MONDAY, KAY 2, 1921. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEZHLY JOTJENAL PAGE THP.EE Nehawka Department! Prepared io the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. Fur const-rvat i e. safe hanking see the Xehawka Lank. Lincoln poo st rved in all flavors at (Jrifriii' n-raiiranr. Kd Klrkpatrick was a visitor in Lincoln last Wednesday. Safety Fir means that yon do business with the .NVhawka Hank. Try that popular drink. Lincoln grape pop. which i --rvel at Crif flii's re-ju'irurp. John 1. .-Tr"il w;n looking after jou: hiii!'.-- Matter- t .ebruk: At Your Service Yes that is why we are at your service and ready to supply you with the best that is in . the Auto Sup plies and Accessories, as well as EJectric Goods and work in Electric Wiring- We carry a stock of Elec trical Goods and Flash Lights and Batteries as well. Do Battery Charging and Repairing. Workmen in connection for expert Auto Repairing. The Lumberg Garage Nehawka, Nebraska. Farm Machinery! We Cdii supply your wants in the line of imple ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later in season, as there is a considerable price advance on stock purchased this spring, which we can save you through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also. H. F. KROPP, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA !T IS HOP TO IT NOW! Yes. the busy season is now at hand. We are pre pared to look after your work in the painting, papering and decorating lines. We can give you hand work or do ycupainting with the DeVilbis air brush. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Remember, we have made a discount of 25 per cent, in order to meet the lowered prices of materials and labor in our lines. W. B DALE, Painter Decorator r -I t.. We are making the best burial vault possible to produce. Constructed of reinforced concrete, it is bet ter and more durable than steel and has the advantage of costing less. Most undertakers over the country are handling our goods. Miller & Gruber, NEHAWKA -:- -:- NEBRASKA Saw Mill Now Running We Are Prepared to do All Custom Work IX Sawing; Lumber and Dimension Material WE SPECIALIZE ON Wagon Tongues, Axle Trees, Double Trees and Eveners. ess Bring Your Logs in as Soon as Possible, as a Temporary Shut-Down Will Occur During Latter Part of May. Prices Reasonable. Sheldon Manufacturing Company NEHAWKA City last Wednesday. Sir. anl Mrs. C. StcfTens. of Lor ton were visiting at the home of J. U. Steffens last Sunday If. W. GrilTin anl family attend ed the Xt-ha wka-Murdock hall game at yi unlock la;t Sunday. If. K. Kropp continues to improve, being able to come down town for the first" time lat Wednesday. Kdgar (Haze nn wife, of Piatts attendance at the Kastern Star meet ing in Weeping Water List Fridnv NEBRASKA mouth visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fulton last Sunday. The fifth grade class of the pub lic school;? is planning to Rive a very pleasing proeram in the near future. H. G. Stoll ami Win. Kastrich un loaded a car of lumber for the A. F. Sturm lumber yard last Wednesday. II. C. Pollard was looking after some business matters in Lincoln last Wednesday, driving over in his car. Harry Marquard was looking af ter some business matters in Ne hawka last Monday, driving over in his car. Henry Shumaker is having con siderable repair work done on his home, the work being done by Hen ry M. Pollard. James McVey. Charles Hates and Henry Malcolm enjoyed the ball same at Murdoek last Sunday, driv ing over in their car. For real service, which is what counts when it comes to the matter of carefully handling finances, come to the Nehawka Hank. Marion Tucker and wife were vis iting and looking after some busi ness at Lincoln last Wednesday, mak ing the trip in their car. While no busy with their other work. Messrs. C. D. St. John and Charles Hall have been looking af ter some repair work at the mill. E. M. Pollard and F. A. Hoedaker were looking after some business matters in Omaha last Wednesday, driving over in Mr. Pollard's auto. The plumbing at the home of Louis Roes has been completed by the effi cient workmen. Switzer brothers, and they will soon tackle another job. Miss Florence Wessel hds accept