PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 1SJ21 f 3 Murray Department 1 Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vldnity Especially for the Journal Readers It lay of the re !Jt r. of the Jouroui knov of s-vird eTert or l'eru of : i. r-s: In this vicinity. HD" n.aiJ sire to tins ot"J -. U v ill r.; pear UDlc-r this iituiiit g-. We WbUl all D'-'Waltaia-f.IiITOB tui K, Protecting otir Family -St Keeping the wolf from your door is often taken too figuratively. But it is not an idle joke, to be ridiculed or ignored. To keep the wolf from your door requires weapons more powerful than implements of war. It requires a defense that cannot be bought or -r borrowed it is gained Vwxfc through practice of thrift To save is to insure yourself and your family protection. Every man owes himself and his family the protection of a savings account in a good substantial bank such as this one. There are other ways in which we can help you protect your family. Investigate. Make This HanfUour 'Best Servant Open an Account buiih Today VOW ! Four p-r ce::t interest ol. time deposits. deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE SANK All business transactions held in strict confidence Ycur Personal Bank. ft i '".!:.-s K- ".. . :. 1:!. Cif visi'or ;.! i: M i. .- a la.":. Kv.' rvn t . -.-n'J or: r.a Wi i.-:tur in M last Sat'.ird;!' Mr. and M Ciif-t- of Mr. M ( r. i; .-i v v -. Mr-." ,:::!! Mr, k.i. K i - of I'lat;-!. ;ay v "d Mr Au ..- 1 -e a: Wm. Carper and wife of near Ma:i were visiting with friends and looking ;.fter some business as well in Murray last Monday. Call tis for price- and auyii;ii;s you mey --vant to know about cream and country produce including poultry. The Murrav Cream Station, !l -:ck folks home "i wt i. Mr. ga---' - W ed: -Ken-! iaht -; pro 'i ti--" Mi v. a- a in- '!: Haii.-s. ."!-d It-ni.- v ;i n i r.t .M: .' : r- !t:ier p.ll- at : ' li ! .i '. Ma.-".' ,.i e: Murr.i- r mo: H f- w it!: -f':.n v. : -. i il.i: i or. i a -1 i. th . ill. : s--I nr:r yir.s th" , ;; ;i ; ry . Slut s T -1 . ' i i ". : : : v.'v. !. MauiS id . A. "ifnas in : v! n rr ov- :. 1' til' ' . v. j a r 3 ? !T3 AUCTIOK3ER Alv-sys Ready lor Sale Dstcs far c;r near. EATES EEASONAELE SATISrACTIGS OR uO PAY I liEVERSE ALL CALL Telephone 42S Plattsnouth Exchange at t!- Vhrrca? lin'iy re rfporrf-a as heats . -a nuiui and it is hoped that Lev v. i'l rin he well again. K. J. IIar;.-;r-)m. eashier of the riirn:er.-v State Dar.k of Avoca. was a ' visitor in Murray last Sat in day. driving over in his ear. Win. Seyholdt and wife were visit in atia Icokinp after s une husiness mafers in Omaha last Monday, d.riv inc i.i m.tiropalis in their ear. .!..! : Iiohi'Ok hai had ne of h is hi hirer: ill for 'ho past fe .v days. !.;.' v i;h the ht r-t of 'are and atten tion the little one i.- now improving. SiierilT ". 1). Quir.ron was looking after som-- busines- ir. the r.-ortion of the ecun ty iist pusrdn? through Murray going and coining. Mi-e Margaret Garri-on and Dor is Fran?, of Virion, -p'-r.t Easter at th- home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Todd -oirh of Murray, enjoying the va-i: g:e;:?ly. Miss Hazel Iovey of I ' 1 a : i -moii h. a visitor at the home of Ir. and .Irs. G. H. GilnKr- 'at Sunday, en iiig the Ea.-tertide at their hospi ra'de home. L. O. Mitor of Plati.-mo uth. a aU-smari for the T. H. Kollock Auto v estern Tuesday company of that p!a; war 1 oking in Mur- afier sotr,e husintss matter.- ray la t Til- sday. Mr. and Mr.-. Arthur Hansen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Val entine of V.'yoming, ."eb.. were Eas-tf-r guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Teru Hansen. Albert Queen was a visitor with !: I'M -1 .-- - i mm i I I VWTV"..CVctf ' - ,Z . 11 i ( i$ Vi -X ,i j t. -. .--.. - -j i ii i Children's Stockings Tell the Story v They must be more than good to stand the test of youthful romp ing. IRON CLAD stockings Rive a frooci account of themselves with the Kiddies. . 1he"Extra 7n-fc"-an exclus ive IRON' CLAD feature-gives adued strength to the honest yarns without destroying their comfort givmg: sohr.ess and elasticity. And every stocking is re-eniorced with extra threads w here wear is hardest. Ohildren'sHose Iron Clad hose for the children in mercer ized and plain yarns, are made with the double top, just where the wear comes. 