The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 21, 1921, Image 1

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    .Nebraska State Hifrri
cal Societj-
VOL. NO. xxxvtl
NO. 80
Railway Commissione r H. G. Tay
lor who went to Washington for in
formation tnl concessions from the
interstate commerce commission re
t n r ned with half of what he went
after. He returned with a modified
order from the federal body which
will make effective all orders issued
by the Nebraska railway commis
sion between July 2! and .March 10
correcting slate rates.
This is important to many shippers
because without this modification
from the federal body the 3-r per cent
increase ordered enforced in Nebras
ka would apply to the state .rates as
they were before corrected by the
state commission and the raiinrads
now have no authority to change in
trastate rates, and the interstate com
merce commission has shown no dis
position to make corrections.
Fu,!ly fifty corrective orders issued
l.y the state commission, cut of a
total of seventy-five such orders, are
now validated by the interstate com
merce commission. Many of the rail
road tariffs, particularly rates of the'
Union Pacific road, were full of math
ematics and clerical or typographical
errors. When the interstate com
merce commission issued a discrim-
inatory order against the Nebraska t
commission to apply an increase of i
:'.o per cent the order required the
increase to be applied upon rates as
they existed July 29. 1920. After
that date the Nebraska commission
issued orders correcting errors in
state rates. Much injustice would
result from applying the 35 per cent
increase to rates as they existed be
fore the state commission made cor
rections. Commissioner Taylor went to
Washington and conferred with
Chairman Eduar Clark and Commis
sioner W. M. Daniels cf the inter
state commerce commission. It de
veloped that the federal order ap
plying to Nebraska did not contain
the usual clause declaring the 35
per cent increase to become effective
"as of this date." The federal com
missioners therefore modified the or
der on the Nebraska commission so
that corrective orders issued by the
Nebraska commission are validated
and made effective.
It was found that the- application
of the 35 per cent increase cn rates
as they existed July 29 made some
state rates in some states higher than
interstate rates. Teh interstate
commerce commission has issued an
order applying to all states giving
railroads permission to reduce rates
to a level with interstate rates. This
was supposed to have been issued by
the interstate commerce commission
for the purpose of thawing out what
are termed ' frozen" state rates which
state commissions are prohibited from
Commissioner Taylor reports that a
peculiar device has been adopted ty
the interstate commerce commission
to overcome the inelasticity of its or
dtr prohibiting railroads or state
conynissions linn changing state;
rates. If a shipper desired a redue- j
tion in the rate on sand from Cen-'
tral City to Aurora, he would find'
there is no interstate rate no sand be-
tween those points and it has no
power to establish one if it was will- ,
ing to uo so. ine road must tile an
interstate rate on sand between Cen
tral City and Aurora. It must file
this rate with the interstate com
merce commission: there is no inter
state rate on sand between those
points and the road has no power to
grant the reduction if it desired to,
do so. The road will be permitted
to reduce the state rate to the level'
of the interstate rate. It must first
file an interstate rate with the inter- ,
state commerce commission. Al-'
though there is no such a thing as
an interstate rate between Central!
City and Aurora, which are intra
Mate points, as Commissioner Taylor
views it, an interstate rate mut be
established in such cases before a
reduction could be granted by the.
railroad. In case the road is not'
wiuing to grant a decrease in a rate
the shipper has only one remedy, that
of filing a complaint with the inter
state commerce commission.
Sand producers of Nehraska have a
complaint pending before the inter
state body, and this may be among
the first cases passed upon. Brick
and sand rates are admittedly dis
criminatory in Nehraska. If the
shippers and the roads cannot agree,
the shippers must file a complaint
with the federal commission.
Commissioner Taylor called on Ne
braska representatives in congress at
Washington and visited Senator
Capper, one of the supporters of the
Kenyon bill pending before congress,
a bill to restore the power of states
over state rates.
Extra early wnite seed corn, with
red cob, for sale. Telephone 4022.
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! At Journal offiee.
Prom Monnay's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon at the Sunday
services at the Nebraska Masonic
Home a very pleasant feature of the
service, which was conducted by Rev.
