The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 14, 1921, Image 1

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    Xebrftfka State Hiitori- x
cnl Society
NO. 7S
From Tuesday's D.ily.
Federal Officer Har.ks and Sheriff,
C. D. Quinton were out over the
com ty veste-iday rounding up the'
places where it v.-us thought search
might disclose liquor u" more than
oi:-li:ilf of one . r cent "kick" lie- j
I ji manufactured, and of the var-j
ions plates visited mree iiirneu out
to be productive of the moonshine.
The sneriff and .Mr. Hanks, while
visiting in the vicinity of Weeping
Water, made a cj 1 1 at the home of
Ai.h Witchell and
SDi:i" TO gallons of :
there found j
ro mash that
was used in the making of the)
p).erful "kicker" that is guaran-j
ted t-i r:i;:ke a in -in forget home and j
mother a well as his own name. j
When the officials appeared. -there'
win more or less bustle, and prir .
around the house an! the discovery
of a large barrel of mash led to some
w Hi
nun-- as to wnat use the ma?n
bein put to and it was stated
ll v.-a - tne
l'o-s. A
dumped in
Iy (ii rl
to d isgu i -e
c'rioni to 'eeu it to tn
antity lial al-
i beon !
a small treek and partial-
iy dirt, but not enough '
the odor of the mash and '
were inf; rmed that this I
had been pur there to feed t
le ducks
and geei-c on the farm, hut this
planati n di.l not satisfy and
geiitle.euin was notified to hi
liim- !
so'f to the fciuty sent to answer
the charge of unlawful possession
to ;
Mr. Hanks
ah o journex ed
hii! ; of old Ito
ed two places
resembling th
an'. Sheriff Quinton
down into the classic
k Bluffs and unearth
which were far from
Sahara decrf. At
tl'e home of
.John E. Eldridge a Mill
n operation es well as
was found in
To gaihais f
corn ina-ffh and the
still was eon!;
cated ..bile a sample
of the mash
amination at
will he sent in for ex
the office of the federal
district chief at Min-
nea polis.
.Another of the places visited was
the home of Stanley Hall. wheYe the
officers failed to find a still, but lo
cated ten gallons of torn mash that
bad the kick designated as violation
of the 'ol-tead law. and accordingly
the owner was notified to appear at
tlie eouri r.ou: e and answer to the
charge of unlawful possession.
1 ins ni'-rn.nir ilall was present
the court of Judii'e Beckon
ed a idea of ti.-ilty to t'.u
pas version of t he li'Mlor
US.-i" : ;i fine of $100
while KIdrid'.re was given
r.nd enter-'
charge of
and costs,
i like sum
for th- manufacture of the intoxi
cating liquor.
SiiKe coming this county. Mr.
Hank- ha-- been instrumental in ad
ding .i;L'.::o! to the county, finances,
through the medium of fines Liid
L. H. Puis
Disposes of
for 'Perkin;
Interests in
i County
T.f .,,
.'A Li I
Land Euildincj
Within the lat few days a num
ber of important (hnnt-es have tak
en place in the husiness circles of
Murray which involve some of the
le.(ii:i- properties of tii:.t r'nrivi.,r
ll.tle city, he garage, :tock and ,,u prohibition moonshine might be
building ,f l. ji. I u one of the manufactured, there came to their
finest building- in i!nt place, have nostrils the familiar odor of the corn
been secured hy Messrs. Tom Crom-' juice in the cooking and the officers
will and Fiai.!; Yallery in exchange proceeded to the place occupied by
f-T i'.io acres of I-T.d near Grant, in itiley Huddleston. who has just re
1'erkins county. The transaction in- t-ently located in that territory from
volves ciose to ?")). 000. Mr. and Omaha and discovered a "still" in
Mrs. I'u!:; will leave shortly fir Grant full operation.
to look alter the land there and! The vehicle for the manufacture
supervise the breaking up of some of "f the liquor consisted of .a ten gal
t! e !ar:d for farming purposes, but ,on hoiler equipped with cooler and
will later return to Murray. j"worm" and also twenty-live gallons
The store building of Iliatt & Tutt. ': f the corn syrup mash was landed
as well as the residence property of hy the officers as the owner was en
L. L. Ifiatt. lias been purchased by gaged at the time of the raid in con
To::) Huby. o;i. ,,f tl:e young farm-! verting tlie same into booze.
of thnt locality, who is retir'ntrl
fr.un a'-fi
e f irm work and has dis-!
posed or' his rami. The firm of Hiatt
Tutt will, however, continue to
occupy the buil.ii:r? and conduct its
buM'ne--s as usual at the old stand
These changes are quite important
in th" business life of the community
and. will identify Messrs Vallery and
I'romwell even more strongly with
the bu.-irc - interests of that place.
