The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 25, 1921, Image 1

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    I fV Ml
Jf 0. 5 1
jvU L S lei i
From Thursday's Iai!y.
La- niith: as the ::: w
sp. eising (.ii i's ' :.v la earth. J
: i,r '..!': one o: tne o..i rosotents
of i'a-s ( ..n.;. t as-eu t his reward, j
passing ;. way at 12:hf folk. wing a
a Jin rin- ii't.e-s .,: - 'vim!
ll.C.Jith-. !
.-;r- -: j,'.':',: ,f
v. iin t:.i- ( :::t:. :n'- -..d v. a.- o.:e ! .
,h, i,.,, kio.-..:, ;-,. hVhiy i.eiii.dl
H t.t-
!::::' y
t.i:-'-(- " i
: r ( eda r 'reek for ;
1r-. r-'!i;'v'ti fr-.i:i that!
!':. t - moat -c.n.e t',!.''
'.' a:.- a-.' and .c:n(e re-ide! lo re, at Kanl-. Wedro-- -y evenina at s
J afti- l.i'l.C was h.rt: i huary i-'dacrc vvhe-t? y . Hazl M. Weten
1" l ..' .M-dina. Ohio, and fpi-n kant;. !.cca!i! .lie Lride : K'.zv.vr 15.
hi.- y ith if :h: - t- -a. in a:: :: y. Inter J udk;n. the Lohengrin wed ct in. a.
rt tii'iv::-to s"ate of Iliitr n t; v Py Mr.:. ..). S. An- h" :t-hl- a tip to the ':t-hre ik : dersor, of Lin-":. in. a sis'er cf the
of tir :, i! war. While livir.R in i.rideiTo: m. the lride with her
llittods !: he ne ae'ia: sited wi'h hri(sniaid and little flower glri des-t!o-
tto-r. ra Sinir yount: lawy-r. Ah-j mied tiie tars and met tiie srooni
r.ihai:; Line ''.n and v...- a : tartrdi : with tiie best r.sen in the living room
on; . : ;
.! en..;.
Lincoln m th" st-n.'ati -it- .
i! ca:a; aien ot ;Sa. wtict
Lint la oppo--. d Sseph-n A. Douglas, hride wore a beautiful gown of white
and !:-si t !' presif'ent ia ea:n:a:gn rgandie ever white satin and veil,
of 1 s wa da v.-n itiir he tnttrf-d istta ' a nd carri-.-d a si.ower hoii'sue of r;s
i lo- : -rk of rtlttr ;h- car !Iia?y o. Mi.-s leai I Wetenkanip. t ho
Li nc.iln 'he piv.dd-ncy ana
::: on' of t he IHirois delra:.!tes
t!ie fane, a- "i icacr (! v-v :t-n t h
II Tied
tl;.. It'
LP.ta'l- r .1 i pit
for the :
o!?k-f. Iu ; 'ii: it is lifetinte lie ha - re-i pea. . She wore a dress of pink or
ients fd a d- vo-.-d ei' in :i;p prir-' can lie ever pink satin. M i . !'. V'.
elpals of L:t.( . '.:l and it '.v:f otie of Jtldkltis rf'e!Ved the guest.-. Mrs.
the ph' it., tn riv- ,.f his yfv -hat ' !la nit nil Nerris and Mildrtii Cari'er
i; hat! n-'":! the ojiport unify haci ediarse of the guest room. Hve-
of assi-iir.'- in tiie itrraT li- !y:i Wetenkamp and t)live Carper a--li:'e-
no ti t i the clicc of pr-.--i!en' ( -i.;e d in serviiig. Ivan Caddy, of
ot -he d .t. te-. : Kar-le. war- best man. During the
At the outbreak of the .; vi! war ' (rf'ttftty M rs. Anderson p'ayed
Mr. Tdl'ie r-'-p -.h-d to the ca.'! of his ; S?hu:i: ana's "Trauiaei i." which wa -
-eu:it r . ate': enl is'ed in Co. L'. " 7 1 h
Illinois j i: re. :n v.-'rich. oru.a' i:ta-
until ti
i, -
s. -.'roarle wit is oae:y end
'.oil V..
rdh v. ina t
moved t i t a- -ta'
r ' 1 v ( i - ec
. i .c i -'.n waere-
ii" s nt .: fw .:.- and was married Sh?j attended school there atol also
the- - it. ; .;7 to Mis.- Er.iTr.a .''r.Iey. J attended the Lincoln high 'school
In the year 1 s 7 1 . ?'r. and Mrs. Lillie where .die was grad tatcd. She is a
removed to Nehrus!:: and s-rttled in . vioHEist. having studied music in
Cass county, locating ntir Cedr ' Lincoln, also. The crown attended
Creek, where they made their home the Eagle schools and lives on a farm
until t'r - -.r.'.rf 1 rt death rcnw-! he near tiipc place, where, after a wtd
v.'ie sn" eijht years hater. Toti'.i- ding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Judhitis will
were oorn '
:hree (itikir?
of viio:n died in a'
tv,.i sa'ns. Era;;" . f near Mtfr
Ali.-'t f n ar Myt.arl. ere livirc
Mr. Lilli" nas no---;-'' th- s.
t:me on April ' : . : c..-i to Mi--- Attn
I'ets di at C"'iar C --ek ntlil who has
mtring 'he i a r i :t'j years a-d-:til
! t". :. i a re . : '
!::::. e till.