A. V. Hunter of the Methodist
church, was the presence of the mem
bers of the young people's Uible
class of" the Methodist church. There
were some twenty-seven of the mem
bers present and they assisted in the
music of the service with their voices
and proved a very pleasant part of
the service and one that was thor
oughly enjoyed by all of the aired
'residents of the home.
Ghrist & Ghrist Have Timenier inl''1'"1 the departed lady had
t i. : -n : ii.i
ineir rossession tnat is
parently 100 Rears Old
The furniture store of Ghrist
Ghrist in this city has on hand a
very unique timepiece in one oT the
old fashioned clocks that apparently
is at least 100 years old and one of
the most antique that has been seen
in this city in many years.
The clock was secured at the home
of A. M. Arries. and has for a long
time been stored in the attic and
was thought to have been practically
useless so far as being of any real
good as a timepiece. Mr. Ghrist se
cured the assistance of Mr. J. V. D.
Patch. of the Nebraska Masonic
Home, who is an expert clockmaker.
and he overhauled the clock and in
so doing discovered the fact that the
works indicated that the timepiece
was of a type that was at least 100
years old. .the weights being of the
kind used about that long ago.
By careful work the clock was
placed in running order and is now
ticking away as lively as the most
youthful "Big Ben" and keeping ex
cellent time. Mr. Patch states that
in his opinion the clock has been in
use for almost a century, although
it is evidently that old or better, but
has not been kept running continu
From Monday's Dally.
This morning Judge Archer was
called to take up one of the first
speeding cases of the season when
two of t"he young people of the com
munity were charged by Chief of
Police Manspeaker with, having driv
en their cars at a rate of speed great
er than the law recognizes.
The speeding occurred yesterday
when Floyd Becker and Miss Mariel
Streight were engaged in trying to
pass each other in their cars and
which developed considerable speed
from each machine. The court after j
hearing the evidence and the plea of
guilty assessed a fine of $10 and
costs on each of the two parties,
Which totaled $13 apiece. "
Two residents of our neighboring
city of Louisville, are now good na
turedly standing the chaffing of their
friends over an incident that befell
them yesterday in the metropolis of
the state. The two young men had
decided to go to Omaha arid attend
the'base ball game in that city be
tween the All Nations and the Mur-phy-Did-Its.
and to make train con
nections the two base ball fans walk
ed to Meadow, where they caught
the Rock Island passenger on into
Omaha. Their surprise can be im
agined when they were taken off the
train at Albright by the South Side
police and taken to the station house,
on the charge of being the men who
had robbed the Orpheum theater at
Lincoln on Saturday night. The
boys enjoyed the day as the enforced
guests of Chief Briggs and it was not
until last evening when Sheriff Quin
ton of this county happened to call
at the station in company with the
state officers to look over the sup
posed robbers that it was found out
that they were merely two well mean
ing and harmless gentlemen from
Lcuisville and who had never even
broken into a sardine can. let alone
a safe. As it is they feel mighty
fortunate that Sheriff Quinton hap
pened along when he did and re
vealed them from their embarrassing
Clerk of the District Court James
M. Robertson has received a warrant
for the sum of $233:10 from Otoe
county, to onver the expense of the
trial of the case of the State of Ne
braska vs. Frank Popel, Jr., which
was brought to this county on a
change of venue from the Otoe coun
ty district court. This is a saving
for Otoe county, over what the ex
pense would have been had the case
been tried at Nebraska City, as the
expense of the jury panel is borne
by Cass county, the $233.10 covering
only witness ana incidental fees.
Dyspepsia is America's curse. To
restore digestion, normal weight, I
good health and purify the blood. I
use Burdock Blod Bitters. Sold at'
Jail drug stores. Trice, $1.25.
Aged Lady is Laid to Res; at Chicago
Where She Has Resided For
Past Fifty-four Years.
From Monday s Dally.
The funeral services oiLMrs. Rose
Janesovskv, who passed awav at the
heme of her daughter. Mrs. Joseph
Aliman in this city on Sunday, April
1 was held on Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock at the home of a daugh
ter in Chicago, where the body was
ti.ken last Sunday. Mr. and- Mrs.
