hi r. n
ci .'i :i s;;a over ti:
e iltir.-
i aire lakh saying "r.o fi.-h-in a", :a.f-
'. ith-'tamling tiie ad in am; ion. Tiiaii
u ter suceet .; d in landin:
era a -
id. but on af.'ouar of !:is 1.. f-'t
' iiing not h in
t .1 Tie''.
was ,boia about ;!
"YTissicnaiv If dies I-Iavo racfip--
T!m numbers of the Woioan'
anie and Ki reign Mi-.-iomu;. Soc.eiy
t'K- I'aplist (diurcii had a Very in
renting meeting at the name of Mrs.
nuie Fran.-- of this city last Thur--i.v.
at wliich there was a large and
t iinsiast if crowd in attendance.
he topic for research and study was !
" Japan". :.nd one of ta.uali huer. -t.
; ' lie ladies discussed the topic and
'f it that they were ubundjn.tlv re
maid for tlnir time and 'ork which
tacy gave to the meeting. An e
: callent int-cting wa- had and were
j included by the serving a ?mst de
! 1'irhtful lunchecn. which wa- enjov
! c.i bv all.
I Pre-jeiJced a Good Play.
j T-te "Iron Ryder" which was givan
i a t thf Modern Wood in hail last
j Saturday, notwithstanding the b id
i weather and roads, was v.-eij atiend-
jcl and enjoyed ry the large crowd
'present. Mr. Willis -.vh a is careful
1:1 eie selection or the shows. 1a to Mr. Johnson is feeling somewhat im
be congratulated on the excellence ' proved, hut net vet as strong as is
cf the shows which he has been aide bis custom.
! to he present. ;
j .
Have Listened in a Long W?ys
! installed by Masters Ilallis banning
ln t nion and Mr. Uayuiond Fahr-
V M hi X? V
Tc cor;l in the
deiis-ous Eurfey
tobacco flavor.
. : .-I ti". 1
: o. iea v. t n t ii
x . :. .- r
; r -. a 70 1
. - .-. til! i
r a "
la.-Iio 1 ia.
'. I.S V, !
t.ol i.e:-'
!i r. : a -
'l of V, !, .
. v .ja mg I'lue'i
: va r ' i 1: r r.;:! d !' i a
".:'! aad ti.i'i-no:
Ti-ev have ;,..!:'! ; a-
' on h.;Ta t he Atlat:
' -a - 'a. bu t m at eoum
v : ; a v, "; ieii t lior.-.- 1 f-'r-
ili.a'i!e to st-Ltir.
vv.. ; ra ; - ;a i : d.
All Arkd to
At a Vi-' ir. t ' :ng .' tae 1 oard
K.hfa a.a. ii; t : tfacae: s
Cnaai s.-.-.o v-ore a-ktd ' . le-
! in ' oil' l !'lit::i -e'tuo:.- f T til'.
ait. z y,: r. A short t into is given.
t he ;r-c .. :: and i: is !,, ., ,:
; i.e la -ar.l a .. t he " : t i j a - that t !i,
' " in i - .-niir wiil conaltid.
.vain as :: :mh,..t.- in the 1'nior
1 :
f i - '
lake- n .te
Prf !ivnf'
.a- ; a :o!i
lias ii,-,
I.I The
; r. a
ai-d Ci.
".viii he :
ta-:- i-
:-iae - :! ion
peri' ntage t.
:h ati ailow
ler exp- ii-. -..
least Si.tUO
.trne lias beet'.
st ;n. :-tr-s.s in
a -alarii'd I--:
:'..r 1 en
"ho saiarv v
;..r y,a:-. Mi
. , 1 . .0 ,a .
i! b.
as a ir.a-riea '.v.a;..ii. an.!
a-:.? as deputy.
Er-ttr-aincd at Omaha.
Mr. I.--i;-.:j--1 iar-itt was a vi-itar
;.:!:!- fa:- Sunday, having ? p.nn
last t vn days befare at Omaha,
r: . n i'ri lay ho"1 was thorn as the
' ' '
of Omaha, i- being Ihinoo'.n
. ar 1 0:1 S,.K".;day was one of the
.- r.t a hanati-i ami enrer-aln-m.
a -hett 'ha phy- h-i n of Omaha
- ii:-j ImsTessos t i h . medical
ibtit of the univ'Tsi'v. 1 1 a viti.
he 1." 1
c:yii:l a -ol-md-.d
Fever Un i Fish.
