The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 02, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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MONDAY, MAY 2, 1921.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the State Department of Pub
lic Works, 4th Floor Hrownell Kloek,
at Lincoln, Nebraska, until n:00 o'clock
p. in., on Monday. May L'nd, 15JI, fi
grading-, constructlnc culverts and In
cidental work on the KaKlc-Murdock
road in Cass county. Project No. IMt
A. Federal Aid Koad.
Hids will be opened In the Senate
chamber in the State Capitol on or
near the hour of 11:00 o'clock a. in,,
on the 3rd day of May. 1!:M. I I
llnnriN arr hereby requested be
prrrnt or rriirmriitrd. lilddctM are
invited to be present.
The proposed work consists of con
strnctinK 6.49 miles of earth rond.
The approximate quantities are:
4.".2SS cubic vards earth excavation.
Cbc plattsmouth lournal
Entered at Postofflce, Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter
in csr- i i r
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Do you remember when you used
Tbe sewing machine industry is
centered largely in Indiana and Ill
The Republicans promise to pro
tect home industries. Does that apply
to home.
Say what you please about the
Missouri mule, his business end is
always up lifting.
The plutocrat of today is the man
who is able to pay both his income
tax and his lawyer.
Here's a joke on the children, they j
think when they grow up they will
have their own way.
And now comes the season of the
trowel blister, the hoe lumbago and
the carpet beater's wrist.
Tbe average man reasons things
out "by trying to find excuse for hav
ing it done in his own way.
Bridegroom bam liomners says
he's "too happy for words." Weil, a
married man does'nt need words.
When a girl tells a young man he
can have a kiss if he catches her she
generally manages to get caught.
Has your coal pile reached that
stage where if you want to fire the
furnace you have to use sugar tongs?
Ever notice how happy a clothes
presser looks on a rainy day? What's
one man's meat is another nun's
Despite the movie regulation, we
hold that the proper way to measure
a kiss is with the thermometer not
the yardstick.
Perhaps some of those recent at
tempted robberies in Omaha were in
spired by a belief that there was
hootch in the cellar.
The five cent cigar is back with us.
Most of 'em taste like an old fur
coat that has been exposed to the
weather during a long winter.
That "elastic" reparations propos
al of the Germans probably will be
regarded by the French as stretching
a point too far for sound logic.
If we are permitted to manufact
ure just a little home-made wine,
this should not be such a dreadfully
hard year on women and song.
"Doctors don't bleed us as they did
a few generations ago." says the
Montgomery Advert iscr. It all de
pends on what you call 'bleeding.
We hear a let about selling some
thing for a song, remarks the man at
the nearby desk, but we've never
been able to buy anything that way.
One of the most discouraging
9,e 3ormJ(pdisMi
correct corseting is essential.
To the woman who appre
ciates this need, we suggest
BON TON Corsets. Their
graceful lines enhance the
charm of any figure. Their
correct design ensures corset
comfort. The new models
a re now being shown.
Ladies Toggery
F. P. BUSCH, Manager
Washington. April 27. President
Harding left late today on t lie May
flower for Hampton Roads, where
tomorrow lie will review the Atlan
tic division of the American fleet anil
later hold a reception aboard the
flagship Pennsylvania for the officers
tasks in the world must be praying of the 6S ships. He was accompanied
for Congress. One chaplain prayed
for congressmen 25 years and look
at them now.
If it is true that Japan is prepar
ing to announce an "Asia for the
Asiatics" policy, she ran count on the
enthusiastic support of California in
maintaining it.
An optimist may be a man who
carries a corkscrew, but your true
pessimist is never found without an
We don't see why father takes such
an interest in helping the girls put
up the porch swing. He'll never get
to sit In it.
Besides liquidating its war obli
gations, the world is taking a great
deal of the water out of the inflated
stock values.
A New York judge has ruled that
a man who steals a doll has a weak
mind. But how about the man who
marries one?
Advertising has been known to
ruin business when the advertising
was done by competitors.
The soviet government has decid
ed, Washington hears, to reorganize
the Russian navy. Merely that. Does
not it intend to reorganize the prin
ciples of navigation too?
