The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 02, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. MAY 2. 1921.
C Patronize your home merchant.
The money you spend with him
remains in the community. He
pays taxes to support the institu
tions of the home community.
JThe mail order house takes ev
ery penny from the community,
pays no local taxes and has no in
terest in the up-building of your
home town.
This bank believes in buying at
home, consequently limits its loans
to local farmers and merchants,
always considering the needs of
our own depositors first.
The Bank of Murdock
Murdock, Nebraska
"The Bank where You Feel at Home'
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Yice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier
Louis Boruemeier and wife at
tended the dance at Greenwood cn
last Friday evening.
Edward Thimgan was looking af
ter some business matters at Seward
a few days last week.
For Sale: John Ieere two row ma
chine, used two days. $65. Martin
Boruemeier. Murdock. Nebr. tf.
Rev. J. V. Peters
; Delia were callers at
; meier home Tuesday
! Mr. and Mrs. O. J.
1 tie daughter were vis
! fur a short time last
j Henry Gakeinoier
i were business caller:
j Nebraska. driing up
and daughter
the John Gake
evening. Pot hast and lit
iting in Lincoln
and son. John
? at Valparaiso,
in their car.
Hello There Folks!
Can't you hear those beautiful spring birds sing
ing and smell the perfume of the flowers?
Doesn't it make ycu feel like cleaning house?
See H. H. Lawton for papering, painting and dec
orating. Best of work and prices reasonable.
Call Phone 34-J,
-a Hosiery Service that You
Cannot Fail to Appreciate
It is a fine thing to feel that the hosiery
re-quirements of the entire family can
be purchased in one store. It is a let
of satisfaction, too, to know that the
grade, quality and service in each case
is uniformly good. Our lines of
Allen A
The Makers Mark
of Identification on
ton Spring Needle
tor Men and Boys
and on
Black Cat Hosiery
for Men. Women
and Children
for men, women and children are
maintained, with every consideration
of our customers demands, the year
'round. As a result of this policy
our size and style assortments can
be depended upon to satisfy any and
every demand.
Whether it is new hose for the "Baby of the
House," sturdy, rollicking boys and girls, or the
"grown-ups" of the family, there is a suitable
style, grade or quality in ALLEN A Black Cat
Hosiery to be had here at all times.
The finest silk and sport wool hosiery of the
present vogue, as well as the more inexpensive
styles in cotton and mercerized lisle hose are
splendidly represented. Come in and let us show
ou what our hosiery service really means to you.
rdocli Mercantile Go.,-
Murdock, Nebraska
Mrs. Ivan Heier was a visitor with
friends in Omaha on last Thursday,
making the trip on the Rock Island.
E. L. Pothast and father, Joseph
Pothast. were visiting; at the O. J.
Pothast home here last Saturday and
Max DusterholT was a visitor in
Omaha last Wednesday. where he
was called to look after some business
Harry (jillespic and wife and Mrs.
H. V. McDonald and Irene and Rryan
were visitors in Lincoln last Friday
I afternoon.
j William Meyers, who is attending
I tchool at Lincoln, was a visitor at
jthe home of his parents in Murdock
over Sunday.
i Mrs. William McXamara. of Fair
mont, sister-in-law of Mrs. W. O.
, Gillespie, is reported as getting along
I much better.
! J. J. Gust in was a passenger to
j Lincoln last Saturday, where he was
! looking after some business matters
j fur the day.
j Otto Miller and family visited and
looked after some business matters
i in Elmwood List Tuesday, driving
' over in t hei r car.
! Mrs. Helen Jones-Scott, of Sioux
City, was a visitor for a few days ;;t
'the home of her friend. Mrs. O. J.
Pothast. of this place.
Mrs. C. Mooiney has been visiting
for the past few days at t lie home of
her daughter. Mrs. Henry Hesse and
family, at Fern. Kansas.
August P.or iierneier and Daniel
Panska were gmsts at the home ot
Augu-t Panska last Sunday, enjoy
ing a very pleasant lime.
William 'Jherts and tins Gakeniei
cr were looking after i-omo matters
of business in Omaha last Thursday,
driving up i:i the former's car.
Karl Troop of Plattsniouth. who is
a student in the Plattsniouth high
school was a visitor in .Murdock for
a fdiort time last Friday evening.
Miss Pert ha Ran. w ho has been
visiting for some time at the home
of Mrs. Charles Schneider, returned
to her homo last Friday evening.
Mi-:s Margaret Tool was a visitor
v.t home over the week end. returning
Sunday evening to Lincoln to resume
her studies ;it the sfat- university.
