The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 02, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, MAY 2, 1921.
Well Balanced!
We have studied the preferences of PJattsmouth men for
42 years.
We know what they want!
Result! When you step in here you find the very hat
you're looking for- the one that fits your head and fits
you're pocketbook. Good styles $1.50 to $5. Stetsons
$6 to $10.
0. E. Wescotf's Sons
T.lnonln. Anril 28. Nebraska's mo
tion picture censorship bill, passed
thn infrislatiirc last night, was
vnpi hv fiovernor McKelvie at
noon today.
Business Men of Nation Seek Revis
ion of Tariff, Tax and Anti
Trust Laws at Once.
ciia iriua 11 in nif uig;unza.i mil iuiu
mittee of the foreign trade financing
corporation, declared organization of
i facilities for extending long-time
j credits to foreign buyers is necessary
i to solution of the present situation.
which, he said, is reflected by the in
creasing paralysis of foreign trade
! A government subsidy large enuf
i to amortize the greater cost of ship
' building and operation was suggest
ed us a practical method of building
j up foreign trade by Marcus De Hra
f bant, president of a navigation com-
with headquarters in Ios An-
Atlantic City. X. J.. April 27.
Revision of the tariff, tax and anti
trust, laws, foreign trade, the nation's j pany.
immigrant and house problems and,geles.
remedial measures for the indus-i Asserting that the oil problem of
trial situation were subjects of dis-Jthe future will not'lie the finding of
nission today at the opening of the j markets but a search for sources of
ninth annual convention of the
1'nited .States Chamber of Commerce.
Mors than 4.000 delegates were in
t tendance.
Joseph H. Defrees. president of
t in chamber, urged co-operation of
sincere Americans in order to bring
about a return to normalcy in social
and industrial conditions. Declaring
strikes and lockouts had resulted in
great economic losses. he , recom
mended the establishment of im
partial tribunals not of legal origin,
before which proper disposition of
labor disputes might be made. ;
Must Finance Trade j
John Mc-Hugh. bank official and ' of
supply. Dr. Van H. Manning, direc
tor of research for the American Pe
troleum institute of Xew York, told
the natural resources production
group ai:d that the Cnited States
should insist on an open door oil
policy in all countries.
Among resolutions to be placed
before the assembly was one from
the Xational Aircraft underwriters
association, asking the chamber to
urge congress to prepare and enact
legislation embodying an aerial code.
Blank books! Yes you can get
all kinds. The JournaL
The state legislature adjourned
11 today sine die, establishing
record in Nebraska for length
time consumed.
TVwIav marked the 91st day of the
for the lower house and the
83rd dav for the senate.
With his veto on the censorship
bill the governor issued a lengthy
statement on his reasons for f.o do
Decries New Agencies
"I wish to refer to the danger.
said this statement, "that lurks in
the creation of additional boards
and mreneies of government, the
need for which is doubtful and taxa
tion for which is ever increasing.
"1 wish to point out the fruitful
field of dissension, discontent and
resentment that is developing in the
public mind by this sort of regu
latorv legislation.
"But these -are minor points wheu
compared to the larger theory of
free government which is our
fundamental law and which we have
always cherished and believed in
Movies Not Alone
"The same criticism made against
motion pictures in things they por
tray, might also be made of the
legitimate stage, the most popular
books of fiction and the press.
"Murder, manslaughter, homicide
burglary, onenses against women.
fraud. embezzlement, marital in
fidelity, divorce and' every other
crime is told and retold in the col
umns of the daily press, but I ven
ture the assertion that it would be
a very small minority of our people
who would favor censorship of this
character of news.
Certainly, then, it is not con
sistent to censor motion pictures
unless you censor the press, and mo
tion picture censorship is the first
step toward censorship of the press.
Cites Better Remedy
"There is a finer remedy for these
ills than by state laws.
"It is the law of personal control.
with embodying strength of charac
ter, moral rectitude, the belief in an
Infinite God. temperance of action.
tolerance for the rights of others
and the precepts of the Golden Kule.
I do not question the justice of
The American Legion's three day Carnival was a big success and
the boys have added a substantial sum to their already growing Bank ac
count. God bless 'em.
Lack of room on account of the enormous crowds made it almost
impossible to get near the booths to spend our money.
This suggests to us how much better hereafter to "cut out" all these
outside Street Fair and Carnival companies operated usually by a gang of
cheap fakirs and crooks, who take thousands of dollars out of our city and
leave nothing good in return.
And "Lest we forget" let's have held in Plattsmouth each
year make it the annual event
The American Legion Carnival
under the management and auspices of
Let's keep. our dollars at home for the benefit of the boys who help
ed to win the war. and make our homes and firesides safe.
We cannot do too much for them.