Altman and son. Miles, accompanied
the body to Chicago and remained
fcr the funeral services returning
heme yesterdav. 1 he tuneral was
very largely attended and the floral
remembrances were lavish and
made vears
i a host
of friends during the
of her residence in Chicago
burial was at the Bc.hemian
tery there.
Mrs. Rose Janesovsky was born in
Bohemia. May S. 1849, and was at
the time of her death aged seventy
two years. When eighteen years of
age she came to the United States
and located in Chicago. whre she
has made her home for the past fifty
four years and where her husband de
paretd this life twenty-five years
ago. Mrs. Janesovskv was taken sick
in 191 S with a severe attack of in
fluenza and pneumonia, from which
she has never fully recovered and
some three months ago came to
Plattsmouth to make her home with
her daughter, Mrs. Antoinette Alt
man, and has been tenderly cared
for during her hours of suffering by
the daughter and fa'mily and the at
tending physician. The family de
sires'to express their deep apprecia
tion of the efforts of the physician
to ease the last hours of the mother.
The deceased lady was the only
sister of Andrew Matous of this city
and leaves to mourn her loss seven
daughters and seventeen grandchild
ren and two great grandchildren.
Commencing May 1st No. 15
Leave Here at 8:10 a. m.
5 and 6 also Changed.
The Burlington route is sending
oiit advance notices of the changes
in their train schedules that will be
effective on Sunday. May 1st. and
which will be of great interest to
the residents of this city. One change
that affects the residents' of this city
in particular is that of No. 15, the
early morning passenger to Omaha,
which now leaves at 7: IS but under
the new schedule will leave here at
8:10 a. m. This train will run as
an express from Omaha to Lincoln,
with only one stop, at Ashland.
Train No. "o from Chicago and the
east will reach this city at 7:30 un
der the new schedule, arriving at
Omaha at 8:10 and leaving there at
8:25 will be a local between that
city and Lincoln. t
No. 6. the early train from the
west will be slightly later than at
present as it is scheduled to leave
Omaha at 7:30 a. in. instead of 7
o'clock. as at present and will reach
Plattsmouth at 8:10, meeting No. 1"
at this point.
From Monday's Daily.
The police at Lincoln were busy
yesterday in conjunction with Gus
Hyers and the state law enforcement
department in attempting to track
down the robbers who had stolen a
safe from the orpheum theatre in
Lincoln. The robbers bad taken the
safe from the theatre and carried it
to a desolate spot in East Lincoln,
where it was broken open and the
contents, estimated at $300. removed.
The parties made their escape in an
The loss of the safe was not dis
covered until Sunday morning and
close on the report cf the robbery
cam the notification that the safe
had 1een found at Fourteenth and
Mango streets.
While the police were searching
for the car that had conveyed- the
robbers from the scene of action,
they' were notified (hat a car had
broken down a short distance out of
Alvo anid that the two occupants of
the carl had been brought to that
place by a farmer residing near
where the car broke down. It is
thought the men were headed for
Omaha to go into hiding.
J. H. Becker of this city has been
confined to his home for the past few
days suffering from a severe hemmor
hage of the nose that has given him
a great deal of annoyance and which
has prevented him leaving the home.
Mr. Becker has not been in the best
of health for some months and the
advanced age of the patient makes
his condition quite serious.
Lost anything found anything!
jTry a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
A very pleasant gathering was
held Saturday evening at Die home
of Miss Belle Speck when a few-
friends were entertained in honor of
Miss- Ethel Hansen and Mr. Floyd
Richardson of Omaha, who were
guests at the Speck home over Sun
day. The evening wr.s devoted to
music and the pleasure of the d.mce
in -which the members of t'ie party
derived a great deal of pleasure. Miss
Icroihy Speck, who has jn t recently
returned from a visit of scjne time at
Los Angeles, assisted in entertain
irmrAi o
John F. Wolff Files Action in Dis
trict Court Contesting- Decis
ion of State Dept.
Action was filed today in the of
fice of the Clerk of th District Court
James M. Robertson by John F. Wolfl
in which appeal is made from the
award of State Labor Commissionei
Frank A. Kennedy, in t lie case ol
compensation tor the death ot Lorer
McCrearv of this city on September
0th last.