A. J. Neitzel has been bitv for
some tin t- past. d;iing some painting
o:i his ii;:use in Murdock. which is
occupied by J. E. Mcllugh and family-
K. McDonald ami family at-tevtb-d
th- American Legion's indoor
c;inival and fair at Plattsniouth on
Friday evening, driving over in their
The dance last Wednesday night
proved to he a very enjoyable affair,
and was attended by a large number
of people all of whom had an ecel
Ient time.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Panska and
daughter. Helen Irene and Miss Viola
Ecrett wcr" guests Sunday evening
for supper with Mr. and Mrs. John
Gakenu ier.
Miss Margaret Amgwert. who is
teaching in the schools at Carson.
Iowa, was a visitor at home over
Sunday. b ing a guest of her moth
er while 1 ere.
Kdward P.roTikow and Conrad F.
Ileinke -h.;lled corn during the past
week. tL" work being done by W. II.
Ru-h. The grain was delivered to
the local elevators.
Louis Schmidt, wife and little
daughter, and Miss Marie Schmidt
were looking ;.fter some business
matters and visiting with friends in
Lincoln last Friday.
W. O. Gillespie his been pretty
busy at the worksh- p of A. H. Ward
assisting in the rc oust ruct ion of a
; Ford w hich went bad w hile Odd was
'd riving t!;e animal.
j Principal Fricke of the Klmwood
'schools wan a visitor in Murdock on
i !.:t Friday, coming over with the
i Ll.nwooii school baseball team for
j t iii' game here that day.
I Lacey McDonald ami Louis Hrn
jbefk were at Meadow last Friday.
I where they engaged in fishing, but
; did not have much luck. They expect
I to try again soon, however.
I Art Pe'ers departed a short time
ago for Sidney, where he is visiting
at the home ot hi brother. Rev. W.
I F. peters and family, and endeavor
' ing to recuperate his health.
Kdward Seabuck. who i leaking
his hone at Sprague. is visiting for
a thrift time at the home of Conrad
Iiaumcartner. being a very close
friend of the I'.aumgart n r family.
I John Amgwert and wife. Henry
Amgwert, Charles Schaefier and a
number of others attended t lie dance
given at Greenwood in last Friday
evening and had an excellent time.
! Mrs. M. Sorick of Lincoln was a
visitor at the home of her daughter.
. Mrs. H. W. Lawton a number of
days last week. returning to her
home in the capital city last Friday
(J. Hauer and George Markle have
been kept busy during the past few
days tearing down the old house and
beginning the construction of a iipw
one just east of J. H. Luck's black
smith shop.
! Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Goehry. who
have recently purchased u hom in
Lincoln, will move to that place in
a short time, they having shipped
their goods to the capital city ou
last Thursday.
! Kdward Kelly, who has been mak
ing his home in Murdock for som
time past, went over to Plattsniouth
to attend the Legion carnival last
week and reports an excellent time
and big crowds.
Mrs. August Boruemeier. who has
been sick f r some time, departed a
few days ago for Burlington. Kansas,
accompanied by Mrs. M. R. Long,
and will spend some time visiting in
the Sunflower state.
The high school is putting on a
magical entertainment for May 5th.
Thursday evening of this week,
which is a very commendable fea
ture of the work of the high school.
Try and se the entertainment.
Superiutendent of the Murdock
schools and Principal George Warren
were visitors at their home in Lin
coln for over Sunday, departing on
Friday evening and returning in
time to Jake up their work Monday
Mrs. A. J. Tool and son, Douglas,
were visiting at Firth for a few days
last week, being the guest of Miss
Catherine, where she is teaching this
year. They had a most enjoyable
time and returned home last Satur
day evening.
T'tiv botony class of the high
school is having to put in double
work, on account of the shortness of
time remaining until the close of the
year, on account of not receiving
the necessary apparatus for their
work until late.
The Lincoln Pure Cream and But
ter company, whose business is tem
porarily in the hands of Mrs. Wil
liam Statinsky, following the resig
nation of their former agent in this
vicinity, are in search of someone
to take the local managership.
The high school team from Elm
wood w?s over in force last Friday
for a game with the Murdock team,
and from the way they played ball,
it would look like they meant busi
ness from the word, "do." The re
sult of the game was :;:! for the vis
tors, while Murdock had to be satis
fied with 11.
The Murdock Mercantile company
has arranged for the delivery of fresh
bread, cookies and rolls by truck
fro-n a Lincoln bakery, which gives
their patrons in Murdock service equal
to that possible if the town boasted
of a bakery of its own. Depend on
Mr. Mcllugh to do the best thing
possible for the town.
L. Neit-zel and wife spent Sunday
with friends in Omaha, making the
trip in their car. They remained un
til Mondav to visit with a nephew.
Ravmond Neitzel. of Troy. N". Y.. !
w ho was in Omaha while on his way
to Kansas City to look after the in
terests of the large eastern concern
he represents as a salesman.
