The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 09, 1921, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
NO. S5
The r.tafe convention of t lie Mod-!
n Woodmen of America which
closed yesterday at Lincoln elected
a one of the delegates to the head
camp that meets at St. Louis in June.
Judge Allen .1. Beeson of this city,
who, with H. A. Alien of Auburn,
and Charles DeKloU of Lincoln, will
represent the first congressional dis
trict of this state at the big national
Judge Beespn was also one of the
main speakers of the big state meet
ing and his address on woodcraft and
its meaning was received with en
thusiasm by the delegates assembled
and the eloquence of the judge
brought him into the limelight
of t lie convention that num
bered the most distinguished of the
members f the order in the state.
The selection of Judge Beeson is
an honor that will be much "appre
ciated by Cass camp of the order in
this city as it has long held the repu
tation of being one of the live organ
izations in the state, both in point
of numbers and in the enthusiasm
in which they entered into the work
of promoting the advancement of the
M. W. A.
The national meeting at St. Louis
will be one of t lie largest in recent
years as the membership has shown a
flattering increaes in the last few
years that now places it in the fore
front of the fraternal orders of the
nation ami the opportunity of the
representative of Cass camp at the
big meeting to have an important
part in the proceedings will give hirn
a chance to help enact the import
ant laws that will govern the order
in the next few years.
Judge X. Owight Ford of Broken
Bow was elected state consul and (J.
E. Merriman of Omaha stae clerk.
They were named by acclamation.
Omaha will be the next meeting place
of the state camp in 192i. York and
Fremont were contenders but when
the votes were counted -Omaha was
an easy winner.
The Modern Woodmen were wel- t
corned by Mayor J. E. Miller and Head
Con.sul A. K. Talbot. Mayor MiHer
said he was glad to greet such a re
presentative democratic body as the
Modern Woodmen of America. The one oi me nest scnooi teams in me
mavor in speaking of the 1!21 legis- western portion of Iowa and lias won
lature said that the citv of Lincoln u "umber of games during the sea
has no complaint to make as in a gen- son from the teams in Council Bluffs
. ... ... - . ' . . . ii i r . . l .- -l. : i. ..siiw.ti
eial Wav It Old a good loll. Me apnre- .
ciated what the people of the state
have done for Lincoln, and Lincoln
intends to reciprocate. The mayor
had been told by men who have seen
many state capitals and even nation-!
al cipitols that the Nebraska capitol.late enthusiasm lor their team diir
: I 1 1. . . I. .. ........ i . 1. - ' 1 . rr I. . .
win ue ine niiei siaie eapiiui in ii.eii'iK mr f,.inir.
country. Mayor Miller suggested
that the Woodmen before returning
home should visit the state univer
sity campus and see what has been
done there in the way of new build
ings. He believed that the money
hail been spent wisely. He said that
it is the intention of the people of
the city to make it as attractive and
beautiful as possible.
Head Consul "A. It. Talbot said that
the spirit of bigness has prevailed
among the Modern Woodmen of
America for many years. In the past
half century the brotherhood of -man
lias giown tremendously and the
Woodmen have had a part in this.
The head consul talked at some
length about the Woodmen institu
tion for tuberculosis patients at Colo
rado Springs, declaring that it had
been the means of curing many of
the ailing mebmers. When the head
consul arose to speak he was given
an ovation.
At the conclusion of the speech of
Mr. Talbot, the Omaha delegation
400 strong and headed by an Amer
ican Legion band arrived at the au
ditorium. Three drill teams accom
panied the delegation and led by the
band they marched around the audi
torium several times while the mem
bers of the .state camp in session
-heered and looked on. The men
made a fine appearance in their new
uniforms. The state camp passed a number of
resolutions. Head Consul A. It. Tal
I t and his administration were
heartily endorsed. The steadfast sup
port of the executive council to the
hea deonsul was approved. The Mod
ern Woodmen of America was de
clared to be in a porsperous and lieal
thy condition and faith in the big or
der win declared. Appreciation of
courtesies extended bv the chamber
of Commerce and other local agencies
was voiced.
The Modern Woodmen of America
have over a million members and a
total of 14.UG0 subordinate camps in
this country. It was stated during the
convention that the Woodmen expect
to put on a campaign that will double
the membership in Nebraska in the
coming four years.