The hearing of this case was hac
in tins city seme ten nays ago oeiorc
Mr. Kennedy, representative of the
state under the compensation insur
ance law and as a resm tne sum oi
$9.7T per week for a period of 3T.C
weeks, or a total of $3,412.50, was
awarded to the father of the deceas
ed Loren McCrary, together with
$150 for funeral expenses and hos
pital and medical bills that arose
from the accident that caused the
death of Loren.
In the appeal to the district court.
Mr. Woirr is represented by Kennedy
Holland &. HeLacy. of Omaha. It U
con-tended by the defendant that the
accident recurred as the result ol
carelessness on the part of the de
ceased while not engaged in his line
of duties as an employe of Mr
Loren had attempted to jump on e
moving truck driven by George
Brinklow near the garage of Mr
1 Wolff, but fell from the truck to the
J paving and was run :)ver by trw-
v.neeis ol the trucK, mulcting in
juries from which he died a short
tin e later in an Omaha hospital.
Sunshine and Warmer Conditions
Draw Ottt Large Number of
Plattsmouth People.
After a week of cold weather in
this locality, the coining of the
bright sunshine yesterday afforded
the residents of the city an oppor
tunity to gel out into the open and
enjoy to the fullest extent the de
lights of the day in strolling around
over the city and vicinity.
The roads have dried very rapidly
in the short time since the rain stop
ped falling and this permitted the
use of the autos. which were quite
plentiful on the streets all day.
The pleasant weather also furnish
ed opportunity for a large number ol
the residents of this place to journey
to Omaha, where they spent the day
taking in the attractions of the me
tropolis and the railroads did a very
nice business from this point to the
big town up the river. " -
Charles S. Johnson, yardmaster of
the Burlington at thi place, who has
been at Hot Springs. Arkansas, for
the uast week, writes to his friends
here that he is feeling somewhat bet
ter than he hns for some time and
feels that the climate and treatment
there are having a beneficial effect
upon him. Mr. Johnson states that
Hot Springs is a very attractive city
but populated in a large part by in
valids who haveteome there for treat
ment and a great many of whom have
lccaed there permanently in order
to take the baths and treatments
which are afforded.
The friends of Mr. Johnson are
pleased to learn that he is showing
improvement and are hopeful that he
may find the treatments such as to
restore him to ids good health
He expects to .-em am at the Arkansas
resort until h3has secured per
manent, relief fro mi.'s attacks cf
stcmaeh trouble.
Yesterday afternoon R. A. Bates,
publisher of the Jomnal. in company
with Mrs. Bates. departedfor St.
PauK Minneapolis, and other points
in Minnesota, where they will spend
a short time enjoying an outing as
well as in looking after some mat
ters of importance. Mr. and Mrs.
Bates are expecting to spend several
weeks in the north and anticipate a
very interesting trip.
u . .eison uepariea mis
morning for Omaha, where he will
spend the day with Mrs. Nelson
who i& at the hospital in that city
taking treatment. Mrs. Nelson is
showing some improvement, but her
has been of a very slow na-
One of the most prominent and
well loved residents of Nehawka. M
II. Pollard, edparted this life on Sun
day, April 17th. as the result of a
serious fall which he sustained on
February 7th, and which had caused
the dislocation o:' his hip and frim
which he had never recovered, gradu-
allv growing weaker until death
?sme to his relief. Mr. Pollard in
addition to this accident had recent
ly undergone an operation that was
quite serious in its nature and which
assisted in producing the clauses that
led to his death.
Malcolm Hall Pollard was born in
Plymouth. Vermont, December 7,
1S45. and amid the scenes of his
birthplace he' received his education
in the common schools of that lo
cality, and made his home there dur
:ng his young manhood. In August
1S64. he enlisted in the Third Ver
mont light artillery, and served for
the remainder of the civil war in
that organization with the army of
the Potomac.
At the close of the war he return
ed to his father's home at Winsor.
Vermont, where the father was su
perintendent of the Vermont state
prison and also a state senator from
the county in which he resided.
