The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    X...S -
JvtOIIDAY, APP.I1 25 1521
!jL?Jtl if INfjfD
Friday being Arbor day, the bank,
'iis eloped and Mr. and Mrs. IUu
visited friends in Weeping Water!
and Kim wood. j
Miss Carrie Fchaeffer was a vii-,
tor in Murdock for a short time last
;t the home of
we!.-. a, frn-rt
her brother. Charles.
George "chauffer, who has beei
pointing his home in Ma::!ey. has the?
worl. compbted and the house pre
sents a fine appearance.
rwiss Jtnr.T" .Mae ork was a
lor in the Manlev public schools
r' i.- J-
Mrs. C. M. Andrns was a guest
of friends in Omaha last Tuesday.
Jacob Lohnes of Weeping Water
was a guest of friends in Manley for
a number of days last week.
Andrew Schliefert has been build
ing a number of bridges in this vi
cinity for the county of late.
Sheehan and Heebner shipped a
car oi" mixed cattle and hogs to the
Fouth Omaha market last week.
Frank Stander. wife and daughter
of Omaha, have been visiting with 'of
Minnie Peters, who has been visit
ing in Manley for some days past,
were passengers to Omaha last Fri
day, making the trip in the- car of
Mr. Harms.
John Habel and wife arrived in
Manley last Thursday from their
home in Plattsmouth and were vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Maceney, they being the par
ents of Mrs. Habel.
There is being much wheat sold in
Manley during the past few weeks,
though the people are a little slow
in disposing of their corn at this
time. The ereneral run of grain is
' improving however.
Misses Thelma Hudson and Une
Crook, who were attending the coun
tv convention of the Christian En-
der.vor at Weeping Water last week,
were over Sunday guests at the home
Mr. and Mrs. George Goodman.
Friday, am! whs v.eli pleasrd
the way things were going.
Charles Ge;la-h has been disposing
of a number oi F-rd cars the past
week and finds a more ready demand
for them than the larger one-;.
M ur-
southwest of Manley.
A very satisfactory business is be
ing done this month by the Missouri
ctr of sand and also Pacific at its station here. It is ex
the last of the week. I neeted to have the local receipts for
relative-; and friends in and
Manley for the past few days.
The firm of Frost, Curyea &
tey received a
one of lumber
Mrs. Charles Gerl-u h v;
v davs
in Omaha
being a g
for a f.
a giTr-t of :
who is Lite;
sne college.
r duughi'T
ing sci.o.'i! :
lpita! in
J IISI ph I:
as m.ikii
will soon
Orri- SthiieiYrt,
Onirir Coon and
in Omaha last v.
meeting of son;- :
t ion.
T. F. Jam!.-on of
a the
St .
v!i(i is tin-
Ornaha. i- rep.-t-satisfi'.t-t'jry
)s r:jtd that he
to return to his
George Myers recently purchased a
lifter for the spring tern planting,
from ot;r implement dealer. Herman
Harry O lirien of near Cedar Creek
v.-as a visitor with friends and rel
atives in Manley last Thursday for a
short time.
the month run approximately $3,000
unless there is a marked falling of:'
in business the next week.
Roy Warren, the carpenter, has
been enjoying a visit from his moth
er. Mrs. Walter Warren, from her
home at Grand Rapids, Mich., who
! departed on last Tuesday for the west
Through Whose Courtesy the Journal
Has Seemed
at Leiricn
th3 Cut Now
Yogl.-r v c:e
intending a
org:; :nz:.-
i Clinton Andrus was called to and will visit at the home of her
Weeping Water one day last week, son and daughter, who make their
where iie had some business mat- home at San Francisco.
tc-rs to look after.
i Art Rough has purchased of Frost, i School Kiddies Pleased
, With
i b
. l.
I i'o.':t kv-i been
-1 for s( venil days
1 I o con ; 'act i he
and Mrs. J-Mward
j.ast. beinsr ei.')!i.
new herm- i.T .Mr
W. H. Fro: I and wife, v. i; li tio ir
little daughter. Itamoii-i. and Mr.
John FIei--.-h.Man. the contractor, at
f ewb-d t!" buibl'.if exhibit ion in
Oim; : ! fore :.urt of hist vrek.
b -fh ing over the rniv new mod: I.-
Mi-s :
St. Cath
where .-!
