1 j MONDAY, APtTL 25. 1321 LSUlS.-I'Jt, in 1 r 'u ?-m j-!- 4 4 r 0E0R0E fWiEf SINGER CALL EDBY DEATH ANOTHER OF PROMINENT FAM ILY OF SEVEN BROTHERS GOES TO REWARD. LONG PROMINENT IN . GOUHTY Deceased Has Been Active in Public Life and Was for Years Asses sor of Home Precinct. Loath yesterday afternoon at o'clock called away another of the sev n Meisinger brothers who have been among the most prominent of this portion of Cass county for many cars. in the person of George 1'. from Germany and settled near Pe kin. Illinois. w here on November 29. lSn2. George P. Meisinger was born. At the age of twenty years he came west to Nebraska and the family set tled in Cass county near Cedar Creek and it was here that this splendid yo'ins man commenced his career as a farmer that later through his thrift and industry brought him success and comfort in his declining years. In this family there were seven brothers who came to Cass county, out brother dying in Illinois ami the sister of the family also passing away in that state. Of the brothers corn ins to Nebraska, Dalz. Michael. Hen ry and Jacob have all passed to the great beyond and of the original family, with the missing of George P.. there remain only Conrad Mei singer of this city, the third brother in point of asro. and P. 11. .Meisinger. the youngest of the family. The deceased was married in Plattsmouth March 1SS1 i,. Miss Louise Wallenger and during the forty years of their wedded life there has been an uninterrupted period of the Presbyterian church at Cedar Creek and also of the Modern Wood-, men of America. j The funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian church at Cedar I Creek Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and will be conducted by Kev. Rhode and the interment had at Glendale cemeterv. the extract of corn was confiscated by the county and the car will be sold at public auction by Sheriff Qufnfon in compliance. The own er of the car was brought before Judge Brecon and given a fine of $100 and costs which he made arrange ments to settle for. CARGO OF MOONSHINE CAPTURED LAST NIGHT Car Belonging to "Ilich" Shrader cf Omaha is taken by Authorities To-g-cther With Quantity cf Liquor ! At a very early hour this morn j ing County Attorney A. G. Cole. Of ! hVe-r Alvin .Lmes and G. II. Manners made the capture of a Ford road ster which was lo;.ded to its capaoiiy with the extracted juice of the corn known as "moonshine'" and which .when captured was in the possession REBEKAHS HOLD FINE ENTERTAINMENT ff"' ".' .1.111 MHI1IJ...WI ... ) HI -II..T j..'ir i IP? v. ' - - : -1Sl ' - ' Jrtt? ;,',f, ..fi-)- .f-.rl- i .. with piano Rucker and all of which to the large Eox Supper Given Last Evening; at 51. W. A. Hall Nets Neat Sum for the Organization. Fr. ni Saturday's Paily. Last evening the box social and i.rograni given by the Daughters of Rebekah at the M. W. A. ball drew a large crowd of the members and their friends and the occasion proved one of grer.t enjoyment to all of the party. A very entertaining program w given consisting of vocal selec tions by Mrs. K. II. Wescott and Mi Thelma Hudson !-i::;il)tT by Mi?s Mary Miss Smith, of Ashland proved most delightful audience and each member was re ieive.1 with enthusiasm. Miss Hazel Clt'.gy was given much approval in her reading that showing great skill on the part of this, tainted little lady. ! lie bo::es. filled with dainties, sob! readily and ? ' T was realized by the lodge which will ! used in their wi rk the com ins season. The prize for the liandsomest box was awarded to Mrs. Ilillard Grassman. who re cci'.'vl a fine1 box of st !tionary. The members of the Ueli-kahs de . ii i- to t-?:r-."'ss tl;eir appreciation of " sui'pert of the public and assure t .;!: that their kindness v. ill he long T: e;r. bered. , I-i.rin:: t:i' i. venin:: the Kdison ! assist in the aiuusement of aiidier.T-e and in furnishing the ;; fur the d Hiring. The machine w;-. donated by The iirm of Weyrich A: Hadraba for the evenir.g atid was much appreriated by tlo- ladies of the r AT ar uays S3 4 53 W H V V II V ii m 1 5. W H4 1 Itv. . 