In the year 1SC7, Mr. Pollard came
west to visit relatives in Nebraska,
who had sent back to the old home
slowing stories of the opportunities
that were offered in the great grow
ing west and visited with the rela
tives near where the present thriving
Mty of Nehawka is located and the
impression that this community made
m the young man was such that
while returning to the edd home in
'.he east he held the vision of the
western country close to his heart
and later came there to make his
heme for the future years.
On October 18. 1880, Mr. Pollard
was united in marriage to Miss Ruth
Bates, also a former resident of Ver
mont, and to this union six children
were born. Mrs. Alton St. John of
Nebraska City. Oren M. Pollard. Mor
ris, who died in infancy. Rowena.
Hall A. and Merritt Pollard, all of
Nehawka. Besides the widow, sons
ind daughters, he leaves to mourn
his loss five .grandsons, four brothers
ind three sisters.
The funeral services were held
this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the
familv home in Nehawka.
Meeting at Weeping Water One of the
Most Largely Attended and Suc
cessful in History of Society
The Christian Endeavor societies
of this district held their annual
convention on Friday. Saturday and
Snuday at the Congregational church
in Weeping Water and it proved the
most successful that has been held
in recent years both in the point of
attendance and also in the financial
returns and for the first time in four
years the meeting was able to more
than pay the expenses.
Miss Gertrude Morgan of this city.
district president, presided over the
meetings and a great deal of interest
was shown in the various addresses
and the work of the society in general
over the district.
There were in attendance 120 dele
gates and a large number of visitors
at all of the meetings. From thisi
citv Donald Dickson. Carl Wurl, Vio
la Archer and iSmma Wohlfarth rep
resented the Presbyterian church
while Miss Fern Niel. Thelma Hud
son. Clare Hudson. Eva Crook and
George Nelson. represented the
Christian church societies.
The convention selected as presi
dent for the ensuing year Dr. L. R.
Patton of Nebraska City, Miss Nora
Thomas of Nebraska City as sere-
tnry and Miss Fern Niel of Pla'ts-
mouth as treasurer.
The opening address on Friday
cevning was hy Dr. Patton of Ne
braska City, "Seek Ye the Kingdom
of God" while at the morning ser
vice on Saturday. M. Dwight Hig-
bee, state secretary, Leckley Evans,
president of district No. 5 and Rev.
Hollingswerth of Lincoln, were the
speakers. .
At the Saturday afternoon con
ference Mrs. G. A. Beith. state junior
superintendent spoke on the junior
work and Ernest W. Lundee of Lin
coln on "Citizenship" as well as Dr.
Patton. Mr. Higbee spoke at the
Saturday evening meeting on "Ne
braska Christian Endeavor. Mr.
Clarence C. Hamilton on "Making It
The Sunday morning devotional i
service was at me e ougregauonai
church and Rev. W. H. Reilly. pas- I
tor of the church, delivered a very
powerful and impressive sermon.
Combed White Leghorn
eggs. $5 per 100;
$1 per setting.
Phone 115-J.
From Tuesday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon H. A. Guth
mann of Murdock. president, and C.
I). Ganz of Alvo. secretary of the
Cass County Banker's association
motored over to spend a few hours
in this city arranging for the meet
ing of the association, that will he
held in this city Friday afternoon
and evening.
This is one of the big events of the
year in the banking line and the
various representatives of the finana
eial institutions of the county will
fjather to interchange ideas as to the
condition of affairs and the means
that might tend to improve the bank
ing affairs of the county.
Local Followers of Game Arranging
to Open Courts on Grounds on
Washington Avenue.
The local tennis sharks are pre
paring to fix up some real courts for
the summer season and have in pros
pect a very fine location, that of the
property of the city on Washington
avenue and which was formerly the
grounds of the brick and terra cotta
This location is within easy walk
ing distaance of the city and is well
suited for the purposes. of making
a number of tennis courts as the
grounds are ample for this purpose.