I ej orted
is hoped
I in th
.lildii;;: line.
arv .vurrr.v. v.ioi J- ;T t;
;--i!-.e; 2o:-piial in Oa'ai:
,e is r.-i't-ivinn treatment.
a- making protfre.-s : ml it
that .-he mav be a hie to re-
Caryea & Murtey. the lumber for a
lo w birn which he expects to erect
on his farm at once.
Mrs. T. Bergman was looking af
ter some business matters in Omaha
last Monday and Tuesday, making
the trip via the Missouri Pacific.
Herman 1all was a business visi
tor in Omaha last Monday, where he
wer.t for a truck load of repairs and
supplies. He also visited at Council
Daniel Rourke has been decorat
ing a:id papering some of the rooms
at the Parish house during the past
wee':, which is adding greatly to the
Liienor appcrauce of the home.
Miss Margaret Wolpert was a vis-
the addition of a volley ball
and some toboggan slides and other
play ground equipment, the scholar;
are in the height of their glee and
are playing over time just now.
Had a Social Dance
The young people of Manley and
vicinity enjoyed a very pleasant time
at the dance which was given last
Monday evening at the Woodman
hall. The Holly orchestra of Platts
mouth furnished the music, which
was enjoyed by all.
A picture painted on i lie walls of
the Red Cross canteen at Urest.
France, during the days when the
far-flung hordes of the American F.
peditionary Forces were swarming
through this gateway of France on
their way homeward bound, has be
come almost a classic as a represen
tative of the spirit of the A. F. F.
now rapidly vanishing from sight.
The American soldier when his
task across the sea was accomplished,
cherished one thought more than all
others, and that was of the day when
he might board the transport home
ward bound, ami it was this thought
that prompted the bringing into ex
istence of "The Doughboy's Upturn."
first painted on the walls of the car.-;
teen at Urest, but which now lianas'
in a place of honor over the doors of j
the club rooms of Hugh J. Kearns'
post Xo. "it;, American Keg-ion, in thi?
jK5:-5 -i i : : 5-
. ,W'iA'.f . v .'iv;xi'.
(iiin-l tv: Ulirist I'hoto f.f.y,.i'. -.v,
vt - '
Hugh J. Reams 1'ost
RHTI'UX." brought to
Xo. S, Atnerican Leg!
in ti:
by .Miss Fdith Martin (insiri above) ;
clr.b rooms of which it oer :jties an
:id presented
honored j I i-
The greater part of the American
f'.-rc(s found their way through
Rrest on the way home and at the
canteen of the Red Cross there ihev
found many of the comfort.-, and de
lights of home life, it being a', t ? i
cinteen that Miss Martin of
this city was stationed and it was
through her efforts that the I.vgion
p'st has. secured the picture.
When the canteen was dismantled,
there was l:een competition among
the workers for the various picturts
vitii vhicli A. R. F. arii.-ts had deco-
and al-
of h
.ere for
'S. nor.'
am! getf-ng :t a bo-ird ni
thoiir'h they i h ! the prom:
v, reei.ers to sec t hat t !iey
warded to thorn in the sta
ever caiii';.
Miss Mart ill. however,
r-'-i or niiiu dougli boy.
the t.ieture ab'iard, whfc'i
l in I'.e iiuinl.i of the
n'er for crating. On
Miss Martin ex-
to u r ho:ne h'-ro.
X.: s
sist- d
ca fried
it was piac
: hip's ca riii
rival at l;
pre;-id )
r:ied the interior of the building,
and Mi-s iatiil was able to secure
this one. which was oonsiikivd one
i'ur so:
on:e M : -:
tore, btj i
i ".o e-, by
1 1:
ii the i,;:'
t!:e I.e.-:io
alter returninr.
rc i'.K-d the f.i.--"n
irg of the club
:i last Xoveu.ber.
Buys Farming Machinery
Gits Wentlt, of near Murdock.
i -k, ii. ill., lot T It II Oil XT Yioilicr
sjiii .tiiiiic i a 1 iiiiiiua ctiiu viiii-
here purchased a number of farm
ing implements from our dealer.
Herman Dall. among which were a
turn home in the near fnfire with health comrletely re.-toro l.