'A tlH p 1 i nm$i 8 Cfi HUSO on't fiss These s- hree Oavsl The Family of the Seven Mcisinger Brothrr. m ..iir1' 1 Mei.-irger tani in Ial I low. (nlv Two tf t lie ili'inr c: no ;::e: o! ;:ie To this ui.i' (iir:i.." - i i ' . Mr Meisin'-r has b"n were bom v.- : i 1 In v. :u . i t 7! llg : Mii-b Si r.o'.er. who .;ie his res- iio !H'e ;,s Ml!. I li.l. Tlie -JLt'iH leli::i ;i in po-.-essirsi of th v;;h The ii..:!.. r rem,.!!' t r.iourn ti; for a l.--r.g tiiae from cancer and ha.-- .'e.ith of the l.usbatid and father, car ;.nd li.ttsor had had a rather hectic urad.itilly w i-lded in the battle of -j-j e cliildrti are H;rrv Mei.- isi-ic r. :' of it a- I.l- ii.ul been ta;k-n in. life to t4.e r;tv:"s of the disease tn til lie hi-n 1 oi o'-ath yesterday t.rot , t i,-.sva. Mrs. Ic-ury Thic-rolf. M iss t him relief and rest from his pain Gertrude t.n 1 Ivm Mei.sin-er. all of and it:rt-ri:.ir Gorge ('. Meisir.a'er was a son of Mr. and "Irs. George Meisinger. hardy obi horn". pioneers who came at ,:ii early day Mr. .Mfi:n"-r was n meml Mrs. Will Meising -r of Sv-rin g!ieM. ;ur;:,:r r'-?"-n::o at tern-.on :n in is Cily I'll a r,;i!e o : . ; - t-.- 1 ,d! (ia'illg k s: v.. ra! v.t rmo a:: ! f : which. wbf.m wi; i the -etption of "rir Wil! Misinger. reside or near ;h'- i,'- '.'.;. s givi v. :. t'.ne of ? 3 oi n- VI. i.- :;-.rr:r.g t '. car and its c.'.n-'.(.- c'::.- i -1 i i ; g if eight galIo:is of I' ! IrtPt8 I PtTri? Pi Til W Entire Line of Implemen Now at Lower Prices Ir. view of the recent reduction in the price of siojI, vvc how announce lower prices for our entire line of farm machines and implements not covered y reductions previously announced. prices take efiect at once The reducD'on in the price of steel comes after all the material for the machines and implements we will sell this year has been provided, and will there fore have no-bearing on the manufacturing costs of such machines. However, it does enable the Com pany to buy materials at lower prices for future manufacture, and in accordance with our an nounced policy we now quote those prices, the Company taking the loss on machines already fin ished and materials on hand. Full information regarding our lower prices on binders, mowers, and all other harvesting, haying and corn machines, tillage implements, tractors, engines, and all other I H C farm machines can be obtained from any International Dealer. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY Chicago OF AMERICA USA incorporated) 92 rancb Houses and 15-000 eDcakn in i.ht United Stales j Tho Values Are Extraordinary! KM 1 'A mm services OF JUSTUS HUE Ik'u Yesterday AfU-rnoor; front St. L:ii:s'r, Church Largely At tended Old Friends. !, S;i ? i; r' : ;i y's Iattv ':'! funeral of J-.u-t ns l.iiiie was I'-M ypn-nlay aflrrnoor! at 2 o'clock fi!-::i St. l.un"'s K'tt-opal oliiirch a:..l v;-y T.iitt' larirt'ly a'-'iulil V.y the ooi frjordi ami noi.crl; bors of t lit ilc t'M'v'd Tnt Ionian w!v took t!n cp- ;v)r! unity of paying th'ir last tribute! of love and r'sj)Tt to Mis memory, j Th" l':mtiful I-'i;;-ro;:il .-rvie' for the dead was cclhratei by Kev. i'.i '-or W. S. T.-efe. rertor of tho eh' vb :inr! (iurinr tho srrvicc tho! ( lo : :;.:". t v, of the l.yn.tis vhirh i hor-n so well lv'i by the le;art eil .;ei.t 1 n.an 'lurinu his lif timo. Tt:e wf alth cf flowers spoke silent ly of the feiinir of sorrow tint has' (' tee tt the comr.'or.ity in th.e loss c f spb n.lid eitiren and kind and io-. in hu.-hmul. father and friend. ' .ir. Lii'ie leaver to mourn his, l '::'h t!ie widow and one son. Franl: j ( - t ! i - of Murray as well as a son by his Ir'f , "rriase. Albert Lillie. of r.ear .Vyn;,;--! and to the family the' sy:.:;j.:'ay cf the fri'T.ds will ;;o out! ia i!iir hour cf sorrow. I BOBBERS MAKE CLEAN HAUL AI 0 N i N OFFICE FCST0FFICE SUFFERS LOSS, OF STAMPS AND VALUABLES EAPwLY YESTERDAY. THE S5FE WAS'BLOWN OPEN Ei:t. IToiso ot Explosion Failed to Awr.kcr Anyone and Robbers Make Their Get-Away. w ; .