The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 18, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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MONDAY. APEH 18. 1921
Haul It By Truck!
Wc Will Do All Kinds of Hauliag Between
Omaha and
Save High Froight Gharges!
Prompt Service and Reasonable Prices!
Phone 394
Plattsmouth, Neb.
complicated case? Ten Days Special Sale!
County Court Dismisses One Action
and Finds for Plaintm m the
Other of Two Lawsuits.
Mnuicrmrnt, Circulattou, Kte., Ilf-iiir-l
by thr Art of on
Crr of Auk 24. 1512.
!! is heil ciaily ami sem i-wee k I y at
riatt-iiK'ut:.. Nchruska. fe.r April 1.
1 : J 1 .
r - - - -
A l'-ates. of
A. Iiatc?. of
f Nebraska
1 fS.
e't unity of Cass j
Before me. a Notary PuMic In ami
feir the state and county aforesaid,
personally appeared Tt. A. Bates, who.
l.avms been rtjilv sworn according to
law. deposes and says that lie is the
publisher 'f the Plattsmouth Journal,
am! that the foiiowine is. to the best
f his knowledge and belief, a true
strfTei:i'-it of tlie ownership, manaze-iru-nt
ia'i'1 if a daily paper, the circu
lation). '!.. of the aforesaid rullioa
tion for the date shown in the above
caption, i-niiiied by the Ait of Aueust
Jl. l!tl-. cmbmlif J in Section 443. Pos
tal I-aws and Peculations, printed on
the reverse of this form, to-wit:
That the names and addressee; of
the pi:, editor, manasir.g editor
and business managers are:
Publisher P. A. Bates. Plattsmouth,
Nebras ka.
Kditor M. A. Bates
Manasrinrz Kditor P.
Plattsmouth. NellYaska. M.-tnarer K
Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
J the owners Give names
ami ;ob!ie--ses of i t'd i v'dun 1 owners or,
if a i o: ..jv;.; im;. cive its name and the
T'ames and addresses of stockholders
wniiiir bobliiic 1 p-r cent or more
of ilif total amotiiit of sock:
Solo iiir K. A. Bates. Platts
Piont'i. X biii.-ka.
:: That the known bondholders,
nmrt nances, and other security hold
ers owning oi !iolditn 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, rnort-ca;;r.-.
or other securities arc: (If
Ihci'c arc none, so state)
There arc none.
4 That the two rarag rn phs next
jibove. ivinir the names of the ('
lo ts, st-'i kholders. and security hold
ers, if i'.iiv. contain not only the list
of stockholders and security holders as
thty appear niion tiie books of the
ci'Hii,i!iv. I. nt also, in cases where the
Mo. -klmbler or secuiity liolder appears
upon the books of the company as a
trust.- or in anv other fiduciary rela
tion. tl - name of the person or corpo
ration for whom Mich trustee is mt
ii'.r. i- irivcn. also that the said two
paragraphs contain statements m
bra'iri affia-it's lull knowjeiip ami
t.ctir f as to the i t eiimt a mes and con
ditions under which stockholders and
si e nt ity ho'id'-rs who do not
This Congress Expected to Take Up
Question New Congressman From
Maryland Responsible.
Washington. April la. The hat
tie to brinp back beer and light wines
will be fought to a finish in this con
gress, it was declared by both wets
and drys today. The fight will come
to a head in the house as soon as the
tariff and taxation program can be
cleared aside.
Preliminary preparations for the
clash were commenced today hy the
drys whose ranks were bonibshelled
by a new member from Maryland.
Representative John Philip Hil! of
Baltimore, who unexpectedly tossed
in a bill to repeal the Volstead act.
Representative Volstead accepted
Hill's challenge. He is chairman of
the judiciary committee that will re
port on the repeal bill. He made it
clear that while hearings will be full
and fair every effort will be made by
him to throttle the "booze bill."
Incidentally the new congressman
may ruin his own business if he suc
ceeds in legalizing beer and light
wines. He owns a drinking water
company in Baltimore.
I want to repeal the Volstead law
principally because it is an utterly
un-American principle of govern
ment," he said.
Giiy Properly for Sale!
One 8-room modern,. 3rd and Vine
streets. 1V2 lots. $5,000.00.
One 5-room, IV2 lts- oa west
Main street. Good well, cistern.
