MONDAY. APRIL 11. 1321 PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ALVO DEPARTMENT WOMAN WEIGHED ir crippled and you have to have it towed in. It is a good idea for auto owners to beware. t i LT' in were . li lt y. Mr. and Mrs. v'iias. M. in Lincoln Sa'urday. r. and Mrs. I-, il. UnrncnicitT t.-ed . LiiM-i'ln Tliuroi'.;iy. .Mi Simon of Ki -inu ( i; v:-;'inir friends ii' re. Fred I'routy shipped a car of cat-tit- to the iro'itJi Omaha market .Mo;; (In . J. A. ri::a!':'er vu-itcd ovu- Sunday .-t the Fred Weaver home In South lUni. trees v.vre planted en me : round.-- Thursday F.-rtv :(':-) U s'iiid!. M;.-s Ti.ursdi South I! Th-.-were II. c. v.. J. Krai.rc ;- niuht end.; to ". S'ev. art u'dan. A. I. Hi :d Mr. and Mr. Lauren Mickle and little daughter Maxine of Denton, were in town last Thursday, making a biief. visit at the J. A. Sliail'er homo. Jess- H.trdnoek and John Skinner were in l'iattsmoutli. Wednesday, at tending as delegates to the county convention of the Modern Woodjnan of America. Mrs. Kd Stroemer and children and Carl ll'-serow autoed to DeWitt Sun day morniujr. returning in the af ternoon to bring .Mr. Stroemer home for a brief vi.-it. A hex social was held Sjturday eve nin at the echool auditorium which tutted fund to the amount of $43 to be used for the benefit of the boy 11. Jordan and j scouts and campfiro girls. ' Among those going to Lincoln Sat and daughter I urday were Mrs. J. H. Stroemer and thi ( 'a ii j 1 f 1 1 with home n spent fe.ks at Tuesday (.lav I, were Lin Co ill O.dda. and on visit- rs Friday. John Skimu-r ;-: clerking for ("o. Hardware company, ha heun April 1st. Miss Klsie Stout -tar'ed Friday Hastings, where she will work as e pla ne operator. Janie-; Wall ami Smith Hros. .-h t he ;ng ! for! i daughter. Miss Marie Stroemer. Miss Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hrobst. James Pilkington and Scott Jordan. Several people from Alvo and vi cinity attended the American Legion show given in Lincoln. April 4. in tel-r which Mis Aurel Foreman appeared ' in the act "Mies Harmony's Return." P- M: Tl: fe be ped a mixed car of stock Tuesday to South. Omaha. ('has. F. Koenow spent Sunday in Lincoln with his brother. August I :.--n w and wife. J I M. K. Stair and daughter. !!ri::s. were Lincoln visitors :.:r- ijy morning. Win. I".gv. rs; n o: Kav-nte City, a :'-v.- days in town hui week iii; hi- brother. Orvilie. Mr.-. (":; Jo'insc!!. vh-.i has be on rr ,r:i:-- the pa-t few k-. i- ;:e;tfiig b tt;-; and able to .i''iu amun. Sun 1 :y :;:!-!- at the hot.i" of Mr. , Mr-.' il. L. ('tapti wrc the Misses ;n V. -inn and Freda Albors and i:-! Worm of I.i.i oin. I V. V.. lf i;nd "v f f. - ! ! '.. 'V',: ii r - I .i y io vi.-i tm ir re- S"':iu ; : Wolfe, who under--. a.i i-raTi"n retentlv. M:- I T loiiias return. ! to !u r ; ii-- tictereii. Thursday aftf-r; 'null' . - :!;! tin. here wi;ii n-r i .! i ::e-. ! ' en -v I nonia. 'Ir. :-nd .ir-. Wm. A. Kniceiy of Ccir.-ii iJIurT. I v'-i"d Moti-iay vi,:i i).. !r:d .Mrs. L. .Muir. all going ".o l.Ti' oiri t' r ;: t-.-w hour- viit. A the tov. v elect iin The Junior-Senior banquet was held Friday evening at the school hones. The high school and grade 'f achers btintr guests of the Miss (Jolda IJird. a senior, proved to he the best gueser in a photo guess ing contest. The teachers gave a birthday party Tuesday evening for Sunt. Ke!i at the school from 4 to i:"0. after which the seniors taking part in the class play tendered him an other surprise. The high school tocher- being present. Refresh ments were served and a delightful evening pent. POUNDS Was Dreadfully Run Down but Rapidly Regained Her Health , Since Taking Tanlac. j EAGLE iJ9acon Mrs. W. II. Horning. 