A Washington woman killed her
husband the other day. and then
knelt beside the dead body and beg
ged his pardon. Why can't all women
be polite and thoughtful.
A lady subscriber writes us to
quit saying unkind things about lip
sticks and rouge rags. All right. Un
til the ladies change their minds
nothing can be done on this subject.
The reason the courts do not have
so many cases of drunks to handle as
they once did is that the stuff they
handle as they once did is that the
stuff they now drink t-cuds them to
the undertaker, instead.
Silk Topped Vests
New Conf iner Vests
Just arrived are these lovely flesh colored silk
topped vests, made in the bodice style and in the usual
Carter exactness as to quality. The silk tops, nine
inches deep, are made of fine thread silk and are very
elastic. Sizes 34 to 38 are $1.50, larger sizes are $1.75.
Quite the latest thing in vests is this "Confiner"
vest, so called because of the patented Garter Tab,
which permits of fastening the supporter to the hose
and vest at one fastening, thus preventing the vest
from slipping up. This vest is made of a fine quality
of combed yarn, in the bodice style, and in all sizes.
Prices are $1.00 and $1.25.
A Good Quality Goods
at a Low Price
J Jo
Call Phones No.
53 or 54
bv Mrs. Harding, his military and
naval aides and a party of senators.
Secretary Denby, Admiral
chief of naval operations and mem
bers of the house naval committee
also left aboard the naval yacht
Sylph for Old Point. Just before the
review begins tliey will join the
presidential party aboard the Mayflower.
Lincoln. April 27. Petitions are
being circulated and signed by mem
bers of the legislature asking Gov
ernor McKelvie to appoint Represen
tative James A. Hodman of Kimball,
judge of the district court in tin
i:jth judicial district to fill the va
cancy caused by the deth of Judge
H. M. Grimes at North Platte Mon
day. The Hodman petitions were start
ed by Senator 1!. K. Hushe.e of Kim
ball. All of the members of the
senate and 80 members of t lie house
signed the petitions.
Mini i:
Whcrciis, Hairy Carncs convicted in
Pass county on the -I'nd day of June.
of the crime of horse stealing,
has mailt' application to the Hoard of
Pardons for a parole and the Hoard o!"
Pardons pursuant to law have set 1 1 -hour
of lit a in., on the 17th day of
May. P.iJl, for hearinc on said appli
cation: all persons interested are here
by notified that they may appear at
the state penitentiary, at Lincoln. Ne
braska, on said dav and hour and show
cause, if any there he. why said ap
plication should or should not be
i. m. amshi:i:i:v.
Secretary. Hoard of Pardons.
X. T. MA I :. MUX.
chief state Probation Officer.
j o i
i - J
When you call on us for your sum
mer underwear needs whether it be
cool Vassar Athletics the two season
garment, or' the knitted to fit kind.
The line starts this spring at
How's your, shirt supply? Our
stock of good shirts was never more
complete. Woven and corded Mad
ras, Oxfords with and without col
lar. Percales with separate collar of
same material.
The Choice is Yours
$1.25 to $3.50
yards special
yard special
P.f.O cubic vards special
class L5.
K65 cubic
19 1 cubic
class "A."
I!.r77 cubic yards Sta. overhaul.
15. H2 cubic yards reinforced concrete
l-'-l mix box culverts.
ft 1.1. 5 cubic vards reinforced concrete
mix lieadwalls.
:I0 lineal feet IS" concrete pipe.
1 lineal feet 2 1" concrete pipe.
40 lineal feet HO" concrete pipe.
Ul lineal feet concrete pipe.
::o concrete ditch chocks.
lineal feet S" piles and PjfiO F.
H. M. lumber and spikes for plank
lu I kheads.
Certified check for of the amount
of the bid will lie required with each
i nd every bid received.
Plans and specifications for the work
may he seen and information and pro
posal forms secured at the office of
the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, or at the office of tin- State
Department of Public Works at Lin
coln, Nebraska.
The State and County reserve the
rif;ht to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids.
