THUESEAY. JLABCTI 31. 1021 face sis P its ? fa iS'&Sl z2 I i I ?; ( hi li - 3 fca 2 S3 VfceP H - jj S Hk-J? Va7 W3 1 V TA 7 ? lis the Loosening Up Matte kjuv komury Frospevous: 0 K PT.ATT.IOTITn 5E-TI-77EEKLY JOFETJAT. y Pessimism is Being Overdone The great consumer:.' s- rikc of il)20 wiii haw. io end before Prosperity can p.o'ccd on its Lenef-jent way. isn't il reas ).nab!e Lo haiie w l!:at prices i.a" e 00 -.? lew enouyh.1 There is yueb a thmir as prices o- Business is on the Up Trend bu: it's up to ah of as to stimulate it and give it a boost our noryial, natural needs and :x keep inr too low and the wheel- of industry boir.i: I o reed to a complete standstill. KermaZ Buying Sheu!d Segln end Begin sto'J Consumers must ero back to comuuninr. not ex travagantly, but normally. Buying is better than Brc?.d Lines. The wheel of succc?--!ul bushier is a contii'.uous circle of cuvim and seiliiv. The consumer buys Irom A: - if upioyed. i: c-very body pitches in and buys the things they ' ed U r ju their ordinary comforts the wheels of Wiii whir a sors of happinecs and prosperity i;;dM,:!v- 1 the reiadc- the relai'er from the manutac urcr th menu Lac iurer from the mi it' the mills from the grow er and the leaner The mines the farms the mill: inc Tianuia-t'ircrs empiov tae peop;c vvno cac con- sumers. his T.v!'eel is a great producer or prosperity- kerp it goincr. 1 1 1 i n: v.iiee! will cause J, reat and srnai: to suffer if it sieps. People are demanding- value.- they are getting values at the hands of the live retailer the live retail er will get values from the sincere and fair-playing manufacturers. Co-operate by buying censervative lv cautiously buy now to keep inrJu.try going. There is no reason for waiting. Your Purchases 1 -77? neep cne taoGving men employed! Ocnf.dohso is Our Osggssi Asset! Le.'s get back to believing in ourselves, in each od;e: in ouv country, in our potential prosperity. V spring comes and flowers are blooming, hire's cotohng, streams rippling, skies smiling and the :.-.r;yry vh!-.a:: ci the farmer is heard as he goes forth to sow. we feel the thrill of new life, new hopes, new energy. Hi?-? 0:1 the g?.s speed up! A few hills ahead :r.':an nothing to . he; man with grit and determination in his era v.- and the foiward look. Be3rond the prob lems oi ihc present is the smooth, level road of suc ce: ix: nearly cut of the woods keep going! i.'.mish our knind of fears and doubts. Be normal io'iov .!;-- n:;ural impulse to buy the things you need. ;y iu.'.pmg tlr o h"r fellow's business you'll be help-mi-' your own. A 1 r sz 1$ A 0 9 8 9 1 i 1 Matching Eggs! single coivib white Lecnoaris m m SX Mi k A t I U W W J m Aha' v The Wcrld?s McgI Profitable Fowls Cheaper to raise and keep; will lay sooner and more eggs than other breeds. They are more hardy and require 'less housing space than other fowls. Those fresh, white table eggs wi-1 again be in de mand next winter. Egc-s from our sneciai breeding oer, headed bv "Premier," D. W. Young strain. $2.00 per 15. Other eggs, $5.00 per 100. F. W. MOLTi Platte Fhone 3614 - - MYNARD, NEB. i ' .... o--.. r'r-i -- nA T AMijlro "r ,.-.-; - 'o C'..., t :.r nn in . i ill tin- I:r.L v;irl to ! !'."',;:': " GV4',C ;U-dvLc;iS:liIUf r "'-V1 Ln-'-..nS. h !i-c,- ! h;ni l,,.n nominated tI-l,.:v t!!:.t v.