11. F. 1. No. 1. Jtox 1.".. Cedar Rapids. Iowa, says: "About two years ago I was taken down with the 'flu' which left me in a badly run-down condition and as weak as a baby. My stomach was left in such a bad fix I couldn't ea without sutffring intense pain. I lost weigni tm i weigneu on. vi-au-; ,)t- tne school tv-nine potuids. I was s norvous j s H n,i ,. Mrs. Cform' Trunk en bolz return ed Monday t'r.mi lenver. where she has boon at the bedside of her sis ter. Anna WiUni. here was but slight improvement in the condition of the latier when she left. Harry Trrnkenbolz was called to Council lWu:':'s the firt of the week on account of the serious illness of his wife. Ivan Caddy is taking care house during his ab illness of Mr. William that any excitement wouia run me ca,(;v almost wild and sleep almost J Irof H K wilsuni formerly su impossiiile for me. j p-rintendent of schools at Kagle. "I heard how Tanlac was helping i.vas jn town ,ast Fri(lav on i,js w;.v others who had been in a run-down j hou,e from ,;is farm oar Alvo IIe condition and made up my nunu tojis toa(.ninK tllis vear al jjcrna and try it. I have gained back eleven Mast vpar i., n,0 state, of Washington. Mr. and Mi noiinds (f mv lost weight ami ami still gaining. I have gained won derfully in strength. I eat just any thing I want and I am feeling line and enjoy living more now than at any time in the last eight years." Tanlac is sold in IMattsmoiuh by F. G. Fric'he and Company: in Mur ray by the Murray Drug company and tiie leading ilruui-t in every town. I WEEPING WATER Republican WILL BE OPERATED ON .-1 gr: T'.e and S who KriMn Saturia's Daily. j Tiiis morning Mr. and Mrs. John M. j Ka iTcnberger departed for Omaha j with tiu-ir little sin. Werner, w ho v. ill be operated on at the ( larkson hospital. The little son has been suf :'i ring for some time from a mastoid thar has given him a great dial of lain anil in order to afford him re lief from his uftering it was decided that it would be necesarv to have I the operation performed. The many held last t lrienus 01 tne lamny inrougnoui tne ..,1 c M I 4-ou will anxiously await word . !::) Skinne: - wf r tlected on the board j from the bedside of the little Sunday la Vei was tahood. ;tru-ting thrt the operation . r:i:. n Wolfe .iut -l to Crv n- ',n n'm back to his former .... . ...i. ;. ! .:!:: wuri in-' to m. lciiii :ts. Mr.' -Hid M : - . Wi .. Wolfe - : 1 :. days i.-iting he'e. lid. may good DIank Books at the Journal Office. &&f t"i y 1 1 &i 7 S o hi v kirn rv QAStinn -y-si I I zq)) ihe Illinois separators and steam engines, the most reii?.b!a power threshing outfits, and would like to correspond vith anyone who anticipates needing such i vp oi.Unl this season. can save you some money and furnish you an absolutely reliable machine. csicd M.y territory covers ail of Cass countv. If inter- or write me, and I will be pleased to come you, going into detail as to the reliability of tne machine as well as the price and terms. ant. see Kb H. WARNER, ALVO NEBRASKA Leslie Wiles returned last Thurs- iday from the hospital in Omaha. He 'has improved some but is not able !to look after