- in temp: r. t o-;r J'il'l S-7V- e::rly J-'ri 1; ll ! Hr-d a ill 'ork th;.' week a -o Sunday an at ; i.-i'V to rob the postoft'iee Iiboriai; ciiy of I'niou time Thursday ni"ht or y r.-.orniiiK the vt.-itors t ''?re successful in their tinif. and r.s a result the the weather is fa'crahle for f .-'.;;!;- zat'on. North of tho rivtr. i!.s." ; varie-t i.-s will jucduce fr--.ui a half to i t !i t ee-: Hurt h of a errp. Whilo tlic early cherrii- s-nnon;i ; f:e:!sive injury, it is '.i-iiivoj th.-'t i enou-rh of the late v.::; t; v- :-;ur i. ;-d iee :r; e.t s. to rcsui' i a: .t-a-t a t'rurt'.i 1" a crop. The strawberries a re not li'-i; '. (Jrp.-s pr.-mise ;it b-a-t r0 prr rent of a crop. Currants are prrdiarly prod for t hr. e-fourths cf a i-re.p. In senora!. nprico's. ii.k!u-. Par and jduins aie (b ad. The mild winter permitted th.-1 pfa-.-lo's to come through in ixn'l-t-r,: t inlition. only to be ki'h'd !y the h,-t'M- -torin. It is Pn.tos.-or Howard's opinion that 'he damase to the fruit crop as ;i whole is mt as rcat as was ("r.-t supposed. Wotd received by tho eolle'-re from the dlrecte r of the Mountain drove. Mo.. exP'-rinient station, indicates that t'ne southern Missouri peach crop is aim art a tot.il biss. Li-ifwise. ra wherries in southern Missouri, which were- in bloom Kasier. will ti 't he more than 10 to lfi per ent of a ( r;;p. Gram's in th.at section were alro severely injured. Ti;ee i-lands li'nve held out thus far aiiain.-t what - is' co:)t-iderc d a "daiKu ions innovii; i.-n." .but there i -i a ;r: ii- party lor rapid transit-. Tho chi. f opponents f aut.-)rno-hilos r;re Aint-ricnn vrinter-, rcsidpn's :T.d totiris:-. Mrs. Vincent Astor. of Xi '.v York, wlio ha-; )ci-n ot-rupyitiK a rj.: l' iioo on Ham lton harbor f r the pa.-: two st'iiMiti:., sent a loiter m the leral i."wsppaer c bjecling to their i:it rodui -1 :-.;n on the island. As this colony has only a little more than nineteen square miles of an u. visitors do not regard motor transport, as a necessity. Since the i-land of Nantucket admi'ted auto- I ri'ibib this is abau; the onlv civi lized place from which thev are bar- '0(1. SCALPS COMING It RAPIDLY THIS WEEK Some Thirty Coyotes Bring Hand- j fonc Bounties Three Farm- ; ers Have Twenty-Six. 'ounty CI. rk George feived a 'arc r.uiu-eoyotv- scalt'S with- Th( office of ( l H St a vt;s has re !" of wolf atej in tie past ffw days and viiirh have io-r:d a neat sum tt th.e person0 brinninir them in. Oscar D. Gapen brouh t in tuie coyote scalp which nc'f-i him $.'! as did Martin Sr; rer and John Huorhler, while Ileary Sanders with fine wolf scalp was c; ran ted $f. Frank Smith', re-i din;: iicir Hock 111 mi s. backed : even coy oe that brought him 521; F. I Heneser. of Wepinc; Water, with. tr. coyote scaltis. seeured ?:!0 and C. H. Warner of this city was j;ivrn a war ran I for ?27 for nine scalp from the animals which he had captured on his farm. A SOCIALIST VIEW post office is shy jiHofl.SS in stamps, war srtviv.frs corti'irat-'s atid cdher valuable papers whicd; !ia 1 been plac ed in the safe for keeping. The robbers secured entrance to ti e buil-.'i:: by f:.rii:.- open a win dow in the rear of the buildinp and eft or trainin-; entrance had evident ly cone after the job in regular style. The safe had been blown open by the robbers and thorouc.hly rilled when found Friday morning by the employes of the po.tofiice. A hurried check of the contents of the safe disclosed that a large num ber of stamps a-- well as w;-.r sh vines certificates were missing and ns far as could be estimated the loss was in the neighborhood of SGo9.S2. Sheriff Quinte-p and County Attor ney Cole were notified of the robbery oit by the time the dio.very of the hot-eel office had been imide the rob bers had hael ample time to make their getaway unmolested. The explosion of the safe had evi dently required a preat deal of "soun." but the sound was not heard by any of the residents of the villase and the robbers had been tible