THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1921 PAGE F0T7B PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKL JOURNAL Ripple Fruit Company, : NORTH SIXTH STREET PHONE 74 We are offering at special sale Saturday some very fine goods at bargain prices Fruits, Vegetables, Can ned Goods, Cereals and Coffee. These goods are strictly fresh, being delivered by truck every day. See us for. provisions for your Sunday dinner!) We appreciate your patronage. Ripple Fruit Company, North Sixth Street Wagner Hotel Block Cbc plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA ntered at Postoffice. Plattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Silence is sometimes the best emol lient for one's mistake. :o: "It often shows a fine command of language to say nothing." :o: Were you also among those who figured that the coal would last? i :o: Ceaseless propaganda failed to in terest any .man in calories or vita mines. :o: The world owes us a living all right, but we have to collect it every thirty days. :o: A man takes great pains in select ing his shoes, but he can buy a hat in five minutes. o:o - " There is one thing that the blue laws will do. They will do away with blue Monday. :o: : A man needs only to give a wonTan his love. She will help herself to his other possessions. :o: j- A leaf of gold placed between two pieces of glass and held up to the light will appear green. : :o: Those who have lost a soft gov ernment berth can go to sleep on the old political bunk. :o: The man who talks to his girl con tinually about his heart before mar riage, talks about his liver after. :o: Old Mother Eve didn't know she was running around without any clothes on until she had eaten the apple. Now in the interest of com mon decency will some one please pass the apples again. America for true Americans. :of A true American is the noblest work of God. o: o- Mr. Debs now admits that the government pen is mightier than his pen. . . 0;0 A woman's feeling when you stare at her bonnet depends on the age of the bonnet. -:o:- "Open gates openly arrived at" is the new order of the May at the White house. -on A lot of children need the censor ing that the reformers want to put on the movies. :o: "German-Americans." Not correct. America before any country on the face of the earth. -in: Anybody can make a joke on the Congressional Record, but nobody can make a new one. :o: Another neat word recently coin ed which most people are tired of already is "peptimist." :o: "Another storm brewing." Look doesn't the 18th amendment apply to the weather bureau? ' -:o: Were gold known to on top of Mount Everest, 10.000 men would climb it without delay. sAlt: PRICE or ci6thes The price of our dry cleaning cuts down the price of clothes. Dainty Dorothy says that she has found out that we take most excellent care of the gar ments entrusted to us and that our charges should make friends for this house. Our dyeing, proves satisfactory, as we use the latest approved methods and the best dyes. Goods Called for and Delivered i i ljiuf m n PHONE lfb 'Mi 'ZlTrfr' OPPOSITE Judge Land is says we ought to try the bone-dry amendment for fifty years; that leaves forty-eight years more. :o: Gen. Wood didn't want four years in the Philippines, but he is willing to spend four months if the count ry insists. ;o: The people who always practice what they preach seem somehow not to preach such disagreeable thing3 as other people do. : -:o: Two things that try a woman's temper are, to get ready for company .that doesn't come and to. have com pany come when she isn't ready. :o: ; We suggest that somebody should write a history of "and so forth" bet ter known as "etc. or &c." Who wonws when this sort of thing start ed to get started. :'o: : NOBODY CAN FOOL THEM - It is past doubt that the days wUcu the public could be fooled by' tiiif scrupulous imitators are gone. The following letter, dated Eureca. Cali fornia. March 22. 1921, is an ocular proof of this fact: "We are very sat isfied with Triner's Bitter Wine. It is an excellent remedy, and as for the various imitations, ' nobody can fool us. Yours tniIjrJohn Jicha." The satisfaction of -our customers is fully Justified. Triner's Bitter Winer manufactured for 31 years by Joseph Trlner Company. 