The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 18, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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The B
ank of
pita!, Surplus and Profits
Your Business Solicited
In a Genera! Banking Busines
AH Deposits in this Bank are Protected by the Ne
braska State Banking Guaranty Law.
I?reif Obitv.ruy
cf Lady
Who Hps Bsen Called Home to
Her Final Reward.
Mr.--. Iln: !a ahl.-un pa-ed
! -r h"..i- i:i Lir-cobi. en Tim
v at
Ai :i! 7. lVL'i. alter
in illness of a
v. i i !.. f. lb - , ii
i stroke of paraly-is.
Miss HuMa MoN'utlia
1 ; n i i no;, in ! ::!'
!.-. i '!':' : n.i the:
c. no! v. X' !! a-1
was marrh d
a::.l !l!.','eil t
ill l.-To-Tl. and
ii:- mar what l a .'-.v me :w.i o. .
the to v. a
siuiriy. Mr. Thru-h died within a t
i w tdow. she
n . i
ii ft e- a i:ii"' in : ni
i ir.rri-!! Mr. C-.-.n;- III
Mr. a. ui 'v; Fdson '-.'oveii i.nwn
mar -M-. l'leis.ns !: ter and spent at
gre.i many ycar in i::r:t vicinity, j
Mrs. Kd-oti Int.- been a iit'e-l'-ng :.i-n;- '
ber cf Hie Fnited I'lv tiiren churcii i
am! lias a'! tliroagh the years 1 c.-.i !
a faithful, zealous worker in The :-'
terbeiri ehurvh :uid its vati.nis f u-i --.
ties. j
A few years auyi she anil bus- .
bn;: 1 m.-ved to iiorado and lld for:
i. time, coming to Lin'-'dn a!.;'i; I " v -. ;
v.-.-rs ai-.i. v. lu re tl'ey have since re- j
sided. !
Ti..' ! i i'v as bro'tglit to b lie 'fie :
of ii'-r n'ei Mrs. iieeli';. i, Saturday, j
- -. . ,t I n n i i r 1 i lit
liins cind cvclone lim
or the ; .f
How about vour insurance,
are you sufficiently protected? ! riV(um u OIH, of he inanstri
1 write for tie Parmer Mutual j ens young men of this city and a son
r I i .1 r1 1 : ,l'of Mr. and Mrs. Bvron lieed and is
and HAIL
Your patronage solicited.
Mynard, Nebraska
I offer for sale thirty-one quarter sections of land
three miles north of Madrid, Nebraska, on the Bur
lington railway.
The price cf this land ranges from $52.00 to
$105.00 per acre.
TERMS One-lhird cash; two-thirds mortgage,
six per cent interest.
&f To men with a limited amount of money, I
will sell one-tenth cash payment and one-eighteenth
payment each year of principal and interest. Contracts
for sale will be made and deeds drawn and placed in
escrow with Trust company.
Thomas E. Parmele
Cass County
i;iu the services? v -re held on Satur
lay ;:t!.rn:,)n at the 1'. II. church,
rhirfaca of Heat rice, her
'.nr. preaching the funeral sermon.
her pastor in Lincoln,
obson, pastor of t lie
N'tdrnvka !. 15. church, and Rev. K.
-Mi "f th Methodist church.
iti;.n 1 11 - r ' iy lain to rv in iiie mi.
!l'iea.--a nt ccir.ei cry.
.Mr.-. Kdsou !e.ves her husband and
three sten--hildreri ; one brother. Mr.
!l. 1). MeXurlin. of Weeping Water;
and one sister, Mrs. Fleming, living
mar asdavl-:t. and a large number
of nephews and nieces to mourn her
I death.
She made a large place for herself
ia the hearts of li :-r neighbors and
fri i:ds in days gone by. and Iter
s-. mpathv and love has helped nianv
:, h ;u iy ami d isceu rag. d one and
i nr:l--:l :iTl(I,.t, .... ..,... ... ..,,1 !!...! l.,,,.
