The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 31, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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'toil rcTIIIITn xr PTPPVSK
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'Chz plattsmouth lournal
Enti-1 at I'ostofTiee. I'lattsmouth. Neb., as necond-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
China has lc:
than I'Ut) trained
Motto for home brew: "Jug not ,
that ye be not jugged. j
A distant relative is the one you
hit for a fivver when you are broke.
Too manv neoide are trying to tarn ,
their living by the sweat of their j other region in the world.
J ' Strict neutrality is rarely a virtue
Reports that Trotzky is about to
trot seem permature.
Siberia produces more fur than any
wise man wno can appear " .w . - .
It's a
Ftupid at times, but .some men carry j
it to excess. j
:o: J
One week from tomorrow i; thr i
city election. Are yen interested?.
If not, why not?
Ixiw bridge. fellow plutocrat:
Clara Ilaniou says ?iio" going lo
make a new start.
Fortv-four hundred persons com
j mitted suicide in Hungary in 1920
! :o:
i Jut a few more days and old
i mother earth will .say it with flow-
! c rs.
! :o:
; American women spent nearly ?3.-
j 000.000 for perfume and cosmetics
i last year.
It i your privilege to
the best man in the city
Don't make a mistake.
vote for
In education the United States are
j ninth among the civilized nations of
the world.
A mayor should be wei! qualified !
for the office. I5e on the alert, or '
you may not get nun.
The center of area of the United
States is in northern Kansas, iOj
miles north of Smith Center. j
It's dreadful to be poor and have
to tour the country in a b:g motor
car on
account of high pas.-enger
A man without property cannot
be as much i;itert-.-t d in your :'f
affairs as a tax payer. Remember
The new Rumanian budget put- a
tax 011 windows, which goes to slow
the financial situation in that coun
try has a very bad outlook.
All tax payers should be interested
in the city election, one week from
tomorrow. Their inter.-ts ;ire in
volved in numeious dillereni ways.
Property owiirs sh;::!d bo elect
ed to the city council. They arc
the ones Interested, and should thus
look after their interests as well as
all othr tax payer.-.
The Living Aee translates an ar
ticle froM an Kuropean publication
in "The Land of Pf.s-im'-in." You
know what land it refers to? No.
you are v.ron. It's Sp;:!n.
There must bo :oiK-hiii:? wrori'
with the prohibition la v. or l n
forcement, or something, when so
many hotels continue to get th m
elves raided ju.t for the advertise
ment. :o:
"Why shouldn't the movies exploit
the Hamon case as well as the news
papers?" somebody inquires. The
f-tatus of the thing stems to be now
that the people have learned from
the news exploitations that they don't
wheat and meat abroad if the govern-agents.
Words rhyming with Cuba are
scarce and the long-suffering public
should be thankful.
Money talks. Even the faint
whi per of a quarter can now be
heard occasionally.
It is said that beef is getting
cheaper. Not any. thank you, the
neck is cheap enough.
1 11 -v- tr::
or c&btHES
The price of our dry cleaning
cuts down the price of clothes.
Dainty Dorothy says that she
has found out that we take
most excellent care of the gar
ments entrusted to us and that
our charges should make friends
for this house. Our dyeing
proves satisfactory, as we use
the latest approved methods and
the best dyes.
Goods Called for and Delivered
, ail'
5 r-
K I C ' -
American products are advertised
in the theaters of India by means
of motion picture films.
What's in a name? A Minnesota
girl Earned Prudence ran away with
a crayon picture peddler.
Girls who are always harping on
the rights of women usually get left
in the matrimonial shuffle.
A lot of the new proposed tariff
bills might do more good if they
were put into effect in Germany.
: o :
The lact New Unglander to be pres
ident of the United States was Frr.nk
lin Pierce, of New Hampshire.
IP.-.-iness is going to be good this
year, but it won't do you any good
unless you get out and go after it.
A good substitute for "bootleg"
is to stick your finger in an elec-
l trie light socket and turn on the cur
: o :
If it is true money can talk, we
'wish it would toll us where it has
been all this titme and hat it has
been doing.