25c, 35c and 50c Exclusive agency for this Direct-from-the Factory line at this Store Hi aft & Tuti, Murray, Nebraska friends in Muray last Monday, drlv- Miss Neva Latta c m ing; down in his car, spending the j F.mersan last Frh'r y ; day with Murray folks and return- j friends and to he pre-- -1 ing home in the evening. ter services in the Jaras Lancaster was a visitor in i :an church an'l to .k I'lattsmouth last Tuesday, hein-: en- I n.ii.-ieal program of t i gaged in hauling some culvert t;h j Dr. G. II. Gilmen out into the county for use in thegr to Omi.a Tlmr-d construction of belter roads. wh re he w;i-; called l C. J. Tilton is c ontinuing in the (an operation . ::ich , making of some very fine brooms at j formed on o:ie of hi- his factory in Murray, and is adding: Prince from west ' I;.: to the material welfare of t he town i he. n at the hospitfl i by so doing. Push the matter along. J past in preparation i Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. Kay. Gleniti- n whi h was reei-.h Thompson antl family, and Frank iu-r health. M(a)re :T.d family spent Ka.-ter at i - ttie nonie oi .Mrs. Asctie east oi .'iui- Hac Arlded Imt)lOT; ray and all had a most delight tul : Thomas Kuby ha time. ' m::hc substantial inipr Joseph Mrasek was in Platt.-mouih ; farni north of Murray last Tuesday, where he was in at- j ;;e Uipe of a wash ; tendance at the meeting of the Klks j n;-Ci witii work-vloj) lodge of which he is a member, and j Yh. has made it in: remained for the banquet which they, Vtnient for doinu th. ved. f;;m. both with Mr. and Mrs. Aloert oung en-I tertained Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Year.-. Mr. and Mis. Hex Young. .'.Ir-. Ona; Law ton and .-.on Lyle, Miss 'h-.ra ' Young, and Mr. Guy White, at E.i'-.-r( dinner. J Woi d has been rei eivcd that 11 v. Buchanan would spend the i : in Murray again. This will be gaol news for our community as Mr. !':i chanau has many friends i:. :m:.T round Murray. Mesdames. G. H. Gilmore and .). A. Walker and her daughter. Mis Margie Walker, drove to Plati mouth last Monday in the car of M:.-s Margie, w here they visited w friends for the day. J. W. Prendel. M. L).. ii Avoca. drove over from his hom t ovisii ':! parents here, and aceom pa::a:e 1 by nis fa liter. Dr. P. K. Pr. lolt-l. v-v-..-visiting and looking aftt-r busine. s in Plattsmouth last Tui-sday. Little Elizabeth McCracketi ';a had to miss school for a number of dnvs because of having had a vt:;f o.t nd the men as w. i oi building materia! the enterprising .. Xichles. homo fro'.i visit with a i the K:-'- d lu-osh tvr part in '.'.to - a pa .-- en ;" iu; tiling, e ire.;e:;t at ic-ing p.r :ient.5. Mrs. who has sun';- days the (!. ra- 1 to i '-si; re .3 a. I ' c n? ly added . e;.,ents at hi. "'iiich rc in . .ns; and gar :a connection, .c a more c-on-v., rk at the ( men folks T'r.e lumber v.-;!-: purchased ii (:' Lianning Pip.r.o Wanted Standard make picf -rre.l. Must pri 'ed riuht for a-h. No deal s. Address Journ-.l o.Tic-e. Surprised Their Trlend. fVc 'veT:iT!iis :.:. t! Mi.-s Mar:- Puis wh-- ! hio.w -vh n her l:r' I: :r a crowd to her h I. .-wed their frit nd i-Vt r. ing with gam"-; .-. .11 :.s wishing th--!:..-.-: merry return :'- r nmnv y. ars to For Sale. Whit.. China G-h. . : r.i. Albert Y ting. fro nds of bar pened to - camv. wen: v.ive they most merre :.' :.:us1e. as e:::g lady a t!iv occasion each. be-. , f i Mui bad of tooth ache, being to tar: with the molar, she ha compelled to miss school. T. S. IJarrow-.-. the manager Farmers Klcvator cc-mpai.v if ray. was a isitor in (Una is a ;. : Wednesday, w lie re he was looking al ter some business in connection with the elevator business in Murray. Everybody is saying that the n ter'ainmcnts on bath evenings :;. '. el! worth w hile w hich, w a.- giv- ; by Cap:. Mr.nsrn. which was he'.! here last Friday and Saturday, in the interest of the community ,lub. The new house which is l.e;n c. n s true ted f' r Robert Shroler is b-ir.:T pushe-I towards completion very idly, it being completed as far a iinishir.g of the plas'ering. The ancl painting of the s; rue tin e e Kept steaaiiy m lew. The finishing touches have r . en put on the new oil station a' Murray ! Will Entertain Aid The me!.!