- ''. L. ' -rav - v. a- last
a kirtg affr t "ne wa If. -re of
in the Mimiri iv.-r and
- -a die'tl'' ' ) 'oni a place
A- f ai
'':- iaa (.-..Id r-u an i mal;e ara!
: -. k of th-' y i s v" ! :; as . a iv h;
'h'-! in t '.: - .'-.e st r an:, hut 'hen
" vi-i ::'". f Hock idoff-. but the
1 that . u ! no' r-o-.-.. ": -k. at his
e'nan-1 and aft- r ha vin.g trim! in
dn f ! r. ri'oei .-r c.f h mrs. lo"- gave
ra..--- af tiie h'-h up and r -tui no 1
n fe. ":ng like he had d me a
is work.
-His Hor. V Jaclr- I. G. Tcdi
Y-. s. that ii the f.'ct. Tiie cmn-
('n.nii- i -tiers v an;adn-e l Mr.
O. Yodd to the p.-.-ition of Jn.--
he r- . and he ha
ra p ami fibl h
t he
al v.a.s sworn in to p-
-m t he du
- to :h- ohiae in he b- :T '-n.n--.'
:i'd ir. a cordanc w' 1. t'ae c--r-it:-i'o:i
of the Thnit-ad States and
of Nebraska. . ; sure
ir J.i. -ge T.dd wiil tiie c!I:c
. li'ab'v aTi-1 wortlii'v.
Will Play Dunbar Sur.Iay.
T'.o. re. is ta '" n report of the
m-n e of. 'mil which the bays did not
I 1-iy last Sunday on account f the
rathn. hut tlmy say they v if; have a
: o.l mime for the- en mine Sunday,
v .-''en thry will cross bat- with the
ii am f;- -:i I'turumr. ' ai- preparfd
i ,v t n e s : i ne of '. ,--t gnnies of
s.a-om (thus f.i-i.
Jh'picaeh Goes Out.
Ti'e apt roach to t'e pridge near
the fa;m of Mr. Ibirk'aurst northeast
(f 'ov.n. went out (he otlir night
vii'i the h'oi . rain and will receive
the a;fen'i n of the ran.', overseer at
r. a '
Will P.ahe Fine Hogs.
.co Farris. living norf h.east of
t.'vn. has decided to engage in the
fi le hog rais'n." V.usiness. He just
i irchased from YVh Ij. Ftine a verv
fine Duroc Jersey boar, wh'ch he
t:k to his fa.rm' last Monday and
will expect to engage in breeding
?nd raising pure blond hogs in the
future. '
Feeiinff Seme Setter Now.
'J-., bee n s ioumiag for some time a
! rnrclsirr Springs. Mo.. ie turned from
4 there last week, arriving in Omaha
- m ?aturdav morning and coming to
I'nion on Sa'urdav afternoon, and
1 las been visiting since at the home
jef his daughter. Mrs. A. V. Propst.
iTi0th?TS 7av Service.
1 Tho V f T T al I lo.f i;t roo--
... ... ...u ....... n...-
Mont Robb. last week were greeted
by a large number of very enthusias-
ti? members of the society. Mrs.
Hobh entertained the ladies and was ,
tiie leader of the program which
exiihn.ced. Mothers' .lay, there were!
a number of pieces of special music,
soin- readings and discussions which 1
."ti.t to make witii the kindly hos-
tji:aiitv. 'viiicii i;e4icia:td a social .
pirit to make a very pleasant after
nai a. The meeting was bri.ught to
a climax by one of the mo.-.t pleas
ing if luncheons. whieTI was served
hv Mrs. 11 ihb. her daughter Miss!
C.r,.--:e llobb. and Mrs. Hugh Robb.
as-"i--t!ng. Tiie more than
i!e iio'aihers ( f the society 1'eU
tiuiii-tive esp'Oiar.y repaid for the
arunuing of this ueiigbtful occasion.
Want Lcwcr Light Rates.