The state camp ratified the list, of
delegates chosen by the Woodmen
caucuses Tuesday night to represent j
-enrusKa ai me neaa camp. The list
of delegates and alternates follows:
First district Charles A. DeKlotz.
Lincoln: A. J. Beeson. Plattsmouth;
H. A. Allen. Auburn. Alternates: R.
W. Green. Elm wood; Frank 13. Du
Tell. Lincoln, and J. S. Hillyard.
Falls City.
Second district Phil De Vol. Oma
ha; Charles Grau. Bennington. Al
ternates: C. II. T. Kiepen. Omaha;
O. E. Merriman. Omaha.
Third district J. W. Spirk. Ne
ligh; C. S. Snyder, Madison; Edgar
Howard. Columbus; M. Inhalder,
Pierce. Alternates: J. I. Zimmer.
ICreighton; Oeorge F. Hasler, Pre
I tiioiit r .1 C. Elliot. U'5t Pf.iiit .1 A
Hois. Tekamah. '
Fourth district O. A. Scott, Cedar
Hluffs; T. G. Slater. Hordville; J. M.
Hurke, Geneva; C. E. Callender. York.
Alternates: E. P. Pike. Stromsburg;
G. it. Klein, Hewitt; Walter Howarth.
I'.xeter; vv . (). Hitchcock, Hradshaw
Fifth district C. A. Heady, Hayes
Center; V . S. Heed. tay Center;
C. .M. Evans, Araphoe. Alternates:
S. E. Howell. McCook; A. V. Ducker,
Hid Cloud; W. H. AbrEhamson,
Loom is.
Sixth district J. G. Ackerman.
Ainswcrth; G. T. Hobinsou. Droken
Bow; Charles G. Nelson. Kimball;
Hev. L. V. Slocuni. Chappell. Al
ternates: Dr. Guy Brown, Gering;
J. Al. Hayes, Elm Creek; V. S. Adams.
Spencer; O. C. Moore. Alliance.
Plattsmouth Team Visits the Insti
tute City and Loses Game by
a Score of 10 to 9.
From Thursday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon the Platts
mouth high school base ball team
journeyed over to the institute city
along the banks of Keg Creek and
received a defeat at the hands of
the Glenwood high school lads by the
score of 10 to 9.
The game was hotly contested and
both teams played very good ball
ai.d it was not until the last man
was retired that the final score was
settled. Gradoville did the tossing
for PlaUsniouth in the first seven
innings and had the Glenwood bat
ters guessing on his delivery. In the
eighth frame McCarthy, who was
being raved for the game Friday, was
sent to the mound with three men
on the bases and a wild heave to
third base by the catcher let in the
winning tally for the Iowa team.
The Glenwood boys will be here
Friday aternoon for a return game
and the local sandlotters are expect
ing to make the score look decidedly
different and secure revenge
their defeat of yesterday.
The Glenwood team has proven
en ax me maiinn iiiftii m-iiuui
The rooters accompanying the
Plattsmouth team yesterday state
that the crowd was quite large at
the game and the Glenwood boosters
were provided with a band to stlmu-
From Thursday's Dally.
The sad news was received here
yesterday by Mrs. Howard Graves of
the death of her niece, Mrs. Helen
Joiner Gross, which occurred Tues
day morning at her home in Lusk,
Wyoming. Mrs. Gross has had a se
vere case of influenza that was fol
lowed by pneumonia and which
caused her death. The deceased lady
was also a niece of Hoy Burton of
this city.
Mrs. Grass was the second daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Joiner
of Nebraska City and was born there
eighteen years ago. Last fall she
went to, where her uncle re
sides, and there met Ernest Gross.
Burlington trainman, and they were
married there a few months later.
The mother, Mrs. Joiner, has been
at Lusk for, tlie past week and was
present when the daughter passed
a wa y. . ,
The body was brought to Nebraska
City today and the funeral will be
held there at the old home although
the exact time of the funeral has not
been announced. Mrs. Graves and
Mr. Burton departed today for Ne
braska City to attend the funeral ser
vice. s
From Thursday's Pally.
The largest mid-week audience that
has gathered at the Parmele theater
in many months was present last eve
ning to witness the opening presen
tation of Douglas Fairbank's latest
picture "The Nut". In this picture
Doug has surpassed himself and the
laugh Inciting scenes are truly typi
cal of the screen favorite and the
audience was kept in constant good
"The Nut" is one of the cleverest
comodies that has been shown on the
screen in many months and those who
failed to witness it the opening night
should attend this evening as it Is
well worth the time of anyone. It
will bo shown for the last time to-
Extra early white seed corn, with
red cob, for sale. Telephone 4022.