: I I ii i.i i ii , I .un 11 ii 'i
j ;,. :S.-:1.
. . .
From S;ir i:i1a t s I'aiiv
T.'iis ::i'ternoon at tko residence of
il- . A. C. Hllowell occurred the
Marriage of two of the popular young
ueople of this city. .Miss Kstella M.
iiuby and Mr. Dewey C. iteed. The
welding v.;; very quiet, the cere
mony beku; witnessed by Mrs. Holla
w H a ml M!-s St hid Stone.
The in pte sive ring service was
pcriot!i!"d by Rev. Ilollowell. pastor
of the Christian church of whirl,
the youtiir ueople are members.
The I. ride w.'is attired in a very
i ha1 tisir.g c;::-!ume of blue siik with
tire hat to match and made a
very wii:. i nie picture as the bridal
ecu pie tok their station before the
minister tor the ceremony that was
to make fh-.dr lives ;s one.
The bride is a daughter of Marvin
prcm'r.ctit resident countv and has for some
ti:" been empb.-ved at the Nebraska
Ma-onic home and is loved and es
teemed by a large circle of warm
employed in the blacksmith
iiop of I he Burlington and is a young
man who is highly respected by all
who have the pleasure-of knowing
Mr. ::nd Mrs. Ite-d will commence
':.-.;! cke,;pi:ig at once in the home
that ti.i groom has prepared on west
IVarl ytiee and where they will be
at home o tluir friends in the fu
t ure.
One Registered llih-trdn bull, nine
months old. priced right for quick
A. O. RAMGF. Plattsmouth.
' i y
j JL, feat V J
Sheared Sheep Need Dry Place.
If sheep liave a dry place there is
little danger in shearing any time
now, according to I lie State Collet
'of Agriculture, a barn or dry shed
is essential for a day or two after
shearing-', unless the weather is mild.
If such a shelter is available there
is little danger in shearing in most
any kind of early spring weather.
, Sheep are more or less susceptible
at. all times to pneumonia if they
get wet anil cold. The longer the
. wool tii o slower it dries out, and
I hence a sheared sheep is little more
, liable, to pneumonia than one with
long wool. Hand shearing machines
;are giving vat isiaet ion. Experiment.'
.show that they will take off from
! one to two pounds more wool than
hand shearing. Fleeces are tied
with the bright side out. ami the ty
ing done with wool twine and the
fleeces placed in special sacks. The
use of binder twine and gunny sticks
often results in a dock in priee.
Wool stored in a damp place heats
and discolors. April J'lth is an open
date for anyone wishing to learn
how to shear shtcp. Pleas;; le us
know if vou are interested.
Three clubs have ht en organized
at Alvo. sewing, poultry and pie
club. How are the other clubs com
ing? Black Leaf Forty.
The Farm I'ureau has a limited
supply of Black Lnnf Forty at 1'Oe
an ounce. This will kill lite on mel
on vines, cucumbers, etc. Th:; is
used at the rate of 1 ounce 'o : gal
lons of soapy water. Fse soap at the
rate of '-z ounce to a gallon of water.
The Black Leaf Forty does not de
teriate and you can use a gallon at a
Wool Sacks and Twine.
A few wool sacks and twine at
the Farm Bureau ortiee. Sacks are
4"c each and the twine l Sc per
pound.. On' pound will time from 9
to 1 J lb-eres. If jou wish tliem eall
at the o.M.ce.
Barium Carbonate, a poison tor
rats is being tried now. This is rec
ommended by the bialogieal survey.
It is worth ;r cents a pound.
The Countv Agent is back on the
Co. As;ri. Agent.
Assisrwmi m
Woman's Auxiilary Will Supervise
Culinary Department of Big Fes
tival and Feed the Hungry
Despite the very unpleasant weath
er conditions prevailing yesterday
afternoon a large attendance was
present at the meeting of the Wo
man's Auxiliary of the American Le
gion at the club room sir. the Leo
nard building and the ladies wire
treated to a most delightful time.