the elevator yet. and ! Mr. Nels Sogard is still on the job. J Mr. and Mrs. George Mark drove ito Fairmont Saturday to seo their !s;n. Clyde Ku;e and wife. Clyde is l;-id up with a broken ankle, caused i by stepping in a hole in the ground j while running after a horse. Mr. and i:!r:-. Mar!; drove back Sunday. ; George said it was a fierce drive through the terrible wind. A dozen of the relatives of Mr. and prise last i 'lursitay evening w nen they walked in on them with well filled baskets of edibles, sayinu. "We are going to have something to eat and help you folks celebrate the an niversary of your wedding of a year a ,o." A sumptuous supper was en joyed and the evening spent with music by the Victrola and a good social visit until a late hour. Mrs. Frank J. Davi.-: came in from rrok'ii How last Thursday night for a visit with her p: rents. Mr. and .Mrs. . K. Crouiwe!'. whom si;c had not seen since their return from Cal ifornia. While here (until Monday) Mrs. Davis looked alter sora - busi ness matters and the shipping of th:ir house-hold goods to Hrokcn How. where they have bought a modern home. The? household goods w re loaded intt a car here Wednes day. Aucust Meyer met with a painful ac ident seven miles north of town W-.diiesday afternoon, which result ed in a dislocated shoulder, injured collar bon- and other bruises that will lay him up for a while. Mr. Meyer returning home from Om aha with a new Ford truck and was about seven miles north of town wli-'ii tin- heavy rain came up. While tr? inu to shut the cab door (which wa-? hooked back) to keep out the rain, lie lost his footing and fell out of the car and was caught under the truck wheel. The wheei was unable to climb over him. so pushed him ab ng for about twenty feet until tiie extra load stopped the engine, which mo d "uht was very fortunate.- for Mr. My. rs. although ii did not stop until' he had received the above injuries. Mr. Meyer secured help to drive the Fred Rudolph are the proud parents of a baby girl, born last Thursday. March For a time there w;is serious alarm for the mo; her. hut at this w riting she and her babe are getting along, very nicely. Mrs. Robert Alloway entertained n number of relatives from Omaha last Sunday. The auto party con sisted of her mother. Mrs. Heise. her two brothers. Itenry and Charle. her aunt. Mrs. Carrie Klinger and daughter. Lore na. All returned to Omaha in the evening except Mrs. F.-ise. who remained to visit her (laughter for a few days. John Ronald, ivged !)4. tin uncle of Mrs. Frank Lanning. died at his home in College View last Saturday. He was an early settler in Nebras ka. haing lived for many years at Palmyra, and later moving to Col lege View, where he died. Funeral services were held at the Advent ist church at College View Wednesday and the remains were taken to Pal myra for interment. The deceased leaves. besides a wife, one sister, Mrs. Margaret Thompson of Palmyra, aged St. and a brother-in-law and cousin. William P.ur.ton. aged SS. io lives at College View, where also one son lives, and three daugh ter, in Iowa. Certain-teed Covers More Surface Per Gallon "7"OU need less Certain-teed to cover a piven arta th?.n you do ordinary pair.ts and varnishes, because the ingTe d:cms in Certain-tctd arc highest qual ity, properly proportioned, and are ground and mixed by rough'y the maKes no mistakes. They Speak Well of It "I frequently hear ' (: r on home, comfortable iskill. w he-re- :s por- he ible was bv made as medical Buying Grain and Stock! lOCK. We always pa' the highest price for Grain and We own and run our own elevator and mix zr.d fjrade up our grain, enabling us to always pay top prices. AM YOUR FRIEND JOHN MURTBY, ALVO NEBRASKA if i v Leader-Echo E L M WOOD Chamberlain's Co.u:h Remedy praised by friends and aciiaintar.ces which only tends to Krengthen my ood opinion cf it," writes Mrs. red Arter. Zanesville. Ohio. Try it when you have a cough or cold and see for yourself what nn excellent medicine it is. ouim.i; - !Vlilio: rr iiuiiiil riitor Sf 1 i.l" Nf -!ti a- Isa, iii-.iti; Xilll UM ll I of Cio- eon II - em t. t he esiate of KatH -I i'e-;i seil. IllillH tin- lietilioll I' ji ii . i n ;x t !ia I ii l -1 estate lilav ! T. Meeker, as a.l- III 1 !: ' ' 1 1 , 1 . ' -1 lei ':!.:t I'- ' of .Me I 1 ) :( kl"'. Mi I . i ! i : ; i i i in ii : r. ): k. I .1!.- Ii .It T 1 of S. . -lie. I to l-Iiilij. t i ;i !"i: i I. . !. r-Jt. ..t as -Uli- -I I-' V." ! I - J I all I-e I sn luatt. r in n .ii .ii' al a I 'nimt i' l : ! . ill in ami for .-aiU eon:it. sl.ow e.'IM.-i- I t!ie pi'avel' of )eil i -ijonl.l i. t;i'ii Mt-'l : ami Ilial t i.e ::-ii o -lay I i ll o e!oi k' I.eai'inv: sai'l M-: i III ! i s t eil I ! r a I m.. is pet it ion. ill sai.l ur: o-IIO- macninery These things also account for the fact that Certain-teed has greater hiding power, retains its color and lasts longer than ordinary paint products. Certain-teed is always higher! ouz'-y. It is produced by a crct concern which is everywhere r-?cor: .. d z.s a mak- r of quality procir'-t. The name means, "Certainly of Quality Guaranfep".' Satisfaction." Your Spring painting vi!l be more satisfactcry if you let us provide this highest quality paint. Certiin-teed led in price reductions. We are now sell ing this paint at pro-war prices. FRANK GOOF. MM Lift HS? PAINT VARNISH ROOFJNG LINOLEUM C.'L CLOTH ; HELAT2D PRODUCTS f t! ill- t . I" II'-ihIi -m "I sanl petition 'i,-.-U !-,l llieleof lie uivell to lis in r in -.1 e, I in mi ii matter pn I'l is in riir a on ol tins rler 111 1: I -!;t 1 1 siiimit 1, Journal. a semi- .-iikly la w.- pa per- printeil in sitil 11 n t -. for thr.e slleeesslve Weeks ; -i -r ! saiil ila of 1'eai iim. l iiteo tliis "tii .lav of April. A. 1 . :!. Ai.urx .1. i:i:i:s in. ' i ;. I I JiT-'Iw ('oUMty JlnlKe. MUIIMI II TIIU -Irii-t ("oiirt of Cass coun- argains in Implomenis! While t!.ey last, we are offering at very low prices implements and farm machinery consisting of: 2 No. 5 Ciover Leaf low down spreaders $165.00 One four-wheel Rock Island lister 60.00 Two Rock Island cultivators at 45.00 One Sterling disc, 16-16, at 60.00 Other Equally as Good Bargains in the Best Farn Machinery. Goat man Hardware, ALVO -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA little Kre.l cheer l.aliv j On We'Jnesddy even in:; a I son was licrn to Mr. an-1 Mr; hei: nei-ier ti briahte n anl Mie:r home. IJotli ino?l;-r a nl are eitiii; airing nicely. One day last week Clinonl Mit;!alT was kicked by a horse and as a re sult had one of hi- le.s so badly injured tliat it was necessary to use crn-ches for a few days. However, the injury is ettin alon. euite well at T-re-si nt. ;id Moore and family will move to Omaha soon where ihey will make their future hr,me. Sid will work for the Koose-Wiles Iiistuit eroniijany and ".ill have- a portion of Omaha as his