Hall is Jammed with Friends of the
Knights to Enjoy Fine Supper
and Social Dance.
From Thursday's Dally.
Last evening the members of the
local council of the Knights of Co
lumbus, with their wives, sweet
hearts and friends enjoyed a splen
did social time at the hall on Chi
cago avenue. The. occasion was giv
en over to a luncheon nd dance
and both were all that the most
exacting could demand
The ladies of the Knights had ar
ranged the feast and a great part of
the many delightful features of the
menu had been donated by the whole
sale houses of Omaha and Nebraska
Cjty and these had been prepared in
a tempting manner by the ladies and
for hours they were kept busy serv
ing the throng of friends who had
gathered to enjoy the occasion. The
luncheon was served in the lodge
rooms on the upper floor of the build
ing and made a very pleasant place
for the gathering.
The main hall on the lower floor
was devoted to the pleasures of the
ball that had been prepared to en
tertain the young and old alike and
the Holly Syncopators were present
to add their merry shoulder-shaking
melodies to the pleasures of the even
The entertainment was one of the
most successful that the Knights of
Columbus have given and the crowd
was so large as to fill the hall and
banquet rooms to their utmost ca
The committee on entertainment
composed of L. W. Lorenz. John Had
raba and C. C. Janda did some splend
id work in providing the enjoyable
features of the evening and the la
dies of the Knights proved themselves
royal entertainers in providing the
delicious feast that was so much en
joyed. There were three hundred and
twenty-two served at the luncheon
and one hundred and twentv-nine
gentlemen admitted to the dance floor
during the evening.
Go to Lincoln to be Present at the
Awarding of Contracts for
Federal Aid Highway.
From Thursday's Dally
The Board of County Commission
ers are in Lincoln today looking af
ter the letting of contracts by the
state for special state aid roads anil
at their session yesterday took up a
number of matters of importance.
The petition of American Legion
post No. 17:5 of Greenwood was re
ceived asking that a marker be plac
ed by the county over the grave of
Walker White, world war veteran,
and on motion the county agreed to
pay the expense of the same.
The resignation of J. D. Allen as
overseer in road district No. 16 was
filed and accepted by the board.
L. G. Todd was named as justice
of the peace in and for Liberty pre
cinct and will hereafter dispense jus
tice there.
The bonds of the First National
bank of Plattsmouth and the First
National bank of Greenwood were
presented to the board and approved
to cover the county deposits in these
Ray Melbern Has Complaint Filed
Against Him for Assault and
Receives Fine for Same
From Thursday's Dally.
This morning in the court of Coun
ty Judge Allen J. Beeson a complaint
was filed by County Attorney A. G.
Cole against Ray Melbern. charging
him with assault. The case in ques
tion grows out of what was alleged
to be a hold-up out in the west part
of the city when Mr. Melbern. it was
claimed attempted to hold up two
ladies who are employed at the Ma
sonic home. v
Mr. Melbern stated that the case
was merely a desire to have a little
fun and scare the two ladies, but
they were of a different opinion and
the matter was placed in the hands
of the county attorney for action.
The county attorney filed the com
plaints alleging assault and on hear
ing the evidence and the plea of the
defendant a fine of $100 and costs
was taxed against the unfortunate
young man.
The alleged assault occurred on
the night of April 26th, but owing
to the absence of the county attor
ney from the city was not acted on
until today.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clement of
this city are announcing the en
gagement of their daugther. Miss
Harriett, to Mr. Kirk McNaughton of
New York City. The marriage is to
take place soon.
Mrs. Florence- Newton, who was
operated on Tuesday at the -University
hospital in Omaha, is reported
as doing very nicely considering the
serious nature of her operation and
her condition is very favorable at
this time, although it is too soon af
ter the operation to fully determine
the time that will be necessary for
her to remain in the hospital.
Head Officials of Continental Gas and '
Elec. Corporation Pay Tribute
to Mr. Kuykendall.