M-irk Wile.--, am? wifi were visit
ing in Mai:ley fo- a short time hist
wee!-.. Mr. Wi'es !oohi::g after onie
bu in-sr laatters v :i!e Mr-. Wib's
.-pent some time wit'i friends, being
a yttesi at the ! of Fred Flciseh
noiTi. A. Si. Rumlib- and W. 11. Frost
during hrr s:av.
accompanied bv Miss Rena Christen
-en. the latter remaining while Miss
Wolpert returned home Friday after
noon. While returning from Plattsmouth
last week. A. Steinkamp had the mis
fortune to encounter a number of
very bad snowdrifts for this time of
year, and fooud it necessary to shov
el his way out once, while he was
pulled out three times on the trip.
This is pretty much of a snow storm
for the mMdlc of April.
Theo Harms and wife and Miss
a f r"
d i
Pi B 01
FiOot, Curyea z Murley have come clear on the re-3cf.:si:r-ent
price of all kindo of builcing material?
Do you iincTV, that we are selling
cur lumber just as lew now as you
have to seil ycur farm products?
Lo yoa knov, that ve have not one
tIiscatI;Jicd customer, but cill feel
ihcy have their full money's worth?
How about ihat house, barn, chicken or hog house,
implement shed or crib. See us. We'll save you money.
Frost, Curyea 8l Murtey,
W. H. FROST, Manager
manure spreader,
row machine, all
use on his farm.
a lister and a
of which he
t wo
Visited Here
Rev. William Mcjvenna, of Lin
coln, where he is resident priest of
St. Mary's Catholic church and the
Rev. T. Corcoran, who ministers to
the parish at Elm wood, visited in
Manley one day last week at the
home of Rev. Father Higgins. pastor
of St. Patrick's Catholic church of
this place.
Mr. Keckler Very Poorly
Mrs. Thomas Keckler. who has
been confined to her home for a num
ber of weeks from sickness, is still
feeling very poorly and is still unable
to be about. Mrs. Rose Keller, of
Weeping Water, and the members of
the Royal -Neighbors are caring for
Will Erect Modern Home
W. H. Frost and wife have con
cluded they may as well have a new
modern home at not, for since hav
ing stated In their advertising mat
ter that the prices of lumber have
come down, they are now going to
act along that line. They have pur
chased two fine lots just south of
the excellent home of C. K. Mocken-
; haupt, and will immediately begin
jthe erection of a new five room bun
galow mat win ne modern in every
respect, from the basement to the at
tic. The contract has been let to
John Fleischman, who with Mr.
Frost staked the site out and few
days ago and excavation for the
basement will be begun immediately.
This will add another excellent mod
ern home to the village of Manley.
The picture is in water colors and tii
is two and a half by tour teet in
size and is clever" in the extreme in
its portrayal of the happy, care-free
doughboy on his way west toward
the most attractive and popular of
large number that had been
nhnoil on the walls. Incidentally, it
is the oulv one which reached the
Ciiite I s'!;iles. the other wo'Ker:
ing content to "Let Oeorgo do
Iwhtn it came to packing and picture
: i:e verv gencro :--i v
( :tre to be hung .v. V.
looms. where it mig
memories of the davs
I lie long, long tra""!. whose
;t the point of deh.trkat hm
picture is n streiig remindei
i f the Legion members of
Me red the p'c
e wall.; of t L o
ht bring b -c
that were and
. a.-
and t!
to n any
the time
when they, too. i
homew.srd bound
Leei:,i- Carp'
endosed if in
The (liiMi'h'i
ii hi sho
.-evem !i di'. is;
i he picture i
a Ii:.:
!hrou:.'h I '.rest
V List V. el k.
r! Wots Ii':. i i.i
;orne frame.
! ' r
-ion. ,
in the pict or-:- b at -;
the i mblem of t
and this feature of
ne that had many
ami varied dianges as eacli division
al organization pa -ing through the
port f ie'-st, took occasion to ad irn
'he shoulder of the doughboy wi'h
Jheir own particular emlilem, tin
seventh hc-itig tiie last to have a
chance to p'a'e 5 is unl-lem n the
liappy soldier boy.
Through courtc -y of the Omaha
which recently published a cm!
:f tli rii'-ti're :in.l il iscr i nt i i e ;irtiel
:e .jon.rnal is alile to reoroduce it,
as well r. -; a picture of the donor.
Mis.; Mar'in. who is an enthusiastic
booster for the Legion.
Fine stationery, jonrnal office.