- -s of i he i h-ty of the ChrViati : tail:- d .,: t!:- lo : Mrs. R. W. fP.od on March Cth. v.h--!i ii h :: ii :h ni tiers lie in a ! t'.ie oec:: P.. W. Good. : fie : d Piemoers. -o-.. . " a 4, ( ;n-r li will b -of Mr. and n Wednesday. d .-sired that eioiince. The n will be Me. T. S. Farrows Mi-s U.rth.i Xieklc.-. ing v;i' -. Will fgafiize Classes. Th- re will he nrrangenieiits for r-M.m. i.-n.s and ' ;ii.r -!a-sts wiil be c rca?o;Zed at t:;e 1': ff byte ria.n Sunday .-chool :i tie- ccnnri'i Sunday. April it is des:r d that all members of hi ---ho d u"l tbos.s v.'.:m have an i'.ur.s- n the well Ring of the hureh and .-chool. he in at;., ndance and let u- mak" :-n ftort to make 'hi- the be,' 1 ;l k- in the ot g:;so. J-n.. 1, 1 1 the .-ta t i n . ecriilui-; .rmined i:i :: lie 's" : II and the first e plnced in t he tank matter ed" whom station will lie ue time. W. L. Hoback. wim lias been ba :.:, nuich trouble with his eye: and ho has been treated by Prs. Urer. del t'. Pre nde! of Murray, and Dr. Gi:':,.rd of Dmalia. is making very sarisfa - tory re'-overy and paw. it is h 'ped. on the highway to recovery. Toaster Waiker Gilmore. who i- at tending the state university is en joying a visit at home during the week and is assisting with the chre about the home and oiR-e. a well as having a very nice time visiting v.iMi the folks and other friend.-. T. J. Prendei. Louis I ! a I la - and W. li. Puis were at'ending th" initia tion of a class of nine into t he E'.ks Good Oak Fcst? We ha'. a viant i' oa k po. : - for s . i a! c : r s ' us if ;. a t io; r.Ing A: Xici.e-ls. Mut for Sale. v of ecLM. 1 s X. b Pan-tf. Cantain IIunEon. ( 1 1 1 !1 llsell v )1 : e to un- i:un- Plattsmoutii and remained la,: for U .-da v locige even in ejue: v. hi"h was s-ervt d after the ferring of the mysif-rie.- of the gre e. Geo. Smith, living ea-t of '.( dtr tlo mana.o-m-.":: t tiu- eiiii; i;y eioii - suri".' t treat for both oungai.d old. Car.;. Mr. :is on visited 'he school Tuesday afternoon and it " a- (-a ' to see t ':..-t he lu- J the g-:"il wi'.l of every chit!. The attention titio-ng the cbihiren wa- perfect. Tuesdav evening'--'- pre gram w a- vet each '. osophy. but mo.-'lv fi rie;; -am-- phi aight gave you f. t ;.(-( v. i: . wt re th.e b;.n- to be ther t cia more 'u:-r. He this. life others if out "of v.-iiich is can ij'i C("':i, n this is o.ily : we wi-, it. and joke car-Saturday i for th. -ugi;t and fortunate enough ::'t help but want great hisr world e;f - on .'trong that lite of service- to . to ::' the- lao-t iiuii-1 another true i.- t ti ,-, 10112 tit that we eh; if wc wnat we want to is naving tne carpenters Kept ut of tu-ichief as l:e i- keeping them ; work shingling his home. The r--duction of prices are such as has guaranteed him havi-nir a ro w roof. The shingles were furnished from the lumber yard e: Panning ez Xickle-s. J. A. Scot ten and family were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hatchet for dinl'ner Sunday, as was aha) Mrs. K. J. Wussim. daugl ter of the host and ho.-tc-.-s. who makes her home in Havelock. Mr.. Wasson departed last Wednesday for her home, being taken to Omaha by her parents in their car. L. H. Puis has just completed t lie wiring of the residence of C. X. Par rows, who has had lights in-tailed and tells of liking the se rvice ve ry well. Mr. Puis also wired the resi dence of U. A. Root, which is being used as a dwelling by Mr. and Mr.-. J. K. G ruber, thus adding two more places to serve by the electric lighu in Murray. Uncle Win. Puis and wife, who have been visiting at Long Peach., California, during the past winter, expect to start for the east on Apr;! 