The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 18, 1921, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1921
LOUISVILLE ? j "A r,rcat deal has been
mt Courier safrf alout tfie weather,
ffrWWW-W-,H4Wv-!' but very Utile has ever
. Slander were been done about it."
Ml ?.'r. r.nd Mrs
i S i-X rni hT 'St 157 r&.J
n:called to 1). nver las! week by !he!
I'd. Si ri. einer v. a s heme from le
Wit Sunday.
Fimer ios-m v '.a- in .Mardofk
Mo, any i-v-ni:ig.
-Ii. ami .Mrs. A. J. Friend aitioed
to I . : :? ;:t ! Monday.
.Mr. ami .Mrs. Kay Clark and child
ren t.f i:ar Wa eriy visited rela
tive here LV.nd.iy.
.Mr. and Mr. harlea Wolfe, of
-'.Milaiid. cam" i:i W-di.e-'ay to ,-i-dt
relatives i.-.v day.-;.
.Mr. and .Mr. Nick Pecker autoed
lo Liiieola ':"l:ur d:i to alien i the
ral of .Mrs. Joiin K. 'a - .
.Mr. ;::.d lr:.. Ii. '... ii 'i'.A and the
e!,ilirt r.. :f V.'ava rly. wore ; !!'!iu: o;i
irU :ui in Alv :ai::tlay a: t n:- a.
.Mr.-. M. K : r vi.dte.' her
daii:!;i-r. Mr.. K y near ! lr.t:. -
n:r:it! I'niTii S::nda; until Thursday.
(Jeor;"1 Frc!ii' y ;:'ii-' -r' A-; i:;;'i
Sa'tiri M'T:'.:.y -p :.d few day-'
wiii'. I.i - siter. Mn. '. Ilrelvr.eli
;:iii. faaiiiy.
Mr. a:-;. .Mrs. t'liari- !'.:-!:!:!!.
.Mrs. Geo.ce i'. For-i::ri A" rs.
JCef::.'-d. r.llended th; A::,:r'(;i'l la-,
ion show in !.iii'--d:i April -It;-. i
.Mr. and Mr.-. Jt aa :-.r.-:i:i:i
t'Ttalned :if iii!i?a-r la -I .ci::d:M' .Mi".;
and .Mrs. J. . K. : ."-'r. and M rs.
('. ii. K:rkf'..tru k. -Mr. ; n-i ;.:r.-. Join, j
.Mitriey ir.d .M". : nd Mr. i-orae I'.!
l"or: aaii. j
(ie'.rv i f t:: :i i . I t ': rd. "dr..
ai! i Mr-. iiar!t s C --:: of Or, a
and ih' ir i:i. '-. Mr-. Joe P.-r ra..n !
a. m! !::. of l.rneol::. . r - brief
Visitor-: ;. . The i;eT-Je I'. i'-r-ill. M;
I i a.e r-' '. i'.x .
Yii- naidif - ii".i;,ii t at tend h
A ri r d': v ::ra "l '. :i w i I ! e t
i ,: " -. ii .-'.. !: Kr i' ..: y :.';-r-!
tiM i-i. .v'.ril r.'n.l. 'r nn1 a' :'. ,
.' io-k. "i ', .i!l :io ' sehod.
1 ;!dt of ? h -.-rk in the :
. : :.- - r.. j
i ,a V!!,': .' i ;:-r
i .r.- n . : - A i v- t-.i i;. i 1
;, trio lo ".ki'os!; Si::. i,-
and !'..' ! ; !; :v-r
. :n i :u
;a iiir.iie
ii;, t a e
V:::li. kov
A!v.. winn inn hy :iiei:iting as (onaty jtulue ,,f Red Wi!- ;
M-.-re of ! ii t. :. :--kinii''r ;i
v ' Ik-- I : !!! i s for Alvo.
M. and .Mrs. k I n.oved
.on;- .:.:. a !l;e:r i:-vv I
l;-:i!-'. v.diicrj tiny recently jaiiv- -1
d .; K. A. .vi.:ii-. M:-. it .Mr-, i,. !
iiri- .. .;o . ie;i : iccu j.y i e !
it. I. a..- ;u,.ve:l iiio !; Woke uvt -
;iv in n...
l - d y Mr. :.::1
t. c. i;:. : nd I i r -i.
kiafoiti i-'a.!:;---
Mr- (k-e- ad-
Ci;i -'lineg;. ka.,
'. C.a!;; sj)c::t 'he
Mrs. Can.
Mr. a-:. I Mrs.
1 1 : i ! a . : a K 1 1 r w ;
da .v:i i:ia. v. i.
t.-i: led t lo- Alj.'-a
;u'. Mr. .tad. .'.I:
orfhwfiils Thrashing igchinerjf!
! scii the Illinois separators and cleam engines, the
most reliable pover threshinr outfits, and would like to
correspond v.ilh anyone who anticipates needing such
an outfit this Gesson.
I can save you sone money and furnish you s.n
absolutely rsliabls machine.
My tsrriiory covers all of Cass county. If inter
ested, cell or write me, and I will be pleased to corne
end see you, going into detail as to the reliability of
the machine wcli as the price and terms.
Biding Grain
We ahvays pay the highest price for Grain and
Sleek. We own ard run our ovn elevator and mix
cr.J rrr.CL up czzr, enabling us to always pay
top prices.
0 J&-' !9
i Q t"3 m
Bsigmns in
Wliile they !asi, we are offering at very Iov prices
implements and farm machinery consisting of:
2 No. 5 Clover Leaf low down spreaders $165.00
One four-wheel Rock Island lister 60.00
Two Rock Island cultivators at 45.00
One Sterling disc, 16-16, at 60.00
Other Equally as Good Bargains in
the Best Farm Machinery.
Coatrnan Hardware,
u-ivk end ii! Lincoln with .Mr. siittl
."'Irs. Cl.'iin Mason ! ti urn u:g home p
on Monday.
Mr. Mrs. S. " '5 y!es went to
Lincoln W ilncsti::;- evening to at
tend i ! v Ti. !'! ! .Mrs. Joan Fas'-y.
which w;- fuel T-.-;vday morning
at the ";:ti.-i!r;.I. .Mr.;, 'asc.v was
se :".! oid ; had rpr-nt the last
iiiit t:'!i:is vi::. hi
son. w;:
K. i ..:- iii ! -:: v t :
Wo-d as r. cclved here ki.-t Tues-i!,-iy tLe Krt h of Airs.
l"!! n M. (';i-cy. which o.i urred a'
1 ' : ! .Monday ;i ft eri.oon. April 4.
!!:.'!. at the home t; ' her soil. Wii
1 i- in F. Cast v. i:i D liver. Colorado.
x',irr -'.: had r- i ltd :': the pa-t
I'll'.: hs. T!:- dei-eas-ed lady. ' Vj
ho v '. a i.i y, year-- id. is st;rviv-:y
d hy two -.:t- (Ii- one i'i 1 leaver. K
:":d .1. I. F.n-ey. of Lincoln, hot h '; J.
-. ; i ; . i i w : at !ht hetFide at the jjj
tin of hr death. rw.i w ci:s , g
l,i i t thereto -he suffered a paralytic R
-. troke. fr tn vhich si:" never recov-
-.- d am! which r'-i:!fed in her .
.-it!;. S!m v-its the -vidot- of th tt
1; 1.- !. rae-. of South Sid. 'K
vl.o t.asscd away some four
.us a .o ware Amur resi-
M- -a ;!: vicinity, nvina n:r a
"ii:::k " of 'ears on their farm south-!
v -t of town, ar.d were held in the
i siefM i:y tl-eir many friends
h re. The fi:::eral was- iield Thurs
day i.iorainc. April 1 ?(!). from the
("at lo-dral in Lincoln. Father .Malloy
- . t..t n...,.:.... ..
i" i.TICo :i i'.tiuei ii.-i-ii -- hi tj
M-.-.'.i- . -T"'i iiin !l-irl: I .' ?:!. !
i.'i-alvarv cet:-f"rv. Lincoln. (,e..-i,e I
tie r-Tiiains of her hushand. Mrs.
t'a. ev's i: iici.'m'u.:. i-..- Trunilde j
'i:-i .! r-. v. ere tin- j: 1 1 t';;rr':. lie;
i .-. Mis. I ' 1!. -i n i ;'. of M-Vniana
at'; ! d t V ' ! ll iTa'.
'1 in
liie.ii lure of A. I.. Xink.ling to it few matters in the -o'lnty
iri: in..;,.,--....;, ii-ini-ter of the- Christian !