Mr. Rergdoll doubtles- will dis
cover that even when America makes
peace with Germany he will still
have his own to make.
Of every $100 which our govern
ment spends annually, only 20 per
cent gee:-: for the development of ag
riculture through scientific research.
Russia's anxiety to open up trade
relations with us seems to show the
soviet government has somewhat
modified its views about capitalism.
New Secertary of treasury is sug
gestively named Mellon, but the
"malefactors of great wealth" are
:ot likely to find him to be the kind
1 of a melon they are so fond of.
The ways of providence are be
yoii''. tiie understanding of mortals,
especially the providence that watch
es over women in their electrics-, no
matter much how many traffic rules
thry disregard.
An unmarried woman always has
supreme contempt for two things
about her married .sister. One is the
way she brings up her children; the
other the way she doesn't manage
her husband.
:o: :
When the stenographer shows
bigns of restlesness and spends iiioiit
of her time looking out the window,
it's almost, a cinch that she's get
ting ready to tell the boss that she's
going to be married.
Sam Hill, Kansas sheriff, says he
cau't find any evidence against the
mob that forced two Non-partisan
League agitators to tar themselves.
What in Sam Hill could you expect
in a ca-c of that sort?
Many laws an? proposed f r the
regulation of tyrannical landlords,
but few accomplish the desired pur
pose. After all. one single block of
!itv d wiling hoii-es regulate.:, more
landlords than all the laws.
To the First
SO Persons
who present this advertise
ment at our store, we will
a generous sample of
Dr. LeGear's
Tha Tamie thai Mailt Yamr Hnaa
Lay Mart Egi
It is the personal prescription
of Dr. L. D. LeGear. for 28
years America's foremost Ex
pert Poultry Breeder and
We also have a Dr. LeGear
Remedy for every curable ail
ment of Stock or Poultry.
n 4 U-f !..
are gone I
Dealers Everywhere. Sold in Platts
mouth by Bestor & Swatek
State of Nebraska
County of C.t.k.?
I. GfO. Ft. Snvles, County Clerk of
C'kks county, hereby certify that the
County Hoard at the regular meeting
tpll on the nth iiav of January, A. J),
131M. made tho following "Kstimate of
Kxpense" for the year ISCil, as re
j aired by law:
Oeneral fund $ ".".000.00
Hriripe fund 5H.000.00
Hridcrp fund (emcifi'ncy) 1 4.000.00
ICoad fund
Mothers' J'ension fund.. fi.OOD.oo
Old .SolJiers Relief fund 1.000.00
.$J0S, 000.00
Witness my hand and tlie seal of
my office at I'lattxmouth, Nebr.. this
i'3rd day of February, A. 1 . lfL'l.
tSeal) ni3-4w. County lcrk.
Jame5 A. Stillman. Multi-millionaire
president of a National City
' .Ml'lifK TO (iiiutnoiis
T"lie State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Krnma
Hathaway, deceased.
T the creditors of said estate;
Von are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Couit room in l'latts
111011th In said count v, on tiie LMUh dav
of March, 19.1 and on tlie Hth dav or
June. A. I. 1121, at 10:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of each day to receive
ami examine all claims against said
estate, with a view to their adjust
ment and allowance. The time limit
ed for the presenta tion of claims
arinst said estate is tL,reo months
from tlie L'Pth day of March. A. I).
1921. and the time limited for payment
of debts is one vear from said 20th
day of March, 1921.
Witness my hand and tlie seal of
s.i id County Court this 5th dav of
March, 1921.
(Sijal m"-4w. County Jmlsre.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
Bank in New York in divorce action t' tiS-
in the ountv Court.
against his wife, formerly "Fifi" Pot- In the matter of the estate of Kniily
ter. alleges that she wanted "a cave ; A-.,u creduo'rs of sm estate.
man's woosnjr," and picked out a ("an- ! v"" :i'c hereby notified. That 1 will
'sit at tlie Count v Court room in l'latts
adian Indian as the proper party , mouth in said Vountv. on April
for the role. Stillman made a mis- J .h' tliye and
take bv not pulline some cave man 1 amine all claims atrainst said estate.