Readers of the Journal will recall
the narrow escape "which Clarence
Warlield. an employe of the Conti
nental CJas and Electric corporation,
had from death on last Friday, al
though at that time the full details
of the accident were not given nor
was the public given the story of the
heroic efforts of Mr. J. C. Kuyken
dall of this city that resulted in sav
ing the life of the injured man.
The Journal has received from the
head offices of the company a copy
of their letter of appreciation sent to
Mr. Kuykendall ami which is pub
lished as a littting tribute to the
splendid service that Mr. Kuykendall
has given, although he has modestly
refrained from giving the matter
publicity himself:
Mav 4. 1921.
Mr. J. C. Kuykendall.
Gen. Mgr., Platt?mouth Hist.,
Neb. Gas & Electric Co..
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Hear Sir:
On the morning of April 29th,
1921. C. K. Warlield. lineman at
Stella, Nebraska, suffered a sixty-six
hundred volt electrie shock. By
prompt and intelligently directed ef
forts vou resuscitated him and saved
his life.
In appreciation of the splendid
services wincli you rendered and ot
the great knowledge, dexterity and
perseverance which : you displayed.
Continental Gas & Electric Corpora
tion encloses herewith its check to
your order in the sum of $50.00.
Your real compensation consists in
your knowledge that you have done
unto another what y.u would desire
him to have doner foi you. The net
result of your sympathy, solicitude
and hard work was the saving of a
life when all hope seemed gone.
Both Mr. Warfield and his family
.vi II. of course, be eternally grate
ful to you for your splendid efforts.,
Permit us to say that such fidelity.
loyalty and humanitarian efforts de
serve the very highest praise. Your
heroic conduct may well be emulate !
by all others in your employ who
find themselves at any time facing
such a critical emergency.
Yours very trulv.
James B. Harvey, Vice President.
F. If. Brooks, General Manager.
Miss Vivienne Barrett became the
bride of Clyde Trimble of Eagle Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Airs.
C. E. Barrett, 226 North Thirteenth
street. Only members of the imme
diate famUies of the bride and groom
were in attendance at the wedding.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
J. W. Hilton. The bride was attired
in a becoming suit of dark blue trico
tine wit ha small hat to correspond.
The flowers which decorated the
home were sent from California by
a nuncle of the bride, and were very
beautiful. Following . the ceremony,
the young couple left by automobile
for a trip through Kansas where
they will visit relatives of both fami
lies, and from there will go to Chey
enne Wells, Col., where they will
make their home on a ranch. The
bride is the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Barrett, and for the past three
years has been empolyed at the First
National bank of Lincoln. She isa
graduate of Temple high school and
lias studied music for some time. Mr.
Trimble is the son of Mrs. G. It.
Trimble of Eagle, is a graduate of
the Palmyra high school. He spent
almost two years in France in the
late war as a member of Company 19,
Second regiment A. F. M. State
From'' Friday's Daily.
This afternoon Emil J. Weyrich of
the firm of Weyrich&IIadraba, re
presentatives for eastern Cas county
of the Edison phonograph, journeyed
down tdMurray to spend a few hours
looking after the instruments that
the firm has placed in that locality.
The Edison company sees that their
interest in the musical instiument
does not cease when a phonosvuph i-
sold as the representatives of the
company are always ready to inspect
the phonographs and see tnai ih.y
are kept up in proper shape and not
allowed to become run down in any
way. The Edison is kept constantly
in the hestof shape and coe and the
purchaser of one of these instru
ments has the satisfaction of know
ing that Edison service is always
ing that Edison service is always
ready to see that it is properly cared
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday eleven members of the
board of control of the Nebraska Ma
sonic Home association as well as
Joseph Fridenberg. grand master of
the Nebraska Masons ami Hon.
Francis E. White, grand secretary.
were in the citv visiting the Home
here and inspecting the conditions at
the institution as well as Mie im
provements that are now being made
The Nebraska Masonic Home has
in the past year taken some forward
strides that has placed it in the front
rank of the public institutions of the
state and the splendid manner in
which Superintendent W. F. Evers
has handled the home and the keen
interest shown in its affairs bv the
board of control has made it a real
home for the aged Masons and the
ladies of the order. This fact has
been recognized by the grand lodge
officials of the state and they now
feel that it is an institution in which
the great order can well take a par
donable pride, as it is without doubt
one of the greatest of its kind in the
state or in fact, in this part of the
The pleasing condition of affairs
at the Home in the past few months
has been recognized bv the board of
control and the grand lodge officers
and their visit here yesterday gave
them renewed pleasure at the manner
in which the aged members of the
crder are being cared for as well as
the splendid improvements that are
being made in the Home buildings
and on the grounds surrounding the
Home and the orphanage. While
here the board approved certain plans
as to the completion of the ornamen
tal work on the west front of the new
building as well as the walks and
driveways and the creation of a sys
tem of landscape gardening that will
add immensely to the beauty of the
grounds that lie in the vicinity of the
Home. .