(hurtdi in ihis eily w!:a is raw !';-
h v. e'-untv. Nebraska, writes friends
jthut !o- ;- iieceming used tn tlie joh
' : !andiii::c tile jiidti:ip and can
ray vi'ii ea-e and. dh-p-iich. -?lf0
r.r 'i c.-ts". Mr. 'ink has his son
h"!;i!i;' in hi- o'lice : inlying law and
t h e yoiii' ia. .a e;'ts to make tins
i-i- j.iof esioii i ti t fin re y ea rs.
Mr-. .1 .'an T. Lyons and .Mi-s liel- n
''." eott we.a- visitors in CI nv.oad
k'-t ev-nitig. where titey alleiulel
t!o fe-rrt rmanee of "ivat"ha-Ko '
v. hi cm v.a- i;:; en t lit-!-. i y t!:' iiui-:-.
a i o.l- of l hat city.
and Stock!
Orders came from headquarters to reduce stock on w:if i!. Tin ton. ier j .:ms tne.r m an.
. . m- lL. . . .i K Ft', friends in eiendintf eoTiirral uk-t ion s.
hand. Rather than ship this stock to another store ve H A f,v;.,.; i;ttie d.auhtei arrived at
are going to sell it at a very
Children's Shoes
u formerly sold $2.90 &
$3.90, sizes 5 to 11, at
And many other bargains equally as good.
A bottle of shoe polish given free with every shoe
purchase. Watch for our ads this week.
From Thursday's 1 tally.
A. f). A ill was among the vi.-ito'-s
from 1'hIhi' Fr-ek here Kdav altend-
ii..,..,. u,, I,,,.--- tiuimisrer of the
, vdar Creek elevator was here today
for a few hours attending to some
matter. in the county court.
Paul I!. Kolarls of Cedar Creek.
1 win here for a few hours taday at
tending ihe hearing in the county
eourt in which he was interested.
William Schneider came in this
! miming from Cedar Creek to rn nil
the d:.v looking after some matters
of hminess with the nierchcants.
.Major A. anil wife, who have
keen here visiting with relatives and
friends for some time past, departed
this morning for Omaha, where they
will visit lor a time.
Mrs. J. W. Dunhar. of Avoca. was
an over night visitor in thia city at
I ihe home of her brother. Sheriff C.
j I). (jiiinton and family, going to Om-
aha this morning, where siie will
jvieii her son (Jlen at the hospital.
I where he is recovering from an op
eration lor appendicitis.
WOTTf F''?; AT miCAClCl
Chicago. April 1",. That some re
duction in wages would improve the
clothing industry so that net losses
to garment-makers would be small i
was the declaration today of the local i
heard of arbitration. which an-
nounced a to 10 per cent cut in j
wages for Chicago workers; lust night. !
aking into consideration the in-;
creased cost or living, ttiii warliers j
...... Ill t.. 1". T... ...... 1...-. ..T
...r i-7 i-j j'-' -tr,i!. ..iir. ..i .Hem
in July. 1JH. the board's decision i
said. ine hoard establishing- a mm- !
imum of a week, the present
wag- for learners in tailor shops,
novvtver. ar.d set tne date tor tne
eduction for April IS.
. ;
. ..... , .
ew i o.k. Aptu i.. i.emtciioii
t)f 2 per cent in salaries of ofli
cials and employes paid on other
than a daily basis was announced
today by the Ftah. Hay. rhino and
Nevada Porphyry ( opper companies ;
which recently suspended operations
because of lack of demand for cop
per. The decrease becomes effective
-May 1. Xo reduction will be made
in the case of cmploves whose sal
aries already have been cat 20 per
New York. Anril 15. The niiirino
engineers beneficial association todav
officially notified the Anierh an steam-
hip owners association that its mein-
hers would not accept wage cuts of -
2i) to :10 per cent and submitted a
countar proposal that the wnge and
working agreement expiring May 1 be
continued in effect, vitii some slight
St. Louis. April A wage re- j
unction of 20 per cent aff ectinV"2.000
tmploycs of the .Mobile and Ohio rail- '
roul will become effective at mid-
night tonight, K. E. Morris, vice pres-
ident of the railroad announced to-
day. Representatives of the em-!
i Icyes agreed to the reduction. Mr. '
', Morris asserted. j
IVioney for Your Produce!
We are handling all country produce, Eggs, Poul
try, Cream, Butter and Hides, for which we will pay
ihe highest market price in cash.
We carry in slock the best brands of flour at the
lowest. prices. Also feed of all kinds.