It will require a little work to get
the grounds in shape for the courts,
but the tennis followers are enthu
siastic over the prospect and expect
to have very little trouble in getting
the grounds fixed up if the city gives
its consent to the use for this pur
pose. -
At the time th grounds was se
cured by the city it was announced
that it was the intention to have it
made into a park and recreation and
playground and its use as a tennis
court is a part of this program that
can be easily carried dut and the
plan put to some very excellent use
by the lovers' of this invegorating
sport. season the tennis enthusiasm
was not as strong as it bad been in
the past but the prospects this year
are for a renewal of the interest in
the game that will make it one of the
best seasons in the history of the
game in this city. The task of find
ing the location of a suitable court
has been looked after by Ray Larson
and Rev. H. G. McClusky and they
have apparently hit on a real spot for
the new courts.
Monday, April 11th being the
birthday of Miss Goldie Sitzman. a
number of her friends gathered at
her home near Imperial. Nebraska,
to help her celebrate the occasion.
The hours passed merrily with games
and dancing and everyone enjoyed
themselves immensely. As the even
ing wore on a supper prepared by
Mrs. Will Splitt and Mrs. F. Sitzman
was served, to which all did ample
At a late hour the guests, number
ing upwards of twenty-five of the
friends of Miss Sitzman reluctantly
took their departure, wishing the
young lady many happy returns of
the day and joining in praise of the
fine manner in which they had been
Super -
The Government's requirements as to re
serves have always been scrupulously observ
ed by this bank. t
In point of fact, we have always tried to
maintain a greater measure of reserves a
greater degree of safety than is demanded
of us.
This fact is mentioned as further evidence
of our aim to make this a safe place to bank
safe in all that the word implies-
The First N&tional Bank
j From Tuesday' ra11y.
j William Stohlnian. one of the
; prominent residents (if Louisville, was
' in the city for a few hours loday
; looking after business matters, mo
j toring over from his home in com
' pany with his son. William, Jr. Mr.
' Stohlnian is now feeling in the best
of condition and his .eyesight that
has been troubling him for several
months is now getting so much bet
ter that he is aide to see readily
without glassies and feels that his
treatments have been entirely suc
cessful. He also reports that his
daughter. Mrs. Dora Gaebel. v. ho has
been at the Swedish Mission hospital
in Omaha for the past four weeks is
now showing some improvement and
has been able to return home, but
will have to return later to Omaha
for further treatment and the ex
traction of a unmber of her teeth.
Mrs. Gae-bel suffered a severe case of
appendicitis a number of years ago
and her system was badly poisoned
so that it has required a long time
to give her any relief. The friends
over the county will be pleased to
learn that she is doing so nicely and
trust that her recovery may be rapid
from her lone illness.
Trcm Tuesday's Daliy.
Last evening the members of the
Fontenelle chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution held a
very pleasant meeting at the home of
Mrs. H. R. Cole, and one, that was
attended by a very large number of
members of the chapter. Miss Ber
nese Newell gave the review of the
current number of the D. A. R. maga
zine and discussed the matters of
interest that were contained therein
and which proved a very pleasing
feature of the evening. A short re
view of the incidents of American
history was also enjoyed by the la
dies. The members of Fontenelle chap
ter are greatly interested in the suc
cess of the worthy project that they
have originated, that of securing a
memorial tablet for the honored dead
of Cas?c-ounty in the world war
and in their initial entertainment
for the purpose of raising funds,
while securing a neat sum It was
not as large as had been expected
or should have been given and the
ladies are preparing to continue the
work of boosting this project in the
future. Anyone who desires to make
donations to this cause may do so
and their efforts will aid in the early
accomplishment of the splendid pat
riotic purpose that the ladies have
undertaken and their assistance will
be greatly appreciated.
A short account of the state D. A..
R. convention was given by Mesdames
E. H. Wescott. W. S. Leete and H.
R. Cole, who were the representative
of this chapter at the state meeting.
Mrs. Wescott being the retiring state
treasurer and Mrs. Leete having been
elected state chaplain at the conven
tion. At the close of the meeting dainty
refreshments were served that added
to the pleasures of the occasion.
The social at the parsonage at Mr
nard announced for last Friday night
was postponed until Friday night of
this week. Musical program at the
church sometime during the evening.
Everybody invited.