ed a position with the Sheldon Man ufacturing company, beginning up on the performance of her duties last Monday. Mrs. Z. W. Shrader returned home Wednesday from Plattsmouth where she visited at the home of her sis ters. Mesdames A. P.. Taylor and Thomas Sullivan. Stanley Maple and Lawrence Con rad, of near Avoca. were looking af ter some business matters and visit ing with friends in Nehawka for a short Time last Saturday. No danger of deposits being lost in the Nehawka Rank as they are carefully safeguarded by courteous, painstaking officials and protected by the state guarantee law. The girls of the Latin class of the public schools are building a bridge of sticks which is fashioned after the one over which Ceasar took his army when he crossed the Rubicon. The Home Econimics class of the Nehawka schools entertained mem bers of the faculty at dinner last Wednesday, the delectable meal be ing entirely of their own conkinsr. Wm. Uollner. Fred McGrady. Ora K. Copes, Charles Everett. Ir. .1. W. Prendel ami Will O. Laker, of Mur ray, were here last Monday attend ing the district meeting of Odd Fel lows. Miss Verna Harris is taking a two weeks' vacation from her duties iti the office of the Sheldon Manu facturing company, during which she will rest up and enjoy a visit with friends. Mrs. Jessie L. Moore of Tulsa. Oklahoma, who has been visiting at the home of her parents. W. H. Grif fin and wife, of Nehawka. for some time, returned this week to her home in the south. Charles Hall bar, completed the sleeping, porch and addition to his home, making it much more con venient as well as affording an ex cellent sleeping place during the hot summer months. John P. Sattler. Joseph Warga and T. L. Short, of Plattsmouth. were visitors in Nehawka last Monday, at tending the district meeting of the I. O. O. V.. at which Mr. Warga was one of the speakers. Some one thinking more of the sport (if such it be than of having respect for other people's property, broke the shafts from the cart that Mr. Griffin used to haul goods from the station to his place of business. James Armstrong and some twenty-five other Odd Fellows from Green wood lodge, were in attendance at the district meeting which was held here last Monday. They drove over n cars and were sure a merry bunch lo have present. Henry Feltes. the painter has been ' usy with work for some time past ' aving just completed the decoration of a number of rooms at the homes f Mrs. T. E. Fulton. Grover Hoback end Olaf Lnndberg. W. B. Dale, the painter has been kept so busy with work that he has reeured the assistance of S. E. John tan, who is a handy man with the t aint brush. The two of them ought t; be able to keep caught up. Chalmers Switzer has traded his truck for a touring car, making a ceal with C. D. St. John, and both rre much pleased with their bargain. Mr. St. John having use for the truck and Mr. Switzer wanting the touring car. R. N. Gillan. of Auburn, grand warden of the Odd Fellows on Ne braska, was among the prominent three link men from out of town who were here attending the con vention last Monday and delivered a fine address at the meeting. The Agricultural class of the Ne-J hawka school is engaged in the study of horses and are making good pro gress. They attended a sheep shear- i i A nnt An e t to ti'nn cri ran V H T T Possom. of the state university and , County Agent L. R. Snipes on last i Wednesday afternoon. Robert Chapman and wife, Mrs. I Kate Worden and Oren Pollard and ' wife made up a party that was in evening. They enjoyed the trip very much, as well as the work which was !puf on by the members of the sister l lodge. Notwithstanding the siens along the street near the school house, the owners of cars persist in driving at a speed greatly in excess of that al lowed by law. The law is pretty plain in this matter and some of the speed demons are liable to l.nd them selves in trouble if they continue this highly dangerous practice. Frank P. Sheldon has been mak ing numerous improvements to his store building and when completed will have it in the best of shape. The entire inside is being remodel ed and a new steel ceiling aided. When the repair work if done the building will be turned over to