The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 28, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. APRIL 2S. 1921.
Vn 1.
in "
on ill
I Murray Department
rer areu :c
ite Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Jourcal Readers
I?tnyo?the raiders of the
Journal Wcot- of any social
event or item of interest In
this Ticinity. .nl will
lime to this office, it will ap
pear under this Leading. We
want all news Items Editoh
All Deposits in Our Bank Are Pro
iected by the State Guar
antee Law!
;5o!ien i our Dusmess
Murrav State
a ink,
A. I). Crunk, of Union, visited and
looked after some business matters
in Murray lat Saturday.
Mrs. Thomas Tilson has Ieen on
the sick list for the past few day?,
but is reported as being somewhat
improved of late.
Attorney C. E. Tent, of Weepins
Water, accompanied by Ottis McXur
lin, also of that place, but who is a
former resident of Murray, were
brief visitor here last Tuesday morn
ing, while on their way from the
county seat to Weeping Water.
Font T. Wilson and
ed over
Mr. and
were al
familv visit-
Sunday at the home of his
J. A. Wilson, Jr.. oa last
driving over in their car.
Mrs. A. I. Crunk, of Union.
tfo suests at
J. A. Wilson
enjoyed the
T. J. n rondel was loolrirc after
i sr. i! . l'iisii..-s matters in Weepiii-r
i Wat r 1: t Wfiinesday.
' flans 'hritensen and si-n Join
:-!:;; no'l a car of catth' and hops to
I if:--' ::iaha market last Tuesday.
I Med:mes K. S. Tutt and O. A.
iiavis viiel with friends in Omaha
! la.? driving up in Mr. Davis'
d f-
co'.mtry home and
time immensely.
The new home of Mrs. Colvin west
of town is completed and Mrs. Cha.
H rron will soon move into it. J. A.
Scotten lias been doing quite a lot
of buildinsr so far this sprinjr, and has
prospects t.f a good bit more. The
reduction in the prices of lumber is
dciiii; much toward brinpinsr about
an increase in buildinsr activities.
The new roof on the Presbyterian
i church is now completed, makinsr
: the edifice look greatly improved. As
j we looked at it. however, we couldn't
; help thinking how well it could be
set on with a couple or coats or
paint. And by the way. what is said
in this reeard. may be applied to
i.cih Murray churches.
Kincsley Kniss was a v:it
Omaha lat Sunday, and while
attended the Dibit- scV.ool at
First Christian church ar.d
luard a discourse by the K-v.
Ci.bNy. pastor of The church.
Kniss was .-r-atlv impressed
the magnitude of the Bible sei: (
and church work of the metropolis.
he should be the vk-tin
rible accident is indeed
parents and family have
sympathy of the ecu::
hour of trial. The s- r
ducted by Rev. V.'. A
Union, and the remain
to rest in the quiet c.-iu
Pleasant, .there to avai;
sound of the Angel or' ti
tion, who shall awake
sleep to life everlasting.
Blessed are they v.
Jesus, to awake in that
there is no sorrow, pain
of this ter-
sad and the
the profound
i.iry in their!
Ice was con- j
Taylor, of I
- were laid
tery at Mt. i
the trumpet
le Kesurrec-,
short distance from Murray, while
playing: about the house as her moth
er was doing the family washing,'
suffered a badly mashed hand as a
result of getting her fingers caught
in the power wringer which happen
ed to be running at the time. The
screams of the little one, who is two
years old. attracted the mother frcm
outside and she hurried into the
house and disengaged the little one's
arm. Dr. Gilmore was called and
dressed the injured hand and fore
arm, which was quite badly pinched,
but is is thought no permanent in
juries will result.
;) sleep in
land where
or death.