I - 111, -lcf . . 1.av .1 .1 mil nw.n
, g . U- T 1 j in i 1 ' ' Uirj 1 ciujii.-imriii
siuu ueiurt; Mie inti nit niuidii.
tt-L - - .,- 'r-'iir)-- :-' .-'i - Lmr-- 1. Asm I
One great difficulty with the pres
ent business situation in the United
States has been the falling off in Eu
ropean trade. The natural thing to
do to help conditions would seem to
be to stimulate this trade. Instead
congress is to prevent Europe sell-
fntr L'find hfrp If Kiirnnp run t spit
in America it has no means of buy- !
ing in America, because it pays for
Its purchases with the goods it .ells.
How are American farmers to sell
vheat and meat abroad fi the govern
ment steps in and refuses to permit
Europe to send goods here in payment
for the farm produce?
ullowanrc. The time limited for tlie
presentation of claims atrainst said es
tate is three months from the 2.".tii day
of April, A. I . 1921. and the time lim
it d for payment of debts is one year
from said 2.itli day of April. 1921.
Witness my hand and tlie seal of
said Countv Court, tliis lsth day of
March, 1921.
(Seal) m2l-1v. County Jude.
The firt;t alarm has just been giv
en by the health authorities. A new
"flu" visit may bo expected very
soon. You must not wait indolently,
until it would be too late. To pre
vent the disease, to increase the re
dstibility of your system, that is
your duty. A dily bowel movement
will increase your resisting powers
?nd will lend you the most substan
tial aid in combatting the undesirable
uest. Triner's Bitter Wine is the
mo.t reliable remedy for this pur
pose. Its ingredients speak for
themselves. Cascara segrada and
other bitter herbs make Triner's Bit
ter Wine the best bowel cleanser.
And tlie main thing which you never
must forget. Triner's Bitter Wine
helps without debilitating. On the
contrary, it invigorates the entire
system. Ask your druggist or deal
er in medicines also for Triner's
Antiputrin. Diluted with warm
water (one part of Antiputrin and
four parts of water) it is the best
gargle, mouth wash and nose douche.
Joseph Triner Company. 1333-43
H. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. III.
Tlie State of Nebraska, Cass coun
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Anna
! Willielm ina Minimi, deceased.
To the 01 editors of said estate:
Von art- herei.y notified. That I v ill
sit at ti e County Court room in IMalts
mouth in said county, on the l.'.th dav
of April. A. I. 1921. and on the 1Mb
day of July. A. I . 1921. at ten o lock
in tU1' forenoon of each day, to re
ceive and examine all claims atrainst
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limittd for the presentation of claims
against said estate is tlire- months
irm the l.'.th day of April. A. I'.
1921. and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is ore vear from said
loth day of April. A. I .191.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this Sth day of
March. A. ). 1921.
(S-al mlO-D County Judtre.
Dr. A. D. Caldwell, who is at the
Nicholas Senn hospital in Omaha,
recovering from an operation for ap
pendicitis, is reported as doing very
nicely and it is expected that he will
be able to sit up either today or to
morrow and it is hoped he will be
able to return to his home here be
fore a great while.
Charles S. Johnson, yardmaster of
the Hurling4on here, is still at the
Methodist hospital in Omaha taking
treatment for stomach trouble and
will have another X-ray taken in
order to determine if possible the
exact nature of his illness. Mr.
Johnson has been very poorly for the
past year and his friends are hopeful
that he may secure some relief in
the treatment at the hospital.
The most exquisite line of birth
day and gift cards to be found any
where! At Journal office.
"Pain's enemy"
-"I'll say it is!
WFIEJ you want oatck com
fortinc relief from any
'external" pain, use Sloan's
Liniment. It dees the job with
out staining, rubbinx. bandag
ing. UMiuAforrheumatina.
neuralgia, aches and pains.
pprains and 1
for Liceti to Operate n IimI
anil Hlllinrd Hull
Notice is hereby '-riven that the uii
dersiyiied will, on the day of April.
A. I . l:2l. at 1:" o'cloi k a. m.. at
th" court house in 1 Mat t smou t h. Ne
braska, make application to th Hoard
of County Commissioners of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, for a license to operate
a pool hail in th- building situated on
Lot five (.".I. Kloek thre.- in t!i-
Village ol Manlrv. Cass county, Ne
braska. Hated this 21st day of March. A. I .
J. L. P.l'KNS.
aore musclea.
One Time Associated in Publishing
Plattsmouth Journal A Well
Known Newspaper Man
from Tuesday's Dally.
The death of William Keed Dun
roy. a former well known Nebraska
writer, occurred at Chicago yester
day morning, resulting from what
has been pronounced a;; alcoholic
poisoning. It is stated that Mr.
Dun roy, who was suffering from a
severe cold had accepted some "moon
shine" whiskey from a friend to take
for his cold and this is supposed to
have caused his death.
Mr. Dun roy was some twenty
years ago one of the best known
literary men iu the state of Nebraska
and was for a number of years with
the State Journal at Lincoln anil
also interested in literary work at
the-state university. In 1900 Mr.
Dunroy, in company with Harry It.
Groves, engaged in the newspaper
business in Plattsmouth and was
for several years at the helm of the
IMattsuiouth Journal, which at that
time occupied a frame building at the
corner of Fourth and Main streets,
where the Donat building now stands
and it was here that a very serious
fire swept the newspaper plant.
Shortly after this Messrs Dunroy
and (Jroves retired from the Journal.!
Mr. Dunroy returned to Lincoln andj
later went to Chicago, where he was:
engaged in editorial work on thej
Chronicle as associate Sunday editor,
and on the Record-Herald in a like
capacity. For the past three years
he has been the editor of Variety, a:
dramatic weekly, and at which he I
was quite successful. j
Mr. Dunrojvwas a very brilliant j
writer, both in poetry and prose and!
his work has been recognized 111 an
parts of the country.
Get a Paper the Children Will Enjoy
Little folks need other entertainment besides the movies and mere play.
The World-Herald is educational it informs, entertains and instructs.
Comics and Cartoons
Xo (dhor m".vsp;iji'-r in the stiito equals tlie VilI-I in its c;:ito!.-i oiforins. The
Smn'jiy Comics ;re tin- Ik'-I that can be obtained i'ur our itaders.
Children's Pages
Tho little folks' interests in the WorM-HeraM Jire looked after by jolly "I'nele Koss,"
whoso family of dc-votcd followers, through a period of years, has been built up to nearly
fifty-thousand children.
As well as his own toek of stories, "Uncle Ross" ics World-Herald children Thorn
Ion Y. Burgess' HedlMui Stories and other pictures ami fi-niures which will continue to britiK
unrestrained delight to our voting readers.
The lioy Scout Herald, appearing every Sunday, breathes a real Western I Joy Scout at
mosphere, and is edited by Omaha I Joy Scouts.
The policy of this mot widely rc;,d i.ev. spaper in tlie west is to tiive you everythiuir
you want in a newspaper. We are ever ! the confidence and jrooil will of our
readers and we endeavor always to ix'wv 1hem ihe cleanest ic-ws. W protect you alo by
our sland airainst clnap advertising. No fake medical or Uv-t ioiiable 4o'k promotion ads
will ever appear in tho columns of the World-Herald.
Offer A-3. You Save $4.55. ..."I ls
r ( O.n.'.il.-.-IO, ALLOW I-.D TO A'i'.N; m ;U following great
redin? combination, th" r.'irti'ar price of which is $1 :)., the I:.ii and S'.tndriy "or!J-l!eratd. one year;
Illustrated Ite ivw, ore y:tr: M"a'rs Ma:;i.i:"'. one je;,i ; ('... stories, one yoa' : Tod.nv's Housewife,
one yr.r; Woman's World, oi.e ;.ar; i'eole's ropuiar Monthly, one year. ALL li.ose for SD.05.