Call on our representative, George W. Olson, in
ihe Anheuser-Busch block, 4th and Main, Plattsmouth.
PHONE NO. 445 '
Hist -
small profit.
r LI
LBQges rumps
Black Kid, Two Straps, F
Military Heel,
BZZ23222S2 BBS
Trains Telayed. Wives Down. Snow
Giles and Falling Mercury
Colorado Hardest Hit.
D nver. Colo.. April 1 .". Denver
and this section of the west today
was in the grip of one of the worst
blizzards of the winter. A rale r.l
!k' miles an hour was raging here at
11 o'clock this morning and outlook
was for more snow and lower ini
penUure. according to the weather
fort caster. An increasing northeast
wind, portending lower tern pern 1 11 r
was Mowing in central Colorado.
while in northern New Mcxieo
light wind was blo'.viiiL'. aceom pa 11 ied
hy snow and rain.
The snow exten d d as far north as
: out heastern Wyoming, with a tern
perature of ::2 degrees at Cnevenne.
Snow and rain were reported over
western Kansas ami parts of Ne
braska. Wire communication south
from Denver was intermitted with
little prospect of a renewal today.
Telegraph and telephone commun
ication was hampered, trains v.vri
late ami reports coming in h'nirly
added to the extent of the storm.
The forecaster said it was raining or
snowing this morning from Ftah to
the -Missouri river. Fp to noon, .-dx
incites oi miow n:tt luneu la ieuver
and the storm showed no signs of
Colorado Springs reported a snow
fall of 1) inches; 2 inches fell at
I'.ilmer Lake and IS at Silverton.
Calcrada. The Moffat railroad is
blocked by eight feet of snow ai
corona. Colorado, the "top of the
Seven miles of telephone poles
.;out jt ol- Denver fell under the heavy
. . . . . . ,
j:aie. a nti'Hireu i e : eg '-a 1 1 a poie
n(.ar Littleton. Colo., were reported
down. There wa no telephone ser
vice in southeast or north Denver
arul j-,) ,nen W()rked to keep elec-
lric nght ami power wires in order,
Tne mercury in Denver stood at
?.2 degrees.
The bright spot in the storm was
Jn ,he Rtalcinent uf XV. W. Fuiman
agricultural statistician of the Fnit-
td States bureau of crop estimates
that the storm would prove of great
,K.nef;t to the farmers if followed bv
u, llsual st,HS()n:lbie moisture. All
spring crops, especially sugar beets,
will be greatly benefitted, I'u t man
Fordson tractor with the Oliver
plows for sale; also span of .sorrel
geldings coming six and .seven years
old, weight 2(U0; one pair coming
four 'ear o!(i nares. weight 2f;00,
hroko. Call 27JL. IMattsinouth ex-
tf Hw
Henry Wegener of Louisville was
a visitor in the city today for a short
,ini(. looking after some matters of
-"sinecs at the court house,
Mrs. Minnie I'eugh and Albert
Koons of Kirwin. Kansas; who were
here to attend the funeral of their
sister-in-law. Mrs. Perrv Koons. re-
turned this mornfng on the early
Burlington train for their home.
rn.'is illne--s of thidr siai-in-!a w. 1
i Jul
lii'.s lliekerl. ;W
A fine, h.-.unciim Ital y hoy airived1
at the ho::ie of .Mr. and .Mr.-. liudoi; !:
' Mcidn-iT las: Sitndav. Anril I'Mh.'Pi
, t he home ot .Mr. aim .a rs
Calvctnei 'r in i lie country
in 'Ikies-
... .... . . , i
day. Anril -. ar.n me ti;t;ip
larcnts are receiving t h eongratu-
lations of their many friends. This Q
is t!te third child, the first iaii:a. a'j
ron and the second a daughter. Tiie .j?
('(if.rii.r exten.ds coiigrat ' n -.
Miss Cre:cd:en r-'ch later lia-
d;-t inct ion of h.ina t h ' first laiy'M
lrtiui tiiis vitinitv i t,o up in an air-;jk
i .-.hip ami last Sunday sh" had !ier;j3
hr.-t real jay ride, s'artin at .Meadov. i y
and going to ("edar Fr-ek. An acro-'S
plane from Omaha r.tme ti1
.Meadow and crowd- from a ingfi-'id i d
and. Loi:!sviiie wi at the gr.mnds. i jej
and a mini her wen' un hut, -Miss Sfdi-:fj
lai er v. a the oniy lady who had. liic H
courage to take a ride. Site enjoyed 'j
tti" experience atid sr.vs s he v. ould ' jj?
not have missed it for anything. j
Tl.e iitt!'- s:,r. of Mr. and . r.-. '
Herman ri i .i!;:u: ii v. a-- -n '
the Fvangelieal Lutheran in;rch on
la-r Sunday hy the na-tor. li'-v.