One of. the important mat tern take
up by the board during their visit
here was the closing of the deal for
the purchase of the residence pro
perty of Edward .Fitzgerald which is
lecated just west of the present
grounds of the home and which gives
the Home association two full blocks
along Locust street and makes it pos
sible to fully carry out their desire3
in the way or ornamentation or fur
ther extension of the buildings of the
home should it be desired.
This is a matter that will be of
much interest to everyone in the
city and the public that always have
had a keen interest in the welfare
of the Home and the aged people who
have won a warm place in the hearts
of the Plattsmouth residents. The
chamber of commerce recently raised
the funds for the purchase of a por
tion of the lot of Mr. Fitzgerald for
road purposes and now the associa
tion has secured the entire property
and will commence at once to ar
range for its improvement.
Among those visiting the Home
here yesterday were: Grand Master
Joseph Fridenberg, Grand Secretary
Francis E. White.. Omaha; Rev. Luth
er Kuhns, George A. Thummell. 'Mil
lard Robertson, Judge Louis Berke.
Omaha; J. B. Nicodemus. wife and
sister of Fremont; O. E. Mickey, Os
ceola; John Earhart. Stanton; Frank
Wilcox. Omaha; Miss Bowers, of the
Masonic Orphanage of Fremont.
While in the city the members of
the party were entertained at dinner
at the Home with the residents and
during the course of the dinner. Rev.
Kuhns. Messrs. Thummell, White and
Earhart, gave a few remarks, congra
tulating the management of the home
on the splendid manner in which
the affairs was handled and also stat
ing the desire of the great Masonic
fraternity to aid in any way possible
to give their aged members and the
residents of the home every possible
com fort.
From Friday's Dally.
Attorney A. G. Cole addressed the
league last evening and after com
plimenting the members upon their
desire to qualify, a point often neg
lected by masculine voters, proceeded
to outline the legal aspects of our
duties as citizens. He emphasized
the need of tetaching in our homes
and schools a wholesome respect for
the laws of our land and said that ;
it was a voter's privilege and duty
to see that unjust laws were re
pealed. Mr. Cole gave some of his
experiences in convicting those law
breakers who by their nefarious prac- j
the prohibitory law, but to debauch
and poison the boys and young men
who can be induced to buy the vile ,
concoctions in which they deal.
A discussion of current events led
by Mrs. Roy Cole and participated in
by all present filled the remainder
of the evening.
Your ad will carry punch if you
i write it as a nlain "selling: talk" in-:
. - , . . oo I
!stead of tryinS to fuss it up with
frills and exagerations. i
Harry Smith to Furnish White Mar
ble MHrkers and Steps To be
- Done by Decoration Day
One of the most beautiful memor
ial plats in any cemetery in the state
will be that owned by Hugh Kearns
Post No. 56. American Legion, in tho
local cemetery.
The plat, consisting of nine lots,
valued at $.'560, was deeded to the
post some time ago by the council,
and this spring the Legion has been
busy making some improvements
thereon, including turning over the
uneven sod, double discing, harrow
ing and raking, and the ground now
is perfectly level and ready to be
seeded down.
Last night at the Legion executive
committee meeting it was voted to
let the contract to Harry Smith. local
monument dealer for furnishing a
number of genuine white marble
markers set at intervals around the
outside of the plat, and through
which will be run inch and three-
quarter pipe at sufficient height
above the ground to permit of the
free passage of lawn mower wheels
underneath. At the entrance will
be a large marble step on which is
to be inscribed the wording "Amer
ican Legion" and on the markers at
each end of the step will be cut the
American Legion emblem. In the
center a steel flag pole will be set in
a cement base.
The whole scheme is worked out
with the intention of leaving as much
space to grass as possible.