1333-45 S. Ashland .Ave.. Chicago, is the mo8t reliable remedy for indigestion, con stipation, headaches and other stom ach troubles. ' -Nobody can write a better prescription for such cases, and nobody can compound the rem edy more scientifically that the ex perienced chemists In , Triner's labo ratories with all modern equipment at their command. Ask your drug gist also for ..Triner'a Angelica Bit ter Tonic, Triner'a Cough Sedaiiye, Triner's Liniment, etc. One trial will show 'you. how: excellent are these remedies. '; OLD STANDBY, FOR ACHES , AND PAINS Any man or woman who keeps Sloan's handy will tell you that same thing ESPECIALLY those frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges. A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lini ment scatters the congestion and pene tratcs without rubbing to the afflicted part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept Jiandy and used everywhere for reducing and finally t liminating the pains and aches of lumbago, neuralgia, muscle strain, joint stiffness, sprains, bruises, and the results of exposure. You just knov) from its stimulating, healthy odor that it will do you good I Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug gists 35c, 70c, $1.40. Liniment leneimy DRAWS COW FINE Yesterday Andrew Pries was given a fine of $10 and costs, totaling thirteen iron men as the result of having his automobile operating at a rate of speed in excess of the ord inances of the city. The voting man was apprehended by Officer Jones in speeding on Chicago avenue and no tified to appear before his honor Judge M. Archer, who administered the line and costs covering the of fense and-which was closed by the payment of the fine. E. II. Schulhof, piano tuner. Phone 389-J. d&w. OTIl'l-J TO ItKIMTOKS Tlie State of .Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Kmily A. Tuey, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in I'latls inoiith in said eountv. on April iTtli, I'JZi. and July I', li'i'l, at 10 o'clock a. in. of each "lay, to receive and ex amine all claims auainsi said estate, with a view to their adjustment anil allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said es tate is three months from the 25th dav of April. A. I . lUl'l. and the time lim ited for payment of debts is one year from said I'.lth day of April. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 1Mb day of .March, ll'l'l. ALLKN J. UKKSO.V, (Seal) mi l-lw. County Judje. BonTbj SCORSETPp?TT life ml M FOB SALE One Registered Helstein bull, nine months old, priced right for quick sale. A. O. RAMGE, Plattsmouth. fljKJfiat SownsJMati r yf ittAeJonnjlipdiihlif , To the woman who appre ciates this need, we suggest BON TON Corsets. Their graceful lines enhance the charm of any figure. Their correct design ensures corset comfort. The new models are now being shown. Ladies Toggery F. P. BUSCH, Manager Liberty Bond NO. 56378 This celebrated Percheron stallion was eircd by Coprin, No. 910 43, and hi dam was Victoria, No. 56147. . Liberty Bond is a coal black Per cheron, weighing about 1600 pounds and was three years old April 4th. He will makV the season of 1921 at my home, every day in the week. Service fee will be $ 10.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. Parties dis posing , of mare3 or removing from the community, service fee becomes due and payable immediately. Care will be taken to prevent accidents. but owner will not be held respou- 'elhla c , . . 1 ,1 n - oa uic ouuuiu auj . uvvur. OTTO "SCIUFER,. Owner XOTIf'K TO COXTKACTOBS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the State Department of rub He Works, tth Floor Hrownell Hlock, at Lincoln, Nebraska, until 5:00 o'clock p. rn., on .Monday, May 2nd. lUL't. for Kradinr, constructing culverts and in cidental work on the Ka;Ic-Murdock road in Cass eountv. Project No. li:i A. Federal Aid linatl. Hiils will he opened in the Senate chamber in the State Capitol on or near the hour of 11:00 o'clock a. in., on the 3rd day of May, 1U21. County HoarilM an- hrrcli.v reiieMl lo bp present ir r'ircMen ted. I.idders are invited to be present. The proposed work consists of con structing K.t'.i miles of earth " roail. The approximate quantities are: 4.",iSS cubic yards earth excavation. ;!j0 cubic yards special excavation, class "li." cubic yards special excavation, channel. 154 cubic yards special excavation. das! "A." 3.577 cubic yards Sta. overhaul. 4.1.02 cubic yards reinforced concrete l-:'-4 mix box culverts. 51.1.1 cubic yards reinforced concrete 1-2-4 mix ht-atHvalls. . .u uneai itet is concrete pipe. i lfiO lineal feet -'4 concrete pipe. 40 lineal feet 30" concrete pipe, t'.o lineal feet concrete pipe. :!0 concrete ditch chocks. ,:0 lineal feet " Idles and f.'iiO It. M. lumber and sjukes for plank bill khcads. Certified check for ?ri of the atinmnt of the bid will !. r-iiiied with each and every hi. I received. Plans and specitica t ions for the work may he seen and informal ion and pro posal forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plattsmouth. N'e- raska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lin coln, Nebraska. The State and County reserve the risht to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. t,i:t). K. SAYLKS, Count v Clerk. Cass County. JKO. K. JOHNSON. ilt--!v Scc'v lcpt. of l'ub. Works. Sealed bills will be received at the office of the State Department of Pub ic Works, 4th Floor Hrownell Hlock. it