The hostesses of the occasion v.ei"
Mesdames C. L. Creamer. Kd Cream
er, Ike Cecil and John Sheldon and
Misses Rose Mae and Claire Cream
er, and the hostesses had prepared a
feast that was most thoroughly en
joyed by all of the members of the
jolly party.
Quite a number of matters of im
portance were brought up f'-r action
by the ladies including the assist a nc"
that the ladies will give the Le
gion fair to be held on April 2S. '.)
and .10. at Coates hall. The ladlas
will have charge of the kitchen and
prepare the refreshments that will be
disposed of at the fair and this is an
assurance that there will be some
thing well worth enjoying served at
the big event. A special meet ins
of the auxiliary will be held on Wc'-
! nesday afternoon at 2:.'.0 to complete
, the final arrangements for the event,
j The membership drive that the
auxiliary has been conducting closed
j yesterday and the result showed that
! the side captained by Mrs. C. L.
Creamer had been the victors in tha
enlistment of members while the side
headed by Mrs. V. T. Melbern had
lost the contest and will be the hos
tesses of the victors in the near fu
, ture. The auxiliary have added a
large number of members during the
j last few months and now have an
'.organization that is alive and active
; and composed of the woman of th?
, community whose dear ones have
. served in the conflict of the world
The town of Dunbar is somewhat
excited over the prospects of a oal
mine on the Theo. Roos farm between
there and Talmage. A Mr. Cojper
of Nebraska City and a Mr. Lilly of
: Oklahoma have visited the farm and
1 made investigation of the six-foot
I vein of coal that some well driller.?
struck a few months ago. The Dun-
bar Review says that these gentlemen
' are practical miners, having been in
: the business for years and if after
sinking a test shaft they find the coal
' vein thick enough to work they will
lease a section or two of land and
install the necessary machinery to
' mine 2.000 tons per day. This vein
' cf coal is down a little over .'.00
feet and these men think they can
make a big success of it as there is
no other coal mine in the state that
is workable. If they fird the vein
thick enough to justify working, it
will mean that this part of Otoe coun
ty will have the honor of having the
biggest coal mine in the state.
Weeping Water Republican.
If you want good printing let us
do your work. Best eauipped job
Seme Also is Promised Members of
the Board of Control by Stand
ing Committees cf Senate.
Chairman Haldermoti of the senate
committee on fees and salaries re
ported u. K. -to:; for tne general nil:
Friday with an amendment increas
ing the salary of the state board of
control from $::.r.0u. a hcil by the
house, to ,0 0 0 as provided when
me pin was introifuceu. inn ei,m-
mitteos hopes. i get at b-asr some in
crease above the house fignr"s. The
present salary is $ib(i00.
Chairman Bushee of the senate fin
ance committee report for the min
eral file If. i. -n." with amend-in r; 1 -;
that do not. change the principal pur
pose, of the bill, that of giving world
war veterans if Nebraska ih- .r.'e;-
4 .... .1 jif... . .... ; . , r
esi on 4 ,o 'm .i, i. ill cast's in i -in-i - t -.J
gency, the relU f to b- d-spi-nscd i.:i
der rec omni'-i.i'a t ion of t he American X'-jA
legion. The s'-natc cmmi'lte,.
cd by including nurses in the lis of
beneficiaries and changed the dis
bursement of tl. fund from 'in
board of con; ml and s?a!- treasurer
to the board of ed:te:V. ioiii.1 latrl;
und funds. Spani-h war xddi'-rs
propose to offer an nmendiiMOt jh-;--mitting
them to share in the- relief.
Tile hous? pr-ivided th:if r L'.'infi.eo !
.-h::uld be a ropr :a t ed from the !
era! fund for the ptireh:---' of se
curities, , th-1 inte'-t-' th refin i;i 1
used for r li :".
The finance (oniMittte sent !b It.