Ladies Aid Will Meet
The Ladies Aia
Christian church will
home of Mrs. Ernest
Wed nesda y a f t ernoo i .
which time there will
inter. -st ins matters ?
ter in connection with the
work. Mesdanu-s Mii barn.
iety of the
m--et at the
Milburn next
May 4th. at
be numerous
be looked af-
O. T.
I Will Serve Fine Supper
j Mrs. Albert Young, assisted by an
able company of helpers, are making
i preparations for the coming Library
supper Saturday night, which will he
the last one of the spring series. It
who ' 1S anticipated a large crowd will be
present ana the ladies promise to no
justice to all. All those connected
with the series of suppers have work-
ed hard V make them a success and
I they desire to extend thanks to
public for the fine support that
been accorded them.
m r
t ters
Li'.l .
a: tv
r.ry H .bi;er. who has charge
!'m:v Grain company's elevator
iar 'r.-ek. was a visitor in Mur-
ay over t-unday.
An: :d I Mar-e was a visdtcr in
';at t.-::.o.,t li lasT Monday afternoon.
:r.g railed thre to look after some
or m
t her
t in
a!o C. K.
v, i i i;
Leycia and IUn Dill are the bostesses
of the afternoon ar l they extend a
cordial invitation to all members and
friends of the society and church to
be present and participate in the
pleasant meeting.
He Doesn't Like the Scheme.
ran aik
; matt
-(lay. coming down
-u :r. his car.
A Change in Business
Last Piturday Jess Chambers went
to Omaha, where he took an exami
nation for testing cream, passiuc the
test with a hi'-xh percentage. Mr.
i Chambers will succeed J. A. Scatter.
in the cream business here. Mr. Scot
fen has been having his hands rart-
' d. i'-v-rwiii , till- i i .. . . . .
ta,- 1V1I1P' "P tht? cream business he
Relative to the matter of
a -a ay a baby at the American
rarnival in Piatt-::io
this wevk, there is :
in these pnrr. and
test expressed agai
f'ntil vvt know m.-r.-i:re
of t!ie matter we
.-t-rve .''r rpiniou of
"ti: the las.t of
am"; discussion
tiumerous pro tl'.e action.
a I;--tit the nat
ure going to re
tht scheme, but
w 1 I
D r
a th
I pass on to yoa a
;ded to u.-; this wt t-I
usual r-mnds i::
: t- ni v s items :
r-ad--rs of ti-.e j::
are over sixty y
lived in nel.raskt
urd of a sentury.
m i
: w
of the
from the
'1 S
, 1
1 1 r.
a ;:
i chins
n Phi
s Nit-kF
alter si
: -Taunt h
b :si:
hist Jin::;
:. i.nd i
siting ;
- mat
a v a f
continue to iiave ciiarge ot tne
dure line, which along with his
er work he lias to bvk after is
t'.citnt to he:) cai" man busy.
Pleasant Surprise
ernoon. I it-i t-vn utin. un-.i tun
Joseph Cook is assisting on the! the neighbors and friends of Mr. and
fa-m of T. W. Vallerv. where he is I Mrs. Worth Click gathered at their
building a chicken house and a hog i home last Saturday evening and
hou-e that will add materially to' gave them a surprise party. Games
tt-f. v:il- r f Mr. ValUrv's farm. I were played and a social good time
.y. April 2.
:"'! .
ers of age an
for more than
I am knot an
..Id wrm:n with qut-r i lees, but I am
a granfathcr and km what raisin
children is. I hav al-.vas thot a gud
leal of the boys who went to urope
and save demockry
be maken a mistak
ttiv'n babies away,
tlier and will pro
mite acin such act
'.'cr.'r do r.o aud.
uple will laf at me.
i; il standin up fur
is rite. I wud lo
vs who fit
o win ito- war
! but I think they
w!:e:i they in to
! I f xpec. t.) be
j te.-t with all my
) inn May be ii
j ar.d tt..;v be tile
p.i;' I b.Iiev a I
I - hat t!:-y think
!anvthi!:g I cud f r
the 1
'. O!.o-
. rve
-r" ;
!. W
lip. iettm
! f:
i r
1 V
w :
d. i
: t. i - o
.-reel s
co:i ! a r
v. hich lie sufler
.t.if.s Wright
Vall-.ry sarace.
bTc- u it;: one of
Rys. i he blacksmith had the
ii... Tuesday while polishing
share, to have the piece of
late hour the
heir well filled
his thumb come in
lie emery wn-ti. in-ni
rc-d a painful wound,
t. mechanic at the
. is having some trou-
his eyes and is paz-
t r.