Count v Clerk, Cass Count v.
at J-::w Sec'v Dept. of Pub. Works.
exca vat Ion,
exca va t Ion,
-MTlt i: TO f'O.VMt CTOHS
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the State Department of Pub
lic Works. 4th Floor Hrownell Hlock.
at Lincoln. Nebraska, until fi:f0 o'clock
p. in., on Monday, May L'ml, HtJI. for
tr radi'i'-r. constructing culverts and in
cidental work on the Nebraska City
l.iiieolri road in Cass court tv. Project
No. i:::t-C. Federal Aid Load. The pro
posal forms coverinir this section will
also cover section "IV" in iitoe county.
Hids will be opened in the Senate
chamber in the Slate Capilol on or
iie;ir the hour of 1 :0i o'clock p. m.. on
thr ::rd day of May. I'.'L'I. County
Hoards arr hereby requested to be
lrcciit or represented. Hidders are
invited to be present.
The proposed work consists of con
st ructinfr ::.:! miles of earth road.
The approximate quantities are:
t.S92 cubic yards earth excavation.
:!.::t7 cubic yards channel
vards special
i'::t.L' cubic
lass "P.."
2:54.2 cubic vards special excavation.
class "A."
!.'. ".7 cubic yards reinforced 'con
crete. 1-2-1 mix, box culverts.
-I..12 cubic yards reinforced concrete,
l-L'-t mix, lieadwalls.
I 1 4 lineal feet IX" concrete pipe.
72 lineal feet 2t" concrete pipe.
t'.1 lineal feet concrete pipe.
Certified cheek for Tt'', of the amount
nf the bid will be required with each
;tud everv bid received.
Plans and cpecificat ions for the work
mav be seen and information and
forins secured at the office of
the County Clerk at Plat t smon t h. Ne
braska, or at the office of the State
Department of Public Works at Lin
coln. Nebraska.
Tbe State and County reserve the
riuht to waive all technicalities and
reji ct anv or all bids.
Countv Clerk, Cass Count v.
all-.'-w J-ec'y Dept. of Pub. Works.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the State Department of Pub
lic Works, 4th Floor Hrownell Hlock.
at Lincoln. Nebraska, until r:" o'clock
p. ni.. on Monday, May 2nd. l'.21. for
frradinsr, constructinir culverts and in
cidental work on the Green wood-Cha Ico
road in Cass county. Project No. 107
A. Federal Aid Load. Proposal forms
coverimr this section will also cover
Section "H" in Saunders county and
Section "C" in Sarpy countv.
Hids will be opened in the Senate
Chamber in the State Capitol on or
i.ear the hour of pi:u'l o'clock a. in. on
!! "rd day of May. 1321. County
Hoards nrr hereby rriiirtril 1 he
preNdit or represented. Hidders arc
invited to be present.
The proposed work consists of con
structing V miles of earth road.
The approximate quantities are:
4 .".. 10 cubic yards earth excavation.
1.72.1 cubic yards special excavation,
prad iiiK.
12:! cubic yards special excavation,
c ul vert s.
i::.17:: cubic yards Sta. overhaul.
cuiuc varus reiniorcen concieie,
1-2-1 mix, box culverts.
:10.0: cubic yards reinforced concrete,
1-2-4 mix. lieadwalls.
."' lineal feet 1 s "concrete pipe.
112 lineal feet 2l"0concrete pipe.
Certified check for .IJ. of the amount
of the bid will be required witli each
and every bid received.
Plans and specifications for the work
may be seen and information and pro
posal forms secured at the office of
the County Clerk ut Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, or at the office of the State
Department of Public Works at Lin
coln, Nebraska.
The State and County reserve the
riiiht to waive all technicalities and
reject any or all bids.
County Clerk. Cass Countv.
!'ll-:;w Sec'y Dept. of Pub. Wyrkd.
oti(t' to o-iti:Mm:vr
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
To Anna Hapavy, non-resident de
fendant: You are hereby notified that on the
3rd day of July. 1320, the plaintifT.