A. D. and wife endeavored
to tpend Thursday in Plattsniouth
visiting with friends and looking af
ter some business matters, but on ac
count of losing one of the wheels of
their auto, were compelled to tele
phone to James Buskirk to come and
bring them home from eight or nine
miles west of the county seat.
The Evidence is at Your Door
PlattBmouth proof is what you
want and the statement of this high
ly respected resident will banish all
A. J. McFarland, 306 Third street,
Plattsmouth, says: "Several years
ago I was doing some heavy lifting
which strained my back and kidneys.
This put me in such bad shape I
had to walk with a cane for a num
ber of weeks and I couldn't straight
en up. I felt as though there was
a heavy weight across my back that
was just holding me down. I could
not sleep nights and it felt as though
I had been struck in the back with
a tdiarp knife. My kidneys acted ir
regularly and the secretions were
highly colored and burned in pas
sage. I was told to try Doan's Kid
ney Pills and after the first box my
condition was much improved. I put
my. cane away and was able to walk
straight. I used four boxes from
Fricke & Co's. drug store and they
made a cure that has lasted ten
years. My back and kidneys have
never bothered me since and I be
lieve Doan's will do the same for
other people if they will give them
a fair trial."
60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. V.
Pittsburgh, April 28. "The great
est hope of a stricken world lies In
the sturdy, hard-working, home
loving American," Vice President
Coolidge declared in an address at
the Founders Day celebration at
Carnegie Institute. He eulogized the
late Andrew Carnegie, who estab
lished the institute, reviewed his ac
complishments and spoke of him as
a "man who represented American
"Great as were Mr. Carnegie's
benefactions iu the development of
the material and intellectual wel
fare of his fellowmen," the vice pres
ident continued, "his greatest achie
vement lies in the addition he zaade
to their moral force."
"The question of human welfare,"
he added, "is not an economic ques
tion. It is a moral question. The
ability is not lacking. It is the dis
position the moral force that is
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
man Zeirott and Miss Clara Woitzcl.
both well and favorably known in
Murdock and vicinity. The marriage,
while it was expected by their many
friends was a bit of a suprise, as it
was not looked for just at this time.
The young people will make their
home near Murdock on the Albert
Zeirott farm northwest of town,
and will engage in farming.
Those present to witness the cere
mony were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beck
nieyer and Albert Zierott and wife.
The parties to this union are among
the finest young people in the vicin
ity and have a host of friends who
unite in extending best wishes for
their future success and happiness.
I..;,.;.,;.,..; jj I i 1 H HH -M-M-I- 8--I-
4 ,; ,;,,;.,
Believes in Safety First
Since the recent theft of a large
flock of his chickens. J. J. Gustin
is having a special poultry house con
structed for bis poultry, which will
be near burglar proof, being secured
by a Yale lock at the door and bars
at all the windows. To further de
crease the danger of loss he has also
acquired a large aud very cross bull
dog. Mr. Gustin "lelieves in Safety
First more strongly than ever before
and is putting it into practice.
Fish Will be Scarce
.1. A. Bauer, in expressing bis opin
ion tif fishing prospects this summer,
says he is convinced that the catch
of this season will not be overly
large and will be of inferior quality,
attributing his statement to the fact
that some of the sportsmen of Mur
dotk while fishirg in the Platte riv
er a few days ago accidently took a
foot bath in the river, and the fish
will all drive to other parts, it being
a good long time before they return.
Will Open Station Here
Henry Inhelder. of Omaha, has se
cured a room in which to conduct a
produce and cream station and will
handle all kinds of produce, buying
cream for the Harding Ice Cream
concern in Omaha ami selling his
other produce to different buyers ac
cording to who will pay the most.
Mr. Inhelder will move his family
to Murdock as soon as he is able to,
secure a place to live.
Celebrates Birthday
Last week Judge H. A. Gast. who
but recently passed his 64th birth
day, was agreeably surprised when a
number of friends came and helped
to celebrate the passing milestone in
his busy life. A sumptuous dinner
was served from baskets brough by
the friends. and which contained,
many tempting' good things to eat.'
Those present from out of town were
Mr. and Mrs. William Haas, of Sew-
ard and Rudolf Marthus and wife and ;
William Marthus and wife, of Gal-j
Ian, as well as August Marthus and
wife, of Seward. They drove down 1
in ineir cars. nacn oi ine lauies
are sisters of Mr. Gast.
Murdock Young People Married
Last Wednesday evening a? the
parsonage of the church north of
Murdock. the Rev. J. W. Peters.
rtHifiT tf i - a rlmrrli nri itrd In TTnlv
wedlock the hearts and lives of Her-'most any kind at Joumnl office.