1 1
. d to determine whether it is pink
e or fror-a the emery dust with
hich he has been doing some grind
iT work.
j. H. Drown drove to Shenandoah.
enjoyed. At a
brought forth t
baskets and a bountiful lune!
was i-preaii for the members of
party, ai'ter which all d part- d
their homes declaring they had
a very enjoyable time.
fur this ccutry. but they be doin
wrong in this mattr.
How can a father and granfather
c-iTT:T;T.i::e such a thing. I caint tell.
!' t wassent so old i wud try and git
! the litre! shafr and giv him a good
home and the benelitz of a good
edacaUon. Any way I am goin to be
thare a:d have my sav unles they
a a
la f
fuesday moriii:
'harles Henry, trrandfath--
Franklin Henry,
being run over
Returning, they
by Mrs. Henry.
attend the funeral
r '
i -
ii :
si ;
t :.
the little boy.
who was killed by
Monday evening.,
w. re accompanied
Sr.. who cam" t
of h-.r grandson.
Frank Ma rase k took a truck load
of e.i'tle to the South Omaha market
last Tue.-day. for Messrs. C. M. Ke-d
and Robert Durr. making the trip in
the early hours of the morning. Mr.
Maratek savs the traffic with trucks
is ir.trea-ing and it is with difficul
ty one is able to find a place to park
during the morning rush hours at
the stock yards.
Ray Derger and wife, of Nebras
ka City, were visiting in Murray a
-:,ort la.-t week. Mrs. Berger
! M-V ii g after matters at the hotel
v. hi It- Mrs. J. W. Berger went to
Omaha to attend the bedside of her
daughter. Mrs. E. M. Steiner, who
ind-r.vei an operation at the hos
pital there. Mr. Ray Berger came
up again Sunday and accompanied
.his wife home.
Making Good Progress
Friends of Mrs. E. M. Steiner will
be pleased to learn that she with
stood the trying ordeal of an opera
tion in an Omaha hospital very sat
isfactorily and now seems to be on
the road to recovery. Her mother.
Mrs. J. W. Berger and sister. Mrs.
J. H. Brown, of Murray, as well as
her brother. Will Berger. of Nebras
ka City, were at her bedside during
the operation and remained for a
time afterwards.
put m
:h ;
r.t yu
. A.
. Ik?
l am
let ' er.
Hand Badlv Pinched
h Wile:
. Ralph
. daughter of
Wiles, living a
Medical Society
county medical sneii-t
afternoon at V.'-tpin:
meeting was called for
of electing ofiicers and
program for the coming
Indigo Blue, large and roomy cut. double
seamed, 220 weight overall,
Jumper to Match $1.75
Tutt, '
1 lie I ass
met Friday
Water. Th(
the purpose
arrancuig a
Dr. G. H. Gilmore. of this place,
was elected president: Dr. A. R.
Hombeck. of Murdork. secretary
treasurer and Dr. J. S. Deering. of
Elm wood, delegate to the state med
ical society meeting in May.
A practical i scientific program was
mapped oat for the year. Papers
will be presented by members of the
society and able specialists from Om
aha and Lincoln will be invited to
discuss, medical subjects of interest
to the general practitioner.
Uncle George Shrader Eetter
The writer visited Uncle George
Shrader at the home of his son. II.
H. Shrader. a short time the first of
the week, finding our old friend feel
ing considerably better than he has
for some time past. Although he is
yet far from being well, he is taking
his illness most cheerfullv and is in
terested in the farm work, though
he can no longer get about to help
do any of it. He is now able to get
about the house and out of doors a
bit. "Uncle George" is much inter
ested in the little chicks, of which
there are a large number about the
home. He is pleased to meet his old
friends and converse with them and
there is no better way of scattering
sunshine than by a call on either he
or other of our old friends, whose in
firmities of old age prevent them
from getting about like they former
ly- were able to do.