Qgyi ' ' or N1" v':! ser,d yMi the W'oi Id-Herald for six months very day and Sim
ony. u!so ?.' Call's laagazino fr;r ; ix mor.ths. and People';-- Poj ular Monthly for a year
and besides send ou ;i 1 i-T iiiutr,t:od wali mup worth f l.ou cr.ntainin ; valnabi - data iiinl information.
This offer is pood ir a it time only. NO 'OMMIS.MOX ALLOWLD TO A('.I..'TS.
Omaha, Neb. Date
Find tnelo-'d ('lrk) ('nn'iiey or. It il for .y for v.hich please seiul me ina;a7.iue.s
'Oider td'i't r ien in your ;.d 1 i
t re -1 or K. l I) ddress
Ladies Meet at Home of Mrs. C .1.
Martin With Mrs. Ed Ecnbergcr
as Assistant Hostess of Event
From Wednesday's Daily
Yesterday afternoon ti e ladies of
St. Mary's Guild were must delight
fully entertained at the i,ie:s.::nt.
home of Mrs. t. L. Mariin im V;e-h-in?rton
avenue, Mrs. Martin beintr a
.istcd in entci' by hoi
daughter, Mrs. L'd Eaen!. r;;er. Tlii
beinar the first meeting foPovir. the
l.enteri seas;n. a very Uirjio t. umber
were in attendance and tlie occasion
oi!0 of the most delightful t h i? t'i.e
ladir have enjoyed for r-ome time.
The afternoon was i : !i th"
v. .:::! routine l,usine;s of the suild inir the very serious condition of
a:: well as the idyin-j of the noodles j Mrs. Frank O'Neill, formerly a resi
:p t!; p-.-irr ..i io'i of dainty a rt icles , dent of this city and their aunt.
! r the shop in the Lite fall. Durinp j Mrs. Art Kvans of Glenwood, a
tiie p!e:e--anf hours enjoyed. Miss j daiiRhter of Mrs. O'Neill, Joined them
"Lm v Kuclver, one of the talented mu- in Omaha and accompanied them to
si ians- ,,f the city afforded thcillassett. Mrs. O'Neill is suffering
': i.ieers of the party several de-jfroni an attack of plural pneumonia
li- lni il piano solos which were much and her case is quite serious and but
j' ( d. j ifttle hopes of her recovery are held.
At ; sellable lmur in the afternoon ' The luutiy old friends here of the
,, :::tv refreshments were served by j O'Neill family will regret very much
;!: hrMi ss as:.-tt l by Misses Franc-j to learn of the illness of this estim
e -. ?.i i rt i n and Margaret Done-Ian. able lady and their hopes are that
liich aided in making the meeting j she may be able to recover from the
one of nmro than usual pleasant-1 illness.
ness. ' .
rnm w-'.ii.i'y;.i5 s ijAV.y. i Scotch a n d Scotc h topped short horn
Ve-terd .y aiiernoon Miss Helle I oul1- Bred under government test.
Speck ur.d brother, Harry ripeck. de-; SEARL DAVIS, Murray,
aru;! f;.r U.i sett. Neb., where they j
"ere eaiini by a message announc- ; Blank Books at the Journal Office.
1 H T3
1 P
FuDlic bale 01
d Sows!
At all
Th" reports from the bedside of
Mrs. Val Uurklc at the Clarksou hos
pital in Omaha, ttate that Mrs. Hut-
kle Is still very weak from the ef
fects of her recent operation ;;s its
severity wa a severe taak on nr-i
stren.aith following her prolonged ill
ness. The case has been very sat
isfactory, however, so far and it is
(hoped that the next few days may
show some improvement. Mr. L'ur
klo was- iu Omaha today visiting
with his wife at the hospital.
wimM J
a' o
e Hold at Gouchenour Barn,
SattsEnoyfh, Nebr.
Saturday 9
'CCMMENGIfttt AT 1:30 P. nn.
These sows consist of good individuals, and every one showing that they are
with pig. Come and buy one or more, as bred sows are the best investment you
can make today. Several of these sows have pigs at side.
, Owner
W. R. Young, Auctioneer Edward Huwaldt, Clerk
i?' If you have any f to:k for ?a!e bring it in and it will be sold during this sale
..11 Vjjg