Mayor Johnson, Members of the City Council and Park Commissioners: -"
Why not ijet lmsy rijjht now and complete the Washington avenue
park? liny the halatueof the proerty out to the Washington avenue street
line and have a real 'lay tjround for our children and an ideal location "for
ihe . nterienn l.cijum yearly carnival.
It will cost something, of course, hut
favor thi suggest ion. we think. Lets start
criticism of the influences some pie-..j.
tures have upon children. 1 j
"The obligations of keeping these' .j.
pictures from the children lies upon !
the parents, if we are to have a na- ' I
tion of independent, selp-governed i
Home Laws First
"The laws made in legislative
halls are of only secondary impor
tance to laws ' formulated in the
"It is still true that 'the hand that
rocks the cradle rules the world,
and it is equally true that there is
no law that will repair the damage
that is done when parents fail to ex
ercise the proper jurisdiction and
control over their children.
"I am thoroughly -convinced that
public opinion, left free to function
untrammeled, will control this en
tire situation.
"The. motion picture business is
vountr and manv abuses have crent
" j -
inln it that n ru tn Mirtvo!
...i. aw . ua, . v ' " " ..... ... '
most successful in it.
Movement to Cleanse
"Public opinion has begun to de
mand cleaner movies and the move
ment to cleanse them has begun.
"I predict that two years hence
this movement shall have made such
progress that the question of censor
ship will not be even suggested in
the legislature."
Governor McKelvie signed this
statement at noon, one hour after
the adjournment of the legislature.
The bill vetoed by the governor
was designed to censor motion pic
tures with the name changed to the
board of review of motion pic
tures virtually adopting the origin
al program for the board of censors.
The board of reviews as passed.
was placed under the attorney gen
eral instead of the state superinten
dent. The board was limited to ex
penditures of $15,000 a year and mo
tion picture men were given 120
days in which to fit themselves in ac
cordance with the board of review
friends. Rolla
? j Haddon, and
I . like to take a
i I into the wagon
Berlin. April 28. Nine hundred
Germans. whose punishment has
been demanded by the entente for
war crimes, will face trial at Leip-
sic. beginning Mav 23. Seven judges
will sit as the court and will first
hear witnesses against minor offen
The trials of Non-commissioned
Officer Heine, charged with abusing
prisoners; Captain Mueller, com
mander at the prison camp at Flavy-
Le-Martel, and Private Neuman, who
is alleged to have maltreated prison
ers at the prison camp at Ponimeren
sorf, will be the first to be tried.
Forty-seven witnesses have been
called from England to testify in the
first three cases.
The minister of justice yesterday
"Only men charged with the com
mission or specitic crimes will De
tried at first. We have made every
possible effort to insure fair and im
partial hearings. The British, French
and Belgian governments will have
representatives at the trials, but Ger
many will conduct the prosecution
and the defense. I am able to de
clare positively that political or other
undesirable interests will not be nl-
owed to influence the proceedings."
I have now torn down the old liv
ery barn and garage at the corner
of Sixth and Vine streets. Platts
mouth. and have a lot of mighty
good second hand lumber that 1 am
now offering for sale at reasonable
prices. Come early and get the best.
you will
find the citizens
What do vou
rarin' to go." Rememlier the Legion Imvs
To Waldemar Soennichsen:
Vou are certainly the Lucky Guy. Waldemar! Come on over
new Mivver is all tuned up and
paid the hill.
To the Other 999:
Who have paid vour "Dollar Down
lory full time so you won't
Cash or on Payment plan.
have to wait lo
for von
running the
We sell 'em
mil IFiiri looter
Alliance. Neb., April 27. An in
flux of bums and hoboes is believed
by the police to be responsible for a
number of attempted burglaries here
during the last few nights. Plowlers
pried off the door of a coal chute
at the rear of the Golden Rule store.
but were foiled in their attempt to
gain entrance to the store bv an iron
door. A brick was hurled through
rear window of the Fourth street
market, but nothing was missed from
the store. A mysterious fire, which
caused damage of several hundred
dollars to a dry cleaning establish
ment and a shoe repair shop, is be
lieved to have ben started from a
cigaret thrown into a basket of
clothes in the dry cleaning room bv
some prowler who had gained en
trance through the front door, which
was found open by the firemen. A
masked man was seen prowling about
the yard of J. M. Burns, after the
family had been alarmed by some
one trying to unlock the front door.
The would-be bandit escaped while
Mr. Burns was getting his shotgun
ready to receive him.
One bay Hambeltonlan bay mare,
weight 10-00 pounds, white star in
face, both hind feet white. Strayed
from my home last Friday -evening.
Any Information will Iks rewarded
by notifying the owner. Clarence
Peck, Murray,. Neb., phone 1715.