Suried at Mount Pleasant
Franklin, soji of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Henry, who was killed on
last Monday evening while working
with a team (an account of the ac
cident appearing elsewhere in this is
sue) bus buried Wednesday after
noon. The funeral was held at the
home of the parents a few miles
from Murray. The young man. who
was just passing into his fifteenth
year, was one of the most industri
ous ot uoye ana a great help to ais
parents as well as caretaker of the
younger children of the family. That
Good Bragged Roads
Kansas Oily
Travel by Auto and Save
Money and Time.
T. H. Pollock Bridge
Alv.ays Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 423 Plattsmouth Exchange
Etlake Hogs Fat!
I D-lb. barrels with water
added, make 1 ,600 gallons of
liquid buttermilk, with 32 per
cent food value.
Sold in powdered form. I
best flesh producer and fat
maker to be had.
Costs less than corn and
does more srood. Less than
one cent per gallon.
L. C Khocen testihes to
its worth.
At Rhoden's Barn or East of
Depot, Murray, Nebr.
a visit
dyvs vi
Visited Friends Here
and Mrs. Harry Shirley, of
Texas, who were driving to
Iowa, from their home, for
stopped oft' here for a few
sit at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Walker and daughter, Miss Margie.
Mrs. Walker and daughter be
came acquainted with the Shirleys
wbenthey spent the winter in Texas
and were pleased to receive a visit
from them. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley
were greatly impressed with the
beauty and richness of this section
of the countrv.
Greatest Financial Success
Mrs. L. H. Puis and her able force
of assistants who had charge of the
library supper last Saturday night,
carried off the honors to date in
point of proceeds realized, when the
receipts totaled $66. The weather
was fine, the ladies had made prepa
rations for a large number and the
event was well advertised. Consid
ing the low price charged, it re
quires the serving of a lot of sup
pers to bring in this amount and the
ladies got their full share of work
along with the honors.
Murray School Notes
Ardath Read celebrated her sixth
birthday at her home Saturday af
ternoon by having a party. Many of
her friends were present and all tad
a pleasant time and wished Ardath
many more happy birthdays.
Warren Wickham was a visitor at
the home of William Mrasek over
the week end.
Mabel Howard and Leona Faris
spent Sunday at the home of Blanche
Scot ten.
Charles Howard returned to school
Monday after being absent for near
ly twii weeks on account of sick
ness. Mrs. Gilmore and Mrs. MeCrack
en visited the Primary room on last
Thursday afternoon.
Johnny Dietl was absent from
school four days last week.
Mona Peavis Tihson visited school
on Monday. .
Joe and Johnny Dietl. Lester Gans-
nier and Dick March were absent
from school the latter part of last
week on account of the "pink-eye."
Marie Puis spent Sunday after
noon with Donnabelle Edmisten.
Hazel Davis returned to school on
last Tuesday after being absent on
account of the "pink-eye."
The Murray High school had an
enrollment of seven when the school
term began ar.d the same pupils and
the same number are still here. They
hope to remain until the end of the
school year.
Uarl and Henry Dietl and Earl
Mrasek returned to school Monday
after being absent on account of the
Hazel Davis spent Sunday after
noon at the home of Clara Mrasek.
Donabelle Edmisten was absent
from School Mondav.
The Golden Rod is our state flower;
When in it's season, one blooms ev
ery hour
The flower is yellow, the plant is
green !
These flowers are very beaultiful to
be seen.
The leaves are narrow, green and
long ;
Am I right or am I wrong?
Come, let us gather.
Three goldenrods together.
Lois Scotten.
Last evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Wescott entertained informally at a
dinner party in honor of Mrs. George
Fingarsen of Fort Logan. Colarado,
who is in the city a guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fal
ter. The members of the party were
composed of the Wescott family, Mrs.
Falter, Miss Gretchen Donnelly, of
Omaha, and Mrs. Fingarson.