Caspar Lapavy, filed a petition in the
District Court of Cass county, same
lieinff Doc. 'A, No. 70f3, pae 201 of
the records In the office of the Clerk
of the District Court of said county,
against you, the object and prayer of
which is to obtain an absolute divorce
from you on the grounds of extreme
cruelty and adultery. You are requir
ed to answer said petition on or before
the fith diiv of June, 1321.,
Dated this 12th day of April. 1321.
OltDKIt OF UK lll;
ond .otlre on Petition for Set
tlement f Account,
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, '"ass county, ss.
To the heirs and all persons inter
ested in the estate or George G. Old
ham, deceased: v
tlti reading the petition of Pauline
Youhk. foniLerly Pauline Oldham,
prayinsr a final settlement and allow
ance of her account filed in this Court
on the 'j::rd day of April, 1321, and
for distribution of residue ;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may; and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the 3th day of May. A. D. 1321.
at 10 o'clock a., in., to show cause. If
any there be. why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of aid
petition and the hearing: thereof bo
ttlven to all persons interested in said
matter by publishing a copy of this
order In the Plattsmouth Journal, a
senii-weekl y newspaper printed in said
county, for one week prior to said day
of hearing:. '
la witness whereof, I have hereunto
You tmi find plenty of use for the money which you will save by buying
your furniture during our Ten Day Special Sale of High Grade Household Goods,
now in progress nnd which will continue all this week.
During this ten day sale we are offering exceptional bargains on every
article in our large stock and it will pay you to supply your needs now.
Below wc list a few price comparisons on the different articles, showing
the tremendous reductions that are in effect at this time.
Duofolds, finest quality $ 75.00 $ 57.50 $17.50
Duofolds, exceptional values 65.00 47.50 17.50
Pitrlor sets, leather upholstered 175.00 122.50 52.50
Parlor sets in real mahogany 275.00 212.50 62.50
One leather upholstered Morris chair 9-50
Finest quality 9x12 rugs 70.00 52.50 17.50
High grade 9x12 rugs.' 60.00 47.50 12.50
Very good quality 9x12 rugs 40.00 29.50 10.50
A number of smaller rugs selling at from $1.00 to $9.50
Circasion walnut finish bed room suit $225.00 $155.00 $70.00
Wal nut bed room suit , 250.00 178.00 72.00
Large, roomy dressers 65.00 47.50 17.50
Excellent quality dressers. .. ." 45.00 32.50 12.50
Beds, finest quality and finish 35.00 23.50 1 1.50
Eeds, Simmons make, good and durable 22.00 14.50 7.50
Twin beds in artistic finish, each 35.00 27.50 7.50
Single width beds 22.00 14.50 7.50
Mattresses, finest quality (while they last) . . . 32.00 19.50 12.50
Extra good cotton felt mattresses - 22.00 14.50 7.50
Popular priced mattresses 18.00 9.50 8.50
Cotton duofold mattresses 10.00 6.50 3.50
Silk faced pillows, per pair 8.00 5.75 2.23
Large, roomy cedar chests 30.50 22.50 8.00
Ten dressers from $14.50 to $27.50 Eight beds form $1.75 to $9.50
hinest quality buffets, various finishes $ 65.00 $ 47.50 $17.50
High grade buffets 40.00 29.50 10.50
Neat, substantial buffets 25.00 18.50 6.50
Finest upholstered dining room chairs. . . 8.00 4.75 3.25
Good quality dining room chairs 5.00 3.75 1.25
New oak extension tables selling at from $19.50 to $37.50.
Slightly used dining room tables at $4.50 to $15.00.
Kitchen cabinets -...$ 65.00 $ 52.50 $12.50
White enamel kitchen tables 19.00 12.50 6.50
Refrigerators 30.00 19.50 10.50
Four hole oil range 35.00 22.50 12.50
Gas cooking range 30.00 19.50 10.50
One used gas cook stove 7.50
Twenty rockers from $1 up to $30; $110 new electric washer at $87.50;
$40 hand and power washer at $32. 0; $30 hand washer at $22.50; one slightly
used electric washer at $57.50; four Perfection oil heaters at $3.75 each; two new
Singer sewing machines sold at $98 now go at $69.50 each; one slightly used
Singer sewing machine at $32.50; one $20 refrigerator at $14.50; slightly used
kitchen tables from $2 to $6; baby cribs and buggies from $15 to $35; one old
fashioned book case at $24.50; rugs at from $1 to $7.50; also buffets, china clos
ets, linoleums and congoliums, window shades, baby beds, library tables, center
tables, wicker porch sets, chairs and rockers, writing desks, phonographs and mu
sic cabinets, all selling at greatly reduced prices.
