PLAITS MOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUBNAl FADE TUREI THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1921. u Departmnent nion Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Act Now! Every day you delay opening that checking account is a detriment to your own best interests. Act now. Open an account today. Checks save money and time. They are exact and are most convenient. CHECK BOOKS FOR LADIES YOU'RE ALWAYS WELCOME HERE ank.of UNION y NEBRASKA Eva Shackley was :i visitor j in I.iwoln last Sunday. ' j l.fin.i-1 I-arr't was a gncjt st his; home here over Sunday. .- I Tliere will be services during t li e j ent ire day at th' Methodist church j thi coming Sunday. The attendance at the various ser-, vices of the Baptist church last Sun-; dav was unusually . James Uteres and family spent Sunday at (he home of friends in the Wyuiiiinff neighborhood. John SlcCarroll purchased a new Ford to'irinff car throunh the 1'ropst & Uur'iee agency this week. J-)ln IFobscheit. of near Murray. v;u called to l'nion tt ltok after nrfi'e business matters last Montlay. .Mrs. Robert Willis was a ffuest. at he lu;iue of hT dauffhter. -Mrs. ('. A. Vallery, in Louisville, last week. Miss Laura Willis was visiting with friends in Nebraska City last Friday, making the trip on the train. Earl Merrit is doing some re-decorating at the Union hotel, which will add greatly to the appearance of this popular hostelry. li. I). Stint? was looking after some business matters in the coun ty seat last Tuesday, making the trip on the train. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ("leghorn, of Louisville, drove over in their car and spent Sunday at the home of L. G. Todtl and wife. Edward Midkiff of near Avoca was a visitor with friends in anil about l'nion. coining over to look after some business matters. .. 1 V 1 ft Economy the Watch Word! Yes, it is true economy to purchase your imple ments of the Farmers Co-Operative Elevator company. We purchased an exceedingly good line of John Deere farming implements some time ago in anticipation of this year's needs and can save you money on them. We carry a good line of horse drawn implements, which we are offering at a very narrow margin on ac count of the prevailing high prices. We can supply youn needs in plows, (walking and riding) harrows, discs, cultivators and listers. If you want power machinery we can also furnish it. as well as home power plants.. Let us know your wants we'll do the rest. Farmers Go-Qperalice Elevator Company L. G. Todd, Manager UNION -:- -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA A Big Hold-Up! Has Been Broken in Building Activities. Those who have not started building are planning to do so in the veary near future. Considering freight rates, building material is now on a pre-war basis. Remember, you are robbing yourself the longer you postpone those much needed buildings. How about a screened in porch or a new roof or some new floors? A good floor will cost less than a new rug and will last indefinitely. Get our prices and be convinced. e appreciate your patronage. Frans Bros'. Lumber Co., UNION NEBRASKA Fred IJorne was a visitor at Ne braska City, where he was looking after some business matters for a short time last Monday. Miss Angie McCarroll. who is teaching in. the Syracuse public schools, was a visitor at the home of her parents over Sunday. Miss Grace Bogenrief, one of the teachers in the Union schools, was a visitor at the home of her parents 'near Elmwqod over Sunday. I). It. Lewis, of Ashland, was a visitor in l'nion last Monday, driv ing over in his car and spending a few hours at tbe home of M. Lynde and wife. Misses Eva Hathaway and Flora Olarrison were in Nebraska City Inst week taking the examination for teachers certificates to teach during the coming year. Sheriff C. P. Quinton and County Attorney Cole were in the city for a short time last Friday, looking af ter tbe mattery of the robbery of the l'nion postot't'ice. A. L. Heclcer sowed four acres of alfalfa last Monday before coming to his work at the store. He must have either got to work late or began the sowing mighty early. John Van I lorn of near Murray delivered corn to the elevator here the first of the week, for which he received 42 cents a bushel, the grain grading unusually high. Daniel Lynn and W. II. Porter, of l'nion, attended the district meeting of Odd Fellows in Xehawka on last Monday. They report a large crowd and a very plea.'