One 7-room modern except bath.
appear !11th nnrl Main streets. 2 lots, one
upon the books of the company as 1 , , , , . , i 1 t-c
trustees, hold sto k and securities in j blOCK from high SChOOl. line place.
n capacity other than that of a bona , -v eQ Kff ftft
tide owner: and that this affiant has I afc
no reason to )eiiee that any other
person, hit inn, or corporation has
any interest direct or indirect in said
stoek. bonds, or other securities
as .-tatei! t- him.
j That the average number of cop
ies of eaeh ivsue of this publication
sol. I or i-t rib'itod, through the mails
or oil er,vi-e. to paid subscribers dur
itiij the six months preceding the date
si own above is It ."!. iThis i n fo I I na 1 ioii
required for daily publications only).
S nr - a kl y circulation 2.i'".
P.. A. HATI'S.
Swo:n t" ai.d subset ibed before me
t ! i J of A pri i. 1 1cj ; .
Seal i Notary Public.
My commission expires March il. 1D5.
Relieves Human Pains
5-room house; SVz acres cround.
One acre in fruit and one in alfalfa.
City water, concrete cellar, electric
lights, sewer. A dandy place for
Two lots south of the 0-K garage.
$300.00 takes the two.
Four-room house, one block south j lli .e
of Main street on 5th, $2.UUU.
Four-room house on Washington
avenue and 10th St., $2,200.
Four-room house just south of 0.
K. Garage, $1,800.
New modern 5-room house, two
lots, on Washington avenue. A fine
place, $4,700.
Abrogation of National Agreements
to Their Liking May Increase
Chicago. April l.". Abrogation oi
the national agreements between the
railroads and their employes, an
nounced yesterday by the railroad la
bor board, was officially accepted to
night by the executive council l" t bi
shop trades in a statement whith
hailed the decision as a great vic
tory for labor, declaring it did not im
pair labor's economic or social status.
About 500.000 men are employed in
the shop crafts. During the day the
torailroads. through th' conference
committee of the association of rail
way executives and through state
ments from the heads of individiml
roads approved the decision as a
whole, although criticizing certain
features of it.
The attitude of 'lie shp trades
council, however, apparently wa :r:
shared by all union !a't,.r leaders.
Samuel (iomrers, president of the
American federation of labor, in a
statement issued in New York, de
clared that the board must "have
been influenced by big business."
while others termed 'he decision,
"the work of the steel trust" and
criticized it severely.
The labor board itself expressed
satisfaction over the fact that the
decision apparently hail met with
some approval from loth sides, de
claring this indicated that, it had at
least opened the way to permanent
industrial peace between railroad
employes and employers.
The decision of the board to per
mit individual conferences between
each road and its employes instead
of grantirg labor's request for one
national conference was su id by bo.ii.I
members to huve been the only c.:ur-e
open to the board.
"There is nothing in the law to
authorize the board to set up a na
tional conference or a national st t 1'
agreements." a'il a member ( ih"
pu'dic group. "Kvery railroad ha
the f re and inalienable right to ne
gotiate with ils own employes if it
so dc-ires and every American ci'ize?i
has the right to make his own terms
with his employers if he so desires.
Neither could be bound by concerted
action on either side."
The board also let it become known
that while the set of sateen princi
ples which the derision .-aid sh.nild
be part of any agreement was written
by Henry T. Hunt of the public group,
it had been approved by e-e-h mem
ber of the beard, although only ma
jority was necessary to incorporate
it in the d '. isiou.
Whib tleclin ing t!:e ele". t )
which the principles i.titi 1 y the
board woul di:;ci ease v'.V: -ieucy and
economy was pr! leniat i'-al the rail
load conference committee t id-v as
sumed a hopcft'l attitude. K. T.
Whiter, speaking fr the ra'Iro-ui
managements, stated thai 'if bo'h the
carriers and the employes act in good
faith in accordance with the spirit oi
the board's decision, rules and work
ins conditions v.i'l lie established
which will be mote teas mable than
tho'ie now in offer'.
The board has refused t t con ply
with the demand of the un:n:s that
ent ir
nai onai
stat em en
mattt r ! referred to
Conteretiees between I
a n '1 t lie in r i
r aid. "riu'tjec
i i ' us."
; 'i cor
a brov
"1 am subject to rheumatism and!
when I have a tpcLl of it one or two!
applications of Chamberlain's f-ini-j
merit relieves the pain and makes
rest and sleep possible. I would not!
think of doing without it." writes
Mrs. C. Ocsley. Moberly, Mo.
See j. e. reason,
Office, 394 Residence, 229
5 Semi-Annually U. S.
Government Bonds
of Joint Stock Land Banks exempt from all tax, ac
cording to recent decision of U. S. Supreme Court.