territory. lie traveled for this company for five years. He has been mananin'-r the- 1-anliorst store and will be r reatly missed in this capac ity here. He will xn to Omaha Mon day to take up his work. Last Monday morning John A. Kur z who was returning from Otoe, almost had an accident which miht 1 eve proven of a serious nature. One of the- front whe-els of his Dode came off and the axle plowed the pronni for some distance before- he was able to Mop. Jle- was jammed up auaiust the steering wheel and this made linn quite sore. .Vt the time' no was jjoiiijj about twenty-five iniL-s per hfoir and he? consider luc..y that the car did not turn over On Monday afternoon Uov Hovh- mitk i: ur I ; tl.e li IV. X.I.-a.-kii. Iii ti." niiiiter of the application of I;. It. V iinl ham. Administrator, for 1 : use to si-l I ie;il esta to. Xotiee is hereby niven that, in pur-siiii-iee of a ii onier of the- 1 loneira lili-.i.iiip-s T. Henley, jielije of the district court of 'itss eountv. Nebraska, made mi the lMli .lay of March, A. I . 1921, In- the siib- of the real esta to hore iriii'ter ileseri beil. there will be sold at public vendue to the highest bidder for ms!i. one-third H ereof to be- paid on li e day of sale and the balance on the i' i said sii'e js confirmed by the court. L lie south front ilunr eif the court house in th- e'ity of IMat tsmoutb. in 'a- ; county. Nebraska. en the :auli ay of April. A. I . Ilejl. at the hour of i o'clock a. in., the following io s'lilied real estate: Lot nine (H) in llloek live i in the original town of I "hi t tsiii'inth. Cass county, Nebraska, as the sann- is shown on the pnblinlied nt-d lecorded plat thereof. Said sale will remain open one- liour. I iHed this 1 :t Ii elav of March, A. 1 . 1 : - 1 . I:. 1'.. WINDHAM. Administrator of the Instate of e'liace )''!i Windham, a ! - : a- 1 H-e-cased. For A Severe Cold "Chamberlain's C'ouph K meily cured my daughter, Anna, of a se vere cold and co'ih a few years a i and ever since then I have never missed an opportunity to ree-onunend thii medicine to anyone stifteri:; from throat or lun-r troubles. I can not speak too hurhly in praise of it," writes Mrs. I). J. Shelley. Karlville. X. V. Chamberlain's ('ou.uli Remedy contains no narcotic and may be given to children with perfect con fidence. It is a pleasant syrup o they do not object to taking it. A world of books for the kiddies and grown-ups are on sale at the Journal office. FORDSOIJ TRACTOR TOR SALE -.ei: res Pr. ia i t r : ordson plows for ::i!e Keldiiisrs comin old. lorr y. broke, (ha n ge. :i s-w. otir i ith the Oliv-r span of sorrc-l -; and sev n y: :r L'ti'jo; oik- pair comir.g ;ir old i::i:-s. we-i;-,!it " i I l , Call I'll' I l'lat! inoutii ex- i.oi is ki:il. "I : 'w!m:i i a-,;i!i; :V Hi'-':' ri;i , !' t :n! .-; I t hi::!: of M.s. C. O, in i il I i. in :i : . . sp.;i , f jt one or . i if ( ':ai.i'-.-! l i i n's tie Ti" : i: a ' i ina !. e T j - -! ! , i . 1 v. ot.J.I 1 1 1 i i h 1 1 ! i i ." v, i i t v, M ' .b"i i v. : ' o. STRAWBERRY PLANTS .i. ;. pn r-in, ti-;e t tcrs at t. '. di ' Aronm. ?1 : IUack sie. $1 ; Dunlap. : $1 to $1..".tt. H'aek ( lies. 10 ceiH.; e'.ieh ui i'holle ."7"-V. 1 Otd L't w. VACLAV rince. $1 : Jes- Ar : i'.v r.-ea rinsr. j in ( ';tp Itl'.r pber- ;ic jr 1 ior ? 1. I t v ssor : t : 7.0x1:1: k. p; :; M it ;. C :nib :.- ;. . !io is r. tin Wees.iM W.r. i . i r S C ; 1 1 1 1 !:..:n I ' ;i i : ' Mb ;:n C 11. !V .111,1 11 1 ( i "i- 1 ! 