Ii-' da v t !. t nd- r mini -'r.i'ittns to
t:.e i-a-e ... v-t ra'i v. '.: w:ts sink-
tug : - I-'-t it t;e :--t.
.-: 1 . ; " two i -n - re-
W&fiMiM '
fa-" C
iias oceas
:r to tl .
Tio-l-.i- - ;
'o I'la'tsm.-.tith
WO'! f .... t ; , ti: -, 1 v
sp.-c f f a !a--e
v h rn v. oh r
Mr. k:;;-.
'a- t.-.n-.ilv earn'
i- and have
at- !.)':
' ' '"'-
ra.ber of friend:
of : :-e d-.'th of
The d-i.t-e-l was for nvr.y years, Charles An It. who is one of the en- Ui,. );., :),v,r rM.,;! s-,.r0 in ('- ;
an a' five tvinb-r -f the C.. , R. I From Tin ,'sJay's l.aily thusii:stie f-r!is of the Burlington i t,.( ,.0".r., r..,,., (l- v-.-: er hot'.!1,
It-' : t ':- ( :tv am! v.!:'.- 7. is health ! be .-term ys'erday afternoon was ' ;.hops. and the co-operation of the. . '(,' v , ,,-,. SIJJ"" ,;':ir-;;
p- rtri't. J ' -k a -h'i.-h: in ;h. jo.iite g- uera 1 through this portion ; :-.lo; nien. the Eagles and member.-. : TI' V-n t " i'-i the -)'!; a '"1 Hue-' wi '-h 1
verk . f he "..';7. : ,i and wa- of Nebrast:r but was specially ye- of the high school who are interested ,' 'v c,t'.rv ' 1 ' - ; :m; '(..-
v.-rv active in !o- - -t ;,ravii:"- In' v :e near Dongl-s s-nd Dunbar, in ! in baseball and football is solicited . '' : , " , ,,. ,. -'f; :
, , , '. , ...... , . , , , At present tv-. iiaauic 1 1 tuts. eg-
the si ft. w y.-. rs an- he-. 1th iito- county, where it reached them order to get tne work -ur.uer way 2 ,...,, a .I,,,,,;. .,r,t .f.-,,,, .,.,:'!.';
I s ci i::p ', r re -iatt'h.Si a xtent of a small sized tortiado and : and the park in first class condition . ,a; 7,- 7. tit' ' V ' -d ' a f ,' ' '" 'v
rr.a-er ,,;,-t of hi - : ' tsv:t:es. did nor.- or I. ss damage in the farm- . for the coming season. " line of""? i.p'e"'-'n.'' "rcr'rroc.' rV-s to ' "i .!:.C ' i,?!
'I he tuner;. 1 if Mr. Ihihe will hn ing v sfounJ Douglas es-1 Th" locai ball park has been "lie ., . , . ' t i..
h'-I ! ; I. chttr i. Friday af- pecially. One farm near that place. of the best in the state and the man
t rno'T : 2 o"-1 are! v i ". l e fn- Is reported to have suffered having ! ner inwhic!i the fans have respund-.iii't-t'
it v la-h-i- W. s Lett., r-for mo i of its buildings blown down I ed to the call for assistance in get -
: s''. Luke's. .eii'l other residents in the n ighbor- ting it back in shape shows that
' boot', also suffered quite a loss in th.t-v are appreciative of the" fine
rUEIIC IIERRY. CITY SCHOOLS property. 'park that we have had here in this
t-i. . .' .. i-. .. . ......... : i:.t.v . l ... .. y i nnlir n- . ir ..r... . . . ..1.1. .1;.... rt ....M
........ . -:. ;;u..r inrougn-.u! .--'"' --.-' , . ... .-'- "' ithe man who as-.uiate.l with him : p:!ct when-hy the I'nited t
ee . s.i.-u .s,:ii.-s is an i:i: ra! i art c,o- us .... u. .... ...... o, oe. is-.- o,,. ..'. -.. . , jn ,jm, 1)Usil,(, j - .,. T, resent making ' . e-rees to nav for the a-.iui
; -W ':' e-1 tjea c.-p is e .n-e.s- I. and , in oi.nding sneets. ; woth. now is ii.. time to e.mie iort ... .;; Jn 0ln.lh.,. wife h(.h:i, in ! , ,, , , 'Zi ?1r.. .COO.
. v' """! '''V--; i" - ('rzu over us.o . as :,ci everyone msouio j-e on nam. ; llos,;it al . at prent. but,,. of which is to be paid in . ..tio.iM.m.1 to cnaw in wnat i eoum j . ca useu a ei . e.. . o ...... .,a ... . e. .... . a, ... " . r( ;a, (..t ;i!,oVe. thev expect to none ,nonths and the remainder in
-.--re,, on r ;wn put. lie I., rary is an n-.t a mile hail in tne viciniiy .l parK. wnen sue otk win oe eom- tf( rJty fi) r,..ri,I :,,r. S..,hnik " eou-l installments. She also rep
.' '." '' -'-- iri.tii !-- was n mrmber of the 127th or bt t a,,en the or;t'n::mticn cf e
':-"'"'-t: -a oi look-. in cny aim furnmuuius "'.-. ..,,:;; (1rir.- ti-,. i.e -,r :.t.,i h..i ,,c.r. hem- for
. ..
uiij.-cts brought i he lib-arian for .