-ant time. Miss Bonnie Ellis speift last Sun day with her parents at Weeping Water, returning to take up her work as a teacher in the Union pub lic schools Monday morning. Dr. C. M. Schwab has purchased one of the new style coupes through the Fropst & Uurbee agency. A good many of the Universal cars are being sold by this enterprising firm. George Hastings, of Qeneva. was a visitor in Union a few days last week being a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lynn, and of other relatives anil friends while here. Mont Kobb, who spent Sunday at Iris home here, departed Monday for points in Iowa to look after the pur chase of grain for the Haynes Grain company, of Omaha, which he rep resents. W. L. Hoback and daughter, Leila were passengers to Omaha Saturday, where they consulted a specialist re garding Mr. Hoback's eyes, which he had operated upon, and which are now improving. John Banning who was here to at tend the funeral of his sister. Miss Carrie Banning last Friday, return ed on Monday to his home at Lind say, Nebraska. Mrs. Banning will remain for some time. The second patrol of the Boy Scouts of Union went op a hike last Saturday that led them out into the open. They ate their supper in the wooded past tire of R. D. l'orter and enjoyed a very pleasant time. Del Irwin and wife visited in Xe hawka last Monday. driving over with a load of gasoline for distribu tion to Mr. Irwin's customers there. While he was busy with his work. Mrs. Irwin visited with friends." Harry Todd, of Lincoln, was a visitor in Union for a short time last Monday looking after some business and visiting with his brother, L. G. Todd and sister Miss Jessie Todd, I who accompanied him to his home in j Lincoln. Last week there were a number of people from l'nion in attendance at the meeting of the Order of East ern Star at Plattsmouth, among them being Mrs. Olney Easter. Miss Mary Becker and Mesdames John Lid gelt and W. A. Taylor. LeRoy Miller, of Peru, accompan-i ied by Miss Grace Lee. also of Peru.! spent Sunday at the home of the young man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller, of this place, attend ing services at the Baptist church, of which his father is pastor. ! Emery Bauer and wife arrived a few days ago from their home in Florida, having made the trip in their auto, and are visiting for a few days with friends in and around Union, being guests at the homes of Frank and Joseph Bauer. The boys on the road maintainer are doing their work in good shape, and the effects can be seen on the roads over which they travel. Messrs. Glaubitz, Eaton and Keckler are men who know the business and who are not afraid to put in the work to makei the roads riglt. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Finney were, rassengers last Monday for Lincoln, JAVA V- v T II II ' - J in u vact. in which Otoe county is being sued for damages arising from the deaths rf a child from an alleged defective bridge, and which resulted in the little one being drowned. Among those atending the baseball same at Dunbar Sunday between the Union and Dunbar teams were T. E. Hathaway and family, Loy Hatha way and family; A. W. Propst, Dean and Sherman Austin, Blair Porter, Emery Bauer, Frank Bauer, Eugene Roddy, Howard Taylor and Veltna Eaton. Orville Hathaway has purchased a new Ford roadster for use in making his' daily round of the mail route. He traded in his old one, the deal being made through the enterprising firm of Propst & Burbee, local Ford dealers, who by the way are selling a good many of the Universal cars just now. The Woman's Home Missionary society of the Baptist church met last week at the home of Mrs. II. A.' Chilcott, where a most enjoyable time was had, and much work for the church was accomplished. There was a discussion of the question "What we do and how we do it," af ter which refreshments were served. Loy Hathaway and George Ed minston shelled and delivered their corn to the elevators at Union last I Monday, the price being a little bet-4 You Have (he Right to expect your dollar to buy one hundred cents worth of goods. We are here to fur nish you the goods full value for your money. Here are a few samples picked at random from our stock : Corn, 2 cans for. . . .25c Peaches, apricots . . .30c Spring Line of White Keds is Now In Rubber Soles R. D. STIWE, UNION -:- NEBR. to the extent , of nearly $700. That the safe could be blown and no one hear the explosion, with people liv ing so near to the office, is the won der of everyone. The matter of se lecting Union for robberies seems to be gaining in popularity. Numerous local stores' have been touched and now the postoffice comes in for a second visitation within a fortnight. Federal officers are working on the, case and it is hoped they will be able to run down the guilty parties. ter than formerly. Charles Ilatha wnv also shelled and delivered his corn to the local market last Satur day. Dr. C. M. Schwab, who has been visiting at the home of his parents at Washington, Kansas, during the past week, returned a few days ago to resume his practice, which has been interfered with for some time on account of Mr. Schwab's illness. He is now improving and expects to re gain bis former