to fret away without pursuit. A large Hai?e car was reported to have passed through this city shortly after midnight, headed south and re turned about " o'clock in the morn ing toward Omaha and thio is be lieved to have carried the robbers as I the car is reported to have eontain i ed three men. TRYING TO GET BERMUDA TO RECEIVE THE AUTO BOXING BILL HOW LACKS ONLY GOVERNOR'S NAME Lincoln. April 2n. The American l.e'-ion boxin.'r lull now awaits only !; s'':;nattire of Governor McKedvie. The !i(ii:-c this morring, by a vote of uT to :i2. concurred in the senate amendment. liniinat :ng; the $1 max imum adniis-icn fee. Hamilton, lb rmuda. April 21. Re newed efforts to enact a law permit tine the use of automobiles in I5er muda have been ntadc this spring by members of the I'ermuda assembly. William Sohuldice v.a ,. visitor in Council nijiffs today, wh.i: he was called to consult a special!?, in re gard to an old illne-s of some year.-, standing. Elank Books at the Journal Office. 0 uarter Million W ords Up Its Sleeve News reports from Spri v. c tield, III- where the Illinois leeislature is in session toll us that the plat form of W. H. Thompson of C'aicag.) ("1'ig I'-il!" which was repudiated by the republican ?tate convention last ear and aflirmed by "Bill's" irind. Gov. hen Small, in his inau gural address as fundamental in the stat" administration program is in dorsed now by the house of repre sentatives as fully expressing the pol icy cf Illinois. Hy Victor L. Herger of The Milwaukee Leader. T io resolution condemns univer sal military service, repudiates the ftler.'he dry ft act. Miiashes at the ptcfiteers. asserts that both repub lican and democratic parties are in the hands of big business, and de mands the exemption from federal taxation of all incomes of less than Not had. is it? Hy Victor L. I'.er r.'r. of The Wilwankee Leader. Kmil two of Walters and L. C. I.arsun. the contractors of the city were visitors in Om aha today ior a CM APPLE CROP STILL IN FAIR SHAPE Estimate Made Shows That Loss May Not Ee as Heavy as First Supposed. Lincoln. Neb.. April 22. In spite of the d?nrge c;f freezing weather this spring. Nebraska's apple crop will equal and probably exceed last ear's production, according to esti mates of the state college of egri eulture. The extensive damage done the crop is confined largely to the south I'latte country. The counties north of the river, where the apples were not so far advanced at the time cf the Easter freo.e. suffered lens in jury, and the medium-late and late blooming varieties will probably yiedd from a half to a full crop. Prof. K. F. Howard, cf the depart ment of horticulture, recently inves tigated the condition of the f rr.it in Lancaster and Cass counties and found such laie varieties as the Genet few hcuis attend!!- the building uninjured. South cf the Platte, the shew that is being held in that. city. Mm WW 37 The symbol of perfect writ ing. The mar' pfEverstarj Pencil a n 4 Zcrapoiat Fea The pencil - with the biggest vocabulary in the world and a real point for every word. That is theEversharp, the pencil that brings you fullest measure cf pencil-writing joy. Always sharp never sharp ened. A quarter replenishes the lead supply ten thousand words for one cent! . There's a handv eraser under cov er, and a built-in pocket clip that makes the Eversharp a bosom com panion Tor life. WAHL ixcy wfariiOTM-xg n.ffMr '1""r-ii.p' "- -r.. Jcurnal want ads pay. Try tlieai. Jonathan, Winesap and Koine beauty I varieties promise a third to a half of 1 a crop, depending on whether or not The Perfect Pointed Pencil Built with jeweler precision and beauty throughout. A mechanical marvel and writing wonder combined. Holder contains eighteen inches of lead. Lead ob tainable in various degrees of hardness. The Eversharp is a fitting mate to the Tenipoint Pen, made by the same concern. Made for pocket, chain, or lady's bag. Prices, $1 and up. Come and pick your Eversharp. Have your name engraved tv.i it. For Sale at Journa! Office