! oreto .- n. ; t .; : .ndav tifterno vn.f .
t l
vc.h: i
West I'oir.t. s-.p . uar. tohac o .he-
I..-- of plats-mouth. to
Tllu C .ti.-t it... .... Ct. T . 1 .. '
i. St. Lawrence Uridge ,
- - . . '.. I I I 'ill '
,.i n,a. ot .. .-- . ...
i a e i . .v. ; 2
;s a pj.tial i.,t o.e storsn was t:i tne
- . -a.' iaifi; in caaneeiion it n conn : r ions,
the chunii. D ime Life in la2u and'
some ot the trivtrc ions. ITrv. Tacit
son,,- of ii,.. in,-,-,,.;,..- r.i;..
O' lOll.t, i J..J1' J (It I-
tas. :r. o. I'tob. my. Plutarch. Sajaii
f -. Columbus. Franklin. Longf; How.
S-nie R mat. u ia, 1it-.,l .,h-.i. .-...
. ...-i i. ..-,, i ::v.
t iio if Chri.-t. wo:i-,f.n jn u ar
.Modern Ireland. Lincoln High wa v. ;
a-etiiictoti Hi'-.hwtv I'loi. c.v.oi .
"x' "io n. :
Extra eariv wnite set.(! corn with
red cob. for sale Icdenhone 4fi"t'
A he most exquisite line of birth -
diy and Hft cards to be f on id rtv
. 1,unn any-
M 4C Al Juura-U ire-
Krnm Th ii rsiia v'p Jaity.
This morning a petition was hied i
n The offke of CLrk of the district i
Court .James .M. Robertson bv Carl
J. Kunu.uiin. praying for a titer-!. !
of divorce from Kitty Kunsinann.
The plaintiff in hi petition s'.a'J
that i in parties w ere married in;
I'latt-nicuth. O-tolitr. il'li. and that !
-n January UP- Mvm!ant k
mied plaintiff and ask- that tin
i .... i
i . our; crent the ut tree on the rrrounu
j of d-s.-rt:a:i. CharKs K. Martin ; p
' iar.- in the action for the plaintiff.
PS P A DC H('CnnCn''
f LL rtlti. VSLULikiy i
Miss Hazel Itl. Wetenkarap and 1
, T . . , . . .
Elmer E. Jndk:ns Are joined in
Ecnds of Wedlock.
-A pretty in inn w "dine trxk o'at-e
wi;e;-t the ce reman v was perforin d
hy Lev. Pr. lleattie of Linealn. The
sifter, vas bridestaaid. Th;
w e :
girl Maxine Weten
ister of tiie liride. cat-
kasr.ii. also
carried the rink in a ha-kt t of swe-et-
f .!'.
!.:.iv.l; o. .i e i: v. t a xj . v . u . :i i
man h. Ilef resiinie::t s cf ices fvoxeo
. , . - . .. :
with a pink wedding he!! in th;
center and cake we r-
er'ed. Tile 1
' -ri-se is the eldest of font
T e -; rt T . I v e i pi ti - . I i in r.ja.- nearly a;i at r o:e
re make tiie:r home. Guests at the
he wedding who went iron: Lincoln,
tui w-.-re: Mr. and Mrs. I)ll rt Carte
: and two datishters; Mr. and Mrs.
t-c ch;.. tS Cart.--. Mr. : nd Mrs. E. Hrii
nn tell. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Barrett. Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Eaniilten and daugh
ter. Mr- A L. E.iso'i and daughter.
Mr.-. L .M. T pTon. Mrs. Ralph CraK-
tre", Mrs. Ernst ir.e I'arker. -Mr. and
Mrs. lierber' Crai.fee. Mr. and Mrs.
(). S. Atiucr.-on. Mrs. H. II. Harmon
and Vivian and Clifford Barrett.
S:n!l Twister Hits Near Douglas:
, . . i t ;
V.-c- Aatr A f : vrry nnti nrid TJoac
Damage to Building's.
f its buildings blown down
At Dunbar, while wind was
. ... .- .1... .... .
of a very heavy raisi storm, which;
made tiie evening unnleasant and
k' ttt tl-.e residents of the citv at
j t heir home firesides, but fortunately
'there was no wind or hail to add to
the unpleasantness of the weather;,,.','.,, Tl,Ui,)ri ' i,,',-inr in m,a,iv t;i.i
'r.i.J - 1iiiuiii ux vv auito
Spokaiw. W
2.U0O employes
ers in the Cone
trict of northern
nounced today. Thev amounted to
r.o cents a day for mine employes
I.. 1 - . f w . .
r.o. ... .0. .uru.