Opposite the Courthouse PHONE 645 Plattsmouth, Nebraska
v?7'Ve can handle your Liberty bonds at the highest market quotation.
vi 1 If!
mv hand and the seal f said Cmirl
day of April. A. I PJ-'I-
ALLI'i.N .1- lil-.i'.Ji'
(..aU County .Inde.
otich of I'ltoiivii: of wiix
Court of Ca.
ciiu u -
County of Cass
1 ii tlic County
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska.
To nil oersons interested in tl
tpte of Justus l.illie. deceased:
On reading the petition of Anna
l.illie iiriivinj that the instrum"iit lil-
ed in this court on the iMUh day of
April. 19J1. arid purportiiiK '
last will and testament of Justus l-il-lie,
deceased; that said Instrument, be
admitted to probate, and the adminis
tration of said estate be slanted to
Anna Lillie as executrix:
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested in said matter,
may. and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said countv-
on the ::rd day of May. A. I .
at 10 o'c loc k a. in- to show
tr ntixr ilium lie whv the inavev
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said pe
tition and that the hearlnK thereof be
given to all persons interested m said
mutter bv publishing a copy of this
Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a
semi-weekly uewsyaper Hinted iu tata
county. for three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness nn hand, and seal of said
court, this i.tli day of April. A. 1 .
(Seal l aJ.S-IIw. County Judye.
4 II tti:i.
Moici t; A;i:
s i.i:
ca use,
of the
Notice Is hereby nivcn that by virtue
of a chattel moitnatfe dated the. !th
dav of Kehruarv, l'.Ul. and duly tiled
in the officer of the County Clerk of
Cass county, Nebraska, 'i the luih day
of I'cbrnary, KiL'l. and executed by
Arthur l.indsey to rval Mcijnin to
secure payment of the sum of $tr0.0a
and upon 'Which there k-; now due- the
sum of $:;t;0.00, ib-fault having Jieen
made in the payment of said sum ;i ml
the said morteasee deeminir hiirsrlf
Insecure and no suit or other prnceejd
inff at law having been instituted to
recover said debt or any part thereof,
therefore I will sell the property de
scribed in said tnortKaue. to-wit: )o.e
second hand Kurd Coupe, 4 -cy I i inlur,
Htjii model, a.i puhlie auction at llv
Hurhee ciarauc in I'nioii, Cass countv.
Nebraska, on ' Saturday. May '.'l, 19.'li
at '! o'clock it. m. of said day.
Pated April Zb.. l:'.'l.
a-o'. Mortjj'ujjee.
Blank Books at the Journal Office. J
oTiri-: in t HKDiioits
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the- estate of Kath
erine I . Keeker, deceased.
To the- creditors of said estate:
You re hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in I'latts
mouth in said countv, on the 31st day
of May, A. I . I'.n'l. and on the 1st da v
ot September. A. I . l'li'l. al .. ...l...i,
in the forenoon of each day, to receiv
and examine all claims against aid
estate, wilh a view to their n.linsn
ment and allowance. The timo limited'
km tne presentation of claims aain.-!
mum I'Miui" is inrce
;!lst day of May, A
tune limited for payment of
one year from said ::ist ilv
months from th
I . 19'M ai..l tl...
debts i
, ..... viej W L .lcl
.. i '. j J I.
Witness my hand and the
said County Court, this 30th
April. A. 1. 1 !!.
SeaI ) County Judge
For sale or will trado fnr i, nrccul
or cattle, a pure bred Percheron stal-
lion. Fine disposition! iuaw imno.i
A. O Ault. Cedar Creek. 2-4tw 1
Blank books, Journal office.