Lincoln, Nebraska, until .:00 o clock p. in., on Jlomlav, May 2nd. 1921. ir Kradiny. const ruct insr culverts and in- idcntal work on the Nebraska Cjfy .incoln roml in Cass county. Project N... i::.t-C. Federal Aid Koad. The pro posal tortus covering this section will ilso cover section "IV in Otoe county. Picls will be opened in the Senate 'hamber in the State Capitol on or ear the hour of 1:00 o'clock p. m.. on he 3rd dav of Mac, PJ21. County HonrtlM 11 re hereby reiiel'd to be liryMent r rriirroriitril. Isidders are inviteil to be present. The proposed work consists of con tructlnK ::.!:! miles of earth road. The approximate quantities are: 24.S92 cubic vards earth excavation. .;.:it!7 cubic yards channel 2:: 1.2 cubic vards special lass "H." 2;t.5 i-ubi- vards special excavation, lass "A." 12(..17 cubic yards reinforced con ret e. 1-2-4 mix. box culverts. :..12 cubic yards reinforced concrete, -2-4 mix, heailwalls. 414 lineal feet IS" concrete pipe. 72 lineal feet 24" concrete pipe. 61 lineal feet .1 ti " concrete Pipe. Certified check for 5 of the amount of the bid will be required with each 1 nil fvprv hid received. Plans and epeciticat ions for the work mav he seen and Information and pro posal forms secured at the office of the County deCk at Plattsmout h, Ne braska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lin coln. Nebraska. The State and Count v reserve the riitlit to waive all technicalities and rej ct anv or all bills. ;i:o. K. SAYLKS. , Countv Clerk. Cass Count v. CKO. K. JOHNSON. al4-2w Scc'y Dept. of Pub. Works. excavation, exca vation. OTI( i: Tl fONTKACTOItS Scaled bids will be received at the office of the State Department of Public- Works. 4th Floor Hrownell Hlock, at Lincoln. Nebraska, until 5:00 o'clock p. m.. on Monday, May 2nd. 1H21. for Kiadintr, const ruct inar culverts and in cidental work on the I Ireen wood -Cha b-o road in Cass county. Project No. 107 A. Federal Aid Koad. Proposal forms covering this section will also cover Section "H" in Saunders county and Section in Sarpy county. Huls will he opened in the Striate Chamber in the State apito on or m;r the hour of 10:iu( o'clock a. in. on the :'.rd day of May, 1!21. t Iv I ton i-1 h nrr hereby ructteil til le lreeiit r rireentel. Hidders are irivited to le present. The proposed wvrk consists of con structing' s.5.1 miles of earth road. The approximate quantities are: 45.516 cubic yards earth excavation. 1.72.1 cubic yards special excavation, Kfiid inr. 12:! cubic yards special excavation, cu I verts. 13.57: cubic- yards Sta. overhaul. .12. 2 cubic- yards reinforced concrete, 1-2-4 mix. box culverts. 50. OH cubic- yards reinforced concrite, 1-2-1 mix, ' headwalls. fi.1i; lineal feet IS" concrete pipe. 112 lineal feet 24" concrete pipe. Certified check for .I'J, of the amount of the hid will be required with each and every bid received. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information and pro posal" forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at Plat tsmou t h. Ne braska, or at the office of the State Department of public Works at Lin coln, Nebraska. The State and County reserve the riirht to waive- all technicalities and reject any or alt bids. ;i:o. p. saylks, Countv Clerk, C; Countv. C.KO. 10. JOHNSON. !)ll-3w See'y Dept. of Pub. Works. .oTiri-: ok AimiMSTRvroit's In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the application of 1:. H. Windham. Administrator, for license to sell real estate. Notice is hereby given that, in pur suance of an order of the Honorable James T. Henley, judKO of the district court of Cass countv, Nebraska, made on the 1'ith day of March, A. I. 1921. for the sale of the r-al estate here inafter described, there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, one-third thereof to be paid on the day of sale and the balance on the day said sale is confirmed by the court, at the south front door of the court Cit. of Plattsmouth. in Nebraska, on the 30th A. D. 1921. at the hour a. rn., the following de- estate: lKt nin (9) in house in the Cuss county, day cjf April, of 10 o'clock scribfid real Hlock five (5) in the original town of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, as the same Is shown on the published and recorded plat thereof. Said sale will-, remain open one hour. ' I in ted this 19th day of March,' A. It. ' 1921. I n. B. "WINDHAM. I Administrator of the Estate of Grace Den Windham, al-lw Deceased. OIIDiat OF JH'AHIXi u Petition for A ilolu tmeu t of ' Admlultt rntor The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. inx the County Court. In" the matter of the estate of Katli- erine D. Hecker, deceased. On leading and filins the petition: of Philip T. Becker praying that ad- ' ministration of said estate may bet 3ranted to Philip 'T. Becker, as ad nifnistrator: Ordered, that the 30th day of April, Ten Days Special Sale! FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS We are offering a very attractive special discount during the next ten days on each and every item in our large stock of house furnishings, which includes furniture, rugs, draperies, musical instruments, etc. Your attention is directed to the articles listed below, as well as the many others in our stock, which space forbids mentioning in this ad. Need Floor Covering or Window Shades? J Extra special reduction during the entire sale on all Rugs, Linoleums, Stair Carpets, Hall Runners and Window Shades! Two Electric Washers at a GREAT SACRIFICE Here you are CARRIAGES WARDROBES CRIBS For little folks JWe have one very fine parlor suit upholstered in mulberry silk velour, formerly sold at $325.00; now offered at $198.00 You Will Find Here The largest line of Duofolds, Beds, Mattresses, Dining Room Suits, Refrigerators, Dining Room and Kitchen Chairs, Rockeers, Settees, Couches, Library Tables, Sec tional Book Cases, Kitchen Cabinets, Gas Stoves, Oil Stoves and Oil Heaters car ried by any furniture store in southeastern Nebraska. 3,000 sq. ft. of floor space. Singer Sewing Machines, Graphophones and Electric Sweepers? t Also many other articles and odd pieces at prices that will save you money dur ing this ten day Stock Reducing sale which opens today. COME EARLY IS OUR ADVICE! e GHRIST & GHRIST, Opposite the Courthouse -:- -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Nebraska if?We can handle your Libert y bonds at the highest market quotation. y n iiiihih.ji , - 1 A. D. 1911, at ten o'clock a. m.. is assigned for hearinir said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to l' held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petition er, should not be granted: arid that no tice' of the pendency of said petition ami the hearing thereof be jriven to all persons interested in ttaid matter by pu id ishi iik a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal. a semi- klv newspaper printed in said for three successive Weeks day of hearing. Uli day ce county, prior to I sated 19'1. . said this (Seal) a7-3w AI.LKN of April, A. D. .7. UKKSON. County Jndjre. mitm k to -m:Min-:vr iit:i'i:M)iM In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To Anna Kapavy, non-resident defendant: You are hereby notified that on the :.rd day of July. liJti. the plaintiff, iaspar llapavy, tiled a petition in the District Court of Cass county, same beiir-r Doc. '., No. 7iK.- patre 201. of the records in-the office of t Ue Clerk of tin- District Court of said county, against you, the object and prayer of which is to obtain an absolute divorce from you on the jrrounds of .extreme cruelty and adultery. You are requir ed to answer said petition on or before the tit li dav of June, P'l'l. Dated this l.'th day of April, 1911. C.ASPAK KAPAVY, Plaintiff. Mtii:it m: icinc; mill .Notice on Petition tor Set-tldiM-iit of Account. In the -County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. x State of Nebraska. Cass county, ss. To all persons interested in tiie es tate of James Clement Stevenson, de ceased : ' fin reaciini;' the petition of JJilna Stevenson, Kxecutrix, praying a finiil settlement and allowance of her ac count filed in this Court on the 1Mb day of April, 1 ! 2 1 . and for distribution and assignment of said estate and her itischa ikc; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, arid do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said iVuin ty.'on the I'lith day of April. A. D. P'l'l. at 10 o'clock a. in., to slum' cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shrtiibl not be Kianted, and that - notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copv of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county for one week prior to said day of hearing-. In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said Coutt, this Kith day of April, A. D. 1911. ALI.KX J. PKKSc IN. (Seal) County .ludfje. "Pick a pal in China. " 4 . Boost the Legion Carnival. t ILeifs TIfoaw OutX ! We'll all have to admit that we've been a little "froze up" the past few weeksthe weather has been "froze up" business has been "froze up" and our enthusiasm has been "froze up." Lets thaw out let's warm up to the job in the good old fash ioned way. It is not so bad after all. Three happenings of the past week are favorable. 1st The great industrial t?eup in England is averted. 2nd The labor board came in with an early decision on the railroad question. 3rd United States Steel Corporation announces the long look ed for price reduction, which must stimulate building activities. Besides all this we are selling Quality Clothes at $25, $35 and $45, which means you should dress up, throw out your chest look success, think suc cess and talk success. Come! Let's thaw out! C. E. Wescott's Sons "EVERYBODY'S STORE' S,iatlw m ir i 1