1 Mrs. Elmer Webb and little son
u 'ro P-isrengers to Omaha this af -
d.Tiiocr. via the auto line, and will
. 8CC0TnI,an,e'1 home by Mrs. Webbs,
ifi - ster and l--s-and. Mr. and Mrs. L. -
j KeRer, driving down in Mr. Fel-1
1 1 fe r.w Lriscoe car.
7 ., 01 ,Vncro' $10 and costs, amounting to $iV,.lT.. fhr !'-p Ji,n',;-V . nomibei-s present.
ash.. April 21. age..,. tiiiue en en us us-r'na the long ill-, ,,..- n T, Minr
aP.ecting approximateH I f !itrain1 ,n.,u fn i,..1inff nes- of oir husband and father. May .. ot, itrB,,in(,. ftiL. ,ini. nnr '..
of mines and smelt- n,., .,n." 1.0 ,ir..- . fine tbe-e friends rtf etve the same kind- !"',-..; v..r.-',f Jhin 'otom r. twn-
r d'Alene mining dis-, . n. . s . T,,pn hft ly treatment i t their hour of sorrow. ' ",,;,. Vft'.irt should!
t -r. .Mrs. '!'. J. Tod-l.
Iritiaticn and Tine Eanret Slarks
Session cf Indies cf This Great
' Orr,erL?;t Enir-i
1 Sl
j Fr
om Thi relay's- Daily.
e. T t, . ,r. ..... I. ,."T i.. ....... n.
. . i iijt :i "I - ui i - . 1 1 1 . ..i.ii.i'i. . i
: .- . .. , , , .
of the Eastern Star hth! a vt rv
M!oya!;lf se::si(ui i.-t evenina
their lcdsre n!. in t tie Masonic
f rtiple r.:id which were very 1 Lively
attended and '-.f sreat intere-t to the
m.intpers in attendance as tiie -eatt-
tiftil cen-monies of the initiation w-re
' I,;hK"!'d ,he r of the chap-
'nl -'f-. A. V. Hunter. Mrs. M-'-r
( . . l : -. . l - i i : i - r r i . , 1 . . . .. . :
harle, S. ! ;Vey and John iverv-or ; ln-re 15 01 V" '
v. ere received into the r.iy.--et ies of j rv and Opportunity 1
ti:e order and made f u ti fledaed n.ein- Whc liesirc- to Take I.
hers of this great branch of the M -
-onic organization. 1 v-nm Fr'.O s r-i- U-.e
Mrs. George W. Tiiontas of N"(!.r::--! '! ;; M. ii. S.aitii f.
ka City. Urand Electa of th- cr;n: j ' , iV ,-:
caapter o
T 1. .-.
d N'tbraka.
a member of Home chapter was pre-- j - t.- a !ara-
em to join with the sisters ( f the j;:dir who Hf- (:...;.'-i
c rder in the ;..iasaiit ses-ian and to ; (.;: ; ; -. e-.-d d.ra:-' i M.'t.-V T.
represent the grand chapter at tie- ;.- hc -e :. i.r a.rd , i:h'
meeting. . .n . of ti... in-T ; ;: .
Following t he meeting th mem- jy . eoitntry t, .'.a' .
hers were invited to the dining room ! Th fact rv ;t e'.f is r i
where a sump'tou- banquet had be-." tractive w iih pi v.'y of i a !
r'tepared and where the social fe.i- I et-j!e;i: vratil: tt'or. :!! vev
tt:r(-s i'f tite evening fonrd their full- ; comfort for tlo emrho -est
expression. The ban'juet had b.eeis lia tiie wa v of maehiso t .
sir ranged ur.d r the supervision' of venieacej in handling ':
M-.-. C. D. Quinton and Mrs.. . J. i There are " . - in :
Cole and was one of th" mos de- j. re.
iigh'fui that thehapte- ha? held in i Tl e fact-ry has -;
some time. The tuMi s were very
Ta-ttfully arranged with tiie decora-
ion of spring flowers, an-an stream-, iaa'cs
ers of vines being used in the decor- v.a uh;
at ions and over the settle the at-' : --i:;
; r.ict i veiy arra need candies cast a ' -. i,'ihl
; ! glow that ili-iiersc-! thej;f vv-ce
.lam: that the rainy and stot tny ; ,v f
v.eatiier witnout mtgi.t tje pciiuce
(-outity Attorney A. (I. sj- 1
hriefly at the b-mouet rn the gcod
cf the order aind praised the w.:rk
f the (). E. st. in tiie jia-t and t h. -
Tiruic I i.r iTi ii 'Mr nr.
. i i . . .... .:,
e iia'i i;- i.' i.:u.o
l-'i i
ih ;
usedt also gave a slo-rt review of the5
i a.... . iv ; . i -i ; t ".- . i i th..
', . . i : ... : ... . i
o-'tl "'It'
t i the community in whirl- tiie chap-
ters are founded.
Throughout the meeting was ( ne
of the highest inspire; ion and thos ;
who attended felt amply repaid in the
plendid results secured in jioint of
interest arojed.
Or FriST !M Cn?ir!!'hem good re-nms f - tvir v.-ri
OC hjl U h:Utf: Th - line ,f va-k h'in, dme h
Fence Will be Repaired and Grand-
?for.fl and E'earhers Made
Serviceable for Season.
j ..a'! w ; '. ; . e g , -v . . , i . 1 1 i i
The Red Sox ball nark, that ha- j to ie inf.. tl:.- e;-- a
for the past two seasons been in a' "
state of partial delapidation with. CV'DCPT TO nV'ff'Ji'r
the fence falling down and the grand : i-Al -C S lb : iiiJL
stand smd bleaciiers going to (!-";iruc-ti
ui in a rapid manner, is to be mad-?
i:i a serviceable shane for t lie coming
J season and restored to Its former ex
cellent condition.
The supports for the fence ha.
"'en 111 a .:u : "nrn-.
for . oi Kei s i o as.-isi i ii g t 1 1 1:: i a-
, . . - - - . ,
t noarus naiieu oacK on sue ience an
O'ber repair work has been made ":
t-d to the call for assistance in get-
I ; , , . , , ... .
j.jvj, j. ult V1U.LAJ.LUU
m r-r a rr-T
Deputy Game Warden E. Heintzt -1-
man of Linctiln and State Fish Com -
t. listener .1 II linen v err . . :
' " " " .. -vi. . ....... ..s ... v ....... ,
lard Lcuis. watchman of the Rock;
Island bridge at South Bend. Louis!
was charged with killing two mud
hens Sunday. He was taken before
I added another dollar to the state
Beginning July 1st the new game
ii.ii.Uta j u 1 i?l i.r in-.-, t-
i and fish law goes into effect. This
, iaw provides that everv per? an. male
and female, over the age of 3 C year.s
will be ""required to secure a license
to fish or hunt within the state. It
is predicted thai the licence for 1921
will raise more than $f.0, 000. Louis-
j ville Courier.
T..J., T... .. ,,. ..c..r.c 1 t .. . llll'i. I it i
Idaho were an-, .,c fm.j tn ,!. , ,1,,,,.,., .,,,1,'.,, Mrs. J-.tstu Lilli-: Frank Liiim ,-",-, ... M;.P.rrt tl,Pir con,..
! v y
t. .
; t. u o iic i :. :'" the feet -'"
iHn of lr. T. J.
.-''!- :;r I---- "-("
1 -Watering fr-..t.i at; at :.'.:
. e ;, p ad v::I: I:
: ' t.'n.a-
t i !''.
. :
;.v v ; ; ;
and at the pte-'-n
t ion is ii u s. ri': a
. T
i-ave at onco tr t.e
H.7 S y! U t J" !' ' V
tUs L.I Wriirkitt! J 5. ! i
t k- mill " - V . .w . ; . M
tiie J-iC-Thns:
. n
e c.:.i:;:":"
: ds :! -
: a"
.' ' v: n 'i
, to:
. - .t
i ..r.!e.i
cen -
: amount of v.'"'
e.- tino and
. n
. . 7 a
i e v
- ; -
he" of n
,e e i!v "and
k. Ti.- t' '
:t i -n
' 'hat i'e fac'to
; h - Sn: i ! h camr.i n y I
, v. Itii
j frt-n
i ;j.if
.!"- : r th-o
1 i. i . -" i r
. .......
I i
!..r .viei-
: .14 . :
t '. t a '
. j. ;i -r a s t !;
J : t a,
t !: nc. t r 1 1 a.n'oy
. r;i-t. f-f .-p,-e-
..x t h er: salaries f
, .s - y rtvgrc -h
i- iro r -using. Th
i..;.-,-?-;ti; iv--- .-.
! ''ill'" 1. .-' e.,, ( T,t.
V !
1 lo
..'o-e t.n-
- " ark am:
a-i.-i t i a
Tr-t il t a !;,
Ta; ' -
id at'" o
:;:.!- ( ;'
I ! I"
i i:-.
t .' l! -:
! factory
k o t :- 1 1 : ' -h;
- i-ed ' ! e
I r, ;.;.-. ny send t ' iich:
rifl JPMin -HPIll'C-t
C!iLAli5J,::tU LiJlMfi'-Ow
The nipple i
Vi j cf.p.pai-y. cm
C. Rilp'.e of T hi' ( i;v
a,-eO (,
rod M
I -. T- t
v.-;t. . uas na-'ti resit
ing in omaba. im-.t .vi;: move bis fai..
. . , . . i, i . , ,
li here to- - ' -n: at, a o.a.ilii.- to. if
""- " ;
mac opemnc up their rt.,:! s-.-re in
:-'' -"-:-er hott .
i- t 1 . " . a t-. - . - : se-s f 1 i . a r ' -
th'tr : tot
t!- 1 - '. l'li.;,, ran . ti 1 t-oM-a.
1 ' ' v - - - ' l "
... ...I.- .a" ?'i .t in, ,-i I 1. oil
..,.;' .' ' . J. ";. ;'"., j.
iiiii," it. .i i . . i , i..' ' . . i . i . -
ha s sold math fruit here in time pot.
iron: a cr.r am: is sa expersence.i
fruit matt, familiar with every d. tail
I of that line of trad-. Mr. Sashnik.i
,h;,a ,-..,.. ,hr-;t1i:,a ext.. rienees ami
- ' ' v.-v ..... .... v....
. narrow .-canes whil" engaged in
i fighting th.e Hun as a member of that
; ;fan:')u - hataliion.
To t he kind frie?
asid neighbor.
we desire to exnress our heart fel
1 1: n .- 1- -.rn-Oath.ri f'-t t I a. If
l"J"" I I'l" '" 1 ' " . i.v . .
i. : . i. .
lalV. Ti OS lil I : 1 e IIOUI to
.n" r..mii, ,i,.eti i.iuie ana s-am-
1 -i . I Ml : l T-m
; Mr?. Nate Boron, daughter of Mr.
and M's. A. V. Smith of this citv.
who has been at the Mayo brothers
hesnital iri Rochta ter. Minnestoa. for
some time past, has returned to the
home of her oarer. here and will re-
main here for the nresent. Mrs.
; Uorcff's home is in Macedonia, luwa.
HrkU 'fUK ?
ILfcuUV St i t JEIj
J t . ft f JJ . f 111 L S
T-rrrrjr.. ht - r;Trq rTTT
: ' 'f ,
FOR orrMn." '.: SEASON
K' i :ii Friil.! - s i
t The t. ; .1!
! : nth.- d : -"V
o: t ;
: the II:'
he i . r.: '. n l-'
: l : . : e ;
r . .-'f ' '-Ta i - e. S
The ! : : - r h:
led !
if.M Ot
i . tl 1
: ; V
in t ejit.-ijc t a-
a n d
' V, -w ;n;(
i. .
' i.e j
t t : ....:: rs t a
'"i ' ' v i;!: '
' j-ma v : of ::
v. t-::l' ' :-.':!:.' I ret
t;; '" :,v
:: li''er
Oin '.;is ! r
i : n a t .
xv :i 1 i.a til a-'Oi- '''""
::!v.ei:t 'hat the man o. tne h on
( for th- p. i'Ln m ::s William !!arday.
. - vi . p:is alw.iys t:.u:Cn a gr-as inter-
e riat'.or.f. ! trsime ano as no1
;'. durlr-;: th-' aming s..-i--p.
n-'reii ?,v the Ktcdes. it
at 1. 1 1 :i g an I t-r.-pcr tint
".it--- o Eairk-dom be se
r t '.. r.c't ; ,-i of pil. t irg
during- th'- so i and
1 v ia e is a vi ry busy
; '..-
! - .hi:
o. ";.:'.-"-nt : o take ch.r-e of
t tn .-r t'ae s-a o'i to aei'.-anc1
ii't- s f game. Mr.
;.- d.-'--;r.--::- C havine a'l tha-e
I . :
.. : en :. v.-ho f-" '. i1:-" r!-rr. t f'.-.y haii o
' 'r.a 1 ' com - ":: aid va rk nv with the
it of g ":- ' - 1 a :: .1 the ;::! w ! I b- selc-ted
'V "t : "a !.-.:( iv o t heir Tv-fit s a u '! r-garl-:
bn tv t, -. , . wae:he-or ::, 'i-y mo m-
' u"- : . -, -f !: Km !e- hd'-".' Mr. Har-
t Ta yl.-'f v ;,a- be ('-,. air- i i view and
.a- i- e i v i r g the "ity 'v- best pos
- : I-,de ! .";,. hail far; that ran lie secur-l
' ' ' ' ' -';.-- t a " iT i 1 i it ' 1 1 ' I s f f i ! t e e ff at't s
, ; ' -'- I'-" : in that d:r---ti. r. . . x
i' y-- h. - -'ai' f f -.p-.j;.. r,f tiie n 'o,' rh-.L;te tia"!
.:!: n , v a; to j;'t--r Conn 't -. t hi e veTeraf.
r-ov r a-h ir g i .r-y ; i-jo of f:e '-x. vl-o l:as prov-
;e p-s war'h To tl-.-- 'earn r. marv
: vrd fought battle and Walt v ill
mike an ?d-?:,l ski!. pa
r ':P tram
"i-'i t i '-orir.teg .--eas-m aiiO s-i
to ' if'i'a-t to sf ha Th"' r.:r s
gi von the b.-- thr.t is p ssiide to
1 1 " a, re : r t -
The - :" hi
f r tram
-'! oV ;;t!i" or
i----Te-r.".ir-ed !'
' ''ir "";
' wi'l he only a ;
t ae i:tic up ' a o
r tn--
seas a'
S-'.:s ! t
I : : sm ".u '
V r " I ' -' n
into the
- -. t ho f ir v ,--f
ft t i n g m a v. : r.
Tile mee'irg eh .--,..', ; ie lius--n-
ss 'ea n a e-; ir -n t of th- tenm. Thom-a-
Wall ing as president, ("haro-s S.
Jr-hns n a- vi -e-pr-'-id' a: and
snd-keep-r. and II. X. ,'Vf'V -
f r. a - 'art r. 1 r.oo
! a "ti among the
gentleman have
etit linsitsst ic
"x.'. Ketv in tee sup, r. a me i.t..i
u the ''.ot and te (o-pen.lad an
Ha :s pos-; :o ,n promote
ti'.e te'-o a te.ii.i ... i..'
2 '.'. i "fe.