-m ... .t. .. Si:r.?.: S.tys Irot. xvav.u of v. ::u -A;:t nn: riraus iv n.. r :.;ih;:,.;ins. .w-.norrats and ; !'' --;-, n:; ' -r- 'i-i ; 'cbiv.fka State xarm. ri:tta--g- Hen Back to Vcvf: ! lit.-.i -:!i: ns i.;,rtv. Mr. Stdmei- i : -!; ; i) .-.:c :i i ' . t ; V :i . EECLIKES THE HONOR r"m Tuosunv's I)Hi!. City C'-rk 15. A. MM::v;iin i.-.d;;y :'.(.!'. t-ii tlif urlr;.: d .'linatinn o;" Mayer H. A. Selim-id- as caniidate in tin- first ward to ! l" ; .1 . .-t':' ' ; :e:: : i ; : 'r.t.-e tr. s i' iar.Uf iniin'i.t r .!' . : -t i- s v il a rnatia a! i' ! w : i i -i :::!. ;i ? Me . ' i vt i!a ii I ':ei' ;:. ;'. iiov.ard. ef !!:e de;arl :n in' i.ert It ore a; ilieMai-- i.sri'1 !,;; i ; a ! l.'u!.i .:"' S !ia t ill iieii:'.-!! : I . urnlITii's : l I. . i i II the till r H ! t U'lt t i .X:,'Jn ion ui -r. ; Wi-a - S"i. ; i . ; ?i . ; : V- . -. : ' la:- .n. has h, n I.-ill- l.v ; iir. Man-li . :::: t 'i: i h. ; i !. : ii ,. ! .- i : -.- 1- :-r deeply a pprti'iates the evidence i i.t" the i :mi!h! nee of hi- friends in A li-cii.ed !!.:-);;. e-";y. lmt is r.-iiriiip from office :'.-r i a r :if in.'ss :.s max or alter ; b. rt e vc-ry stremiuii. a !;.:: ,.i '.i - lt)-;cir- and :' t I'- tiiat lie is erititl'-d io I "e -i;e-. h! -ill' erv Mav f ; . i lei::.! n-'. i .or jti-.-a.-ure cirs, ; : and 1 raei..r... '.' ". a- .-.a :. hai i i: - 'i'm' . r. ; r :-: . : i. r . . vera 1 i . i . . ii ir r - (.:' !.. .. .;. rd !!:.- it : .. . e :!i ;.!:;,. .-Ve-.eiit . i; now. it v ;: - i:n!; .::.!. h i l: ! -m- i 'Io :'-! t ro:;!;. io. v- t.nd ai-i-tit,. 1 'i-i-y.-tn-lrie ;:nd lilacs v a drun- vrad- rs vere in !' ::.n. one! ' di".e. f ion. :-l -en :r: v and en in-s !-!'. -s a' u.e larin in Un- inn :..; .; it ' ; r-cr : an'; ..t -,-.. i- i.e.- 'iie. n-e Unrdi t k llliiod I'.itt-r--. , .Mo-day im-ni' -is?: Saiail I'rnii. L,oe-se-' ;.t -1 . a : !;ty '.' ; i.n v. !' V r - illlii .1 ii ' ! I i I! V e v. i! i i " .'i na. h. Mr. :. 1 lima' . C:e !".- v--'U:T !' S,t:'d;i .iini Mn-'day. n -. at t '" ' a! m - riy a''!'es e. : a n. e -rvive tin ( id p 11 :i!iur; v. ' a orieo' r, a "d early .' iiruide ry. Vi-d'-t-. ,iod ai i etit,. 1 'i-i-y.-uci:!.- ;-.nd !i!ae v re drooj. a re-; now which he can devote t. hir. ii:;-iness inn rests. 'I'here is no n- in the city udto will not regret i itain ;!.:; .'dr. S.ditndder has de-Mir-d the ot' e-f and it is t-i he hoped tiiat t ii o (iiniuiitee of the citizen's artv will he aide to select someone ii!'- .stem tmiie. fri-- S l hries and cni'pi's are not yet far' 'in, . ! ::i i ":i 1 ,. i i-e - !n -v:Il t,n tiie hnsiness . . . i .. . . . y : 1 . , , (. ua I i i ions oi .11. .-t-.ii!e;tiei . ot '-'a.'.,!, j c i i re. in a Blank bocks ; no st a:;y ki::d at Jotzmal office. i v ! ad'. aii'--d I o siitf les you can get M-",1'1 i''". ' i-. I i ,n i e ii'- l a L ilia' in sun s i n ) i : and the nind liad rcih' d lo ' ldow. ih ni'.icn ,-, ' I. n:a n1: !'a-i iti .' . i oir e.- ft oui e.i-'.' ' -i ! .'a- .. ". v. i'h rae T'a c ' l'-i''rt trade v-"a al n -;aid Const inaf ion causes headache, in-:4-nt:ci. dizziness, drowsiness. For mild, opening medicine, use poan's .!, 8 i .env i., s aliove era .Moiuiay ,.,;,),n. ve-' -.iron " then Co fa-' SinCi prn? ifflpri"''1 - from -d da-! t-,.:1. u , ;irr:u:2,,,,lv : .vricniMuMl. y ! "4 w W a is j.1 wMMii j $xre- at 7 p. m. S'tniia.y nih.t. Sun- I -j-j ,. Vr,-; Mt.::,.. .