Prom Monday's TatTy.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Max Yallry was taken yesterday to
the hospital in Omaha, wheer i will
be given treatment and may b'? oper
ate:! on if the specialists decide such
a course is necessary. The little one
is sult'ering from an affection of the
head that has refused to vield to
treatment ar.d its condition" issuch
as to give but little hope for its re
covery. When you mink cf printing, yon
can't help but think of us.
Mrs. George Fingerson,
Loan. Colorado, formerly
ri -Don nelly of this city
riviM in Omaha to visit at
of Fort
Miss Ma
, has ar
the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jamo.i '
H. Donnelly, for some time. She was
accompanied home hy her sister, Missj
Gretchen Donnelly. who has been'
visiting at the army post with the
Fingerson family.
While in Omaha, Mrs. Fin person
will take advantage of the oppor
tunist" of visiting the old friends in
fhfs city during a part of her stay.
Lieutenant Fingerson is still station
ed at the Colorado army post and
the family enjoys very much the as
signment at Fort Logan
Charles A. Uusselrnan, of Omaha,
State Secretary, Speaks at the
M. E. Church Last Night
j from Mondav's Pal! v.
j The Methodist church was filled
to its utmost capacity last evening at
the worship hour to hear the address
'delivered by Charles A. Musselman,
jof Omaha. state secretary of the Y.
I M. C. A. in Nebraska. The chief
subject of the talk was along the
. liises of the boys' work of the soci-
'ety and covered in a very thorough
'banner the -splendid achievement
oi i in along tins line notn in
!the cities and small towns as well
; as the rural districts of the state
To brin- to the audience"a clear
er conception of the movement to
care for the younger boys by proviu
clean and wholesome training
and amusements, a film was shown
of "Camp Sheldon," the summer rec
reation spot of the state "Y" and the boys from twelve to eigh
teen years are given the opportunity
of enjoying camp life in the most
pleasant surrounding:-, and
where the
w holesome
athletic sports and clean
! exercises are provided to
the boys during their stay
i was very instructive and
. The film
ing. especially to the younger mem
bers or the congregation who are
eager to have an opportunity of at
tending the camp during the sum
mer months.
Mr. Musselman also took up and
discussed the work of the high school
"Y" in the stale, and touched on the
county work of which the campaign
is lust commencing and winch, it is
hoped will give a complete and thor
ough organiza-tion of the various
, counties ot the state before the next
I few months bare elapsed.
address made clear the work
A. in
a lid I.
organization of the Y. M. C.
the field of the young boys
en 'and the audience had a
better undefstanding of just how
reallv important this work is to the
coming generation.
Attorney C. A. Kawls is the Cass
county member of the state commit
tee and the state secretary and sev
eral workers were here today to
formulate plans for extending the
work over the county.
Officer Hanks and Sheriff Quinton
Clean Up Moist Spot Near
Oreapolis on Saturday.
While Federal Enforcement Officer
William Hanks and Sheriff Quinton
were out in the vicinity of Oreapolis
Saturday afternoon looking over the
prospects for "moist spots, where
A special stove arranged with gas
heating for the cooking
for the cooking of the mash
was captured by Mr. Hanks and
Sheriff Quinton and the still and
other equipment of the manufactur-
er of booze will be turned over to
(the federal bureau of prohibition
Mr. Huddleston was brought in
and arraigned before County Judge
j Allen J. Heeson and on pleading
! guilty to the charge of manufactur
ing moonshine he received a fine of
$100 and costs, which he arranged
to settle for and was released from
Fred W. Ebinger, for many years
a resident of this city, but has of
late years been a resident of Plain
view, Neb., was among the newly
elected mayors chosen on last Tues
day as the announcement has been
received here that Mr. Ebinger was
honored .by the voters of Plainview
cn Tuesday with the job of guiding
the affairs of the municipality during
Cue coming year.
Philip Thierolf, Jr., of Near Cedar
Creek. Has Close Call From
Very Severe Injury
From Monday's Dally.
Yesterday, Philip Thierolf. Jr., of
near Cedar Creek, was brought into
the city to have an x-ray examina
tion made by Dr. J. S. Livingston
of the lower limbs of the young man
as the result of an injury sustained
one day last week while at his work
on the farm of Walter Schneider,
w here he has beet) employed for the
past few months.
Mr. Thierolf and Mr. Schneider
were going to the field and Mr.
Schneider driving the teah while Mr.
Thierolf was riding in the wagon and
assisting in Holding a cultivator that
was attached to the rear of the wa
gon. Mr. Thierolf was jarred cut
cf the wagon and fell to the road
way and when asked by Mr. Schnei
der as to his condition, stated that
he did net think that he had sus
tained any more than trifling injury
and would be all right in a few mo
ments and to go on to the field with
the team and wagon. After the in
jured man failed to show up in a
thort time Mr. Schneider returned to
the scene of the accident and found
Philip suffering quite a little and
apparently unable to move or stand
on his feet as both legs seemed in a
esmi-paralized condition. An auto
was secured and the injured man
taken to tlie home where he was
found to be in quite serious condi
tion and medical aid summoned from
Ivouisville. The legs were both in
bad shape and it was impossible for
Philip to use them and it was de
cided to bring him to Plattsmouth
to have a photograph made of the
injured legs. This was done, but the
examination failed to reveal any
fracture of the hone and it is
thought that the injury will pass
away in a short time as it seems
more in the nature of a strain or
torn ligaments of the legs.
Officers Locate Moonshine Plant
Farm of Joe Broadback Near
Cedar Creek Yesterday
That the way of the manufacturer
of the far famed moonshine is rough
indeed and that the officials of the
law do not even take Sunday "off"
vas shown yesterday when Federal
Officer William Hanks and Sherid'
Quinton descended on the farm of
Joe Hroadback. south of Cedar Creek
tnd proceeded to unearth a large
amount of contraband liquor as well
as the needed articles with which
this lighting liquid is prepared in i
these prohibition days. .
Five gallons of the finished pro-'
luct were found as
well as a con-!
siderable amount of
the ingredients j
that had not as yet been made into
the elusive moonshine. Twelve
Ions of Karo svrup, yeast, boiled
potatoes and a large number
lemons were found prepared to enter
into the making of one of the many
assorted brands of peace destroying
hooch." .
Mr. Broadback was notified to ap
pear this morning at the court house
and answer to his shortcomings as a
manufacturer of the illicit liquor.
Upon appearing this morning, a
complaint charging manufacture of
intoxicating liquor was filed against
Mr. Droadback in the county court,
and to this he entered a plea of guil
ty and was assessed a fine of $100
and costs.
The gentleman, while falling with
in tne provisions ot tne pronnntory
law, was evidently engaged in mak
ing the spirits for personal use and
no evidence of any sales of the liquor
or intention to manufacture it tor
sale was offered.
A week from next Friday, on April
22nd, the American Legion boys of
this city will stage a booster trip
through the western part of Cass
county and extending as far south as
Nebraska City, advertising their big
country fair and carnival which is
to be held April 2S-29-30.
More than a dozen cars are expect
ed to join in the parade and the
boosters will be accompanied by a
band made up of Legion vniembers.
Roy Holly, committeeman in charge.
is busy painting banners for the cars
and making other arrangements for
the coming affair.
Much interest has been aroused by
the announcement that a new Ford
touring car will be given away in
connection with the carnival as well
as in other attractions that are prom
ised the fun loving public during
these three days of frivolity that
will make make the former soldier's
visit in gay Paree look like 30 cents
half spent.
It has been a long time since
Plattsmouth has had much doing in
the amusement line and doubtless
the Legion's entertainment will meet
with hearty and generous response
as it well deserves to do.
Lost anything foura anything.
iTry a Journal ad. "They satisfy."
From Monday's Daily.
Charles S. Johnson, the day yard
master of the Purlington here, who
has been feeling very poorly for rev
era 1 months, departed yesterday for
Hot Springs. Arkansas, where he will
'spend several weeks taking treatment
at the mineral springs in the hope
of obtaining renti iroai his severe
attacks of stomach trouble. The many
friends of Mr. Johnson are hopeful
that he may find relief in the Treat
ment ;;nd be p.ble to return home
feeling much improved.
Miss Scphia Meisxnger, 18-
Daughter of Geo. P. Mehiiiger, Jr.
Passed Away Yesterday Noon
From Tuesday's Daily.
The many friends o
family throughout ii
regret much to lean:
the Meisinger
county wiil
cf the death
of Miss Sophia
curred yesterda
Meisinscr which oc
at noon. ;it the home
of her father. George
I'. Meisinger,
Jr.. near this city.
Miss Sophia was born June
1902, at the home near this city and
has spent her lifetime here in the
community, where her gentle :.nd
pleasant disposition has won for her
;'. host of warm friends, who share
with the grief Strieker; relatives the
sorrow that her death, hat- brought to
them. At the time oi iur death she
was eighteen years. U:i months and
twenty-eight days, of aj,e afid has for
the past five months been in very
poor health. Her last i'.lness com
menced a week ago and from that
time she has continued to fail quite
rapidly. The deceased lady w:.s a
granddaughter of Mrs. Jacob Mei
singer of this city and leaves besides,
the grandmother and parents a
large number oi aunts, uncles and
other relatives.
The funeral services will be held
at tlie heme Wednesday afternoon,
the funeral leaving the home at one
o'clock and services at the fJlendalo
senietery at 2 o'clock. Hev. il. Kot
tioh of St. Paul's church of this city,
will conduct the services.
LLnunii I kill I .'si
Mrs. Celia Lancaster was given a
most enjoyable surprise on Saturday
afternoon at her home in tlie south
portion of the city when a large num
ber of the neighbors gathered to as
sist her in seeing that the day was
properly observed. The event had
been arranged unbeknown to the
guest of honor and io say that she
was completely surprised is stating
it mildly. The guests had come laden
witli many handsome presents as re
mcmbrntfivs of the occasion, he af
ternoon was spent in visiting, mufic
and games ami the members of the
Party soon produced well filled bas-
kets, lrorn which a dainty luncheon
was per ved. Those present were Mes-
! Moore
Ward Clark. Andrews, Green.
Richards. Auit. Howe. Swan-
ofjson. Stokes, Kopp. Gobleman. McKin-
ney, Hobton and Trivelv.
Mrs. George Kdson. one of tlie pio
neer residents of Cass county, and
for many years a resident of Mt.
Pleasant precinct, passed away Sun
day at her home in Lincoln and the
body was brought to the old home
where the interment was had at the
cemetery near where for so many
years this estimable lady had made
her home.
The deceased lady was an aunt of
John Mc-Xurlin of this city, having
been a sister of Mr. McXurlin's fath
er and was also a sister of R. D. Mc
Nurlin of Weeping Water.
For the past years Mrs. Kdson has
resided at York and Lincoln and in
the latter city resided until her
The old friends were greatly
shocked to learn of her death as she
had ber-n a lady loved and esteemed
by all who knew her and her passing
brings with it a profound regret.
Mrs. Clans Speck, one of the old
residents of the city, is in quite ser
ious condition at her home on west
Locust street, as the result of a fall
sustained a few days ago. Mrs. Speck
is quite well advanced in years and
while walking around the house fell
and severely injured her side and has
since been confined to her bed.
The children have been called to
the side of the mother. Mrs. John j
Kwing. of Hopkins, Missouri; Fred
II. Speck, of Columbus, and Miss
Alma Speck, of Lincoln, being here
to assist in the care of the mother.
Mrs. Speck is making her horns
with her son. Clans, Speck and vife.
The many friends of this estimable
lady trust that she may be able to
rally from the effects of the acci
dent and be ahletfo e'njuy more vears
i of her useful life.
Daughter cf a R "formed Criminal, !
she was "Miss Madden" in' cocietv
"Silky Moll" to friends Priscilla
Dean in "Outside the Law." Par
mele, Friday and Saturday.
A I n 51
From Tuesday's Dally.
The session of the city council last
evening was of more than usual
length as the city dads made the of
ficial canvass of the vote cast at the
election Tuesday, April ."th. as well
as the discustien of other matters of
importance to the city ami its pro
gress. Councilman Vrcman of the fifth
ward was the only absentee from
the deliberate ins of the council
whfii the gavel of the mayor fell,
and the members proceeded to get
busy on wrestling with the matters
demanding their attention. The
Plattsmouth Water Company present
ed a petition asking permission to
have section S of their franchise
amended so as to permit them charg
ing the actual cost price for making
cxtensio nof service instead of the
pr: e of $8 whic his prescribed in
the franchise at present. This mat
ter was turned over to the fire and
water committee to thresh out.
The board of trustees of the Ne
braska Masonic Home Association
through the secretary. Frank E.
unite of Omaha, presented a letter
of thanks to the city council for
their interest in the welfare of the
Home and their action in closing up
14th street as well as to the citizens
in general for their efforts to assist
ing iu all ways possible the advance
ment of the home. and its interests.
The company that has been carry
ing the compensation insurance of
the city "for its employes had a com
munication for the council in which
they informed the legislators that
under a court ruling in a city cf this
lass the employes did not come un
der the provisions of the compensa
tion act. but that they would prepare
a form of voluntary compensation in
surance that the city could have if
they desired. This was given over to
the finance committee to wrestle
with. f
L'ity ClVrk McElwafn reported that
during the month of March he had
collected the sum of $670.37 which
had been turned over to the city
Tlie report of City Treasurer
Soennieksen was read and showed
that the city had in their funds a
balance of some $40,000 and with
registered warrants outstanding for
$ 108,000, a part of which has been
retired' since the first of the month.
Guy W. Morgan, treasurer of the
fire department presented his report
show ing that the department now had
funds amounting to $12S.15 on hand
in its treasury.
Police Judge Archer reported that
as the result of the activities" of the
mills of justice there had been col
lected the sum of $35 during the
month of March.
ConueiJman Ptacek, chairman of the
streets, alleys and bridges commit
tee reported on the matter of the
wages of city employe-: which had
been turned over to his committee
at the last session of the council and
the committee reported that they had
been unable to find any material re
duction in the cost of living and did
not feel that the city would be war
ranted in cutting down the rate of
pay for the men employed in the
street department. He reported that
there might be some reduction .in
stock feed that might allow the re
duction of the rate for teams per day
but the committee would leave that
to the council.
Tlie matter caused more or less dis
cussion among the members relative
as to the present cost of living and
keeping a team, with the result that
the report of the committee was
adopted as to not lowering the pres
ent wages and on motion of Council
man Howe the rate as to teams was
permitted to stand as at present.
The finance committee of the coun
cil presented the following report
that was adopted and the claims or
dered paid:
Nebraska Gas & Electric Co.
street lights $220.33
K. 15. Printing Co.. 5 sets poll
Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co.. rents
Hans Scivers, labor, 1st ward
Clans Boetel, rent Turner
Claus Uoetel. hauling booths-
M. Archer, salary
Plattsmouth Water Co.. hy
drant rental
John Maurer, work man and
John Oeehal. street work
K. J. Richey. mdse. to city
John Iverson. grader blade
; harpned
H. W. Smith, salary, hook and
ladder Co
Guy W. Morgan, treasurer fire
Wcyrich & Hadraba, repairs
and mdse. . :
Collins Oil Co., gas for truck
Alvin Jones, care of fire truck
E. Manspeaker, salary.-
Walter Gouchenour, sprink
ling streets
Alvin Jones, salary
M. Lutz, street commissioner.
Nebraska Gas & Electric Co.,
light to city hall
J. L. Rilssell, meals to jury
85. SO
05. 42
S ft C T
elect ion board
Co., room for election
Bach & Libershal. room for
B. A. McElwain. stamps
C. E. Hartford, fuel to city
T, t
irst ward, election board
that as
Third ward, same
Second ward, same
Fifth ward, same
Councilman Ptacek stated
the spring season was practically
here it would be a good idea to start
the sidewalk building proposition and
asked that the mayor and clerk call
for bids for the construction of the
walks during the coming season.
On motion of Councilman McCar
thy of the lire and water committee,
the matter of driving the new fire
truck was turned over entirely to
Dave Ebersole and Officer Alvin
Jones relieved of all responsibility
in the matter of caring for the truck
in the future as it adds to his bur
dens of looking after the welfare of
the city.
Counmilcan Maurer of the fifth
ward called the attention of the coun
cil to the fact that the bill boards at
the "horn" which are used to adver
tise the Hotel Wagner and the Bank
of Cass County are in such a posi
tion that they obstruct the view of
tiie travelers and the-chief of po
lice was requested to notify the own
ers of the boards to have them re
move d.
In order to canvass the vote of the
city cast at the election on April
Mayor Schneider appointed Council
men McCarthy. Iverson and Brittain
to make the count and the following
was the result or their check up or
the vote of the city.
John Cory 209
C. A. Johnson 527
Majoritv 231
Aubrey Duxbury
C. E. Hartford
J. B. McKee
First Ward
F. M. Bestor
Second Ward
James Ptacek
Third Ward
R. W. Knorr
Fourth Ward
J. A. Schluhof
Fifth Ward
L. E. Vroman ; "
Frank Sebatka
Majority, 3
Board of Education
Dr. C. A. Marshall C30
Mrs. Grace Chase G35
There being nothing of pressing
importance the council allowed a
number of claims for road work and
then adjourned to wend their way
The Farmers State Bank, of Green
wood, through W. E. Bailing, presi
dent, has filed an action in the dis
trict court against F. I). Clymer. ask
ing for judgment for $1078. alleged
to be due on two notes executed by
the defendant and in favor of the
plaintiff. D. O. Dwyer appears as
attorney for the plaintiff in the
One Registered Helstein bull, nine
months old, priced right for quick
A. O. RAMGE, Plattsmouth.
Fourth ward
lmmin iimiil ITr'ilTI 3
Er7r7TTTTTrrn:'T:7i?-(T-r- .r::::r tt-!-I 1: I hi I
Your FflaSI Box!
Your mail box is always a branch bank of
the First National Bank because we are al
ways glad to have you transact your bank
ing business by mail when it is inconvenient
to come to the bank personally.
Write us at any time knowing that a
prompty answer will be returned. A deposit
of money orders and endorsed checks can be
mailed and will be promptly acknowledged.
The First national Bank
Died Lart Night at 8:30 at Home Af
ter Shcrt Illness From Iiflam
matcry Rheumatism.
From Tuesday's Imny.
Last evening .it S:.'!0, the death
messenger called at the home of Per
ry Koons in this ciy and t;;ok from
tiie family circle the wife and moth
er, after a short illness from inllaui
matory rheumatism. Mrs,. Isoons
was taken ill on List Thursday with
an attack of the rhcumit ism and the
attack was complicated with heart
trouble that finally caused her death.
Jessie Hoffman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Hoffman, was born
at Kirwin, Kansas, December 2o,
1S80. and spent her girlhood days
in that state, being married on Sep
tember 17. 1904. at i'hillipshiMg,
Kansas, to Mr. Perry Ko:;ns. To
this union were born five children,
one preceding the mother in death
and the four remaining children. Iot
tie. aged 15: Waunet.i, aged 12;
Mable, aged 9. and Perry, aged .
with the husland and father sur
viving tlie passing of this good wo
man. Beside; the husband and children
there arc left t i mourn the death of
Mrs. Koons the parents. Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Hoffman, of this city, four
brothers and one sister. Arthur and
Oscar Hoffman of Weening Water.
William ami Frank Hoffman of this,
city, and Mrs. Edgar Steinhauer of
Plattsmouth. Two sisters, Florence
and Anna, have preceded her in
Mr. and Mrs. Koons resided for
three years following their marriage
in Kansas and later removed to Col
orado, where they spent seven years
and then moved to Weeping Water,
where they resided four years, coming
to Plattsmouth two and a half years
ago to make their home.
During the residence of the fam
ily here, Mrs. Koons made a host of
warm friends who learn with the
greatest of regret of her death and
share with those who are nearest
and dearest to her the grief that has
followed on her passing from the
family circle.
The funeral services will be held
Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 from
the residence of the sister, Mrs. Ed
gat J5telnhauer on Pearl street.
From Monday' Dally
This morning B. B. Danniher, who
has for the past year been at Los An
geles, enjoying the pleasant Califor
nia climate and the sights of the
coast country. Mr. Danniher is feel
ing fine and has had a very pleasant
time on the coast where he met many
former Plattsmouth people and hail
ample opportunity of enjoying to the
fullest extent the pleasuiesin that
portion cf the country. While on the
coast Mr. Danniher spent a portion
of his time in San Francisco where
he had made his home some thirty
years ago and he found a great many
changes in the city that has arisen
from the wreckage cf the earth
quake swept city. He arrived last
Thursday in Omaha and has been vis
iting with his sister. Mrs. E. F.
Grimes and family in Omaha and has
come down for a short visit with the
friends in the old home. Mr. Danni
her is uncertain of his plans for the
future, but may decide to make I: is
home in Omaha for the present at
least, where his relatives reside.
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3 siymm.