We are entering the light
ning and cyclone time of the
How about your insurance,
are you sufficiently protected?
I write for the Farmer Mutual
of Lincoln, the Columbia and
and HAIL
Your patronage solicited.
Mynard, Nebraska
ret u rued
work a
irytL&jr-sz i'Hi'
It Pays to Be Safe
IJon t wait until it is too late. Re
member Licrhtnms strikes and
destroys millions of dollars
worth of proDertv and kill-?
hundreds of people every year,
You have no assurance that this season
it may not be your turn to b struck
unless you yet Shinn-Flat protection now.
r" Protect
Before Light
ning Strikes!
Prevents Lightning Losses
Shinn-Flat is superior to any other form of rod or conductor, for these reasons:
2 -Tht 7aCv" of3ShJ Flat' SJ?? ater "PcitV for electricity.
a--Ii,M.?;Fifii.alJ?a contraction.
- nuc.iu tunic in coniacc
w:it moist earth, giving good Kroundir.R
4- The Siiuin patented four-leKRed brace, with self-lock-ing
feature, fields top always in place. .
5 Shir.n l-'lat 13 alwavs installed by our licensed Dealer
v.hom hnve instructed '
G A cash Bond is-.ued by a large Eonding Company in
sure your money back if damage by Lightning occurs.
Telephone us and we wiM gladly send you our book "Causa
iiita uuii vt v a-ittiiwiiiig, atiu csHimaic OI cost
Estimates cheerfully furnished for installation on your build
ings Do not wait too long. for protection!
Learn the Cause of Daily Woes and
Quickly End Them
When the back aches and throbs.
When housework is torture.
When night brings no rest nor
When urinary disorders set in.
Women's lot is a weary one.
Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak
Have proved their worth in Platts
mouth. 1
This is one Plattsmouth woman's
Mrs. Charles Mason, of 312 ?.rl
street, says: "I have had quite a bit
of experience with Doan's Kidney
Pills up to a couple-of years ago. I
used to have attacks when my back
would be so lame and weak it bother
ed me a great. deal to be around on
my feet. My kidneys would be dis
ordered at times, too. and I felt mis
erable and had no ambition. A mem
ber of my family who had used
Doan's Kidney Pills with good
suits, advised me to try
did so with the best of
a short time I felt like a different
woman. I get Doan's at Fricke &
Co'8. drug store and use them occa
sionally when I get tired in my back
and they always quickly relieve me."
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Mason had. Foster-MIlburn Co.,
Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Good Dragged Roatl
Travel by Auto and Save
Money and Time.
T. H, Poiiock Bridge
Mrs. G. W. Pugsley, of Persia,
Iowa, who has ben here visiting her
mother, Mrs. W. A. Taylor, who has
been very poorly, returned home this
afternoon, as Mrs. Taylor Is now
showing improvement.
Mrs. Henry Mauzy departed this
morning for Kearney, Neb., where
she was called by the serious illness
I of her son-in-law. Dr. T. J. Todd,
j who has been ill for the past three
weeks, but whose condition is. now
City Property for Sale!
One 8-room modern, 3rd and Vine
streets. iy2 lots. $5,000.00.
One 5-room, iy2 lots on west
Main street. Good well, cistern.
One 7-room modern except bath.
11th and Main streets. 2 lots, one
block from high school. Fine place.
re-1 Cheap at $3,500.00.
them and I 5-room house; 3y2 acres ground,
results. In nne acre in fruit and one in alfalfa.
City water, concrete cellar, electric
lights, sewer. A dandy, place for
Two lots south of the 0-K garage.
$300.00 takes the two.
Four-room house, one block soutli
of Main street on 5th, $2,000.
Four-room house on Washington
avenue and 10th St., $2,200.
Four-room house just south of 0.
K. Garage, $1,800.
New modern 5-room house, two
lots, on Washington avenue. A fine
place, $4,700.
MXTRDACVA 'weens, dui wnose conai
EJ3rwvZIW. reaching a serious point.
Sec j. e. nasofj,
Office, 394 Residence, 229
Mis:; Uorothy Cor-'er. wt
h'H :i home recmer-vt in from
rutioii ior sit'j'nl!cit is.