494. 49 d. 4 OS a:,. 4 02 to the genera!
file. One of t.'ic.e r'tnoves the five
nill limit on general i'.md !:. k vie
nnd others relate to change in ih.
date of the state fi 'al year.
A C(,mmit;e ;;ni S nator
Johnson. X.--rv::l ;:!:.! Bii-s pn elite:
e: c'-n'o;i"nf'.'
dath of Mrs. Lr.iv.n. wife o
Fred Hrown of l'helps. It v.e:
ed by a -st;: i d itur vo'e.
The senate refused t: cn-i
Iuhism ameniiment.-: to H. F. ;!',
on riiblic ni'i.-.tls and to tii.'-
propo:-it ion. As
house it applies .: ii
t.- sin-ill buvs
Heavy Eains cf Fist Three TJavs Fol
lowed Lajt Niplit With Sudden
CoM Wave p.ud C-.mcv, fr.!!.
This portioTj of the vest i 1 i- morn
ing was si.iveri'!;: titid.'-r !:ie iist!;i- :c:
of a cold snap th.1' :v..nt fr n.i ':
Rockies eastvard. and w hi-"-h v. a s a
'.'heyi ntie an;t Do'iv ryr teiih y v a. ,i
(lie warning ot tin. sn'bten iliia--wa
. sent to t!ie weatlt-r burea i .-.
Oiiiiilia of lite r;-ind!y tr.ui iitm sf r
'1 he heavy rain that has " -1 1 for
tiie greater part of the time tdm e
Wednesday continued the oariv par:
of last ninhl and it wa-- p.-? utit l i:
midnigiit that the change in iio
weather condit ions va s not ice-ih'e : -
though tne cidd wind had 1 :. -;n;i t
blow fn'idy in t'ne late a ft eri- . :
The con tin;::::: -,lrop in t em pen; i in 1
turned the ra i n into s:?ov : r. i tl -downfall
of the beautiful snow thi;
morning w;.s ;niti- ihh iceab'e.
The tempera!'.'.-;- it th- I'.u : n i; ! j
station where the olfi-.-ial t:-:l;r c.b
si rvat ions are tak-r .--howt.i tire me"
ei'.ry standing at twenty-eight :ih-v
r.i or live ti iints below fr.-i-;::::::
and a.- far as the t empe; a ! ure was
(otlfcrPi d was not as s-vere a;
cold snap of a iVv
,'eeks ago a!-i
though it was very
cou n t of t he da m p vv
notic- a "ale on ;.c-
her ci nd i t ions.
They Speak Well cf It
"I frequently
hear Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy praised by friatub and ,
acmiamianci s wnicn on v ten m
. . i t . . . r-"-.
which only tend:; l o ' F; --s
good (oiiiiioa of il."',tjj
?tl Arte;-. Zanesvillo. i3
siren a! hen my
writes re
Ohio. Try it when you have a cough
or cold and see for yourself what
an excellent medicine it is. '
When yon think of piintln;
can't help but think of us.
:Jt j-lS?"
1 A )MSr X,
-r-r-l c-..
if lrZ"lat GcwmJllaii r
'Jittie Sarin Jicdnhlit
. .. . r n.,cit!it!.i1
To the woman w ho appre
ciates this need, we suggest
BON TON Corsets. Their
graceful lines enhance the
charm of any fifc,ure. Their
correct design ensures corset
comfort. The new models
are now bcin2 shown.
I -t t- r s
in.' i. fc
Ladies Toggery
F. P. BUSCH, Manager
E .
1 1- n If it. 1
- 1
.April Sale!
Our Entire Stock of Trimmed
Hats Included in litis Sale.
FVactically evirry hind of traw is represented,
including Hemp, Horsehair, Milan, Rough Straw,
as well ar; fabrics of all descriptions.
There is a style here to suit every type, in
cluding Roll Erims, Turbans, Large Picture Hats,
irregular Shapes and Sailors.
Pvlain Street,
2 EL M W O O D
:Cv. L. W. ;'('(! t writes u : from
Wyuiore. that they r.-.- rain.:! ii;
ilrere. but exije.l to be on their v. y
to ( h-!tiil:r. ( ihi ;!'.OMia. scon, when
t!"-y -.i!l !!!;:l-e tiieir future home.
'.".! v. e. :: l;rl timva r aot h.i
I'oidson tracto'- out a. rel tri'-d l. ii't
-i go;;.;.' If.t it only .-;e: ' u-'re.l j' nd
l-!f:ed and v.-uhl r.o work rish.t.
i a est iga : sh-iwed that a i.:ouse
had built a nest in the carbureior
;of the tractor and was rearing p.
j family of babies. The mouse at
i fam'iv were a-ph vxiat ed. Tt- tr;
''or is now r-' r'lright siiiCi
: i.i.iiisv family '-as rem-v d.
! l-ri(!,;y Win. Sa ks :aotori-'d!
'al.'ti::. ; ml a "hi i the scribe to :u eoin- !
i ,
in li-.- vicinity o!'
'-iunli'-.-k and
- to; .ed at t hone of
Of Mr. Sack
."dr. .M ill's- horses and
.eorae Mills.
i fl
,, ,M m.60. o .DU,
a bu: La
.:ira'J" ti
v t iii e li
, had 1 1 loo;
i r i irtiv
with the goods which are seeing at
real bargains at the
tn ti U -5 1?
Thi - is a bonifide closkig out of all the stock noihing reserved. We have
to driver the rcom, and io do this we must dispose of the goods at whatever
they may br:n. Remember the sale is still going on and numerous rare bar
gains are to be found ir. every line.
Bring in your eggs and produce and get the highest marget price and pur
chase the goods you need and save money, which you can do on every article.
We are prepared to serve you. Come in and enjoy some of the bargains
which we have to offer at the Closing Out Sale.
1 wmj." -i' -,jj
kwnl 21
and Only
wWMOi t j3 8 2 b-
Plattsmouth, Neb.
and h-..!-"'i
i-i-i f..
We a?s
:i:d iie ha
( S.o ks
ill : I ! i I it.
i .-topped
:-ome good ones,
'nows a good one
Mr. Mills has a
is well improved,
at Joe Johansen':'
;d look
at It is t wo fine -r-
orses. li-' lias two as fine
tan be found anywjiere aim
right to f. 1 pr'md of them
b!;:- ks a
he iias :i
; they are good ore-.. Of course
Mr. Sack.-- is always ready to buy
oi .-. s and tii'iies. Xow he says to
the scribe nil you think about i j
i ype !ri!!t -1 ype print. Well 'm
the other hand all Rill thinks about j
: horse horse mule and of:
: ii the horse and mule dick"ring and
horse and mule stories we sure bean.
-a on tin;
(): last Friday while plowing. Ai:
ai .Miller noticed something red lay
: -onie distance .away and thinking
possibly it mitih:
!e- a chiela-n.
vaiked over in t ha t direction and
-: he ui-. red the object it jumped
a:.! senrri- il away at a great pace
be at once that it was
ai fo.. Thinking that it would1
Up i
;: if
-S S3
Your Dollar Does Double
paa IT
MONDAY, APPJI 18, 1921
not return he went on plowing. In
a short time he saw the fox again
and went to the house and got bis
giin and returned and shot at the
fox but did not kill it; presently saw
it again and took another shot at it
killing it. This was a female fox
and well along in year: as the teeth
Were nearly worn away. The fox
had at some time been caught in a
trap as one hind leg was gone close
up to the knee and snowed every
evidence of having been chawed off.
It is. a mystery how the fox happen
ed in territory as it has been
a long time since one has been seen
! in
these parts.
I have several city properties and
some good Cass county farms for
sale. 1 r. in going to Perkins county
again Saturday night. Come and go
along and see a lot of good country.
Call phone 2;.'i or -4 ST.
(li:0. M. DILI).
Wit.-f urn J
SaS i
I i
Yt 1
j shop in southeastern Nebraska.
ti i
i n