Fart 'nan and the line .-.i::.di'tg name
o; derald Hen
Herman was iie.-t r, mi :-
rii" s'(.)i:-or.; vv re' the t wo
(1 ti... mint of the klt'.e
on him
nucha an'! the aunt
f'diow. .Mart in Crefe. Ceorge Ssohl-
man ami aiiss i-.iu'.iy i.ia:". .iter
tl'e church t-erviaes. .Mr. and .Mr-.
Stoiilman yave a splendid dinne-.- to
Use immediate
da ' i V'-s a mi a ha npy
time is reporteu. : m- :;m-a- w : r
.Mrs. Louise Moiiiman ano ia.e .
no, i her of IhTiiinn Stoi.'ma.n. : .
and Mrs. .Marti:: Cri-fe, .; i .01; k-. i h .
.Mr. and Mrs. Fan! and Mo ir
si.-ter. Miss. Fmily C.-efe a,..; Mi s
. . ... 11 ......... 1 .
lhnma Fetersoii. al!
M -. f
. ; 1 1 .
" ' ' '
ily of .Murdock. Mr. and Mr;. Ceia:;'-
Sf hliaau ami f.-iaily Fremont.
Mr. and .Mr-:. I'r.-d Can tj.-.emr. of
.Mah-oliii and Lev. ar:d M . T. lia.rt -
man and family. The bal.-y w;ls bor:i
March 11. and is a Iioiireiu- ! y
and came in lor n.uii a -imira i-ai on
Fn is joyous occasion.
, Feaeon
. . . . ..... . . .. . . . , .
1 . . . . . ........- . .... . ....
Fepresetilat ive Amter.-on c! itio-,
county -as an Lac, le vi.- ii 1" la -t
Siindiy. in tieaji-Miy with Dr. Syl-;
v.a Ash worth and .-on Phil. The
('un tor was looking at crop prosp. ci F
on her farm. j
Uuss MitI: is so far recovered f" 0:11 1
his recent altack of rhcommism ;i ;.t
he i:; nhie to be on the tri'.-;- tif
i.incoln on crutches. He i .-.ill tak
ing treatments, hovvev. r. and '.- ill
remain there for sev"-a.l -lavs. j
Ceurge Alien went out I Wel:;csday to he present at ti.r
fnneral of his mother, who died t!i (
morning. At this writing he lias
not returned and as a o.'is-'Mjuence '
we kno.v little ol" the circimsitmcea !
of iier t!ct:i:i. ;
F. C. Lo?if:inan of Iliverten.
ramc Tui.-day moriiing- for a brief
visit v.'iF:; his brother. Fred Long-,
man. He is ;:-, ;i hanker and very
r.a iu rally is n.nch pie.,s,-l with he
liandsone' and 1; p-t u-da t esti'idish
tnent Fred is a ptirt of hero at Fauio.
A in iscella neoii s shov.a-r was -.ive;!
m Wednesday. April
h am- of Mr--. llir-dits in hon
or c.f Mia; Ha-: -! V.'ei etil-.-ituii. The
t dnty of the!s to wriie
th'-ir favorite rcaijits la a mial! .
white laaiklel tied -.vith pink and
white rihl.on. There w are a. few of
I lie inexp.-rienced lu scir;-!n 1! a
large ( i;ol; book while others were
Jotting theirs down. Later a larco,
lot lies basket containing mysterious
package--,, was ret bf fore t!ie bride-to-be.
She wa bl ind fold '. t! and ask
ed lo guess what each pacUac. con
tained. Many useful as well as, he; Pi
tiful articles wt re present-. 1 to .MFs
Weienkamp. The guests vvoie ti.en
invited to the dining room, where
each, lislied for the announcement of
Ihe marriage oi" this charming
voting lady to Mr. Flmer Judkin.-,
which is io occur on Wednesday.
April LM. i:21.