;:-. week to her school
Crete. ,
CI on Dunbar, who recently ujoler
weut an operation for poem! i'-it is
a? ;tn Omah.i hospital, w::.- uMe t
return home last Saturday. (J!;n'
many friends will rejoice to l,i;w
that he is 'ttin-'; a1o:i'.c so nicely.
N. C. ciiril"n -n loft -(la-,
illumine; for Denmark, where he will
spend the f-uinnier with relatives am:
friends. Chris visited Denrmrk last
summer. 1 1 i s native land still is at
tractive to hin:. Riley Rector ac
companied him as far as Omaha.
The resignations of K. A. Frel
rick.son, water and light commUsio.i
er, and Ralph Nelson, assistant, have
been sent to the City Council to
take effect May 1st. Xo successor.;
have been announced as y-i. Mr.!
rredrickson i roimr west . j;:i1 Mr. '
X lson will enter the Lincoln !msi
j ness collotjo. probably this fall.
v. orti nas ikvh ren-iveo rn'i e iioi :
the Ci:as. Hoover family, u rm-: res
ident of th. i:- vicinity, now liviui: a.
K;t Cars.m. Colorado. th;:t thel'- 7-;
ye:.r-old uauichtcr k:nv-he.l h-wri
;v an avtomoioio la-t iiuivsMav
althou.i-'li qui!e badly injuiel. i
ting Hi ing very se!I now. At
it was thought she was 'Killed. '
The Robert Itaker fam'ly moved i:: '
Tuesday from the. John Course farm
touth if town, and arc occupying,
their own residence on north Com
mercial street. lio I!ohb.-;, who wa-
venting tlii p'ace. moved to the Car-,
her house on tho south side. Mr.
Raker will do carpenter worl; witht
hi.-, fatl'.er. hyrcn I'a'.c. r. They, .ire !
tin's week starting a large barn fori
Arthur Rough. .
Win. C(atma:! i-oems to be in about ;
the hardest Rich of anybody on ac
count of the snowstorm Criday r.i::bt.,
Will had spoilt the winter i:i Cali-r
foi nia to avoid the cold weather ami'
snow .shoveling but Saturday mori'-j
ing he had to get out and shovel j
about two inches of :;mv and ic .
off his siilewa ll-.s. Will is n t much 1
of a complainer. but his conn t enam e
.howed thai this went against the
Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Askew went
to Omaha Saturday morning for the
week end visit at the home of their
son Treat. Curtis Askew was coin
ing down from Minneapolis to spend
Sunday with them. He could i;el to
Omaha and back lo his work during
the week end but couldn't ma!o con
nections to come on to Weeping
Water. Mrs. Helen Wi-llick went up
from 1 'la 1 1 ; moot h and Iho yhad unite
a family gathering.
A ,ood complete line of refrsgera
io:s that are new, up-to-date and fully
rusr-anlccd as to construction.
m S tin fe-'Va
Bank of Cass County
apital, Surplus and Profits
EGft to
Your Business
Genera! Banking Busines
in this Bank are Protected by ths Ne-
State Banking Guarant3 Law.
There will be n social dance jiivenj
at the I'uls Cansnor hall in Mur-i
ray tomorrow (Tuesday) evening,!
April ZiUU, Music ly the Holly or-j
chestr.i. Hood time assured. j
Shrcveport. A)ril 21. The'
death sentence of l.ouie Kalon. the
negro the sherirr if Ouachita parish
forgot to hang last month, has been
commuted by the slate pardon hoard
to life imprisonment . according to
reports received here today from
Itutnti Kouge. i
Kalon was convicted of murder,
several months ago, and was brought
from Ouachita parish to the Caddo
parish jail for safe keeping. As he
afterward wrote to Governor Parker,
the sheriff said he was so busy with
other affairs in his office that he for
g,ot the day he was to hang Eaton.
the Farm Pay!
It must
if the
Good land cannot do it alone
11 1 1 1 1 !
woiKcci ana nign grade macninery
best results are to be obtained.
The International line is acknowledge! as the best
in farm machinery. We are carrying a full assortment
from this line and invite you to call and see vis about
anything you may be in need of.
We also handle a complete line of repairs of all
kinds, or can get you any we don't happen to have in
stock on short notice.
In the line of harness or harness repairing we can
supply your wants at most reasonable prices.
Primrose and Dc Laval cream separators are now
greatly reduced in price. Don't wait longer to buy.
Blank Books at the Journal Office.
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