T!"' p- iple of Union are feeling
they are being reiuir'd to pay
r rate for (b-rtric lights than
i -
:r.a:1-' V- the ca-rali' iens which
re at this t iin ? prevailing. They
a-k:ng that the lights b- redifed
to t!.e points which is specified by
tio- ". ntr.o-r whiaii a- made some
1 . ". --:r ;! kilowatt. They have a
a ' it ion asking for this reduction.
Senior Class Carnival.
The senior dims 1 the I'nion high
-r'iod lasj Fridav jre-ented a very
ani'iue are', pleasant c-iUTtai:iiirt o
ti-- t ! '. a -' a i'e loving public of this
town i.) a cat nival which was staged
the high -chad and where the
!."ibiing was de-orated very beauti-i-iiiy.
.am T ; 1 hooths arranged with
i;!ayht. .wizzards. and fortune Tell
in.', an 1 ot her popular diversions
whi h not. tiie smiles and dimes and
.in;, ri'-r- T those who attended. All
d-dared that tiiey hal an exception
ally gimd time and tio- senior class
r'alized soraething over ? 1 1 for ihe
evening's effort.
Death Calls Aged Aunt.
The cide of itme has reaped a full
schenf in the calling of Aunt Caro
iitie Harris, the last of the surviv
ing toothers and sisters of the fath
of Messrs. V. ! 1 . and IUair I'or
tcr. and Mrs. C. J. Suavely, and. also
1:1 aunt to the (V.penhavt rs. Mrs
Marri- had f r the past half a cen
tury made her home in Sidney, la.,
n.i was premded by her husband to
:he 1 tiier world. She was the sister
f t lie fattier of Mr. 1'orter and Miss
-nave'v. and was making her home
v. ;th Mrs. Wm. Elliott of Sidney.
T'-o funeral was held at Sidney last
inday and preparations were made
fr the attending of the last sad
itrs hy Messrs. V. TI. and
t'orter and families, (h J. Suavely
nd family and the family of S. Cop-
"haver, hut on account of the almost
incessant downpour of rain they
could not attend.
A prominent bushier. expert wrote
h following sentence: "In the
vintage of time, all men whose bu-d-11
ss methods injure others must bow
o th.e law of compensation and take
'.he iiitior -ith the. sweet this law
i.duvs no favorites." It is a great
tr'.i:h! We know it always, and that
is why we had only grinned and
-ai l. "We should worry." when dur
ing the 1 o-t three decade here and
there some "Crown." "Inamond." or
otherwise baptized Bitter Wine was
urge! unto the public with great
chimc-r and noise. We knew that the
"crowns" v oi;ld fall and the "dia
monds" would prove fals-e. Our pro
luci. Triner's Hitter Wine, will soon
have its thirty-first birthday and
-.viii see muny more, undisturbed and
invincible. The public knows its
merits. Triner's Hitter Wine is the
very remedy you need if you want
o clear your body of poisons accumu
lated in the intestines and to compel
the sluggish bowels To the normal
-.ct ion. You can get it at all drug-gi-ts
:nd dealers in medicines. Jo
- enh Triner Company. 1 :!:': -4. " S.
Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
Huron. S. 1).. May S. Farmers in
ten states contributed 4el carloads
of gift corn for the relief of starving
people in Europe and the near cast, J
according to the report of Carl Vroa
nmm general director 01 the gift corn
project for the American farm bur
eau federation. Although no accur
ate check is yet available, it is esti
mated by Mr. Vrocman tlvat these
43 1 carloads will approximate 600.
"'t'O bushels. The number of cars
from each of the ten states enntri
hu'ing is given as follows: South
Dakota. i!l; Illinois. 147; Ohio. U7;
Indiana. 44; Minnesota. 44; Irfwa,
') ; Missouri. 22; Nebraska. 20; Kan
sas, if,, and Colorado 4.
Mr. Vrocman, in his report, esti
mates the value of this corn when
processed and delivered across the
water Avill he at the rates of $12, a,
htishe. At that rate the shipment
will have a valuation at its destina
tion of $7,200,000. This state's gift
will have an approximate worth of
Line in, .Neb., May C A bank
customer is entitled to damages for
failure of a state bank to fulfill its
contract on a promised loan even
though the lr,an is in excess of the 20
pr tent of the capital stock aJlawed
to a single customer hy the state law.
the supreme court decided today in
the case of the Bank of College View
against J. F. Nelson, garage owner.