1, but will stop in Oklahoma for a short visit on the way home and ex pect to arrive in Murray during the following week. They have enjoyed a very pleasant time while they were in the west. Mrs. Spangler with the help of Mesdames. Joe Diet!. Wm. I'atte r icui, Cameron Oakley. Joe Stuska. Louis Hallas. G. M. McCracken. Wm. y pur er. Allied uansmer. win. itoyal. and Messrs. Glen Todd and Wm. Gilmore. put cross one of the best suppers yet given at the library. The suc cess was far from promising and the rain iu the morning looked dis couraging, but everything turned tun fine and a goutl big crowd was in at tendance. Xext Saturday evening will be a greater sutce-s, ij be on hand. vant to. It was ail goru night-" brought i w er there t: and while the two 74. yet so many at should of made an cffeit to attend. nt-rary a Sat iirda v Fed the Jouural Iilan supper w'-i h the ladies of the night en. which was given was one which was signmert of biscuit- We were in vited to partake of a mid-afternoon luncheon after the baking was con cluded, and can testify that Mrs. Royal is indeed an expert in this line. Those pre-ent were: Mesdames W. A. Royal. C. D. Spanrler. L. Hal las. G. W. McCracken. Joseph. Dietl, A. Gansmer. Win. Spcrrer. Glen Todd, Wm. Gilmore and Cameron Cathey. Making Nice Progress. in a short time, as she is making fine progio-s at this time. Will Hake Heme in Plattsmouth. La .si Monday John Eppings moved to PlaitsuiGuth and on Tuesday came back with the truck and assisted in moving Virgil Arnold to the county seat as well. They are the road men and as the district which they have to look after has been changed they will have to make their home in Plattsmouth. Will Hold Service Next Sunday The Rev. Dr. Renwick of Topeka. Kansas, wiil deliver a discourse both morning and evening at the Presby terian church in Murray next Sun day. Ail not worshiping elsewhere are tordiallv invited to attend. Kicked by a Colt. Miss Hei-sie Mead, of south of I'n irn. last Monday was kicked by a playful colt, cutting a severe gash over one of her eyes, which required two stitches to close. Dr. J. F. Prendei who was called, hastened to the scene of' the accident and closed the wound and the young lady is get ting along nicely since. Buys a Pleasure Car. Morton Partlett has invested in a F r 1 Coupe, which he .ecured from the T. H. Pollock Auto company, purchasing the same through L. O. Minor, the salesman, and has made an xcellent choice. He received the car on Monday and on Tuesday drove oPlattsmouth for the securing of a license for the same and made the trip in excellent time, getting back the same day. Kev. Whitmcre Delivers Service Rev. Whit more of Omaha, was present at the I. P. church on Eas ter morning to conduct the services of this glad Easter day. He preached a short sermon especially to the Sab bath school children, explaining to them the reason hwy all Christian chorches celebrate this resurrection day. Mr. "Whit more had prepared a f-pe-r-ail sermon for the congregation far this festival, that strengthened the faith of his hearers that Christ arose from the dead by his own power. Mr. S. G. Latta. accompanied by Miss Xeva Latta on the piano, sang ii. the Sabbath school the resurrec tion song "Christ is Risen." and Miss La; 'a. accompanied by Miss Margie Walker, sang an "Oratorio" in the chutch service that was very appro priate. The choir sang several spe i ial numbers. The display of Easter lilies and other flowers around the pulpit and platform were very beautiful . Primary Blanche evening Hurray School Notes. Glen Puis visited school Friday alte moon. Elizabeth McCracken was absent fro nisehoo! Manila v. Miss Gage visited the room Wednesday morning. Helen Read visited with Sect ten Thursday evening. Rose Read spent Friday at the home of Leora Faris. Hazel Wilbeir was a new pupil in th.e Primary room Monday. Marie Puis celebrated botn her b:-!hday and Easter on the same day. The high school are beginning to study about Peunpey and the Caesars iu Roman History. The pi.piL of the Murray school :-joyed a talk Friday afternoon giv en by Captain Munson. The high school are more cheerful ibis week as examinations are over and most of them weathered the Up. 1 Homan. Elizabeth McCracken and Wallace Arnold received prizes Friday for having the most head marks. Many of the pupils of the Murrav school went to hear Captain Mun son at the hall Friday and Saturday ev enings. William Wells was absent three days last week on account of illness. Margaret Dietl visited with Marie Puis. Sunday. Friday morning the little folks male some Easter baskets. 'In the afternoon they were much surprised to find they had been filled with eges. The school has recovered from a serious disease, termed the "exams" which is quite cantagious. and so, if you other schools have not yet had it. look out! mrw in ftnmsi .11 . '"J C rzr Primrose Gream Separator! Install a Primrose now and have your cream sepa rator trouble ended for all time to come. It will be skimming clean, running smoothly and easily turned when you are ready to retire from the farm. Some thing unusual for and machine but the Primrose was built to do these very things. It is the very utmost and the final salvation for the separator user. It is handsome too, easily kept clean, different from the ordinary greasy, bad smelling machirie. You will be proud to own one. Ask for catalogue and come in and see it. W. K. PULS, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA been rendering professional services The members of the Wohelo Sewing club were unable to meet at the home of Margaret Spangler last Saturday, on account of the bad weather. They are hoping the future meetings will be successful. On Thursday the second and third grades took their quarterly examin ations. Elizabeth McCracken receiv ed an average of 94 per cent which was the highest in the, second grade. Opel Homan received 94 per cent which was the highest in the third grade. A Very Practical Nurse. Mrs. Eliza Young, who is a very practical nurse, has but recently re turned from Avoca, where she has a tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Oli Harman. at their magnificent hi near that place and had been n; ing in their household f''r ;i tium of weeks. Mrs. Young who is excellent nurse, is remaining at hi for a short time resting after winter's task, but is ready at i time, when called on to re-nde-r most efficient service in lur line, t of a practical nurse, and i- stopp just now at the home of her dau ter in Murray. ver ime irs- !); a n r ;inv the hat ing .-h- SALT I now have a car of fresh salt barrel, plain and sulphur blocks. W. T. RICHARDSOX, 22-2weod:sw Myanrd, Xebr. Listen to What This SaysS For Saturday only, we are selling Omar and Puri tan flour at $5.25 per 100 lbs. An excellent broom for 50c. Can you beat it? We also offer four boxes or spaghetti or macaroni for 25 cents. These bargains are for Saturday only. But we have other bargains on tap for you at all times. Come and see us. We welcome comparison. F. T, WILSON MURRAY -:- -:- NEBRASKA 11 ' UIIM I v.el! worth while and besides the !a- ii:is w ho w-re rested m tne serv- : ing. they i::ipre-sed into the matter to expedite, the work Messrs. Louis Hallas. Ever-tt Spa n eer. Martin Foorrer. Th.e gcntlr-men surely ad d"d ela-s to the entertainment and the whv 1 1 1 a t they went after the work is surely significant of their ability along that line. On the fol lowing Tuesday a number e-f ladies met for the purpose of cleaning up the' building and washing the dishes which it was not possible to get com pacted on a'-cov.nt of the rush of business the time of the supper. Th.e holies ea-t lots and it fell on Mrs. AY. A. Royal to cook a con- I XL iey"Dfi Mrs. C. C. Carroll, who has been i at the hospital at Omaha for some' time and underwent an operation for the removal of an abcess last week, is making rapid progress towards recovery. Mr. C C. Carroll, the husband and their son Earl, were vi.-i; at the hospital on last Tues dav. driving up .to see the- wife and mother m hum i ia expected v. ill be well enough to return to her home 46 Registered Aberdeen Angus Cattle By Nebraska State Aberdeen Angus Breeders Association, at State Fair Grounds, Lincoln, Neb., 'mimh teol ilik Dili r u Farmers should take advantage of this unusual opportunity to buy good cat tle of this grand champion beef breed. Remember the Angus cattle have won more grand champion honors at stock shows than all the other breeds combined. The 46 head offered in this sale are an extra choice lot of individuals of the very best breeding and include 19 extra good bulls and 27 choice cows and heifers. The 15 consigners are offering the tops of their herds. Buy some of these good cattle now while prices are low Send for catalog to WI. J. KE30TZ, Secretary Col. D. Bryson, Auctioneer f Odell, Nebraska '' .' ;. -'