For terms and price
Chas. C. Parmele,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Tin. ..!irt m' Count v .hid"- Hee- t
son has been occupied v. iih t he con
sideration of a very complicated case
or rather two cases in which several
hundred bushels of torn were in
volved. From the facts in tbe case
it seen.s that Walter 11-ssenilow has
been farming a piece of land owned
hy Frank Moore of r.ear Murray.
and bad raised the ccrn there that kNi
caused the dispute in the case.
Mr. Meseufbtvv bad plac- 1 ;he corn
in a "rib on the farm end there it
has remained as the bone or" conten
tion. A jirte was given by Mr. Tles
: :: flow to Mr. Ault and a short time
ii'zo Mr. Ault secured a vrit of re
plevin and attached the corn in the
crib. At the trial it was brought Sf'
out that the note made by Mr. Mes
scnrlow had been sold by Mr. Ault
to the IMa I turnout h S'ate bank and
in view of this fact the court dis
missed the action against Mr. Hes-
,-,.e,.... .l.wi i.. I Vic Til.iie.tifV li'ii-Jnir
M liuut iii:v iv. iiv i '" in
no proper grounds for action. t j
The second phase of the case was I
'he action of Frank Moore, owner of L
the farm, Mr. Ault. The
rlainif: claimed that the- corn which fs-J
... . - . 1,0,1 I.,..., ,
WU. Ill CO ., I IU V Cl r v nnvi ir. c ll ;sci ttiuc
by Mr. I lessen flow as a part of the
rental of the farm and should be
turned over to the plaintiff. Mr.
.Moore had replevined the corn from
Mr. Ault and the court held that the foj
corn wa; the property of Mr. Moore W-i
as rent for the land anil the matter
thus adjusted so thiit the final ow
nership of the corn is determined.
The case of the t'e'.ar Creek Lum
Iht company vs. J. II. c. Gregory,
which was tried on Wednesday be
fore Judge Peeson. wi'.l lie argued
this afternoon to the court.
We are offering a very attractive special discount during the next ten days
on each and every item in our large stock cf house furnishings, which includes
furniture, rugs, draperies, musical instruments, etc.
Ycur attention is directed to the articles listed below, as well as the many
others in our stock which space forbids mentioning in this ad.
Need Floor Covering or Window Shades?
(J Extra special reduction during ihc cUitc sale on al! Rugs,
Linoleums, Stair Carpels, Hall Runners and W indow Shades !
Two Electric Washers at a GREAT SACRIFICE
Here you are CARRIAGES WARDROBES CRIBS For litllc folks
Wc have one very fine parlor r-uit upholsierccl in mulberry
silk velour, formerly sold at $325.00; now offered at $198.00
You Will Find Here
The largest line of Duofolds, Beds, Mattresses. Dinin;, Room Suits, Refrigerators,
Dining Room and Kitchen Chairs, Rockere, Settees, Couches, Library Tables, Sec
tional Book Cases. Kitchen Cabinets, Gas Siove-i, Oil Slaves ;nd Oil Heaters car
ried by any furniture store in southeastern Nebraska. 3.000 rq. ft. cf floor space.
mi - . mnii Nil
rlAUtU IUU illUH
Singer Sewing Machines, Grapiiophones
and Electric Sweepers?
Also many other articles and odd pieces at prices that will save you money dur
ing this ten day Stock Reducing sale which opens today.
Jcs:ph Broadbeck. Residing; Near
Cedar Creek, Requests Cor- ;
rection be Made.
.i ? cph IJroa.ibeck. residing near
Ct-:!;.r Cre-k. who was fiii-d $1M
and (i-ts atimu'itin to $l'T.tO in . tj
flu eoiiruy court l;.-t Mt-nday morn-
:i a chary.' of m;:iul'actt:rins
ir:g :) a che.ry.' r?i itu:iuiaciurins;- j-gn
in ;-!iting li.pi'T. Itus rettuestcl
t li .Joiiri::'.! in ui.ini! a correction of fs
Opposite the Courthouse
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
tV"Wc can handle your Liberty bo 'ids at the highest market quotation.
tin '.ileinetils as to the lacts in tin
The heading of the articb- stated
that a still iiad been unearthed on
the place of Mr. Hroadiieck. which
he tl.iims was not the ca; e and also
be iisks tbat the sT;iten:ci;t in regard
to twelve gallons of Karo syrup be
ing found be modified. Mr. Hroad
heck states t!:at the officers did find
;',ve gallons if 'what is listed Jis
"honie brew" at his jlace. but not
he twelve gallons of syrup :ts was
gin i:: the published report.