the painters, after which it will present an entirely new appearance. Hon. E. M. Pollard returned last Monday afternoon from his trip to Washington. D. C. where he went to attend the national meeting of the Fanners Purcau. being a delegate from Nebraska to the meeting. Mr. Pollard is vitally interested in the success of the farmer and gave the convention some valuable first-hand information regarding conditions in the niaddle wrt. Senator A. F. Sturm siole a few hours away from his business here last Monday, running up to Lincoln in his car in attend the session of the legislature and kep in touch with mat tors before the senate. Mr. F'urm lias, been kept pretty busy of late looking after his legislative du ties at Lincoln and his business here, owing to the continued illness of H. F. Kropp. who has been the right hand man in looking after the busi ness. Gave Birthday Surprise The friends and relatives of Mrs. Shrader living north of town, gave her a delightful birthday surprise EAT DELICA ICE CREAM -AT- GRIFFINS Served by Dish or Sold in Quantity. Nehawka. Nebraska. Meat Market FRESH AND CUKED MEATS FRESH 13 UK A l DAILY JOHN OPP, Propr. . Nehawka -:- -:- Nebraska W. W. STOKES House Moving Coniracfor! Modern steel trucks and steel capstans enable me to do my work faster. House Moving, Excavating, Re-Sill ing. Razing, Shoring and Mov ing Heavy Machinery. NEHAWKA ' -:- NEBRASKA REGISTERED Two of the Best Breed ing Stallions in Cass County! CELLISCO IUack draft percher cn stallion, weight 2,000. ANDEAN Chestnut sorrel per cheron stallion, weight 1,900. Registered Spanish jack, "Spanish Warrior," weight 1,000. c vr?v TERMS Service fee, $15 to guar antee standing colt from any of the above listed. Money becomes due and payable upon parting with mare or removal from the county. While the best of care will be ex ercised we cannot be responsible should any accident occur. Lien will be required on mare .and colt until service fee is paid. julius niiur.iAN, Nehawka -:- Nebraska last Wednesday evening, when they' gathered to the number of about sixty and made the evening one of j pleasure for her and her family. The evening was spent in games and music and a delightful supper served. Using Much Mill Feed It might be supposed that with the Nehawka mill running practical ly full time much of the feed by products received from the milling of the flour would have to be ship ped out of town, but such is not the! case, as the demand is very heavy, for this feed right here at home. Aj large number of hog raisers in the' vicinity are absorbing this product as fast as it becomes available and last week Mr. St. John was obliged to ship in a car load of bran and shorts for supplying his local trade. Played in Hard Luck Will O liaker. the Avoca mer chant, accompanied by Dr. J. V. Prendel started out Monday evening to attend the district Odd Fellows meeting here, leaving in plenty of time to insure getting here early, but had the misfortune to run onto a tack and were forced to make the greater part of the trip on the rim. As a result they arrived too late for the supper and a few minutes after the lodge session had reconvened. They had the tire repaired here and made better tinif going home. Work Masonic Degrees At their regular meeting on last Wednesday evening the Masonic lodge had work in the first and third degrees, two candidates in the form er and one in the latter. Martin Ross Buys New Car Fred Rhodewald and L. O. Minor were here from the county seat last Tuesday looking after the interests cf the T. H. Pollock Auto company, and while here Mr. Rhodewald dis Dosed of a Ford touring car to Mar tin Ross, who resides south of town, taking in exchange a used Ford as part payment. He also effected the sale of the used car. Clarence Kropp being the purchaser. Would Organize De Molay Last Wednesday Messrs. Vernon Am and Ralph J. Ilaynie. of Platts mouth. both active members of the Masonic order. were in Nehawka on business connected with the orga nizing of a De Molay chapter at the county seat, -urhieh is an organiza tion sponsored by the the Masonic lodge and open to youths of from !4 to 21 years of age. At present it is being planned to organize but one chapter in each county and that at the county seat. Plattsmouth has received its charter and is ready to begin signing members. While the railroad connections arc not condu cive to members from here attend ing the meetings and participating in the work, the auto has largely re moved that drawback and it is high ly probable that a goodly number of the young men of Nehawka will be come members of De Molay. which is intended as a stepping stone to ad mission into the Masonic order and founded to inculcate into the minds rf the members the principles that are taught by Masonry. The Nehawka-Murdock Game The baseball gam between the Nehawka and Murdoek teams a week ago Sunday at Murdoek resulted dis astrously for the home boy, who. nevertheless put up a good fight. They speak in pleasant terms of the fine treatment accorded them at Mur doek. Yesterday the home team was scheduled to play Julian . at that place, but the result is not known at this time. The line up in the Murdoek game was Kemlin. c; A. Johnson and Glenn Whiteman. p; H. W. Griffin, ss; Tom Mason, lb; F. Miller. 2b; H. Johnson. ;b and E. Rut ledge. L. Hodge and L. Carper in the garden. Installing a New Engine In order to have more power for propelling the machinery in his blacksmith shop. T. K. Fulton is in stalling a new and more powerful engine, which he expects to have running in a few days. Saw Mill is Running Elsewhere on this page is an ad of the Sheldon Manufacturing com pany, announcing their saw mill is in operation and ready to do custom work for those having logs they wish to convert into dimension lum ber. The latter part of May. the mill will be shut down temporarily on account of farm work needing at tention at that time, and for this reason they are urging all to have their work done now. A Safe and Sound Institution There is a great deal of satisfac tion in knowing you are doing busi- : ness with a safe institution, be it a mercantile establishment, manufac-j turing concern or commercial enter prise. More especially is this true when applied to the banking busi-j ness. You will find the Nehawka Rank always safe and sane. H0WAT DEFIES ORDERS OF EXECUTIVE BOARD Pittsburg, Pa., April 2S. Alexan der Howatt, head of the Kansas Miners' union, has rejected the de mand of the international union, that he put back at work the striking employes of the Dean Coal and Min ing company. The demand was de livered to Howat yesterday by the committee of the international ex ecutive board sent here by John L. Lewis, international president of the United Mine Workers of America, to investigatethe strike. The use of a loading machine by theDean company without working theday men employed at the mines, Howat said, was an absolute viola tion of the custom, and the Kansas union would not agree to it. The operators contend that under the contract the company had a right to use the machine while day men were idle. REPORT OF ODD FELLOWS MEETING Eistrict Gathering in Nehawka Last Monday Proves Most Success ful Kan 7 Present. Great preparations were made for the district meeting of the Odd Fel lows and Rebeckas held here on last Monday afternoon and evening, and so well did the plans work nut mai everything went off without a sin gle hitch. There was a Iirg" crowd presen- from other towns over the distric and the meeting proved one of the best that has been held in a good number of years. Delegates were present from the lodges at Weeping Water, Elmwood. Greenwood. Avoca. Louisville and Plattsmouth. which with Nehawka include the list of towns in the coun ty having lodges. There was al.-o present. Grand Warden R. N. Gillan. of Auburn, who gave some excellent talks during the meeting. The contention was called to or der early in the afternoon follow-' nig a pleasing musical uurnoer oy the orchestra. Rev. E. ('. Moore, of the Methodist church, who is an ac tive member of the order, delivered i he address of welcome, which was responded to by Mr. Gillan follow ing another musical selection. Mr. Gillan's address was along the line: of "Fraternities." ami met. with en thusiastic applause. After this there was more music, followed by the, playler, "Does it Pay to be Popular?" i given by the Ketiekahs. This struck a popular ciioni and male a great hit with the visitors. At 6 o'clock came the bancpiet, which was served by the Nehawka Rebekahs and which was replete in all its appointments. Dr. J. W. Thom as acted as toastmaster and with keen wit and repartee introduced the various speakers. The first to respond was Cyrus Livingston, of Prairie lodge No. 2". of Weeping Water, who spoke on the subject. "Show Your Ticket." Mr. Living ston, who is himself possessed of no small amount of wit. handled his subject in masterful style and receiv ed hearty applause. "Watch Your Step" was the topic assigned to J. E. Hallstrom, Avoca's young banker, and in his response he urged that the brothers work in unison and each do his full share i toward furthering the objects sought by the organization. "Step Lively" was the advice of4C. S. Aldrich. of Elm wood lodge, and in his address he put pep into the order as well as imbued all who heard him with a desire to move at a faster gait. J. L. Armstrong. of the Greenwood- lodge, had as his subject. "Move up Forward Please." and he too handled it in most excellent man ner, giving his fellow members a good bit of helpful advice. Then followed an address by the grand warden, which was good. Joe Warga. of Platte lodge No. at Plattsmouth. responded to t he- toast "Friendship." which he ban-, Maul It B Wc Will Do All Kinds of Kauliag Between Omaha and Plattsmouth Save High Freight Charges! Prompt Service and Reasonable Prices! ED. iVlASO, Phone 394 Plattsmouth, Neb. GOODRICM Tires and Tubes Cream Separators (The Separator with the balancing bowl) The L H. C. Full Line implements Paints and Oils White Lily Washers Cedar Creek, died in a masterful manner, linking into his talk the story of the friend ship that existed between Jonathan and David. and around which is founded the cardinal principle of Oddfellowship. Mr. Warga's address iwas well rcceive.t ami was appiauueo loud and long. ' Following the banquet. Nehawka lodge No. 214 exemplified the work of the first degree,. C. W. Chrisweis ser and William Shockley being the candidates. At the conclusion of t:.i.; work those present were given opportunity of witnessing the Re Ukah drill" team put on one of their i . ,iriHc It was a lite hour when Ihe even ; ing'rf entertainment was over and tie V 1 .- 1 ! mosi of w iom !v came in auto on th ir way If.O'U'es. were S horn e. .Members of the local lodge have jM--f cau-e to feel proud over the suc ce -s of the meeting and the fine en tertaiiini' im provided for those from oil t-r :;. attending 'he cnnv-i:-i i.i . ENGAGEMENT OF ELMWOOD GIFsL ANNOUNCED LAST WEEK Delta pi.i held the annual formal nidation and membership banquet at the Lincoln hotel Friday evening. The tables we re decorated in gret p. and gold, t sororit y colors, and white and yellow daisies were abo used in decoration. Those initiated were Gladys lloc-kin.-oti. Coming. low i ; Faith Rich ardson, Chadron; Laura Holdernes.-i and Vera A?i!"rson. 1'niversity Place; Ethel Tower. Edison; Wilnia and Clarice Cook, Elm wood; Mabel Eich koff. Fremont; Rernice Carlson, of Lindsay; Athlene Clemens. Danbury; Abbie keiser and Delia Larson. Ash land and Marilyn Sewell. Winner, S. D. Hellen Lucile Gray was toast inistres., and the following toasts were given: "Pledges." Rernice Carl son; "Old Girls." Eva Hogan; Sen iors." Luella Ruck; "Alumni," Char lotte Pruning. The engagement of Clarice Cook to Gayle Pickwell was announced. The alumna? present were Mrs. Alma Llythe, Mrs. Charlotte limning, of I'niverMty Place; Mrs. Marjorie W. Aronson. Havelock: Odessa Went land of Lincoln; Jean Mutz. David City. Miss P.eulah was chaperone. State Journal. Mi.-s Cook is an Elm wood young lady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cook and a graduate of the Elm wood schools. Mr. Pickwell is a graduate of the Elmwood schoeds and his parents live near Murdoek El in wood Leader-Echo. The Facts About Rheumatism. More than nine out of ten case of rheumatism are either chronic or muscular rheumatism. neither of i which require any internal treat iment. All that is required is to '.massage the affected parts freely TTiwith Chamberlain's Liniment. You will be surprised at it affords. the relief which y Truck! Nebraska AULT,