Lincoln, Xeb.. April 1 5. --The Fort
Croojt-Oinaha road paving will occu
py the attention of the lavvcr house
a'gain tomorrow. Representative I5y
runi of Franklin county will reopen,
the proposition by introducing at:
amendment to Senate File ISO in the
house, providing for paving the road.
The original bill. Senate File ISO.
provided for paving the scenic road
from Albright to Pellevue. The Dy
rum amendments would provide that
a county can make provision for a
similar project within ten miles.
which would allow Omaha to take in
the Fort Crook road. The amend
ment also provides that the county
originating the proceedings must
pay CO per cent of the e-.;t.
The rocial at the parsonage at My
nard Iinnonnccd far lasT Fridav' night
was postptmed until Friday night of
this week. Musical program at the
church sometime during the evening.
Everybody invited.
Aroma. SI; Rlack Prince. $1; Jes
sie, $1; Danlap. $1.25: Fv erbearing,
$1 to $1.50. Black Cap Raspber
ries. 10 cents each or 12 for $1.
Phone 570-W.
E. 11. Schalhor. piano '""
Phone riS'J-J.. . d&w. I
. V,
9m& Levee i ma1
This 13 a season of test for many a store. We
are meeting the new conditions squarely and fairly.
Every garment in our store is marked at the new
low level, whether it means a loss to us or not. You
are suie of finding here the right price and more
than that the right quality.
Quality Clothe
' M
Lesser Quality,
1 i
1 1
E. 'Wescoit?s Sobs
: c .
j -j,
x ja
A. F. Seyber' was among
dag io t:e it: trt-polis this
;i : 1 ; n 1 1: in - ? t j - a fi-'n' hou
that city ! ki'iK, after -oaie n:a;
t rs of In: ines.
Ii'-;, .Ni-i-in"--!- and wi came iii
j t in - liif. ; ;n .
Msa,,.! and
! ,,u- :,ti,'r s"'
, ! i 1 : e .
fraa: their lr an- near
tour.-, look
a I ' he o-i i t
a- : . 1 .1 1 1 .
M w
Even at the extreme
c::d are now prevailing for
cui the price of lurfiber and
where it approximates the
Train market.
Tlie extent to which we have reduced lumber
costs, warrants the construction of new farm buildings,
vhich add to the value of the land.
Perhaps you are in need of a new house, barn,
granary, hoj house, implement shed or chicken house.
If go, see us at once for estimates. We are de
shlous of serving you and will give you pleasant and
profitable assistance at any and all times.
Frosf; (Suryea & BSurfsy
W. H. FROST, Manager
MANLEY -:- -:-
It Pays io Be Safe
Don't wait until it is too late. Re
member Lightning strikes and
rlocl ri-rc milhnnc; rf rlz-vM-nt-o
worth or property and kills t;"
Tnmrlrpiig nf npnnlepvprvvpnr ?1
x 1 j j
You have no assurance that this season
it may not De your turn to be struclt
unkbs you get Sfainn-Flat prolection r.ov.
Prevents Lightning Losses
Shinn-FIat is saperior to any other form c
1-F is woven in a fiat cable, with KreatercarryinR
he weave of Shmn-Hat allows for exn.-insirm
van moist earth. jrivinR ?ood Kroundini?.
The Stur.n pntentcd fonr-leKied Krace. with self-lock-
ii:c feature, holds top always in place.
5-S'unn l"jt ahvavs installed by our Lceareu Dealer,
whom we have instructed
A cash Bond is.ued bv a larfre Bondinr Compnnv in
sures your money oack if uuniape by LiKiitnmK
Telephone us and we will plad'y send vnu our book. "Cause
aid Control ot LigiitmnK." and estimate of cost.
Estimates cheerfully furnished for installation on your build
ings Do not wait too long for protection!
$16.50 to $23
W. :. Failing. Ihe Crcenwood
is hanlar. was in i h I ! y today for a
in - few hours looking after - me bn-itiess
mailer; of imp-a tan.-e :.! the court
Mrs. C. A. Hall. f Omaha, who has
. 1 ca here visitii-a, at t!ie home of her
ons. M.
a " a
M. All- n. departed
his alii rm
Mi-! I i ;o' i i '.
n for h
liome in Fni
low prices which have been
rain of all kinds, vc have
building material to a point
average reduction in the
h L .
-g; p&jgvijm
Bffli nin- Strikes!
red or conductor, for these reasons:
capacity for electricity. "
nl nmtraniim
occurs. Si
-S -. - Tim W
' x