The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    . tAGE TWO
f LAI 1 bMU U1H SKJVU - VV JbiLL j " J Q Uj. j j AL '
Main Speaker of Occasion-
J. P. Sattler Toastmaster
Quantity of Wood Eeing Dried for
Use in Baking, Catches Fire
Late Last Night.
Last evening shortly before 1')
o'clock, when .Mr. and Mrs. Charles
IJovey wore passing the ('. I-. Merger
bakery on their way home, they no
tin,! a ruddy glow in the rear of the r.!il a second glance revealed
the fact that there was a tire ot
t-oi'ie natur- raging in the building
.-r.ii Mr Dovev at once hastened to
the Arrie pool hall to call up ti;'
ovn-r of the bakery.
t, , . , ,,. , , II v this time considerable smoke
JJCV. Henderson, of Cook. Liebraska,' hai! " f,jrnied and commenced ' to lind
its wav out of the building and it
was di-cided that fur; her delay would
be dangerous and accordingly the
glass in the front door was broken
and entrance secured to the build
ing. The wood was found to be
blazing very strongly and the flames
were shooting clear to the ceiling.
r.uckets were procured and if it
had been possible to secure a proper
water supply the fire would have
lasted euly a few seconds, but as it
was there was considerable delay in
getting sufficient water from the
pipes over the sink to put out the
fire. The electric wiring also burn
ed at tli is time and caused some ex
iciter.ient for those who were in the
i building, but the work of John Mar
; tin i:i pulling out the fuse soon shut
,1'ft the juice and allowed the tire
(fighters to carry out their work,
j The fire truck arrived in a few
(moments after the telephone alarm
'had been given, but by this time the.
tire was under control aim n:e
danger passed of any serious trouble
Last evening the members of Platte
lodge Xo 7. I.O.O.F. met at their lodge
rooms to take part in the one hundred
and second anniversary of the found
ation of the order in the I'nited
States and the occasion was one fill
ed with the greatest of inspiration to
the members cf tiie lodge and the vis
itors who were present.
A number of visitors from the var
ious lodges of this portion of the
state were present to participate in
the pleasent gathering and among
thee were a number from Avoca
headed by Klnitr HalNtroui. and the
visitors entered into the spirit of the
occasion that marked tli beginning
of the great fraternity in this cun
t ry.
Fallowing the lodge meeting the
members were invited to the baronet
hall where a very enjoyable least had
been prepared by the members of the
b.dge anil over which John !'. battler
presided as toastmaster.
Tiie main address of the evening
was delivered by Iv. J. F. Henderson
of Cook. Nebraska, who had been in
the city ha a guest of his brother J.
W. Mender.-cn. and this address win
one wtll worthy of the great princi
ples upon which the order of Odd
Fellowship is founded. The address
was more in the nature of a real ser
mon on he keynotes of the order,
touching the loftv and inspiring mo
tive.; that had led to t lie origin of the j
I. O O. F. a :id the pht.e that i' has)
grown to occupy in the lives of those,
who have come to its doors to. find a !
true realization of the fraternity. The!
speaker h. !d the ri-se-t attention of i
the audience and it was with regret I
that the 'licmlvr, of the heard I
the ivnmrkr. of the fpeaker draw to a
c I .-.. ,
Otlur spe; kt-rs of the evening were;
Joseph '. Warga. past nchle grand)
i f IMatte l-:dgc. rianf rd Sliori. no"'b-
grand and I-.lmer i la: i.-t r;ni. Mr. War
ga spohe in the subject of "Friend
ship'' end which was filled with a
beautiful tr.'! u:e to this portion fit
the work of OJdfellov.ship. .jr. ;ajj-
stroi:! gave a very inspiring talk
along th" l.n-.i of the work of the fra
ternity t fin t added to the enjoyment
of the veiy at-le speaking list.
Tiie banquet i?r-I: showed Meat
skill on the part of the member in j
it-; preparation and serving and was I
a huge sue es- in very way. During:
the evening the Kdisan furnished a I
lari;e assortment of delightful muss-!
eal numbers and the ;'xqi.-:te t on-s
of tbe iii.-tri'HK nt aided in kvtping
tne uu-niF.ers o, tne !:i;iquetiiig party
full of enthu-iasm and delight.
i lie
loss to .Mr. Merger will not
reach much of a figure as the heavi
est loss is that of the window in the
dfor which had 'to be broken and- to
a sin- 11 section of the wall of the
bakery, where the flames destroyed
the wall paper.
Mr. Merger feels very grateful for
the prompt work of the citizens and
fire department in getting on the job
of extinguishing the flames, as a few
moments more would have caused
the fir? to get a good start and be
come hard to subdue.
fJeorge lespain. who has been the
niqn:;g-r of the Kinney Shoe com
pany's store at this place for some
time past, has just received a well
deserved recognition of his ability as
a manager and salesman, as he has
been culled to Nashville. Tennessee
been culled to Nashville. lennessee,
(where he takes charge of the Kinney
; interests in that city. Mr. Despain
iis a very genial and pleasant gentle-
April 28th,
Of course you're going to attend the
big Legion Carnival the last 3 nights
of this week. "Something doing every
29th and 30th
To make these 3 days doubly attractive
to everyone, we list below, CARNIVAL
SPECIALS, with which you can combine
profit with pleasure.
These goods on sale only for the three Carnival days:
You want a new hat for spring. Here
is your chance. Men's fine fur hats in
blacks, browns, greens
and pearls. Specially
priced for carnival days
mm and during his stay here has!
I made many friends who regret to see
him Iave the city, but who are
pbased at his advancement in the
'shoe line. Mr. Mespain departed yes
terday for the south and will enter
upon his new duties immediately af
ter his arrival in Nashville.
The Kinney Shoe company has not
:.- yet filled the place of manager of
their store in this city, but a succes
sor of Mr. Iepain is expected here
ibv the last of the week,
i '
Single Combed White Leghorn
eggs. per 100; $1 per netting.
1'hone 1 ir,-J.
County Attorney A. CI. Cole and
Sheriff C. I). Quinton departed this
afternoon for the western part of
the state, where they were called on
some matters of importance.
One lot men's dress caps in plaids,
checks and mixtures. Good, full
shapes caps you can wear f
for dress or work, at Car
nival price
Young men's spring shape silk 4-in-hands,
in fancy green, brown, purple,
burgandy and blue combi- g
nations. Specially priced fth J
for Carnival days
Odd Pants
Men's Suits
We have selected about 50 suits in
men's and young men's styles which
we will sell for the three
big Legion Carnival days
inly at
Boys' Suits
One lot boys suits with knicker
bocker pants in neat gray, brown and
green combinations
All &17( If)
- - ' j i
ial Carnival price. ... i
Boys' Waists
One lot of boys' waists in standard
make, full cut, guaranteed
Plain blue, plain gray and
fancy figure. Priced cheap
er than you cr.n make 'em.
In addition to our Big Shirt Sale at
$1.45, we are going to sell during the
3 big days about 100 Man- rf O
hattan and Beau Brummel fine rKjj
drens shirts worth to $6.50 at i
Men's fine rib union suits
short sleeves. Made by
Knitting Co. Rib cuff
and ankle, solid peail
buttons. 3 days only. .
long or
One lot men's fine silk hose in black,
gray, blue and brown. Observe these
are pure thread silk, not
imitation. Special Carnival
price, per pair
One lot men's odd pants in grays,
blues, browns and fancy mix. Just
the thing for knock
about. Priced for Car
nival days at
.y nil."., jum
Boys' Overalls
One lot boys' bib overalls in blue
emd blue stript. Sizes range from 4
to 14 years. Special three
day Carnival price on these Tllf
is nmy
Men s cotton flannel work gloves
with nap in good weight at lon
long ago price. Spec
ial during the three
Carnival days
Blank Books .it ths Journal OfSce.
If it's in the card
the Journal office.
line, call at
Ok (jp
Everybody's Store.
Special Shoe Items for
Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
Gathering at Christian Church Last
J Evening Participated in by
i Some 200 Persons.
Women's one and two strap Black Kid, all solid leather,
low heel, round toe comfort shoes, for p
Carnival price tJ)fcitJ
Women's Black Kid Blucher Oxford, round toe, low heel,
flexible sole, fi0 fiC
Carnival price yLfUD
Women's Black Kid Lace Oxfords, medium toe, I Yz inch
Military heel, q
Carnival ptice pD
s; T5
Children's Brown Canvas Oxford.-, or Lace Shoes, Chromo
Leather soles. Carnival price
$L2S io $L75
I From Wedneslay's Hatly
The anniversary social of the
f Christian church last evening was
one of the most largely attended as
I well as enjoyable social events that
I have been held in the church in re-
cent weeks and the members of the
! party participating in the gathering
1 reached the number of 200.
I The service class has originated
the pleasant custom of holding one
I ) of these socials each month and each
j ' of them has been of the greatest
pleasure, the climax being reached
! ; in the one of last night.
I ' During the evening games of all
I kinds were enjoyed by the members
I I as well as a very inspiring program
I ' of recitations and music that served
j to further heighten the pleasures of
the evening. Miss Ethel Stone gave
!a delightful instrumental number
I while a vocal selection by Miss Le-
I ona Hudson and a number by Mr. B.
! I A. McElwain also served to add to
I j the enjoyment of the members of
J.the gathering.
j. Headings were given by Wilma
keener ana n;stner uoawin that
showed much talent on the part of
these ladies and as the closing num
ber of the program a very pretty
tableau was given in which Miss
Thelma Hudson sang very charming-
Stone and little Miss Flora Pickett.
The wedding anniversaries observ
ed were those of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
Ueed. August Swanson and Henry
It was a late hour when the party
adjourned, feeling that it had been
truly some real, enjoyable event.
Mrs. J. R. Kelly and daughter.
Miss Edith, were among those going
to Omaha this morning to visit for
the day in .that city looking after
some matters of business and call
ing on their many friends.
ssmnr r.rm r Tfi nir
JUUUL tiCuUM tt Oil i!
First District Judge of the State to
be Called to Sit on Supreme
Bench Under New Law.
1 iFetser Shoe Company
! . ly. "Sweet Hour of Prayer" with four
i little girls dressed in snowy white
j' gathered around their beds for the
1. evening prayer.
II Following the program the anni-
, ivi aai j uiiiiii mao cci vru auu tut;
I j following members were guests of
honor on the strength of their birth
day anniversaries coming within the
current month: Mesdames Homer
McKay. R. W. Cavender, Edward Ofe,
Hugh Stander, Ethel Sanders, Alice
r.... r -. . ti T i t:i a r
1 Sanders. C. L. Wiles. O. C. Hudson.
E. M. Godwin, Mr. Van Winkle. Fran-
cis Barnard, Dewey. Reed, Emmett
Used Fords!
We always have on hand
several re-built Fords, both
with starters and without.
Our prices are right and we
sell for cash or on payments.
Pleae call and look them
over. We are glad to dem
onstrate. ?. II. Pollock Aulo Co.
Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb.
The new constitution of the state
as well as the recent enactment of
the legislature provides that the
state supreme court may request the
district judges of the state to sit
with t he high court on hearing cases
that may come before them and to
review the cases that are brought
to trial in the supreme court.
The state supreme court yester
day requested District Judge James
T. Iiegley of this city to come to
Lincoln Monday and take part in the
deliberations of the court. This is
the first time that a district judge
has been so honored and the recog
nition of Judge Begley is very pleas
ing to the residents of this district,
over which he has presided for the
past six years.
The work of Judge Begley on the
bench of the second judicial district,
composed of Cass. Otoe and Sarpy
counties, has been of a very high
standard and the splendid ability of
the able jurist has been recognized
over the state, where his decisions
have reached and during his term of
office he has grown to occupy the
position of one of the leaders of the
Nebraska bench.
- ai i investment in
Good, jlppearanct?
The Plattsmouth high school base
ball team will leave for Louisville
Thursday afternoon, where they will
play the team of that place. The
Louisville team has recently defeated
the Weeping Water team which was
also defeated by Plattsmouth, and
the forthcoming game is awaited
with interest by the fans of the
school and the local followers of the
game feel confident that our boys
will be able to carry off the honors
of the diy.
Lost anything
Try a Journal ad.
-fou&a anything
"They satisfy."
Never a Truer Word Spoken:
. "77ie best advertisement is the
m Kuppenheimer clothing itself.'
You'll get that fast when you
see the new Spring good clothes
from the House of Kuppenheimer.
The same high quality stand
ards as maintained for fifty years
now at the new, lower prices.
Good clothes at
$30, $35, $40, $45
Wonderful silk-finished all wool
fabrics now on display. See the
difference in lapels and waist lines
and patterns.
if f;'
Copritsht 1921. TU Hante of KuppcaheiMri
&-f"Cur.-i to '.'u A.n-rlcan Legion Carnival Thursday,
l iJ-y Sal'-ru-y, end bring along your "Jack7''
' t