C. S. Aldrich returned from Lip
ton. Iowa on Wednesday evening
where he had been to attend the
funeral of a sister. Mrs. Catherine
Sterling Rhoden had the mis
fortune to run a nail in his foot and
the injury is quite severe- and will
cause him to be laved up for a few
A. A. Bardon made a deal the first
of the week where-hy he sold his 8 0
acre farm near 'Murdock to Lee West
from Omaha. The consideration price
being $9,500. In the deal Mr. West
also gets a number of horses. Mr.
Bardon bought this farm from Bar
ton Hopkins a year or so ago.
Henry Mollen. the shoemaker is
taking a lay off having injured his
left hand by ramming a screw driver
in his hand between the thumb and
first finger. The injury is very pain
ful and he will not be working for a
few days. Henry did this trick once
before but it seems he has not pro
fited from former experience.
On last Friday aftrenoon a shower
was held by the ladies of the Meth
odist thurch at the horn" of Mrs.
Harry Williams for the little triplet
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ad
ams and many articles of dress were
made for the little ones. This was
indeed a very meritorious thing to
do and will be of great help to the
mother in her ta-k of caring for the
lah-'en Everybodj likes the little
bibies even the litt'.e kiddies and
many of them who were present
wanted to take one of theiu home,
but of course they could not be
spared. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are liv
ing on the Chas. Fleischman farm
where Mr. Adams is working for
Mr. Fleischman.
A number of the Odd Fellows from
this place went to Nehawka on Mon
day evening to attend the big Odd
Fellow gathering held there that
evening. A big crowd was present
and all were shown a good time by
Nehawka. The Rebekahs served a big
banquet in the evening. Those from
here going down were O. Turner, C.
Breckenfeld. Walter Sutherland, Sam
Humphrey, Harry Tolhurst, Chas.
Bailey. Byron Clements. Joy Suther
land. Waldo Willet. Lou Tyson. Guy
Clements. Frank Wall. Jake Sterner.
Walter Recder. Leo Horton. Henry
Moilen. Elmer Boyles. Roy Lean.
Wra. Schick. Peter Nickel. Richard
Deles Dernier. Earl Elliott, and Rob
ert Alford and wife.
Three or four
Telephone 4022.
good milk cows.
We can furnish you blank books
You Can Build a Home!
On the May leaf of the large calendars we dis
tributed early in the year, is a picture of an elegant
home that is truly modern, and for which we can fur
nish you the material for $2,400.00. We have blue
prints and specifications which will greatly aid in get
ting at the worth of this style of a home, and you can
consult the plans any time. We are also able to fur
nish you plans and material for the construction of
barns, chicken and hog houses which will save you
money at both ends in their construction and the care
of the stock as well.
Tool, fteurnan & Murtey,
The Lumbermen
The Farmers' Grain Prices!
One year with another the farming industry is a
prosperous one. Sometimes the prices go unusually
low, but those times are usually followed by an advent
of higher ones, due to decreased production. The people
must eat, and the era of better prices is ahead. Do not
slackn production, then, but be prepared to share in the
coming prosperity.
To raise the most from you land and get the best
returns, improved machinery is essential. We are
carrying the best lines and can supply you with what
you want. If you wait till prices advance, before you
resume production you will have nothing to sell when
the reaction comes. Enough others will fall by the way
side to assure a greater demand, and YOU cannot af
ford to pass up this opportunity. Better get the neces
sary machinery now and go in for a bumper year. See
us for anything you may need and be assured of the
best of service.
House Gleaning Time!
Is the spring renovation all that is needed? Or do
some of the rooms require repapering, varnishing or
painting? How about the floors, do they need varnish
ing or polishing? Our high grade wall coverings are
selling at the lowest price quoted anywhere, as well as
our superior quality paints, v enamels, varnishes and
floor dressings. Just new we are making some very
attractive prices on both material and work. Come to
us for your material if you prefer to do the work your
self, or we can do it for you. Estimates cheerfully fur
nished on cost of materials and labor. We also re
finish wood work and furniture.
We have added window glass to our line and are
prepared to give you the best of service. Prices made
for the glass alone or to include setting them. See us
when you need anything in this line.
The Dusterhoff Shops,
You May Use Shock Absorbers
and a hundred and one other contrivances on your car,
that are supposed to provide better service, but unless
you have the best oil, your car is bound to receive dam
age beyond the ordinary wear and tear.
We are selling the very best brands of guaranteed
motor oils. See us, when in need of any.
We also carry a full line of accessories and supplies
and maintain the best of service in our repair departm't.
Yes, Business is Getting Better, Thank You. And We
Appreciate It, Too.
The Automobile Man
Landholm Auto Co.
We are especially well prepared to do repair work
on all makes of automobiles. Bring your car in and
we will look after your wants promptly.
We also carry supplies and accessories. Call on
us for anything in our line.
Landholm Auto Co.,