good health. John Morse, formerly a resident of Union, but lately of Laurel. Nebras ka, where he was married some time ago, is attending an auto school in Lincoln at present, he and his wife making their home in the capi tal city temporarily. They came to Union last Sunday for a visit, being guests at the home of Charles Board man while here. Struck Popular Chord Here 'The Plattsmouth boosters out to advertise the American Legion's in- , , . . , ioor carnival me lasi inree nays 01 this week, were in Union last Friday' afternoon and livened up the town j for a half hour with the excellent, music of their twenty-piece band, which was greatly appreciated by i those who gathered to hear it. As they continued to play Uncle William Chalfant who has seen more than three quarters of a century cut a pigeon wing and did a few more pop ular steps of the Civil war period, saying to C. L. Graves that was the kind of music which makes one young again. Much interest is evi denced in the carnival here and if the weather remains good a large delegations from here will be in at tendance during the three nights of fun and frivolity. Card of Thanks We desire to express our thanks to the friends who so kindly minis tered during the late illness and death of our beloved daughter and sister. Miss Carrie Banning, and for the flowers and expressions of sym pathy and kindly acts of all at the funeral. Mrs. W. H. Banning; Miss Pearl Banning; Joe Banning and Family; W. B. Banning and Family. Have Secured Ball Park The Union baseball team has se-' cured a place for their games, this; action being made necessary by the1 disnosal of the former park. The same grounds used last year, and j known as the Wesley Woodard pas ture will be the scene of action this season and some good, fast games mav be looked forward to. See the Picture Saturday There will be an excellent show Saturday night at the M. W. A. hall, given by that rustling young man. Albert Willis. Better drop in and see what a fine production is offered. "Hunting a Husband" is the title of the feature picture and you will almost laugh yourself sick at the amusing circumstances in it. In ad dition the Fox news weekly will he included in the program. Will Leave Union Mr. and Mrs. 1L A. Smith, who tame here but a short time ago to engage in the cream and produce business have been assigned by the company to a town south of Lincoln and will take their departure as soon as someone can be secured to look after the business here. The Smiths have made many friends dur ing their brief stay and Mr. Smith has built up a good business by his si raight forward dealing and friendly disposit ion. To Observe Mothers' Day Services at the Baptist church a week from next Sunday are being so arranged as to permit of special ob servance of Mothers' day, which is generally observed over the nation. Young Folks Have Picnic The members of the Epworth League enjoyed an outing last Thurs day evening, going to the beautiful home of George Everett, where they had a very enjoyable time, spending the evening in games and with a delightful weiner roast in which all took part. The invigorating outdoor air and the exercise stimulated the appetites of the young people until they were able to do full justice to the roasted wei ners and trimmings. Lose Game at Dunbar The Union baseball team went to Dunbar last Sunday, where a game was played with the Dunbar team, resulting in a score of 4 to 1 in favor of Dunbar. The Dunbar team was there and over when it came to play ing the national game and although our boys fought against great odds, they were unable to win. However, the spirit of the home team is not daunted as they expect to win fully as many games as they lose and be lieve it better to play with the ahrd teams and lose occasionally than to pick the easy ones and win constant ly. The line up for this game was as follows: Davis. 2b; Keckler. c; B. Wolfe, ss; Earl Wolfe. 3b; Rob ert Eaton, lb; A. Eaton, If; Derwood Lynde. rf; Rice, cf and John Ho back. p. The Postoffice Robbery Mystery still surrounds the post office robbery which ocurred last week and which resulted in the loss of stamps and war saving certificates Lynus Reynolds Very Sick Lynus Reynolds. who has been living in Omaha, where he was em ployed as a telegraph operator, ar rived home Saturday a very sick man and has since been confined at tbe home of his parents with an attack of influenza, that gathered in his throat and required lancing on one side, by the family physician. Dr. W. M. Barritt. It ii hoped that he will get along nicely, as he may be ex pected to do, having the best of care from his mother as nurse and his physician as well. Will Give Supper The Baptist ladies will serve the Junior-Senior banquet which is soon to be given. Members of the Sopho more class will serve. Rests in Wyoming Cemetery