Nelson had contracted to borrow
the monev and the hank refused la
ter to lend it on the ground that it
was illegal because the total amount
of tle loan exceeded the 20 per cent
of the hank's capital stock allowed by
law. Nelson had already borrowed
S2.050.27. He refused ta repay this, t
Claiming it as daunages. He sued for
damages and the bank for the money. I
The court allowed him $2,050.37 and'
the bank $2.0"6,27, leaving Nelson
10 cents clear damages.
'hone the Journal office when you
1 1 J-
cr ir -nppn ni inn Tinman- m nnv
- " W X J
KlEtL Best equipped shop m SOUth-
eastern webrasiia.
Buy home grown seed. You cannot expect the
best results with Texas or any southern grown .serd.
This seed tests strong in germination.
Price Qzc Per sac free.
Washington. May 7. Changes in
the commanders-in-chief of the Al-h-ntio
anil J'atitic division of the
L'nited States H--et 'are to be an
:. .11 need shortly 1 v the Navy depari
n es t. Both Admiral llmry !;. Wil--"oii,
c; niiiiandi ng in the Atlantia
and Admiral Hugh Rodman in the
1'aciiii-. have aboiiT completed tlo-ir
lours .;" duty w i ti the i i - -t - and ,:ie
siated lor shore .-er ice.
No decision as o their succe. i-ors
!. - l eeri reached, it was said today
a" the Navy l)'p.irtno at. b it S-cT' -tary
l)-uby lias th" nano's of ligih!"
officers under consideration and i
expecTecf to make a decision within a
few days. It was report-.! at the
Navy department that Admiral Wil
son would become superintendent of
he naval academy at Annapolis, but
tin's was not confirmed. Admiral Kod
r.ian also was said to be slated for
dulv on the east coast.
Elank Books at the Journal Office.
Here is Fun for You!
There will be given an exceedingly enjoyable photo
play at the hall Saturday evening, entitled
which will be supplimented by a comedy, featuring "Fat
ty" Arbuckle. Also the Fox News, making a show well
worth while.
Battery Service Station!
I am prepared to look after your battery wants,
in the way of recharging, repairing and furnishing of
needed parts, as well as providing you with new bat
teries. All work has my personal care and will be given
the minutest attention.
30,000 Acres
Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an
excellent crop of wheat the past season.
Come, see land where in many instances one crop
will pay fcr the land. We are making trips every Sat
urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and
particulars. The best land in the west and at a price
which anyone can afford to pay.
Box No. 11 - - - . Union, Nebr.
Prices Going Lower!
48-lb. sack of "Letter Roll" flour $2.25
2 cans of sweet com tor 25c
3-Ib. can of sliced pineapple for. . 35c
Good bulk coffee at, per lb 15c
2 packages of raisins for 55c
A nice line of shoes, on which we are making some
very attractive prices.
New ginghams and percales, the very finest and
prices reasonable.
Many excellent bargains in men's work clothes,
hardware and groceries.
A. L. BEOitE
Lincoln, Nd... May 0. Mr". Flor
ence ui'Ter of Omaha is allowed the
erli t or jll.i'i'i) almuei) iier by a
jiuv in the ouIjs county 1 i ' j i t
ton it a-', a result of damages Mif-fei.-d
wh ti -hie was 'ruck by an
au' ) driv.n 1 Mrs. Florence lloag
lan.l. '.if- of William V. Iloagia nd.
w lfhy Omaha lumber man, at
Thiity-third and I'arnam treets in
March, litltb
'1 io- judguu at wa-' charged aitaiu.- f
Mrs. Iloaglai.l and Samuel Caili-l"
jointly. Mrs. Ietcr wa- cru.-sirig
the str-i.-l wlo n i!i- iloimland and
Carli.-!e ."Utos collhb-d. th lloagland
.iuto striking Mrs. Ie-fer. The jury
found lanh dri.ers jointly liahb .
The ca.-e was appeah-d to the su
preme court and the finding of the
listrict court was atliimed today.
For any pain, burn, scald or
hruise. -apply lr. Thomas' Keb'ctric
Oil--the hou b'dd r"l!i'ly. Two
sizes. ::e and 'iOc at all drug stores.
Now On,