The published statements were
mad from the report of the case by
officer Hanks and if any injustice
has been dot!" to Mr. liroadl-eck it
was wlidly through an error.
Cliamberlain's Tablets Are Just
What You Need.
principle the bsard h
the r.ati;n?il aere";f s and remand
ed the negotiations of rules and work
ing conditions to conferee between
th indi:dual railwa" ar:d the:;
own employes.
"The boards rcogni; ion o;' collect
ive bargainnig is not that as inter
preted by the uni- ip Lab-.r h is tak
en the position th;.t collective bar
gaining meant national ba rga in i n z.
while the board has reron ized the
fact that true collective bargaining
consists of negotiations bo-wen each
railway and its own ernplovcs."
The decision came just before the
eichteen unions, including- all "
affiliated with railway department of
the American federation of labor.
The eleeision came ju-t beftire the
i terms of three members of the board
expired at m:dn::rht last right.
These men. appointed for one year
wh"n tbe board was organized, are
Henry Hunt. Cincinnati, ore of tbe
representatives of the general pub
lic; W. L. Park, Chicago, a railway
representative a'id J. J. Forrester.
WasbingteiP. I). C. e;ne of t!ie labor
members. Their successors have not
been appointed.
Last night's decision had nothing
to do with the various wane confer
ences which have ben instituted
by various railroads within the last
few weeks.
the sn:a!!e.-l icls that h
ceiiiie to light in recent n.-T.ths is that
reported from the Christian church
in This city when' some person b.:-;s
stole n the' silk flag that hns been
occupying a place on the piatf irm of
the cbureh. This flag was presented
o ;!: e church by the holier of the
YV. C. ,-nel h e- teen esreunyitur a
piaee of I'tior in the 'hifi'li build
in::, and why anyone should pi k on
an object f;f 1 1 1 i --. kind to steal is be--yor.d
reasOT: as th-1 H:. g would n"f be
of s'i'heier.t value to make u re-idy
sab- or give any aporecia' le re'urn
io the party stealing it.
resist ' r -d
I'll m-
j buTs
i:i: rt
liitiM it hi:iji.
n-l -tli- on IVIHi:i T"r l
( If in cut ,,..m it I .
In tin- e'tinniv Cn'iil f! e-;i i-mi
.. !.i ;:sk.t.
S:alf of N'.'brsi-k.:. '!! ".'.ni;..
To :i 1 1 pt-rs'Mis ii. t ' t '-.-t i- ' in i
I i 1 1 - .liiinis I'l'iiit'tit i ' eit'ii.
When bill hi
When constipated
When you have no appetite
When your digestion is impaired
Wbon your liver is tetrpid
When ye-;: fe-el dull and stupid af
ter eating
When you 1 ;'.ve- heaelache.
They wi'l improve your appetite,
cleanse; and invigorate your stomach,
regulate your bowels and make you
feel "fine as a fiddle." They are easy
to lake and agreeable in effect.
New York. April 14. John Mc
Jli'gh. vice presielent of the Mechan
ics and Metals National Hank ami
prominent in several other large fi
nancial institutions here, is being
considered as ;v possible to
James A. istillman. proslde-nt of the
National City bank, the New York
Tii. les says this men niug.
Some of 'he National City elire'C
tors. tbe newpapor says, contirm Un
report. Mr. Stillinaii reee-nlly len
elered his re: -ignat ion a-- tTesident of
tin- National City bank but it was re
fused. Tho proposal to e onsedidat e Ihc
National City bank and the Me
chanics anel Metals National bank,
under " considerut ion some time ago.
alro is reported as bavins he-en re--vive-d.
If 5 in h a merio r w.;s consutn-mate-d.
toCes W. Mellarrah. pre-siibut
of the Mechanic - and M-ia's Nation
al batik, probably would b-co:ne
chairman of the' b -nd ed el irecteM-s.
The- National e'ity bank directors
de-( line to discu s tlx- possibility of
! he pn jvised men: r.
Jonrnai want fis pay.
break -u s3 edicts -
H rely on Dr. Kir-':; New Dis
covery, the standard re-r.edy
for the list f fty years, io break
utj coughs, e-;ppo and stubborn
colds. No harmful dr.: -3. At
your drugsi3 6uc 2r-d ?1.20.
For col&zazid CGuglnj?
There will be? a social dance given
Jat the I'uls hall in Murray on Wed-
Inenday evening, April 20. and you and
your friends are cordially invited io
attend. Tbe mush: will be furnish
ed by the Holly orchestra of I'latts
mouth. There will be a genuine
goenl time in store for you. so tell
your frienrls and all attend.
Hv Order eif tbe Commit tee.
Carpenter work. New er remod
eling, city or country. Tel. 24S-J
2 wks. M. 13. ALLEN.
o !i; lie M-liti'i!i i ' :; ;i
- . I'.'istiii, K-ein ri. trn.v in.-, n iiti;' I
'' ' In t ;ini ;i i li w;: ri'-c ;' '.-r : -"ft
I.lfil in t I is t'mo-i t.ti 1'. t. ;:,ti:
hi- "1 .ii!i. Itt.'l, aid I'nr l is! i i l.i't mri
ti-l ussittiitui'tit tj- sa'nl tiiO- hihI her
j to .-i I ii ki-;
li is lnotliv i.r.ler..! that .! a!nl
all 1 1 1 i st.ns. i a i,-t est til in s;.;. matter
ioa. ; i r 1 1 1 tin. aoi'tar at ti I'tuni'v
e'liurl Oi l.e liel-l i-i at;.l I'm- ;.:.! -'iun-ty.
"a lie L't;t:. .lay t' A. I .
I l-'l'l. at In t,'i Mick a. in.. I" show cause,
'if any ti. ! he. II, e n-a er f
.the tut it i' sli.ii'lii ri'it he mar.te-1.
ami that ni'ti'-e of the ji'-nn'".-y "f
Sato iM-titina arel the I carina: there-of
.he- ivt'T t. alt pers'ins i v. I e tes tctl iii
jsahl matter hy pii hi is hin a cmiv "f
this iinlt-i- in the l'lat tsmtiut h .lotirrial,
a seiii-we-kly MfW.jianr orintetl in
aiil tuioitv- fin- tine week prior t" said
. tla "I I ea i -inn.
I III witness w hen t.r. I have f reiinto
I:-et m hat;. I anil the S-aI ttf s i;. I I'mnl,
this ilnv of April. A. I . I'.'Jl.
ai.i.i:n .i. i:i:i:s i.v.
i St a I e '-in ti t .1 . 1 1 1 -.
Mint i: o-itiim-. -
ii:ki:mi t
In the District e'onrt if I'jss ciiiiii
t. !.ni'-l,;i. .
Tit Anna Kupavy, iinn-resiih-n t tle-f'-n-
ant :
Vim are heiehv liOtifleil that tn llol
r.rti .la.-.- of .lul;. . tt'J'i. the plaint iff. I
itaspar Kapevx-. Iilttl a petition in Ihe
District Vurt f e'ass eniitity, same
l-ei'in D'.e. No. Tl'C..-,. ,ns.f 21 of
the ! 'em its iii the "ffh-t. ,,( j,,. rini.
"I" the District 1'i'iirt tif sa j. ctniiity.
a. i list vim, the ti .,itii ami prat-r til
-.vhieii K .i i, i, lain an a hsnl n t tljvmee
) in::i yon mi the rti: nth- tif -xti t-iie
ertiel t a ml in) i-.i t io . Vim are re.piir
ed to aii-'.vei fuhl petition on oi hefort
the tith tla- of June. iji.
httcil this lL'th day t.f Apiil. ll'Jl. ;
l'laintitf. i
New Discovery
Sallow Skin Not Pretty
Constipation destroys the comr lo::.;on,
making it yellow and ugly. Keep tho
liov.els at work tlear.inj out the oysiT:m
daily by using Dr. King's Pills. They
do the work thorough! and go.:t'y
Duy a bottle today, 25 cents.
KlGnOls Pills
Removal Sale!
30 Off
and going like hot cakes.
The sooner you come the
better the selection.
F. R. EDBtlMit!
the F
Good land cannot do it alone. k must be well
worked and Imjh rtdc machinery Is necessary if the
best results arc to be obtained.
The International line is acknowledged as the best
in farm machinery. We arc carrying a full assortment
from this line and invite you to call and see us about
anything you may Le in need of.
We also handle a complete " line of repairs of all
kinds, or can get you any we don't happen to have in
stock on short notice.
In the line of harness or harness repairing v,e can
supply your wants at most reasonable price;;.
Primrose and De Laval cream separators arc now
greatly reduced in price. Don't wait longer to buy.
Buy, jnd hatch a few more now, and sell
when eggs are high next November and De
cember. Way has proven to be the best month for
hatching winter-laying pullets.
, We are offering pure S. C. W. Leghorn
eggs from our selected flock at 5c a piece.
PlitU Phona 3514