The League of Woman Voters met
,t The u-a;ai
;r in the auditorium
of : pukre Lttrar;.
T..,.P!. ;.lir
busiio ss t .
,p t ntnsac:ed ' the members sn- r.t a
. . . ... . .. . r. . . t . 1 . 1. .... . I O r. .i tL-
:.rrer Events."
i . t . i. c ,1 a i ; ia a i t : t ti
. ;i.' -;; .it length- upon the j
before congress for tin' re-j
: -'i ot in::r - :rra t ion giving ar-i
m l against. .-..e al--o
iiioi,,r ' (;t .-: no: a -de events of the
... i. t .-. . ... v.... V,.l.-it!
u t . ,. i.;. : - .a i. ..: i . - c" . --
. ....:..-.- ..r .x-
K' '''''--''': " 1 1 ' ' . ' ' '
(nf j. t.i s 1 i . T . . ' - la 1 1 : o 1'.' . I J i l,utr o :
,-u, ,.j:tpi welfare bills at Lincoln
. an the rrct-nt nmeting in I itioago
; 0f the hahar an. I r:i!r;ad c.rsnsis"sian.
Leach took up the su'ijecf of
si -ites
iTi in of
f .Mir
neH t t
loot a'.n g-oumi noon which
. 1 ' .. ... .. - '
'hey can work to solve the question
of .Tana nose immigrat'em and al-o
j touched upoti an amendment to the)
! e-anst i u f ion offered bv Re present a - t
tive Raker of California, whereby it j
j will he impossible for children horn j
in N.'va S? :T;a ( f foreign parentage
te p.coni" '"itifens of the Fnf:ed j
' St.iis nnb ;s bath parents a ra e'igi-'
, ,
to ci i i::ensh ip. These -objects
r'rs. Mann concluded by giving an
. . . . . . . T t ... r. I ', 1 i-l . , 1 1 ! 1 1 .IT ,1 ,1 . - ' T- Jl
.o - i'o.ii .tint-., i.ii,..:. 11:1 -.r.-...
to nrocure radium to further her re-
searches along the line of treatment
t f r. The women of the United
ptate; hve vt.Iu uttered to raise
i oe.eot to procure a. grain f radium
to be rrcsentetl to its illustrations
di.-.oveier w hen r.he sets foot upon
cur taorcs.
:, specs dipegving
t.y tr.einls l .Mrs.
w.i; r.' t.i i-
iiv,n:er: over th- pa.t t,v;
: v. 'ek- a r.l tier cord it ;-!'at'y
,e 1:1 ay so-' :i ;.f on
, tae tasi-way k
r-'.-c very
a; !it-r
e her sickti'-s !:;.- n
',,:'' s"riotis and for s-v.r,J days the
t j eate-'i ap;rehenion of her '(:( -
i t was enn rta!neS hv the f-.n;:lv.
GIVING AWAY G!!!LD;,!:'; ;;:.v v::;,
..s -Indignant Mother Expresses Opinion;;.; n,;:,.;i;:,; .; 1' . VV-.ttt, .
11 ; Such Action is Asrainst Ail i ,--i m-:' , :s-iiu-at-d t
Conception cf Love
Tlx- a nti auiicenient that a live b"hy
would be given away at the imi ri
cat! iaaion c; rnial atol lair on April
iS-.'h-iooh. );a- 1"; to a sreat deal
j of inttreft and the expression of one
r-soi-nt:- ot the ctty : - loiind
- 'lin the f.d'o.vhu' h tter:
Flatt.sti.outh. April -.
Editor of 'he Jo.trnai:
I In your issue of this evening I note
the announcement of the fact that
the American Legion would give
lawny "a live baby" at their carnival
inini fjiir si nil t be tern erst lias onus-
n. ,,, lVt1 a lh.sirt. to ,n,,!iclv
,.x press mv fadings on the subject
, , h;,T , r:lr(i as vrv inhuman.
The giving away of the child by
th" Legion is not so bad as the
thouahts of anyone allowing their
ofisnring to he thus disposed cf even
if the child might receive a better
lone tii an it has. I have reared a
large familv in very difficult circum
tai.e"s hat I cannot for a moment
allow the thought to come that it
voo'd be possible to part with any
of these little ones and especially to
.!h w is to be given away in so heart
less a manner. My heart bleeds when
I thinu of it ami I sincerely trust
that whoever is so hard hearted si?
to dts'.ose of their little one, will
feel the fu!l pangs ,f the grief that
they so well deserve. It !:- so af
fected, me that I feel Cm-oted to
an effort to secure the little
one niVself.
Ward has reached u. of the d-mth
of Mike Thim.gas, last March near
( , ;!S Angles. Calift.ri.ia. where he has
i ,...-.v-5,-. u; h,..o :
iTp ;ls 7!i "rars of a'ge. 1 1 i t dauah-
; u. Tiili?. who?e last name we have!
ur. aide to learn, w.-s v-ith him
at the time of his d-ath.
in , 2 -
i yt ,.
tnmaa" wa
ly pamee'
j of Xhra-ka and ins homestead near
! ? I unlock is to w fim- farm hon-.f
? I r Tlitmcn -''d farm to Dave Wilson of Soun
ders county who ! r soil it t Mn
Mr. Thimgari leaves two daughters
and M'vf'i sons. One of t!- da ugh
! ?ers. "Mrs. Anna Smith, lives at llast-
ings. Nebraska.