-j.nipany an noun cod Cj! j the mini!. urn teirperatur- -.vie j ,'...:;,v ito p: r ce"t "of men i lier:a?iiet er rev.i n er !o e xer; M nda v a l ions e.-on.- ! It.-at :'.'c a l.'ox at all stores. WESTERN LEAGUE OPENS SOON. '1 lie opening of the lias-hail sea son is near at hand. A v. k from next Tuesdy. April 1 rj. tju. We-t- i-rn league teams will opan the r-ea-s'.'ii at the southern end ,:' !l:- cir cuit and .n April tj'ith tit- Omaha team will make its initial a pp ram -und-r th.e ownership ef Messrs I ; i r !'. and Finn. The team is now at I'or! Smith. Arkansas, .utdtini: in condi tion for the openinu. Fond hopes of the much promised hut lon.u d-aaved pemtnt winning team li.iv ' alr-ady received a chill with lh.e los of ii,r-e straight practice uames to the Jopiin .Miners t iie past few days and s.-; i he fans to wondorinv; whether the nev owners will Rive tlnni any team than Kourke sinmso.-ed drain:; his Ions; period at the helm of Omaha hai lialldoui. Never can tell wh.en you'll m.a:h a finder or suffer a cut. hrni.e. ham or scald. Fe p-epar'd. Tiioti and-, rely on Dr. Thomas' Fcl-'-tric nil. Your druirist sells it. ;;np : U doe. v. i re ;:icd for t a;a: i I: v ui t tie i ? f-'-t ' PerKins c i IT W m mm p mm i 5rr w Buv Year Groceries ! PAY CASH anrl Carry Them Ho?r:s! Si. - - ' -- - ISave foney offer for sale thirty-one nuarte: seclicna or z.z three miles north of Madrid, NebiaD-za, on the IJur Hngton railway. The price cf this land ranges from $52.00 to $105.GC per acre. TERMS One-third cash; two-thirds mcrtgacre, six per cent interest. ; To men with a limited amount of money, 1 will sell one-tenth cash payment and one-eighteenth payment each year of principal and interest. Contracts for sale wiii be made and deeds drawn and placed in escrow with Trust ccmpanj'. .17 1 lb. of the best coffee in town at 2 ?er lb- lbs. irrecii dried ' ecs for 25c 0. oi navy beans for 25c lbs. of fjord rics for 25c lbs. of lima beans for 25c nUlL SV7EEI CAN GOODS No. J?1;: siLe cans neaches $1.00! ITo. s.e cans npiiccts $1.00 '. v. cf white grapes for $1.00 'xo. 2 o size cans p?ars $1.0 gallon can apricctb 8cc Sillon can peaches 35c deyrees and the maxitaum :U i!i'- ,,,,!,,,, ,i r-.u ,v : now at worl; -rf (':'- ! c?i a ; s li-iv a wee'r si-liednlf. while S"ireta.-y of the d-parlm-nt ' th- 1 '.rot her ; jdant. whi.di op of at;rii nit ure r reived reports from: or . ,j ;-.i.iv twv v.-ei '. aro o:: a 10 per varnms points :, r the slate irelica' - ,i:,', -,v..s rcn-ted to he wnrl:- int; that the cold weather has hilled ;,r i;n j,,.,. cent. apriiol h'ootns and had!" damaized; The Packard, liud-; n a'nl l's-e peaches. Ap !(; may he da ma ui-il . ! , ,:, n .. ;, ninniitc at ahoip ."' per hot to what ct ni cannot he f'i!d;r(n; ;;tni I In ' a .1 i ! la c . l.inco'n. P-;i:;-for seme time. j i . S.ndehaker. Columhi-!. Max- Te.umseh. "March :!S. Johnson ! ''- M. ( ha Itto-- a ml ? ripps-!;.,-!, t'aa cm:utv wa - visited !.v a n:t:di needed i ': '"- lo-re .tinnitro-:! a noanti-y pro rain. ' "';,e ..,, ,-at'ure n.ade a d-- ,:;: ? '!'r- !u"1 "al" '" "n ' ' cidad f:!l ilardia Sate.rdav nir!'t. and it wa.s cold Sunday, int'-rf-rinv.' ITKV ArElTIOIT TO SALES F0ECE. with the -xpeetctl dip!ay of liasterl honnets ;,, i!lt. churches. The svindM.1(m T;1,,,1:1V-S n.,..y V..1 S Mill Will T lit. ' nilllT T I ' f II: : V Till' ' il was thought it n. intn.'d to j !dow