Albert Furlong and 'wife of Port
land. Oregon, who have been in the
east for a short visit with relatives,
arrived yesterday afternoon for a
brief visit at the home of Mr. Fur
long's father. 9. L. Furlong and with
his brother, Mark Furlong, south of
the city. This afternoon Mr. Furlong
and wife departed for Omaha and
from there go on to their home on
the Pacific coast.
Single Combed White Leghorn
eggs, S5 per 100; $1 per setting.
Phone 115-J.
Clans Breckenfield. and wife of
Elmwood, were visiting in Manley
with friends last week.
Morgan McCreary of Winner. S.
I)., arrived in .Manley last Saturday
and will visit here for the coming
Mrs. Wm. Heebner was a visitor
in Omaha last Wednesday, where she
was taking advanced lessons on the
Omar Coon was looking after
some business matters in Omaha last
Friday, making the trip via ' the
Missouri Pacific.
Fd Kelly. Wm. Heebner and W.
H. Frost and wife, were in attend
ance at a dance at Weeping Watr
last Thursday evening.
August Gakemeier was a visitor
in Plattsmouth last Saturday eve
ning and was in attendance at the
carnival of the American Legion.
Edward Kelly was taking in the
carnival which the American Legion
wa.s putting on at Pl.-ittsmouih last
Friday evening, making the trip in
the car.
Herbert Thacker and wife wer
viisting for a .short time at the coun
ty seat driving down to that city
last Monday and returning h-mie t r'
following day.
W. E. Casey and wife of Denver.
Colorado, were visiting in Mauley
for several days during the ptist
week and were guests with ltev.
Higgins and mother.
Bert Mason, who has been working
on the Manley section and living in
Weeping Water for the past two
months, has concluded to move to
Manley and will keep Lachelcr's hall.
W. H. Frost and wife, with their
little daughter. Miss Kamona. and Mr.
and Mrs. A. II. Humble, were en-
ojying the moving picture show at j
Weeping Water hist Friday evening, i
The Manley ball suits have ar-j
rived and a large letter "M" has be n ,
placed on the bosom of the shirts J
I v Mrs. Theodore Harris. -whirli;
makes a very neat and agreeable,
uniform. j
Charles Murphy, who has been at !
Omaha receiving treatment "for the.
past few weeks, returned home las: !
Thursday and is feeling much im-!
proved from the treatment whi-lij
he has been receiving.
Miss Vera Gerlich was a visitor
at the heme of her parents. Mr. j
and Mrs. Charles Gerlich over Sun- j
day, returning Monday morning to j
Omaha, where she is in at tnd in-e
at the Duchens College.
The board of education of Manley!
at a recent meeting elected the pre:--I
ent corterie of teachers fur th,
schools of this place. Mrs. A. li.
Humble was chosen as principal and
Miss Clara Trechy. assistant.
John Tighe and wife, with their'
daughter .Miss Agnes, of Omana,
have ben visiting at the home of
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tighe,
Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt and hus
band for the past few days.
Davis Brann and wife were vis
,iting and looking after some btisi
nPKs matters in Murdock last Friday
evening, making the trip in their
new Ford car, which they recently
purchased from Charles Gerlich.
Mr. Cyrus Livingston of the I.
O. (). F. Prairie lodge, number 2" of
Weeping Water, who was on the
program at the county convention
last Monday, made a very excellent
address and which was well received.
S. C. Kreckler was a visitor in
"Manley during (he past week and a
;-,ust at the home of his father,
Thomas Keckler, who is very low
at his home from 3iis long continued
illness. His daughter. Mrs. Earl
Schaefi'er of Auburn, war; also a vis
iter during the week.
Last Sunday. James O'Leary and
Mi;.-; Chue Trechy. R. IUrgman and
i'amilv. A. H. Humble and wife, W.
1 f. I 'res! and family. Walter Gor
dan ainl wife, M ssrs. and Mesdames.
Wm. Heebner and Herman Rauth,
were in Omaha, driving to that city
in their cars and attending a play
at the Brandies theater.
Manley and Union were having an
excellent came at the Manley grounds
j last Sunday and as they both were
j teeling like playing ball, the game
i was one 'well worth seeing. There
is to be a game alo the coming Sun
j day and as the boys here are real
j sports, it is to be expected that they
! v. ill put up an excellent game.
The Lincoln Telephone Company
through the office at Plattsmouth,
lias taken up the matter of placing a
pay station in the store of It. Berg
man for the accommodation of the
people of Manley. Since the cutting
out of the telegraph service in Man
lev, it is very necessary to have some
way of communicating with the out
side world.
Mrs. John Stander. who it wssi
found necessary to take to '"i? pes
;mi:i at Oinali i last week rnd who
underwent an operation for :;ppen-
! iritis is reported as being very : id:,
.ml had a very" severe opera' io.:.
out is reported at this time as show
ing some progiess. Mrs. Stander
who was -taken to the Wise Memor
ial hospital has been there for over
a week and is only of late showing
th degree cf improvement which
Edgerton and Clara
thought they would
Joy ride and hopped
and were taxing a
! I little spin and had gouen m ie
' neighborhood of the home of Henry
Votrier wnn u
the top oi a nm on mc
of the road they met another
car and in their endeavor 10 iun
their car quickly enough to avoid
a collision, overturned their car,
pinning themselves under the auto.
They succeeded in squirming out of
the "close place, but with a number
of cuts and bruises. The car was
shy three wheels and the wind shield
was badly injured, being almost en
tirely demolished.
Works Against the Town. limeatro while Frank Reister
Manlev he left his
ing in the street where
;i dark place, and
along and drove a
Hie tires allowing
cape. Mr. Wm.
like injury by
car stanu-
thro was
some one came
nail into one of
the wind to es-
Wendt suffered a
some one placing a
number of tacks in his tire to his in
jury and inconvenience. This is
keeping the farmers away from town
and causing them to go to other
towns to do their trading. The mis
chevious ones should realize that the
vyor kfor the winning of business is
a hard game anyway and to make it
harder for the one who is trying to
make business better is. not near the
right thing. Steps have been taken
to apprehend the culprits and if
found out, which it is assured they
will be, it will cost them a pretty
Suffers Loss by Fire.
Frank Erhart. who has been look
ing after some supplies via parcel
post, has begun the burning of some
trash near the house when he re
ceived a telephone call telling of the
arrival of the expected package at
Wabash. He looked at the fire and
it seemed safe and so he departed
for the mail. Soon after his depar
ture the wind increased and blew
corn husks under the porch which
soon ignited the wood work and in
order to save the home, Mrs. Erhart
grabbed an ax and demolished the
Car Nearly Demolished.
When ll' Iand C:on left his car set
ting a! :tig the school grounds and
was studying. along comes hi:;
liiew That?
Frost, Curyea & Murtey have come, clear on the re
adjustment price of all kinds of building material?
Do you know, that we are selling
our lumber just as low now as you
have to sell your farm products?
Do you know, that we have not one
dissatisfied customer, but all feel
they have their full money's worth?
How about that house, barn, chicken or hog house,
implement shed or crib. See us. We'll save you money.
Frost, Curyea & Murtey,
W. H. FROST, Manager
Publish Marriage Bans.
At the services at "the St. Pat
rick's church yesterday, bans were
published of the coming marriage
of Morgan McCreary of Winner, S.
I)., and Miss Gertrude Earhart of
Manley. which will be consumated
in the near future.
Considerable wheat and corn is be
ing marketed in Eagle this week,
though the price is far from rem tin
Mr. lieman I. Fox of Grand Junc
tion. Colorado, spent Saturday with
his brother, Mr. Elton Snoke and
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Hughes has been suffering
' from an a miction of the ear. She was
I taken to Lincoln and an operation
' performed Sunday morning,
j While in Lincoln Tuesday we met
i Ross Mick, who has been for four
I weeks a sufferer from rheumatism
I and hasbeen in the hospital. He is
still taking treatments, though not
staying at the hospital, and expects
to lie home by the last of the next
Tom Renner and Glenn Knapton
j were up to Lincoln Tuesday night
j as members of Company A, First
! Regiment. National Guards. The
j company was Federalized at this
I niaotinfr fi ti H tha Ttnvu n r a nnvu rfliitr
to into summer training camp, which
will lie held for two weeks in Aug
ust. It has not yet been decided
where this camp will be held but
the members hope for a long ride.
Dr. Longacre enjoyed a visit from
his father last week. He also "en
joyed" the exciting experience of a
collision tth wa street car in Uni
versity Place last Friday. He had just
turned out from his father's across
the car track, when without warning,
and without his knowledge, the car
struck his car and turned him around,
smashing a wheel and jamming a
fender. Fortuneately no one was
hurt. The street car sounded no gong
and seemed to have no brake.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
Acetylene Welding!
I am prepared to do all
kinds of Acetylene Welding.
Charges reasonable and work
the best.
Located at John Iverson's
Blaksmith Shop,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Bead the Journal want-ads.
The time has arrived to plant corn and we are prepar
ed for the occasion with planters, listers and drills. Come
and see us and make your wants known. We also handle
all kinds of machinery for every season.
"The Reliable Machinery Man," of Murdock, Nebraska
Good Dragged Roads
Kansas City
Travel by Auto and Save
Money and Time.
T. H, Pollock Bridge