The funeral of Miss Carrie Ban ning who passed away last week, was held at the Methodist, church at Wyoming, the Rev. Samuel Miller delivering the discourse. A large number of friends of this good wom an were in attendance to pay the last sad rites of respect to her memory Miss Banning suffered much during her last illness, the malady to which idie was a victim being that of a can cer, and although it was known she could not be cured, she continued cheerful to the end. her suiTerinss being greatly alleviated by the kind ly ministrations of her family and friends. Many mourn her departure and cherish the memory of her ex cellent traits of character and dispo position. The remains were con signed to their last resting place in the churchyard cemetery amidst the rcenes of her activity during the years of her life, there to repose un til that great day of resurrection, when she will be gathered home to Him who knows even the number of the hairs in our heads. Her's was a splendid example to the community and may well be in culcated by those who remain in this world of strife and turmoil. Union School Notes Vera Upton and La Van Frans entertained the assembly with a reading and a piano solo last Friday morning. The twelfth grade English class is writing stories. Some of them sound quite promising. The members are working very hard to finish them so that they may be read next week. Did you see those posters in the windows of local business houses? Don't they sound fine? Do not for get, Saturday. May 6th. That will be a big night. The Seniors are all working hard to make it a success. Come to the schoolhouse everybody on May 6th, at 8 o'clock A good time is promised. Following is the program: Music, Minstrel Show, Fortune Teller, Great Wizard, Wrest ling Match, Senior Pantomime repre senting the Four Years of H. S.; Popcorn; Drinks; Maypole Dance; Crowning of May Queen and Re freshments served by Domestic Sci ence girls. Moderate prices. Members of the eighth grade with their teacher. Miss Bogenrief, enter tained the Freshman class -and high school teachers Friday night. Games were played in the gymnasium, and after all had exercised enough, re freshments were served upstairs. A general good time is reported. Good Show for Saturday! "THE HUSBAND HUNTER" This is a playwith many thrilling situations and mirth provoking climaxes. You will more than get the worth of your money in real, honest-to-goodness hearty laughs. Eileen Percy is the noted star. In addition to the feature picture there will be shown the Fox News. Don't miss this. ALBERT WILLIS, Manager Remember the place M. W. A. Hall, Union Saturday Night Usual Admission Here Yon Are! We have several good used Fords and also new ones as well, for immediate delivery. Three good used trucks. Better get those cars attended to before the rush of Spring work. We Do Aceieline Welding! The Willis G UNION arage, NEBRASKA See the Prices HereJ These are only a few cf the excellent bargains we are offering in the grocery and dry goods line. Raiscns, 2 1 5-oz. pkgs 55c Corn, 2 cans for 25c Peas, 2 cans for 25c 48-lb sack "Letter Roll" flour $2.45 Ginghams, fine quality, yd 18 to 22c Calicos at . 12!2 an 15c Percales, bed rock price, per yd 18c Cocoanut, 2 15c packages 25c Good grade bulk coffee, per lb 17lzc Certified breakfast bacon, per lb 47c We are offering many other gcod bargains at this time. Come in and see where your money goes the furtherest. A. L. BECKER; UNION -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA 30,000 A LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO, LAND FOR SALE! Lincoln county, Colorado, farmers harvested an excellent crop of wheat the past season. Come, see land where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are making trips every Sat urday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land in the west and at a price which anyone can afford to pay. HAS. BOWDISH, . Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. atfery Series Station! I am prepared to look after your battery wants, in the way, of recharging, repairing and furnishing of needed parts, as well as providing you with new bat teries. All work has my personal care and will be given the minutest attention. W. H. DuBOi UNION NEBRASKA Here !Ss Your Chance5 Having recently sold my farm, one-half mile from Union, I will offer at public auction on s Tuesday, April 26th commencing at I o'clock sharp, the following: Sixteen head of choice dairy cows, all giving milk. Most of these cows fresh recently. Eight of them are high bred Holsteins and four are Red Polled. Their ages run from 2 to 6 years. One pure bred (not registered) Holstein bull, 16 months old. One team of horses and all my farming machin ery will also be sold. CHARLES BOARDKiAN, Owner J. M. Patterson, Clerk Bryan & Hall, Aucts. Subscribe for The Journal