Firestone tripple non-skid cord
tires 34x4. $34.50 postpaid. Guar
anteed S.000 miles. Retail price is
$55.00. For Buick. Hudson, Stude
baker, Olds S and Reo.
Nebr. City, Nebr.
SUDAN GRASS 12 lbs. for $1.00.
$6.00 per hundred delivered. John
fcon Bros.. Nebraska City, Nebr.
Not only do we train you for posi
tions in Business, in Civil Service or
as a Commercial Teacher, but we
help you to secure such a position.
Our Employment Department receives
more calls than six schools could fill.
Send for free catalogue. Enter now.
School in session all the year. Add
ress: Grand Island Business College
Nebraska's Oldes-t. Largest and Lead
ing Business Training School.
VThen you tnink of printing;, you
can't help but think of us.
The Bank of Cass County
Capital, Surplus and Profits
Your Business Solicited
In a Genera! Banking Busines
All Deposits in this Bank are Protected by the Ne
braska State Banking Guaranty Law.
j of Mr. !;..!.
' seri.-i:- tre
d 1 1
The Journal has received word : Mrs. Bates would b. abb- to
from R. A. Bate, the publisher, who heme by the :a': r pnrt :' the -.w, r.
has for the past week been at lioch- 'Mr. and Mrs. Bates i.-.v- both ' :i
ester, Minnesota, at the Mayo sani-, feeling poorly f,,v s f-ti'i -tarium
for consultation and exami- j past and it is a re lb f to 'h. :r Tar
nation, and the pleasant news was ily arid fri r.u- t. b r:i that 1 i e.r
given that a thorough examination' trouble i- net f a . ::;'-t. -.! n-.r ure.
Drs. IVIach & T1achrThe Dentists g
1 he largest ana Destequipppcicer. '-ii.ic..:u
-j Experts in charae of all work. Lady a'.tntld-.t. Mug- u
erate Pricer. Porcelain fillings ju.-t Lkc toot.1:. In-lru- 1
ments carefully sterilized after using. f
Fistula Pay WSien Cursd
A irrrrn cf tri.rr.n' trt rur
Fttul ted other t'i-i-n 1-. a -Jt
tin-., -without a svtr -..'sr - a: c-rrst. .r.
Chloroform, ftner or tr-r-r&i ar.a - ...f
A err roJ" Knifed 'a every caso acceptor! inr tr.-- r-. . until cured. W rite for t ook on v
or mere tnan i.oua prominent p-oi..- '-"T, ' ,,v!I tta.
DK. K. K. TARliY. eSaiuaorinm. Peter Tnit Kl.'y. I tee 1.0;.. OHAH. ."M-.
" Jjr. R. . JuiiiieSou. iiedictol i:ret-ur.
EVioney for Your Produce!
We are handling all country produce, Ejrgs, Poul
try, Cream, Butter and Hides, for which we wi!! pay
the highest market price in cash.
We carry in stock the best brands of flour at the
lowest prices. Also feed of all kinds.
Call on our representative, George W. Ohou, in
the Anheuser-Busch block, 4th and Main, Phtismcuth.
Need Any This Spring?
Paints, Oils and Varnishes
We are carrying a full and complete line of ihe
best paints made the celebrated Sherwin-Williams
covering your every want in the paint line. See us.
We also handle all kinds of farm machinery the
best money can buy, and at prices sure to suit you.
Why not a new oi stove for the warm weathsr
which is sure to be with us soon. You wouldn't want
to work over a hot cook stove; why, then, make friena
wife do it? We have some very attractive patterns in
oil stoves at prices that are most satisfactory.
Listen to What
This Says!
For Saturday only, we are selling Omar ana Puri
tan flour at $5.25 per 100 lbs.
An excellent broom for 50c. Can you beat it?
We also offer four boxes or spaghetti or macaroni
for 25 cents.
These bargains are for Saturday only. Bat we
have other bargains on tap for ycu at al! times. Come
and see us. We welcome comparison.