1. Cud. r. ; his hoMie- ;it Be I- t V. Minn; Stat-- of III N- it i:ii j into braska. Cass co tin- i M the 'on n t y 'nil It. In t' e laalt'-r of the estate of Kmily 'I"iii , deceased. tl.e ci'.-ij i ( or.- of siiid estate-: Yon are hereby notilied. That I will sit ii'. the -ouiit-. ("ourt room in I'latls i'io;;h iii siiin eoi.iif-. on April LTith, ll'JI .-.lid .Iu!- Jiith. i:-Jl. at 1 o'clock a. la. of eHcii ila, t- receive and e aniiue all claim-- against Siiid estate, vlih a view to tlieir adjustment arid allowance. The lime limited for the l rest ta : ion of claims airainst said es tate is-three months from the I'Mh day of April. A. 1 1. IliL-l. and tl.e time lini- i;- i! lor iiii Hu nt of debts N one year from said iTitii ih.v of April. llU'I. Witness my baud and the s-al of said i.'oimtv Conrt. this 1Mb day f .lai h, l:-1 ai.i.i:n j. i:i:i:siin. (Sea! i mjl-lv. Count.v Jinlije. Th ty. ss. ! IM the i on n t I 1 ii 1 1,.. ..... ..... himself I Wilhelmina Minimi MlTII'l-: T I IllllUTOItS State- of Nebraska, Cass (.min imi t. tin- estate decease-d. of said estiit of Anna I - t lie creditors V'l'i !U- hereby notified. That I will ii. ii,..., .. i ... . o ill !': Count oiii I loom in iiaiis- ...-. .on. .a. nni.u iiuo town, m.mtii i- saj.i ..ouiilv. on I be Clli dav st.'I indeed it preenU-d a sad srec-iof Aj-rii. .. i . i!ji. ami n the 1Mb t;.(le no tires, no cushion,;, no tools i,,;i of .ini.e. ,. i. r.ii. at t -n o'clock v, nothin;; hut t he engine and body j Wr, ...V," ' u?? .' ims' ;,LinM and t u at probably would have Ih'ciiumI estate, with a view to ibeir ad taken liad the engine been workinir. i ie-tno-iit and alioivancc. The time ASert -make comparisons! DON'T buy clothing marked low because something has been sac rificed to make the price appeal. The price ticket doesn't tell the value of a cheap suit of clothes generally it tells the lack of it. KUPPENHEIMER Good Clothes . vi r '.v 'nc M . . ..... ".C ?-' : '- ! fa-'"-. '.VsVfw ! .?j : t :;1Av3oJ I?--.! T.?--TlJ.:' : ' ill .rJ i--i'"- . ... : ..... . : . y-i.. StSJCX?j 'Si ' r Copyright 1 92 f, -The House of Kuppcnlieinicf 9 !l- inc tnatter was e-fdaineil thai tli car whuli was di aiiied was left on I he road and while it had been the re someone availed themselves of the 'ppor' iinity to appropri::ie everythhm that they pos.-ihly eould. Ke-v .i of M.e opinion that it is better to keep your car off the highway, even if it nitcd for tl.,. m -.-iiOil i'Mi of claims a;;:iinst siiid estate is three months Ii' the l.'.tli ,lav of April. A. I !!:'!. and tie time limited for pay ment of debts is one vear from saitl CI'- day of Anril. A. 1 .f.i-'l. 'N'ilee--- my !,!id i:iid lb-- seal aid ('otint- (loiut. tiiis Ml: day Marc!-, A. L. lH-jl. AL. LICS .T. BKJicJON. (.Si-ab liilO-O County Jude at the new lower level of prices, are the best investments your money will find The more comparison you make, the clearer will this become toyou. $40 $45 $50 others at $25 to $65 see the windows! This season has contributed more toward the upbuilding of our list of satisfied made-to-your-measure customers, than any thus far. 7 he reason KuDpenheimer and Hart Schaffner & Marx special lines are .giving every one "fits" at $42 and up. Bo measured toelay delivered in 10 days. Attend to your own business, but make it your business to watch your neighbor's fir r: -h T-' 1: .1 ' - i; t t U I !. v-.-i '".IIM- cs.