Original plans contemplated the
building of a narrow cement wall
around the plat at a distance of some
five inches from the ground, but on
advice of competent cement workers,
it was discarded for the marble.
which although it costs several times
as much will be permanent as well
as far more sightly.
Although this will take a consid
erable portion of the carnival pro
ceeds, the bos believe the money will
be well spent and in a worthy im
Ben Zirella, or as he is better
known here, Ben Hankinson, the
tight and slack wire performer, ar
rived in Omaha this morning where
he is to appear for the week at the
Elks circus, being held at the muni-
ipal auditorium there and which will
open tomorrow. Mr. Hankinson has
just completed a very successful tour
of the south, going as far as Shrev-
port. Louisiana, and where his acts
were received with great favor by
the public and thrilled thousands of
the residents of that city as well as
many other places in Arkansas, Mis
souri and Oklahoma. Mrs. Hankin
son departed this morning for Oma
ha to meet the husband and spend the
day there with him previous to his
starting on his engageemnt.
The announcement has been re
ceived here by relatives of the birth
of a fine little daughter at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vallery
at Springfield. Neb., and both mother
and little one are reported as doing1
nicely. The happy father is a cou
sin of Frank Vallery of this city.
Enhancing Your
1 W I
A check imprinted with the name of the
First National Bank and signed by you offers
concrete evidence that your funds are not
limited to those in your pocket.
Most Plattsmouth business houses know
our requirements as to depositors' balances
and character. Evidence that you are able to
meet them invariably carries with it a favor
able impression.
A connection here is not only one that
you can acknowledge with pride, but one that
will give you banking service of the highest
the First national bank
!.!--"-?'''""''-''-''?M!?'Jjl.'l'f''''''''f'' in
Bom and Reared in Cass County
Young Man Leaves Many Friends
tc Mcuin His Passing.
i From Friday's Ualiv
i This morning shortly before the
iKJCti hour. Samuel Tulbs. residing at
I the heme of his parents. .Mr. and Airs.
Joseph Tubbs. near Mynard, parsed
away after a proloiiued illness due to
chronic Hright's di.-euM-.
Air .Tubbs was born near Murray
forty years ago and h;:s spent his en
tire life time in this county where,
he lias won the love and respect of all
who had the good fortune to kn:.w
him and to these fneads his death
comes as a severe blow and a separ
ation that only the tender t;.uch of
time can soften.
He leaves to mourn his passing
the aged lather and mother, with
whom he has always made his home
as well as four sisters. Mrs. Morton
Cochran of Hulett. Wvoming. Mrs.
Ed Wilson of Spearfish. S. I).. Mrs.
Lincoln Church of North Wash
ington and Mrs. C. W. Jones of Te
cumseh. Nebraska.
The family have not as yet com
pleted the arrangements for the fun
eral services.
She Was a Daughter of Mrs. M.
Baird Funeial Was Held
Jessie Maud Baird was born in
Cook county, Iowa, February N, 1ST!!.
When she was two years old she mov
ed with her parents to a farm near
Klin wood, where she grew to woman
hood. On November 29. Ifi!l3. she was
married to Edward Mapes and to this
union seven children were born, one
died in infancy, the other a daugh
ter, Grace, passed away two years
ago. Five are still living. Guy.
Margarette. Lester, Larene and Cecils
who with their father, her mother.
Mrs. N. L. Baird and many other
relatives and friends will mourn her
She passed away at her home in
Lincoln on Monday. May 2. 1921.
Her father, J. L. Baird, passed away
at Rochester, Minnesota. In 1912.
The services were held at the Al.
E. church in Elmwood. eonducte'd bv
F. E. Sala on Wednesday. May 4. and
the remains were laid to rest in the
Elmwood cemetery. Those in attend
ance from a distance were. Air. and
Airs. A. E. Strayer. of Bethany. Neb.;
Y. O. Elefritz and wife of Edgar;
Airs. Lafe Cox. Edgar; Air. L. A.
Grossman, Ed.?ar; Lloyd Barnhart.
Havelock. and Walter Grant r.f Lin
coln. Neb. Elmwood Leader-Echo.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the members of the
Queen Esther's socoiety of t he Aleth
odist church met at the heme of Airs.
T. Lyon on west Alain street and the
occasion was in the nature of a sup
per and to which there were sixteen
present. Following the supper the
evening was spent in music as well
as sewing and at which the members
of the party derived a great deal f
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