-on .
in C.illfoiira and. Iu;!oiph. t!ia
i,K.ft, I i Vo at Shim-.. Nebraska. The
r r..(x .,,u.. aro ;r.;:;;.d jn ('.'
. .. . TSiev si-p T'erninn William
t Theodore. Jonas and Louis. There
are t wo surviving iir.taers. 1 ney
ar" Julius, the younger, 'and Kar-.a-
land August, of Omaha, lutt farme-riy
! of Ca-s county, also one of our p:
neers Louisville Courier.
, : -S
Syper -
The strength of the :reat Federal Reserve
Sstem is more than the strength of the world's
m eat est bank, because it is backed by the
.world's greatest Government.
The membership which the First National
Bank holds in this System enables us to ren
der super service backed by super strength.
L -3
C h-
I ;
. I
!" y
Nebraska's Own Holiday i Onset W:!
in Cic-ijit; Office cf County and
Bark? cf th Citv.
fiM i "rula y s ! 'p ii
T! e : ' ' t f d ' v
' .,:;.i'ii !i-
rvi ! t hi i i
n.4 i'f Nehr.t -i. a V o'A ti
i h.diday.
a a i . . !
'a . teaio
' !'.;--i !. !e hv the ! . :' 'e-- ff.irt s ui (,.:
ti.t t 'it. a ft-. c O'ti tiie -t.:'- lia-
all c'.ostii t-.r
i.cia i ! us ; I. e - - . . i'
if (i :. .
Ithe o urt :t )t!-e wa 2 r. :r t v, -j
r.: t :ki t ::-uahv ; ii e.i";:.' : r a- n.r.
to visit with 'he c'i'ii;:j of. :a! ari l
to 'ransa-t Their ha-it:e- d al.nir--.
The hanks ; tie- cii. al-o wer
closf d for tiie day and tie finan
ciers of the ritv v, ere : !. lo.-'s t h
att noon to the annua' n.e,.:na ,t
the Ca-s eounty 'atd-ter.- ass. iitj.n
tliat is dis.-!i- ing trie taatteis .f in-t:re-t
to tt.e leisho--- inter-of
their respective c.'mmunit:".--.
The sittniticenee of th:- day one
tha' CHnmi fai! lo ,(," a lasting
j monument to its f ;:a(:r. Mr Mort-.n
wiio t'roin his earl; mannoiet n i j .- I
;; day s-t apart to r--ps-r.i.-di the
uty ot the'T'i ami i . piant
t:-es. movers and h:uibs to pla e
tho?ethat theh.and of man had v. ip--.'
CUt of .i--ei:ce and ; make the
home and co:un. it n i t v i ..-i e atti.o
tive in the gfirl :' natnt- .
Ther" is reOhing -e be;.:i! ij'ul
t'aan a Lrdly tree, a iloa.r -j.rui,
that is leafing o- hi (oining ami i ni
great !oe of tiatnre h d Mr. Mort'ii
to ctirry on hi.- edu-'v t i'-na! ei K
looking 'owa'at the ;ej- i -h i I! a (f
!:ese ae'as of nature 'until !c livt-d
to er' the uav
iio'.ida' f r
this purpose, not ah :i" in Xehra-ka.
hut in a greater part cf
.-1 1 a ' -
the union.
These who have vist d the beau
tiful Meiton home in Nehra.-ka cjt
ran reali. apart of tit- " t d"rf a 1
i hotigiit fulness of the i-i-'e . f Ar'a r
I i"uc- wnen lie rttr.a a - aa.e a
greater ( otison-rat !ej a l ;. t a a '-. -ing
("ne mi rro-iad i it as f the ! rim
more beaut it ul bv ett'.t iva' ii.g and
caring for the thing' "hat th- Make'
had placed in the hand- of man for
hi enjoyment and ntdiftno nt.
.tui .la ys i ,ii :.-
Dear Editor:
I notice in the isme f last eve-
t'tngs journal some on an"
I ion of the giving aw-i.v a. live bany
( Xp!(e--ed tnv ;'i i !.!!'.'- so 1
J : ".Id rot h ip atisv -itig i'. i '
" I: :: i ':: : r.y u'o. tie r -..'i'-: )::' e
I . ': e heart to allow her
ii'. 'it away, .-he r- not !,, t tie cad. -d
a a- t . I a m the mot her ! -i
Searge family ;m.i my husband dn-d
and left iv with .-ix Hi tie oros and
nothing to kep them on only my
w rk and 1 v.a.ui i f at'.o-r h-' e die. I
working for t hem tii:i go. n one
a w a
The J'gion may me,,n all right,
bn: hw could a n.-.te.-r t It ink of
t enh n thing. It leak s tav o-.irt
, olcd to tfnlik of it wn n 1 s e a
tk- hcmeless and friendless little o.i".
I wish my means were as b'g it-, my
: hoc t is. for then 1 would take . very
! one in and be a niothrr to them.
' 1 ' V"
ji .
if -i2
Ji i