dnrinjr the ni'-.hl lni! and early venet ion would not he !,ur, l,t ;. vi.;.. ;(S f()reinan car- h- uind wen. down it wa-;jM! t!,0's, it!.T,...rtunt depar .eared the e!d nht would h- d-.uu-l h ..j.,,,.,, hi.: siti, ir.i; to th- fruit crop, the luuls he- 1 fl ' ;lJ;u' to th- fruit cr; Vl-ji:,. S() W,.J ;,,!v.;.i,,.t.,l. i Fred Smith, of Omaha, who litis haao irnn-cird wi'.ti th- Ford Motor tui'.iny in their Omaha branch for in nirt- nii l armers ru'ti- 10 bars of the following; soaps 75c CilVSTAh WIIITF. i'f.AKi: V. lilTF gj WHITE tejl'-i t'ar. Lenox scr.p 'k 1 ; fcrre; Luna coa;i :0e tu. Thomas E. Parmele tl"na and has naecn'cd a position on , ts.. ...i ,j r. ....... .,r 'P if i'.oi xL .lie .rally have had potatoes oats, and ,' , " A;;,.,, (,,..Ur- Mr.' Smith arriv- . - . v t i.'li .1' i 'I t . 'i ir. i ' ' i . as two weeks. C.ood Friday found many oi hers p-t ' in in fln-ir spuds. ill T' ' sr J I WW ?! i i hi i eu inn. morninu to iai-:e np in- nf OUI ICS. 51izz?.rd at Ellsworth lOPsworth. iihi-cli S. ---The Idir. ;:ard that prevailed in this section, which threatened fireat disaster I stock, terminated the early hours of Sunday with no other oaina-.e than a bhir!:e' of snow as a ureeiin-- for Fa fit r Sunday. Had this continued tk- uiai three days tin: ROTTED TEI? RATE EE- EUCTI0N A3CJ0TJXCED X-w y.-Tl:, March - ii. Th.e New Verk Ceniral lailroad announri-d a ri per c n! in .'.u n '"on ?"'.' round trip tickets, with time li; tlVeilive be-t-cn Mav 1- ami .Pane 1. up to would have been widespread" loss .f i Sep ember :H. to all pi ints in ils tor- : -tock a.- th.i., -torm bor- aii the car-m.irk;-. of an oh! t'tne bli;:ard. Trr.ins r i f o r v . Ke-to;a:ion of !ia "hcme-sa(d;ers ts bound, west of iiro -r.f l.eitir A, I , It is rrnnfix! I I'ateS !(,r CiiOll that 'there are more than "00 polos ' rl'"" ':!r: announced These down between Seneca and Alliance te w. abolished during the war. I due to the heavv. wet biiow. The en- , C?5 R 9 P a5F,B!?7 I tire western f.'rt of the ctate is en-! I Lave a second hand Joliet oylin 9La S AL . veloned in snow p the extent of .", ' dcr s!;clUo- in excellent condition. " M mMa - - ." , , .,1.;.,.. ... , I n .ilt .Vil:ir rr...lf w T South Sixth Street fir ii inches, v.-fcieii i no w me:t im: j vt ry In a ;. flattsmoatu verv fasJ. 'Nebraska. s; THE UNIVERSAL CAR BUY YOUR FORD CAR NOW or at least give us your order for there is now a SH0ETAGE IN F0ED CAES We are now filling signed orders in the order in which we receive them, m if you are Roins to be wanting a new Ford of any model soon, es pecially a Cloned Car. better get your order in before the other fellow, sis we are now short on some models. BAEGAINS IN USED CAES We have a few slightly used Starter Fords, also other models at bargain prices. Also we have, 1 Coupe like new $G50.00 One Coupe 2 . "i 0 . 0 0 One Ford Ton Truck 350.00 One 7 h. p. Gas Engine. like new l.'O.OO We are taking in old Fords on new. Come in and see if we can trade with you. We sell for cash or on time payment plan. F0ED EEPAIES Do not overlook the fact that the Ford Dealer uses none but genuine Ford Parts and is personally interested in seeing that every Ford owner gets the very best service and attention in our shops. We employ none but first class mechanics. T. H. POLLOCK GARAGE Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth L